20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 November 30, 1962 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Monday to Frido: Saturday 8 to 1 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY j2--Personal | |LADY would like a "ride to Rexdale | or! Thistietown (Toronto), Se 9 a.m.) Kindly call 728-2375 4.30 p.n Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa, Dec. 10, 11 and 12th. Phone Genosha Hotel Accountants jFuel and Wood _|Mortgages on these dates for appoint- es and Service ment. LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Certiied| FACTORY BARDWOOD cuttings. Bult! PRIVATE and corporation mi Public Accountants. Suite 205W it awa Shopping Centre, 725-9953. ble for. stoves, furnaces, ete. De-| vered, Telephone 728-8535. thar-| RAYMOND B. PROSSER, CA, C tered Accountant, 906 Centre sone North, Whitby. Telephone 668-5447 | ALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO.) TALE. Accountants, Licensed Trus-| tee in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street Eas . ) 728 7371. BEADLE AND CO., Char-; c 172 King treet FEaét. Oshawa, Ontario. 725-3509 ROB CLANCY'S Ontario Service. Complete bookkeeping service,| 184 Bond Street West. 725-0397. Res.) | aan ----} ILSON AND BURROWS, chartered | rae 4 mine oe ort Osh. i| MONTEITH, MONTEITH, | RIEHL, 2 os Chartered Ac¢ountants, 728-7527, mecoe Street North, Oshawa, Ajax wit 2-0890, Whitby MO 8-413}. Accounting} FREE Your furnace cleaned FREE. 24 hour burner service FREE all winter if you purchase WHITE ROSE unifined furn- ace oil from Western Oil Co. DIAL 725-1212 Furnace Cleanout FREE If You Purchase FINA FUEL from ROSS HILL 728-776) lend on all types of mortga; 'gages and agreements of --|chased. Creighton, [doce (See heading arristers."') ELECTROLYSIS ARD MOTOR «| OUTBO "723-464 REPAIRS AND SERVICE TO. ALL MAKES | FIRST AND SECOND mortgages. Sale| |agreements 'purchased and = sold./ |Hennick ge gga Barristers, | King Street 7232. = MORTGAGES LOANS Available for loan. on \first and second mortgages 'and residential, industrial, city, suburban, country:and sum- mer cottages SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, _Ontario-- 725-3568 MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Appraisers PATRICK Fistate Appraiser Phone MO 8-2311. Auto Parts Save At Western Service Centre Repairs to All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West -- 728-1607 "EIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" aA Re Broker, Whitby Gardening and Supplies |; DRY TURKEY manure, packed Orders over 2 ing straw for $1 Apply flash 5 4700 no bushel baske 3 $3. delivered Farm. mil Colur Te in e of one 6 urkey est ight mbus LOAM, GRAVEL WASHED STONE MULCHED FILL Tractor and lo Lots levelled. R: 725-2156 ader work asonable r Aonies available for all types first -mortgages at 7% bonu Montes also econd mort- s and Agree purchased. first and Mortgage ents for loans given M. F. SWAR 26'2 King St Oshawa Confused About East Ontari¢ 4697 Barristers m ay T te Cc Solici orth Residence, 95-5542. MACKEY, BA, Barrister.) Notary Public. Mortgage} % King Street East 63 8. HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Solic-} itor, Notary, Alger Building, 37 King Street. East. 723-4943. Mortgage mon ies available. RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 5/42 Simcoe North. 728-2765 | Household Repairs Kina, Sing Oshawa Sew SPECIAL aranteed UNE-UP_ te. Work Centre HOUSEHOLD 2 APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE RANG WASHERS, DRYERS POLISHERS, IRONERS Service Guaranteed 25 years' experience Formerly with THOR of Canada TELEPHONE 725-8296 FREE ESTIMATES SECOND MORTGAGES? To obtain your' free, illustrated brochure on sound second mortgage financing of homes. CALL OR WRITE RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS B. Greer, Associate Barristers and Solic- itors, 130 King wa West. 728-6246. | PR Mortgage loans available. BOWMAN, DAVID } hl South, 725-9392. Resi- __|tap. RAD Ballet, R-|now. 424 King Street West. (NAN AND jarrister, Solici-|m it Instruction -- RIVATF r nce 10; By IARVEY DANC CADEMY, baton, Highland. Register! 