Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Nov 1962, p. 17

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Today's Stock Market 11:00 Net nigh Low a. . Cb ge TORONTO lt A.M. STOCKS By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--Nov. 71 (Quotatons in cents unless marked $, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is} from previous board-lot closing sale, | INDUSTRIALS e Stock Sales a Low ¢ Re fc se 190 760 280 300 str 'UA awn + M| a 7 -- --10 +% 71% +1 | 'Lau Fin Stock 'oa G yates Kelvinator Labatt Lakeland |LOnt Cem LOnt Cem p Laura Sec 100 A 1100 Leland 0 LobCo A 507 LobCo pr 50 LobG | pr 60 Lob Inc 400 270 Sales 300 160 105 170 200 200 250 pr PS I a4 M Leaf Mill 100 Mass F 1750 Mass-F 5% Met Stores Mid-West Milt Brick Mon Foods Mont. Loco Moore 1100 4321 400 400 il Net High Low a.m. 611% 11% $9 9 $9 9 $13% 13% 230 225 $Bi4 $15% $16 $10% S84 $49! $305 $9 S14 10 $18%% $115 $1i% 100 $107%4 Ch'ge Stock Sales %4 Atlas Yk | Barnat 100 Base Mets 1000 Bibis r 1000 600 1500 3430 d 500 % | Chimo 1300 %|Coin Lake 1000 CG Arrow 6500 C Mogul 1400 ¥%|\C Morrison 500 {Con Negus 1000 %4|C Northid 6000 [C Regcourt 1000 M4 | Conwest 100 jCop Corp 5000 Coprand 955 Craigmt 150, |Crowpat ~ 2000 4, Con-Shaw 2500 44|Deer Horn 2500 C N Inca % | Can-Erin | Captain q 100 6 9 365 145 7 10% 6 $10% 3 45 23% 63 103 10 28 10 410 106 $17% 9 42 7 100 6 9 360 145 7 10% 6 41 33%. 3 i 18 10% + «iy men have started a new busi- 24 ---* 6 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT 'Make-It Kits Draw Support (CP) | | } = | -- Twojment and arranged financing. He sold the idea to MacMillan, Bloedel, : The pair hope to bring out more complicated plans for those seeking a great challenge in the home workshops. Colin Evans, marketing serv-| ices co-ordinator for MacMillaa,| Bloedel, says the 'kits should provide a big boost for retafi lumber dealers. Eye - catching window displays will draw shop- VANCOUVER ness based on simplicity itself. In fact the idea is so simple that many small industrialists will' kick themselves for not having thought of it themselves. With 'the promotional suppor of the giant timber enterprise "lof MacMillan, Bloedel and Powell River Company Ld., Bill Watson and Sid Winsby are producing "make-it" kits--24 by +1 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 21,1962 17/| Western Oils Action Heavy, Boosts Market TORONTO (CP)--Heavy ac- tion in Bailey Selburn a spilled over into other Western oils issues on the stock market Monday, giving that section one of its best boosts in recent ses- sions. With Bay Street observers, expecting confirmation of re-| cent takeover talk linking Bailey and Pacific Pe'roleum, Bailey spurted to a 1962 high of 11, before easing to 10%, ahead %. The stock raced ur est ishes To The New ROTUNDA RESTAURANT * * * * Congratulations to 16% pers into show rooms, he said. "Once inside they'll see what to offer in ve Denison 7104 $10% | Dicknsn: xd * 400 Donalda 500 4% E Amphi 1500 \%| East Sull 100 }EA Sol 75 \ 9 jE 100 1 225 ROTUNDA RESTAURANT Your Official Opening WILL SCHAUB ELECTRICAL SERVICE 285 Edinburgh Rd. S. Guelph Tel. TA 2-6184 ,| at Steel remained un \4| Pbina \_|Pemhina pr | Pow Corp "|QN Gas wlQN Gas pr Revelstoke 5 5 495 5 Royal Bank. 7 +1 yy Royalite +16 |Salada xd 125 % § '4 ---~ "s\ Grandroy Seven Arts 1 -- ™§ Granduc + 'e!Guif Lead Gunnar 1050 '4 Hard Rock 500 H of Lakes 4500 & + 4) Heath 3 § 5 | | High-Bell +5 | Hollinger --!