Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Dec 1962, p. 11

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SPORTS CALENDAR TODA ¥ BASKETBALL Ontario Senior League -- St. Thomas Barnes vs Oshawa Hawks, at Dr. Donevan Collegi- ate, 7.30 p.m. SUNDAY HOCKEY OHA Metro Junior "A" By WALTER KREVENCHUK EDMONTON (CP) -- Edmon- ton Oil Kings spell out their success in terms of formal ed- ucation and hockey fundamen- tals. For fundamentals they rely League -- Toronto Marlboros|on Russell (Buster) Brayshaw, Build Jr. 'Oil Kings On Solid Foundation his education or learn @ voca- tion"'--at club expense. Education has brought a lot of good players here, he says, but it doesn't make a hockey player. "You still have to teach them a lot." Brayshaw stresses skating, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, December 15,1962 9} SNOWSHOER DIES | VICTORIA (CP) -- Funeral was held here Fy sone 4 John R. Brodie, 83, founder of the Great West Coal Company in Winnipeg. He died in Phoenix Ariz., rday. A native of Montreal, Mr. Brodie had gained fame as a snowshoe run-' ner, hockey and _ lacrosse Player. At 15, he established a record for the quarter - mile snowshoe race which stood for! more than 40 years, He also was a member of the Montreal Stanley Pag championship club + arate ee by the Toronto team. ANOTHER CONTENDER "Body contact has been the big reason why the West hasn't won the Memorial Cup more often," Brayshaw says. "Most Western teams played a wide- SHORGAS HEATING & APPLIANCES Industrial and Commercial The established, reliable Ges Dealer in your cree. 31 CELINA ST. vs Knob Hill Farms, at 2.00|craggy-faced coach who piloted p.m. and' Brampton 7-Ups vs|Kings into the Memorial Cup of 1901-02. positional play and body con. open style of hockey and tact. couldn't adjust to the body Oshawa Generals, at 3.30 p.m.; junior hockey final the last two "T've never seen a team lose game." 'ROCKET' RICHARD IS STILL HOCKEY IDOL Marc Degenais, 6-year-old Ottawa boy, who is suffering from hemophylia, a rare blood disease, had his dream come true this week, when he got to chat with Maurico 'Rocket' Richard, former NHL hockey great. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Romeo Dage- nais, Mare's meeting with "The Rocket" was made pos- sible through the committee arranging the Gil O. Julien 'Awards Night', Wednesday night in Ottawa. Doctors be- lieve the boy's ailment to be incurable.: 'Rocket' Richard is due to appear in Bowman- ville, early this next week, Leaf Gardens. OHA Metro Junior "B" League -- Dixie vs Bowman- ville Pic-O-Mats, at Bowman- by Community Arena, freshments vs Vendomatics at 11.00 a.m. and Merchants vs Bad Boy, at 12.30 p.m; games at Bowmanville Com- both games at Toronto Maple years. The 38-year-old native of Sas- katoon learned his hockey from 13. years of patrolling a wing position for six amateur and at 3.00 professional hockey teams, in- cluding four py ag Prorat Black Hawks 0! ationa' PAW League Tony's Re- League. Manager Leo LeClerc says both|the club's first goal 'is to en- sure that the player is provided! when their positional play was working." Brayshaw concentrated on body contact after his Oil Kings lost to Toronto St. Michael's Majors in the 1961 Memorial Cup series. Kings, who matched: Majors in almost every other! department, were befuddled when it came to handling the solid body chcks and tenacious munity Arena. North Plant League -- Kin- loch's Men's Wear vs Corvair, SPORT FROM BRITAIN at 190 p.m.; P. and K. Weld- ing vs Acadian Cleaners, at. 2.30 p.m. and Subway Lunch vs Plaza Foods, at 4.00 pm. All games at Port Perry Arena. Oshawa - Courtice League -- Morrison's vs Beaupre's, at Whitby Community aes, 4.30 p.m. MOND A Y HOCKEY OHA Intermediate "B" Lake- shore League -- Bowmanville Shamrocks vs Uxbridge Black "i