725-6122 Barristers, Solicitors, les Public; ing, 3 Simcoe: Street Ontario, 723-3446. Residences: T. » M. Drynan, QC, | Murdoch, 723-4768. Saclennes and agreements of sale bought, sold and arranged | DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister and Solicitor, 26% King Street East. Telephones: Business 723-2201; Resi- de 72 7: North, Oshawa, K la JOSEPH P. MANGA Solicitor. Money to | Offi King Street East. Oshawa, 728-8232. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, Solicitors. Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street North, 725-3566; Charles C, McGibbon, Qc; Edgar F. Basteco, MANNING F, SWARTZ.AND RONALD "LILLIAN MAE Bank of Commerce Build- Dancing Sch saxaphone, and used instruments. Alto Musie Sup-| Plies, 453 Simcoe Street South. MARSH, DEA, DMA,/ ool. Ballet, tap, acrobatic,| Pre-schoo) kinderdance, piles Aly Satur- days MU SIC LESSONS, Masonic Temple. ~clasieal and p popu- accordion, violin, guitar, clarinet, drums, ete. New r. Piano 725-4501. LEARN TO DRIVE _ Oshawa Driving School DAY or EVENING Late Models, Standards Automatics, Dual Controlled OSHAWA and WHITBY CALL 728-0091 "student counsellor,| interview C.A.C. REALTY LIMITED OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-4777 "IMMEDIATE. Ist and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS IF YOU NEED MONEY To consolidate debts Pay off existing mortgages Or mortgages coming due Home Improvements Any worthwhile couse "| } { L. SWARTZ, barristers, Solicitors. Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block, Lawn Mowers 26% King Street oo. 723-4697. Resi- dence, dial 723. GREER AND Sea. Barristers, Soli- eitors, etc. 114 King Street East. Dial 73, Residence Phones: J. M Greer, BA, BSc, a ge Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL, 72 JAMES A, TcabONALD BA, LLB., Barrister and Solicitor and Sige" Pub- lic, The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client park- ing available, | WE SHARPEN and RENT ALMOST EVERYTHING GIVE US A CALL STAN'S CORNER KING AT BURK STS. 723-3224 HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILL-| MAN, yg Solicitors, 36% King} Street East, Oshawa; R. B 0 QC; G. 8. Boychyn, BA, @ W. A. Hillman, "LLB, Office 721-5177; 725-1173; Residence, 725-4604; Whitby, MO 8.2761, 725-5208. NHA and other) mortgage funds available. | phreys, Bookkeeping RELIABLE bookkeeping services of- fered. At home or on premises. Con- tact Mrs. Collins at 668-8179. Building Trades HESS C U ; building. We specialize floor, all 'types roofing, 725-6937 PLASTERING, stucco and remodelling. Call G, Abramoff, 723-4871 JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION Additions, renovations, new homes Oghawa and 7 ae "Insist ou the best." 723-712: YOUR local SRY cleaner. Chimneys built and repaired, gas linings installea, Sireaces vacuumed, Free estimates,' 23-2997 ALL TYPES of rine repairs, roof . All kinds of in concrete Telephone " fir ¥ Gordon' May, 728-0394. N PLASTERING, and -epairs, re- modelling, cement plastering. Tele- phone 725-5092. PETER JOHANSEN LTD. Custom built homes. N.H.A. 6nd conventional. Also addi- tions, alterations, rec rooms repairs. No down payment. All work guaranteed. 