court with a blackened left eye, JOIN GATT {disappointment at the con. @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 14, 19767 Charge Damage Y outh S entenced Court Sequel l'old Magistrate RB. Baxter] GENEVA (AP) -- The Gen. tinued failure of the West Ger- T Fi t Fi ht Nheh when ee ae Hor eral agreement on.Tariffs and/man government to remove o First Fight | "N Trade (GATT) agreed without) agricultural import restrictions e ' Bo d Ayre Wins On Hallowe en h meee a 'Elgin ee, eer merce ant regarded as violating the GATT aa E ( ia ve been saying things| provisional G: embership terms. : 7 BOWMANVILLE (St at) Robbery Cc CATGS =, BOWMANVITLE (S81) -- aout me. Krolewski aid fo Yugosiavia. and the United = ----____- Harold Lloyd Cornish, 106 Onb- lage hovs ix the parking tt at/Accher told: hing, ane Sen fe) Arab eponic. in oper Se: LONG DROUGHT * Shee awa boulevard, Oshawa, was) BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Ajtion Army, walked out of court aauieies High Freda Fronday| Started kicking and punching,"'-|ness, the United States, Brazil,| Wed: Halts fn the baad T1zZes or remanded one week when he) knife-wielding youth who robbed here Tuesday @ free ma, atten ene ee oc vcribed. in| Atcher admitted throwing the\Canada and several other Com.' Wadi Halfa in the once appeared in court here Tues-/g Highway 115 restaurant last) he was convicted of a drunk onurt Ae Tuesday first punch, but said Krolewski| monwealth countries expressed had no rain for 19 years, RONTO (CP)--Boyd Ayre Ont., were awarded both cham-jday on a malicious damage|Friday night, was sentenced to| charge. James Archer, 16, RR 3, Bow-|had been "'spreading it around) ~~ * ere ETS. 4 "Ss ton, Ont., swept the|pion ram and reserve champion charge. 15 months definite and three} Neil McCormack pleaded guil- manville. was convicted of 'as-/school that he could beat me} 7 oem competition atjram honors in the Oxford down! Cornish is charged with knock-) months indeterminate in the On-|ty to being drunk in a public) sulting 'Walter. Krolawski, lua' the Royal Agricultural Winter|sheep competition. " ing down two mailboxes injtario Reformatory by Magistrate|place Nov. 10. He was sentenc-/"1 st scout e High School, Magistrate Baxter remanded Fal when his entries won the| In the same competition an|Darlington township Hallowe'en|R, B. Baxter here Tuesday af-jed to three days in jail, dating|4 her is gfe da 8 MIGML aliAcohar Bok two wena ol ol champion and reserve cham-lentry by Harold Skinner and|night. ternoon, ; {back to the time of his arrest |p 0 Hope technical school. custody for a pre-sentence re- pion ewe awards champion and|son of Tyrone, Ont., was named| Constable J .T. MacDonald of} Leslie Wayne Minshall, 17,;--------- Krolewski, who appeared in'port. | hampion ram awards|champion ewe. The reserve|/the Bowmanville OPP detach-/RR 1 Orono, pleaded guilty to) E : D : pieidwedd oe) Pano : oT piace in all sections|champion ewe in the judging| ment, said witnesses saw Cor-|an armed robbery charge. | Tring river | Peo OPT -- | | , | of the judging. went to Cyrus E. Lowden,|nish run down the mailboxes| Constable H. R, "Pat" Cor- . | Mr. Ayre took second place in| Smithville. with his car. nell told the court Minshall was Lacks Licence three of the sections; ram| Emke Brothers' entries took) «That's a lie," said Cornish,|arrested about two hours after h , | ? Stas : Ravages lambs, yearling ewes and ewe/first place in four of the juds-/y did it with my. hands." [police -were 'called to Sid's) BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- ¥ possibie ths side of hel 2 rH pore ling sections. | Magistrate R. B. Baxter ad-|Restaurant by Mrs. Lillian Por- jighteen-year-old David Davis . oa is oin oe entries also. won the| Charles J. Shore of Glan*| journed the case. to give the ter, a waitress, of Peterborough was fined $50) : é champion ewe, reserve cham-|worth, Ont., won champion ewe| witnesses an opportunity to give| He said the accused threat-| ang costs or 10 jail when$ na FTER STREET ; pion ewe and the champion _ poe eee seg Hola IN evidence. son 2 cal a hunting malls at he was convicted in court herel a Es FIGHTER titles in the Hampshire s eepit e Lincoln s eep ivision, rs. Porter, and stole abou Tuesday of careless driving competition. | The reserve 2 al . . from the cash register. and driving without a ligence.