@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, + December 3, 1962 Bowma - Commencement Held BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A total of 32 students received their: secondary school honor graduation diplomas at the Bow- manville High School annual commencement, Friday. The diplomas went to the fo!- lowing pupils: Mary Bettles, Donald Brown, James Collacott, Monty Emmerson, Dixie Gill, Roma Glanville, Susan Gray, Robert Hagerman, Terry Harn- den, Gary Houslander, Larry Pearce, James Rickard, Diane Roberts, Linda Roberts, Fay Rudman, Neil Smith, Jack Humphreys, Dale. Imlach, Judy nville School BANK OF MONTREAL CUP:|$5 in books. Donor: The Indus- For speed and accuracy in Typ-|trial Arts Department. ing -- Margaret Cowan. Pre-| Presented by Mr. sented by Mr. J. A. Bell. | THE LIONS CLUB PRIZE: THE CANADIAN IMPERIAL |for the highest standing in the BANK OF COMMERCE: 'to the/Upper School Mathematics .-- student obtaining the highest/gi9 in cash. Donor: The Lions est standing in Bookkeeping --\¢}ub, Bowmanville. Winner: Shirley Williams. Presented by! jack Humphreys. Presented by Mr. R. G. Gropp. ¢ Mr. G. Martyn. CUP: Awarded to the student tue GOODYEAR TIRE AND TORONTO DOMINION BANK RUBBER CO. SCHOLARSHIP: CUP: Awarded to the student! «warded to the pupils of Grade for speed and accuracy in Short-\13 for general proficiency in hand and Transcription -- Shit-\the following subjects: English, ley Williams. Presented by Mr.|three mathematics, a . Foreign Johnston, |Area No. 2, D. Hopkins of Rose- School Link Discussed By Home-School Panel Principals are an integral part of the Home and School Associa- tion and should participate and direct its activities. That opinion emerged from the discussion at) the November meeting of the! Pickering and District Home and] School Council. | Three principals from School bank Rd., J. Tickle of Bayview ---| |The Gilfillan Prize, in memory of the late Principal James Gilfillan, for Public Speaking in 'Grades 9 and 10, $15 in books. | | Winners: Ist, Stephen Jeffery; \2nd, Nellie Vermeulen; 3rd, Lynn Brown. Presented by Miss Boyd. and School Associations, even if not attended by more than a minority of the parents, do help keep public opinion abreast of changes in the school cirricu- lum. Mr. Weaver said his child- ren alone, who attend a differ- ent school from his, would not be enough , communication to keep him informed of the "go- ings-on" in their school. Mrs. Wagenaar contrasted the inter- est she is able to take in her children's school work with the little which her parents were able to take in her, and feels this in an improvement directly panel seemed to feel teachers 'S\due to Home and School. would be happy to co-operate in, this manner, particularly if they) PERSONAL PROBLEMS had a voice in the panning. This) Considerable discussion cent- again stemmed from the princi-|red on the personal problems pal being on the program plan-| some parents might have, and ning committee and working|/all agreed these were matters with it prior to the tentative! to settle between parents and! schedule being set up and pre-|staff directly, and not proper Guest, since neither the Home| sented to the Executive Com-| material to be brought to an land School Executive nor the|Mittee for approval. |open meeting. Open meetings |school staff are quite sure of| It was suggested that Home! should be of a general, educa- what is expected of them. The'y 7 MAPRAPAAY tional nature, with » more)School Association, and Mrs. J. friendly social atmosphere, in| Adamson, the Council president order that both parents and|mentioned the next Home and teachers can b quainted School open meeting will be held as: people, one with the other. Tuesday, January 22, 1963, at Following questions and com.