18. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, December 8, 1962 BIRTHS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING os agemoep gay ogy Mwndrag ro (nee (Continued from Page 21) 1962 at Oshawa General » Daughter, Twins or Triplets, you pig 'want to tell the whole town 'about the latest arrival in your home. An- rn are accepted until 9.00 m. for publication the same day for cay $1.50. rn telephone 723-3492. 29----Automobi les For Sale $325, - Tele- 27--Real Estate For Sale 313.900. LOCATED in desirable nort! east area, three bedroom brick bung: low with completed recreation room ar many other extras. Terms availabi George Koornneef, 723-2857. Josep Bosco Realtor 725-9670. FOR SALE: Three bedreom briek but 39 FIAT 'station wagon, rone Bowmanville 623-2844. a" VOLKSWAGEN, . two-door, black nish, radio, whitewall tires, good con tion, $375. Telephone 723-1450, standard DEATHS "2 ACADIAN ff eylinder. Sma) galow, two years old, near Apple H: lep district. Low down payment. Telephon | 25-1569. 725-0793. WO Dodge truck, 3 ton, fair conc octal fy erg Ross B. Entered into rest in Scarboro, Ontario, en Thursday, December 6, Sere eee a LOTS FOR SALE, two adjoining lots | beap for quick sale. 'Telephone Brook 49' x 115', zoned R3, in built up resi | © after $ p.mv 655-3545, dential section of the South East are: aan a of Oshawa, Asking price $2,500. each C beloved Crawforth and father of Mrs. 'Lyle Jobn- aon (Beverley) of Kingston and Eric R. Campbell, Oshawa, 'in his 45th year Resting at the, Armstrong Funera! "Home, Oshawa with memorial service lionday, December 10, Union Ceme- be aaron gel Earl B. Entered into rest in the Oshawa Gen eral Hospital on Friday, December 7, 1962, Earl B. Hogle, beloved husband of Alma P. Hamilton and father of Mrs. Geo. Hayes (Verna) of Columbus, Mrs Frank Beacock (Coral) of Oshawa and Robert of Columbus, in his 72nd year Resting at the Armstrong Funera! Home, Oshawa, with memorial service in the chapel on Monday, December 10 at 3:15 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. JOYNT, Eckless 8S. Entered into rest in the family et Lyn 200 Clarke Street, Oshawa, December 7, 1362, Eckless 3 ping 'beloved husband of Modena Tun- stell, and father of Mrs, Williem J. O'Reilly (Madeline) of Nantes, France,| Mrs. Joseph Daniel (Dorothy), Robert T., William John, and Arnold Frederi ail of Oshawa, in his 73rd year. Restin at the Armstrong Funeral Home with! memorial service in the chapel Tues day, December 11, 2 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. Friends are asked not to cali at the Funeral Home before Sunday afternoon KEANE, Adam Hendérson eral Hospital on Friday, 1962, Adam Henderson Keane, belove husband of Rebecca Hunter, and father} of Samuel of Oshawa, Mervin of 'o-} ronto, John of Waterdown, and Robert of Blurton, England, in his 76th year Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa with memorial service in the chapel Monday, Decermber 10,) at 11 a.m. Interment Orono Cemetery PADDON, Bertha after a short iliness at Oshawa General Hospital on Satuid. December 8, 1962, Bertha Godfrey 330 Chestnut Street East, Whitby) be-} loved wife of the late William Earnest! Paddon. Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby, for service in the chapel on Tuesday, December || at 1 p.m. Interment Mount Hope Ceme- pg ® Brantford, on arrival of P aera | 3.30 p.m. Minister the Rev. Visitors commencing the) + 5 ee Sunday. |, Aubrey J. At Memorial Hospital, Bowm nville, on| y, December 7,» 1962, Aubrey} Lid., B beloved Mildred Massie, dear father of Donald B. Dodds (Pat) of Oshawa Resting at the Northcutt and Smith Fu- meral Home, Bowmanville. Private fu mera] service on Monday at 2 o'clock Interment Port Hope Union Cemetery. "LOCKS FLORIST Funeral 'arrangement floral requirements for and all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 ~GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness beyond price yet within reach