Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Nov 1962, p. 8

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SIGNING THE REGISTER register after "their marriage recently in ««Knox Presbyterian Church are Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Al- bert David Cox. The bride is the former Marion Collette Signing the Uemen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 carnations. on their honeymoon O'tawa and Eastern Canada the bride donned 4 navy bluelavenue, Oshawa. sisted, wéaring a- Dior blue}wool suit and matching full- sheath dress, matching acces-|!eneth coat. Her ensemble was sories and a corsage of white|completed by a navy blue vel- vet tam, matching accessories When the bridal couple left|@nd a corsage of yellow roses, Mr and Mrs, Roxburgh are making their home at 447 Miller trip te § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 14, 1962 Roxburgh-Lane Vows Exchanged In Calvary Baptist Church | United in marriage recently Queen Elizabeth roses anal jin Calvary . Baptist Church were Brenda Jean Lane, Osh- awa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lane, Oakville, former- ly of Oshawa, and Mr. Robert Leonard Roxburgh, son of Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Roxburgh, Oshawa, formerly of Liverpool, England. The ceremony was performed! by the Reverend William Niven Aitken. The organist, Mr. Paul) Kerr, Toronto, accompanied the soloist, Mr. Ralph Hunter, To- ronto, who sang "Where'er You Walk," "Praise My Soul, The King of Heaven," "Jude's Con-| secration Hymn," "The Wed-) ding Hymn' and "Thanks Be McNamee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wesley Mc- Namee and Mr. Cox is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. |To God." Cox, all of Oshawa. Given in marriage by _her| --Photo by Sneyd |father, the bride wore a floor- stephanotis. The maid of honor was Miss, Joyce Luke with Miss Ruth Skinner and Miss Jacqueline) Reader as bridesmaids. They wore street-length gowns of tur-) quoise brocade. styled with scoop necklines, three-quarter) sleeves, full skirts and accent | ed at the back by a rosebud.| They «wore. matching _head-| dresses and carried cascades of yellow shasta chrysanthe- mums, | The best man was Mr. Wil- liam Lyons with the bride- groom's brother, Mr, Alan Rox-| burgh, Mr. Douglas Wright, Mr.! Colin Butcher, Toronto, and Mr, Theodore Wray, Wheaton, Illinois, as ushers, The reception was held in Men! It's Now Available at DUNN'S --The-- "ERNIE RICHARDSON" ~ SWEATER! "Custom-Designed For Curlers" The Sweater thot sets a new standard of style and excellence for the curler. Allows more f of it @ 3-way collor and hos @ neat dressy sppearence. 100% Pure Botany Wool and will dry clean beoutifully, See Them NOW! at... DUNN'S AT ' GLECOFF ; SUPERMARKET 174 RITSON S. OSHAWA "STRETCH YOUR DOLLAR AT GLECOFF'S SPECIALS FOR THURS., FRI., SAT. NOVEMBER 15th, 16th, 17th FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES LARGE FRESH HEAD LETTUCE 2: 35° AFRICAN SWEET ORANGES 49° 2 LOCATIONS IN OSHAWA! 36 King E. and Oshawa Shopping Centre OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TO 9 P.M. length gown of. white organza|the church hail with the bride's over taffeta. It was designed|mother receiving in turquoise lwith lily-point sleeves and aj>rocade sheath dress, fur| lround neckline accented with|cloche hat and a corsage of |sequins and pearls which were Yellow and white carnations. lalso appliqued on the front of|The bridegroom's mother as-| CHOICE WAXED TURNIPS "7 GRAPEFRUIT """"--""""""" 10 59° David Milne's Family History Finds Painter Among Pioneers Miss Blodwen Davies, author and biographer, provided an in- sight into the early life of the @Canadian painter, David Milne, ~"gt the Monday meeting of the Lyceum Club and Women's Art Association, "= The artist's landscapes 'n oil and water-color, several of yeewhich are included in the Na- *~¢ional Gallery, have become col- lector's items since they re- eeived the recognition of a con- moisseur and former governor- general, the Right Honorable Vineent Massey. A selection of Milne's paintings are currently "on display in the