eer STRANGLER VICTIM Miss Sophie Clark, 21, was found strangled to death in her Back Bay, Boston, apart- ment late Wednesday. The young medical student, who Aid Ret By HAROLD MORRISON WASHINGTON (CP) -- First it was cats, then skunks, beaver, racoons, monkeys and finally humans, The year was 1949 and Dr. Murray Llewellyn Barr of Bel- mont, Ont., was hot on the trail of what seemed to be a cur- ious difference in body cells be- [tween male and female ani- mals, He applied bits of matter of one animal and then another to the microscope. He scraped tis- sue from the nerve. cells . of cats; from the stomach, muscle and other parts: of the bodies of other animals, and later, from the skin of humans. "We couldn't get him out of the laboratory," recalled Mrs. Barr, a. one-time nurse and mother of four children. "I thought we'd have to move a cot in there for him." The years of intensive re- search by the University of Western Ontario professor paid off. Moving through the scale of animal life, he found fe- {males have something extra in |their chromosomes--a chroma- tin about the size of one one- thousandths of a _ millimetre came from Englewood, N.J., 17 months ago, is seventh woman strangling victim in the greater Boston area since last June. --(AP Wirephoto) Divorce Methods Inquiry Unlikely By KEN KELLY OTTAWA (CP)--Chances of an objective study being made by a. royal commission into methods of obtaining divorce in Canada seem to have disap- peared, reliable informants said Thursday. As a result, new efforts are expected to be made either to break the blockade against di- vorce bills now before Parlia- ment by marathon sittings or convince New Democratic MPs to lift their blockade voluntar- ily. At the same time, a "free vote'--in which the party lead- ers will advise their followers to be guided solely by their con- sciences and not by party loyal- ties--may be called on a bill aimed at giving the Senate sole authority to dissolve marriages that could be identified by the dyes it absorbs. RECEIVES AWARD For discovery of this sex chromatin, which helped solve some of the mystery of why a person of one sex may behave like the opposite sex, Dr. Barr ; : received Thursday night an change in divorce procedures.|award of $33,333--$8,333 for his Both MPs have advocated | Personal use and $25,000 to help that the exchequer court handle|further his research. divorces now placed before Par-|, 'I'm delighted but feel very linei shh cake: vate of between| Humble, said the bespectacled 300 and 400 annually or that a royal commission be charged with finding some other method : : : an award by the Joseph P. pes tgeem Mae the question. |Kennedy Jr. Foundation in the jurul ion ot oagrentaed ne se. ad Kd mental retardation re- S| searcn, b i : notiokd that Party. Eee Head of the microscopic ana- Douglas and. Deputy Leader tomy department at the Univer- David Lewis did not join the sity of. Western Ontario, Dr. group which forced the first/>ott began publishing results such recorded vote this session. bogs es gee chrom- However, they voted along with) oongj uc A ae A eo ne an their colleagues against passage); ned kes. curomatin tnd, of the Bi inwolved: ings in the cells of numerous A reliable source said that two steps may be taken as a|Mmove the present requirement result of a conference Thursday|that divorce bills must come be- y foreign scientists jscientist who fingered a_ letter) }telling him he was one of four selected for) Sy Sex Chromatin Studies. ardation Probe sex identification -- 'nuclear sexing." This method of scrap- ing a bit of tissue from inside the cheek for microscopic study proved to be an unex- pected help in screening abnor- malities of sex chromosomes,| the foundation said. "In most cases of such ab- normalities, mental retardation was present. Perhaps as . high) as one per cent of the retarded population shows abnormalities! of sex chromatin." In his special field of micro- scopic anatomy, Dr. Barr has) already : won a _ number ofj awards -- including two others) this year, one from the Ameri- can College of Physicians and) the other from the American) Society for the Study of ae | female animals and by 1953 he} reached the same conclusions about human females. Dr, Barr's discovery proved to be a stepping stone in the study of mental deficiency and mongolism. Two other outstand- ing world figures who carried the 54-year-old doctor's work a step further are Dr. Jerome Lejeune of France and Dr. Joe} Hin Tjio of Indonesia. They got similar awards Thursday night. Dr. Lejeune discovered chrom- osome abnormalities in. mongo- loids and Dr. \Tjio discovered the exact number of chromo- somes in man--46. WINS RECOGNITION Not content with his chroma- tin