22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, December 7, 1962 |S2--Articles For Sate BIRTHS. E i i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 21) FURNACES, forced air, 10-year guar- antee, '$2.25 per week, no down payment Package deal, ai, $130. Telephone 725-4729. CHEQUE writers, He sat cabinets, dupli- cators, pop cooler, Hamilton's. 137 Brock Sk aute: 668-5849. canvas. Prompt service, rentals. & sett i : xf it Es ] 29--Automobiles For Sale 29--Automobiles For Sale free estimates. Pada lf Chair, table Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe N 1959 MONARCH Lucerne, two door i i? Fe il ia g id & g i f? af. i BF i : f i #8 FE 7 $8 steering, power brakes, whitewalls, King Street East. One| 1961 CORVAIR Monza owner, Excellent condition. Apply 1177/lent. 1960 SKODA compact car. bel pent ae i 2 ag European cars. $675 cash. 623- WANTED: a thousand pairs of --- used skates, highest prices paid. "|Town Furniture, Ones No. 1 skate 19 Prince Street, 728-1131. WEST POINT, N.Y. (CP-AP) coupe. Fxcel- seen at 216 Tele; condition, Can be Brock Street South, Whitby. 728-7957. TYPEWRITERS, ge ae rent- als, terms, service. New and used. Hamilton's. . 137 Brock South. MO 8-5849. Dean Acheson, president Ken- nedy's adviser on NATO affairs, says Britain's present role in 1953 CHEVROLET, new motor, tra mission, front 'A-1. Must be seen to be apprecisted. $300, Telephone 668-5637. 1960 FALCON sedan, Care| geo tioned, white ails, vio nd many ra a 'Don't miss this buy, 1954 FORD, fordor, new paint Job, good] $1295 condition: 1954 Chevrolet, new pi ire two nding rg $195 each. 20 Wil- a meacURY "eater two-tone green and white yp Po gash Dongen g radio, aint | West, FIVE-PIECE chrome kitchen suite, double bed Lose agg Pa 45 rpm record player and records, Box of dishes, suit- able for cottage. Apply 771 Mary Street world affairs "is about played out" but that her proposed membership in the European} Sis, Seaway Motors Lid., Whitby. PLYMOUTH, winterized, | sew oie good body, $125. Telephone used Sy | offer. 'Apply S61 Oxford Stree GOING hunting? Get your supplies at Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West, Oshawa. Guns, ammunition, me ets, boots, etc. Call now 725-6511. dark | aoe rer Laks BAe, Sell or trade for elevtric . tank pe Best 198 CHEVROLET Belair, four-door, two-tone, automatic, $1250. or|tors . After 4, 728-4543, up to 40 pee wh sacrifice at $1545. Seaway Mo- fe Ltd., 200 Dundas Street W. Whitby. LADY'S ski boots, size 7. Good condi- tion, 725-5350. est, | SANTA reggie with sleigh and reindeer. Suitable for roof top or Mets ag ok 1961 FALCON tudor station wagon, blue finish with luxurious blue 1955 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, reasonable. Telephone 728-0841. and xtras. 1958 NASH Metropolitan, g: leather y> » other e: Truly a gerd $1745. Seaway Motors, 200 Street West, s|Pick up truck. 193 CHEVROLET meter td 189 Ford Both e: condition. Best offer. Apply 15 'Mal Street. colored phone 725-9533. CORNET, silver plated, long looks like new, $55. model, vee 59 Bucking- .|ham Avenue, Oshaw: Common Market is a 'decisive turning point." Reviewing the political situa- tion in Europe, Alhceson told a student conference on U.S. af- fairs at the military academy here that there is "plenty of cause for concern." Britain "thas lost an empire land has not yet found a role." Britain's attempt, he ex- plained, "to play a separate jood body, re-| motor, all new tires, ane Apply | «. built motor, 97 Elgin Street West, Apt 961 ENVOY, white with biue, GUNS (old antique) Sree Telephone 725-8183. power role--that is a role apart from Europe, a role based on a . 6,000 miles, one-owner var. $1,000 cash. After 6 p.m, 728-2127, ooh carriage org maatiness, grey, in $15. 728 lessing| 1958 CHEVROLET sedan, 6 ar standard shift, $1,100 cash. Apply 418 ad =West telephone .| Rossland 728-5080, 1956 STUDEBAKER nine grey and red, wy Bide engine. This car is a repos- and is in excellent mechanical gendition To be sold for balance owing, West, Whitby. ay Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas|1955 Dodg aa VAUXHALL, four door, black and a condition, radio. $475, Tele- phone 723-4245. 