12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 21, 1962 HONORED BY FAMILY ON Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Eggert, Guelph and the late Mrs. Park road south, were hon»r- --- va - eee Hen * ; son of Mr. an ts. liam ed on their 25th wedding Koahe Eggert, Guelph. The couple niversary by a surprise buffet faye two daughters, Mrs. supper held at the home of. Wayne Kimmerly (Patricia); Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Mac- Mrs. William. Rockbrune Donald, Cloverdale street. (Donna) and two sons, Bruce Mrs. Eggert is the former and Wayne. They have four Mary Richardson, daughter of grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. William Richardson, Eggert have been residents of Robert Campbell Takes As Bride Marlee T. Burnside of Whitby St. Mark's United Church, box headdresses with circular Whitby, was the setting for the|veils and they carried cascades marriage recently of Marlee|of bright gold andrbronze chry, Tiselle Burnside, Whitby, daugh-|santhemums with fern. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burnside, Fort Erie, formerly of | Whitby and Robert Douglas) Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs./as ushers. Cyril Campbell, Oshawa. The reception was held in the The marriage was performed, Oddfellows pa eae When jreceiving, the ride's by the Reverend John M. Smith, wore dark green and black lace with Mrs. J. L. Beaton, organ-/over taffeta with matching ist and Captain James Reid, | jacket, beige velvet hat, and Hamilton, as soloist. poe mother "ee ha ' . ™ eige accessories. The -bride- Pi igen rds lg gg Ting beige brocaded bengaline sheath length sheath of white Berne|@ress, matching jacket with lace with bouffant floor-length| Peige and moss green accessor- ; iohtly|ies- hier ogee op The bridal couple left on their ed with a square neckline and|#0neymoon trip with the bride three-quarter sleeves. Her head- wearing an Italian knit suit of dress was a small crown of beige and chocolate brown, pearls and sequins with a finger- green and gold' Pixie' feather tip veil and she carried a cas-|Hat and green and brown acces- cade of pale yellow rose buds,|S°"es- ' stephanotis and ivy: Since their return from Ot- The. maid of honor, Miss Gail, '@wa, the Laurentian Moun- Mullen was gowned in opaque tains, the Ottawa Valley, Que- green peau de soie embossed|»¢ and North Bay they have with gold while the bridesmiads,|Dee>, making their home in Miss Joy Burnside and Miss\Whitby, Bln Judy Campbell wore gowns of pale gold. Their gowns were LATE BABY TALK designed with bateau necklines,, Baby talk should not continue short sleeves, and the ballerina|beyond a child's fourth year. If length skirts were bell shapedjit does the child should be and accented by a small bow atjhelped to discriminate between the front. They wore small pill-| sounds. The best man was Mr. Ed- ward Campbell with Mr. William tress, Sister Short, assisted 'by|Sale. Burnside and Mr. Gary Winter! Associate Master Brother mother a ANNIVERSARY UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES KING STREET UNIT 2 The November. meeting of Unit 2 was opened by Mrs. Wel- lington Trainer with a poem "Mediation". The devotional was in charge of Mrs. "Brotherhood". She also read a poem "Kneel to Pray". Hymn 399 was sung with Mrs. Roy Hood at the piano. The minutes were read by Mrs. George Twiddy and Mrs. William Mitchell gave the trea- surer's report. There were 16 present. Cards of thanks were received from Mrs. William Perry, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Legge and Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Bunker, Mrs. Norman Legge reported that she and Mrs. William Short had visited nine ladies at Hills- dale Manor. We had made 28 hospital calls and 10 home calls. The UCW dinner is December 13 at 6 o'clock in the form of a pot luck supper. The next meeting will be held on December 11 in the form of Oshawa for over 20. years. They received many gifts; cards and flowers, als a ser- vice of silver flat-ware from those present. Among the | guests present were Mr. | Eggert's mother, Mrs. Wil- | liam Eggert, Guelph; Mrs. | Eggert's father, Mr. William | Richardson and also Mr. Wil- lard Eggert, Guelph. | LODGES AND | SOCIETIES MAPLE LEAF NO. 2 LODGE | The regular meeting of the Howard reported on afternoon! 'Maple -Leaf No. 2 Juvenile Lodge was held recently with the absence of Worshi Dal- ziel. The meeting was opened with a prayer by the chaplain, Sister Kate Philips, A Christ- mas party was discussed. A draw was held and_ Sister Thompson won. Members were} requested to send a get well card to Associate Mistress, Sis- jter Short, who has been ill for. quite some time. Bingos are held every other) Monday afternoon from 2.00 to 4.00 at the Orange Temple. The next scheduled meeting, will be held on the first Thurs- day in December at 7.00 p.m.