jana Mrs. Bunting suppied they Unit Makes 4 Mrs. Howard Cryderman \irs. M Shields, Mrs. D Bai-!weekend with his parents, Mr. £ OSHAWA TIMES, Wetpeniey, November Megs 1vez 24 TH {music for the dances, opened the programs wv, ley, attended the home andjangd Mrs, W H Brown. aia IEE a Cc Eleven members of the Orono) 'a story from the 'study book school area conference in Belle- "4 ingt 'Multiple Seta Good Will Bible Class of some Hospital Calls named 'Social Club or Power ville. Mrs. Joe Jewell, Can oD, /There were 13 members pres-jtained a number of her rela- BIRTHS |20 years ago presented three House"- Mrs: i @:--Snowden © enter-(mae Sunday supper guest with Mrs Stevens. ° |delightful musical numbers her cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Fred CAVERLY Robert and Rvih are iN t N F : fe. a ins " q@nt. Unit members made 13/tives, Mrs. L B Williams, Mrs. deeauier, See seks Friday, Ne No 0 ew or i Uu In ou Ad Nal Sh Dg H.] MAPLE GROVE --Unit 3 ofjHouse calls four hospital calls,/Doreen Brooks, Bowmanvill | Mr, and Mrs: Claud Jewell daughter, Staples at the piano the United Church Women met re l Mrs. Carl Wilber, r} jand two sons, Cannington, were They were directed by Mrs.| By MRS. HARRY FREEMAN vember 9 at Oshawa Geseral) po : : : e funeral home cali and two } Taunton; M Hospital. Proud grandparents are Those in the choral groupjat the home of Mrs. Edwardirest home calls in' the pastiand Mrs. N Y 'Sunday supper guests with their 5 rd neaage Yat hae spats be ' past and Mrs. Norval Wotton, So- hag ar te a ee eres o ana ians By JOHN E, BIRD {Lord's Day Act' is in conflict; ar trap gre we ig Pet wes Mrs. Harvey Brooks'month. lina: Mr. and Mrs. J D Ho-,cousins, 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold lecti niin ais : of : .|tre argaret Hancock, "thellgpened th ting. Mrs. Ed- : i a sais ee eel vue Multiple provincial rion: OTTAWA (CP)--Two Hamil.|With the ae i. invoke Svckit, Chelgs Brown, Glues ts A Lewig 8 -- . ol o om mee:ing will _be garth. Mr. and Mrs. Sam _Dew- Stevens and family. ae eanaen) Me view happy te an-|8UC h as the four being held overjtgn Ont., bowling alley opera- Ves important questions o| Rela: \Gindvic GatAb: "RIAA Wee NOT ne itation heid on Nov, 26 with Mrs, Clif- ell, Mrs. Elmer Wilber, Hamp- nounce the birth of their son. David the next ti venks are not new! tors plan to ask the Supreme|and the interpretat ion of stat- Chanthan, Eide sates aid Ethel mise ] nit ey grt ren it) ise aes. ve brag ton; Mrs. John Huband, Osh- CHROME MINES William, on Tuesday, November 13/19 Canadian policies and as re- (Court of Canada to rule that the Utes. Worcal sag le 2 rs eil'Foley, Mrs. Harold Cooney and awa. More than 25 per cent of the 1962 at 'the Oshawa General Hospital. | 511, "as 1960 four provinces|tord's Day Act violates a sec. The papers state that the act oh ng nog ee Brownell closed the Devotional Mrs. William Laird in charge. Don Brown, Guelph Agricul-free world's chrome production PROUD parents: The news of your|Voted in the same month tion 'of the Canadian. Bill ofjimposes Sunday | observances nie anid Se che much fauett pe with -a prayer Mrs. A Allin Mrs. W Hogg.itural College, spent a recent comes from South Africa. Blessed Event can be announced to Quebec electors vole today tO Rights guaranteeing freedom of "as a religious value upon the | he aati Us aug ; a ---- ' your friends and relatives in the Os¢\be followed by Newfoundland on -ejivion. whole Canadian community, in-|'0.the audience awa Times for only $1.50. Just tele-| Miss Sheila. Barraball enter- 97 ourteous Ad-writer) Monday, Noy. 19, by Prince Rd- Ne cs 'luding those whose religious), ° ; Loving oP acacia ate Walter Robertson, 34, and|Cluding ré tained with. tap a and a Will assist you in writing a Birth fa . give -- 10 'and by Fred Rosetanni, -27; operators| Values and prec epts permit " in. 1960 five provincial elec-j°, (ne Hamilton "Centre. Bow!, ne Ba ot gig activities poretta Chalice anc Evetene DEATHS tions were held, four in June oN eas ve sete airy state. that for this reason the| Brown sang three songs. Mrs and the other in September. "ave (0 abies eee at act is 'in conflict with the hu.