Br apne LPI A PN PAT TTT . See a aero eg eo ane a BEETS NASAL OS soot dene mets aang teeters st aa ncaa a satthled e "is| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS | 723-3492 13--Business_ Opportunities|18--Male or Female --(25--Apt. & Flats For Rent .26--Rooms For Rent __{27---Real Estate For Sele ' L Help Wanted MODERN three rooms and CLEAN, furnished room with i IN THE of Norland, eight. A," mete TE WOMEN OR MEN [ir cence rete feces Ress et ee tee eae N ESS S E RV CE D ONEFAMILY tosiew, sew nienet | TAX! DRIVERS : edrog voy cena" open Ne (oT with 'long leave. Apety' Mote Fish and Preferably between 25 - 40 private tional, Breakin g ; Chip Grill, Blair Park Plaza, Whitby. sh Top pees 0 | supplied, yaisbie| FURNISHED bediwom, bol wal yet LLOYD REALTY \Cartage Mortgages TV -- Reidio Repairs sea aah expensive" cited] MERCURY TAXI mn Gladstone' en LIST WITH LLOYD JOHN'S MOVING AND STORAGE,|FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, Gale|TV RENTALS by the day, week or|---- ' 725-4771 EURNIGHED room, board optional, wit] THEN CALL YOUR MOVER uly tanked' sad' ineurea. $ecSletmien sea Heosich. Barristers. Silsimece North. 123300. SACRIFICE SALE 19----Opportunities For : , lings Chose ts bas stop, 725-0313. ATHOL and HIGHLAND 728-3661, al Ring Strost Kast. 730-7232, GUARANTEED repairs to all makes ¥ PRIVATE and corporation monies, to/TV, radio, car radios. Thompson Elee-/ Located in Newcastle. Dup- Men and Women 27--Real Estate For Sale $1,500 DOWN ress ypes of mortgages; mort-|tronics, 157 Elliott. 723-9792, Fred. lex with two apartments, , '| Dressmoking beer gg : te of 'sale. pu Each have three bedrooms, T in 11 year old, 2 storey 'home EXPERIENCED altera- 4. ¢ Drynan and Mur- | i g-- iagin . $60, 4 . k built, in ga ' Very modern Charl Tales, Mrs, Eiaridge: 67 Mootrave. Ave: [eno = IE a et Sed aiek Sheed oor Sd hie BANTING Avenue, 157, three-room 2 Storey Bric design with 5 bedrooms with mus. re, lend oo a woes ot mortgages, more! VWWELL DIGGING | Owner ie ae oe CUTTING |furnished. Private' bathroom and' en: a Se Hy tor ae Bai.|ing, short. drapes. iecsonable rates.|Satsea, "Creighisns ronan aad, Mor CLEANOUTS $1,000 down, For further de- ba gers Two kitchens, Two beth- | fifice sale as owners have 7259568, doch. (See heading "Barristers".) : tails cali Jim Graham at Tor- 20 Men needed for class; in |eq' or mar Bp roms, 'Yeo tar Gaeet purchased ro ig out and DEEPENING onto 364-5500 or Peterbo- Oshawa ond surrounding Dis- |1, Apply 498 Simcoe North, Apartment : 395 pe ries only Fuel and Wood Optometrist : rough 742-4234 or write trict day or evening. Being |1 or telephone 728-3065, All storms ond screens. .00 monthly, interest and : : Pe anno lh Leda a ON 10, M. TUCK, BO. Optometrist. Pleee| TED WEENHOF Bowes and Cocks Limited, formed offering practical |DREW STREET, 5, larae house! Walk-out bosement patio, tag peaced for quick F ¥ BA OD Suit ini i i home, suit- Xmes. 4 ete. De- at Realtors, Peterborough, training in the highly poid {Keeping room, quiet, ¥ yours livered "Telephone 1268500." Bank or 74 invalids 728-3864 field of meat cutting, mer- Teepe fone Taiason, S " Soule $12) fenced lot. 5 year old NHA pong 4 rl ot 728-5123 p Street North.imrxep wood, stove lengths, also » stove, refrigerator, fur- : Whitby. : firepl RAYMOND B. PROSSER, CA, ed Accountant, 906 Centre Street. I at bene Ld i ll ' W. WARD 14---Employment Wanted chandising and self-serve. leauge bbe | Henne: og les ot ayer; con ' PETER PAN DAY NURSERY--Mon-| Act now. nished, unfurnished, Close 'to hospital, Saesotaate, 116 King Street Baste Ost Bione Bareion 2 ale Mat Ot Gees a Ct WELL DIGGING by. ee nee fimewe Street!" PRACTICAL MEAT sil ae, as Appz at Grieron ONLY $13,900 Rati ire "sg 5 by appointment, 723- North, Telephone 728- id awa; Ronald FD. Wilson, CAi FREE _ x MACHINE " FOUNG |MAN, 'art college graduate CUTTING and ADELAIDE AVENUE WEST, 908 -- Central Oshawa, ies Edmond %4 ' a o m™m ent. i? a a . rac Painting and Decorati M568 2563 668-9009" |oena Vaurwuees tus 'Fhove'Aflonis| RETAIL SCHOOL _{ezasis,fivemogmarariment, Broa Owner transferred. large family or income home. Appraisers Your furnace cleaned FREE. |Painting and Decorating | 668-2563 -- 668-3809 500 sreues chavene, Pig oe Hy oy This hotne 'can Ge miechened FITRICK o- MIBENTEL. RAGE Hea} 24 Now bummer service FREE lagna eatiriNa -- asa Decvatiag| | WHITBY, ONTARIO PLEASE WRITE FOR RENT --'Taneroony ag for only $1,000.00 Down and Estate Appraiser and BI WHITE ROSE citined turn [ecarsiiecsSowirsvine: satan] 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST |16--Female Help Wanted | 1425 DANFORTH ave. (2%, RENT, --,f8 apartinent, $80 n $75.00 per month. Call Bill and Broker, Whitby-/ WHITE ROSE unifined furn- ville 263-2780, clean, heated." upeta 80 Cell: Mr. Hendso $73 1 '| NEW WINTER pales) Panocac ach ESLADIES, tw 5, to 3 a phone ' 24 oJ douse. sos nace oil from Western Oil Co. |NEW WINTER Gatest Papering and RO. BOX 329 a een tee Ste 35, ee iae able tminediatsis. Nelepeone PeatOne 795 1 1 : ° 708 SIS" at 728-1066 uto teek'. Gelling i Cie Se ion, sal is 'Appl THREE-ROOM heated riment. 'a 86 : Auto Parts DIAL 725-1212 ._ |taped. G. Golding, 204 Church, 725-7297. beomtchoan i ne -- fn"pervonSlover' Sewing Center, 1416 20--Room and Board Private entrance, bain. Liane te store . | Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited, a 5 le 'al sd a by . . : Save At Western Furnace Cleanout DODD & SOUTER dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, Televhone|aGusExEUPER,--widdicaged lod | SIMCOE AND ROSSLAND AF ai|82 or 67 Orchard View Boulevard W. T. LAMSON | 10% Simcoe Street North, i ntre PAINTING AND DECORATING : ween Teleshone, Wate eesaser et |trance, "auict homes luncios "packSs,|SUBNISHD | specious bed siling REAL ESTATE LTD , On Service Ce FREE CONTRACTORS Grav or indies "aio "etarname,| sneer Teleenens Woe Sew. __/Rome 'ooked. seals, laundry, Parkiag:|"o"Pay Re, Suche, Parking tneliten, VERY BYE = . Telephone Repairs to All Makes If You Purchase Painting, Paperhanging and machine 'sgrvice, mee SALESLADY Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue. rated. for couple. LICENSED MECHANICS FINA FUEL Gyptex, Full Wall Murals With obility to supervise on [PRIVATE room with board, seven day a eee - from Spray Painting 2--Personal ing °C " |week. | Laundry a y" privileges. FOUR-ROOM, clean apartment, Feira: ee tne eet cole YOO ROSS 'HILL 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY expanding Corsetry Depart ieee fo town and