723-9207 Cartage JOHN'S MOVING AN Oshawa, Whitby. Fully equipped 728-3661 Resapuates and insured. Dressmaking DRESSMAKING. ait &- shortie drapes 55 rations, , pant « cult. Reasonable rates. through an. inexpensive Cj Money | to Loan ;|/SOME you've been other ff that bike| jn Le he ly wants keeping, Get Write or phone today MR. JAMES 728-2868 Mortgage Funding 167 Rosehill Bivd. BRANCHES-- 304 George St. Peterborough, | - 129 Dunlop St. E., Barrie, Ont. | Mem. Ont. Mort Brokers Assoc |Optometrist | LOANS TO PAY ALL YOUR BILLS ! You Can Borrow $50 To $5,000 To Pay All Your Ae- cumulated Bills. This Gives You A Fresh Stort With Only One Eosy Monthly Payment. $50 - $5,000 - Without Endorsers Or Bonkable Security, Loans Life Insured. SUPERIOR FINANCE LIMITED "The Fastest Growing All- Canadian Loan Compeny" 17, SIMCOE ST. NORTH 725-6541 Doily until 5:30 P.M Wednesday until 8 P.M, Saturdays until 12. Noon Other evenings by appointment 17 OFFICES IN ONTARIO 'Classified Ad Rates 25 WORDS Better described offers 6 consecutive days 3 consecutive days OR LESS get faster results. : Cash 3.75 220 Charge 4.13 2.48 If not paid within. 7 doys, charge rate applies. rofessional listings, 3 lines per month Each additional line per month Count each word, initial, figure Box number DEADLI Word ads Ac Classified Display. ji Births, memoriams, cards of thanks Lost and Found -- Cancellotions and Corrections--8: 1.60 or abbreviation as one word 15¢ NES 5S p.m. day previous 2:30 p.m. day previous 9 a.m, day of publication. | 8:30 a.m. day of publication. 30 a:m. day of publication REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for erro ments submitted otherwise. than in writing, one incorrect insertion of any advertisement, price charge for a single insertion error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the in advertise. for more than nor beyond the of the advertisement in which right to classify 'odvertising according to its proper classification In the case of display advertisements, ible for more The publ held respons ,e@rror oc tising matter, correctly, pace t cupies. shers end but assure The Times ot be hon fhot inv } at 'tual e Juce rer € liability of adverti seisant if ery Inoccurocies in ony form are contained therein. one een lo. 8. TUCK, RO, Optometrist |Pay accounts at downtown Dominion }Bank or 74 Burke Street. Invalids joxamined | at home. Dial 725-4587 Ir. RICHARD BLACK, tometry, the examination of ey: con jtaet lenses, 136 Simcoe North, at Col- borne, Evenings by appointment {4191 [Painting an and Decorating DODD & SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Aaah Wall Murals Spray Paintin 107 BYRON ST, S. NIGHTS aterm |Personal Service |EXPERT tuning and repair, appraisals jelectronic organs and pianos. Phone janytime Ajax 942-1664 'ALL, TYPES of guns repaired. Wor | guaranteed, Pick-up and prompt serv- ice. Telephone Whitby 668-2497 any- | time. MODERN GRILL Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies 'and Desserts. WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-3887 /Plumbing and Heating |ALL TYPES of repairs and remodel- jing, new and used materials, Reason-| jable rates. Estimates free. Dial) | 728-6931, J. Foley. | | | | | } | Please Doc tor of "Op 723-| | Specializing in Scott Motors, McCulloch Chain Saws Sales and Service OSHAWA MARINE & SERVICE 1487 SIMCOE ST.N. . 728-0031 | Your North End Texaco & Scott Deoler Formerly Aiax Marine NOTICE Will Florence Dobie Mar- tin (mee MacDonald) or i | anyone knowing of her whereabouts please call Oshewa 723-4659 on an urgent matter. Surveyors DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On- jtario Land Surveyor. Commercial blue- print, 11 Ontario Street. 725. 5632, HORTON AND WALLACE, and sur- veyors. 130 King Street East. Celephone ) 728-9161 3--Pets & Livestock TOY TERRIER pup, $20. with children. Telephone GREAT Dane blacks and Harls, champion sired, and up, Telephone 655-4821 betore BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, training, talking strain Broad, 114 in Street PUPPY for sale, black, weeks old, Mother registered Retriever. Telephone 723-9991 TROLLOPE, Ontario 111 Elgin Street East 'Mu. FLIM" AND Land Surveyors, Phone 725-6881 TV -- Radio Repairs |TV RENTALS, by the day, month at Parkway Television, Simcoe North, 723-3043. GUARANTEED repairs to all TV, 'radio, car radios, Thompson tronics, 157 Elliott Avenue, Fred T.V. TOWERS LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS _728- 5804 or 725- 7844 