|the Dunbarton Public School at ments from the floor, Mr, Park-|® P-™- inson who hade kept the conver-- = sation' flowing very smoothly, summed up the conclusion of; the panel. The audience of over! forty people included principals, teachers, superintendents, as well as Home and School execu- 4 Paap =e from as far as) itby. All expressed satisfac. : tion with the treatment of the GRIPPE subject and felt: the way had When a cold strikes, insist on--- |been opened for greater co-oper- BUCKLEY S ation, whi ; i ich should result in a CINNAMATES more useful purpose for Home' COLD CAPSU LES and School. Refresments' were provided The fast results will please you, by the West Rouge Home and Oly 45c -- family size 89, ing program, Mr. Tickle sug- gested, if it had been decided on by a separate committee of par- ents, even if he could see some} jneed in the school cirriculum which might 'deserve attention. Mr. Bell: commented on the increase of interest in the Asso-| ciation at Fairport Beach since the programs had turned to ex- plaining the topics of the cur- riculum, which can usually be handled by the teachers them- selves. Hrs. Wagenaar asked if this would be taking undue ad- vantage of the teachers, but the FEVERISH, SNEEZY, STUFFED UP? Heights, and R. Weaver of West) Rouge along with I. Bell a teach- er at Fairport Beach, and two Home and School Council par- ents, Mrs. A Guest of Fairport Beach and Rosebank, and Mrs. J, Wagenaar of Rouge Hills, participated in the panel which was moderated by M. Parkin- son of Fairport Beach and Rose- bank Rd. School, who is also a member of the Home and School Cotincil executive. The subject under discussion was the rela- tionship of Home and School. and principals and teachers. security marked the present} tionship, according to Mrs.| ~ > drama of a €\ discussion should have elimin-| B. L. Burk. Language and two Sciences... THE TAMBLYN PRIZE: 'ih UNDERWOOD EXPERT PIN: |Donor: The Goodyear Tire and) Tamblyn prize = for Public Awarded to Margaret 'Cowan|Rubber Company of Canada. | Speaking in Grades 11, 12 and for obtaining a speed of 80\Winners: 1st, Dixie Gill; 2nd,|13 -- $15 in books. Donor: The words per minute on a 10 min-\Sharon Leach. Presented py|!ate W. W. Tamblyn, Esdq., ute test -- Presented by Mr./Mr. H. G. MacNeill. MA. Winners: Ist, Dixie Gill; Anne Werry, Mary Yurko. G. Gilpin. : ey 2nd, Carol Elston; 3rd, Marie Vice -principal W. M. Stacey, COMMERCIAL DIPLOMAS: PPL HAROLD LONG WORTH | Foran. Presented by Mr. Scoit. SS enaha yr seed wees nil Bickle, Marguerite Camber,| 04" tq, Ge whee at Gree tl THE BONNYCASTLE PRIZE, course) to: Keith Ball, Seat gteoe atiiean Viens 'Hayes (for general proficiency. Candi-)Te the student who be ruta ette Boe, Gary Burgess, Eliza-\Karen Sorensen, Kirsten dates must write at least eight| most gee " ae beth Cale, Donald Coldwill, Ray | sorensen, Rickie Taylor, Shir- papers, French and "German Teatland poy ia acai pe Crombie, Jane deJong, Wayne!i,, williams -- Presented by being a requisite. First, $75; |Maitian sould, daug' id 0 Devitt, Carol Elston, Marilyniyr. Gilpin. ¥ second, $25. "ithe late Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle. Falls, Jane