of all. ,|road at lot line. Asking only $5,009 with} (of | gee ease) NEWER THAN Mees | | 723-1121. Guide Realty Lim ited, or call at the office, 16 Simcoe Street South, for further particulars W0-ACRE DAIRY farm, good soil, 160 acres workable, 112 ft. barn, fully equipped, 33-can milk cooler, silo, im plement sheds, li-room brick house. ie miles to Oshawa. Call L. §&. Snelgrove Co., Ltd., 723-9810. $7,500, Modern 5 room bungalow. one -|thousand down. Low payments. Rolande Tierney 725-5207. Howe and Peters Realtors mn WHITBY: Anderson High School ares Charming 3 bedroom brick bungalow, with attached garage, Oniy $14,900 with terms. Mr. Hodgson, 728-6403. Joseph Bosco Realtor, 725-9870. ONLY $2,000 DOWN buys beautiful Cape Cod style four-bedroom. hom e. Attractively colored level siding exte- rior, two bathrooms, garage on 'ower jevel. Situated on scenic /o lot over jlooking natural children's playground jAsking $14,600. Telephone 728-8836 for inspection. No agents, please |APARTMENT site, Lot will take four jsuites. Excellent location, near Stev {son Road North, close to King Stre |Zoned R2B. Sewer, water and asphalt | IN LOVE WITH A CERTAIN NEW CAR? BUYITNOW WITHA . LOW-COST, LIF"-INSURED x x" x bi x Patatatated * x MK x bested 2K Fy x * x HCE KKK x "x x x x peretereredib tat ataied LOAN THE BANK OF terms. Cail Jack Appleby at 725-6544 or 723-3398. John A. Bolahood Limited | Realtor } $500. DOWN and $25. per month buys 69 acres of farm and garden land.| Close to school, stores, Trenton and |Brighton. Ideal location for market! \garden, poultry, dairy and raising beef! jeattle. See Sam Covell, Real Estate NOVA SCOTIA QUALITY | Want-Ads Don't | Cost-They Pay | Before PRICE OPEN | at nicots IHOUSE In Whitby | NORTHEAST AREA 1961 CHEVROLET { NEARING COMPLETION IMPALA 2. door, hardtop, V-8, one-owner. 2475 TOMORROW" DIRECTIONS: Rossland Road East to Central Park Boule- vard, Turn South and foliow the signs. SALESMAN ON SITE 2 P.M. TO 6 P.M. THIS WEEKEND S. DU. HYMAN 39 PRINCE STREET 728-6286 1960 CHEVROLET Fully equipped, low mileage. 2295 1960 CHEVROLET SEDAN, automatic 6 cylinder, low mileage 1995 1959 CHEVROLET 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM BOURNE -- In loving memory of my! only son and brother, Ernest William Bourne, RCAF, died suddenly Decem-) ber 8, 1940. This month comes with sad_ regret, Kk brings back a day we will never) forget Deep in our heart you will always ives: and remembered every day. --Mom and sisters. CALFORD -- In loving memory of a! dear husband, Waiter, entered into rest| December 8, 1961. i Looking back with memories i Upon the path we trod, I bless the years I had with you And leave the rest with God Lovingly remembered by wife Evelyn LACKIE -- In loving memory of a dear grandmother, Ida Lackie, who Passed away December 8, 1949 . Time takes away the edge of grief, | But memory turns back every leaf. --Lovingly remembered by granddaugh- ter Diane. Pog Petit le ---- In loving memory of} y dear mother, Elizabeth LaRocque, whe passed away December In my heart your memory linges, Sweetly tender, fond and tru>; There is not a day, dear mother, 'That I do not think of you Sadly missed by your daughter Betty CHRISTMAS TRIBUTE Nothing is more befitting or a greater tribute to the memory of the loved ones who have passed on to that bourne from which no traveller returns, than o memorial verse at Christmas time. It is a beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the memory of a mother, father, wife, husband, daughter or son... or those beyorid the } immediate family circle, { a faithful friend or kin. | In the sincere hope of rendering helpful service to those who wish to select an appropriate memoriam notice at Christmas, The Classified Department of The Oshawa *Times will publish Special Memorial tribute in. the CHRISTMAS EVE EDITION To ensure that your message Oppears at this time, call before Friday, December i 21st, if more convenient to you Come in to the Classified Counter or use the | mail to send your copy to Thée Times. | } TELEPHONE | 723-3492 | ~| As in the hour he passed away, wife 'CARD OF THANKS jthe McIntosh Anderson Funerai STATION WAGON, door, radio; Immaculate. 