193 CHEVROLET, motor »verhauled; transporta' tion; $135 ToEGa Telrigerater; 8 cu. ft., "n good 'ing order, $58. to clear estate of Oshawa Appliances, 78 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, WASHING machine, General Electric, all white, in good shape, $29, sacrifice or sedan, *#|1961 CORVAIR coupe, white with green 085 | interior, 4 ers, ,|1959 PONTIAC 6 cylinder, four door, ral|Strato Chief, radio, new tires. $1,200 or 1962 VAUXHALL Super, balance of new Whe "igabed Motors, 200 Dundas West, car wont, Four speed tr os wai a snow tires. Telephone 623-2761. » mutomatic, high performance orn wheel discs, windshield wash- A-1 shape. Thirteen thousand five hundred miles. 728-2434. ajc 'RE VROLET new iis eoadtion Good tires. peeve pa car, $125 Pa best offer, 728-2815. to clear estate of Oshawa Appliances, 78 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, TYPEWRITER, cash register, adding machine, cheque writer, scale, Rem- ington calculator. A snap:to, quick sale. | 723- 4434. |LADY'S muskrat fur coat, 18 or 20; portable typewriter; single bed; boy's snow boots, size 7. Reasonable, 728-1773. three + 1950 truck, fair con- dition, cheap for quick sale, Telephone Brooklin 655-3545 after 5 p.m. 1954 METEOR, good running condi- tion. Reasonable. Telephone 723-7032, After 5.30 p.m., 728-4234. LADY'S white skates, size 4; used parts for 1951 Chevrolet. Cheap for quick sale. Telephone 725-5268, 4423.|United States, a role based on "special relationship' with the being the head of a Common- wealth which has no political structure, or unity, or strength and enjoys a fragile and pre- carious economic relationship-- this role is about played out." While Europe has made 'eco- nomic progress, the potitical si- tuation is "chaotic, weak and ominous," Acheson said. HEADED BY OLDER MEN "Four regimes -- Germany, France, Portugal and Spain -- HOT water tank, electric with auto- |matic thermostat, like new, $20, Tele- 263-2520. best offer. Apply after 6 p.m. 755 King Street East. 7,|1953 Chevrolet seuan, good reliable car. Robert of Columbus, in his 72nd year. a, at the Armstrong Funeral » Oshawa, with memorial hesiders -|1954 BELAIR Chevrolet convertible, .jlette Avenue, 728-13 ;|1957 WILLYS Jeep, =i condition. Re- Alaska white, new top, new brakes and new exhaust system throughout, One) ,, owner car, Excellent interior and body. Sickness forces ere Apply 302 Cource- 1954 FARGO %-ton pick-up, in good! mechanically good shape, °54 pene god ase Pick-up, | to |PRUNED Scotch Pines, first cutting up 7 foot, on paved ages Pde Orono, Ti 1960 FORD feitaae oy ear sedan, parkling finish, with ELECTRIC ge Fagus i aot lent white late red interior. Equipped with auto- matic transmission, white walls etc. This was a lady's car and is the most ar on the lot ed Vp ci Motors, 200 Dundas West, W! offer re- fused. Apply e7 ° xing Street East. MASON and Risch player piano, excel- lent condition, mahogany finish, 60 rolls of music. Telephone 723-7501. | built motor and clutch assembly, 4 new snow tires. 7 foot Myers hydraulic snuw plow. PTO winch, Push bumper end courtesy light, 725-7887. 19538 CHEVROLET panel a new heavy duty snow tires and motor, win- terized. Good condition. $150 or best 263-2068. offer, nae chapel on Monday, Di a 3:15 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union (Friends are asked not to ral home before Sat- 1956 METEOR Niagara fontor, Corin- thian white with contrasting 'ted in- terior, complete with radio. has been a lady's car since new, Be sure to come in and test drive this beauty. $595. Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas Street| w, | West, Whitby. 1962 GALAXIE tudor, tuscon yellow finish equipped with radio, automatic washers etc. This is a very low mile- age car and is just bose new, $2,345. heey Motors, 200 Street West, Whitby, |Seaway Motors, 1961 FALCON Tudor, brilliant white finish with red interior. This car has a trim package and is very low in mile- age, strictly new car 1545. BLOND dining room suite, 6 pieces, like mew. Apply 746 Phillip Murray avenue. CONTINENTAL bed, 42", good condi- tion, $10; Locomotive dryer, new motor $50; Coffiell washer, $50; chrome kitch- en table, 4 chairs, $30. Telephone 72-4133, $ 200 Dundas Street West, Whitby. LIONEL electric train, transformer and $35. T 725-8154. 