at Uxbridge Arena, 8.30 on Minor Assoc. Ban- tam League -- Houdaille Indus- tries vs Westmount Kiwanis, at 5.00 p.m.; Local 1500 vs Local 1817, at 600 p.m.; Police at 7.00 100,000 Involved In Art Of Defence By PAUL WESTBROOK LONDON (CP) -- Judo's rise to Olympic status lifts it from being just a useful sideline for nightclub bouncers. Britain's 100,000 or so expon- ents of oriental wrestling will fight it out for places on the national team that goes to Tokyo where judo makes Its Olympic debut in 1964. Many feel the inclusion of sionals." Paid instructors are barred and Geesinck was one of those who had to seek other employment to retain their am- ateur status. . Britain also has its technica! problems. There are three bod- ies claiming national control of the sport: the British Judo As- sociation with 44 clubs, the Am- Brayshaw appears to have another contender this year--|! Kings are battling for first) place in the intermediate Cen- tral Alberta Hockey League. Edmonton plays in the CAHL during the regular season and Brayshaw likes the idea. "The CAHL has a lot of older, experienced players. They teach my kids quite a lot." Brayshaw left the rubber bus- iness to become coach of the Oil Kings in 1960. He caught the eye of Detroit Red Wings, sponsors of the Edmonton jun- ior squad, during a successful stint as coach of a local juven- ile club. The move proved to be the turning point in a hockey car- eer that began in the late 1930s with his hometown junior Wesleys. From there Brayshaw skipped around to Moose Jaw| © senior Millers, Cleveland Bar- ons and Providence Reds of the! ¢ American League and Melville intermediate Millionaires. eer was a stay with Chicago. He was only 18 when he joined the NHL team and scored 14 goals in his most productive big league season. Highlight of his playing car-|, ateur Judo Association with 505 Assoc. vs Local 2784, p.m.; Canadian Tire vs Coci- Cola, at 8.00 pm, and B'Nai on a similar journey of good will. --CP Wirephoto BASKETBALL Ontario Steel A's-B's Sweep Major Twin-Bill Last Saturday morning, two more Major League basketball games were completed. In the first game Ontario Steel "'A's" defeated the Jaycee Rockets by. a score of 70 to 37, while in the gecond game Walt's Barber Shop were defeated by the On. tario Steel "'B's" by a 50 to 26 count, jing saw Walt's Barber Shop go down to defeat at the hands of the Ontario Steel "'B's" by a score of 50 to 26. leton, 2. Total: 37. Fouls: 3 for B'S ALSO WIN The second game of the morn- In the first half, "B's" took B'Rith vs Canadian Corps, Children's Arena. Duck Migration at 9.00 p.m. All games at Oshawa Was Casual Due| NHL BIG SEVEN judo in the games' program gives several sure-fire gold medals to the Japanese. But re- cently Japan has been feeling the pinch in its traditional sport. A giant Dutchman, Anton Geesinck, was responsible for partially eclipsing the rising c clubs and the British Judo Council with 150 clubs, existence, is affiliated with the international therefore should provide the union may be brought about and open trials staged. The BJA, being the first in federation and ompetitors for Tokyo. But a SPUR SERVICE STATION TOWNLINE EAST 12 SIMCOE ST. S. SERVICE... THE GREATEST Let Us Do Your Gift Wrapping FREE be beautifully and pro- fessionally gift-wrapp- ed... at no charge. wh, WE FOR YOUR SELECTION - WATCHES, DIAMONDS, SILVERWARE HOLLOWWARE, CRYSTAL, COSTUME , JEWELLERY, LUGGAGE, CLOCKS, LAMPS, BONE CHINA, JEWEL BOXES, DRESSER * SETS, FIGURINES LORDS «r 'DIAMOND MERCHANTS ond JEWELLERS OSHAWA sun at the world championships By THE CANADIAN PRESS Mild Weather The 1962 waterfowl migration, generally unspectacular, is al- most completed .. . A leisurely and prolonged migration pat- tern hinged on the warmest October-November in the past 10 years . . . A few waterfowl