BITE-SIZED Petite Cream Cheese Pastries Are Ideal For a ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: After six years of marriage I thought I was in love with another man, I walked out on my husband ing but a few clothes. had made a terrible mistake.| My sweetheart missed his wife and family and we began to} argue. One night after h had too much to 4drin called me a '/wrecker and locked me out of} ur apartmen. r 1 hare been in touch with a friend. and neighbor and have, learned that after I left, my} T\husband hired a housekeeper. | He seems to think a lot of this} woman and has taken 'her to social affairs. She has even been accepted by my husbands | family. | I am dying to go home and ask. my husband to take me| back, but I'm afraid he might) say no and it would kill. my) pride. Should I stay away and/ |make a new life for myself?--| FOOLISH WOMAN SAVORIES Coffee Party Her Foolish Pride Breaking Two Hearts exactly like mine after she saw they go to a different church them on me, | ; baloney about imitation being! meet them lolling around motel and two children, taking noth-|the sincerest form of flattery.|;wimming pools, in fancy res- : {am not flattered. 1 am--AN-|taurants and in bowling: alleys? After six months I realized I|\NOYED TO PIECES -Dear Pieces: this woman in jail for buying/refreshed" every Sunday even- e had|clothes like. yours, : S a Kk helyourself.. She is going to con-jbe in pitiful condition. cheap home-|tinue to ape you, and that's that. e-| Of course, it's irritating, buticome so self-centred that. their! it's not worth Ulcerville. No two people look exactly alike in a dress or a sweater. It's what you put into it that counts, Dear Ann Landers: I just read the letter from the woman who wrote that she and her husband prefer to drive to a dif- ferent place every weekend rather than take an annual va- cation, like most folks. i One question puzzles me, Do every Sunday and meet all Please don't give me that old| those "nice people?" Or do they . Perhaps she and her husband You can't Putimay come home "'physically so resignjing, but spiritually they must It's too bad when people be-| major concern is finding new ways to amuse themselves. Per- haps this is what is wrong with our children, With parents set- ting such shoddy examples, where are young people sup- posed to learn solid values? I would like very much to see this in print --CONCERNED Dear Concerned: Here it is) and I'm delighted to print it. It) seems strange that so many people have trouble giving one hour a week to the good Lord who has given them so' many good years. When you need "HOME-NURSING" at eS | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturday, December 8, 1962 9 WILSON FURNITURE CO. BIG BONUS SALE. NOW ON! LIVING ROOM SUITE CHECK ON BOOKS stands for obscene literature. COURTENAY, B.C. (CP) --|"Th emphasis must be on edu- The social welfare committee of|cation, not censorship," said the Local Council of Women has|council president Mrs. Mabel urged members to check news| Vickberg. boytal Ree LOUNGE Visit OUR NEW DOWNSTAIRS SALON Call a V.0.N. Nurse | 725-2211 "Wome-Nu Care for aVERYONE" Oshawo's most fashionable Beauty Lounge. Nine experienced opera- tors and technicians creating styles to\ give your hair fresh new beauty Call us today for an appointment. 81 SIMCOE NORTH Our New Number 723-1143-4 126.00 20 CHURCH ST. ---- Whether you're entertainingjoven, 350 degrees, for 20 min-| near Foolish: You seem to old friends, new. neighbors orjutes or until lightly browned.|} overlooking a fairly import- your husband's business asso-|Makes enough for about 3 dozen ufb.detail, You are still mar-| ON TARGET ciates, coffee and dainty pas-| pastries. tries are always in glowing good| Cherry Cream Pastries: Roll taste. Your refreshments need|pastry \-inch thick, Cut in 2- not be complicated, of course,|inch squares, then diagonally but they can have a touch of|into triangles. Make a depres- elegance -- much easier than sion in centre of each triangle. you might imagine. |Bake. Fill with thick dairy sour There are, for example, petite;cream. Top with cherry pre- Cream Cheese Pastries. Using Serves. the delicious cream cheese pas-| Liver Pate Pastries; Roll pas- try base for all, vary the shapes|try %-inch thick, Cut into ob- and fillings of your pastries.|longs about 1xl\4-inches each. The top tier of our tray holds|Make a trough-like depression tiny pastry triangles filled with/in each oblong. Bake. Fill with sour cream and cherry: pre-|Liver Pate (Combine 1 214-0z.| serves, The next tier has Liver/can liver pate, 1 hard-cooked Pate Pastries and on the bot-/egg, minced, 1 teaspoon pre- tom are Lobster Mayonnaise pared mustard, 2 teaspoons Pastries. mayonnaise and 2. teaspoons CREAM CHEESE PASTRY = drained sweet pickle). Garnish 1 cup butter or margarine with chopped pimiento. 