1955 BUICK, two door hardtop, auto- matic, radio, power steering and power brakes. $495. Seaway Motors, 200 das West, Whitby, MO 8-5893. DUMP truck, 1960, Inter a AUTOMATIC space heater, high hon app used one season, includes full 6% yard Edbrow body, $7 |1960 FORD Consul, f li ged 7d eras good condition. Telephone rs| p64 CADILLAC sedan, low. mileage, secnidg motor interior in excellent show- condition. New exhaust, auto- ber, perfect, $309 leence. Special sale price for marge ve Tatic brakes and steertg: extras. Telephone 728-6504. four-door, - ma CHEVROLET sedan, Linder, | grey turquoise finish, OK Tonchanioalty. Spe- for this week, only $595. Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby. Srey, low 1957. MONARCH, fully equipped, auto- matic, power steering, brakes, radio, mileage, extras. Will sacrifice. b- | SELLING Resangged of home, also guns, bicycles, power lawn mower, garden -- toys, etc. All in good condition. lephone 723-4773. ew./istration, hang upon the lives of men be- yond the age when heads of gov- ernment usually lay down' their burdens. In none of them can one see clearly the next phase. To the four already mentioned, we might also add Italy. In some the next phase might be one of disintegration. Germany, is, per- haps, the most steady" But all is not gloom in the NATO camp, Acheson declared. Britain's applicatin for mem- bership in the Common Market is a "decisive turning point", and should Britain join, another' step forward of vast importance will have been taken. Militarily, Acheson, secretary of state in the Truman admin- suggested that sub- stantially stronger Western conventional forces might force the Soviet Union to reconsider aur and sell, good used furniture and appliances. One location only. 444 Simcoe Street South. 723-3271. its support for the East Ger- mans and could bring a solution of the Berlin problem. Apply 1527 Lakeside Street evenings. FIGURE skates, lady's, size 10, white, 1959 FORD 300 sedan, spotiess tutone and white, $5; ene figure pice R size 13, white, $3.50, Telephone 725. "To accept the division of Eu- rope along the Helmstedt line pe: |The, low mileage showing is guaran- teed. Dont miss this car, it is in ex- King 1956 PONTIAC deluxe god sha) pe, good -|upholstery and: tires," Bi ue and white, " | two-tone, relabone Tee | urday, December 8th, 2 p.m, 1 cellent $1195. Sea- Lawn Cemetery. (Prayers will Chapel Friday evening TOCKS FLORIST 1960 PLYMOUTH = station | ™ wagon, light green with match- ing interior, automatic transmission, power pack engine, Low mileage $1795. od Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas West, Funeral arrangement, and floral requirements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL Kindness. beyond price yet within reach of all. 728-6226 390 KING STREET WEST IN MEMORIAM RENAULT--PEUGEOT AUSTIN PARTS AND SERVICE West, Whitby. way Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas Street | ples cagy hel sabinslioa radio, auto- matic record player, ma- hogany gy 35%" by 31" by 16", Dual speakers. In excellent condition, 1954 FORD standard, radio, rebu: 1225, lcbceuannyrall 728-7643 after 6 p.m. , ilt motor, body fair condition, $195. Apply 235 Bruce St. after 6 p.m. and jhe -- New condition, large doll, bat- ry electric train, metal stove and re- 1959 VOLKSWAGEN van, one owner. ol se; also good metal high chair, stroller, 'toidy seat, small is dangerous and unnecessary," Acheson said. Helmstedt is a town on the border dividing West and East Germany. 32--Articles For Sale *|rug, electric radiator, platform rocker, " Whitby 668-2877." ete, veered camera "Keystone" --_ erib bed and [re] CADILLAC, radio, ee mechan- condition, Bost offer. Telephone 725-7409, and out. STATHAM MOTOR | SALES DEALER FOR RENAULT 59 KING ST. W. 723-7712 1953 CADILLAC coupe Deville, 'com- [sraegs § rebuilt, motor, transmission. New battery, exhaust system, brakes, carburetor etc. Body perfect. Definitely A-1 condition ings 725-5555 or 728-7913. throughout, $650. Even. FUEL OIL, COAL OIL FURNACES 24 hour service pair of 1 lamps. Reasonable, Good condition. Telephone 725-0225. ELMER'S Furniture and Appliances, liday Specials", See all the rest, come buy the paste for less. E. Wilbur, Hampton, 263-2294. DIXON'S 313 Albert St. 723-4663 