TV AERIALS DO WEAR OUT REPLACE NOW While weather and prices ore ot their best. TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND STREET EAST CALL 728-6781 TV TOWERS. Economy and Déluxe puppies, register ved, "ready for Apply Mrs. East female, 12 Labrador week, or 918 "Ele c 4--Market Basket APPLES -- Cortland ous, wholesale prices sha Farm, on 728-6908 7 "and Delici- the farm Road Spy at Townline ° 5--Farmer's Column CASH on the spor. Highest prices paid for dead and crippled farm stock Telephone Collect. Hampton, COlfax 3-2721, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Licence 149 8--Hunting HUNTERS! birds and animals workmanship Reasonable prices. Rich- ard Flewell, Taxidermist. RR No. 1, }Claremont, Ontario. heads mounted, ounted Good Deer |, $22; | 11--Articles For Rent Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Punch Bowls - Wine.- Cocktail Glasses Roasting Pans Coffee Urns Sargeant's Rentals 725-3338 12--Articles Wanted PIANO WANTED, suitable for Call 668-8631 IF 1963 is your year to go in business for yourself -- be sure vou check the! business opportunities offered in the Cla fied Section Turn back no SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Nants. cars for Parts. for i also scrap iron DAY OR NIGHT ond meta etc., bought \Well Well Drilling--Digging Open Stirdery all day. Phone rams 725- 5-231 1 -- 89 BLOOR EL W. WARD Sac WELL DIGGING by . | WANTED MACHINE SCRAP IRON, POULTRY SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE AND FEATHER TICKS 668-2563 -- 668-3809 Deer Skins, Metals WHITBY, ONTARIO fecliect) 204 CHESTNUT ST, WEST 1. TURNER P.O. BOX 329 723-2043 -- 723-2281 | WELL DIGGING Round the Clock CLEANOUTS READY TO BUY and DEEPENING TED VEENHOF PROSPECTS Read 728-3864 Times 1--Women's Column Want Ads SEWING LESSONS in your own homie.| --Women' s Column Bror Priced to suit your budget. TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 728-8180 wrecking. Ro w Furs, } | | | | Group or indi dual. Telephone 728-2971 6) |PERMAN ENTS on special . Page | Hair- ldressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone! | 728 5363. |SPB es FOU NDATION 3 land bra sieres, individually | also slips; panty briefs | ments, Mrs. J. Hendershot, Road garments} designed; | Spirella Gar 324 Admiral _ BOARD OF EDUCATION RE-ELECT GEORGE DRYNAN VETERAN, LAWYER, PARENT | MY PLATFORM Tighten and tidy the entire economy; find: m oney by enfore- ing efficiency. Reduce the debenture debt in full co- operation with city coun- cil by paying non-grant construction out of revenue. Stimulate a good teaching and learning atmosphere in the ciassrooms, | ask your support and vote. 'ALL PLUMBING and beating mene jPhone 725-3521. Harold H, Stark, Ltd., | Plumbing, Heating and Eogissering!| 255 Simcoe Street South REPAIRS and remodel new and used materials, Reasonable . rates. Free estimates, 725-1334,. Mc- | Grath th_ Plumbing and Heating. ALL WELL... But if you insist on the best. . . call GUSCOTT PLUMBING land HEATING Limited! 207 Simcoe St. S.--725-5132 Rug-Upholstery Service CHESTERFIELDS and, chrome chairs |upholstered. Samples on hand. Altera- and dressmaking 723-9021 ESTERFIELDS and oid chairs covered like new. Get the best for teas at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe South 728-64 ree estimate. (CH R LDs like new. Why pa are reasonable teed. Mattresses hol ster. Co CHEST jre- styled, Free |material for holstering You R child won't hristmas tree. To find "Bikes for Sale" jon today ling of ail types, rebuilt. 10 ) Bond estimates re-covering. Dai 75 Charles Street See our ever forget bike under one this the check le Classified at | icles mex Ad. To have extra 2 today |SELL the good miscellaneous a |2--Personal jyou no longer need through an msive © -d ANYONE interested in. flight to Day-| jeash a drinking problem,! tona Beach, Florida, for ten-day holi-| day. Please call | after 5 p.m. 728-2878. ot Whitby, or eall Other 893 "| Folks | IF YOU have ie) | write to Box MO 8-3034 or 7 7 HEARING | into business for your- |Joha 3656 13--Business Opportuniti RELIABLE after two preschool children in home. paety of Cedar Street, phone 728: | eePeMENCED ted jthe RJN Restaurant, 315 Brocs Street uth, Whitby Shopping Centre. 