bawe. Apply 173 grator, electric "range, washing " ma- GUIDE RE METCALF "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" DAYS 668-4862 IF YOU HAVE a drinking probiem| ent. Perms:ent position enlences, Adults Limited, Realt re 0 % x x ith estoblished independent |GOMFORTABLE > suit gentle-/Only. Apply 102 Rosehill Blvd, Tele- imite editors Barristers 728-7761 NIGHTS 725-7426 a gam Ak cae leas man. board ovtional 'Parking "aval WeURMOSME Gi----Fier-sanassrac| 1 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 Real Estate Limited " . ' . If interested write for d ibe ° a unfurnis! 40 Ki g GREER AND KELLY, » Ball ri Personal Service Removal of superfluous heir, piesa Hd ed rooms, upstairs, in new modern] EXECUTIVE HOME--MUST ing St. East Se oe een i Houssheld Repeirs EXPERT tuning and repair, appraisals) Morie Murduff will 'be in pila Pan sR yarns 22--Storage Space pec ML Si. 728-2530.| BE SOLD -- This six roomed Dial 728-4678 Greer, BA, BSe.,, 7253963; Terence V.| HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE electronic organs and pianos. Phone| Oshawa, Dec. 17th, 18th, Dry Goods Ltd. Oshawe and Garages LANSDOWNE DRIVE -- Two apart-| brick and stone bungalow is } Kelly, BA, BCL, 728-8832. REPAIR SERVICE wt hr Hondo 19th. Phone Genosha Hotel . . ; GARAGE tor rent, 1a Brock Bireei|clean, nicely dscorsied Bakery enn] on excellent buy in an A. | BUY TODAY RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS BH.) paNGeS, WASHERS, DRYERS on these dates for appoint- East, Telephone 725-8180, er apartment, four rooms, ons bed| area. Drostically reduced. GREER, Associate Barristers and Solic POLISHERS, IRONERS MODERN GRILL ment. ECTROLYS WOMEN Tai Goal sherabe. " Eelajioas rooms. Fine imple storage. Adulte pre-| Call today. ON NHA '| Service Guaranteed Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey ELECTROLYSIS Tae-0068. lets, parking, washing machine and ale FLA. Hf. DONALD, BA, Barrister, 25 years' experience iit Fish 'n Chips, Home Earn extra money full or |OFFICE space in Lakas building, 400|dryer available to Doth. Telephone BEAUTY PARLOUR fore ONLY ONE MORTGAGE Sulietor, Noiary Public, 82% Bimeos| Formerly with THOR of Conada Made bles anc: Beets ____ 723-4641 art time taking orders |iu%? Siat® fect avaiable, "Anply|725 2042 'or 7at-ioo business on main teat: Cw YEARS TO PAY We ee ry TEEREE CSTIMATES WE DELIVER WINNER for new Giaronteed Non. , |Albert.___° Tareotene persinet eit cas -- GREENW pene JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA, LLB, ; OFFIOE AVAILABLE ,newiy vullts|ties paid, TV aerial, private beth. tcp : 'OOD HEIGHTS -- berths Commercial Bald King es oe 5 3887 oe 7mse57.""| TWO BEDROOM HOME -- | Only $595.00 down $11,- Oshawa, Run hosiery. services bright, treshiy paint-| monthly, Adults, Tel Building, 286 King Ontario, Client perk-| Instruction 2 OF THE GARRARD ROAD Good commission. few dupe, 'Movers: rect Wave vat |ALSERT STREET, 1) = Spackas| Excellent location, close to ail iets) to $ j 2,595 full price FIREMAN'S ASSOCIATION Send nome. address and tele- jable. Ask for T. L. Wilson, The 'an at oe} fgg ag fu facilities, this five room brick pote or new f Times B » wi and Kin cupbos chen, Laun- i homes b R, - for, 344 Simcoe South, 725-0093. Rest Street West. 