B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat- teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, tele- 725-4543. Acheson Claims U.K. Role 'Played Out BASED ON STRENGTH Soviet domination of East ermany, Acheson added, is "largely based on the prepon- derance of Soviet conventional power on their Western front. If this did not exist, Soviet in- tervention to support (East Ger- man Communist Leader Walter) Uibrich's authority might be- moey increasingly | impractica- le "A policy of a solution of the German question by Germans, restrained by membership in.a United Europe and an. Atlantic alliance, might end the dilemma of Berlin,' German reunification, Ache- son said, is one of the. impor- tant problems which urgently] requires "common thought and agreed policy" in the North At- lantic Treaty Alliance, There has been "too much of a tend- ency in many countries, some- times even in West Germany it self, to lay lip service to unifica- tion while studiously avoiding any ideas about how, when and by whom it can be brought about." Two London newspapers are sharply critical about Acheson's remarks that Britain is "about played out." The Daily Express says in an editorial: "A nation that abandons her mission and gives up her im- mense responsibility for the ad- vancement of civilization need expect no medals. "Least of all can she look for praise from those at home or abroad who urged her along the paths of surrender. "Now those bad cou-sellors look on a world that is more unstable, more dangérous, be- cause of the advice they gave. Mr.' Acheson was one of those counsellors." The Daily Sketch devotes most of its front page to Ache- son's remarks, It headlines the story. and its own comments: "An astonishing attack from the man who helps Kennedy: "Is Britain played out? Only Ache- son says 80.' The newspaper also devotes its two centre pages to com- ments from a number of Brit- ish leaders, among them for- mer prime minister Earl Attlee, and Sir Patrick Hennessy, chair: man of the British Ford Motor Company, denying Acheson's charge. PAPER 18 INDIGNANT The sketch editorial says: "Of course we have no em- pire. We have shown the world how to educate and free colon- opl What a contrast Maple Leaf Circle Names New Officers By MRS. A. L. HOOEY BOWMANVILLE -- The of- ficers of Maple Leaf Ciicle No. 193 of the Ancient Order of For. esters were installed for the coming year at an impressive ceremony held in the Union Hall recently. District-Deputy High Chief Companion Rena Bathgate of- ficiated. Those installed by the Dis- trict-Peputy were Chief Com- panion Rose Dickinsen, Sub- Chief Companion Polly Tkatch; secretary Hilda Humphrey, who is also high outer guard of the Provincial High Circle, Chaplain '|Alma Perfect, Right Guide Eve- lyn Beard, Left Guide Jean Wood, Inner Guard, Beryl Hughes, Outer Guard Eileen Large, Standard Bearer, Karen Vesna and pianist, Audrey Bate. Chief Companion Rose Dick- inson installed District Deputy Rena Bathgate in the office of Maple Leaf Circle No. 193 Trea- surer for 1962-63. Chief Compan- ion Dickinson on behalf of the local Companions presented a bone china cake plate to Dis. trict Deputy High Chief Com- with the shambles in the ex- American colony Cuba. No Brit- ish ex-colony has yet gone Com- munist--America included, Mr. Acheson should find out more about America's allies before abuses them in public." Other British newspapers gave the Acheson statement routine coverage and none-- even those which strongly sup- port Prime Minister Macmil- lan's Conservative government --generated the Sketch's indig- nation. Congo Doctor Sends Letter visitors with Mr. and Mrs Mel Edwards and family, Oshawa. To Group By MRS. HARRY FREEMAN MAPLE GROVE --Unit 3 of the United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Fred DEATHS By THE CANADIAN PRESS London--Viscount Elibank, 83, Order fighting in Flanders. New Westminster, James Connolly, gram for 38 years. son Girvan, 80, president of a ifax Herald. Twenty Tea Queens Hold Solina Meet By GLADYS YELLOWLEES SOLINA -- Mrs. C. Langmaid and her Sunday School class of boys assisted with the opening exercises on Sunday morning. Dean Knox read the scripture reading and Walter Taylor ga a recitation. The Twenty Tea Teens Mi poe ang afternoon in all. The roll call was answe: with "One duty of a towards her guest'. Miss Waddell the Ho Economist talked about ment day. The topic of the meeting was up in buffet style and cookies and cake were enjoyed. The next meeting will be on December 15. The roll call will be "One <7 of a pleasing guest". Mrs. Donald Yellowlees- and Mrs. Gerry Glaspell, Taunton, visited Mrs. J. Yellowlees, Tues- day afternoon. The flowers at the church ™.