} Hud Bay ¥4\ Irish Cop _|5 Waite 3 4 4 + Ys! Jacobus 2 7 Jellicoe 2|/Keeley F ' a --8 | Frne: oeur | Frobex Gaitwin |Giant YK | Goldale Goldray 10500 m4 1000 500 1000 700 1000 § 9 +1 5 161 0 $10% z10 $30 25 200 200 900 26: 100 325 Featuring BORDEN'S Quality Ice Cream C Gas In pr C Gas In w CG Sec A 400 § © Husky 240 c imp Bk C361 cn 761 Cc iL : Mvp 1000 4614 50 106 1, | Simpsons Slat Steel Stedman Steel Can Switson Tamblyn + % | Texaco Tor-Dom pr 25 300 225 3345 Cdn Pet pr C Uti 225 9 ( {T Fin A Col Cell 1 jir Can Con Bldg Trans-Hit ; , Con ee F 5 is |Un Gas 1 Kerr Add Con 3 : 2114 2h ig Walk GW 1 8 4 Se! Lab Min 7 $23 22% -- "4 Con 5 yy|Wat Equip" 35 35435 L Dufault 2000 5 Coa WCoast Tr a! Latin Am 5100 Bk 32 +1 Vn 350 600 99 500 Coronation Crain RL Crush Int Dale Dist Seag Ms D Bridge +' Dom Stores 11 13 a 12% a Am Leduc 1000 4% Dom Tar 55 --%% Ang U Dev 500 30 Dom Text Bailey S A 6695 $10% Du Pont 5 35 5 5 + 4a'CS Pete 5750 Exquisite pr 200 § 1 11 4/C Delhi 5600 Falcon 2 %|Cdn Dev 100 Fam pay MaiC Ex Gas 1900 +3 |C High Cr 700 Ya|C Homestd 125 Ya Cent Del 1164 C Dragon 500 C Mic Mae 1400 0 | Fargo 100 285 Gr Plains 200 |Home A 300 H B.OUG 231 $154 OILS 1 "a Our Best Wishes T The NEM sies "0 ROTUNDA RESTAURANT and Erie Mortgage iereretion, common 30 cents, ~ 2, record Dec. 14 850 3 Opemisk xd 650 585 390 Orehan 1200 28 Pamour 500 124+ M Paramaq 65001 1 1 M4 &-- Ys) Pick Crow 500 J Pitch-Ore 9000 | Preston 100 |Pros Air 4100 Purdex 16000 }Que Lab 4500 }Que Lith 200 {Rio Algom 800 +5 +3 mn + DESIGNED 4% MANUFACTURED + EQUIPPED... BY CONTRACT DIVISION TL ADY'S STORE FIXTURES & EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. 124 Woodlawn Rd., Guelph, Ontario e Hayes Stl Horne Pf Imp Oil Ind Accep Inland Gas Int Nickel Int Util Intpr Dis w Inter PL Int Stl P Inv ya A 32-inch plywood panels on which through more than 90,000 are superimposed colored plans; shares ' for bird houses,: gas stations, |lumber dealers, have See peek-a-hoo doll 'houses, a child's|building materials. Pacific Pete blackboard desk, chair and a) "We think it will give the| Changed at 13%. : tool kit. ldealers, for the first time, a| Meanwhile, industrials sagged Even a boy with reasonable|real shake in Christmas shop.|near the close. *) skill can cut'along the edge of|ping.' Gainers in the main list in- ithe painted lines with a saw and/ lsh ¢ ed -- Corporation, +1%| assemble the pieces with a ham ahead a point, Interprovincia! */mer and one-inch nails | DIVIDENDS [Pipe Line, up %, Dominion glue. ecto ait Steel, wp Y%, and By THE CANADIAN PRESS |"ONSumers' Gas, up %. "eee pamper pond a British American Bank Noet Aluminium Fell 5%, Massey- he men are distributing their/qg yid., common 50 cents,|Ferguson % and Bell Telephone ' product in Vancouver in time} plus 50 cents' Dec. 15, record!% \for Christmas, Already negotia-\fyo. 4 A = \tions are in progress for expan-| SAS mong base metals, Hudson + \sion into the United States.| Bowes Co. Ltd., common 50\Bay Mining -- %, Inter- They hope to sell kits across|cents, Dec. 28, record Dec 14.| national Nickel 14 and Denison \Canada next year. Globe en Ltd., com-\and Noranda '4 each ' Mr. Watson, a lithographer)/™0n 13 cents, Feb. 1, record ii -- and highly - skilled silkscreen * i) 1 wCom Ts n --4) technician, developed the pro- "The Goodyear Tire and Rub- Weston A MA bree cess of painting the design on|ber Company of Canada Ltd., West A wis +20 | Lynx 34 -- %althe plywood panels. jcommon §1 plus $2 extra, Dec. Woodwd A Ye Mactie a | Mr. Winsby, a businessman, record Nov. 30; four per | Maralgo 14|saw the potential of the develop-/Cent pfd. 50 cents, Jan. 31, rec- Maritime = 173 : M41 oe ---- ord Jan, 10. sedi Home Oil Co, Lid., Class y, | Nealon 5 l R 12% cents, Jan. 1, record Dec. ay hes. Be owlan Neports :.' Newnor 1500 N Senator 1000 h jNormetal me tt aun Bonds ; Northgate m1 National Grocers Co. Ltd., common 15 cents, pfd. 37% Sales Totals cents, Jan. 1, record Dec. 14. Price Brothers and Co. Ltd., OTTAWA (CP)--Finance Min-)two per cent on the four per \lister Nowlan reported Tuesday|cent redeemable