725613" /ATT PLUMBING and esting sappice;| _RESSI-ANNIE DRAW phone number. to oo aa Se ON Sol Tela' tone Wee eee | Gua eee dence 728-0064. ____________!pRivAT? teacrer, student counsellor,|Phooe 725-3521, Harold H. Stark. Ltd, x non DONALD BLARE Donde, Dartiar|5, years' experience, By tnterview|Plumbing, Heating and Eagineering,| MR, C, DAYMAN, NON Shs HOSIERY 24--Houses For Rent FOUR - ROOM --spariment, sal con: we oe. Auepingee DOWNS VIEW PARK -- 3 : itin wal ; ; ' >. |heat, iS. cupboards agen room el Telephones: Business 123-2007 Hest LILLIAN MAE MARSH, DEA. DMA,|ALL TYPES of repairs and remodel. a natant 1801 EGLINTON AVE. W nis Sim of Aten' Sekghaee Wovens Telephone 728-5725, "" -| garage. Very low price. bck ona pve split level TMERS, BA, Barrister, Soller I Kinderdance: Fridays, Satur-|able "rales." Estimates tres. "D'a'i|3--Pets & Livestock TORONTO 10, ----_--_--| Oford_ Saso4. iets (TONTIAO "deluxe fourdoo, vix| LARGE BRIGHT LIVING. | struction French Provincian'> Se. clen eh btmoed Sires Host h. anys. Masoaie Temple, 783-7253. 728-6981, J, Foley. . _ . AYAX: Taree, bedroom nome, largo liv-|eylinder standard shit, radio, Weaut-| DINING AREA--well appoint. storey 3 bedroom' notural Onion, _TEYLidl._Recidence, TSA lacus LESSONS, classical and pope |REFAIRS aud recodslilag of ail per. fered, asian ana fetuses, Depeais et fal beosenent. gactee, paved dsivewse, |Fisance belaase' reesi7a, "°Pt AA) ed kitchen with natural fin- stone fireplace. Pagoda style sarce. v. eae oe Src rere Ce Eee a ated, Free cat eaits acfteasonable| hold" 'until Chhistmas. Piekering,|17---Male Help Wanted $85 month, Call Ajax 942-3783. ished cupboords, three good large 3 bedroom home -- Selicior, Notary Public, Mortgage sphone, clarinet, drums, etc. New and|rates. Free extima et, {25104 Me wat 24055, wanted.|FOR .RENT in Whitby, four-bedroom, KINGS COURT sized bedrooms, very large natural stone and stained ex- 723-1107, Res. 985-7163. 453 Simooe Street South. 725-1501. GERMAN Shepherd puppies, country| Msut : 'Bimodemn bungalow, attached garage. finished rec room with bar, terior finish---2 natural. fire- UIs 8. HYMAN, OC, Bassietee, Sete. LEARN TO DRIVE ALL WELL cee home preferred, six - Storms and soreene, nice property, patio, fenced yard. Walk out Places -- drive-in basement , x $125 per month. 668-3376, lor, NaaeyrAlgeg vt Kine ee ie mas. Excellent ns 08 ore aad abla baad esta wal? 2 eS pe APARTMENTS pew All this for only garage, Strost. East anes Oshawa Driving erin bet. call FO, TERIER, while with black) noraet, Must dive team, live in. Litle/6f FUBOR TRENT, AiAx = Iwo. NOS See these lovely' modem d le . ol ie lose | See bers, caictore| AY oF EVENING -- IGUSCOTT PLUMBING|Si™iekenstia tie "iF Bscane| seams Hench. stat. "* " --"Ihearoom bangtion. teed, love fo sciag! | $1000 dowe 16 ett -- | hone oe talus te Sane eae te loan Block, Lete Models, Standards 655-3244. paper routes, Good weekly grofits and|immediately. Telephone Ajax 668-4052, ' $1,000 down, 10 room semi- tag to move to Downsview ee ig meet wos ias4er, meal] A les, Dual Controlled land HEATING Limited|seauio you still have aiter school Lours free|NEW, furnished fourbedroom country No Lease Required, duplex for the price of $9,- rk very soon, ing : 4 re A 4 WHITBY in 4 baby B rote ig 7' for fun and sports, Telephone 7234473. |home for rent, $175 per month, Write ' 900. for you ond your family Tioney to lean Ottica wah oe CALL 728 0091 207 Simcoe St. S.