Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Dec 1962, p. 18

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i Mondey, © 2--A 32 Mr. Wintermeyer protested Ste: ' Fay sane eo sein : ee furni-|GAS Ant thon For Seo -- war- M ' t Ins ection Act that "we have no assurance Sailor Hits Mate, sere oe anythin Se ihe city ranty, Telephone Bowmanville 623-3856. ed p that a budget will be brought Draws Jail Term BIRTHS CLASSIFIED South and 31 Bond street East. /2-1071,|HOT water tank, electric with auto down before this session pro- ee yee ST. CATHARINES (CP) -- matic 4 ° 2 BUILDER'S wheel-barrow, $20; 32 ft.|phone Hampton 263-2520, & e@ -- Mike ADVERTI IN extension ladder, woode! root TI mie: the H some neigh lg Pood S G pense, '$83 skill. saw, rin bode f tent, sprigenad Playens ene rere Avie, Gi en First e '@ | in a ig gpsmishtocy high pg Leste sik: eee are Ge : Y - ' $40; gas camp stove, $10, 6 ft. wide phon $361. After V pnb inst ° - rine F 6 Wbs.. 7 603. on Saturday, December &.| -- (Continued frota Page 17) _| venetian blind, $5. Telephone 723-4773. a ON bea Scat Wengtn ae sented prior to the Christmas sky 1 yeuts: ses, Wastes i. » .Dr. 4 » with . _Exeeilent condition, Best offer. " a 5 Kowaisky, snd all dh floor stat." 139 Articles For Sole Suachmecia sod soed-in, #18, Telephone| veiephone Fa5 3104 TORONTO (CP) -- Premier The session likely would re-| Agriculture Minister Stewart|recess "will not be at taieh Minka Your Wier ce ees dd tus Glee GRA aad PRET hoestacodd LADY'S white skates, size 4. Used parts|Robarts has indicated that On-|sume in late January or early|said at first reading of the bill/partments." He mentioned that a Cape Breton sailor charged Sia)" are pleased, to announce 'the| evod $15. 7 728-4423. |LIONEL electric freight train net, en-|for 1951 Chevrolet. Cheap for qulck/+ 4719's legislature members will|February, he said, that it would require inspection|they would probably be of his Gtovin pl ie |g eae tender « coc uncoup-|sale. Telephone 725-5268, ; with assault causing bodily Set oo incense, Deouster X: GUNS old antique) wanted. Telephone |x)' sranstormer, 178 watts, Apply 1038) praNO for sale, upright, 52 Inches hugh, NOt likely have a leisurely week} The premier's @alculations|of all animals before slaughter, - ress _the lieutenant. "eon : " fi a Hortop Street. 7 Re: venue, A A . ° » bony at ke to Dr. King, Bro ud NEW | AND USED pinto excl nae, SRT aa: Sucpbone a6 1307, - ~ on to do their Christmas Hee cocker regi g Mago - pried pty Preeeoiga hl -- institutions and "perhaps the| He sentenced J. Roy ¥ . a are Mr, rs. lection. : grown, lovely shaped. D Gtr ° "|mines department." att lee Cee vce Dees bee Seen alt Se, pm daly 14 hutsea| oa tost And -- The premier told the House|ment were "laying ta rest com-|spected meat. The Liberal leader protested why days in jail and fined him KORCHYNSKI -- Michael and Eliza-|FILTER QUEEN Sales and_ Service.|Road South, 725-3445. CHEST of drawers, lost Satiiday, De-|Friday that it probably would| pletely the possibility of a snap} The act would provide for alto Speaker William Murdoch: . prs Liberal {aden allowahte. | Bree Ge. NORGE refrigerator, 8 eu. @.. in good feoon Slavenson and emervilies Tes. |Sit 1 Dec. 19 or 20 to get|otection." fine of from $500 to $2,000 for| "He has avoided my ques Young assaulted Leslie. Dawe RECONDITIONED Elna open arm|ecatate of Oshawa Aj 78 Simeoe | Phone. 