Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Dec 1962, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 14, 1962 HE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS Eset wdc led 17--Male Help Wanted |24--Houses For Rent "|SINGLE. man, staple hand, good with | WHITBY, Perry" 'Street, 413, attractive HAYDON VILL a -- five orses, Must drive team, live in. Little|three-bedroom bungalow, large living |brigh lpenetas Ranch, _T25- 2737. room, $100, After 7 p.m. MO 8-5011 Laundry, Frigidaire, Blair Park! - -- eal co ea P } a9 py Whitb Nine thousand down.|MECHANIC with Class A licence for|NEW. furmshed four. bedroom. country Piaea, itny sais five thousand down.|small well equipped garage in down-|home for rent, $175 per month, Write Write Box 243, Oshawa Times. town area. Good wages, incentive plan.|Box 142, Oshawa Times for particu- Write Box 116 Osh-|lars, .|SIMCOER NORTH Four-bedroom house, hot water heating. Appiy in |writing to Box 132, Oshawa 'Ties, |FIVE-ROOM frame Road, two bedrooms. jand utility room, $85 OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Fride Saturday 8 te 1 Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY TV oom Radio Repairs UARANTEED. repairs ty, car radios, Thompson Elec- | tronics, Elliott, 723-9792. Fred. T.V. TOWERS All galvanized, paint LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS 728-5804 or 725-7844 TV AERIALS DO WEAR OUT REPLACE NOW While' weather and prices are at their best. TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND STREET: EAST CALL 728-6781 '25--Apt. & Flats For Rent 26--Rooms For Rent CLEAN, ame bright room, spring peters ly Meald Central, Apply 102 Eigin y large, aaaunty t rooms, three bedrooms, oi) fur- nace, garage, fifteen minutes to Osh. awa, References. $50. Hampton 153-2504 ee THREE hee bathroom, near Four itby, 300 High Street. Laun- dry, parking facilities, Children wel- come, $65. Ajax 942-11 TWO ROOMS and kitchen, upstairs. Private bath, entrance. Suitable for couple or two single ladies or gentie- men. Apply 141 Chureh Street, TwWo-BEDROOM apartments, farnish- I hs 728-8049, or unfurnished, Available January Aree oon Lenizaret tig Apply 498 Simcoe North, Apartment 1 or telephone 72B-3945 5. 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent DREW STREET, 45 -- Large house- ONE-BEDROOM $ apartment, in "Be w| keeping room, quiet, clean home, suit- modern building, Fully, equipped, ctose|able gentlemen, single $10, double $12. jto Shopping Centre lable Janu- | Telephone 728-4594. 1, Telephone 72: a dl ; si |10 ROOM house or 2 five room apart- SIX-ROOM apartment with private|ments, heat, lights, water supplied. bath, heavy duty wiring, televis:on out- Separate bathrooms, Laundry room, let, oil heating. Close to bus and jrarking. H, Chinn 723-7088. schools. Apply 305 Mitchel Avenue. : _|FouR ROOMS, stove, refrigerator, fur. |SEMCOE NORTH, 468 -- To sublet for|nished, unfurnished, Close to hospital, -- tbree months, furnished, two-room|schools, near bus. Apply 5361 Grierson| apartment further particulars,|Street. Telephone 7: 29. j telephone 72: ae |ROWE STREET Three-room apart. MODERN three rooms and bath, pri-|ment, kitchen sink and cupboards, pri- yate entrance, stove and reirigerator.|vate bath, garage available, Telephone TV antenna, west end, 975 monthly. | 723-1789, 'Telephone, 725-8467, COLLEGE HILL -- ¥F FOUR-ROOM, ie | contained apartment, gar erator, electric range, washing ma-\home, $85 monthly. 72B-5320. chine, all other conveniences, 5 | apa ., only. Apply 102 Rosehill Blva. FURNISHED -- cae eee phone 725-2997 » cupboards, range. reirigecator, ' pee facilities, TV outlet. Apply 320 MONTRAVE Two-| Frontenac Avenue bedroom stove, | - Thine? "4 wunds'y lities free, paved parking WESTMOUNT, #1 -- Three unfurnish- Possession January 1. $95. Telephone ed rooms, upstairs, in new modern SALESMAN Ty "3 home, $70 monthly. Telephone 728-2530. MCMILLAN ae" ~ .