Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Nov 1962, p. 4

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thorsdey, November 22, 1962 WHITBY And DISTRICT Dundas School Gets Shield From Teacher At the Dundas Street Home and School Association meeting. President Mrs. B. Pinch wel- comed everyone present and thanked the parents who have helped in the fund raising pro- ject. Ray Feager, a member of the executive, gave a brief out- line of the new amendment of Ontario Federation of Home and Schools. He explained the new amendment which was voted and adopted. Room count was won for Sen- for by Mr. Lappin's room and for Junior by Miss Ott's room. Mrs. Earl English, past pres- ident, was presented with the past president's pin by presi- dent, Mrs. B. Pinch. Mrs. Eng- lish thanked all her officers, teachers and members for their co-operation during her term of office, Mr., Duchesne, a last year teacher, presented the Dundas! school with a shield, a replica of the school crest which he has made himself. This is in appreciation of his school teach- ing year spent at Dundas. Mrs. R. Twining introduced the guest speaker, Mr.: Ham- mond, Supervisor of the Central District, $t. John's Ambulance, who showed a film. entitled, "That They May Live', illus- trating mouth to mouth arti- ficial respiration. This was followed by a ques- tion and answer period. which proved to be most informative. Mrs. Pinch thanked Mr. Ham- mond on behalf of the associa- tion. Another film was shown en- titled "The Dark Stranger.' This film will be shown to all students of the school this week. The meeting closed with the "Queen" and lunch was served by the kindergarten mothers. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, Dec. 12. | J. Gates 235, G. Wiles 228, A. Anderson 219, M. Litner 218, M. Dolimont 216, K. Loyst 213, M.. Brooks 212, E. Walker 209, B. Pascoe 207, A. Labanovich 204, L.: Myers 204, G. Mc- Eachern 204, J. Handscomb 201 and T. Shaw 201. The shampoo and wave set donated by Hi-Fashion at 109 Byron street south was won by D. Kehoe, The annual Christmas party for the members of the Whitby Ladies' Candy Bowling League will be held on Thursday, De- cember 20, at the Odd Fellows' Lodge on Brock street south. ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST MIXED BOWLING LEAGUE MeFelts 2, 36; Six Seven-Ups 5, 24; Go-Getters 0, 24; Hot Shots 5, 20; Bombers 7, 20; Jokers 2, 19. Triples over 500 -- Ladies -- Agnes Sandrelli 707, Fran]! Schatzmann 643, Betty Dochuk 612, Teresa LeSage, Kehoe 605, N. McCarroll 600, L. Bronishewski 569, M. Carter, E. Pitts 557, A. Veitenheimer 518, M. Bibeau 509. Men -- Jim McCarroll 637,| Lloyd Seymour 607, Mattji Kolsteren 558, C. Hendriks 551,|1 Ed Samanski 534, L. Bedard} Women Unit No. monthly meeting in the church parlor, with Mrs, A. Price in charge; The worship service was led by Mrs. L. F. Richardson, her topic was Today'. t pgiiong ery of Family Life'. Church Women Turn Over Quilt To Welfare St. Mark's United Church 3 held its "The Church Five members participated in the worship service they were: Mrs. P. Pascoe, Mrs. W. Elli- son, Mrs. J. Ward, and Mrs. C. Heard. Present at the meeting were 16 members' and. one visitor. Twenty three home and hospital visits were made to sick mem- bers. : An invitation was . received from Unit No. 1 to attend its meeting Nov. 27 when colored 5,28, Wnts 2 35, Flaspanes"¢* chaoui row trip to Ireland. One quilt was turned over to welfare convener, Mrs, C. Fal- ow. Mrs. W. Jamieson conduct- ed the group's study book. The opic was 'Collapse or Recov- It was emphasized that the church must lead as well as co- operate with other community groups in raising and maintain- ng a higher standard of family ife, Mizpah Benediction and lunch was served by Mrs. J. Ashby and Mrs. R. Hail. There will be no December meeting, the group will resume its activities in January. Anglican Guild To Assist Needy All Saints' Anglican Church St. Margaret's Guild held its regular meeting Thursday eve-' ning at the church hail. President Mrs. L. M. Tutton opened the meeting with