668- 9061 WO SALESLADIES \ sewing, permanent position, salary a commission. Apply in person. sided Machine 'Company, 1416 On- tario Street |EXPERIENCED sales clerk req for variety store, part-time, and weekends, basse Box 118, Times, Tele-} Interested in going self? IMPERIAL OIL Is looking fo an aggressive' man, |16--Female Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted abysitter wanted to "Io0k|TWO 3 MEN to "work, 40 hou own | per | YOUNG atl quring 1 knowledge 'of Singer| ed) window and siding installer evenings iume of business means lot of work for ere hosed Oshawa) right |25--Apt. & | Flats 's For R Rent "for $90. CE 'TRAL, three. "room seit-coutained Oshawa! | apartment. Telephone 725-8 48, Suaevemenmecteaseneaeeet THREE-ROOM 5 self-cont, apart- ae after school help|ment, private bath, pene located, pre-Ch: ristmas business. Tele-igas stove, one child welcome with Phone 725-1151, Miss Mclatyre, for ap- day care if required. Apply 168 Centre ointment. jStreet. 01 / TRUCK a Write Box ROOM unfurnished apartment, ath and entrance, heavy wir- rage. Just east of city limits, A 728-6115, south, four-room apartment, $55 monthly. Jelephone FURNISHED basement er furniture store. nd/handyman with experience preferred. | Apply Wilson Furniture Company, 20); Church Street. OPENING for need 'arge geri expe |sImcoE man. If you're 'not experienced 722-23 Please do not apply. 728.2352. preferably a class "A" mechanic, to Operate a service station lotat- ed near a large subdivision. This business op- Portunity is- im- mediately avail able to right man. Apply E. N. Grant P.O. Box 45] Call after 6 p.m Pickering 942-5884 17--Male Help Wanted FIDDLE player wanted, young ama- teur, to rehearse with country band. Write Country Music Enterprises, 281, eat llowdale, Ontario. 225-8: GL LAMINATOR. Must be | 'experi- enced in all phases of fiberglass wor! making, - etc Whitby, 668-8511 PART-TIME sales help wanted for Osh-| awa, Whitby and 'district. Exceilent| commission arrangement. Training and leads supplies. Telephone Whitby 668- 284 1710 Charles Street, MECHANIC with class A licence small well equipped garage, in town area, Good wages, Group insurance, awa Times, Licenced Mechanic Required AL PRESTON'S SUNOCO SERVICE TELEPHONE 725-2552 WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED BODY MEN STEADY EMPLOYMENT Telephone 728-5175 _NIGHT CLEANER -- WANTED 12 Midnight to 8 a.m. Shift FLYING DUTCHMAN RESTAURANT __Telephone_ MA 3- 7242 LINO OPERATORS '| MAKE-UP MEN Up to 3:00 Per Hour Non Union Shop be newspapers "for down Write' Box 116, Osh- or days IMPERIAL OIL LTD. Keele & Finch, Downsview 787-2411 14--Employment Wanted PETER PAN day to Friday | North Telephone |WOMAN will own home of city, 728. MAN with 1 ton panel truck work Telephone Port Perry FORMER ALBERTA farm employment enced DAY NURS RY--Mon- | 581 Simcoe Street 4 re for children in 1 her | pally or weekly. East end 2459. wants 985-~ 2906. farmer wishes Reliable and experi. Prefer living quarters available. Veninga. Telephone ---- must experienced on ond advertising circulars - growth company located in Toronto. Health Benefits Life Insurance Write Box 119, Oshawa Times FIRST CLASS ENGLISH SPEAKING BARBER After school hours and Soturdoys | 16--Female _Help Wanted | WOMAN girl wanted ounter mornings. Full 345. Ritson Road South {HOUSEKEEPER -- Permanent home. | One 'gentleman. Live in. Prefer drive! jcar, Age 45 to 50. Telephone 728-0502 after 6 GIRL or young "woman for 4 Feneral| house work in Toronto, new home ae perience and references necess Good home and salary for right td '| son, Telephone Oshawa 725-7851 for in- WAITRESS time or lunch