Foster, Marie Fos- THE SQUAIR PRIZE lene ge bo a bal E. il gt ee il ke. Present- Pus cece sae Die, Awarded to the best student in con Harold F. Conroe, whel las. Hately" Goorse, Hendry, |UPper School French, $10 iniserved as Moderns Teacher|, DRAMA CLUB AWARD: To David Hi 'b : K rl H ff *'|books. Donor: The late John/and Rugby Coach in Bowman-) '= student who has shown keen eh eroert, Kat offman, | cquair, Esq., M.A., Professor of| yijje High School, Winners: 1st,|in terest and talent in Dra- Robert Holmes, Douglas James, French, University of Toronto.|Mary Yurko: 2nd, Diane Rob.|Matics.' Winner: Anton Forster. Donald Kerr, Richard Lander, Winner--Dixie Gill--Presented erts, Presented by Miss Lay-|Presented by Mr. Sheridan. Douglas Lane, James Lane. by Miss E.. Laycock any be "ay M Lillian Miller, Jim Moorcraft,| * ra can : ' : i 4 '| THE JOLLIFFE PRIZE: In ,, THE McGREGOR PRIZE: sere, Rie' f vied ee P| memory of the late Lieutenant), GIRLS' ATHLETIC TROPHY, |Awarded to the best student in raise, a' nee i awarded to| Awarded to the girl who has|Latin and English in the Upper in cash. Donors: Jeffery, Sharon Leach, Sharon Lucas, Betty Luxton, Malcolm McKenzie, Larry Miller, Doug- las Oke, David Orme. Paul Tamblyn, David Thomp- son, Jaro Trejbal, John Twist, | Many people never seem to get a good night's rest. They toss and turn in hed--and then are dull and listless throughout the day. All of which may be due to a temporary toxic condition. which Se calls for the use of Sa Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess acids from the blood. If they alow down and impurities stay in the system, disturbed rest, tired feeling and backache eften fellow. If you don't rest well at night--if you haven't that sprightly step of health in the daytime--use Dedd's Kidney Dodd's Kidney Pills. Pills. You can depend on Dodd's! 62 i cea ink| Reginald Jolliffe, pcs ae Bitar, RES ihe best student in Upper School Sy pat met to Basketball.|School, $10 topher Robinson, Donald Rud-|History. $10 in books. Winner --| ee Se rejbal. Present-|Miss Helen McGregor and Mr. man, Larry Samis James Scott,| Linda Roberts -- Presented by ed. by Sandra Chaskavich. Alex McGregor. Winner: Linda Erie Shackleton, Nancy Stephen.|Mr. G. Elliott. THE BAGNELL AWARD: cSt Or Be con, Marjorie Stewart, Cheryl, ROTARY CLUB PRIZE: To\Donated by Mrs. M. 1. Bag.| neridan. Syme, Loraine Taylor, David|the student with the highestinell, to the student who as| ; DE ! : Tillcock, George Tomlinson, Di-|standing in Upper School Sub-|contributed most to Basketball ng Me AL aN Pde ane Turansky, Kingsley Van| jects, who in addition has wonjand has been a member of aly, d 'g jou S me Nest, Helen Vanstone, Norman|the school crest and honors injteam for three years Winner: | ctv eT por pp aE A brs Vanstone, Ted Watson. at least five subjects. $25 in)Gary Houslander. Presented by| stu pened wo mdwed didgence Intermediate certificates were|C@Sh. Winner -- Dixie Gill--Pre.'Mr, W. Bagnell. lacti -- hear 'ar obi awarded to the following stu-|sented by Dr. Keith Billett. ICE C LL" ~ per ity sabehanech. and dents: Edward Bate, Diane| THE HOSKIN PRIZE: The|, BRUCE COLWELL TROPHY:|0 sutiorly. set-tespect and Biggs, Colleen Bissonette,|Hoskin Prize for the highest|Honated, by ogg Colwell ig eta aa pac -/ rl James Blunt, Douglas Brine,|standing in English in the Upper viet eat Who. wan he Ae et li te diff ae Lynn Brown, Ted Brown, Peter|School Examinations. $10 in|7U@! Two-mile Cross Country|@esire