_--" --_ _ 2 ana e o . on : lace wnt eee. * oe "er st ee ee ee ee ea 4 "euvuvew ev eer erie 0 bh, Pe 2, hrs it, iy Di a ty ci Ai a dS. AN Ii, Bn in, le an is. i it, i 2" I et fia de lg ih, LB, yay, ie Be tly A st Let ya My ly MN, tA, Ay A eg I occ GE wwe vyvoervrunw eevee vy ew ce Sw we we yw wy ]doctor would be more effectiveleral inquiry.on Great Lakes la-|day's testimony--chiefly from than any tranquillizer."* bor troubles. rank - and . file SIU members The senator said that the bill,| So far, eight lawyers have had|praising their union--as a waste which makes sale of thalido-|a public hand in the SIU's case/of time. mide illegal, was only "shaking|before Mr. Justice T. G. Norris'| "We must have some freedom a finger" at pharmaceuticaljone-man' investigation of inter-|in the way we nc: sl our houses, union rivalries that disrupted|case," contended Mr. Eaton. - ' j "Doa't condemn it (thalido-|lake shipping last. summer. "It does not help me one 'pit ; They are more sick in mind|mide) to death," he said. 'It's). Joseph Nuss, a young Mont-|to deluge me with witnesses who would be better off if they|than in body. They have pains/a little pill that can.do no harm|real lawyer, has been the main|say wal are happy," declared Senator Presents Views On Use Of Modern Drugs OTTAWA (CP)--Many men Gota thirst ? Get a CANADIAN your case of MOLSON CANADIAN lager beer today 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 12, 1963 would cry a little. and aches and. muscle spasmsjif it is not misused." SIU spokesman at the 64 ses- A warm flat iron might be|which cannot be cured by corti- sions of the inquiry since hear- SIU Sh fli hinted that time thay be «run- ports continue their struggle|the St. Lawrence to Quebec City|of Halifax handled 2,385,777 tons|from Europe, and the 25,500-ton|taxing fancy tranquillizers. The deb S Rivi 4 ; Jan. : e ate was on the gov- 4 * against the elements for a sharejor Trois-Rivieres, 70 milesjof cargo, an increase of eight|/Empress of England is due Jan.) ang if modern pharmacy pro-lernment's amendments to the Ply aly gone a be imposed on direct evidence : , and cross-examination to expe- 'N.B., will continue to be the/pends, ering -- ice condi-|Saint John was because of lower pees net org in fooed vol-| ronmer New Brunswick minister | main centres of the cold-jtions in Lake St. Peter, a widen-|grain exports. ume of shipping there this win-/o¢ health, Senator Fred A. Mc-|mones and wonder drugs arelits lawyers around as it con-| Th y oe th a : : , A. =| e Vancouver :appeals court|made," said Mr. Justice Norris weather trade. ing in the St. Lawrence between| There were 497 ocean-going|ter. Grand, himself a doctor. making drug firms and not tir tinues its submission to the fed-|judge described much of Tues-'Tuesday.." next spring. ocean-going ships hope to/A bad winter, poor business;/B. D. L. Johnson says the vol-|,); is i i The 'eat - coast rivalry be-|crunch through the thinner ice/good weather, more business. |ume of business so far this year pepper Drak pei pe ye eer pn ee ce pele' hs tween the St. Lawrence and|downriver from Lake St, Peter} D. M. Vye, port manager forjhas been above normal an shows. nuadle spasm with a warm fiat They are bucking, however,| Despite the best efforts to} Among others, eight Canadian|activities only on the basis that what until recent years has|date, however, overseas cargo| Pacific Steamship vessels are to peace will prevail for that sea-|0ld age. : product of the affluent society. been an insurmountable prob- Between 60 and 80 per cent}/Women took it in the early stages of pregnancy to over- L @) i Early St. Lawrence Opening