pray- er. All reports were read and approved. During the busines session final arrangements. were made for the Afternoon Guild Christ- mas Bazaar to be held Tues- day, Nov. 20 from 2.30 p.m. till 5 p.m. at which -St, Mar- garet's Guild will have charge of the miscellaneous table. Arrangements were made for the Christmas party to be held Thursday, Dec. 13. Members please take notice that there will be no other meeting in December and also notice the change of date. Asum of money was voted for Christmas baskets to be distributed to needy families. Mrs.. F. Jollymore read a let- ter from the group's adopted Chinese boy, which proved to be most interesting. The meet- ing adjourned and refreshments The meeting. closed with the were served by the social com- mittee. Auxiliary Makes New Cub Scarves Fifth Whitby Scouts and Cubs Mother's Auxiliary held its first monthly meeting at St. John the Evangelist parish hall. President Mrs. L, Bedard opened the meeting with a pray- er and the mother's promise. Mrs. Bedard welcomed the new members. All reports were read and approved, Sick convener Mrs. Cronin re- ported that sick cards were mailed to members also wedding congratulaiiun cards were sent to Mrs. B. Giroux and Mrs. Kenny, former Cub Leaders. Sewing convener, Mrs. . Duffu- hues and her committee are making new scarves for Scouts and Cubs. The president stressed the im. portance for mothers to attend these meetings as so much needs to be done for the boys. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, Dec. 11. At the close of the meeting lunch was enjoy- ed by all. OUT OF ACTION MONTREAL (CP) -- Winger Claude Provost will miss at least the next scheduled game of Montreal Canadiens because of an injury suffered against Chicago Black Hawks Sunday the National Hockey League clu bsaid Tuesday. Provost suf- fered a severe strain in the Impaired Driver Church Auxiliary Will Fill Baskets St. Mark's United Church Knights Plan December Stag Gets 20 Days A Scarborough father of four was Tuesday sentenced to 20 days in jail when he appeared' before Magistrate Crawford W. Guest, on a _ second offence charge of impaired driving. Frank Clifford Major, 711 Ken- nedy road, pleaded not guilty to the charge. Whitby Detachment OPP Con- stable C. E, Pegg told the court he noticed a car "weaving from side to side on Highway 401, Oct, 21," d Constable Pegg said when he stopped the accused, he noticed Major appeared to be "stupe- fied." He added the accused was unable to walk, heel to toe, along a straight line and had difficulty in picking a_ nickel and three pennies up from the counter top at detachment head- quarters. The officer added when the accused did pick up the change, he was unable' to remember what coins were on the counter top. Major told the court he was church parlor. ture reading. members aitendi supper to be held church. The members Blake, assistant director for Toronto Township. pointed from both groups, form of a Christmas party. Women's Unit No, 5 held its regular monthly meeting in the President Mrs, D. Maundrell opened the meeting with an in- spiration on "Peace", Miss Laura Pellow was in charge of the devotional petiod and Mrs. M. McKendry gave the scrip- A short business session was held. It wa announced that wel. fare Christmas baskets will be filled with goods brought by the the pot luck . 4 at the then joined members of Unit No. 7 to hear special speaker, Miss Eleanor recreational The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction and lunch was served by committee ap- The next meeting of Unit No, 5 will be held Dec. 10 in the arrested Sunday morning but had nothing to drink since 11 p.m, the night before. He said he was tired as he had vous libee ah women won £140,000 up since 4 a.m. the previous day. His Worship asked Major what he would think of some drunk joint of his collar and breast bones in the game, a 1-1 tie. driving along Highway 401 with) main anonymous, forecast cor- four children in the car. WIN £140,000 LONDON (Reuters) -- Four $420,000) in a national soccer lottery last weekend, it was an- nounced here Tuesday. The charwomen, who asked the re- rectly eight tied games. The regular semi-mounthly meeting of Whitby Council 4895 Knights. of Columbus was open- ed by Grand Knight Frank Canzi, Brother Pat Lynch, Council Activity Chairman,~ reported that the supper-dance held re- cently was financially and so- cially a success. Brother Pat announced that a "Stag" party will be held in early December. 