2 %oz. pkgs. cream cheese Lobster Mayonnaise Pastries: 2 cups sifted enriched flour |Shape pastry in balls about 1- Soften butter at room temper-|inch in diameter. With thumb ature, Add cream cheese. Beat|make a deep depression in each until smooth. Add flour, half cup|ball. Bake. Fill with Lobster at a time, blending well after/Mayonnaise (Dice canned lob- ried. If your husband is squir-) ing the housekeeper about, per- haps he too, has lost sight of this elementary fact. Get on the first thing that) moves and go home. Beg your husband to take you back. You have nothing to lose, and a| |great deal to gain. Like the! |privilege of raising your chil- | dren, rod FOOLISH PRIDE ..Dear . Ann .Landers: What would you say or do if a woman you worked with had a_ habit} of going out and buying clothes lexactly like yours? | At first I thought it was a coincidence. Whenever I wore) a new dress, or skirt, or) sweater she would say, "Oh 1) lhave one just like that." Then) la few days later she'd show up| lin hers. After a while I began to catch on to her sneaky tricks. She went out hunting for things with MORE of EVERYTHING The Wider your choice . . the better your chance of choosing the just-right gift for everyone and getting the best value .You can shop the WIDEST selections in every merchandise category and in every price range in each addition. Work with fingers|ster meat, Add snipped chives eg | to smooth dough, Shape accord-|and enough mayonnaise to hold|fthiopian Wise Man was the) ing to individual pastry recipes|togetier). Garnish with sliced, | first to come to the manger, | the SHORTEST time with the least effort in Downtown Oshawa. Wrap up this Christmas early and well, make a bee-line for your DOWNTOWN Stores NOW. below and bake in moderate'pitted black olives. |bearing a crown for the King of a the Jews whom he expected '4 to find on a throne. This is the} Dis lay of Paper Sculpture way I have interpreted it," Shejf } Pp placed before the group a regal) . . figure of a brightly dressed) Del httul Evenin Pro am Ethiopian, carrying a golden) 1g g gr chest of sparkling jewels and) an ornate crown, but he appear- The December meeting of the; wreath of evergreen and weeds ed to pause in awe looking) Soroptimist Club of Oshawajin natural colors was service-|qown. at the Babe in the man-/ and District was held rn se and nace ge There yere|ger at his feet. at the home of Mrs. Gordenjindoor wreaths, fashioned in) ; ae ill of | Conant and took the form of ajcolor,. with the madonna and ot meaterton nao se dessert meeting. |child as the focal point. One| wish that her artistry could be| Members were received by\Particularly attractive one wa preserved in a more lasting Mrs. Conant and the president,|of white foliage on a wedge-| medium. | Miss Evelyn Moore, and pre-\W00d blue background with a| eriien eels Mauss sented to the guest' of honor,|White madonna and child on| Mrs. Mrs. Thomas Dann, of Aurora. Following dessert which was served from a dining table fressed with a white lace cloth over a pink base centred with a white angel sculpture, flanked by pink candles, there was a minute's silence in memory of Mrs, Donald Black, who died recently, Mrs, Black had been a charter member of the club and had served on the, board in various capacities since its be- ginning. Her enthusiasm an the lower left hand segment ofjed the hostess and the guest the circle. CHRISTMAS THEME But the chief attraction was the dramatic and imaginative way in which Mrs, Dann had recreated several Christmas themes, forming the Magi and angels from paper and model-| ling and. draping the figures to suggest the adoration and won- |speaker for a most interesting |evening. der of Christmas. | wisdom will be greatly missed. This Advertisement sponsored by the following business firms: A & A SURPLUS STORES HOLDEN BROS. FURNITURE CO. 86 SIMCOE ST. N. 63 KING ST. E, ALDSWORTH CLEANERS 36 ATHOL ST. E. HORWICH Credit Jewellers Ltd. 20 SIMCOE ST, $, ANGUS-GRAYDON CARPET CO. JOHNSTON'S MEN'S WEAR LTD. Ledge and Hillsdale Mano r| were gift wrapped and a show-| er of articles for the Cancer| Cupboard was received by the) service objectives convener,| Miss Madeline Kelly, CHINESE ORIGIN Then Mrs, Conant introduced Mrs. Dann who gave a demon- stration of her hobby of paper sculpture. Mrs. Dann began with a brief talk on the supposi- tional beginning of paper mak-) ing in China from the residue of cloth fibres which were washed up on the banks of pools where women washed the family clothing by beating it with stones. The art of paper making, many centuries later, moved westward to Europe and later Canada made its contribution to its manufacture by discovering the use of wood pulp. | Poland was intrigued with the! versatility of paper and the Polish people used it to make