1795 |29--Automobiles For Sale four NISHED Hot Rod coupe, flat-head | engine, 3 carbs, isky cam, shaip heads. | Best offer. After 6 evenings cali Ajax} | 942-1029 {1956 CHEVROLET BeiAir, four "--a| leaming two tone finish, push-button jradio, economy driven 1961 motor. $895 or make offer. 668-4402. IN MEMORIAM LaROCQUE -- In loving | Mrs. Elizabeth LaRocque, away December 9, 1961 A face that is haunting us ever, A voice we are longing to hear, A smile' we'll remember forever, A sad but sweet remembrance, A memory fond and true And a token of affection, dear, And heartache, mother, jor you }--Lovingiy remembered by daughter! Ellen and son-in-law Nick 1958 FORD V-8, fully powered. Spotless inside ond outside 1295 memory of| who passed) 1958 VOLKSWAGEN A Bundle of. Joy 895 1957 CHEVROLET DELUXE, four door, der, automatic, beauty LaROCQUE -- In loving memory of a dear Gram, Elizabeth Lafocque, who | passed away December 9, 1961. God knows how much I miss her | | Never shall her memory fade, ! | Loving thoughts shall ever wander | To. the spot where she is laid H Ever remembered by Doll, Ron and} Kevin. { } 6 cylin- radio. A real 1195 RICHARDS -. In loving memory of a} jdear husband and father, William John} Richards, who passed away December) 8, 1960. Sunshine fades and shadows fal! 'But. sweet remembrance out! His memory is as dear today. 1956 PONTIAC Four door hardtop, V-8. New sutomatic and radio, 995 all.) ~Always remembered and sadly miss ed by his wife Flo and fami. WODNISKY -- In loving memory of) our dear mother' and grandmother, aig Wodnisky, who died December & 1956 FORD your memory, dear V-8 Automatic, radio. We have only other, To. seneniee our whole life through, | But the sweetness will lifger forever} As we treasure the image of you } Lovingly remembered by son George, j counter m-law Barbara and grandchil- ren 795 1955 BUICK WODNISKY~--In loving memory. of a| 2 Door Hardto 1p jdear mother and grandmother, Sophia bigeye who passed away December » 1959. When a mother farewell, The stroke means more than tongue | joan teil; The world is quite another place Wathout the smile of mother's face --Lovingly remembered by son, Peter,! Joan and grandchildren 795 breathes her last | 1955 FORD door, V-8 stick shift, 8,000 miles on new motor 695 Four WODNISKY -- In foving memory of a. dear mother, Sophie, who passed away | December 8, 1959 In our hearts your memory Sweetly tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear mother , That we do not think of you | ~Always remembered by daughter Celia and children | lingers, i 1954 PONTIAC Clean inside and outside, runs good, needs new fender 74 PLOWRIGHT -- In the midst of our sorrow, we Wish to express our heart fet thanks and appreciation to our many relatives, friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss of our beloved husband and father, Edmund Plowright We especially wish to thank the Reverend Wesley Herbert for his consol ag word all the donors of the many beautiful olferings; to the Cliff Mills Motors i ta Drs. Maroosis and Sturgis: the nu ses| jon 24 and 3A of Oshawa General Hos {pital; to Mrs, Young RN, and Mrs sier RN, for special nuesing care the pallbearers for 'heir Over 40 Cars To Choose From $10 DOWN Terms to Suit You Quality Before Price NICOLS Motor Sales Ltd. Tes to kindness and Home for their kind and efficisat manage-| ment of the services, - } Mrs, Edmund Plowright and family | YOUNG -- We wish many friends, relatives and nei ghbors| for the lovely gifts, cards and flowers} received on the occasion of our diar mond| 5 | 2 Brock Street North [wedding anniversary. Also all those! who helped to make this day a very! va M 4 Cc raseonrabie 'pa Whiby -- 668-8001 Mr, and Mrs, C. EB. Young