still Mnger in the southern prairie regions, but will drift south when pushed by weather. capture the League with a total of 20. cago. Both have 26 points. Chicago's Stan Mikita, Alex Delvecchio assisted on all three Detroit goals against New York Thursday night to re- National Hockey leadership in assists The three-point gain boosted the veteran centre from a five- way deadlock for sixth place in the scoring race into a tie for third with Ab McDonald of Chi- idle in Paris last year. He outwitted Japan's Koji Sone to become the first non-Japanese to win the heavyweight title. Britain also has some wily tusslers. Trevor Leggett, a 49- year - old broadcasting execu- tive, is rated No. 1 by virtue of holding a "sixth dan." Judo ratings run in belt col- ors: white is the lowest, then come yellow, orange, green, blue, brown and black belts. Above them are 12 further NU-WAY RUG CO, LTD. CARPET SALES nd PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING 174 Mary St. W. PHONE ELECTRIC MOTORS Overhauling--Rewinding te all types of Electric Motors 395 Oshawa Bivd. S. ACADIAN CLEANERS Pressers--Shirt Launderers Storage 299 Bioor St. E. WILSON Motor Repair New and Used Motors PHONE BICYCLE SHOP C.C.M. and RALEIGH BICYCLES Keys Made 497 Simcoe St. $. Phone 725-3979 a commanding 26 to 15 lead, Thursday, still leads the NHL's Concise summation in the "dans." The first half of the opening game saw the Steel "A's" open up a commanding 30 to 19 lead. In this their lead thanks to the fine shooting of L. Planke and L.|' Horne; while R. Burnett paced the Rockets' attack. In the second half, the A's managd to keep pulling farther and farther away to win going away by the score of 70 to 37. The "A's" were led to their victory by Horne and Planke netting 21 and 15 points respect- tvely, while big Ron Burnett hooped 23 points in a losing cause. Ontario Steel "'A's" -- Planke, 15; Horne, 21; Stephinac, 7; Misiaszek, 9; Kilistoff, 13; Row- fen, 5. Total: 70. Fouls: 12 for 0 "Jaycee Rockets -- Burnett, 3; Brady, 8; Anderson; Whay- ling; McHugh; King, 4; Pemp- Grid Crowds Swell To 21,000,000 NEW YORK (AP)--Despite a decline in the number of col- leges playing the sport, football attendance in the United States pushed over 21,000,000 for the first time in 1962 as 610 college and university teams attracted larger crowds for the ninth con- secutive year. ambault, Rough Riders of the Eastern Football Conference injured in a mainly due to the fine shooting of B. Babe and D. Calder, while B. Hryanik kept Walt's if the *'A's" obtained/ran within ge, | Again in the second half, the 'B's" good shooting proved too much for the barber-shop crew, as the "'B's'" won going away by a score of 50 to: 26. The "B's" were paced to their victory by D. Calder and B. Babe with 13 and 12 points respectively while B. Hyranik and §. Dalidowicz hooped 15 and 10 points respectively in a losing effort. Walt's Barber Shop -- Dali- dowicz, 10; Clark; Brooks; Rail; Longley, 1; Hyranik, 15. Total: 26. Fouls: 8 for 20. Ontario Steel "B's" -- Babe 12; Strelzcyk, 7; Williams; -Cal- der, 13; Boivon, 8; Bourdage ,3; Milosh, 7. Total: 50. Fouls: 8 for 14. '|Further west, final "62 edition of the Ducks Unlimited Duckological, prepar- ed by General. Manager Angus Gavin. Gavin refers to the migration as "prolonged and unspectacu- lar -- by the calendar rather than the weather". He cites 1962 as being completely lacking in "The Grand Passage"', the truly spectacular waterfowl migra- tion. which results from a se- vere cold front coming out of the arctic. : The report reveals that Mani- toba's big marshes were frozen by November 10. Some mallard, lesser scaup and whistling swan persisted around open holes. weather was warmer. Main movement out of Saskatchewan was noted No- vember 12-17, but even then it Archambault