Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Dec 1962, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT | es THOUSANDS GREET SANTA SATURDAY Thousands lined Whitby's main streets Saturday after- noon as colorful floats, clowns, bands and excited children were on hand to greet the grand old gentl>- man from the north -- Santa Claus. Santa would feel right at home in Whitby Saturday afternoon as chill winds blew during the hour his parade took to pass and snow threat- ened all day long. No one really thinks of him as being parade had reason to believe otherwise, as the centre photo Thieves Ransack Whitby Apartment WHITBY (Staff) -- Paul Ros- seau, 105 Craydon road, report- ed Friday night to Whitby de- tachment OPP that goods valued at $290 had been stolen from his apartment. He said the thief or thieves must have entered sometime between Thursday afternoon and Friday evening. Sergeant Gerald Robinson said no means of entry could be determined. The stolen items incSded. a 35 mm camera, a three-speed record player aid a movie projector. diamond ring may also have been taken. CWL Bazaar Big Success All Saints Anglican Church Evening Guild held its bi-month ly meeting at the church hall in the form of a pot luck sup- indicates. With the 'real' Santa is a miniature of the | Claus family. Four-year-old | Randy Lee, of Whitby, was | judged winner of the pa- rade's costume contest. In the lower photo, he its seen astride the bicycle awarded to the youngster judged to be wearing the best costume. --Oshawa Times Photos per, Monday. The meeting opened with prayer by the president, Mrs. Gouldburn, who welcomed I. jthe guest speaker, Mrs. Walter Branch, of Oshawa, who was introduced by Mrs, Jack Wil- son. Mrs. Branch, with her usual jeloquence, spoke of her recent trip to Russia and once more illustrated the ways of living in Mr. Rosseau said his with y | OUSTS VETERAN POLITICIAN the reeve-elect said Sunday he estimated there was a 30 per cent increase in the number} | who turned out at the polls) i z veteran muni-|over last year's vote. 8 ST eaiciah, Reeve W.| He said there was a 75 per} Heber Down, of Whitby Town-\cent increase in the number of | ship, as he suffered defeai at|voters who turned' out in the} the hands of John G. Goodwin,|south-east area this year, | former township deputy-reeve,, Until nomination night, it was making a comeback to the poli- rumored Mr. Goodwin would tical arena, challenge Mrs. Lovelock andj The successful 30-year-old fa-|that rumor still persisted until ther of three, who works as & within 15 minutes of when the tool and die. maker at General candidates nominated for more Motors of Canada Limited,|/than one office had to declare was making his second attempt themselves for which . office for the top township office. they would accept the nomina- He polled 964 votes as com- tion and resign the other nomi pared to 738 collected by the in- nations. cumbent reeve, a 226-vote ma-| Only when Mr, Dryden de jority. Mr. Goodwin will take|clared himself a candidate for his seat at the head of the Brook-|the deputy-reeveship did Mr lin council table Jan. 1. Goodwin decide to oppose the Mrs. Myrtle Lovelock, incum- incumbent Mr. Down. bent deputy-reeve, who ousted The reeve-elect had been the reeve-elect from office by ajnominated to stand for reeve, slim 90-vote majority !ast year,|deputy-reeve and councillor. He bowed to incumbent Councillor|said before nomination night he John Dryden as she made ajdid not feel he wanted io "take determined bid for a second|a backward step and run for term of office. councillor, He added he want Deputy - reeve . elect Dryden ed to "give Mrs. Lovelock a jwas perhaps the 1962 council's shot,' but would wait 10 find out most influential critic and the| What the incumbent intended do member.of council who for the 18. | past two years has on more; He said Sunday he felt las occasions than one, fought a year's defeat was the turning |lone battle. point in his political career. A newcomer to the municipal/Since that defeat, Mr. Goodwin | arena, Fred Sturch, polled the said, he has gained much ex- highest vote of any of the cand!