By THE CANADIAN PRESS jopen, supply isolated coastal vil-|calls in Quebec City and Trois-jsenger liners into Saint John|Detter than cortisone to ease a/sone. They have hagge Eo ings began last August. Minted that! tise 'tee The port of Montreal is nop-|lages and for flood control, only|Rivieres, moving @ total of 80,-|this winter. The 25,500-ton Em-|" Women with morning sickness|They are tired not by work, but Now two Ottawa lawyers, gd out for ne he ing for its earliest-ever opening|specially reinforced freighters|000 tons of cargo. -- press of Britain is to arrive! snoyid have a: 10-minute talk|by boredom, which cannot be John Richard and. amis cord the a ot damepely 'next year as St. Lawrence River|have been able to make it up} For the same period, the port|Dec. 17 with Canadian troops!with their doctors instead ofcured by vitamins." I aw ers A oksuene to, be moving up trying to delay the inquiry, he y S i said a time limit may' have. to of Canada's east-coast winter|downstream from Montreal. per cent compared with the pre-|18 before sta rting special] 4 t : : ; P shipping business. Montreal hopes to welcome|vious year, and Saint Johnicruises to the Caribbean: and pci sey Big eerie ge : rye a tat so Genie Probe Goes On Mr. Nuss sitting quietly on thélaite his hearin But despite the optimism onjits first ship about March 1,/1,698,000 tons, a drop of 21 per|South America from New York.) +0; » : al --" dean heat idence! sidelines. . Today hha ae 'sii 'i the St. Lawrence, the Maritime two weeks earlier than the pre-|cent from the previous season. scorer port Rpm ign 'That advice was presented to Seed eine i mo OTTAWA (CP)--The Scatare| Me. Justloe Norris. Jold: the Ph nna Bonggh eae! 20 pH ports of Halifax and Saint John,|vious record. Everything de-| More than half the drop at|Mitchell says he expects "nojine Sonate Tuesday night by a G 'lers' International Union of Can-new lawyers Tuesday. 10 getlday in the presentation of the antibiotics, vitamins, sex hor-| ada (Ind.) seems to be shuffling, down to the main issues. submission which the SIU has On the balmier west coast,|Montreal and Trois-Rivieres. vessels handled at Halifax and) Most winter shipping in Hal-| qo many people seek wonder|Practising physicians the rea Vancouver port officials are} The St. Lawrence current}/261 at Saint John. ifax is cargo vessels, although|dmios to cure minor aches,|sources of medical advice. hoping that a general increase|slows there, letting thick ice) Forecasts for this winter vary.jsome passenger liners make pains and mental upsets hel "Man would be better: to ery in shipping business throughout build up during the winter. _ St. Lawrence port officials say|regular stops there. said, Many people think 'they more and give vent to emotions this year can be maintained into| Starting about Jan. 1, sevenjit all depends on the weather.) In Vancouver, port manager|s.6 j}) when they equate their| "when granddad had lum- Maritime ports for winter trade|on regular runs to Quebec City|the National Harbors Board in|should continue that way "for é I , : is increasing, with the riverjand Trois-Rivieres. Saint John, says shipping totals|some months to come." The Liberal pores rg i ogo iaag » the ---- ports making new pitches again| If conditions permit, three|in October were '"'most encoura| "With the very tense world|¢xPressed the view that if ve ing stile ig Te conto neg this season to.try to win more|will be moving regularly tojing and we hope the trend will/situation it is possible to make human body is properly RRPEe GD COPIES MLNS fy" Asi trade. Montreal in March. continue." a forecast for the winter