--725-5132. | Bragg anne etrain. | AD WANTED -- 'retired bank manager or|BOX 142 Oshawa Times for partico- Coeneenenee 10 calles plus on equal emount for in- ONLY ONE i, 2 * ae tant, Part-ti mk. Credit con.|Jars. BnOws, ilder's new home, ready . Money to pe. Cee, 4% - Rug-Upholstery Service pS mrenall re pre bel apd accounts" receiv aalar fee a | FIVE-ROOM frame "bungalow, Nash} olie? Sh ae for wens s King Street East, Osha' 728-6232. ae, Shen oung, i . Writ a, A ' i dow: : MeGIBBON and BASTEDO, Lown CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistexed a.nd ese antl Christmas. Telephone le Gehaus Times ee We Box Pen "aang orga growing "Tele. oe sole. onan INCOME HOME -- Almost Only $500.00 down, Aet fast funds tor ; : cea eee |p : i Y = 2 Street] WE SHARPEN and RENT |!tst? Free estim: 4 or GERMAN SHEPHERD puppharwaaies| RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA |Phone_726-8049, new, selling below cost. this one won't last, Street, 723-7212. and f Complete Oo; Eagar F. Basedo, @. | ALMOST EVERYTHING sod sliver. Telephone tasigne"" "| "A FUTURE IN ELECTRONICS" [forms, on Nash Mord eaten. ms] "O%Ge One Bedroom $73 | Complete in cut bosement | OPEN TONIGHT TILL 9 QC; Eagar ¥. Bastedo, OC. CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, recovered, a aon All genvedlanoed: ate "a Two Bedroom $79 CREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND mur-| GIVE US A CALL... Mee new, Why pay mune: REGISTERED Beagle pups, aine| YOU con become o specialist, | monthly. All conveniences, attached $ apartment rented for $70.00 CALL 728-4678 Notar- ' ica Teafepable. Satisfaction guaran-|weeks old, Field trial stock. Wonderful] {2 Trdining whee wae lok TEL per month with private en- teed. Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up-|pets and excellent hunters. Will hold lectronics Training since 1928, LAKESHORE -- year-round cottage. EPHONE trance. 5% mort age, a holstery Co., 10 Bond W. Dial 725-0311, |until Christmas. T 623-2985, rove habbo TV, Radar, etc. Resi- ane-bedtroom,, kitchen and iviagroom, pees a" . Residences: T. ent courses in Toronto and Mont- |closed verandah, $28 monthly, on bus Crelgnion, chen, Ci G, M. Drymen, @c;|CORNER KING AT BURK STS. Tealstared, seven code mature, Whites] real. Or study at home. Easy terms. |stop, sult couple. Apply 119 Oshawe| AJAX WH 2-2001 38 TORIAN AVENUE, s G. L. Murdoch, Ya-cree, 723 3994 new. less reeistered, seven weeks old, $100, Tele-| Free bookict. 461 King St. W. |Boulevard North, BROOKLIN -- In a quiet vil- JOHN A, J. po sold and arranged. West, le ing available. HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, baton, H . BOWMAN, DAVID 1 Barrier Soler ltap, RAD Ballet, Highland. hegister Plumbing ond Heating now, King __forente, Ont, __|MARIA STREET, 715 -- Threebed-| Oshawa's Finest lage, close to. schools, this 5 : puppies, one red, one ~~ ------------|raom brick bungalow, 'fenced back- room brick bungalow is onl UPHOLSTERING -- chest ids, . j i ; i reid ' ooee ne black and tan, females. Registered yerd. Immediate occupancy, $100 4 years old. Exceptional con- y to Loan s. le |. Alter.