|service on Sunday were placed there by the Reynolds family in memory of Mrs. Lenore 44 nolds Crowle, who died recently, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink visited on Sunday evening with Mrs. N. A. Ormiston, Brooklin. Mrs. Roy Langmaid spent the weekend with Mrs, Lioyd Pres- ton and children, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr., Gordon and poe visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Cooke, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs, George Coch- rane and Timmy, I oeye Frank Westlake Jr. ordon and Shirley were tea "guests on Sunday with Mrs. Frank West- lake, Sr. Mrs. T. Flett, Columbus, was a Sunday guest with Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. Vice and Mr. Everett: were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs, G. Glaspell and family, Zion. SCIENCE SERIES soldier and liberal politican who won the Distinguished Service B.C. -- 60, who worked in the accounting de- partment of the Toronto Tele- Toronto--Mrs. Louise Robert- travel service in Toronto and onetime reporter with the Hal- Montreal -- Victor Wolever Maclean, 74, winner of the Mil- itary Cross in the Vimy Ridge battle during the First World War while serving with the 73rd Battalion, Black Watch of Can- The Nature of Things, CBC- TV's adult science series, re- turns to the national network with a 26-week lineup of Sunday programs. Electrolysis Removes warts, moles and superfluous hair. Over 15 Yeors' Expetionce MARIE MURDUFF wi be la Oshewe et the Genosha Hotel, Dec, 10, 11, 12. PHONE 723-4641 eppolntment on these dates for Brooks opened the meeting with study, a chapter from \the. book Mrs. H. G .Freeman read a 1 call was answered by the made 41 caills, show his pictures in February. mittee from Unit 3. and Mts. P, Flintoff were ap- meeting on Dec, 20, mw ig og Laird, a Cup Parade in Toronto last Sat- College, Toronto, spent last Cedardale School, Oshawa, Darlington Township Hall last brated their 55th anniversary. tended the Sobima married Mr. and Mrs, Jim Gibson, Jennings, Campbeliville; Mr. Mrs. Gordon Shunk, and son Mills, Chester Mills, Eaniskil- family. the former's cousin Mr. and Mrs. Noble Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs, Roy VanCamp, Base Linc, Betty Snowden, recently. spent the weekend with the for- Stevens recently with 14 mem- prayer. "A Journey into Umerstand- letter from Dr. Lillian Beatty, a r of calls in the past Mrs. Brooks announced that Mrs, Harold Cooney was ap- Mrs, Lawrence White, Mrs. S. pointed to be responsible for the The January meeti Miss Carol Greenham led the urday, week with her sister, Mrs, Daw- Mr. and Mrs. H, G. Freeman Saturday for Mr. and Mrs, N. Mr. and Mrs. L. Collacutt and couples party in Solina Hall on Sonar Rickey, Acton; Mrs. Ed and Mrs. Roger Till and son Ronald, Port Perry; W. E. Beg- len; were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Collacutt Mrs. Luther Goodman, Carlyle Mrs. C, H. Snowden, Mrs. Sam were supper guests of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hoar, and mer's mother, Mrs, E. C. Hoar, panion Bathgate. ada. bers present. Mrs. Harvey Mrs. Wm. Laird as a ing". missionary doctor in the Congo. The members had Ross Metcalf would be able, to pointed to the nominating com- Morton, Mrs, H, G. Freeman worship service 4 the general held at the home of Harvey Majorettes in the Grey Miss Joyce Fawcett, Teachers son Beckett, while teaching at attended the reception in the E. Wright, Exiskillen, who cele- Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Foley at- Saturday evening. and grandson Denis Wayne, Greenbank; Mr. and ley, Miss Carol Begley, Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mills, and were Sunday supper guests with avenue, Bowmanville. Snowden, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Snowden, and Miss daughters Diana, and Lee Anne, Newcastle. vision. Thrifty Budget Plan. 1957 MERCURY two-door hardtop, out- BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN button automatic, red and white finish, push white walls, radio, other ig rivet Truly an outstand- ing car. $895. way Motors. 