and family | to thank our) from rers 29----Automobiles For Sale '29--Automobiles For Sale ae Ore ca nsttheepee et xr 32--Articles For Sale a pre ene 32--Articles For Sale 32----Articles For Sale 32--Articles For Sale 939 MONARCH Lucerne, two door ardtop, automatic transmission, powe eering, power brakes, whitewalls. sindshield washers, low mileage. On swner, Excellent condition. Apply 1:77 ing Street East. Be 2 Buying or Selling Try KELLY DISNEY USED CARS NOW OPEN 409 BROCK ST. SOUTH Whitby. -- 668-4291 TOP QUALITY. GUARANTEED USED CARS TRADE UP OR _ DOWN LIENS PAID OFF JAKE & BILL'S ~ GARAGE authorized VOLVO dealer TUNE UP AND AUTO ELECTRIC SPECIALISTS Full line of batteries tires, exhaust systems, rad hoses, and whatever your car needs for the cold weath- ér season, snow General Repair and Fina Service 499 RITSON RD. S. 728-0921 Good Cars EASY TERMS At Harley Motors 1960 CHEVROLET BELAIR COACH, cylinder, automatic, mileage $ 1 995 $25 DOWN one-owner, six low 1959 FORD CONVERTIBLE $1875 $25 DOWN 1959 BUICK ELECTRA HARDTOP, door, fully powered $1795 $25 DOWN two 1959 FORD GALAXIE HARDTOP $1745 $25 DOWN Special This Week 1959 FORD 8 cylinder, mission standard $995 ONLY $10 DOWN 1957 PONTIAC SEDAN DELIVERY $675 ONLY $10 DOWN trans- HARLEY MOTORS. King Sreet East 623-2301 LOW PRICE Used Cars At Smith's Sports 1961 ENSIGN FOUR DOOR SEDAN, auto- matic, only 3,600 miles, like "Only $1495 1960 RENAULT SEDAN, automatic, miles as new. Bowmanville 8,000 $850 1957 PLYMOUTH FOUR DOOR SEDAN, 6 cyl- inder, Radio. Nice condition $595 1959 VOLKSWAGEN Good condition. Only $595 1958 BUICK 2 DOOR SEDAN, automatic, radio, Beautiful condition, $1095 1958 EDSEL Ranger FOOR DOOR SEDAN, 'cuto matic, all checked. A good Only $895 1957 CHEVROLET FOUR DOOR HARDTOP, two- tone, new tires --- Real nice, Only $995 1957 FORD 2 DOOR, .6 cylinder, tely gone over, comple- A. bargain $795 1956 DODGE FOUR DOOR SEDAN, engine, new tires Only $550 1955 BUICK 2 DOOR HARDTOP, matic. Very good Only $495 Smith Sports Your FORD DEALER 353 KING STREET WEST Telephone 723-9311 new auto- 1953 CHEVROLET, new motor, trans. nission, steering, front end overhauled A-l, Must be seen to be appreciated 3300, Telephone 668-5637. 1954 FORD, fordor, new paint Jon, good condition; 1954 Chevrolet, new paint job, two door, radio. $195 eacs. 20 Wil- tiam East. 728. 3512, '958 CHEVROLET Belair, four-door, .wo-tone, automatic, radio, $1250. or rest offer, After 4, _728- 4543, 1958 CHEVROLET seda | standard shift, $1,100 cash. Apply Rossland Road West or telephone AUXHALL Supe: car warranty. Four speed transmissicn, washers and snow tires. Telephone $23-2761 1961 CORVAIR coupe, white with green nterior, automatic, high performance engine, wheel discs, windshield wash- ers, A-1 shape. Thirteen thousand five hundred miles, 728-2434, : 1959 PONTIAC 6 cylinder, four door, Strato Chief, radio, new tires. $1,200 or bi r. Apply after 6 p.m. 755 King | YS Jeep, ep, Ad . eonditio) | built motor and clutch assemb!; snow tires. 7 foot Myers hydraulic snow plow. PTO winch. Push bumper and courtesy ;_ light, 725-7887 1954 CADILLAC -- sedan, |body, motor interior in excellent show- room. condition. New exhaust, auto- 'matic brakes and steering. Numerous ,| Hamilton's. ..|GOING i -- Ree tion, "Tow. mileage, |~ *RIGIDAIRE refrigerator. Excellent rondition, full -- zero. zone freeze1. Automatic defi Ten cubic feet capacity. $100. Tusenons 728-1156. MEN'S ski-boots, size 7. Like new. $6.| felephone 725-3994 or 848 Law Street. HOT water tank, gas. Sell or trade for electric tank or used furnace. Best offer, Apply 561 Oxford Street. 4 BUILDER'S wheei-barrow, $20; 32 ft. extension ladder, wooden, $20; car roof racks, $8; skill saw, $25; 12' x 9' tent, $49; gas camp stove, $10. 6 ft. wide) > FURNAUES, forced ais, 10-year guar- antee, $2,25 per week, no down payment |7aa3 Package rat $130. Telephone 725-4729, BABY carriage and mattress, gre;, in 728. LIONEL electric ieeiay 'transformer and . Telephone 725-8154. 