| VICTORY LODGE NO. 583 The regular meeting of Vic.) tory Lodge No. 583 was held) jrecently in Orange Temple with} the Worthy Mistress, Sister Elva Van Slyke and Deputy Mistress, Sister Mildred Car- nochan in their respective |chairs. Devotional exercises were per- formed by chaplain, Sister Isa- bella Roberts. Flags were pre- sented by Sister Cora Gardiner and Sister Ann McNevin. Past . Mistress, Sister Cora | a pot luck supper with the usual exchange of gifts at 6 o'clock. Mrs. Wellington Trainer thank- ed Mrs. Gordon Pirie for con- vening the Gordon Bunker wed- din ganniversary. Mrs. R. B. Reed and commit- tee served refreshments. KING STREET UCW NO. 9 The November meeting of the Loyal Workers Unit No. .|of King Street United Church Women was held recently in the ladies' lounge. In this week of remembering, Mrs. C, C, Skuce in her open- ing remarks, gave an appropri- her 25-year pin. bingos. Business was discussed by Sister Van Slyke, Next meeting, November 28, will be election of officers and all members are urged to attend. in Orange Temple, December 7 A euchre party is to be held at 8 p.m. R. B. Reed. Theme} ate "'Thought for Remembrance ay." ' Mrs. Bert Howlett and her committee presented the devo- tional, the theme being Remem- brance and Peace. Excerpts from Paul's letters to the dif- ferent churches were read by Mrs. Robert Bland, Mrs. Bery! Choate, Mrs, Samuel Jude, Mrs Oscar Morrison, Mrs. Albert Kinsman and Mrs. Robert Ire- land. Mrs. Howlett read "The Realization of Perfect Peace." Offering was received and dedi- cated. : In the business period the roll was called and 45 calls were made on home and_ hospital. The minutes were read by Mrs. Theodore Wilkins and the treas- urer's report by Mrs. Edward Sills. Mrs, Ernest. Brown and her committee will be in charge next meeting. Announcements were: Pot Luck supper, December 13, fer all' United Church Women of King street, November 25 is UCW. Day Church Service, No- vember 28, Christmas Merry-go- Round, Mrs. Hugh Myers read "Lest We Forget" and made a pro- posal for shut-ins at Christ- mas. For the program, Mrs. Fred Ayers and Mrs. Theodore Wil- kins played piano "Warbles of the Forest' and "Sunflower Dance." Mrs. Doug- las Lander sang "I Come to Thee' and 'When Song' is Sweet", accompanied by Mrs Clarence Scott. | Refreshments were served by |Mrs. Howlett and her group. Sister. Elda|ST. MARK'S AFTERNOON WA| A successful Christmas bazaar was held last Saturday after- A vote of thanks is extended|noon in the Parish Hall. Rever- Sister Gatchel in the chair, in|to all merchants who gave do-|end Alfred Woolcock opened the pful Mis-|nations for the recent Penny|bazaar. Mrs. hen you need wi "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 "Wome-Nursing Care for EVERYONE" duets,) Gordon Rae in charge of the tea room had the tea tables decorated with spray- ed pine cones. On Thursday afternoon the members met for a combined business and work meeting. President, Mrs. Harold Beam- ish and the secretary, Mrs. Leo Racicot are progressing favor- ably in the Oshawa Genera! Hos- pital. The next meeting to be held Thursday, December 6, will be a Pot Luck Luncheon starting at 1,00 p.m. For this meeting the members are to bring donations to fill the Mothers' Bags for Dorcs, The last Wednesday vf the month, November 28, will 'be Corporate Communion of all the WA members at 10 a.m. The Nominating Committee Mrs. Colin Parks and Mrs. Clar- ence Keith announced the new executive for 1963. Honrary president, Mrs. Alfred Wool- cock; past president, Mrs. Har- old Beamish; president, Mrs. Walter Meens; first vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Gordon Rae; secre- tary, Mrs. Ernest Pope; corre- sponding secretary, Mrs. Har- old Beamish; treasurer, Mrs '. A. Boughton; educational secretary, Mrs. Clarence Keith; Living Message secretary, Mrs Kenneth Kerslake; |service -secretary, Mrs. J. H. jLee; United Thank offering, |Mrs. A. A. Hockett; G. A. Lead- er, Mrs. Walter Cross; J. A |Leader, Mrs. Philip Lawrence. Refreshments were served by |Mrs. Ernest Pope and Mrs. Walter Cross, NAOMI GROUP The November meeting of the Naomi Group of Christ Memor- ial. Church was held recently. The president, Mrs. Stanicy Lawrence, opened the meeting. The 'secretaries report was given by Mrs. Edward Davies and Mrs. Edwin Roberts read the treasurer's report. There will be a joint study group on November 27 at 2.00 p.m., the subject being "The Church in the '60's." A report of the Dorcas work was given by Mrs. Bransby Cook on the preparation of articles for the annual bundle to be sent to the missions. Volunteers were called upon to serve in the Tuck shop at Hillsdale Manor. charge of the remainder of the meeting when the annual Christ- mas bazaar which will be held in the Parish Hall on December 5 at 2.30 p.m. was under dis- cussion. It will be under the aus- zations. The December meeting wi!l be in the form of a turkey pot- luck supper and entertainment Refreshments were served by Mrs. Gordon Brough, Mrs, Wi!