200 Dun- das Street weet Whitby. MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA 1958 DODGE Royal sedan, spotless red and black finish, automatic, radio and many other extras, $1095. ey. Mo- tors Ltd,, 200 Dundas West, Whitb; Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 1954 METEOR, standard; 1952 ted Power glide coupe, good $150 Day or Night NEW AND USED gag oro Sobandy Best values end TELEVISIONS Rebuilt sets, all makes, Guar- anteed, One year warranty on i go tube. We also rent PREMIER TELEVISION 339% Simcoe St. South 725-6457 each. Telephone 728-5680. -- In ot McGRATH loving memory B. who passed away Away from sorrow, care and pain, May you rest in peace, dear father, Until' we meet again, --Lovingly by son Art. MEREDITH -- In loving memory of a dear -- and father, Arthur Mere- ith, who passed away December 7, Nothing can ever take aw ay The lve 8 a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, keeps him near. aeereey, remembered by gag Hen- rietta, daughter, Henrietta. A CHRISTMAS TRIBUTE Nothing is more befitting or o grecter tribute to the memory of the loved ones who have passed on to that bourne from which no traveller returns, than a memoriol verse at Christmas time. it is a beautiful gesture of love and devotion to the memory of a mother, father, wife, husband, daughter or son... . or those beyond the immediate family circle, @ faithful friend or kin. In the sincere hope of rendering helpful service to' those who wish to select on appropriate memoriam notice at Christmas, The Clossified Department of The Oshawa Times will publish Special Memorial tribute in the CHRISTMAS EVE EDITION To ensure that your m TILDEN CAR_AND TRUCK RENTALS 1959 VAUXHALL Super Victor, beauti- ert rey olive green, immacu- -- leather upholstery. This car is and will make a perfect second car. 'fg for only $595. Seaway Motors Ltd., Dundas West, Whitby. (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. Buying or Selling Try KELLY DISNEY USED CARS 1960 METEOR Rideau 500 sedan, beau- tiful medium green , white ogy with matching interior, 6 What's My Line? precision skate sharpoolae. § man's Corner, Byron Street South. FILTER QUEEN Sales and_ Service. pocoyoul oe allowance, Free de- hardly 233 a case and accessories, used, new condition, $25. Apply Eulalie or 723-7649. RE-CONDITIONED Elna open stress cabinet. Simooe Street South, 728-2391. Buying and selling used fur- niture and appliances. For your needs phone Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 or call at the store 16% Bond W. PHILCO 21" television, gvod condition, dark finish, $75. Telephone 725-1644. COMBINATION cabinet, radio and rec- ord player, 2 years old, like new, port baby Re a excellent condition, $15. Call 725-; SNEEWOLE desk, chair and night table, Loyalist red maple. Excellent % price, Telephone 725-3870. gine, Honag automatic, washers etc. Just test drive car, and you will fall in love with it. Special this week only Watts "ig Motors, 200 Dundas West, 30--Automobiles Wanted LAKESHOKt Auto Wreckers want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid, 725-1181. SKATES Oshawa's Leading Skate Ex- change, for 10 years. and Used. Largest assortment in town, DRAYTON CYCLE 204 BOND STREET EAST NOW OPEN 409 BROCK ST. SOUTH Whitby -- 668-4291 TOP QUALITY GUARANTEED USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN LIENS PAID OFF JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE authorized VOLVO dealer TUNE UP AND | AUTO ELECTRIC SPECIALISTS Full line of batteries, snow tires, exhaust systems, rad hoses, and whatever your car needs for the cold weath- | er season. 