4423, |accessories, good condition. $15. T ORGE refrigerator, 8 cu. tt., 'n good Street N indi » Oshawa, GUNS (old antique) wanted. Telephone working order, $58. Sacrifice to clear 725-8) estate of Oshawa Appliances, 78 Simcoe |----___-- > USED skate exchange. General Electric, venetian blind, $5. T 723-4772 THREE piece cebsterfield, wine and green. Good condition. Telephone Bow, CHEQUE writers, file dupli- mamnville 623-3790. cators, pop cooler, electric typewriters, 137 Brock South, 668-5849. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt ree estimates. Chair, table c Fox, 412 Simcoe North. thousand pairs of good used skates, highest prices paid. Mid- Town Furniture, Oshawa's No. 1 skate exchange. 19 Prince Street. 728-1131. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, reat- als, terms, service. New and used. Hamilton's, 137 Brock South MO 8-5839 FIVE-PIECE ome. ki service, rentals - chrome . kitchen suite, double bed complete, 45 rpm record player and records, Box of dishes, suit- able for cottage. Apply 771 Mary Street Thursd, ~ Get your s supp. s ai -|Dorminion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street y|West, Oshawa. Guns, cage Jack-| jets, boots, ete. Call now 7: S11 LADY'S ski boots, size 7. _Telephone 7; 725-5350. Handcrafted aod condi-| \extras. Telephone 728-6504. 11960 FORD Consul, four-door, 127,000 miles, good condition. 728-3566. | 1956 PONTIAC deluxe, good shape, good | jupholstery and tires, Blue and white, | two-tone. Telephone _ 728-4269. 11959 SKODA compact car, j tion 1 $675 _eash, 623-2203. 1961 CORVAIR Monza coupe. \Jent condition. Can be seen at 21 po Street South, Whitby, Telephon '957. {7 ~~ grey, Telephone "New condi- VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, | reasovabie.| Telephone 728-0841. 1953 CHEVROLET < pick up truck | Best offer Apply 15 Mill S! | 1961 ENVOY, white with biue condition. Only 6,000 miles car. $1,000 cash. After 6 p.r 1958 VAUXHALL, four door, b white, good condition, radio. $475 iphone 723-4245. CHEVROLET, motor »verhauled; 18 Dodge, good transportation:. $125 each. Whitby 668-8526. 19 CHEVROLET, new paint _ ES {motor and tires. Fair condition, Good) running car. $125 or best offer. 728- Sais {1954 | METEOR. "good running condi- ition. Reasonable. Telephone | After 5.30 p.m., 728-4234 {1954 FARGO \%-ton pick-up. |shape, °54 Chevrolet 14-ton |mechanically good. 725-3206. |1955 BUICK, two door hardtop, auto- jmatic, radio, power steering and power jbrakes $495. Seaway. Motors, 200 Dun- das West, Whitby, MO 8-589: 11957 MONARCH, fully equi matic, power steering, brakes, radio, low mileage, extras. Will sacvifice Lakeside Street evenings ) Apply standard, radio, rebuilt coach; 1949 Ford eet , excellent one- owner | Tele: in good pick up, » auto- 1954 FORD |motor, body fair condition, $195. Apply }235 Bruce St. after 6 p.m |{959 VOLKSWAGEN. van, one owner new motor, 6,000 miles. Must sell |Owner moving the wheeled . trailer, {steel frame, ly new. Whitby | 668-8449 1952 CADILLAC, radio. ileal eondition, clean | Best offer. Telephone 723-7469. ne. | -mechan- |ig29 FORD soft top, pick-up. Fair shape $75, Ron Hoskin, Blackstock 986-4971 | BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607-KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Trade Liens paid off DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK-RD. SOUTH 723-9421 RENAULT--PEUGEOT AUSTIN PARTS AND SERVICE STATHAM MOTOR SALES DEALER FOR RENAULT 59 KING ST. W. 723-7712 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St | The Home Of 'Good Used Cars 'Before You Buy Give Bill a Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY 668-4741 and 668-4025 '30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHOKE Auto e for wrecking. |paid, 725-1181 < pee a. 45 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to "Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal,up or down. Liens paid off NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-8001 31--Automobile Repair HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 32--Articles For Sale RANGE, General inch, oven, broiler, f ing closets, phone 43 "BED-chesterfield and, matching chair,, brown: 5 foot cribbage and coffee table; | crib 23 by 48; youth bed; jn see roller skates, size 6 to 7. SKATES ; Oshawa's Leading Skate Ex chance, for 10- years. New and Used. Largest assortment DRAYTON CYCLE | 204 BOND STREET EAST Good clean cars. or down up All Wreckers _ Highest Electric, white, 40 ur burners, warm- ulility drawers, $160. Tele- 79, One of the best European cars. Excel- Both excellent condition Reproduction | Of a 1790 Irish Flintlock | Pocket Pistol. This masculine ornament will add character | to any room or fill the gap.in | your _gun collection. | BEST OFFER OVER $30 BROOKLIN 655-4700 DRAPES CUSTOM MADE |PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW Modern, Abstract, Colonial French Provincial and Floral | Patterns: Custom Made to | Order. Fabrics 98c yd. up, M and C Dry Goods \74 CELINA ST. (723. 7827 722-7032. | wa nt | prices: FLOOR and forced air furnace; 3 piece bath sets, $70; pressure systems, sump pumps; steel sinks, cabinets, laundry tubs, fittings and piping. Christ trees 75c. H. Chinn, Hillside and Park South. TV aerial, 10 feet,.chimney type, with} attachments and lead-in, $15. Telephone) 728-0065. CHILD'S skis, large sleigh, doll's house, typewriter, other toys. Also girl's coat, "Little Nuggett", size 6. felephone| 5 728-7142. LIONEL electric freight train gine tender, 4 cars, automatic uncou; ling transformer, 175 watts. Apply .1058 CHRISTMAS trees, choice nursery grown, lovely shaped. Delivered, rea- sonably priced. Glecoff's Super Market, jopen until 10 p.m. daily. 174 Aatson | Road South, 725-3445. |CORNET, silver plated, jong model, | ~jiooks like new, $55. Apply 59 cca jham Avenue, Oshawa, | FUEL OIL, COAL OIL FURNACES 24 hour service DIXON'S 313 Albert St. 723-4663 Day or Night TELEVISIONS | Rebuilt sets, all makes, Guar- anteed. One year warranty on it i tube. We also rent and buy IPREMIER TELEVISIO | 3392 Simcce St. South | 725-6457 What's My Line? Buying and selling used fur niture. and appliances. For your needs phone Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. ;|HOT water tank, a iat whites in good shape, $29, sacrifice to clear estate of Oshawa A Mg ond |78 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. faker QUEEN Sales and TYPEWRITER, cash registe' adit | my machine, cheque writer, scale, Rem: ington calculator. A snap to, quick aale. 723-4434, Serves. beral trade-in allowance. Free de- 'ation. Telephone 428-4683. electric with auto-| matic thermostat, like new, $20. Tele- {phone Hampton 263-2520. |PRUNED "Scotch Pines, first « cutting up to 7 foot, on payed road. Everett | Stapleton, Orono. Telephone 3 R4 4 ELECTRIC stove, . Frigidaire, ir al fuged. Apply '877 King Street East. --~| MASON and Risch player piano, excel- "|lent condition, mahogany -finish, 60 rolls of music. Telephone 723-7501. 'BLOND dining room suite, like new. Apply 746 Phillip. A trom avenue. CONT! TAL bed, 42' tion, $10; Locomotive dr; {$505 Coffiell washer, $5 en table, 4. chairs, | 728-4133 good condi- new motor rome kitch- Telephone $30. B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele-| vision Thrifty Budget Plan. 725-4543. AUTOMATIC spac e heater, ,. high] capacity, used one season, includes full coll copper tubing, fuel drum_,pipes, instructions, $75. Worth $140 new 23-1628 |SELLING conte: bicycles, power lawn mower, ga ltsols. toys, etc. All in good condition. {Telephone , 723-4773. BUY and sell, good and appliances. One 1 Simcoe Street South. s of home, 1 iso guns, rden "used furniture ation only, 271. $5; girl's figure skates, size 1%, whit {$3.50. Telephone 725-2489. |PHILLIPS combination radio, matic three-speed record player, thogany cabinet 3542" by 31" by i" | Dual speakers. In