ATTIC mee 1 é "ach tite: THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 14, 1962 Divorce Bill || Sent Back || On Evidence -- Slaughter Cattle Demand Moderate "58 | sux Sheep and lambs: Goo d|weekend with Mrs, Jo Bain.. Mrs.H. Bennett of Severn TORONTO. (CP)--Prices this 31-34; mediums 26-30; common _|21:25;. boners 15-21. Hogs: Grade A 29.25-31,05; heavy sows 22.75-23.15;. stags fed yearlings 28-30, sales to 31;)handyweight lambs closed at Party Held By Manchester UCW William Martyn, Prince. Al- bert, called on. Mr. fy. Mrs. 47. B. "Munro on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Thompson, Jane, Allan and Susan of Brant- HESTER -- Mrs. Jes-jford visited Mrs. Thompson's Beth, Toronto,.spent last|parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Munro, on Sunday. OTTAWA (CP) -- A divorce, week at the Ontario publicjgood fed yearlings 25 . 27.50; $24.25 a hundredweight with/Bridge was the guest of her ORGANIST. LILA TREDWELL Appearing Nightly GENOSHA HOTEL . bill, up for second reading in|stockyards, as reported by the|good cows 16-17; odd sales tojearly sales to 25; bucks ' 4s-|sister, Mrs. John Stewart, last |} the Commons Thursday was|federal. department of agricul-\18; medium 15-16; common|counted at $1 a hundredweight; week. Mr. Bennett joined sent back to committee after|ture, were uneven on a moder-|1415; canners and cutters/so0d heavy lambs discounted at|them for the weekend. New Democratic Party mem-jate demand for slaughter cat-|11-14; good heavy bologna bulls|s2 a hundredweight; common) The UCW Christmas party bers said the case would notitle. 19-20; few tops to 21; commonjand medium 19-23; good light|was held in the church on De- have passed through any com-| yea} calf and hog prices were|2"d medium light bulls 15-18.50./sheep 8-12; yearlings 12-16;/cember 13. There was an ex- petent court in Canada. lower, while. lambs were steady) Replacement cattlé: Goodjcommon sheep 3-7. change of gifts and a. supper. Arnold Peters (NDP--Timisk-\to lower. lstockers 26-27.50; with good aming) said it was "shocking." Cattle receipts were slightly|stock calves 28-30; odd sales to In a speech, peppered with)more than last week and about|s,. ag interjections, chair rulings and|the same as last year, Western 31; common and medium 18-25. i i : Calves: Choice vealers 35-37; withdrawals, he reviewed the/catle receipts were 266 head as ; ; p evidence presented to the Sen-|compared < 383 last week |°o0 tops. 88 high as 38; good ate divorce committee in-con-|western stock receipts were < AUTO - LIFE - FIRE Madeteine Francoise Naakowsel reg' c7e" % tat week's ot 8 Qe | McMURTRY INSURANCE of Montreal ; pg Slaughter cattle: Choice He said the husband, Jan\steers 28-28.50; odd tops to 29; good heifers EST. 1913 21 King St. W. Paul Hankowski, was born in| good 26-27.50; mediums 23-25; Poland, lived for a time in\common 16-22; Montreal before moving to the}94.25: choice 26.50-27; medium United States and had origi-|19-23.50; common 15-19; . choice nally contested the divorce be- fore withdrawing his objectiviis. Mr. Peters said the with- drawal was sworn to by the! secretary of the lawyer who ' 1 < Saeaee . "™q acted for Mrs. Hankowski. - 'e ae _| Reid Scott, (NDP-Danforth), 723-3722 said such a procedure would never pass any court in Can- | ada and if it arose, likely would be referred to a discipline com- mittee of a provincial bar as- = ~--------sCHRIST'S. BIRTHPLACE Land with members of the ghelation, _, shar Emergency | "wr. Scott also contended tha! orce in gyp 'CP Wirephoto | Mt. Hankowski's Montreal do- *oi National i dae micile did not exist legally, al- --__|though he agreed with Walter r- pki conten), thet - ALL STOR ES s iament can grant divorces for! Mariner II | any reason, Mr. Nesbitt also Near Venus be anyone could apply. = Roman Catholic Chaplain (Capt. J. St. Arnaud of Brooks, 'Alta., and Sgt. Paul Dumas of Toronto and Pembroke, Ont., tead the Latin inscription 'on the star marking the birth- place of Christ. It is a grotto under the Church of the Nativ- ity in Bethlehem. They visit- ed the church during a pre- Gunnar Leads Market Action TORONTO (CP) -- Gunnarj11%, ahead $1.30 from Wednes- - Mining stood head and should-jday's close. © Wonderful Christmas stocking presents-- inexpensive! @ Wonderful to play with indoors or outdoors @ 160 models to choose from, all