-- Ee ee eee : 3 : eee ene we OOTP CK CAV ECTS ew a . _-- sete F ; se a "pai re eee tare ewer Tyee ie a ks ek ee ak Oe Be, ee A a a ak cll a Sa Ll al it a a hd ' A e969 i a, ae « er Ee ee Sr SO Fes oF eee es advantage of federal govern- their former favorable position, ment policies aimed at stimu- jtween $300 and $1,000 fn fees.| "when the world clamored for 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, December 12, 1963 C abinet Bid Antarctica To Break Up \There are '30 to 40°' members) in Victoria. | So far the club has no facil- ities. "We have been having social Dief Rejects Bid Hees Warning Canada About our resources." "Other sources of materials, competitive with our owa, are being. and will- continue to be developed." lating Canadian production and encouraging businessmen to sell in new markets. "One area... where in- creased emphasis is being On South Africa z OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Minis- functions like bowling and bad- |minton at commercial places, h but I think I'll stop that now," \said Mr, Johnston, | He said he wanted to con- jcentrate on raising money for jrecreational buildings. placed is the promotion of li- censing or manufacturing ar- rangements with foreign com- panies," The text of Mr. Hees' address was released to the press 13 ad- vance of delivery. Frozen Waste BC.Club loss of life, before we can even|Columbia cabinet heard a bid make up an intelligent list of)Tuesday to break up a company what we don't know. In s.anyjoperating a bachelors club in cases we don't even know|Vancouver and Victoria. : enough to ask questions. The companies' office wants} A Vancouver better business The book also contains fascin-|to strike off its register Dolphin bureau spokesman estimated ating stories about the men who|Recreations Limited, promoting|(e sche or a ae Mr. Hees said Canada must be prepared to protect and ex- pand its export markets "by broadening our commodity base."' "This can be done by search- ing for new lines of production in all sectors of our manufac- turing and processing indus- tries." Other changes are taking place in conditions affecting world trade, Mr. Hees said, changes which appear to signa] a move toward lower world tariffs--thus stiffening competi- tion for Canada. He urged businessmen to take Compl One section of the resolution) 0 Pp acency ter Diefenbaker rejected Tues-|asked UN member countries to) HAMLITON (CP)--With all day a proposal in a United Na-|boycott South African goods|signs indicating sharply _ in- tions resolution calling for trade|and refrain from exporting to\creasing competition, Cazadian sanctions against South Africa.|that country. industry must not become com- "Sanctions have not been ef-| "Such action will not be taken|Placent about its performance fective at any time," he said|py this government," the prime)!" world markets, Trade Min- in the Commons, adding that! minister said. ister Hees said today. such action would deny Cana-- Canadians had dealt with| Addressing the Ontario re- pioneered the way to the farja fund drive to build posh clubs) ; dians an annual export market|couth Africa "'on the friendliest/2/0"4! industrial expansion con- South -- Shackleton, Scoti, for young men and women. _ |Promissory notes. lof $40,000,000 or $50,000,000 'terme? ioe: many 'years "*"iference, Mr. Hees said that al- Amunsden, Byrd, and others. | Almo Johnston of Vancouver, The companies' office is argu-, He was replying to a question - tesla d |though businessmen have beer The book also stresses. that\a former cemetery plot sales-|ing that Mr. Johnston's com-jby David Lewis (NDP--York| |somewhat successful in seek'ng man will one day get food,|man, who is president of the|pany is selling shares while it/South), who referred to the; new product markets, more water and living space from his|company, went to the cabinet has no assets. resolution adopted recently by, Anne Hebert received the|needs to be done. wasteland. Sixty years ago it/hearing. Mr. Johnston said he hasthe UN General Assembly in/Governor-General's Award for Natural resources industries-- was thought that no man could! He said the Dolphins have 300 started similar clubs in Sas-|protest against South Africa's|French poetry for her beok|!ong the foundation of the Cana- '*Poemes"' in 1960. dian economy -- were not in The Antarctic is the coldest, Windiest, and highest continent on this planet. It is the fifth . largest continent, and the aver- age altitude is close to 7,000 feet. Most of it is totally. un- explored. It is colder than x thought' it could be -- the *r temper- ature approaches the