45 CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used Car to"Ted" Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 Handcrafted Reproduction Of a 1790 Irish Flintlock Pocket Pistol. This masculine ornament will add character to any room or fill the gap in $ ALL CASH $ For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. | 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 6 01 31--Automobile Repair HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP_-- AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST, WEST 723-7822 BESt'O collection. OFFER OVER $30 BROOKLIN 655-4700 DRAPES | CUSTOM : MADE PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW Modern, Abstract, Colonial French Provincial and Floral CHRISTMAS trees, cut your own the old fashioned a ag your orn § axe. » $1.25. oven pheasants, $3. Souttvlle area, 640.2780. HONEST Cal's, Furniture and Appii- ances, biggest discounts anywhere, new or used, Street East and 2% Prince Street (Open Des. 10) formerly Community Furniture. Cal Blake. 728-9191. VACUUM cleaner Pos all makes, free brushes, hoses, 'cunranteed, rebuilt ma- chines. Rentals, Wallace Vacuum Serv- ice Call anytime 728-0591. WE buy, sell and exchange used furnl- ture or anything you have. The City Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. 34--Lost And Found fois tire and wheel complete, found me weeks ago on 401 between Newton- ville, Port Hope. Ask for Rene Des- gardens, Newtonville store, CHEST of drawers, lost Saturday, De- cember 3 on Taunton Road West be- tween Stevenson and Somerville. Tele- Phone 728-5645, WOULD the person who took the wrong all-weather coat, % length, brown check, brown lining, by mistake Saturday, December 1, OCVI, Isacean telephone for exchange, 725-6892, Patterns. Custom Made to Order. Fabrics 98c¢ yd. up. M and C Goods 74 CELINA ST. 723-7827 | General Repair and Fina Service 499 RITSON RD. S. 728-0921 32--Articles For Sale CHRISTMAS trees, choice, nursery grown, lovely shaped, delivered, reason- ably oe, Glecoff Super Market. 174 Ritson South open till 10 p.m. daily Teas, IN MEMORIAM | SUTTON -- In loving memory of a) dear mother and grandmother, Kuby Reader Sutton, who passed away De- cember 7, 1960. In tears we saw you sinking, We watched you fade away, Our hearts were almost broken, You fought so hard to stay. But when we saw you sleeping, So » free from pain, We could not wish you back To suffer that again, --Sadly missed and lovingly remember- €d by daughter Catherine and grand- children Douglas, Winston and Kathryn. oppears ot this time, call before Friday, December 21st, if more convenient to you, use the mail to send your copy to The Times. TELEPHONE 723-3492 CARD OF THANKS Holiday Foods ON A BUDGET! Food and Freezer As. Low As $10.68 A Week ! Our trained Food Consult- onts are ready to help you today without obligation. Phone 728-9403 Now DOWE -- I wish to express my sin- and relatives for the lovely flowers, gifts, cards and visits received during cere appreciation to friends, neighbors; . HOME my recent stay in Oshawa Generai Hos- nital, Special thanks to Dr. Maroosis, Dr. and the nurses and staff of P sea ECONOMICS FOOD AND FREEZER 11 ONTARIO STREET ons XXXXKXX, "3 % NEED A NEW STOVE OR 'FRIDGE? BUY' EM WITH A LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED of x = ol x tal x x x x x KE x x x =x x "xx xxx: «x «x potetetad x x mK «xxx x x x x MXM x x x ced x KK MxxKM x Kx seesice RAKKH x LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA 35--Legal NOTICE _ TO. CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of JAMES PERCIVAL CLARK, deceased All persons having claim a- gainst the estate of the above- named deceased, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County and Province of Ontario, Gen- eral Motors of Canada Lim- ited employee, who died on or about the 21st day of August, A.D. 1962, are here- by notified to furnish proof thereof to the undersigned before the 21st day of Jan- uary, A.D., 1963. After the said date the Administrator will distribute the estate hav- ing regard only to claims of which notices have been filed. Dated at Oshawa' Ontario this 27th day of November A.D, 1962, William Frederick Clark, Adminstrator, by his solicitor, Z. T. SALMERS, B.A. 13% Simcoe St: N. Oshawa, Ontario, THE CHRISTMAS Girl SPO ren A useful Shopping Guide for all yo Train sets, skates, flowers, clothing, shoes, lug- gage, sewing machines, furniture, clothing, beauty supplies, teeter-totters, and many other wonderful GIFT IDEAS for that SPECIAL SOME- ONE on your list. READ the Gift Spotter Daily in the OSHAWA TIMES until December 22nd PHONE 723-3492 ur Christmas Giving