| SIMCOE = NORTH--Seventeen Arling- TCMILLAN Drive, 68, three-room un ton Street, near hospital. schools, bus furnished, upstairs apartment, private .. ya cen eee » anwe|Three or four rooms, completely and bath and entrance, heavy duty ra clqell faralahad:: Private WeOG Reruge. to call on retail accounts, southern Ontario. BEAUTY parior to rent, eee 72 Church Street. Pegged St. Clean furnished room, with kitchen, = ,_ refrigerator. Cen- 723-9225. tral. Suit AVENUE STREET, 30 -- Fu ed, two newly decorated rooms juiet home, light housek: . Suitable for one or two ladies. Parking availatie, Telephone 728-6802. Rooms for gentlemen, board 1 near South General et ee home, good. meals, After 5.30, telephone 7: 27--Real eg for tate : Lots FOR SALE, two adjoining lot ol x beds zoned R3, in built up ra section of the South East area of gies Asking price $2,500. each. Telephone ett Guide Realty Lim- ited, or call at the office, 16 Simcoe napa South, for further particulars. 'NORTH WEST _ NEW FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW with carport, large kitehen and bathroom, storms and screens, sodded and decorat- ed and many other features. PRICE $15,575.00 DOWN $1975.00 \Group Insurance. awa Times. FIDDLE player wanted, young ama- jteur, to rehearse with country band, Write Country Music Enterprises, Pox 1, Willowdale, Ontario. Phone! ONE-FAMILY business, new ultva- mod- ern Fish and Chip and Grill for sale, with long lease. Apply Metro Fish and} Chip Grill, Blair Park Plaza, Whitby. | | ect | Wanted P| --Mon- "OPENING for experienced or '2 728-2604 ume 'of business means lot of work for relephove | sth -jright man. If you're not experienced or/please do not apply. 728-2352 ' RADIO COLLEGE OF. CANADA "ELECTRONICS NEEDS MEN" become a specialist. RCC, trusted nome in Electronics . Training since 1928, Automation, TV, Radar, etc, Resi- dent courses in Toronto and Mont- real, Or study at home. Easy terms. Free booklet. 461 King St. W. Toronto, Ont SHORT ORDER COOK WANTED 8 HOUR SHIFT Apply Mr. Gaye, Bowmanville 623-7242 Between 10 A.M.-5 P.M |Money to Loan MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available for all types' | tgages at 7% | i |Building Trades NEW PLASTERING modelling cement phone 725-5092. Accountants LEONARD JAMES BROOKS. cevnitied| Public Accountants, Suite 205W Ish | awa Shopping Centre, 995: CLANCY'S Ontario Complete bookkeepi 4 West. 725.0597 to all makes, bungalow, Nash attached garage, monthly, Tele- and epa plastering. irs Tele A lean PETER day to North Accounting Cartage rvice JOHN'S MOVING Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable Fully equipped and insured BOB Service 184 Bond Street 7605 HOPKINS, BEADLE AND tered Accountants, Fast.' Oshawa, Ontario MONTEITH, AND STORAGE, rates Phone Res no afternoons guenay will baby nal evenings, preferred le information ADY occa district for further sit s are t Monies also nd = mort- and Agree- purchased. loaned on first and mortgages. Mortgage tments for loans given. M, F. SWARTZ, 2612 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 123-4697 without bonus available on Mortgages for Sale sec can Dressmaking a EXPERIENCED cutting, Fidtidge, 67 REFINED widow Wishes a position as| housekeeper for. respectable widower, with no family at home. Wriie Box 247,! Oshawa Times. and dressm iking, ' > ete Reasone Montrave Ave MONTEITH, RIEHI Co., Chartered Accountants 8 135 Simeoe Street North, Oshawa, WH 2-089, Whitby MO 8.4131 YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. Chartered Accountants, Licensed 't tee in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street fast, Oshawa. 