| ne The champion ram award in|was shown by a ate Man Dismisse /YOUTHS REM/#:DED - Constable M. C, Joynt of the "bs the Southdown sheep competi-/Sons of Highate, Ont. Hi ' ~™ | Two Toronto youths were .te--Bowmanvillé OPP detachment § Be tion went to Tom Hudson of by John B. Lee of, Highgate . ae |manded two weeks when they|testified that he saw 'the accus- DOORS OPEN Kathryn, Alta. ae was champion ram. dt Given Warning jappeared in court here Tuesday ed youth's car on its side on AT 6:00 P.M ILTMOR P| _ Reserve roar | babar y facing breaking .and entering) Highway 115, about two miles : yes 4 to John Knights and sons r 2 (Staff): --| charges. north of the Junction of High- OLD LA LAPS ww Mull, Ont. dean awe tole Church roup Friel nce a ube of}. Charged with breaking into a ways 115 and 35, Sept. 2 about) __in the ie 9 loyd Ayre of eee ldriving a car while his licence| Lake Scugog couage in Cart-|4 vad say travdlted 400 ing an entry D} i ae Gamoal ] t d was suspended against a Bow- wright Township are 17-year-old He said the car travelled 43 Bowmanville, On pals 'oh ans u e 1 e |manville man, Magistrate R .B Vello Thompson, 590 Hillsdale! feet out of control, Davis 'was champion, and reserve cham- lRagier warned him that if he|@venue and James Shea, 18, 16|taken to the Peterborough Civic] pionship went to an entry by . -ame bi kt sourt again on the Crofton road. |Hospital after the accident. He! Emerson Lowden of Glanford 1 t XC ange nee 'ha x ~ hee ic 0 to jail A 52-year-old transient, who admitted to police that he had Station, Ont. ROUEN same charge, he could g0 to Jal!' pave his address as the Salva-'never had a driver's licence Bee * ; MRS. A. DOWNEY for.a year : ceca i STAN BAGG TOPS : MYRTLE -- The UCW met Meredith Brown, 39 Elgin Entries by Stan Bagg of Osh- recently in the basement of the street, pleaded not guilty to the TIMES--1:50--3:50---5:50--7:50--LAST SHOW 9:30 awa won champion ewe, reserve ch The devotional exercises charge that he drove a car | Cramp ere a cae ee pey and Movil at 235 pam Hs Hee SWINGING! LOVING! SINGING 6 BIG SONG HITSI ram in the North Country \ne- vi45° Lynde. was suspended last March when viot sheep ch Goan Elmwood,|,, The treasurer reported that he was convicted of careless - Emke Brothers of Elmwood, (1. money from the turkey ol driving. a i p ; Are you worried about a Christmas AP alta cag Ne Pg Mer pe . ED oie "or hor special customer or uilding : e § } al 'i E : ¥ Deputy Reeve | The ladies agreed to cater tocar in a parking lot just east 4 Ns friend? Well what would be more ap | the annual meeting for Manches-!of Oshawa on Highway 2. f x : preciated than a book of .. ter Credit Union Both Brown and his wife, fe k ' , a Guest S eaker Christmas gift exchange was Joyce, testified that the gear- : ; 5 ' wre i ODEON GIFT TICKETS Pp decided for the December meet-/shift had stuck. and he was) ' ' Four tickets plus a bonus one. Five evenings of at Altona, after a successful ing at the church and the pom only behind the wheel to. fix it as . , i enjoyment and pleasure, thanks to your ion to increase its Sun- inating committee will present so his wife could drive. ' y ¥ thoughtfulness. Tickets are good at any Sree echo embershir si the slate of officers He told the court he didn't a es % E day School oars in stead aS! "Mrs. Mason presented a sum- intend to drive the car on the R i ODEON THEATR able er ie Rally Day! Mary of a chapter from the highway ; across Canada. pervics hl - ee ce rane arated 0 hell oo. : Abe on he NOW ON BS Se Norman Lehman discoursed Mondays after school and the MALTA DEVELOPMENT oP howd § PLAZA BOX OFFICE upon the Sunday School lesson.| anigr choir, Wednesday eve- VALLETTA, Malta (Reuters) | ' ; Junior classes held their serv-| 7; " . United Nations experts are to! k i oe PHONE 723-2843 unior $ ' nings at 7 p.m. ' e : é j NOTE: Special di t price te. Clubs ices on a lower floor of the Few ladies attended the UCW|draw up a 1964-69 economic de- | : 3 : e --- sae io price jubs, church, while the adult gather- prechytery held at Brooklin re- Velopment plan for this British) be" : < ieties or Groups. ing remained in the church cently. Medit ranean' island colony. | ez 5 ; proper, to enjoy an address by "Mrs Tait and pupils entertain- The plan will include extensive hae , | the deputy reeve of the Town- oq the mothers at a Hallowe'en development