728-5645._ o rit peaisixe business a8) yr. Robarts did: not reply. anyone convicted of a breach|tion." of Toronto's suburban Scarbor- . stress reverse stitch|Street North, Oshawa. LOST -- Man's Chevron wrist -watch,|posSible' out of the way before % ' hy lati + . h, mate of the R. O. Pet- Pabinety Oshawa' Sewing Centre, $29) po Bieciric,| friday, December 7, vicinity | Regent/the Christmas-New Year recess.|7Q INSPECT MEAT of the regulations. T have avoided it: because 1)0U8®, sind Peggy | (nee|Simooe Street South, 728-2391. ("lan white, in good shape, $29, sacvitice Bape gon deur ge re oa ons He said the session, which| 'Th S batrluoed Despite objections from Lib-|don't intend to answer it," the/man, after Dawe had caught Errival of God's Git of a gon. David |PHILCO 21" television, gvod cbadition, in blues Mea Hatin One 723-4506. pened Nov. 26, had begun a e government introduced' al Leader John Wintermeyer,|Premier replied. Young drinking beer in his * William, 8 Ibs. 9 ozs., D 190g Sees Snieh BT ree rec: |TYPEWRITER, cash register, adding|WOULD the person who took the|week later than normal thig/@70ther promised bill Frid2y--|the government announced that| Mr. Robarts told the House|cabin, Noy. 26. Dawe had or- py maa Thanks to Dr. Raper and| cea aes pire) Hike' new, #953|machine, cheque writer scale, Rem: eek ue tee fue, is ee year, and to prorogue by the|/@ Proposed act for provinciallit will again present some de-|that it was his intention to bring dered Young on deck to help - fhe purses on 4E. baby carriage, excellent condition, $15. fagton b ovoalator. A snap tov quick sale, | oo? Mtay, December 1, OCV1, please| traditional pre-Easter target, it|inspection of meat for human|partmental estimates prior to down a budget "'as soon as pos- handle {in hile the shin Wee Cal 725-9078 I for 725-6892. Was necessary to sit later be-|consumption and licensing of bringing down 'the annual Feri Pci Mee tee nee li lock site Well vg thing budget. ollowing the mas recess.|in a lock in the lan A MER URS, RENSINK -- Nick and (nee h and night|ELMER'S F and Wohnacott) are happy to anaounce the agregar 'maple. Excellent |"'Holiday Specials", See all the rest, 35 Legal fore Christmas. slaughter houses. ' pogies bd a daughter, Jeannine Gerda, y % price. T 725-3870.|come buy Lig best, for less. E, Wilbur, aau| Pe Resember. 1962, sister i -2294. I will not be responsible for any A ir, 10-year guar- Segnen sek' Sore." ese: rhe erg Egesaeal down payment|MASON and Risch player plano, excel-|contracted in my name for anyone on ; re , Package deal, $130. Telephone 725-4729. |lent condition, mahogany finish. 60 rolls|or after this date, a in : ve ; : From... "-& GOOD NEWS STORY -- When youl cieauE writers, Tile pT badiicdionsdile eset daadldunke OriowekL €) Grentel airest ; . ae 1 ie g a announce of your child in beeen pop eooler, electric typewriters. Lod dining room suite, 6 pieces, the birth a The Oshawa Times, clippings of the , new. THE pet Santa promised ts waiting in os % notice are available for Baby's Book,|Hamilton's, 137 ee 668-5849, like new. Apply 746 Phillip Murray|/7HE pet Sante, promised ts waltis , : Family Tree Records and to mail your)|AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, = z friends and relatives in those far-away/free estimates. Chair, table rentals.|CONTINENTAL bed, 42', good condi- f r, {-places. To place a birth announcement, |Cleve- Fox, 412 Simcoe North. tion, pS eeoe-tatlgl rl peel aye motor. , call The Oshawa Times C a thousand pairs of good |*"* asher, $50; chro: c ' my, Ay ; i WANTED: : . i fh ] S Lcangdeaes i einai duaiehnge used skates, highest prices paid. Mid- rag oe oe TRS Chrys er a s Furniture, Oshawa's No, 1 skate seacge: 19 Prince Street. 