728-737 ' ble Aix |UODs rates pant Mes jnue 72 Fuel and Wood FACTORY HARDWOOD cuttings able tor stoves. furnaces, ete livered, Telephone 728-8535 MIXED wod stove lengths birch tor fireplaces Delivered Chartered | phone Burketon 263-2637 CA FREE CA cleaned FREE ervice' FREE efficient handy man_ will) walls, clean your car, do} anytime. Have tools, pichup,| references, Call Mil, 728-1993. 16476 omn w your anything, excellent For 7460, Suit- | De college graduate,| employment ATlanitic art part-time Phone YOUNG MAN, desires steady Owns Volkswagen bus 2.2409 reverse charges 16--Female Help Wanted PART-TIME kitchen help wanted. Tele phone Mr. Gay, Bowmanville, %23-7242. SALESLADIES, | g a to -- 2S. with k ng, permanent sition and commission. Appiy TV TOWERS besa Sei ;MOND B. PROSSER, CA, Charter- Be nconutaat: bo Centre. Siccet North Whitby. Telephone 668-5447 WILSON AND BURROWS, Accountants, 114 King Street EF awa: Ronald F. D, Wilson, G. Edmond Burrows, CA 'oom self- se. New also ed clean apartment, -- Mortgages PRIVATE and end on all types of ements Adult. monies to| Tele- | Sin mort pur- Mur corporation mortgages of sale and AVENUE. 300 apartment, refrigerator, furnace burner Appraisers PATRICK 0 Estate Appr Phone MO 8 Auto Parts Save At Western Service Centre Repairs to All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West 728 1607 FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU' Ba AND SECOND sters MeDANIEL PIuST " Stree with cookin of three. 11 duties E woman family cleaning LY re sition, Li fond of chi ia n lence pm, - for ght MONT DIAL 725-1212 Furnace Cleanout FREE If You P FINA bom ROSS HILL 728-776] Thai Household Repairs v HO ISEHOL D APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE S, WASHERS, DRYER ied ad Economy and Deluxe adult abstainers, $65 : adult abstainers, $65 monthly. Apply be: | Tahu, as agar NTRAL, upper duplex, ubfurnish- KING STREET EAST Three unfur ce e - shed rooms with private bath,heated, ed, heated, completely separate, stove and refrigerator, Newly decorated sole, Temata oe patebiieds PARION Acuity proterred. Loutnedinte' poses: MET: ALF 1. For appointment. alt Si0n.. Telephone 725-9969 ADELAIDE AVENUE WEST, 303 REAL ESTATE LIMITED |Spacious five-room apartment, Broad- loom, range, refrigerator, $120 month- = 40 KING ST. EAST DIAL 728-4678 lyi' Telephone 7: Hot HARMONY HEIGHTS THREE-ROOM apartment. water, 5% room alow with bed ~ sitting |heating by oil. On No, 2 Highway be- parking tacit, S96" Whitby and Ajax, $45. monthly.| large lot all landscaped ---- all services close by -- Only Pedlar's, newly deco-|10_ 83804 $3,000.00 down. Suitable for couple. Telephone PRESTONVALE ROAD MARY STREET Three-room unfurnished youns couple,| private entrance, garage. Just east of Lovely two bedroom bunga- low in a quiet neighborhood bright bed sit. HY limits, $60, month, adults 728-6115. fing room. wall to wall broadioom,|BANTING Avenue, 157, three-room and close to bus and shopping, schools, etc., grounds fully and kitchen, use of bathroom. Bus|bath, apartment, heavy duty wiring, un-) stop in front. Available Jan, 1. Will|/furmished. Private bathroom and en- "landscoped and well main- tained, paved drive, large care for baby while parents work. $45|trance. Apply above address monthly, ludes heat, hydro and FOR RENT Three-room , bright, 2. ED . . living room, kitchen and din- ing room --- all decorated -- wates, Call edeiethe clean, heated, upstairs apartment. $50. LANSDOWNE DRIVE Two apart-/monthly, One child welcome. Avail- new rec room and only $11,- 000,00 -- call day or even- ments available. Upstairs. five rooms,|able immediately. Telepnone 728-724: ing to see this bargain: clean, nicely decorated. Balcony, Low THREE-ROOM heated apartment. DOWNSVIEW PARK er apartment, four rooms, one bed: |p. b _ room. Plus