true to scale @ All-metol--practically indestructible @ Rubber tires on oll models--they're quiet! | ALSO nada | Market action Thursday. |Hughes Gold Mines offered $11] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Ma- Bank Of Canad M Oo N D AY @f the company, Gunnar raced| market action to a 1962 high of equipment, brushes past Venus SSparked by news of a sur-each for 1,300,000 Gunnaririner II, a 447-pound package) 1 through almost 400,000 shares,| lat 3:01 p.m. today, a mere 20,-\ment of Canada deposits in- said that parliamentary divorces) }are not restricted to people inQPEN UNTIL Quebec and Newfoundland and a het "We'd better not publicize that,"' said Mr. Scott, "or we'd For Re ort have thousands more." »~> p P @fs above all others in stock}; A group headed by Teck- prise $14,300,000 bid for control|Shares. Teck - Hughes rose inio¢ measuring devices and radio| Deposits Higher @imbing to a year's peak of| ahead four cents. Wn eOenmnd s | ; .,, (000 miles or so from the planet.| ed $15,989,000 to $35,933,000 vn | Industrials continued to drift,|o;.n1: jcreased $15,989, 0 $39,939, is \finishing fractionally lower on gia pall gag ee coastsiin the week ended Dec. 12, the DIVIDENDS lindex. Abitibi dropped %4, Dom-|12¥© Prepared to eavesdrop on| Rank of Canada reported Thurs- linion Foundries and Steel %, Mariner's 42 minutes of special day in its weekly financial |\Steel Company of Canada % MConsolidated Bakeries Ladq|2%, Bank of Nova Scotia %. | near-Venus reports. statement. jceived by Sam % con Fee 1 ren Power Corporation showed) The coded signals, as re-| Chartered bank deposits 4e- the Jet Propulsion|creased $2,726,000 to $733,885,000 jthe most pronounced strength,|Laboratory's Goldstone, ord Jan. 15, \climbing 2% to a 1962 high of tracking station, will be Calif.,,and notes in circulation _in- Conwest Explorations Co. 78% layed by telephone and ampli-|000. \ DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING ay fy THE --e EVENING MANY THRILLING NEW MODELS re-| creased $25,051,000 to $2,195,813,- Pea a ee ew ete ¥td., common six cents, Feb. 1, record Dec. 31. Crown Cork and Seal Co. Ltd. common 75 cents, Feb. 15, rec- Ord Jan. 15. Crown Trust Company, com- og 2 cents, Jan. 2, record 'Grand and Toy Ltd., common 4# cents, plus five cents extra, Dee. 31, record Dec. 18, International Bronze Powders On index, industrials dipped -41 to 564.74 and golds .06 to 85.50. Base metals advanced .41 to 187.26 and western oils .73 fied over a public address sys- tem at a press conference here. The special data itself will take four weeks or more to an- to 116.32. Volume was 3,192,000|@lyze. It is hoped it will include shares compared with 2,609,000 information on the temperature Wednesday. Among base metals, Interna- tional Nickel rose % and Nor- anda %. Hudson Bay Mining dipped \%. W4a., six per' cent pfd. 37% cents, common 20 cents, Jan. 15, Técord Dec. 27. Consolidated Mining and Smelting, common 40 cents plus extra 20 cents for six months ANCIENT STITCHER of Venus and whether any kind of life form can exist on Ve- nus. After speeding past Venus, the 12-foot-long spacecraft with its 164%4-foot spread of solar panels will-rush on toward the sun. Its radio signals are so VICTORIA (CP) -- A sewingjloud and clear that there nuw machine well over a century cldjis hope that Mariner II may and still capable to stitching ajcontinue relaying information fine seam has been accepted by|part or even all the way to its ending Dec, 31, Jan. 15, record De So a local department store as ajclosest approach to the sun trade-in. Dec. 27 LITZ POULTRY I Ea ar er a a ee te tt tate ee Specializing in cooking Stuffed Turkeys and Chickens at an ad- ditional charge -- Hickory Smoked Turkey and Barbequed Tur- key available if ordered in time -- Special discount price for fac- tory banquets, and bowling halls. Fresh Killed TOM TURKEYS .... HEN TURKEYS .... _55¢ CAPONS ........ 65¢ ROASTING CHICKENS 55° ME 6 ck sc ees 6 60° PRE-DRESSED DUCKS. is, 63° Let It's Red Cap time... i enjoy Ontario's Savoue These prices are quoted New York Dressed Weight on Fresh Killed Turkeys direct from Litz Poultry Plant. Pheasants 1.25 ». OVEN READY "Raised on Litz's own Farm" Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday ) thru Friday. Saturday till 6 p.m. HERE ! POULTRY FARM AND PROCESSING PLANT 117 BLOOR ST. EAST 723-4722