728-1131, B. F, GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- ~ ~jteries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- ot DEATHS reeras ean gy oe ear taareersiee™| Cars Sales Up ISTMA Hamilton's, 137 Brock South, MO 8-5819.|SELLING contents of home, also guns, | ows BARRY, Herkless T. bicycles, power lawn mower, garden FIVE-PIECE chrome kitchen suste,|,. are = Suddenly at Minden on Saturday, Dec. aouple bed complete, 45 rpm record Ltr daly ee in good condition. WINDSOR (CP) Chrysler 8, 1962, Herkless T. (Herk) Barry,|piayer and records. Box of dishes, suit- Corporation of Canada Limited r ; 'e} : dearly loved husband of Leona Covper, , Apply 771 Mary Street}BUY and sell, good used furniture}... ; a ; . ' dear father of Jack of Edmonton, Nor- ise pen and appliances. One location only, 444 said it sold more cars in Octo " it: , oom (re, i J. Leahy) of Port Rertys | a Ties at|Simeoe Street South. 723-3271. ber and November this year ; es " \ : bara (hirs. 6, Keefer) of Peterborough; (Dominion 'Tire Store, 48 Bond Street|FIGURE skates, lady's, size 10, while.|than in any similar period in Pi : "(Mirs. P. Espie) Prince Al-|West, Oshawa. Guns, ammunition, jack-|$5; girl's figure skates, size 13, white,|the company's 37-year history. ' ms 3 Allison (Mrs. R. Leach) Colum-|ets, boots, etc. Call now 725-6511. $3.50. Telephone 725-2489. id 13,161 units and Carol Barry; Also survived by|RANGE, General Electric, white, 40|PHILLIPS combination radio, auto- The company sa » . Seomere, we sisters oe frand-/inch, oven, broiler, four burners, ware pene prise har Pipver. soa were sold, an increase of rhe en, in 63rd year. Resting at/ing closets, utility drawers, $160. Tele- y ¢ "by 31" by 16", cent over the same period las' : . 2 1 of McDermott-Panabaker, We Dual speakers. In excellent condition. 1 Oey, g.|Phone 725-4379. 225, Telephone 7: :'6 pm.lyear. Truck sales totalled 1,429, Per for service un Wedne: : $225, 728-7643 after 6 p.m. at 2 bm, Interment Pine Grove|BED-chesterfield and matching chair.) and weekend for appointment, 40 per cent more than last 3 5 foot cribb and coffee table; e oo crib 23 by 48, youth bedi Indy's whke TOYS -- New condition, large doll at | year, 5 STORES TO SERVE YOUR CHRISTMAS NEEDS -- BOWMANVILLE, OSHAWA AND WHITBY if . » Meta! ve an Te- eee gthegens in the Sackvilic pial see ae eee HP ger So house) leo good metal| Vehicle production last month e nd air, si . t, 1 i M Hi at S New|HONEST Cal's, Furniture and Appli-/rug, electric radiator, platiorm iockers was 8,977 units, 50 per cent i m@ RE Le Brunswick, on Sunday, December 9,/ances, biggest discounts anywhere,| etc. Whitby 668- more than in November 1961. : 1962, Mrs, Robert Dobson of Jolicur,/new or used. King Street East New Brunswick, beloved mother of/and 24 Prince Street (Open Dec. 10) Frank Dobson of Osnawa. Kesting at|formerly Community Furniture. Phone # e e e e e @ the Jones Funeral ciome in Sackville.|Cal Blake 728-9191. caret setyanee on Wetineatay after, VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, free estimates, parts, attachments, : M 14) 1B i ' i . ; ; RICHARD HUDN UT es Trim the tree g ear y: ¢ a gf LECO! brushes, hoses, guaranteed, rebuilt ma- . see pan Alexpater chines. Rentals. Wallace Vacuum Serv- Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen-lice Call anytime 728-0591. a ; i982, 'Gyn Alexander' Giectt beloved FUEL OlL, COAL A ee > wien ae me be 2 with fragrance ¥ | OIL. FURNACES i Nf sae a rs. B 24 hour service ¢ Montr he 7 ntfin (Odette) of Waiter, Calnenin, DIX