CUESTS OF HCNOR Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zacerowny, Greta street, Osh- awa, were honored on the occasion of their 25th wed- ding anniversary at a_ sur- prize dinner party held at their home by their friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Zacerowny moved to Oshawa from Winnipeg, Manitoba, in 1950, They have one daughter, Olive Marie, During the eve- ning the honored couple were presented with a mantel clock and a wedding cake centred the table. --Oshawa Times Photo THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW This day's influences are ex- cellent for family and social af- fairs, It is also a yood period for encouraging new friendships for outdoor interests and for travel. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday, your horoscope indicates that time and effort expended now will pay off well by the end of 1963, Business affairs should show results by March and there is also a likelihood that the same month will see a definite up- trend in your financial status. Avoid extravagance, however. Make conservatism your policy for the balance of the year. Personal relationships will be under generally good aspects for the next twelve months so that, except for brief periods in August and October, you should find your domestic and social life quite enjoyable. If you are single, there is a strong possibility that new ro- mance or marriage will occur in June or November. Look for some excellent news in late No- vember; a chance to travel in early July. A child born on this day will be kindly, understanding and etidowed with a remarkabie memory. EQUAL PAY Eight provincial laws and a federal law require that women Lyceum Club Reviews The Year Re-Elects President, Officers Mrs. Uriah Jones was re-elect- ed president of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Associa- tion of Oshawa at the annual meeting this week in the audi- torium of the McLaughlin Li- brary. Mrs. R. A. Wallace presided for the election of officers and the slate was presented by Mrs. E, L. Chant. The executive and conveners for 1963 are as follows: Honor- ary president, Mrs. S. D, Rend- all; honorary vice - president, Miss May Dillon; past presi- dent, Mrs. 8. V. Barlow; presi- dent, Mrs. Uriah Jones; vice- presidents, Mrs. R. A. Wallace and Mrs. Lucas Peacock; re- cording secretary, Mrs. Avern Taylor; treasurer, Mrs. H. J. McDiarmid; assistant treasurer, Mrs. R. B. Reed; corresponding secretary Mrs, H. W. Sheridan; archivist, Mrs. Leonard Richer. Conveners of study groups: Art, Mrs. Dorothy Bentley; lit- erary, Mrs. H. G. Willes and Mrs. W. R. Johnson; French, Mrs. E. L. Chant; opera, Mrs. C. D. Wright; membership, Miss Flossie Coyt; program, Mrs. E. C, Hart Jury; music, Mrs. R. H. English. Members representatives: Mrs. W. P. Whittington, Mrs. John Stacey, Mrs. S. C. Larmer, Mrs. R. L. Gray, Mrs. J. Norval) Willson, Mrs. W. J. Salter and) Mrs. E, F. Cuthbertson. A report of the year's meet- ings was given by Mrs. Avern Taylor and the program conven- er, Mrs. E. C. Hart Jury noted| in her report that speakers had covered art, drama, music, lit- erature and dancing during the season, The treasurer's report show- ed that scholarships amounting to $60 had been awarded by the club and that the Agnes Corben Memorial Award had been made to Oshawa Little Theatre. Letters of thanks from award winners were read by the cor-| responding secretary, Mrs. H.| Other reports} were heard from Mrs. H. F. Brown, social convener, and Mrs. Walter Johnson literary co- convener. Mrs. E, L. Chant, speaking in French for the French study group, thanked the directors, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Wallace for their assistance in the W. Sheridan. be paid equal wages with men for equal work. MRS, URIAH JONES (President) Mrs. C. D. Wright reminded members that there would be no meeting of the opera study group in December. During the year the members had stud- ied the books and scores of La Boheme, Madam Butterfly, Dic Walkure and parts of Wagner's Ring Series. In her report the president, Mrs. Uriah Jones pointed out an increase in membership. She paid a