temper- ature of dry ice. It is windier than Florida's worst hurricane, and it carries snow and ice over most of its nearly 6,000,000 square miles, deeper than any- NO HALFPENNIES LONDON (CP) -- No halfpen- nies were minted last year for the first time since 1860. The Royal Mint's annual report says it is fairly certain the coin is hearing its end. Farthings, worth a quarter of a penny, bg taken out of circulation in POETRY PRIZE where else on earth. Snow and ice at the South Pole is two miles deep. All of this preamble is to be found in a new book on the sub- ject, "Antartica -- d Of Frozen Time" (Ambassa- dor Books Ltd.) by Roger A. Caras, a member of the Ex- plorers Club in New York City and an executive with Columbia Pictures Corporation. Says Mr. Caras in his opening chapter: "It is now believed that between 90 and 95 per cent of all the ice in the world lies on the frozen pack of the Ant- arctic. That means that all the ice and snow in Greenland, Switzerland, Canada, Siberia, in the area of the North Pole, and all the snow that falls on Maine, North Dakota, Wyoming, and all the rest of the world amount to less than 10 per cent of the total. The Antarctic has, at the very least, nine times as much snow and ice as the rest of the world lumped together. The water locked up in the glaciers of the Antarctic is greater in quantity than that contained in ull the rivers and lakes of the world." If that snow and ice ever melt, says Mr, Caras, the oceans of the world will sise 200 feet, drown every coastline and wipe out every port, harbor, bay and coastal city on earth. He says that the Antarctica fs the. most perplexing, confus- lapartheid racial policy. ing and confounding 'maybe continent". We don't know how long she has been where she js or what she is. We don't know) what her. role has been in the distribution of the world's plants) and animals, and we don't know) what her resources are. There} will be several more decades of hard, gruesome labor, under ex- treme hardship, with attendant Quick Action Save Serious Facial Injury NEW YORK (AP)--A rejected girl friend threw lye into the face of a bus driver Tuesday, police said, but quick action by a fire chief who washed the vic- tim's face with holy water from a nearby church may have pre- vented permanent injury. The driver, Bernard'Frize, 29, suffered burns that Bellevue Hospital doctors described as "severe." They said it would be} f two weeks before it would be é determined whether his left eye was permanently damaged. The woman, Natalie Weprin,| 22, was arrested at her home| and charged with felonious as-| sault. Police said some 2f the lye had splashed on her own hands and that she had obtained treatment at another hospital before going home. Frize was trying to break off a romance with the woman and had even sought advice of the district attorney's office, police said Police said Frize and the woman were the only people on the parked bus. Witnesses said the woman waved her hands several times after what ap- peared. to be a loud argument. Suddenly, Frize burst scream- ing from the bus. At that ma- 'ment, fireman Perry Peterson| emerged from a hotel across| the street and heard Frize) scream. | He seized the man's arms) and. ran with him to St. Francis} é6f Assisiz Church where he} washed Frize's-face with holy| water, police said. | Kennedy-To-K | Telephone Line Considered WASHINGTON (CP)--Russia and the United States are con- sidering, in an informal way, the possibility of establishing a} two-way direct telephone line between President Kennedy and Soviet Premeir Khrushchev, it was learned Tuesday. An informant said this ques- tion is being examined in the) light of poor Moscow-Washing- tén communications during the) Cuban crisis, It took about six) hours to get a White House tel-) egram delivered to the Kremlin --not including time for transla- tions. However, there are some mis- givings in U.S. quarters that a direct telephone line could prove disastrous in some. in- stances, particularly if person- alities and tempers become in- volved in the threat of a nuclear duel. In contrast to the relatively slow .communications between the two antagonists involved in| the Cuban showdown, Kennedy kept up an almost daily con- versation with Prime Minister Macmillan as events unfolded. Kennedy and Macmillan are connected by a direct telephone line protected so that the con- versation appears scrambled or unintelligible to those who may tam tha Une Saaaiameennal --_-- gine o ever walk at the South Pole..members who have paid be-|katchewan and Manitoba. 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