ample storage. Adults pre [Stipe Paper hosting gn ig rece) ferred. Refrigerators, stoves, TV out- \22 or 67 Orchard View Boulevard dryer available 3 bedroom split level home -- finished with brick field stone and rustic wood pan- lets, parking, washing machine and| to both. Telephone 53-2042 or 725-1960 pnone'26--Rooms For Rent els. Louvred entrance closet, KINGS. COURT... SEaDatons, "aes. araiaine wacie pee APARTMENTS L shaped living - dining room built-in tappan electrie uaranteed year round. Adult home. AJAX range and -- exhaust fan Telephone 725-3205. | TREMEDDAN MOTEL Rooms, |single or double. Hot water heated and/ Winter rates, $15. single; $0,| double, Telephone 725-5102. CLEAN large fu No Lease Required. Priced at $16,100.00. Call today for an appointment te see this fine home - down Payment approximately $3,- 400.00 - one N.H.A. mort. gage for balance. furnished comfortabie| room for OPEN EVENINGS TILL NINE CALL JAMES O'MALLEY 723- LEY 723-7122 Private 'lele loch ading Bar MONEY TO LOAN Low Interest No Valuation Fee Until Loan Completed Must be 725-7704 RELIABL woman to tant, tive days week, live ind remuneration expected 145, Oshawa Times phone care n for in State age Write Box orchard set, Must and commissi Experience in an Salary Reply to Post Office BOX 273 OSHAWA, ONT, 18--Male or Female Help Wanted WOMEN OR MEN TAXI DRIVERS 40 equip have n UEL on ment car. a OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 DAY OR NIGHT Well saue sicake WELL =e STENOGRAPHER F id of ) CLEANOUTS | Fo wide range of respon and DEEPENING of Chief f€xecutive of TED VEENHOF multi-plant corporation, 728-3864 W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE 668-2563 -- 668-3809 WHITBY, ONTARIO 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST P.O. BOX 329 MARY STK furnished -- th conveniences Apply FURNISHED - spacious room and kitchen, on bus line, near rated 725-3206 IDEAL baby -- Completely apartment, a Abstainers. children, above or telephone 725-5691 BABYSITTER wanted, within weeks to take charge of three ren for one week while mother t siptal, Live in. 116 Barrie. 728.4374 BABY sitter required, old. five day week Telephone between 28-0708 three chil in Barristers GREER AND over 20 vears while n other works 6 and 9 evenings, KELLY. Barris { King Street Eas Phones: J Terence 'SOUTH -- apartment, Residential City and District Summer Properties Vacant Land Barrister, coe; Formerly w " ade n Greer V. Kelly, RALPH GREE itors, 130 BA, BCL, 7 JONES, BA, and THOMAS H./ Associate Barristers King Street West Mortgage loans availabie RICHARD H. DONALD Solicitor Notary 7 North 28-289 JAMES A MacDONALD ag eid and Solicitor and lic, The Commercia! Build West, Oshawa, Ontario. Cher ing available BOWMAN. DAVID L., tor,.3%2 Simcoe South dence 728-0264 PONALD BLAKE and Solicitor, 26's Telephones: a _ Business apartment for welcome. Large, BA pan blie, 52 nber kers A iation Preferably between 25. - Top earnings. Apply MERCURY TAX! 725-4771 19--Opportunities For Men and Women LEARN MEAT CUTTING 20 Men needed class; in Oshawa and surrounding Dis- trict day or evening. Being formed offering _ practical training in the highly paid of meat cutting, mer- ing and self-serve, now PRACTICAL MEAT CUTTING and RETAIL SCHOOL tgage Br SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Sin BA Nota rub. 286 King Instruction peak HARVEY RAD 424 PRIVATE years eniy. Act now LILLIAN MAF MARSH Dancing School Ballet, pre-school kinderdance dave. Masonic e 13-7253 H. TUCK, RO LEARN TO DRIVE c. : Oshawa chool eee dat 'bons . Dia DAY Late Automatics, mtrolec OSHAWA ond WHITBY CALL 728-0091 This person must have brc interests, with a full com- mercial and preferably aca- demic training and be a cap able receptionist. Experience in business an asset but