-;perience in dealing with the jdates running to claim the first| general public and has straigh lof the three council seats to be/tened up many things in his filled. own mind. Mr. Sturch polled 1,012 votes.' "After my defeat last Incumbent Councillor Frank I have come to realize Thompson polled a 916 total/ideas must be tempered wit) jvote to reclaim his seat and in-) public opinion. Even though: I jcumbent Councillor Donald) did not win last year, I gain |Roberts collected 869 votes t0/ed more experience 'in asses: jsit another term as a member|ing public Opinion than I ev jof council. Dropped from the|did as a member of council. {running was Sydney WLockyer|Mr. Goodwin said. who collected 869 votes. DECORATING Reeve-elect Goodwin, who For FREE Advice and Color By RAE HOPKINS Times Whitby Manager A colorful 24-year political ca- reer ended, at least tempurar- year, my makes his home at 16 Parkview! |boulevard, in the south-west }end of the township, began his |political career in 1958, when {he was elected councillor. He suffered his first defeat the following year, when he ran for reeve against William Her- ron, at that time incumbent reeve, The following year, Mr. Good- win was building his home and did not allow his name to ap- pear on the ballot. In 1961, he was elected deputy-reeve, win- ning a four-way race to gain his seat. During the election to seat a 1962 council, Mr. Goodwin lost his seat to Mrs: Lovelock and this year has upset the man,|-- Schemes in your Home or in our Modern Store. Cell... For Day or Evening Appointments DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron St. S., Whitby "Days PH. 668-5862 Evenings PH, 668-5066 Your Friendly C-I-L Deoler John G. Goodwin Is New Township Reeve ship volunteer fire brigade's THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, December 10, 1962 § monthly meeting Sunday after. noon to seek a leave of ab. sence because he feels his township administration respon- sibilities will prohibit him do- ing justice to his responsibility as a freman. Mr, Goodwin has two daugh- ters, Carol Ann, who is cele- brating her seventh birthday to- day and Janice, aged three months and a son Scott, aged Tokyo. HAVE SEPARATE TEAMS | LAUSANNE, Switzerland) (AP)--The International Olym- pic Committee said Saturday the national committees from East and West Germany will enter separate teams under one flag for the 1964 Games in) Something Different CHRISTMAS CARDS of familiar He said he was "very dleas-| four years. ed" with the result of the| che election results in. all pest ARTIFICIAL SKY tions. The reeve-elect said he| Architects in Britain use an Whitby Landmarks Studio of "The Seven Seas" Have your furnace cleaned free and guorantéed trouble-free all winter, if you purchase ite Rose" unified fuel oil from Western felt all members-elect are "good artificial sky reproducing vari- council material. ations in daylight conditions to! He attended the Whitby Town-'help design and site windows.| 216 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY Oil. Co, (Between Dunlop And Colberne) DIAL 725-1212 = YOUR... PANTS - SLACKS - SKIRTS Cleaned FREE with a minimum of $3.00 worth of cleaning FREE Pick-Up & Delivery in . Oshawa, Whitby and Surrounding Arees PH. 668-2582 for @ driver te call DANDY CLEANERS Blair Park Plaze-Whitby PORT WHITBY TEXACO Pete Hubers, Prop. FREE PICK-UP & DELIVERY General Repairs Dunlop Tires 668-3471 100 VICTORIA W. (at Brock) METRO> | MERCU FISH and CHIPS and GRILL WE FRY HALIBUT ONLY TABLE SERVICE TAKE-OUT ORDERS FREE PARKING SPACE Try us once and You will be pleased Open 11 a.m, to 7 p.m. BLAIR PARK PLAZA Dundas & Lupin Dr. Whitby RY AUTO BODY COLLISION-CUSTOM BODY WORK -- MODERN EQUIPMENT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ' COURTESY & SERVICE 324 ASH ST, PH. 668-8522 24-HR. ROAD SERVICE CLIP W. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Funeral & Ambulance Service You don't have to ploy a sport to be a good sport 110 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-3410 SPORT This Programme Presented By The Local Business Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE! CALENDAR -- of -- Weekly Events! GOOD SPORTS Support home town sports. HOME TOWN SPORTS Support the local suppliers of FUELS and BUILDING SUPPLIES 24 Hr. Burner Service SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 BROCK ST. S, DIAL 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT. EVE HOCKEY Meet At The SPRUGE VILLA HOTEL ofter the gome WHERE ALL GOOD SPORTS COME Excellent Facilities For BANQUETS, MEETINGS, PARTIES, ETC. 668-3386 WHITBY Tuesdey, Dec. 11, at 8:30 p.m. ot Whitby Areno WHITBY JUVENILE LEAGUE Thursday, Dec. 13, at 8:30 p.m. Juveniles at Whitby Arene, WHITBY MERCANTILE LEAGUE eco at Whitby Arena, FIGURE SKATING Saturdoy, Dec, 15, 10:30 a.m. EURLING | who until the polls closed Sat-| urday night, was favored in! many areas of the township, to! gain an easy victory. Although official percentage , figures are not yet avai'abie,| 10.H.A. Metro Junior "A" HOCKEY | Whitby Girl Weds Omemee Man Johanna Annie Kalisvaart, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.