Doubtful Of Return To Gridiron OTTAWA (CP)--Gilles Arch- tackle with Ottawa semi - final playoff game against Montreal Alouettes, says that chances for his return to football don't look too good. "Tf I do play, it will not be before late next seasn," the 26-year-old Archambault said in an interview Thursday nigh'. Archambault suffered torn knee ligaments. Last Friday doctors removed his cast and examined the knee, then re- placed the cast with another. Although six fewer teams played, the number of fans in- NHL LEADERS was unhurried . . . "The ducks just gradually disappeared." In Alberta, November 16-18 saw "a migration which involved good numbers of snow geese as well as ducks." Gavin cites soil moisture con- ditions as "'much improved over 1961 -- the best since 1959 ac- cording to a report by the Searle grain Company". Fall rains In "62 averaged 104 per cent of normal, compared with 53 per cent of normal in '61. The report concludes , . ."'Sig- nificant improvement over last year .. . Reason for optimism that the drought may be ending. top scorers with 28 points. But Andy Bathgate of the oy a who picked up one as- sist, is only one point off the pace. Behind Delvecchio and Mc- Donald are Detroit's Gordie Howe and New York's Dean Prentice, tied for fifth with 25 points, t with 24, The leaders: Mikita, Chicago Bathgate, New York McDonald, Chicago Delvecchio, Detroit Howe, Detroit Prentice, New York Bucyk, Boston 10 18 28 9 18 27 12 14 6 20 ll 14 9 16 10 14 REMEMBER WHEN .. .? By THE CANADIAN PRESS Vancouver's young swim- mer Irene Strong made her mark in Canadian sports circles 13 years ago today when she broke three Cana- dian breaststroke swimming records and equalled a fourth at the age of 16. She continued to improve and went to the Olympic Games three years later. CHRISTMAS TIES About 22;656,000,000 men's ties are made in the United King- rege annually and 70 per cent of home sales are bought in the Christmas shopping spree. FORD creased to 21,227,162 up 2.66 per| cent from 1961. The 1962 totals represent an increase of 27.2 per cent over 1953, when attendance for 618 schools was about 16,000,000. A record 98 of the top 100 drawing teams of 1962 averaged more than 10,000 fans a game, according to statistics released Thursday by the National Cl- legiate Athletic Association. By THE CANADIAN PRESS Standings: Chicago, wow 14 lost 7, tied 7, points 35. Points? Mikita, Chicago, 28 Goals: Mahovlich, Toronto, 15. Assists: Delvecchio, Detroit, 20. Shutouts: Hall, Chicago, and Sawchuk, Detroit, 3. Penalties: Young,' Detroit, 91 minutes. IN OSHAWA Sales & Service 353 ie Start OPEN EVENINGS ' oR Is Dad A "Handy-Man" ? Here are some Gift Ideas ! cunistmas 1001S Tool Smooth PLANE Many others to choose from. Mibro Name BRACE Name Brand HAMMERS 145 .. 4.79 PLUS MANY MORE ITEMS TO CHOOSE FROM Ask About Our Christmas Gift Certificates & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. FROM 1.88... 16.98 EVERY TYPE Brand & BITS LLWORK "Bernz-O-Matic" TORCH: KIT 6-Piece Set complete in metal carrying cose... 11,95 1279 Simcoe North 728-6291 OPEN DAILY 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Fri. till 9 p.m. Seventh in the scoring race is Johnny Bucyk of Boston, alone G. A.Pts. STUDY IN JAPAN Several possibles for Britain's 1964 Olympic team have gone o study in Japan. They take tuitioa at Tokyo's Kodokan Club, the oldest judo club in the world. This club was formed in 1882 by Jigoro Kano, regarded as the creator of modern judo. He adapted it from the traditional art of self - defence devised through the centuries by Jap- anese warriors. It has changed little since the days of the Samurai war- riors. Opponents still wear the loose-fitting white shirt and pants and bow to each other be- fore the contest starts. But the old-world charm was 9|slightly shattered