ornaments for their homes. During the last war many of these people sought a haven in England where their skill in the use of paper in creating) three dimensional effects was, made use of in display adver-) tising. Later some of these artisans migrated to the United States where a group in Cali- fornia has been doing serious work for the last 15 years, and it is with this group that Mrs.) Dann has been associated for the past ten years. CUTTING AND CURLING Mrs. Dann quickly mounded| a piece of three-ply paper into a three dimensional form to demonstrate the method. She said it took about 18 hours to make one of the angel figures which she showed later. First a group of bat!s of dif. ferent sizes was displayed, Each ball was made of 20 pieces of paper fastened to. gether. Then came some Christ- mas trees, one a s.ark white cone, followed by a group in three graduated sizes decorated with small red roses, A comport of fruit, all made of white paper, appeared next; | followed by Christmas weeaths made from trad'tional and mod- | 4 A starkly simple group was| that of a kneeling madonna | looking at her Babe in the In accordance with the usual|manger with a snow bunting in | custom, Christmas gifts for the/natural color as part of the | special care wards of Fairview|setting. Another consisted of OCCASION two kneeling angels looking up at a shooting star, ARTISTIC COMPOSITION "There is an eastern legend," Mr. Dann, "that the WHY NOT? | A Beltone hearing aid for Xmas? ; + let the WHOLE family enjoy the festive season! Visit our ground floor location at @ WEDDINGS @ ANNIVERSARIES @ BIRTHDAYS @ SPECIAL OCCASIONS e@ FREE GIFT WRAPPING VU LORDS oF oshawa J hdiiaks t BELTONE Hearing Service |] 12 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA * 42 Simcoe St. N. or Call. 728-0004 Genius is the ability to avoid work by doing it right the first time | At the Oshawa Busi- ness College you will learn to do work a the first time and will be a genius for -- the field of business for your career NEW WINTER TERM STARTS Wednesday, January 2, 1963 at the OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual Courses available to suit your educational back- ground and ability. Courses ronge from eight to fifteen months. There is one just right for you, FREE LITERATURE is avail- able giving full particulars. Phone, write or visit the College for expert Counselling and obtain your copy. THE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE OFFERS: Individual Instruction in all major subjects: Expert Instruction, interested staff; Complete, up-to-date equipment: Students' Lounge, Library, Counsel: Placement Service to Graduates: Diploma Recognized by Employers: If you are ambitious and anxious to start ot onte, you may enroll ond begin your career training any Monday Morning throughout the entire yeor -- The College never closes ACT NOW -- You'll be glod you did, Just DIAL 725-3375, Oshawa Business College 10 SIMCOE ST. N, OSHAWA, ONT. ern. components. An outdoor 282 KING ST. W. BASSETT'S JEWELLERS LTD. 1 SIMCOE ST, S, BELTONE HEARING SERVICE 4214 SIMCOE ST. N. BLACK'S LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 SIMCOE ST. N. BLACK'S MEN'S WEAR LTD. 74 SIMCOE ST. N. BURNS SHOE CO, LTD. 1 KING ST. W. BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING ST. W. CANNINGS LTD. 20 KING ST. E. CHERNEY'S Furniture & Appliances 80 KING ST. E, I, COLLIS & SONS 54 KING ST. W. DANCEY'S SHOES 18 SIMCOE ST. $, CHRISTMAS DOWNTOWN STORE HOURS (Most Stores) SATURDAY, DEC. 8 -- 6 P.M, MONDAY, DEC, 10 thru FRIDAY, DEC, 14 Open Nightly 'Til 9 P.M. SATURDAY, DEC. 15 -- 6 P.M. MONDAY, DEC. 17 thru FRIDAY, DEC. 21 Open Nightly 'Til 9 P.M. SATURDAY, DEC. 22 -- 6 P.M, MONDAY, DEC. 24 -- 6 P.M. DAVIDSON SHOE STORE LTD. te 31 SIMCOE ST. N. ENGEL'S MEN'S WEAR 16 SIMCOE ST, N, ERWINNE'S SPECIALT Y SHOPS 11 SIMCOE ST. S. EVELYN SHOP, LADIES' WEAR 9 SIMCOE ST. S. FRANKLIN'S OF OSHAWA, Ladies Wear . 64 SIMCOE ST. N. GENOSHA HOTEL 70 KING ST. E. BETTY HAYDL, Interior Decorator 15 KING ST, E. 8 SIMCOE ST. N. JURY & LOVELL DRUGS LTD. 8 KING ST. E, KARN DRUGS LTD. 28 KING ST, E, KAYE'S SPORTSWEAR & LADIES WEAR 68 SIMCOE ST. N. KRESGE S. S, CO, LTD, 15 SIMCOE ST. $. LORDS OF OSHAWA JEWELLERS 12 SIMCOE ST, $, METROPOLITAN STORES LTD. 60 KING ST, E. ROSS E. MILLS CO, LTD. 80 SIMCOE ST. N. MITCHELL'S DRUGS LTD. 9 SIMCOE ST. N. MONTGOMERY'S LADIES WEAR 26 KING ST, E. NESBITT'S LADIES WEAR 33 KING ST, E. PENNYWORTH'S DEPT, STORES 21 BOND ST, W. PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE LTD. 36 SIMCOE ST. N. R, B, REED & SONS FLORISTS LTD. 10% KING ST. W. SAM ROTISH CLOTHING ~ 7 KING ST. E, TAMMY FASHION SHOES 79 SIMCOE ST. N. WARD'S DRY GOODS LTD. 33 SIMCOE ST. S. WESTERN TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY 145 KING ST. W. ZELLERS LTD. 21 SIMCOE ST, S.