| Will hold for Christmas. $40. Telephone monthly. . Evenings , : ations and Jas. Brion,| 728-1875. ; so OPPORTUNITY fae == Park Lane Apts. pails ghana naagen gd | nee LTD. INSURANCE is ' CHIHUAHUA puppies. Registered. FOUR rooms, has shower, pumped in owner transferred. MONIES Sales and Service Male sod female, Telephone 'Pickton FOR PRODUCER A" senna fall baverest | 10 min. from Downtown | NORTH EAST EXECUTIVE 197: OG ie Be " FOR MORTGAGES OUTBOARD MOTOR 942-1646. oe HOME -- Six rooms on first | OFFICE HRS, 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. rmton's Road a Spaci floor with natural fireplace ' : Tho "; South Telep! pacious grounds . ul Pp! Monies available for all types REPAIRS AND SERVICE Christmas, Telephone Whitby "see-54 Well known, Eastern Ontario 725-3445, a | Prestige location in living penile Large master MORTGAGES of first mortgages at 7% TO ALL MAKES PUPPY, male, three months old, short} Plumbing.and Heating Whole- |simcom NORTH -- tree > bedroom Attractive two bedroom bedroom, ultra modern, kit- Arranged, Bought and Sold R i hair, small breed; Beagle, female, i 'i . |bungalow, ofl heating, with hot water, A chen. Lower level has o walk without bonus. Monies also om. an" pacmisle,| sale requires young and en- | bungalow, ofl | tap. One block from suites. out basement, with panelled EAST SUBURBS available "on oo -- -- Scott Motors. baneoe" anaay 'iss aeuee' Drive, ergetic Salesman to cover |schools. Apply 1043 Hortop Avenue. Private balconies 1 family room, recreation ain dou with gages. Mortgages and Agree- McCulloch Chain Sows RMAN sooshend pomcine Osh room and w ss Building Trades ments for Sale purchased. Sales atid Service ieee 79-0021 ster Sf, il es 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent pba service eas vee k shop. basement apartment, two P Monies loaned on first and BEATUIFUL female boxer, Telephone} Starting salary $100.00 per j Foun. ontrolled entrances Goren -Sorege., wart. how modern kitchens, and two BUILDING and iterations. P. A. Whitby 668-073 DUNKIRK AVENUE, 498 -- Four before it is sold. Good terms. Hottot, $16 Palace Street, Whitby.) second hag nag igh a9 OSHAWA J . week and expenses including room, two-bedroom apartment, private Garages For full partioulors call: irene tbh Pasbiehgsy hot (668-3128. c it . bernie hroom, modern i nn oe @ MARINE & SERVICE 4--Market Basket Car Allowance veniences, heavy duty wiring, antenna, Paved Parking Brown, Roy Flintoff, Roy Yeo bon sa necting, farge lot cle: » Chimn Pau and relied, ges tings neal, M. F. SWARTZ, 1487 SIMCOE ST..N. parking facilities. "Apply Steve Zurba, Charlie Rankine | Close so Nar ge" osenooh 2612 King St. East ; Apply in confidence (our P } | 723-2007. | Oshewa, Ontario 728-0031 EGGS Staff know of this Adver- |MONTRAVE AVENUE, 30 -- iw| DON Howe bee feeb 9g hike goons reer Mr. Ratcliff et BESS CONSTRUCTION. Ail Kinds of 723-4697 Your North End Texaco & Scott FRESH DAILY tisement) giving particulars . |{Siatry facilities flee seen care Dayti 725-7732 Dick Young, Lucas Peacock s : floor, all types roofing, Telephone Mortgages Dealer POTATOES --- APPLES of age, education and exper- Possession January 1. $95. Telephone oe 723.9692 | at 723-1121. SPLIT LEVEL ERaPEIEY. new building, remodel- MONEY TO LOAN Poe oes Maine oy aby. ae week eens MCMILLAN Drive, 68, three-room un- ee ge ' | Open daily 9 @.m. to 9 p.m, Frode or sell, compact split ling. fireplaces. J. Surveyors Oe te, District. \Box: 301 OSHAWA TIMES|{tiaished: , heavy duty 'range,|_ Howe ond Peters Realtors ently. con dickens Summers, 95 Jones Avenue. 