of high grade agri-| ship of Pickering, Mrs. Jean) party at school. jculture. COLOR as McPherson, who was the guest! --_-- ~ Sy ESaNRIIaNESca* a ARN aE WDE LUXE OMITED AnTista ----- at the large gather- PHONE 723-2843 Mrs. McPherson noted the BE WISE--BE THRIFTY--BUY GIFT TICKETS NOW ! vast difference between the one who professed Christianity and nk ' the one who was in actuality a Christian. She remarked upon the seri- 1 ous condition of world affairs, saying that she felt that a crisis was impending. She said that the prophecies set out in the Bible were rapidly being ful- It SHIRLEY filled, and that in her opinion, S) the end was drawing near. She | urged everyone to accept ATHER BEST g Christ as their Saviour. | ato on Awards were given for at- The SEXY tendance at the Sunday School | oi seviberh "and Rev. D. kook of ; 4 oe a GEN EWae fret mms need ail "The Apartment cGnarssmieox |] er attend schurch and oe and Can-Can-in - GC 3 ESSEX ; ) JAM BALAYA Change Made HOAX that cae a PACK q R S This Is the exotic dish that made New In RC Mass ever turned Gaiam lif ADDS MD san Gaerne sn, ae the Screen : a Creole rice, plump green peppers and By Pope is i i i rich, ripe tomatoes--cooked in a taste- is 2 | hilarious! ; j a tempting sauce with a touch of New sooresee ene BP ersariar 8%: VATICAN CITY (AP)--Pope| : 7 y ; . Orleans magic! Nothing this good ever : py et | a SF camooutote can etre FE dyna al Ss 1 Nose Roman Catholic mass in 1,300 " j I O ', SATE: aan PRODUCT OF CANADA years. 4 ogee ; He granted a request that . ' LG gs j FE I J 'am For lunch, supper, snacks : . many bishops at the Roman i, , 4 ; { ih AJ A athe, Tasty and satisfying by itself or with hot tea Catholie ecumenical council had % j i 4 biscuits, buttered toast points, muffins he 4 ' urged--inserting the name of St ey "gf Be P ray } é / a bens, : or noodles, Packed in 20 oz. tins, providing Joseph in a remembrance ' 4 MEALS : , prayer of the saints " 5 t a x four generous servings. It was the first concrete ac. Og Ants i? ' i Ora K ¢°) tion to come out of the council 5 ' ' A; FE , ae here, but was not technically j i Pe : i a council decision. The 80-year- SRM old Pope acted on his own. No votes have yet been cast by the Essex packs every sausage 2,200 council prelates on pro- i . ie : th prime pork, accents its : : 2 = BUYW josed changes turgy : . mi Z po ah oisoeis in liturgy (pub a natural flavour with a tasteful < @es@\taov : CONFIDENCE A theologian serving a coun- i blend of seventeen spices, : All Essex Products cil adviser explained that the ae There's nothing more versa- : e wre processed papal decision on St. Joseph i f ie : a panishonlier4 represented 'another way to tile than sausage--nothing ; : supervision of Be , ' : ii ament Inspectors. show the church's interest in eats I j more delicious than the S z ' . gorernment inspectors. the workingman," r i } brand! DECLARED PATRON ! ( i Look for the SX brand on pork St. Joseph is venerated under - ' | 4 é Z j sausage meat; the House of several titles and honored in his 4 Essex label on Canada's best ae, ila ee : THE SX BRANO 1S YOUR own name on March 19. He j : i i Bs : j % coed GUARANTEE OF QUALITY! was declared 'Patron of the fi y all-beef sausage. Universal Church' in 1870 by , F ; = Pius 1X. - But he was given special rec.) ognition as a tradesman, the Orn tie Pin kd sed ae Is gf REAL CHILI! Meatier, thicker, as the Feast Day of St. Joseph. a ép more satisfying. Slow simmered for that - : R the Worker A genuine "South of the Border" Chill ; si d hick seuiveath b h "Gg sk at <a a zoe | flavour, O16! : ow curing an ickory smoke gives Essex bacon the sharp, early morning TOO EAGER PUPIL YOKO TANI TECHNICOLOR® ; oe, tang of campfire cooking --wakes up your breakfast appetite with its tantalizing aroma. CATANIA, Sicily (AP) -- Po. ; ' , And its protein-rich nourishment starts the day right for the whole family! lice here arrested two men who FEATURE SHOWN ' : trained accomplices to steal au- DAILY AT... PACKERS tomobiles, after one of thei> pu- 2:10 - 4:25 - 6:45 ils tried to sell a stolen car : : cal to its owner. 9:00 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Rail Roading In It's Let's do it for Roughest, Toughest Days! "KANSAS PACIFIC" RING STAR STERLING HAYDEN RAD ANN meas : wae < FULTON DORAN TOOMEY | i TODAY ONLY 'DON'T GO NEAR THE WATER' PLUS "WATUSII"