not essential. Our secretarial staft know. of this advertisement. State qualifications to BOX 138 OSHAWA TIMES MEDIUM -- SIZED MANUFACTURING CO. LOCATED IN WHITBY REQUIRES DANCE ACADEM My Ballet 4 Barrister, Solici 725-9592, vunsellor, view ieacre exper student ence. By inte DODDS i 4 King Street 723-2201; Barrister) East Res North DEA 3568 tap, act Fridays, DMA obatic Satur Oshawa, Ontario--725 ERS, BA, Barrister, Simcoe Stree 101. Residence, 725-5542 MACKEY, BA, ry Public a King Street 7163 Solici re Optometrist he . Optometrist. Please down Dominion Invalids Driving S$ i or EVENIN ' pmetry lenses Evenings 1--Women's Column Op con-|PERMANENTS on special Col-|dressing, 396 Pine Avenue 723- SEWING lessons in Group or individual and machine service for gentleman, willing to share, twin beds. Breakfast optional, near | North | General Motors. et | 725-1300 ATHOL STREET EAST, | ing' rooms, suitable for gentlemen, Close to} bus stop and downtown. Apply above. | TREMEDDAN MOTEL -- Winter rates, | Rooms, single, $15; double, 420. Hot water heated and TV . Telephone' 725-5102, | TWO fully furnished rooms in bas ment. Good furniture. New maitress, rangette and refrigerator. Heat, lights, water included. $15. weekly. 728.1738 weg RICHARD BLACK the examination of eves, 36 Simcoe North, at appointment Doctor of Page Hair- Models, St ard Telephone tact borne 419 Approximately 10 miles from Oshawa. é ' Dual by 723-4943 Mortgage mon | Own 'howe mn ho alterations your at ; Also Painting and Decorating Dial DON'S PAINTING and Decorating SPENCER FOUNDATION Serving, 'Prites' loweel 1k Work and 'brassieres, individually- designed; | guaranteed. Bowmanville also slips; panty briefs. Spirella Gar-! ments, Mrs. J. Hendershot, 324 Admiral NE WINTER and | Road painting: a and tay G. Golding ies available MANNING F, SWARTZ AND RONALD L, SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block 2642 King Street East, 723-4697. Res dence, dial 723-4029 JOSEPH PF. MANGAN, ac, Solicitor. Money to loan King Street East, Oshawa McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Opposite large Shopping Centre near schools, churches, etc. Large One Bedroom $73 Two Bedroom $79 TELEPHONE garments Lawn Mowers WE SHARPEN and RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL town 263-2780 rates! Papering Gyproe applied 204 Chureh, 725-7297 Barrister Oftice 4% 728-8232 2-- Personal STAN'S Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street Vorth, 3566; Charlies ( MeGibbon QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, a CREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND MUR-| CORNER KING AT BURK STS. DOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, Notar- Public, Bank of Commerce Build- 723-3224 © Ontario, 723-3446. Residences: T. K./Money to Loan QC; G. M. Drynan, Qc, L. Murdoeh, 723-4768 and agreements of sale bought, sold and arranged. HUMPHREYS. BOYCHYN MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, Street East, Oshawa; R phreys, QC; G. S. Boychyn W. A. Hillman, LLB, Office Residence, - 728-4326; 725-5203. NHA and mortgage funds available Is Your 2ND OR 3RD Mortgage COMING DUE ? Before Renewing See Us ABOUT A Low Cost Mortgage Loan Low Monthly Payments No Bonus No Extra Charges No Legal Fees SUPERIOR DISCOUNT LIMITED "The Fastest Growing All- Canadian Loan Company 17 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA 725-6541 | and HILL- | 36% King Bookkeeping COMPLETE bookkeeping services offered for sma}! business. Ststements| prepared B « Services, Whiiby, 668-6252. Building Trades BUILDING ; Hottot 516 668-3126. You: R local chimney cleaner, c 'himneys wee Whitby, and alterations. Palace Street, vacuumed Free estimates, All in kinds . of corcrete Telephone specialize types roofing, remodel. J new