when the Olympic committee decided to purge judo's ranks of "profes- | BROWN'S LUMBER & SUPPLIES LTD. "DO-IT-YOURSELF HEADQUARTERS" | NEW HOMES & HOME IMPROVEMENTS FULL LINE OF BUILDING MATERIALS 725-4704 436 RITSON N. | (Where Pavement Ends) | RESTAURANT| FOR LEASE Adjoining 24-Hour ESSO STATION on Highway 28 Near 115 PETERBOROUGH REMODELLED & EQUIPPED || HOUSTON'S PHONE OR WRITE N. 0. SVENSON BOX NO. 296, OSHAWA PHONE 728-5786 728-4681 723-4362 728-5141 A Weekly Calendar of Events... Keep ab News, Oshawa reast with the Sports -- Read... The Times Regularly. YOU SCORE A... EVERY TIME When you use TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Tel. 723-3492 SHEET METAL PLUMBING & HEATING Esso & GARWOOD HEATING UNITS SALES -- SERVICE PARTS 292 KING ST. W. PHONE 725-2734 we / It's Later Than You Think come to the Cadillac ENJOY OUR MODERN Soaameen FACILITIES -- (BANQUETS) - ALL MODERN ROOMS SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES 394 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Phone 725-3743 FOR RESERVATIONS PIC-0-MAT Full Line Food Vending PHONE: 128-7305 METTE PLUMBING CO. LTb. Repair Work e Specialty 23 CELINA STREET PHONE 728-9491 W..-BORROWDALE Fuel Oil and Heating Seles A greed ged of quolity Heet- ing Equipm osPenTest" HOT BLAST FUEL OIL oll eaters Oil and Gas Furnaces onversions @ Water Installed, 156 Pegi! ne w. PH. 878 NEXT WEEK'S TODAY SUNDAY HOCKEY -- OHA Metro Junior "™ Ushawa Generals, at Maple Leaf Metro Junior MONDAY TUESDAY HOCKEY -- OHA Metro Junior of doubleheader) ALSO Civil awa Times, 7:0! WEDNESDAY HOCKEY -- Oshawa Minor _ Associ THURSDAY BASKETBALL -- Ontario Senior League -- St. Thomas Barnes vs Oshawa Hawks, at Dr. Donevan Collegiate, 7:30 p.m. "BY League -- Dixie vs. Bowmanville Pic-O-Mats, ot Bowmanville Community Arena, 3:00 p.m; HOCKEY -- Oshawa Minor Association Bantam League. fig scheduled games, at Oshawa Children's Arena, starting at 5:00 p. League -- vs Toronto Marlboros, at dtm Leaf Gardens, rvice League -- Police Assoc. p.m., and Foote's vs games at Bowmanville Community schedule games at Oshawa Children's Arena, starting at HOCKEY -- OHA Intermediate kgs Lovee League a =. Uxbridge SPORT EVENTS 'A" Lea Brampton 7-Ups vs Gardens at, 3: 3:30 p.m, ALSO OHA bel» es Oshawa Generals 9:00 p.m. (2nd game vs Osh- voy Foods, 8:00 ag Both Arena, jue ---- Four jation -- Midget 215 p.m. Black Hawks vs Arena, 8:30 p.m. FRIDAY Neil McNeil Maroons, at 7:30 p. HOCKEY -- OHA Metro Junics "AN Whitby ane Hill Farms at 9:00 p.m.; Both games at Maple Leaf Gardens. ----- Oshawa Generals vs m. ai Fresh Up With f You Like lt... lt Likes You Distributor: Ress Shortt 136 GIBB STREET PHONE 723-3042 daares seams ning a New and Used Radiators 42 Bond St. W. 725-1633 OSHAWA T.V. We will install or Repair All "Ss Aerials Apartment "ete 361 Gibbon St. Phone: 728-8180 JENSEN Welding & Steel Supply Ltd. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RAILINGS STEEL FABRICATING OF ALL KINDS 227 PEARSON ST. OSHAWA PHONE 728-7318 SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE Specialists in Tune-ups and brake work. 67 King St. W. PHONE 723-7822 - Guaranteed Used Cors ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice and Bowmanville Chevrolet, Corvair, Oldsmobile Sales and Service PHONE 728-6206 39 Years Serving You FOR THE BEST IN NEWS While It Is News HAVE THE OSHAWA TIMES JUST PHONE 125-2443 STEPHENSON'S GARAGE 'Specialists In WHEEL | ALIGNMENT Straightening General Repairs 15 Church St. Phone 725-0522 b Conuirion tioned, League and Open MOTOR CITY BOWLING LANES Modern Brunswick. Lanes. Alr Bowling every evening. One of Casetes Most Modern Lanes. tie Automa' Pi Open Yeor Round. 5 end 10 Pin Bowling -- Snock Ber, AMPLE PARKING 78 RICHMOND W. PH. 723-3212

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