McLaughlin «Library in the Lyceum Exhibi-! * "tion, Researching into his _back- ground Miss Davies has discoy-; ered that David Milne had Scot- tish parents who came to North America in 1870. His mother| was an unschooled girl, born in; 1840 and married at 20 to Willie| Milne. On her 30th birthday the} * couple with six or seven chil- " 'dren sailed for the new world. They sailed from New York to Collingwood and on a farm) mear Burgoyne, Willie Milne| dired out to farmer James ~ Brown while Mary set up her| 'own domestic arrangements in a} log cabin across the river. Here her son Dayid, named after Farmer Brown's deaf-mute son, was born in 1882. _ Another older son, James built @ double house at Paisley and ""David and his mother moved in. David became a school teacher but his passion was drawing and he made up his mind to go to New York and walked from Paisley to Toronto. In New York he met May Haggerty and after gix years courtship they were Some of Milne's paintings, dis- played in a New York gallery ettracted the attention of a com. mercial artist, James Clarke © ogecretly married. | YWCA and has been travel- the full skirt. The bodice taper- gs Mrs. D. G. Bentley introduced|¢4 at the waist and was adorned | the speaker who Be thanked] With three rosebuds and a flow-/ by the president, Mrs. Uriah|In& chapel train. Her tiered Jones. Mrs. Jones asked con-|finger-tip veil of French illusion veners to have their reports| Worn over the face was held by ready for the annual meeting)@ coronet of sequins, and she jnext month and appointed a\carried a cascade of yellow |noted 'with sincere regret the LODGES AND SOCIETIES death of two members during the past month, Mrs. Fred Rob- REBEKAH LODGE The newly installed officers erts and Mrs, Cyril Weyrich. Mrs. W. H. James poured tea during the social hour. OS of Sunshine Rebekah Lodge No. | a ' 222, presided for the recent | i 3 meeting held in the Lodge rooms. | Noble Grand Sister Elda How- ard conducted the business. As- |sisting was Sister Elsie McKee in the vice grand's chair, who) ™ reported on the members who were ill. : Sister Estelle Sim gave a re- port on the recent banquet and also reported on Hillsdale! Manor. | LTB NO. 55 I | The regular meeting of LTB) |No. 55 was held in the Orange | Hall. Worshipful Mistress Sister Ruth Gatchell presided. Devo- tional exercises by Sister Mary Abbott in the absence of Sister Alice Shortt. The sick report found Brother '{Amon Toms still in hospital; Sister Alice Shortt and Sister) Vicky Beaton home from hospi- tal, | The draw was won by Sister) Coombes, Sister Morton and Sis- ter Gatchell. After lodge closed| a shower of lovely gifts was held for Sister and Brother Fred Whieite on the event of their re- cent marriage. The next regular meeting will be November 20. YWCA SPEAKER Miss Yvonne C. Roberts will be the guest speaker to- morrow night at the YWCA World Fellowship dinner. Miss Roberts was program director at the Adelaide, Australia, ling in the Far East, Middle East and southern Europe, visiting YWCA's on a round- When you need "HOME-NURSING" KING Dramatic Beauty Practical Economy Distinctive Simplicity Isabella ALL 744 ONE LOW PRICE 65 Other Styles, Shapes and Colors to Choose From Here is a frame for the Canadian Lady, be she young or old, Miss or Mrs. The "Isabella" with its simple, clear, upsweep shape, and French carved temples, gaily trimmed with matching stones for thet costume effect, is the choice for all occasions. Available in Flaky Blue, Luscious Mink ond Marbieized Black. Complete with the lenses you need, it is truly a wonderful buy for only $11.95. REPAIRS--Broken Lenses dupticated. Frames repaired; fromes replaced while you wait. Lowest prices, @ NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED e --eo SINGLE VISION $11.9 Complete with Frames, Lenses end Case. BIFOCALS $47.35 Complete with Frames, U.S, Tredemerk Registered OPTICIANS--OVER 3,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS NO. 1 MUSHROOMS u. 39° FRUIT BASKETS Made To Order 2,50 up CHOICE FRESH AND COOKED MEATS PURE BEEF SAUSAGES '°": us, 49° CHICKEN BACKS" 3 ins. 29° PORK HOCKS "*" 5 1ss.1.00 BOLOGN FA APPROX. 