building, ling, garages, cupboards, fireplaces, Summers, 95 7 245 CARPE) » painting Experienced man. Free estimates. A, Wambolt, Heren Drive, , Ajax, WH 2 CON TRUCTION ns, new homes "Insist on the jones Avenue Additions Oshawa and District, 23 McCULLOUGH'S BUILDING SUPPLIES 1270 SIMCOE STREET N. (West Side) PHONE 728-4688 ASK FOR "OSHAWA TIMES FAMILY WANT ADS Classified Ad Rates 25 WORDS OR LESS Better described offers get faster results, Cash 3.75 2.25 cherge rate appli per montt month figure' or - DEADLINES 6 consecutive days 3 consecutive days If not paid within 7 days Professional listings Each additional line Count each | Box number Word ads Classified Display Births, memorioms, Lost ond Found Concellat 3 lines per viation as « 2 2:30 p.m 9 a.m. day p.m 8:30 'a.m of 8:30 am. day of f¢ LATIONS day put The Oshawa [Times: + according 'to its proper of erves clas. the right ification, display advertisements, The Time. r more space than ot iy error occupies, Th lishers endeavour reproduce tiging matter correctly, but assume no liability of ddvertic if eny inaccuracies in ony form ere contained therein, to cla In the case held responsible DODD & SOUTER NTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals Spray caine ng 107 BYRON S., WHITBY DAYS 468 5862 NIGHTS 725-7426 | PAID { Personal Service EXPERT tuning and repair, electronic organs and anytime Ajax 942-1664 MODERN GRILL ade we appr: pianos, F Turkey Home erts, Chicker Chis De and DELIVER SON RD.. SOUTH "795. 3887 Plumbing and Heating ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies Phone Harold H. Stark, Ltd Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255 Simcoe Street South ALL TYPES new and ates Es J, Foley of ised and materials timates - free repairs Reason Dial REPAIRS and remodelling of all types new and used Free « 1334, Grath Plumbing and He ating ALL WELL But if you insist on the best... call naterials rates estim Mc '| GOLDEN remodel Reasonable ¢ | weeks 'old, RIDE REQUIRED to Wilson and Bath urst, via 401, arriving at 3 one interested, IF YOU HAVE write Box 333, or (725-0893 CHAUFFEUR available for Sunday trips. Will pay gas and oil expenses. Call Dave McKee after 6 p.m., 725-2856 telephone a drinking problem Whitby, or call 668-3034 Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff wil! be in Oshawa, Dec. 17th, 18th, 19th. Phone Genosha Hotel these dates for appoint- ment ELECTROLYSIS 723-464] 3--Pets & Livestock NINE PIGS, phone WANTED, good private home tired standard bred' horse Reply to Box 149, Oshawa BEAUTIFUL baby budgies training talking Strain Broad, 114 n Street on seven old, Tele- Hampton 26: weeks 20 fo. re-| Rides well, Times ready Apply East Labrador Retriever champion stock until Christmas for Mrs puppies Deposit Telephone Registered, hold 395, PUPPIES, poodles, two months old $90, Will hold phone 72 65. ERMAN SHEPHERD nd females, three and sliver Telephone REGISTERED Beagle -- pu Field trial stock. Wonderful excellent hunters. Will hold mas, Telephone 623-2985 purebred, females and until, Christmas black, males, Tele- males black puppies white, two 4936 péts and until Chris GUSCOTT PLUMBING 4--Market Basket and HEATING Limited S.~-725-5132 Rug-Upholstery Service CHEST FIELDS and upholstered. Samples on jens and: dressmaking CHESTERFIELDS re-styled 207 Simcoe St chrome hand 723-9021 Altera re-upt estimates Da «d Charles Street CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re hairs freshen and for PHEASANTS, oven packed and frozen 3446 after 7 p.m ready, Phone vacuum Brooklin 655. 