728-7245. i. FLIM AND TROLLOFE, ostario) PHONE 668-3076 | adult abstalners, $65 months: pine te, Sot 3 Boe cai im, painting, Experieneed Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. fore 7.30. | ' man. Free evimiter A Wano iis} LOW Interest [tied suverer i cone age mae i-Ma tly Waal acs Tes Wea COME AND SEE carp... tastefully decorated, Se a pe te . ; DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On. aa te landscaped. For in ion JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION. No Valuation Fee tario Land Surveyor. Commercial blue-|CASH on the spot. Highest prices paid call Mr. Gower at 725-6544, Oshawa and Disseh "toast ete! Until Loan Completed ee Mieet, asa Tignes i 'Gi GOVERNOR MANSIONS Pe ao i ial Licence 149, - 4 SAVE Ps ce LEN FULLAN 11--Articles For Rent EXPANSION PROGRAM 110 PARK RD. N. pe. ceromie bathe pa Summer Properties for all tailoring require. Oshawa's Most Modern Apartments sacrifice -- price . ments wu ur experience h I McCULLOUGH'S Vacant Land iasie p ag ait poo Brandy, Wine Conca Glasses INTERNATIONAL 'Se p E N With Ne ante x Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, dress repairs ond alterations, . Roasting Pans 6544 or 723-3398 Member 10 PRINCE ST.--728-5311 Coffee Urn BUILDING Mortgage Brokers Association ie Bus sone Sargeant's Rentals FRATERNAL ORGANIZATION SUPPLIES | SUMMERLAND _ |TV -- Redio Repairs 725-33 REQUIRES 3 MEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION CARL OLSEN WHEEL CHAIRS | ee Te OMVERS | sao ni mais a Oshawa -Whitby~Port.Hope Area | EVERY EVENING 6 TO 9 P.M. REALTOR LIMITED All galvanized, no paint ers, bedside commodes, 12 $i eo hah ' crutches also slenderizing SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. EXCLUSIVE RENT, AL AGEN KINGSDA _-- dbetartigggabsekd LEN & LOU'S | machines ond roll - away 1. Opportunity for dignified lifetime career. 360 KING ST. W. -- PHONE 723-2265 ig storey brick ter in (4 beds. | : : scMasies hoice | . cl Classified Ad Rates Phot oa FOR Ae OF RENT 2. Opportunity for advancement in Multi-Million |26--Rooms For Rent --_|27--Real Estate For Sale pital, Hew tance tivean" hited 25 WORDS OR LESS 728-5804 or 725-7844 | Dollar Organization, maromes for gentlemen, board optionsl.|NeED Christmas gift ideas? Tura to| With broadioom, large kit» Better described offers get foster results. TV AERIALS |12--Articles Wonted 3. Pension Funds, etc. home, 'good meals, "hunches" packers | 8 Classified section today'. chen, five Bedrooms snd) ra telephone 725.8645. Abs : : creati . Coul Cash Cho WANTED -- good used sewing ma-| 4. TO the men willing to be trained by qualified | After_5:30. |GROCERY store, with agg gow tn excellent income. fee venenens os ae 5 ae Tikal le ; } : t 5 moons aon 225 2.48 DO WEAR OUT {Aloo tabte'saw, elonttay ay,canlnet. specialists, opportunity for $10,000 income per |f iz Seiii|parcuace, 'Store 'sal