'A prepared talk was read by Brother K. Chonko as part of the special educational series on "Communism". Brother Mal Femia_{atro- duced Rev, Brother Stephen Coates, Chaplain at Whitby On- tario Hospital, guest speaker |who spoke about "Articles used during the Mass and vestments worn by the Priest during its celebration'. 'The subject was enlightening and interesting and well received by all. The speak- er was thanked by brother Mat Femia on behalf of the mem- bers. Grand Knight Frank Cant asked Father Coates to close 'the meeting with prayer. Cof- fee and a light lunch was served by brother Pat Lynch and his committee. USE LESS BREAD Average weekly per capita bread consumption in Britain in 1960 was 2% pounds, or % pound less than in 1954. 510, Singles over 200 -- Ladies-- Betty Dochuk 305, Agnes Aand- reddi 274, 228, 205; L. Broni- shewski 233, N. McCarroll 230, E. Pitts 225, 208; F. Schatz- man 224, 222; Mary Canzi 229, T. LeSage, D. Kehoe 219, Jackie Seymour, Eve O'Leary 214, A. Veitenheimer 211, Marg. Carter 204, 203. CASMAY C 100% Waterproof Ra : TILE per sheet in lots of 50 sheets UNDERLAY PLYWOO D pan lots 95¢ per sheet Keep Warm This Winter NLR LOL NLL LL ALIA dre GET FULL MEASURE BIG 5 CUBIC FEET LINE NAME BRAND ALuMinum | ROCKWOOL COMBINATION | INSULATION WINDOWS Only 88: Per BAG Heavy Duty Double While They Last MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE {Prides 7; Poker Chips 5, Be-| Dick Adams is away out injginners 12; Woodpeckers 8, front with a dandy 910 with|Stokers 14; Cubs 9, Neighbors games of 298, 289 and 323. Clare|2; County Bowl 11, Munn's Press Hutcheson with 844, games of!5. 335, 271 and 238. LADIES' CANDY BOWLING D. Rowden with sn gg at Scan LEAGUE all would have matched the] Points for the day -- Allsorts|) Men -- Lloyd Seym 910 tossed by Dick but head and|4, Gumdrops .0, Humbugs 3, 234; Jim McCarroll te onc corner pins in the last game|Jelly Beans 1, Life Savers 4,/Hendriks 230, Bruce Hazelton ruined Doug's chances and he| Lollipops 0, Maple Buds 3 and/291, Frank Sicoli 216. had to settle 834, 341, 251 and|Peppermints 1. | High Triples with Handicap-- 242 which is terrific bowling in| Triples over 500 -- I. Mother-|t,adies -- Fran Schatzmann 736 any league. |sill 780, G. Wiles 620, E. Mason/Nellie McCarroll 729, Betty] Triples over 700 -- R. Reeson/587, T. Shaw 585, M. Dolimont|Dochuk 717. , 757 (311), C. Gill 754 (269), B.|558, E. Walker 551, B. Pascoe) Men -- Jim McCarroll 637,| Jordan 750 (311), Ron Swartz|549, A. Hewis 545, J. Hands-|Matt Kolsteren 636 Lloyd Sey.| 748 (260), W. Bick 719, J.jsomb 543, D. Kehoe 542, J.|mour 634. : | Brueckle 706 (261), D. Dafoe|Gates 541, J. Church 537, R.| High Single with Handicap--| 706. |Peleshok 2, M. Litner 23, A./Ladies -- Betty Dochuk 350,| Singles over 260 -- E. Jordan) Anderson 522, B. Moase 520, M.|Agnes Sandrelli 274, Nellie Mc.| 274, J. Kirkwhite 270 and B.|Brooks 507, D. Moore 504 and L.| Carroll 273. : Murphy 273. ; Myers: 500. Men--Frank Sicoli 266, Lloyd) Results: Team 3, 2 points,| Singles over 200 -- I. Mother-|Seymour 257, Jim McCarroll. | Team 1, 1; Team 4, 3, Team 2,/sill 291, 262, 207; E. Mason 258, Ray Bibeau 235, 4 0;..Team.8,.2,. Team 6, 1; Team 7, 2, Team 5, 1. Now on at... Monday Night Mixed League| Triples over 600 -- M. Peggs 653, J. Hancock 604, C. Holtes 680, T. McIvor 658, R. Pascoe 771, B. Pascoe 623, J. Brueckle 660, J. Betherson 655, C. Gill 626, M. Jordan 886, S. Peake 635, M. Bemis 659, D. Rowden 646, K. Jenkins 642, W. Anthony 715, J. Mothersill 658, D. Grant 665, H. Moore 659, R. Childs 630. Singles over 200 -- F. Cole- man 212, H. Munn 211, A. Refrigerators, Ranges, T.V., Stereo, Washers, Dryers, Water Heaters, Vacuums, Polishers, Radios, Bedroom Suites, Chairs, Mattresses, Chesterfields, Bunk Peds, Kitchen Suites, Bed Chester- fields, Lamps, Continental Beds, Hassocks, Dividers, Pole Lamps, Tape Recor- ders, Record Players! ! Young 203, B. Anderson 204, R. Childs 248, 211; A. Anthony 248, 284; J. Johansen 236, I. Mother- sill 241, J. Mothersill 255, 228; T. Shaw 218, 237; D. Grant 273, 212; H. Moore 274, D. Davidson If You Don't Buy It At Bad Boy's R. Mclvor 202; T. Mclvor 299, c Garratt 215, B. Garratt 229,| YOU PAY TOO MUCH!! . Peggs 254, 228; J. Hancock) 242, C. Holter 214, 271, B. Wat.