O N J S . » FF. TOs ne ie OA x 2 é Y E é of O: . im of - | eeeatet, Hoar ny bee Kast obit®| 313 Albert St. 723-4663 avy line Home Permanent Fonto, Mitchell of Oshawa, in his 86th Day or Night r . Resting at the Ar Funer- u _ aul 08%. Spoon, Service infin 'Read Fene| _ TELEVISIONS ( fa Seren mas ee| Rebuilt ee all makes, Gun -- : | poe r . anteed, One year warranty on , ee d 4. <y a Cane. picture tube. We also rent : ; : S$ - <_. JOXNT, Eckless 8, 4 Sale ond buy. ot sate ret mn the temity ret PREMIER TELEVISION \ i: : seWriday, December 7, 1362, Eckless 8. 3392 Simcoe St. South : 35 MM CAMERAS 'i 5 ' reg $2.00 size Enter tudence, 200 Clarke Street, Oshawa, on =Joyat, beloved husband of Modena Tun- 725-6457 gts wa ml : Sia att nn | -- What's My Line? MINOLTA A-5 esq Sule Give her a og ling used fu | : "(hol i i : sail of Oshawa, in his Ward yout Resting Buyina' oo: $9 For Let US DE-SKID YOUR TIRES © B to 1/500 f Bs with crystal-clear waving lotion a gift set by ae the Funeral Home with| niture and appliances. Togmemorial service in the chapel' Tues,| Your needs phone for deep take curls 2 pm, i gives you 25% more traction, 45 mmF2.81 i i Sen ee 2b interment! Valley Creek Furniture phony life 15%. Drive safely in @ 45 mm lens v A R oO L E Yv we MeCULLOUGH, Alexander 728-4401 or call at the store snow ond slush -- your tires need not be @ range finder P"At the Oshawa General on 16¥2 Bond W. new, d © made to sell for 8 attractively © Bunday, December 9, 1962, Alexander gift- ackaged 80a) 15 Adderley of sesh Jhsie 'Aduariey SKATES 72.90 piviows Red Rea $1% <-of Port Perry, Mrs. Madge Mack vy ef] Oshawa's Leading Skate Ex- FOR HEAVY SNOW DRIVING Lotus om renga and ere fg da map oe change, for 10 years. New . a vender eee ae amen oer 2° ite) ne cond. Lorgert vee LET US CUT SNOW CLEATS | SALE PRICE x x mennnnncesconencaess oa I Be y> YT J > perth ee Do away with chains --we con cut mud || 9-95 4 coll | . CHANEL N°§ and snow cleats on your present tires that SPECIAL NAGY, Andrew Suddenly in Niagara Falls, on Sat- ill i! th : fe ; @rday, December 8, Andrew Nagy, c will pull you through in safety. Eis saree aot made] §=©= DRAPES WITH CASE Xen) Or 1 J), ron THE PuRse . ather ol rene, i! i) "Frank, Edward ert; E 3 1's pee S| | oM mo Km B) Kan} beth) of Brantford, Mes. A, BalochiPLACE YOUR ORDER NOW sees pepe cons j 2 at Haaton, "Me Nig is roti ary Modern, Abstract, Colonial 2 le . 'y is sting a ern, - "ie Gerrow 'Funeral Chapel, 990 King} French Provincial ond Floral AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING Regular 51¢ each. 2 FOR 88° jon Tuesday, December ll at 10 | Patterns. Custom Made to Interment St. Gregory's Cemetery. Order. Fabrics 98c yd. up. DEALERS FOR ONLY » NORRIS, Annie Liewe! 'chaanie HOE af L a "at Bowmanville 'Hospital ea Saturday, M and C Bo LLL 25 yea | GIFT BOXED CHILDREN'S : Seve nls ot ates at PER --_ fee |/ CHOCOLATES § BUBBLE BATH - le larry J. No: i , 4 yf ree atid inate eetnel| Dry Goods # TIRE oo 49. "Palconbridge," snd' donn't. Norris,|74 CELINA ST, 723-7827 Kodachrome 1! HBL? COMPARE 80c VALUE » in her 68th year. The late wR Sanderson, Funeral' Home. Service. in St. CT 4 29 Docent at 3 pm Intent Unie IN MEMORIAM Cranfield Motor Sales 8 mm e Bette ener stort nett tel ache Baand Potace E"eawol) 337 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-2284 |; KODACHROME LASTIC STRIPS o/c 98e Tube with 83° "Oshawa General Hospital passed away December 10, 1951. i m, e Gone but not forgotten. ¥ 8 Free Tooth Brush os ' Street East, Whitby) be-|--In loving memory, by