Apply for time Port Friday person ond in doys Apply work, evenings to IDEAL FISH and CHIPS 17 ATHOL ST. WEST WAITRESS Must be experienced for hotel dining room, Good pay and working conditions. Apply in person or telephone BLAIR PARK PLAZA BARBER SHOP WHITBY -- 668-8625 SALESMEN TWO REQUIRED If you have selling ability, like to sell cars, and wish to be steadily employed at com- missions and salary according to your ability. Here is a good future right man, preferably ried man, Aply. in person CADILLAC HOTEL 394 SIMCOE S. SALESLADY With proven ability in ing ladies sports weor. Full or part time. Highest sal- ory if you ore qualified. Good advancement, pleasing per- sonality and good appeorance. References required Apply in person SEIGNEUR'S SPORTSWEAR LTD. Oshawa Shopping Centre for mar- Contact: NICOLS MOTOR SALES LTD. 512. BROCK ST. NORTH WHITBY sell- | NORTH AMERICA'S FINANCIAL CORPORATION STENOGRAPHER REQUIRED BY KERR INDUSTRIES LIMITED Must bé experienced in short- hand and typing. Permanent Position to. capable person. Salary according to qualifi- cation. Telephone 725-0671 Between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M. Requires LOAN MANAGERS For Expansion Program Minimum of 1 jence. . Small Loan Field We offer good startirig salary Excellent Employee Benefits Increases and advancement entirely on ability year exper- Enquire in confidence MR. W. H. HERON OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 725-4777 AIDS New Beltone Service Centre located in Oshawa Yes other folks do turn their unused articles into. crisp holiday cash. ; at 42 SIMCOE ST. N. 728-0004 Free cleaning'and check. If you haven't coll THE OSHAWA TIMES TODAY ~~ 723-3492 up Ll our unwanted articles Free hearing test at home-or in office Free two yeor guarantee all new aids in an Oshawa Times WANT AD you'll find it pays t DIAL NOW 723-3492 ervice and batteries to all aids Special offer until Christmas Phone or mail your letter now |17--Male Help Wanted | URGENT DISTRICT MANAGERS REQUIRED Newly blished prestige American Operations in Canada with Head Ott requires men interested in getting in on the ground floor. Ex- perience mot necessary, but desire for responsibili ty ar 1d above average income a must. High override oh salesmens orders provides substantial earnings that grow each year to a ned with full Head Office assistance nvestigate W al interview arronged writing SUITE 1403, CARLTON TOWERS 2 CARLTON STREET. TORONTO e Company ommencing ein Toronto, urgently Ne We rk program en Box} Phone|s: including, gun and hand lay-up, mould! incentive plan.| . 21--Room & Board Wanted |orcuann View Bivpo es _ 23--Wanted To Rent able to cubiat, Rent $100. Available Dec, | {tele phone | THREE-ROOM apartment, | | Apply 'LARGEST CONSUMER) CANADIAN ACCEPTANCE - C | | apartment, Piece bath, or teachers, steel sink, cupboards, three- | Suitable for married couple | Telephone 723- 9557. | MCMILLAN Drive, "68, three-room: un- |furnished, upstairs apartment, private jbath and entrance, heavy duty range, jadult shaanerm $65 monthly. Apply be- 18--Male or Female _Help Wanted SIDE-LINE? Sell watche! "whole sale price. Write 4379, St. 'Huber » Mon real fore 7. |20--Room and Board fee os Tey | CENTRAL -- $id per week for two or heating by oil, Yaree gentlemen, willing to Single beds. Telephone 728-3396. |ROOM AND BOARD for young gentle-| TWO "g60K partly furnished men, central, Friendly home, good|ment, also single room, private en. jcooking, 1 Pt dud 51 Colborne Street | trance. central, parking, reasonable, 96 Bast. 725-097 Centre Street. ROOM and board for two xentlemen, BOWMANVILLE -- Single room, double: room, parking| ment, centrally located, self ontained, space, all veniences. 154 Division. /$65 monthly. Adults preferred. Bowe Telephone 7 manville 623. 