5--Farmer's Column TWENTY-FOUR ewes for saie, end of January, Apply Brock Street North or phone 668 86 due to 224 CASH on the spoi. Highest prices. paid dead and- crippled farm stock phone Collect Hampton, COlfax Margwill Fur Farm, T rone. Licence 149. covered like new, Get the best for tess: 11--Articles For Rent a i] t Modern terers Simeoe Free estintate It, rebi recovers 0 Bond W Sales and Service OUTBOARD MOTOR REPATRS AND SERVICE TO ALL MAKES OSHAWA MARINE & SERVICE 1487 SIMCOE ST. 728.0931 N N. Surveyors W othiM AND hoa ' » hor IROLLOPE, Oy per VAN AND and Surve FLEISCHMANN, vor. Commer¢ Ontario Street, 72. Or al bine print 5-532 TV -- Radio Repairs DON'T miss day in the fun the ¢ Read Personals' assified Section day, werk, Television, 723-3043, Ty or 918 |gimeoe North, | Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Punch Bowls Wine tail Roasting Pans Coffee Urns Sargeant's Rentals 725-3338 12--Articles Wanted LEVER action. rifle wanted. Telephone TYPEWRITER WANTED workin « reasonable phone 7 PIANO Cock Glasses d other oid guns in price, Tele wanted nic by tone music Pa ALY e for a good "MO 8-803 ASK for to Buy" to start home fo what you want Classified ads yours working foi SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO with Dial 725-2311---89 BLOOR WANTED SCRAP. IRON, POULT AND "FEATHER TICKS Furs, Deer' Skins, Met |. TURNER 723-2043 -- 723-2281 236, TWO SINGLE LADIES FOR OFFICE WORK Payroll PLEASE WRITE 1425 DANFORTH AVE. TORONTO, ONTARIO HO 1-7545 |20--Room and Board ROOM and board for irl man. Private room, TV Lunches packed. Telephone r gentle: leges 366. Or general office ex- perience desirable, but not essential, Reply stating..age, educational and work exper ience. ROOM and board in clean, quiet home, all conveniences. Gentleman preferred to Telehone 728-4112 BOX 241 OSHAWA TIMES OFFICE CLERK Fully experienced in typing, payroll, and general office admin- istration. 22--Storage Space and Garages VARAGE 'for rent, 148 Brock Street East. Telephone 725-815 50 Lakas building 400 available. Apply corner King and E space in square feet Coffee Shop, OFFIC to 700 Lakas Albert CEMENT BLOCK building jfrontage on Highway 2, repair or body shop. Apply das Street East, Whitby, 668-8606 OFFICE | x 40', for 30° suitable "newly wilt; freshiy paint. AVAILABLE elevator service; bright, led, tiled floor, Can be \few days. Moderate rent, jable. Ask for T. L, {Times Building, Mary parents Oshawa MEDICAL OFFICES For Rent and Accuracy essential, Must be willing to assume re- sponsibility. Apply jn writ- in to-- 'BOX 40 OSHAWA TIMES Central location--completely renovated for, and previously used for a group of.doctors offices--adequate plumbing on 3 floors --- 3 washrooms labs parking $125.00. monthly. Suitable for other types of office use. Will divide. LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 23--Wanted To Rent THREE-BEDROOM preferred. son Road 17--Mole 'Help Wanted | WANTED -- retired bank manager or accountant. Part-time work. Credit cop- trol and accounts receivable, for 'a young, expanding business. Write Box Oshawa Times SALES CAREER ge _ OPPORTUNITY aca Rent 31 TUDOR STREET, AJAX bedroom bungalow, oil heated, Aue te public school and shopping. Available immediately. Telephone Ajax 668-4052 THREE-BEDROOM ranch with attached garage, and Oshawa, Available |15. Telephone 668-527 COURT Street, 289, six-room, two-storey new home. $100 monthly. References required. Telephone 725-8468. Ask for Tony : LAKESHORE year-round cottage, me-bedroom, kitchen and living groom closed verandah, $28 monthly, stop. suit couple, Apply 119 Boulevard North FOUR has shower, good free well water. Hydro |TV antenna, full basement tubs; garage. Land for good $75 monthly, possession Dec Thornton's Road South, "3445, house, bungalow Adelaide Avenue and Steven- area, Required January YOUNG MEN AGED 24 TO 39 style house after January 0 after 5. p.m Gur Canadian Company will have openings in Oshawa and district in early 1963. outa we pun ped in hot water Jaundry garden