- liam Ashman and Mrs, Russll Doughty. LOSES GOODNESS | Second heating of vegetables increases the loss of vitamins and minerals so any excess is better eaten cold. pices of all the Women's organi- 1 BROCCOLI SUPREME cups cooked broccoli stems, and buds cut in 1 - inch pieces ; 10%4-0z. can cream of mush- room soup 2-0z. jar sliced pimientos % cup dairy sour cream cup celery, sliced ¥% teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon salt Y%-% cup grated cheddar cheese ; In a large mixing bowl :0m- bine all ingredients except the cheese. Place in large oiled casserole. Top with cheese. Bake in a 350 degree oven for | 20-25 minutes. Makes 6 servings. 1 The joint Communion service) for all WA members in_ the} church will be on December 2) dorcas sec-| retary, Mrs. Colin Parks; social] at the 11 a.m. service. Mrs. James Parsons, liaison member to the Consumers As- sociation of Canada gave a re- port to-the group on the Octo- ber meeting. Mrs. W. J. Howard presented. an account of the Deanery Con- ference held at the Church of the Ascension, Port Perry on Oc- tober 10. St. George's Memorial Church extended an invitation. to the members to attend their bazaar 'on November 24. Mrs, F. A. Mcllveen was in Give the gift 'of year round comfort... FOAMTREADS! | | 2 WEEKS ONLY! 10.00 PERM 5.00 15.00 PERM 10.00 Wash ond set 1.75 PHONE 723-2552 Simcoe Beauty Salon 492 SIMCOE ST. 5S. Men! Don't Miss This ! ! Add Glamor to Your Hom WITH "DURWOOD" WALL AGGESSOR VISIT 9 KING ST. EAST This Christmas WALMSLEY & MAGILL e IES [FREE!! 3 TOPCOAT or CAR COAT With the Purchase of ANY SUIT at 49.50 USE PAYMENT NECESSARY YOUR CREDIT NO DOWN DUNN'S 2 LOCATIONS IN OSHAWA OSHAWA | 36 King East and Oshawa Shopping Centre Gardiner was presented with __ To every woman or young girl who has ever hoped for an improvement In sanitary pro tection Why the fully tapered shape of new Confidets gives you natural fit and comfort yet greater protection than % standard napkins clippedcorners Confidets you've ever known ce 1. Only fully tapered sanitary napkin, shaped to fit natural body contours. Wide in front for more protection, narrow in back to prevent strong for secure fastening. bunching and bulging, yet you wear it with any standard belt. 2..Only one with proportioned depth. Con- is assured lene shiel part of thi Stays, dry, ness in middle where the greatest absorbency is required. Protects like a super pad with, less bulki- ness than a junior size. Confidets (with just one size) suit every need, 3. Multi-layer filler increases your security, actually holds 8 times its weight in moisture as proved by laboratory tests. Very fast absorption by pure, finest quality materials. 4, Only accident-proof inner shield that's bonded into position so it can't slip. Moisture cannot penetrate this feather-light, polyethe- ld, so under is new napkin , soft. SS Confidets are the same low price as all lead- ing sanitary napkins yet how much more they offer! Every young girl and woman deserves this improved comfort and protection. fidets are first to put extra thick- preferred them to any other 5, Exclusive ultra soft-strength cover. Speci- ally designed for extra softness against skin yet In areas where this product was first introduced, two out of three women who tried Confidets Junior Sandman. Put these in the youngsters' stockings! They'll love the colourful corduroy, the bouncy foam rubber. midsoles. Non-marking leather outsoles are quiet underfoot. Washable. $2.98 Chatelaine. She'll get style plus comfort when you give her these dainty wedge-heeled satin slippers. The woven pattern is beauti- fully accented with gold thread. Washable $4.98 Executive. Please the men on your list with these sturdy corduroy house shoes. Made without nails or stitching, the foam rubber soles are welded on, can't come loosel Washable. $3.98 NO CEMENT NO NAILS NO STITCHING The secret of Kaufman "Foamtreads" comfort and lorig gvear CRAFTED BY KAUFMAN Makers of Packard Shoes and Slippers, Snowbelles, Kingtreads and waterproof footwear BUY YOUR FOAMTREADS AT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING STORES COLLINS SHOES 119 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY Open Friday Till 9 P.M. -- 668-3476 HOUSTON SHOES: WHITBY PLAZA 668-4901 AGNEW SURPASS SHOES DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 25 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 723-7411 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE, PHONE 725-6611 DOWNTOWN WHITBY 112 BROCK ST. S., PHONE 668-3412 BLACK'S MEN'S WEAR 74 SIMCOE ST. NORTH 723-3611 MODEL SHOE STORE 55 KING STREET EAST 725-1521 napkin. Made In Canada DANCEY'S Downtown Pshama unan. goo vm GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MONEY. REFUNDED, es ee ee