port|for in old-fashioned ways there) Senator.McGrand said that is no reason for death except/thalidomide was just such a tonnages moved through St.jmake 17 scheduled calls there,|son. 1 lem--ice. Lawrence ports in winter re-jincluding the new 6,000 - ton| On that assumption, however,|of people who consult physi- I [ Even in recent years, with|main small. freighters Beaverpine and Bea-|Vancouver's shipping, up by|cians do not have definite phys-|come morning sickness, a ror- federal ice-bréeakers patrolling) From January to March last|verelm, five per cent in 1962 comparedlical diseases but merely com-|mal ailment, and "'a 10-minute the river to keep ferry lan2siwinter, 10 ships made only 16| CPS also is sending two pas-!with 1961 should.remain better. plaints, he said. reassuring talk with the family Your Christmas feast is one meal in the year when you want to give your family the absolute best in eating enjoyment. Thous- ands of women who know, depend on Dominion for the kind of plump, full-breasted Turkeys that are guaranteed to give them the best in eating enjoyment. You see, like the top quality meats they regularly buy... Dominion buyers select only the best of the flock... Turkeys that are carefully bred on wheat and other Canadian grains, scientifically blended to produce plump extra meaty charac- teristics. They're all Grade "A", of course... ready to stuff and pop in the oven. Avoid disappointment... treat your family to the tender meaty Best, by reserving your Christmas Turkey this week, at Dominion! yy ooley Hovour eo Tenderness : HN Reserve Your Christmas Turkey Now At Dominion! ty Guaranteed ie i ROOK MAME BACK? VA A MAPLE LEAF T.V. TOPSY LEAVER KENT BRANDS Le Ay 51 GRADE "A" OVEN-READY PRE-DRESSED Sr al: YOUNG TOMS *AQ: 20 TO 24-LB. Cc vu. 49 Special ! 89° Nae 2 pie ,& Direct from New Zealand's lush green postures ! CHOICE--FULL CUT LAMB LEGS A THREE MEAL VARIETY--ROASTS, CHOPS and STEW Lamb In A Basket CHOICE--MEATY--WELL-TRIMMED--RIB LOIN LAMB CHOPS GOLDEN DEW -- REGULAR MARGARINE ROSE SWEET Special ! MIXED PICKLES 29° ONLY AT DOMINION--Domino Dry GINGER ALE 7 =: 1.00 30c OFF--DETERGENT Special ! KING SIZETIDE 1.19 YOUNG HEN 10 TO 16-LB. Special " 85° | eS, | Special! | 29° MIR Liquid Detergent STOKELY -- FANCY TOMATO JUICE Oakleaf Choice -- Halves DESSERT PEARS 4 * 1.00 GREEN GIANT--FANCY Special ! CREAM CORN §3°:: 49° Seueal ! 3 'tm 49° Special ! 'er 1.05 ONLY AT DOMINION--Richmello mm i-lb sliced.... 65¢ {-lb piece..... 69c 2-lb piece..... 1.35 APPLE---GRAPE---ORANGE 3-Ib piece..... 1.99 ALLENS DRINKS GREEN GIANT---UNGRADED FANCY PEAS NESCAFE Instant Coffee 24-0z, Cont's 15-Oz. Tins 1-Lb. Pkgs. 2 48-0z. Tin 16-Oz, Jar 28-0Z. TINS 30-0Z. BOTTLES 4-lb piece..... 2.65 Special ! 29° 48-0x. Tin 15-Oz, Tins ALL PURPOSE COFFEE 1-Lb Special ! RICHMELLO Special ! 16-Oz. DOLE--FANCY Special! 20-0z. Jor Tins Chase and Sanborne =» G9* SALAD DRESSING *-" 29° Fruit Cocktail 1.00 IEF SOS I ES SDR IBD S'S | CALIFORNIA -- NO. 1 RED : eg B C S Beaver Chocolates EMPEROR ihe 59 iy aap ES Brazil Nuts 49« JUST ARRIVED FROM JAPAN--SWEET AND JUICY meee Tee Tale---Amerved EASY-TO-PEEL -- ZIPPER SKINNED--KIDDIES LOVE 'EM Large Size Diamond Walnuts Beaver 16-Oz. Pkg. 2Y, by 1.59 ms, 256 13-0z, 35° Pkg. | 35¢ T-Lb. Bag ( \ ¢ 4y MANDARIN dooce: == 2.19 SOMINION VALUES EFFECTIVE AT YOUR DOMINION STORE IN OSHAWA AND WHITBY UNTIL 6 P.M. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15th, 1962 F reich Creams Dare's Hard Satin Mix 1-Lb, Bag 16-Oz. Pkgg. EVERYTHING GUARANTEED Candy Canes Chocolates 2% \%, 1.49 MOLSON'S INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE WOODEN BOX