discovery, Dr. Barr won in- ternational recognition with his fast, simple method for organic ility. | Thank You Sincerely, | YOUR SUPPORT IS DEEPLY APPRECIATED. } | WILL DO MY BEST ON YOUR BEHALF. Thomas M. Rundle ALDERMAN while technicians distorted his RECALLS WITCH HUNT voice. His identity was not re-|. Actor Wendell Corey of CTV's vealed, even to Mr. McGibbon,|-4eventh Hour series recals an Burglar On TV ancestor, Giles Corey, wag burned at the stake as a witch some 300 years ago. ' -- Deputy Police Chief George Elliott of Toronto said Thursday| he believes the man is aj) "phoney," but conceded that he} could be a known office thief. | He saidhe did not see the show but there is a possibility a bor- derline case of obstructing jus- tice exists if the man's true} identity is known. Chief James Mackey said he) was not too impressed with th authenticity of the man's story, since many of his statements were. generalizations. | The man said he has been a professional burglar for 20) Thought Phony By Policeman TORONTO (CP)--A man who claims to be a_ professional burglar told CBC television viewers Wednesday night he has made up to $35,000 a year while leading an outwardly re- spectable life. Ed McGibbon, host of the Tor- onto File show, introduced the man as the 'real article' and said he found him by passing the word among bartenders that he wanted a'burglar for a TViyears and averages about $20,- interview. 000 to $25,000 a year, with .a The man was photographed|low of $8,000 and a high of Thank You! | To all those who assisted me in any way on my first try as a candidate to The Osh- awa Board of Education. | MY SINCERE THANKS, lan Currie. while sitting behind. a -screen|$35,000. | Would Like To Thank You For Your Very Generous Support In Re-Electing Me As School Trustee MARGARET SHAW JOHN W. DYER To The Electors of Oshawa: THANKS ELECTING ME AS ALDERMAN FOR 1963-64 I Will Endeavour To Meet Your Expression of Confidence! | To The Electors of Oshawa! Please Accept My "Sincere Thanks" | --for-- | Electing Me As Alderman | FOR 1963-64 FINLEY DAFOE THANKS OSHAWA for MY ELECTION To The Oshawa Public Utilities Commission To The Electors Of Oshawa! MY GRATEFUL THANKS for MY ELECTION To The Oshawa Public Utilities Commission I E. F. Armstrong HENRY F. BALDWIN among Mr. Diefenbaker, Lib-| fore both houses of Parliament. eral Leader Pearson, Social] In addition, appeals may be Credit Leader Thompson and|made to Mr. Howard and Mr. Mr. Douglas. Peters to lift their blockade be- One may be to declare a/fore Christmas to clear the 401 "free vote" on a bill introduced/divorce bills off the Commons by Nicholas Mandziuk (PC--|order paper in a single motion Marquette) which would give|without debate. the Senate sole authority to dis-| A bill similar to Mr. Mand- solve marriages by resolution.|ziuk's was passed two years This, or a similar measure|ago by the Commons but it which may be placed before/failed to find a sponsor in 'the the upper chamber, would re-!Senate. of Quebec and Newfoundland residents. A series of talks were held in recent weeks in an attempt to determine whether all parties would support the idea of send- ing the divorce question to a royal commission. VIEW SHIFTS Informants said that, in ef- fect, these now have collapsed. It is understood this is partly because Prime Minister Diefen- baker has swung away from a favorable view of a royal com- mission as a solution to the di- vorce problem which has : plagued Parliament for years. Between 500 and 600 divorce} bills from residents of Quebec} and Newfoundland, where there) are no divorce courts, now are} e before Parliament in various) stages of passage. New Democratic MPs Arnold Peters (Timiskaming) and DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING IN a Frank Howard (Skeena) have consistently delayed passage of} the bills as part of a campaign : to rid Parliament of the = OPEN UNTIL sion made for support and sce pes maintenance of divorced wives and children of divorced par- ents, and to guarantee that evi- dence on which divorce applica- amined for possible perjury and. ALSO collusion. | They have been able to rola NA O N D AY up most of the bills by discus- sing them until expiration of the be considered. Earlier this week, with support of 10 col- leagues present at the time, they also employed the device} of demanding a recorded vote, utes. It is understood that the New Democrats' 19-member caucus decided to continue to employ this tactic in support of the They also want to have provi-| tions are based shall be , ed daily hour in which they might which takes up almost 30 min- Howard-Peters campaign for a} EVENING -It's Red Cap time... 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