3394, ROWE STREET Room and board,|SIMCOE street Gentlemen preferred. nesses avail. apartment for rent, private entrance able. Telephone 728-3350 » bath, unfurnished, $70 monthly, CLEAN, quiet home for ited lunches packed, laundry ed, | WESTMOUNT Street, Shift workers welcome, $15 weekly, "00m, self-contained southend, Telephone 723- 1248 pe apartment, heavy duty wiring, Apply 72 ROOM and- board "tor two nice quiet - Pine Avenue. Telephone 63. men, five or six-day week, willing to.§5*---TWO BRIGHT rooms, three bed> share, good food, parking. Apply 81/®oms, oil furnace, garage, in village. Park Road South Osh 15. minutes. References. Tele Phone Hampton 263-2394 ers t water On No. 2 Rignway be- share, ede tit a and Ajax, $45. monthly, MO 8. - Three-toom 6] apart North, 64, four-room three lat ge heated unfurnish- ~Three= Private en- to store and Apply Stan room apartment, a desires | trance and bath, close room and board, main floor, all {acili-| schools, $60. monthly Wes, with congenial adults, sone one Prevost, above address home evenings. Write Box 120, Oshawa Times, including telephone. THREE-ROOM apartment, newly decor- ated, self-contained, private entrance, suit working couple Immediate posses- sion, near bus $65 Telephone 78. 2139, KING and Oshawa Boulevard -- Upper js0|uplex, three rooms, bath, heated, to @"ge and refrigerator, completely pri« |vate. Adults preferred. $75, Telephone 725-9969, ELDERLY LADY, abstainer, heated, 22--Storage Space and Garages STORE FOR RENT -- Simcoe South, 360 sq. jdowntown, $65. monthly. OFFICE. ~ AVAILABLE elevator service; bright, ed, tiled floor, Can 'be heated, ft., close y. 725-4277. eee 'alts BRIGHT, clean, thiee-room heated. up available in| Stairs apartment, $52 monthly Baby few days. Moderate rent, lease avail-| |welcome. Available immediately, Telee able. Ask for T. L. Wilson, The| Phone 728.7245 |Times Building, Mary and Kine|GIBB STREET Streets, Oshawa room apartment with balcony. jable January 1, all to Shopping Centre BEATTY AVENU. two-room. apartment, range, ample cupboa .|ties, TV outlet, one or coupl |BOWMANVILLE ~ Fours room, one-heds Avail+ conveniences, close 1806. 184 -- Furnished sink, cefrigerator, rds, laundry facili- private entrance. Suit |AMALL HOUSE or apartment, suitable jfor family of four. North-end prefer- jred Telephone 738-8585, DOCTOR AND WIFE "needs t by L cember 15, three-room furnished apart ment. Vicinity Simcoe North, ketween 9 am. and 5 p. m. Telephone 728-446 5 46 |TRANSFERRED (to Oshawa, "Couple, |Bowmanville 623-5805 |two school-age children, need by Janu. TRAL ary 1 three-bedroom unfurnished apartment, home, West Oshawa or Whitby. Pox 10,|)5¢ water, |Oshawa Times accepted. -- Main floor apart- fine ent, $40 monthly sunroom, bedroom, _|livingroom and kitchen, unfurnished. downtown. Three - room Private bath, oi! heated, Riontn entrance: One child 1 728-3546 cl "ROOM furnished 24 Houses For Rent Private entrance, girls only, | LARGE eight-room house at 175. Celina, jties. Centrally located jone bathroom upstairs, stool in base-|"Ue. Telephone 728. 8-2359 ment, heavy duty wiring upstairs, suit- | SiMe OE NORTH, 468. Two-roo! furnished bachelor apartment, stov |sink, cupboards. Also small apartment to sublet for three months Gentleman preferred. Telephone 723-7460, er all facill- 162 Warren Ave 4374 |FOUR-ROOM winterized . cottage, oil jheated. Immediate possession $45, monthly, 726-7744. COLBORNE STREET .728- ECUMSEH near A. and Pe ree e furnished apartment, |room, three - bedro se, near|>: near bus, schools, $75 Soni jschool. Available iccember 1, $75} 1¥ udes utilities. Ci | monthiy. Telephone 728-5235, Available '_immediately. NEW large four-bedroom, two bath.|RAGLAN -- fourcroom |room house, double garage, scenie half- Sround floor. New oii furnace, acre lot, Pickering area, Suitaole for|™onthly. Al) conveniences, Immediate executive, $125 Pickering | 942. 1109. 