to concilate differences ee ei L books. Donor: The late John|*ace. Winner: Grant Thomp-jcf others, and moral courage uckler, James Callan, Thomas : : . " son, presented by Mr, D. Col-|and unflinching truthfulness. $10 Callan, William Cobban, Ralph|Hoskin, Esq., LL.D. Winner -- lin books. -D : Dh Cole, ' Teresa Crago, Greta|Mary Yurko -- Presented by "° TC. ievitt and. fe. ae. Mr. Crawford, Gary Crombie, Gwen|Miss E. Boyd. SENIOR RUGBY IE, SF ers: Girls. Cuddahee, Tom Cuffe, Bruce} BIOLOGY PRIZE: Awarded|Awarded to the payer ce le Tee he a oe Cuthbertson, Lena DeJong, Mi-\to the student for the highest|tributing most to Senior Rugby.|G ib ¢ *P des bs 4 chael DeMark, John Depew,| standing in Upper School Bot-|Donated by Mr. James Marr. |Stac aa dace nic du William Depew, Bob Dunn. lany and Zoology. $10 in books.|Winner: Don Kerr. Presented minds Gwen Farrow, Ann Ferguson,| Donor: , Brookdale - Kingsway|/by Mr. B. L. Burk. Shirley Wiliams was award. Susan Flintoff, Richard Foster,|Nurseries. Winner Linda eee ed the SOREECH OWL plaque Lenore Fowler, Larry Hately,|Roberts -- Presented by Mrs, MEN § CANADIAN CLUB/for the greatest contribution to Bob Heatlie, Marie Hendry|A. Lewis. HISTORY PRIZE: Awarded to|the 1961-1962 Screech Owl. Pre- Douglas Hooper, Daniel Hughes. | AGRICULTURAL AWARD: the students in Grade 10 obtain-!sented by Sharon Leach, Bob James, Donald Jensen,|Awarded to the student in|i"& the highest standing in His-| pat Thompson, awarded the Ronald Johnston, William Kent,|Grades 9 and 10 obtaining the|(°'¥. $9 each in books. Winners:) Jil Kilpatrick, "John Kilpat-|highest standing in Agriculture.|@i"/S. Anne Ferguson; Boys,/scREECH OWL cup for the rick, Gerald Klopper, Bill|$10 in books. Donor: W. Hil! Depew. Presented by Mr.'1961-1962 Cover Design. Present- Kospp, Ludmilla Konyk, Larry|Brown. Winner -- Gerald Klop.|® Mutton. » ed by Judy Brough. vee, Patricia Locke. per' -- Presented by Mr. Le-) CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LGE.: David McFeeters, Diane Mc.|Gresley. Awarded ~ Hye tle oe stan auneee s ot as : ' ' ; Friend ; | 7 § Fi Manin pete, Maguire, Bill! MOME ECONOMICS: Award. iné ,{he highest standing. ipprzes: Awanded to. the stu- lyn Meadows, Rocky Mikoiic,|¢¢ g Petey Bi desiccanetl Jonor: The Ladies' League oi|4ent napcrme te - highest stand. : . ' 0, 2 | . ' 4 : -|ing in Gr , 10, 11, 12 hed Marnie au Stan ashe andine Ie" ome is Belew, "Pied yy (commereal, Sn ch Douglas Nichols, Steven Oke | ---- cs. : os Father Malane. "Grade 9, Sally Witherly; Grade Jane Oliver, Kathleen Osborne, Conatt hig oe ee . . so Tra ce gage rt Barry Pedwell, Betty Pickard |qresman Cook Book. Donor:) THE GILFILLAN PRIZE: Forster; Grade 12, Christopher Ratheyn Pracenks |" Winner: Grade 12, Shirley . illiams; Gr. ne Cole; ~Ronald Richards, Walter|Grade 10, Patti Pocle; Grade 9 Rickard, Bruce Roberts, Rose|Sally Witherly. : Robinson, Gordon Rundle, Nan-| Presented by Mrs. Cain. cy Samis, Cheryl Scott, Linda Steel, Ronald Thompson, Sheila) 'NDUSTRIAL ARTS PRIZES: Thompson, Shirley Tomlinson,|AWarded to the students in Anton Trejbal, Rick Valliers,|Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 obtain-| Peter Vanstone, Nellie Vermeu-|ing the highest standing in In-| len, Mary Waversveld, Peter| dustrial Arts. Werry, Jean White, Suzanne|..Winner: Grade 12, John Oke, White, Ann Whitney, Beverley/$10.00 in books. Donor: Mc-| Wright. £ ee ys Grade u1,| Michael Charles, $5 i cS OTHER AWARDS Donor: pee Bonhcen: Other awards, their donors,|Grade 10, Douglas Nichols, $5 in| and the students receiving the|books. Donor: Lander Hard-} prizes are as follows: ware; Grade 9, Terry Nichols, a accutane ee PRE LEE rls Each week, for the next four weeks in every CHERNEY'S store, some lucky shopper will be given @ Merchandise Certificate Werth 100.00! --- OVER - '2,000.00 IN PRIZES! A Winner Every Week in Each Store! Plus A GRAND PRIZE of a Magnificent ELECTROHOME STEREO $699.00 VALUE y) and deposit' it in the provided (ne purchase in the store. (Note: Winners will be asked te answer « simple question re- gording this circulor, so be sure te save your copy .., IT. COULD BE WORTH 100.00 OR MORE! It's easy to enter, easy te win! Here's all you have te do:-- Just fill in the entry coupon you receive. when visiting the store This Week's Winner Of A $100 Merchandise Certificate Is... MRS. OLIVER PIERSON 364 RITSON RD. N., OSHAWA C@hermey's @ PETERBOROUGH @ OSHAWA @ COBOURG @ BELLEVILLE woman's need / jated some of this doubt as many |}. Iprattical suggestions were |brought up. | DIRECT PROBLEMS The subject of most meetings should be relative to the direct | problems of the pupils and meét-' ings should only be held when a need exists, according to Mr. Hopkins. While not agreeing that associations were unneces- jsary today, most of the panel jagreed with Mr. Hopkins that jprograms should serve a pur- |pose and it was felt the princi- |pal should take an active part in the planning of the programs in order to bring in school topics with which he is more familiar that the parents. P A principal would be hesitant to change an otherwise interest- LTMORE ist OSHAWA SHOWINGS! -- for a'man -TANTALIZING AND PROVOCATIVE! Starring MEG MYLES -- and -- | ' SABRINA bid TECHNICOL AGNES MOOREHEAD-OTTO KRUGER> GREGG PAILMER FEATURE TIMES -- 1:30 - 3:25 - 5:20 - 7:25 - 9:10 Robinson; Jr, Comm., Lorece ¢ Lunney; Sr. Comm., Shirley )¢ Williams, Presented by Mr. ©. § Tamblyn. THE LOUIS W. DIPPELL MEM. SCHOLARSHIP: Award-|~ jed to the student in Grade 13) who obtains the highest total! in Chemistry and one other of Physics, Botany and Zoology.| Value, $250. Winner: Sharon Leach, Presented by Mrs. L. W. Dippell. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUBBER CO. SCHOLARSHIP: Winner: Sharon Leach. 'How Toronto Takes. The Jam Out Of Traffic In heavy traffic, fuel and wear- | and-tear on your car may cost | 90 cents an hour ! Read in ecember Reader's Digest how | electronic traffic brains are | saving time, money and lives -- up to $2,000,000 in Toronto alone. Find ovt how remote control systems, using ultra- sonic detectors, radar and TV can keep traffic moving, and save you money ! Get your copy of Reader's Digest and read "They're Taking The Jam Out Of Traffic" . .. and 38 other articles of lasting interest. BREATHTAKING REALITY... Singing, Dancing To Those Great Gershwin Tunes! iY THOMPSON Sta nSre, TWO TECHNICOLOR HITS! 'ARIERS (HN ICOLOR et ot nto foe oe 'a a ie term: ag rey ot He! ey Ped on Ue aor ap Nat bo orn he "Don't you understand? Alli can do is what af hie coolest goes way up to stardom es the musician. - as the way-out girl... } | Regul ' CONTINUOUS DAILY STARTS FRIDAY Jhe BIG FIX-THE-MIX-UP CONTEST 3 Wonderful Prizes Each Week For 4 Weeks AND ON THE FIFTH WEEK Grand Prize Trip To Nassau By TCA Jet ROOM AND MEALS at the Beautiful Montagu Beach Hotel for Six Nights and Seven Days Expense Paid. | I { | 7 For Further Details Watch The Newspaper! boo en ee