| FURNITURE kins 303, 231; A. Pope '224, J.| Miffin 218, D. Moore 254, APPLIANCES Team. Standings -- Sabre Jets 0, Whitby Cleaners 8; Rockets Open Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 12, Hopefuls 3; Symbols 0, erat KING ST. E. AT TOWNLINE 728-4658 CANADA'S Quality DOOR FULLY PRE- EE Sahai gis Raa Se FULL THICKNESS 4% 4x4' POPLAR Prices guaranteed until 6 p.m. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER Sth Aluminum Combination Doors $ y A 3 i] 99 ea. 2 for 2'-6" x 6'.6" Rugged Z boar doors, Storms, screen closer, windchain ond all hardware included. stock sizes 25.008 , NO. 1 GRADE - 1/16" x 9°" x 9" VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE SIX DESIGNS Others at 9'/2c For natural finish INTERIOR 2°0" x 66" $4.37 ea DOORS 70.ti"sisie Others at low, low prices too! MAH- SALES RUGGED OGANY |... +, tT] CUPBOARD BRAND % PLYWOOD 3" x 4' x 3' 60 cycle 2.6 '9.77| x, CHIPBOARD handtite CORE chuck C.S.A. ap- proved 1 year war- ae 7 ONLY 8 * Each Complete | With geared Keychuck.... COMPARE & SAVE ! FREE NO. 1 MAHOGANY MEASURING INSTRUCTION AVAILABLE den 305, C. Rowden 230, K. Jen- kins 225, 267; J. Betherson 201, 256; C. Gill 268, U. Jordan 225, M. Jordan 254, 258, 274; S. Peake 202, 206, 227; J. Howland 224, L. Peake 211, W. Rother- spoon 210, R. Pascoe 237, 220, 314; B. Pascoe 277, 202; C. Pas- coe 227, B. Collins 215, 211; K. Brueckle 215, J. Brueckle 203, 259; C. Denyer 204, I. Rora- beck 213, 200; J. Denyer 223; ELECTRIC DRILL 224, M. Bemis 257, 257; D. Row- pins 4; Echoes 12, Porky's Locking Action and Vinyl Weatherite Track Up To 70 United Inches (width plus height) $9.75 70¥2 to 100 United Inches . $11.95 Over 100 United Inches ... $14.50 In lots of 5 or more. Smaller lots add $1.00 COMPARE & SAVE! ¥ SHELL HOME 25' x 44' 1008 Square Feet of Living Space All materials to close in $1233 'WRITE US FOR PLAN STEEL OVERHEAD - GARAGE DOORS 8' 0" x 6'6" $39.95 COMPLETE 8' x 7' ... $41.95 9x7' ... $47.75 EAVESTROUGH STANDARD 10' LENGTHS sper 99. Ea. 25 or more Small lots $1.07 each Conductor Pipe and Accessories SIR ROBERT BURNETIS CELEBRATED If ordering by mail please add 3% O.S.T. and 50° to cover packing and mailing STORE HOURS ) DAILY 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. SATURDAY Till 5 P.M. STAINLESS STEEL ® SINKS $7.95 &. STRAINERS $1.80 ects eee COMPLETE 8-PIECE Bathroom 93% TRUCK LOT PRICES ~ No. 1 Spruce zx x 4" es 8' STUDS $79.50 per 1000 feet 2" x4", r 10° Lill *87,50 boerd ft. 25 CARTON LOTS RANDOM "VEE" GROOVED Ro 6 INSULATION | MAHOGANY aaa | GIN. f >» e BATTS e| PANELLING BROOKLIN Y hag 70 sq. foot $9.57 Ay7's $9.19 sseer YARD carton 4x 8's $3.77 Sheet ON THOMPSON In crates of approx. 32 pieces ROAD SMALLER LOTS Phone 655-3313 NOT JUST PRIMED! RAP PPP PIII IPA % DOUBLECOAT *& FULLY PREFINSHED CEILING. TILE . 12" x 12" or 16" x 16" * ont Oe 7/a° per square foot 3' 9 50 sq. foot $9.69 carton Small lots add 20c per carton 4x T $3,35--4 x 8' $3.95 ONTARIO SUGAR MAPLE "A-1"" Quality RAN3S4A 210-Ib. Panelling dail 4x7's Your Choice $9847 : 3 Colors 4x 8's 63°99 bg LIKE A FREE PRICE LIST? Just fill in and mail to CANADA CASHWAY LUMBER LTD. Write Head Office: Box 330, Malton NAME ADDRESS TOWN ORR.R......... PLEASE PRINT CAREFULLY. THANK YOU Carton of 64 square feet only $6.24 CANADIAN MADE MORE CANADIANS GIVE BURNETT'S THAN ANY OTHER GIN CORNER HIGHWAYS No. 7 and No. 12 Phone WH. 2-1221 eee eeans PUeVveueuCwTe SQUARE Others $6.85 ry

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