ember 1 telephone rooms Good . starting commissions. income plus Sales exper- ience helpful but not neces- full ded sory as a training pro- a FARM HOUSE jiving above part and telephone number to BOX 146) OSHAWA TIMES | 668 - 3501 668-5459 rs 1200 Dun-| Telephone in} ail-| The Kine | | | between Whitby - KENNETH STREET, 57 -- Furnished bedroom, very central, opposite North| GM office. Adult home. Breakfast op-! tional. Telephone 723-9195. TWO large clean farabahed housekeep-| ing rooms. Private home, bedroom, kitchen cupboards, sink, erfrigerator. yr x homwaly downtown. Suit two girls, | | ATTRACTIVELY | FURNISHED ROOMS | Available in private home. Call: between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH! PONTIAC INN Rooms, Single and Double, Television. Dining Room, AJAX WH 2-2001 Oshawa's Finest Park Lane Apts. 10 min. from Downtown Spacious grounds Prestige location Attractive two bedroom suites Private balconies Elevator service Controlled entrances Garages Paved Parking Don Howe | Lunches Packed. Daytime 725-7732 | Evenings 723-9692 725-0078 Howe and Peters Realtors 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent | Come and See OSHAWA'S FINEST MOST MODERN APARTMENTS GOVERNOR MANSIONS Furnished Model Suites Open For - Your Inspection | TO- NIGHT Friday, Dec. 14 'til 9 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 15 10.a.m. 'til 9 p.m. SUNDAY BY APPOINTMENT ONLY DON'T MISS SEEING OSHAWA'S FINEST IN APARTMENT LIVING THIS WEEK-END GOVERNOR MANSIONS 110 Park Road North Oshawa SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. exclusive rental agents Telephone 723-2265 Gul REALTY -- REALTORS LOOK. NORTH WEST ONLY $11,700. for this 3 bedroom brick bungalow with large finished recreation room, car- ries for less than $100.00 per month with taxes on 5% N.H.A. Mortgage. BURK STREET, $7,900 for this 4 room 2 bedroom home with very large living room. This home has a new forced air furnace, lovely: lot with full grown apple trees, quiet neighborhood. NEW SPLIT -- Only $15,- 900. for this 3.bedroom clay brick attached garage. Lovely large kitchen, finished patie off dining room, workmanship and quality will be appreci- ated when you see this fine home. Make your appoint. ment to see this one today, V.L.A. MANCHESTER--Nice 4 room frame bungalow. oll nicely kept with all conveni- ences. You should have 4 look at this before yoy buy. Call end ask for full particulars. NORTH EAST INCOME HOME -- First floor apart- ment has kitchen, living room, kitchen' and 3 piece bath, plus two finished rooms in the attic. Perfect for the young couple just starting married life OSHAWA BLVD NORTH -- Two storey 6 room brick home with private drive and gar- age. Good sized well decor- ated rooms, designed for the family who takes pride in their home. Priced for the working man at only $10,- 900 NORTH 'WEST-----4 bedrooms with emphasis on privacy, If your family requirements are plenty of floor space, this convenient living design de- serves careful consideration. The bedroom wing is designed with a large family in mind. Rooms are large, there is a abundance of storage unit and most importani there are two bathrooms. Call us now to inspect this fine home. SOUTH WEST --~ Proud owns ership comes naturally with ao home like this. This med- ium sized" three bedroom home has a feeling of warmth and friendliness so foreign to a big majority of today's modern homes. Has. finished rec room plus fenced yard with patio. Close to schools and bus and priced at only $12,900 For full particulars call Steve Zurba, Roy Yeo, Leon Mani- tius, Charles Rankine, Roy Flintoff, Irene Brown, Phyllis Jubb, "Jean Peacock, Lloyd Corson, Dick Young, Lucas Peacock at 723-1121. Open daily 9 a.m, to 9 p.m ]

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