| Martin Kalisvaart, Whitby, was} united in marriage to Charles) Burghgraef, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Burghgraef, Omemee. The ceremony took place in Hebron Christian Reformed Church With Rev. Joha Van. Harmelen ARLBOROS vs WHITBY DUNLOPS Tuesday, Dec. 11th 8:30 P.M. Whitby Community Arena Adults $1.00 Children 256 Students with cards 50c nylon lace, on Princess lines| with long lily point sleeves. A! crown of sequins and pearis held her waistline illusion veil She carried a bouquet of red carnations, Miss Nellie Burgh- ef, sister of the bridegroom. om, was bridesmaid, Broth- er of the bride, Eric Kalis- |gra gro d Dec. 10 ---- Men's Cl Draws at 7 and 9 p.m. Tuesday, Dec, 11 -- Men's C Draws at 7 and 9 p.m. STAFFORD Brothers Lid. Monuments .s « OF Distinction 668-3552 Whitby Draws at 7 and 9 p:m. Thursday, Dec. 13 -- Men's C Draws at 7 and 9 p.m. Friday, Dec. Draws at 7 ond 9 p.m Sundoy, Dec. 16 -- Mixed Curli Draws oat 3 and 8 p.m. SKATING Friday, Dee, 14, 8:30 to 10:30 p. THIS WEEK'S SPORTS METROPOLITAN JR. "A" LEAGUE Sunday, Dec. 16, ot 12 noon -- Fleming's Shell Vs Arena Sune At 2 p.m., -- Durno's vs Ottenbrite's Men's Weor, Figure Skating Club ot Whitby Arena, Wednesday, Dee. 12 -- Mixed Curling. George Anderson Trophy. 14 -- Men's Club Play, Harry Donald Trophy. Wednesday, Dec. 12, 8 to 10 p.m. -- adults only, Whtby Arena. Saturday, Dec. 5, 2 to 4 p.m. -- Children 14 years under. See RAMBLER '63 ABNER'S © ESSO STATION 1003 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY 668-5391 Good Used Ramblers Finest Esso Products NTS -- Marlbores vs Whitby Dunlops -- Cobourg. Juveniles vs Whitby te 2 p.m, -- Whitby Rotary Towing & Mechanical Service Two Qualified Mechanies ub Play. Harry Donald Trophy, ROSSEAU UPHOLSTERY Furniture and Furnishings Our focation et 216 MARY ST. EAST 1 block North of Post Office in Whitby lub play. Harry Donald Trophy. lub play. Harry Donald Trophy. ng for George Anderson Trophy. Is Most Convenient For Your Buying Needs of Quality Goods ot Prices That Save! 668-3483 ym. = Adults and children. GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE Authorized Fina Centre Dealer HOOKER & Tune-ups. Licensed Mechanic Tires and Batteries & Accessories PICK-UP & DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY BROOKLIN No. 7 Highway, 3 miles West of Brooklin General Motors Dealer For CHEVROLET--OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS CORVAIR SONS LTD. George H. Harding Construction Co. Led, General Contractors . And Builders 411 Fairview Drive, Whitby 668-3566 655-4811 TRENCHING AND COMPLETE vaart, acted as best man. sara SEPTIC TANK SERVICE The wedding reception was jheld in the church hall, Upon returning from thelr wedding trip to points north, Mr. and Mrs. Burghgraef estab- llished residence in Peter-| borough. | speaker. Mrs. Gouldburn pre-| jseated Mrs. Branch with a bou-| quet of flowers, | A short business meeting fol- 'lowed when all reports were jread and approved. Plans will |be made at the next meeting, | |Monday, Jan. 7, for the annual "Games Night" to be held. | They're blended by Captain Morgan from a father, but spectators at the by Gordon Mitchell the USSR. |Monday, January 21. Members| Mrs. Charles Rycroft, on be-|please note there will be no| half of the group, thanked the|other meeting in December.' | VOTE and RE-ELECT William S. GORDON COUNCILLOR East Whitby Township @ 3 years on council @ 2 years County Health Representative the largest stocks of ram in the world, ae TORONTO LOSES AGAIN | 104-57 triumph over the touring) see, org Rent ON TT | University of Toronto basketball | mer an ei } A rked an early burst that put team. It was the fourth loss in Kew York University ahead to stay Saturday night in an easy spire TER RR - BROCK Evening Shows Start 7 p.m. and 9 WHITBY Feature Starts at 7:15 and 9:35 Irwin Shaw's shocking imimate view of Rome's international film set. The world sees only the glamor, This is the drama behind it} las many tries for Toronto on |the current U.S. tour. WHITE LABEL § = BLACK LABEL § GOLD LABEL DE LUXE CAPTAIN MORGAN RUM DISTILLERS LIMITED-e SUPPLIERS TO THE ROYAL CANADIAN NAVY @ 1 Year Planning Board Kirk Douglas "UA/RE0

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