tribute to three members who died recently, Mrs. Fred Roberts, Mrs. Cyril Weyrich and Mrs. Frank Gay. She recalled the success of a new venture, the Folk Art Festival, held dur- ing Citizenship Week last May. At the close of the business meeting the members were en- tertained by Mrs, Peter van der Duim and her daughters, Stella and Wilhelmina who performed ritual Indonesian dances in au- thentic costume. The euryth- mic movements, co-ordinated with the 'unfamiliar oriental music created a serene atmos- phere. Mrs. van der Duim of Dutch descent was taught the dance movements and ritual as a girl when her parents were living in Indonesia and now, re- siding in Oshawa, she has in- structed her daughters. The dancers were thanked by Mrs. J.'A. Aldwinckle and after- noon tea brought the annual group's progress. ' meeting to a close. UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES . | BATHE PARK AUX. The monthly meeting of the Bathe Park Ladies Auxiliary was held in the club room oa Tuesday with president, Mrs. William Haight presiding. Deepest sympathy was ex- lpressed for the family of the late Mr. Cyril G. Glecoff. Plans were made to serve re- freshments at the euchre on Sat- urday evening, December 15. Convener for this will be Mrs. Cleve McMann. The first meeting in the New Year will be held on Tuesday, January, 15, at 8 p.m, At the conclusion of the meet- ing, Bingo was played, gifts were distributed and a Christ- mas supper was served by Mrs. William Haight, Mrs. Cleve Mc- Mann, Mrs. Wilfrid Ogden and Mrs, John Fisher. Winner of the lucky cup was Mrs. Leslie Lioyd, and the door prize was won by Mrs. John Laverty. ST. GEORGE'S AFT. WA The business and devotional meeting of St. George's After- jnoon Branch WA was held De- cember 11, with 24 members 'present. The president, Mrs. jJohn Sawyer, .presided. The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. William Collins. Mrs E. A. Seeley gave the treasurer's re- port. Mrs. H. W. Browne read from the Study Book. Mrs luck supper followed, which, was attended by the Reverend and Mrs. F. G. Ongley. Officers for 1968 are: presi- dent, Mrs. Charles Gibbs; vice- president, Mrs. Thomas Keast; recording secretary, Mrs. John Sawyer; treasurer, Mrs. E. A. Seeley; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. C: C. Oke; educa- tional secretary, Mrs. H. W. Brown; social service secretary, Mrs, C. A. Wells; dorcas secre- tary, Mrs. George Puckett; United Thank-Offering secre- tary, Mrs. S. W. Wotton; Liv- ing Message secretary, Mrs. Harry Campbell; card and cal- endar convener, Mrs. A. Seeley; refreshment convener, Mrs. Thomas Murrall; scrip- ture reader, Mrs. William Col- lins and pianist, Mrs. H. W. Browne. 2ND PARENTS COMM. The Christmas meeting of the 2nd Parents Committee was held recently at Guide House with the president, Mrs, C. E. Cornelius, presiding for a brief business meeting. A welcome was extended to Brown Owl, Mrs. A. J. Atkinson and Tawny Owl, Mrs. W. J. Wright, Mrs. Roland Crawford and Mrs. Werry, grandmother of Mrs. Cornelius. Later in the evening, there would no' be a January meeting of the committee. Later, the members watcaed a fashion show which was tne highlight of the evening's et- tertainment. Hat styles were displayed by models Mrs. Wil- liam Arnold, Mrs. Roland Craw- ford, Mrs. C. E. Cornelius and Mrs. Douglas Kirkland. Mrs, Frank Ball acted as com- mentator. The social convener, Mrs. Gordon Barker, had arranged a buffet table, decorated with Christmas trimmings, from which the pot luck refresh- the evening, Christmas gifts were exchanged with Mrs. C. E. Cornelius acting as Santa's helper. 13TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The Lower Hall Street United Church was the scene recently of the Annual Pot Luck Supper of the 13th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary, the ments were served. To conclude} of King) THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, December 14,1962 9 on Mr. Howard Brown to say Grace. Mr. Larry Gauer presided at the piano for the Christmas carol songtime which was led by Mr. Vernon Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith were the recipients of a gift honoring their marriage, ihe presentation being made joint- ly by Mr. Kenneth Suddard of the group committee and Mrs. R. J. Manning of the Mothers' trip taken by some 17 mem- bers of that troop to Bermuda. Mr. Redpath wove a story in word and pictures of a group of young boys entering com- pletely different surroundiags, of the friendliness encountered everywhere, the trials and happy experiences which com- bined to make a memorable trip for leaders and scouts, Mr. Redpath was thanked by Mr. Roy Andrews. Auxiliary, . Christmas remem- brances were also presented to each of the leaders by Mrs. Manning. and Mr. Suddard. Mr. William Redpath of the 8th Oshawa Sea Scout Troop WOMEN INVESTORS é Women constitute 45 per cent of the nearly 3,750,000 smali in- vestors in Britain's free enter- prise industries. was introduced by Mr. Harold Pascoe. Mr. Redpath showed colored slides of the summer WILSON FURNITURE CO. BIG BONUS group committee members and leaders. Table arrange- ments and decorations were arranged by the social conven- ers, Mrs. Roy Pearse and Mrs.| William Marlowe. Mr. Frank Ball, acting as| master of ceremonies called up,| Acting Guide Captain, Mrs. W. E. Gardner and her assist- ants, Lieutenants Donna Kobel- nak and Keitha Mosier were C, C. Oke read the correspond- ence. Mrs. C. A. Wells gave} the report on calls and visits made to sick and shut-ins. Mrs.| '§. W. Wotton read a letter re- ceived froom Miss Mabel Jones.| Cheques will be sent to church) and Strachan House. Attending wardens. Maple Leaf Hospital, on hand to take part in the evening's program. Mrs, Cornelius members for assisting thanked at the the Mother and Daughter banquet.|"* Donations toward the Guide and Brownie Christmas parties |were voted upon and Mrs, ithe Tuck Shop, Hillsdale Manor,|John Calder volunteered to pur- will be Mrs. Wilbert Hall, Mrs.jchase the Christmas remem- C, C. Oke, Mrs. Harry Camp-|brances for the leaders. It was bell and Mrs. Thomas Murral!l.|decided to set a tentative date The Reverend F. G. Ongiey|late in January for the annual attended the meeting and closed with a prayer. A pot mid-winter rummage sa!e and it was also announced 5hat TAILORED ---- A DISTINGUISHED COLOUR THEME IN FINE SUITS Garnett Venetian confirms Its reputation as Canada's best known suit in the quality field. canny Progress Bra Rich . . . elegant « » . distinctive. Once again GARN Satin Including Dover's Famous Fi nd Crorues THIS CHRISTMAS MAKE ONE OF THESE FINE SUITS YOUR OWN CHRISTMAS TREAT EITS fontian tting Service Chateau-Gai offers a Canada's wines of dis LIiMI CANADA'S WINES CANADAS FINEST GIFT WINES Christmas!iThe'time for toasting and occasion for the finest wines. supreme selection of fine wines for the entire Christmas season. This Christmas will be more traditional if you give joie ANd SETVE «5-56 Chateau-Gai, tinction. TED OF DISTINCTION, FOR THAT SPECIAL GIRL! +». Phone 725-0532 and order an exciting quilted housecoot, We will gift-wrap it, and de- liver it to your door, at no extra cost NESBITT'S LADIES' WEAR 3 King St. E. P.S. or drop in to see us, = NE! ye GLIVING ROOM SUITE: SALE NOW ON! 2-PIECE 7 ' for EVERY OCCASION @ WEDDINGS . @ ANNIVERSARIES @ BIRTHDAYS @ SPECIAL OCCASIONS e@ FREE GIFT WRAPPING 126.00 20 CHURCH ST. ' 10 RDS oF osu F OSHAWA 12 SIMCOE ST. S. & OSHAWA | ty RE OPEN TONITE 'TIL 9:00 P.M. SHOP NOW FOR SHOP BIG, BIG VALUES CARPETS RUGS NU-WAY CHRISTMAS ... COME IN TODAY! SPECIALS ! ! SHEEPSKIN Rugs . .. . "19.95 VISCOSE TW Turquoise - Brown - Any size. REG, 5.95. 04555 SALE $Q. YD. REG. 8.95 SALE 99 TRILAN SQ. YD. DECORA REG. 7.99 SQ. YD. Green. Any size. ONLY ... Celestial - Biscuit - Beige - Any size. 7 3-99 $Q. YD. CELLOPHANE WRAPPED VISCOSE TWEED RUBBER BACK RUGS BROWN, GREEN BEIGE, MAHOGANY SIZE 6'x 9' ONLY SIZE 9 x 12' ONLY 9.95 CELLO WRAPPED RUBBER BACKED @ Beige @ Red @ Blue @ COTTON RUGS 7.95 Cinamon 9' x 12' ONLY ....... IDEAL 9.95 CHRISTMAS GIFTS HOOVER VACUUMS 99.95 FILTER SCATTER QUEEN ~~ RUGS 159° af, i" HARDING GIVE HER A GIFT CERTIFICATE A beautiful rug for any room in the house. -WAY RUG CO. _ SALES and SERVICE 174 MARY ST. 728-4681