304. possession. Telephone 7: ive-room brick "bunga- ormed and screened. Oil built-in' stove and oven. Clothes ldryer connection. Close to school, shop- ping, church, Available January 1. felephone Brookliin 655- "4951. LARGE modern house, seven miles|a ya, $175 per month. Avail- able December 30. Port Perry $85-7007. ra T. 3--five- 26--Rooms For Rent CORDOVA Road, two minutes 4 south wat ere: bem sitting room for twe s use of kitchen. Telepho: * ings 728-2607 ae AVENUE STREET, two newly decorated home, light housekeepi, one or two ladies, a Telephone 728-6802. FU RNISHED | attractive 7 south General Motors, cle. |$5 and $7 per week, E jeall 728.2515 MARY STREET -- able for gentlemen. T north plant 723-179) CADILLAGNonth-- one room in private home, or lady Parkin Alllor 723.4380. f |BOND Street East, large room in quiet home, middle-|near North General further |corners. Telephone 723-3356 \tW atte furnished -|rooms, itehen with cupboa: Telephone|Near south General Mo ae IF rontenane Avenue, or/ TWO | furnished room stove, refrigeras */r, television, central, '$10 weekly, ine jcludes everything. No children, pivase, |For information tel Phone 728-5327. THOL STREET - _- wo Furnished, rooms in quiet ng. Suitable for Parking available, rooms, nf neat an and warm, venings. After & om cottage, "part- y furnished. Telephone 728. 8125 | THREE-ROOM General Motors, Wentworth, come house, near "South corner of Cedar and couple with one child wel- $50 monthly, 723-7297 25--Apt. & Flats For Rent PARK ROAD SOUTH -- two.bedroom apartment in apartment building. facilities, Telephone 725-3212 GROUND FLOOR, bachelor "apartment | with stove and refrigerator, jaged woman preferred. For details, call 723-4391 SPACIOUS three-room | apartment, fur- ished , ented. $65. monthly. " P.m. p.m, nfurnished, thre Drtapeleige! self-contained apartment south end, close to' school: and . bus. Telephone 723-7091 OSHAWA BOULEVARD SOUTH - Vacant two-room apartment, unfurnish- etant bedroom, y 2 e e jed, built-in cupboards, sink, heat, hydro| North ieneral Motors. But geste included, private entrance, After 5,|725-039 eee 7. = Race sin 'large tr rooms suit wo minutes fro Telephone after 5 pm. furnished beds suit gentleman Telephone 728-8708 furnisived for gentlemam, Motors and fom ~ housekeeping rds and sink. tors. Apply 320 "Nice warm come ngle | furnished 1 room oF hi ise~ un-'keeping room, close to south are 63) Motors, bus at door, Gentian ferred, Reasonable, Telep apart-|SOUTH END -- twoud. unfurnished. | apartment, y iurausia completely furnished, Apartment: 1) cupboards Suitable for two or persons. Prieto} Private entrance. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. NORTH PONTIAC INN Rooms, Single and Double. Television Dining Room, Lunches Packed. 725-0078 27--Real Estate For Sale OSSIE'S special finan |will be yours cent furnished. Adults only. Apply Celina Street ONE AND TWO. BEDROOM; ments, furnished and 498 Simcoe North, or telephone 728-3945, w MOUNT Street, room apartment in apartment builcing,| stove, refrigerator, private entrance,| Private bathfoom, near shopping centre Available January 1, No children. 725- at ior sink, three nisin Parking, 108, thre KINGS COURT APARTMENTS AJAX No Lease Required Approximately 10 miles from Oshawa Opposite large Shopping Centre churches, etc Large One Bedroom $73 Two Bedroom $79 TELEPHONE AJAX WH _ 2-2001 cial in ependence with this grocery store jand equipment; also four apartments, Owner will take trade, Ossie Martin, 728-9714. Joseph Bosco, Realtor 725-9870, Full price must earn annually) $10,950. full base- 3 (to qualify $3,600 or you more | Oshawa's Finest Park Lane Apts. | 10 min. from Downtown Brick. construction ment Bungalows, And bedrooms, private One mortgage 612 down -- payment c $59 80 MONTHLY ! Spacious: grounds yes drive Small other Prestige location bedroom | Attractive tw } suite no Private balconies | ser | led entrances cludes Interest and Principal-- No Second Mortgages Call Mrs. Handson 725-1186 "Lams Don Howe Daytime 725-7732 Evenings 723-9692 Howe and Peters Realtors Estote Ltd. Electrically yltien H n Reo! ive Better A BAe me