2-18, pieces ts, 398 CHOICE LEAN BEEF PRIME RIB STEAKS or ROASTS ,. 75* BEEF BRISKET "*" ror 1.00 CHOICE LB. 89¢ ROUND STEAK or ROASTS VEAL PATTIES "" ~ us. 99° 3 1s, 1.00 the-world tour. Lenses gnd Case, 2nd Floor P.S.1. and Optometrists who became a life-long friend and benefactor. Milne was an 3RD SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. obstinate individualist, He was) The 3rd Oshawa Scout Moth: never enthusiastic about te ia ot cctung hyd gir dis-lot Simeoe Street Church. d s e time; e femained unknown in the United ae agg uae: the States when he could have won|Dresident, presided. was an- nounced that a card was sent recognition in Ontario. to Lewis Trotter, one of the 3rd The Milnes moved back t0\Oshawa Scouts, congratulating Palgrave at the start of the de-|him on receiving his Gold Cord sepression and. made a. lasting/and Bushman's Thong, two of 'Yriendship with the Angus fam-|the highest awards in Scouting ily at Six-Mile Lake. Milne died|tewis also is one of the scouts in 1953 and six or seven hundred) who were chosen to 20 rp of bs nary are stored in the'Greece this summer, to attend national archives. His widow); lorid' : wens +» dives alone on Manitouli Island. ne Worie's dambores 9 Acne! EES | Mrs. Lloyd Brown was pre- TO TINT COCONUT |sented with a past president's The easiest way to tint coco-|pin by Mrs. J. A Steffen, a nut is to put it in a screw top|past president of the 3rd Osh- thelers Auxiliary met in the Hall Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 "Home-Nursing Care for EVERYONE" ey Sen Phone: 728-1261 Prescriptions. BRANCHES IN MANY PRINCIPAL CITIES OF CANADA AND U.S.--FOUNDED IN 1904 17 Bond St. East | We Fill All Occulists, jar, filling jar no more than half full. Sprinkle with a: few "Girops of diluted food coloring.|year term of office, Cover jar and shake well until eoconut is evenly tinted. 'Mrs. Albert Wilson- awa. Mrs Brown was congratu- lated for her work in her two- Refreshments were served by Now You Don't Buy SALE on at... BAD Refrigeretors, Ranges, T.V., ashers, Dryers, Woter Heaters, Vacuums, Polishers, Radios, Bedroom Suites, Choirs, Mattresses, Chestertields, Bunk Beds, Kitchen Suites, Bed Chester- fields, Lamps, Continental Beds, Hassocks, Dividers, Pole Lamps, Tape Recor- ders, Record Players! | It At Bad Boy's RECLI YOU PAY TOO MUCH!! BAD BOY Open Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 KING ST. E. AT TOWNLINE FURNITURE APPLIANCES 728-4658 Treat 'Dad' to one of these luxury chairs for Christmas, SLASHED FROM ......... '38 WILSON % NERS } 4 4 i } 20 CHURCH ST, .When you buy 2 'Table Lamps at FREE! MATCHING FLOOR LAMP 9.7 A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE 'TIL CHRISTMAS PLATFORM ROCKERS Lovely _ frieze $ covers. Sold for $59.50. Hurry for these. .... FREE DELIVERY FURNITURE COMPANY 723-3211 14.88 each. SET OF 3 BABY PANTS 32" SLEEPERS and PYJAMAS """""-« 1.98 BEEF HAMBURGER "" LEAN LEAN SPRING LAMB-IN-THE cj LAMB BASKET 39 cHops ™ 69: BREAKFAST BACON '\ Pict sy THE sas a 59¢ BEEF STEW '%% *onsiss 2 uss 1.19 BUTTER FIRST GRADE vs 53° D ATE LOAF Cc AKE CHRISTIE'S (Limit at Sy mene 39° BROOKSIDE BREAD '"""™ 2 'fon O78 GUERNSEY GOLD MILK rons Each O7® CIGARETTES LARGE CARTON EXPORT A, cae wee MEAT PIE FROZEN BIRDSEYE situa sak a oi TURKEY, CHCKEN er BEEP 4 FOR 1.00 MACARONI & CHEESE DISH 5:-.2 10. 49° ORANGE JUICE "ox 5 "1.00 MALLOW BISCUITS "°47" age PEANUT BUTTER "> = **¥,207- 148 5 ge INSTANT CHOCOLATE °°: -- '4. gge CHEESE SLICES ""! sos. ans on CARNATION MILK 3 's2z age KRAFT DINNER ©! * ve au ALL PURPOSE FLOUR *™ "°° = 5. gage HEINZ TOMATO JUICE 4' 1,00 SPECIALS IN OUR DRUG AND CLOTHING DEPT. MIXING BOWL SETS PAKKALENE 3 = 598° BLUE BLADES """" ors LQ? HAIR SPRAY SOFT SPRAZE REG. Ahag 9 gr MODESS 12's mon 45° TOOTHPASTE PEPSODENT an 10? gg« ASH TRAYS "" mor 19° TRAINING PANTS CHILDREN'S 5 an 1.00 -- 2 ron 49 SEE OUR LARGE DISPLAY OF TOYS AND CHRISTMAS GIFTS. FREE DRAW ON YOUR BABY BONUS CHEQUE MADE IN OUR DRUG DEPT... . YOU CAN WIN THE FULL AMOUNT OF YOUR BONUS CHEQUE. Shop and Save at Glecoff's ... Open Every Night Until 10

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