pfd. stock, 10 lthat sales of Canada savings! Jan. 1, record Dec. 1 i bonds at Nov, 16 totalled $1,35 Price Brothers and Co, Ltd., Fi |000,000, an increase of 65 per common 50 cents, Feb. 1, rec- Hi jcent from the corresponding pe-jord Jan. 2 g | Rix Athab 500 4/riod last year. | Sheraton Corporation of } 710 $6 5 By + 200 440 120 2300 pod Sherritt xd 1400 1 --19 | pop Seo aso a | He said the sales were made| Ameri ca, |Siscoe 'on nearly 1,470,000 individual or-|Feb. 1, record Dec. 31 | Steep R ders, an increase of 28 per cent| Upper Canada Mines Ltd., Sturgeon *lin the number of orders. |common three cents, Dec. 18; common 15 cents, 105 300 2000 300. 11% 9650 1 500 6 1400 140 400 114 114 1 1000 1944 MINES 1600 24 2% 53 6% 105 175 Telephone TAylor 4-3495 Sunburst Teck Mr. Nowlan's announcement|record Dec. 1 Te ts 'Sito the Commons went without) Un. Keno }comment from Liberal or New | Vandoo Democratic Party spokesmen LVIW Meee but Gilles Gregoire (SC--La- NET EARNINGS Willroy |pointe) criticized the sale on " Wi takg ~%!\grounds that every dollar in-| By THE CANADIAN PRESS 2% ~1 |Yale Lead 1200 » 9-3 | Vested in. government bonds; Bank of Nova Scotia, year 53 42 3000 represents. that -much_ lessjended Oct. 31: 1962, $8,465,829, ie |money available for the devel-\$3.14 a share; 1961, $7,872,924, | 'opment of Canadian resources.| $2.92. 53 Zenmae 6% 105 500 7000 1100 Sales to Il'a.m.: 3 Congratulations To The ROTUNDA RESTAURANT ROTUNDA RESTAURANT 10 KING ST. EAST FINEST IN CANADIAN PLUMBING & HEATING AND CHINESE FOODS by W.R. Brown& Son -- % Majtrans 12000 ta | Medal 700 2 Mill City 4500 1%|Nat Pete 1700 221 \% | Northeal 2000 50 |Pac Pete 400 -- % Pamoil 43000 +5 |Peruv O} 1800 4| Place 1900 -----|Provo Gas 3341 $8,465,829 Profi tS sarcee 1 ene oe Sout. J Reported By Bank 3", TORONTO -(CP) -- Bank of |ynispher Nova Scotia had net profit of|W Decaita $8,465,829 or $3.14 a share in| Windfall the year ended Oct, 31 com- pared with $7,872,924 and $2.92 in the preceding year. Abacus Total assets are at a new high | Agnes sy of $2,448,049.613 compared with|Au c Cop $2,268,901,570. Total deposits are $2,284,732,932 compared with 2,120,159,469. Personal savings, are $888,666,048 compared with | $832, 551, 019. Earl Takes Post _ "In Thomson Fund LONDON (Reuters) -- The Earl of Kilmuir, former lord chancellor or chairman of the House of Lords, has accepted the chairmanship of the £35,- 000,000 ($15,000,000) Thomson Foundation, it was announced here Tuesday. He will have as fellow trus- tees Earl Alexander, Second World War: military leader; Lord Williamson, former chair- man of Britain's powerful Trades Union Congress; K. R. Thomson, son of founder Roy Thomson; and James M. Colt- art, managing director of the Thomson organization. The creation of the foundation by Thomson, Canadian-born publisher with newspapers and television stations in a number of countries, was announced Nov, 8. Its aim is to help educa- tion, television and news serv- ices in developing countries. The Ear! of Kilmuir, 62, also is a trustee of the Wolfson Foundation set up in 1955 t provide grants for the advance- ment of education and health in Britain and the Common- NOV. 22nd CONGRATULATIONS To The 11.00 A.M. ROTUNDA RESTAURANT On Your Official Opening SYD. KEELING Hl GENERAL CONTRACTOR Everyone is Invited to Visit the New, Modern 'Rotunda' Restaurant On their Official Opening Sunday Dinner | SPECIALS -- OPEN HOURS -- aunt vede secre: £200 AMS TO 12:00 6M, MONDAY to THURSDAY .. 6:00 A.M. TO 1:00 A.M, FRIDAY and SATURDAY .........6:00 A.M. TO 3:00 A.M. TAKE OUT PICK-UP SERVICE AVAILABLE EVERY SUNDAY Special Catering to Sunday or With' Delicious New Menu Every Sunday Dinners 234 DUKE ST. E. KITCHENER

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