THE. OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, November 22,1962 2]. EATON'S Canadas Christmas Store GIRDLE and MATCHING PANTY GIRDLES White nylon 'leno' with front and back panels of rayon stretch satin. Panty girdles have removable inner crotch. Small, medium, large and extra large to fit 25 to 32 waists. LONG LEG PANTY GIRDLES PANTY GIRDLE and GIRDLES 4 aa 3.97 EATON"S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609 PHONE 725-7373 HANDSOME SHOES FOR DRESS AND CASUAL WEAR OVERMAKES . . . SAMPLES . . SOME SECONDS higranr ity A \ Ba A Nationally Known Manufacturer Clears Large Group Of EN "Elk" (tradename) leather with moccasin- MEN'S CASUAL COATS AND JACKETS m* -- style vamp ee composition or one-piece vinyl 1 99 plastic soles! Ends-of-lines in black or brown i r ts and Suburban Coat: : : ; Windbreakers, Surcoats, Car Coats and Suburban Coats ,-. sizes 2107; Cond E widths in thagroup. @ The maker's name is still on the labels. @ Handsome classic stylings in brushed nylon laminates, suedines, cotton sheens and gabardines with quilted rayon lining or rich '"'Orlon"' pile linings. @ 1962 fashion colours... loden greens, olive tonees, browns, charcoals and tans. @ Sizes 34 to 46 in the lot, 29" AND 30" WINDBREAKERS 32" AND 38" SURCOATS SPRIGHTLY STYLINGS IN Ordinarily 19.95 to 24.95 Ordinarily 19.95 to 32.95 S u ED ES and L be A i M ERS SPECIAL, 98 SPECIAL, 383 \ : : ' \ me EATON each 12. each ¢ 5. , yee oY sa Special Pree Colourful suedes, glowing. calf and Elk (trade- per name) leathers . . . fringed, buttoned, buckle 99 or bowed! Many styles . . . a host of patterns EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 929 PHONE 725-7373 and trims... . all a decided value! Sizes 6 to 9 narrow; 442 to 52 andto9 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 239 \\ | PHONE 72517373 SPECIAL! Interior and Exterior RESILACRETE FLOORPLATE You can paint. approx. 600 square feet of floor for just 10.99! Use "Floorplate" on cellar and garage floors, walks, porches and patios os well as wood and metal floors, It's easy to apply yourself, in six colours with clear ond white for tinting, and it's highly resistant to peeling and flaking for long wear! Buy "Resila- crete at this special low price . . . paint all the floors at your house! | e SAND e LIGHT ¢ RED ia REE e @ GREY @ AQUA GREY EATON Special Price, gallon "'Floorplate"' PLUS scnecceO MPC t SSS RE REPRE Give your laundry room a whole new look! SURFACE FILLER FOR WALLS Mix with water, opply with brush included . . . and you've helped fill in holes, pores ond cracks -- lessened the problem of leakage! Leaves a smooth hard surface of white, yellow, beige, dove grey, pale green, coral or turquoise, Pail covers approx. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd FROM 2 UNTIL 8 P.M. High V-collar style in plain shades with contrasting trim on collar. B | LL FOLDS lorge (18), fe, a j i > answer any questions you may have concerning it. in classic black or tan. Smart stitchless fold- ther. "Orlon" in bulky knit stitch. ®@ Magnetic blue, ranger olive, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24th FROM 12 A.M. TO 5 P.M. Rib knit waistbond ond sleeve cuff by "Minden Lewis" EATON : EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 275 With "Good Luck' Silver Dollar Price, each 4.99 over style . . . useful file pocket. . . nylon- ° 5-button front... knit ribbed caribou copper, long-handled mohair covered roller 5 66 HL} 6 5 H Boys' "Mountie" Bulky 'Orion' Hi V Pullovers " a TRATIONS itm FLOORPLATE" DEMONSTR TALISMAN Smortly 'styled pullovers for school and casual wear. Fashioned in bulky knit stitch. 'Resil ive, Mr. Scott, will be in EATON'S Paint Department. Sse small 108), medam (10 012), ge (14 to 16), and extra . oe ye) tes caste yeas oe lens) tloorplote'" to your basement floors; and to Slim handsome gifts for the men on your list this Christmas! Good quality Morocco leather ; 3463 7a.) 6 +] PB lined currency compartment, Feature is a Boys Mountie Bulky Orion Cardigans shiny Canadian silver dollar inserted in lea- * Machine-washable. @ 2 pockets. 00 cuffs «© » ond waistband: Each #- EATON Price, each S oY td EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 217 PHONE 725-7373 Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9 - GATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 232 PHONE 725-7373 150 square feet -- equals roughly a gallon. 10-Ib. Pail, Plus Brush EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 275 PHONE 725-7373 |