his wife mm e Curad--53c value PRICED FROM s . E "Yoved wife of the late William Earnest) Bertha D D S $ Fa, aes te cs on Down service Station |) sais arsnrea Baby's Compare 1.50 BRYLCREEM -- 79¢ VALUE | +} - moenn Carman John , CHRISTMAS Monty $ B.A. Station 3 a: inter to rest in Prince Edward! ae . - eee ALBERTO VO 5--2.98 value LISTERINE Raymond Pack (Flot : ONT see S 2 4] ANTISEPTIC--73c Value C Raymond Pack (Florence) of Oshawa, a 5 '1-ana- ; AIR PRAY B esl a tes = * Al Preston's Sunoco ry | Tiled Ose Interment Oshawa) that bourne from which no & S H A M P 0 0 Bs SMITH, Aubrey J. El en ok en b] cae 4 RE CO with free hair brush a * APRIL SHOWERS SPECIAL eNom! ten, Domoaran on| Te Russ's Cities Service > »- Resting at: the Northing ane onntme:| memory of a mother, father, TRI-VI-TABS , so and SOAP LOCK'S FLORIST a faithful friend or kin. : B83 RITSON RD, SOUTH 728-2871 : x : DEVILBISS -- 8.95 7] 98 and SOAP | : e LETS Reel cto" | ite oes et P< /} VAPORIZER 6.19 | WAL ; 2 ' Se »_ | YARDLEY -- FOR HIM -- OLD SPICE the che 1 on Tuesday, December 11 at o 1 1 pm, interment Mount Hope. Ceme A 117 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 723-7032 | BRUSH and 79: HAIR DRESSING 7c Memorial Hospital, Picton, Ontario, on| 284 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 725-9131 ae va, in ii 1 year. TUSSY -- 1.25 VALUE Home, Oshawa, with memorial service| memory of the loved ones 925 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725-2552 || LUSTRE CREAM 1.98 Value ROLL-ON DEODORANT Joseph Smith, of Northcutt and Smith 'al Home, manville, Private fu- ife, " ily 7 i Sere mea aTiacac| wit bond, devas o° Silver's Texaco Service ' QUALITY LEATHER, SALE PRICE f FSGUEEIAVENDER $95 4 OSHAWA SHOPPING | {hose who wish to select on Statham Motor Sales CENTRE ( Hit Adi gh -- : GERROW FUNERAL emorial tribute in e . re . YA \ I I CA CHAPEL HRIST Bains B.A. Service Station dhe oleae TOP BRASS i ' BY at 3.30 p.m. Minister the Rev, § mnernnreraser serene pan Visitors commencing 2 p. | 1 # | COMB SET... Sunday, December 9, 1962, Carman| John Shaw, beloved son of Mr. and TRIBUTE Mrs, Cecil Shaw and brotaer of Mrs, in the chapel on Wednesday, Decem-| who have passed on to Lad., Bowmanville, beloved husband of} It is @ beautiful gesture of 767 PARK RD. ot CORDOVA 725-9391 |p a Mik BALM 1 00 oe Massie, dear father of Mrs.) love and devotion to the ; iy "ay : POLY-VI-TABS 5.25 .eeeeee s BATH SALT TABLETS $900 j immediate family cigcle, . TALC POWDER at Christmas, The Classified MANY, MANY | MORE Kindness beyond price EVE EDITION || KING ST. WEST, BOWMANVILLE 623-3136 8U-G i | f NY . REVLON wp VALUES 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE Department of The Oshawa 59 KING ST. WEST 723-7712 28-6555 yet within reach of all, 728-6226 To ensure that your message geen . ri s i 390 KING STREET WEST | SPPeors ot this time, call Art Holdsworth B.A. Service | $124.50 IN MEMORIAM Dutoenen 1326 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 728-9661 | axet baie Classified Counter or use the mail to send SMITH -- In loving memory of a ii Gear Dad and Granddad, Frank Smith, your copy to The Times. Ji Ni 7 L/ B A * PRE-ELEC "No length of time ean aie tse sect} TELEPHONE Im Morrisons B.A. e SHAVING Lotion fh e HAIR DressinG lola. de|| WESIT NOW Tet sc our 2 P ' oe GIFT SHOWROOM iy secoNy Hoon 1.00 8 KING ST. E. - OSHAWA a = Sea Too man: 8 fast, Aa' you wre, 70%, wil lays be, 723-3492 CORNER KING ST. EAST & TOWNLINE 725-8671 Lorton SEAVING SS

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