excellent cond:tion 25. Telephone 728-7643 after 6 p.m and weekend for appointment TOYS -- New condition, large doll, bat- tery electric train, metal stove and te- frigerator, doll house; also good \uetal |high chair, stroller, toidy seat, small rug, electric radiator, platform rocker, jete. Whitby 668-2877 |ELMER'S Furniture 'Holiday Specials", jcome buy the best, |Hampton, 263-2294 te, auto- "and ~ Appliance es. See all the rest,' for less, E. Wilbur, FIGURE skates, lady's, size 10, while, | Simeoe -- South, 728-239) PHILCO 21" television, gvod condition, dark fin 'loish, $75. Telephone 725-1644, COMBINATION cabinet, radio and reer player, 2 years old, like new, no baby carriage, excellent condition, ML 725-3078 NEEHOLE desk, chair and night table, Loyalist red maple. Excellent ondition, 4 price. T 725-3870, HONEST Cal's, Furniture and ° Appli- seen aes: discounts' anywhere, peed 2 "Prins "Street (Open. Dee. 10) formerly. Community Furniture. Phone Tal Blake 728-9191. yacoust cleaner repairs, all makem Part: 5; brushes, hoses, gua teed, rebuilt ma- jchines. Rentals, Wallace Vacuum Serv- jice ¢ Call anytime 728-0591. WE buy, sell and pag oem uae furnt- -| ture or anything you The Ci Trading Post Stores, ae |South and 31 Bond Street E |COMPLETE Santa Claus suit, $10, } Cail at 119 Heron Drive, Ajax after 6 p. 34--Lost And ewer » De- cember 3 on Tansias | Road West_be- ween Stevenson and Somerville. Tele- {| Phone 728-5 the person who took the wro all-weather coat, % length, i Seows check, brown lining, by mistake Saturday, December 1, OCVI, please telephone for exchange, 725-6892. -|35--Legal |f will not be responsible for any contracted in my name for ai or after this date, December without my written consent. Ordowski, 63 Grenfell Street. GET rid o: winter car worries, Check "Autos for Sale" in Classified now. Read through the wide selection of makes, models to find the better car | that' 's right for you, Peter (Continued on Page 3) Now there's a little man who knows what he wants! He wants the pretty funny papers. You might say, "He has a mind of his own..." That's correct, of course. Every child is endowed by his creator with a will and a mind; not developed, but it's there. Yet, how that child is trained from his earliest years, will mold his character, develop his mind and strengthen his will, Children should have good example, then. And the best example that par- ents can give is to go to church. The Church is for you and your family. It is the hope of your children. It is the means of bringing God's bountiful blessings to all, THE CHURCH FOR ALL.* ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the greatest factor on earth for the building of charao- ter and good citizenship. It is a store- house of spiritual values, Without a strong Church, neither democracy Nor civilization can survive. There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regu- larly and support the Church. They are: (1) For his own sake, (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake | Sunday [P*soas™ Monday I Timothy 30:1-6 4:11-16 Tuesday I Kings 3:3-14 Wednesday Matthew Thursday I Samuel 18:1-6 bf) Friday Proverbs 23:10-18 Il Timot 18-25 Saturday 3:10-17 hy / THIS FEATURE IS CONTRIBUTED TO THE CAUSE OF THE CHURCH BY THE FOLLOWING INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS GENOSHA COFFEE S 70 King St. E. A. W. RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE 725-1764 1016 K ROY W. NICHOL GM. 723-7242 MA 3-3553 SALES & SERVICE Bowmanville HOP 723-7822 ing St. E STAFFORD S Courtice HOUSTON'S SERVICE STATION AND GARAGE CEMETERY MEMORIALS MO 8-3552 318 Dundas Si. 67 King St. W. 725-4704 BROTHERS JOHN E., Whitby Res. MO 8-5285 124 Dundes W., Whitby BROWN'S LUMBER AND SUPPLIES, LTD. 463 Ritson Rd. N. BURTINSKY FLORIST Store MO 8-3334 ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE Read The Oshawa Times Church Announcements for Times of Services and Religious Activities a i