ewubveed' staat] . $14,900. with terme arrange incite moun 75 6| | CREMLACE NOW | HA y bobrcld deed tan ney agg Oshawa Boulevard South Asking' oniy| °° i listi ly, 3 lines per month..... . j j : : : 'i beeen cha AR ROME Se Ea SO HS $ ce Pere cutee to Bolin es EWaricmacta) | While weather ond prices ere | AUTO WRECKING CO, 5. Highly interesting and most satisfactory career, ARTHUR STREET, "ae aes bea ot TS 4004 Sou Se yor AVE, Pe room, Each additional line per month : 1.60 ot their best Wants cars for wrecking Qualifications. ing to share, garage + Tele- a sae ow crea condition, ol fodiens oe h 'd, initial, figure or abbreviation os one word. i Pp f ties : phone 728-9717, ; " Count each word, initial, figur " oa TRIO TELEVISION fess bog pe Aang ll QUALIFICATIONS: -- TREMEDDAN MOTEL -- Winter rates, MOTEL -- Winter yates, COURT STREET ris ig Pe oe buy with DEADLINES 171 BOND STREET EAST Open Saturday all day. Phone 1. Must be willing to serve his fellowman water" Nested' 'and SY" Gaeaa 1270 SIMCOE STREET N. (West Side) PHONE 728-4688 | Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 Word ads te 5 p.m. day previous CALL 728-6781 725-2311--89 BLOOR E. 2. Ability to organize and converse with the gen- | 7255! DOWN roads Stee act ae aeet inl oi Vast <9 cet day oF eehten: WANTED |_.. ¢ral_ public. ATTRACTIVELY $1,500--$1,500 | bunselow- with attoched gar ond Found -- 8:30 a.m. day of publication. TV TOWERS | SCRAP IRON, POULTRY 3. Own car. FURNISHED ROOMS ' ' ph en bony with Concellations and Corrections--8:30 a.m. day of publication. AND FEATHER TICKS 4. Be bondable, ' oe tien ond avtng oe REGULATIONS Bs Economy.and Deluxe | Raw Furs, Deer Skins, Metals 5. Ages 28 to 50. | Available in private home. 6-ROOM HOME finished recreation room and A eine ester te a ae pote 2 promis Priced to suit your budget | eee 6. Sales ability an asset i ee Well kept home for ite died saad ments submitted otherwi i Ff a r re in i ir get. : " a your fk aes ani ee eee Satay OF ay nprmeinert, er beyond the TERMS ARRANGED | 723-2043 -- 723-2281 For appointment, Telephone Mr. Farr, West Rouge 82 PARK RD. NORTH family. Oil heated, Hardwood Alia divas Genel i : : these and many other hom: price chorge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which | floors, 3. bed: i no won call 723-1 133. F es error Occurs. 13--Business Opportunities 282-6747 or write, giving details, previous ex- PONTIAC INN us, saad The Oshowa Times greed beer right to classify advertising OSHAWA TV TRADE pour sales oon os perience, marital status to: er en ; 0, Just move in tow taxes. After 6.00. p.m. call -- mer tage er rn peraionsere Tie Ties Will tee be SUPPLY LIMITED __|stations."Wrnee me™nent oF, service lg kd eat Sal er TOO | ee rie TY 73e-oeah x s. : y i 5 mish ... . held responsi fo more space B that in -- on octual 728 8180 ee "agg ee BOX 148, OSHAWA TIMES Lunches Packed CASTLE HOMES Jan Miller ... 725-2993 jes. publishers endeavour to reproduce all adver- | vi " ndry, F aire, Bla art } pda cuaitie correctly, but assume no liability ef advertisement _ | é Aids 'ieliding san tre eee dows| a 725-0078 | "| Live Better In A Electrically 299 KING ST. WEST ys a inoccuracies in eny form are contained therein, DAY OR NIGHT ; | 243, a Times, Meatad Hama i : 723.1133 ; !