|™. Bunting played three se- There were five elections in|COnwiction for operating (he. al- man: rights. and fundamental lections on the violin being ac- CLASES: Fie i988, too, witht on 'in May, two es comtrary toc tne. act iexadome setout in ihe Bul of |Companied by Mr. Bunting on At Moura) Hoar weanein haat in June and one each in Aug. - Mr. Robertson, and Mr. Rose. Rights as freedom of religion." the piano teuny taarkh aged 68 years, 185 Duke] xt and September anni, employees. of American Be raat : gee ae Bob Johnson,.in -reciting the Bete ee eat es a ae Six provinces voted in 1956 International -Bowling of Can is Dee th He ial ce '§ popular "Albert and the Lion" Bee ead Toso, Resting at|three in June, one in September /@da Limited, were fined $25 and dale 6 eae ie he mde created a riot of laughter as the the Morris Funeral Chapel. Bowman-land two in October, Two of the/COSts last February after Deine maces Pecnay wisy in an ie act was most entertaining. The Bg eee ee neat eke June -elections that year, in|convicted by Magistrate M. R Hane Satine st, i Country Four were also in good ville Cemetery Quebec and Saskatchewan Morrison. They lost an appeal te! ti : voice. were on the same day. two/4gainsl their conviction in the Mis, R, Gibson gave a recita ee ral et N days after voting in New Bruns- Ontario Appeal Court tion. D,. Morton furthered the 5 os e ewan T > s 1 1 ' Me ort » a a 'ie "on Motay. Nov. Te, 1962 Helen Wick ee ened f Mr. Rob. Amateur Show entertainine nt with a trombone Marvel Brand teen in her sith year. Dear aster) Since Confederation in 1867,case, to be argued for solo copying the style of 'Tom- of Mrs. Esther Stewart. Oromo. andithare have been 16 years injertson and Mr. Rosetanni by my Dorsey. a Rr Gove: roruate: Hosta st which four or more provincial/Toronto lawyer John J. Robin- Held At Orono Added to the program was a ICE CREA the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman-|ejections were held the same ¢lte, 1s the application of the female and male choral group Large pig acs ps ih recent Bouaneile vear. The busiest year was ee of Rights to the Lord's Day By MRS. KEN GAMSBY which provided | a number of Assorted Flavours 24 OZ. Cemetery 1886 when_ seven: provinces ORONO -- The-amateur show. musical humbers. Those taking int brick : i voted BYLAW SETS HOURS in conjunction with the Ganten. part. in the female group were Pi ie '4-galion ctn size- DAY, Beatrice . yes : Jeanne Staples. Elaine Mercer 0 Hamilton DviaWw permits . ep] rat 7 > : h Entered into rest in Women's Co i ke ; d ba hela 1 nla celebration of the Or ONO yaureen Johnson. Betty' Chat eac ens par re IT Pies. Xo "CLC Cl BBG bowling .on Sunday' between © United Church, was held Satur- terton and' Kay Gustar. Those REG ¢ Sees daughter of the tate Mr and aims and 6 p.m. Mr. Robertson. and day evening in the basement in the' male yun were: Les ¢ mee 49 SAVE 10¢ rs. Ambrose Allin and sister of Mrs Mr, Rosetanni were convicted of the church with 250 persons Aslett. Bob Johnson, Carman C nn Ge oes Oe Ons Oe On ee war ry (Edith). oMes. Cyril R ] U t ifi d of opening their bowling alley at! yresent \sl Johns armé 3a of Oshawa, Mrs ule njus 111e Samm, Sur baal Cornish, Charles Armstrong 9 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 1 5 ; F age Lm: Sunda ' Ross Gilbart acted as master Bruce Gustar and Don Staples quartette of Dale, Dgfina and (Sarah) and M Ce poroble aA Hecoet OTTAWA (CP) The Cana Documents filed with" the oF Ceremonies for the concert \ popular number with the lat JANE PARKER Nd an Labor Congress said Tues. Court by M Robinette state Reg. Price each 38e--SAVE 100 yan meroriat : $4 , i ; bi ort f- whether the hich : was sponsored by the ter group was the sin of ' ver n tbel ae ' oink y tha BR ' f lat the question of whether the ' pind tg Ncirsian Noveriner 15-at . day he ruling by the Board o ul the q ) Couples Club of Orono 'Don't Give Up The Ship Interment Mount) Lawn (Ceme one avemyors coun ring The show opened with the EAC € Ishawa the € to Ca { V tele 7 Players their ssion netwone tal Grey cuo| Conductor Charged! gree avers resenting MT OL. Move Cargo | sANE PARKER sLiceD telecast is "'without justifica in ~ ; Reg. Price leet 21e--BAVE Po Entered into rest in Oshawa, O ween the Soup and the on Tuesday, November 1862, Hon tion." ; di 1S Savory." Aga the playe 4 Sec With iding Nets "=. "wa rom Freighter ~-- BREAD Cracked Wheat 20-0» 35. man and brother of Mr nae A . Th Sainte? with Gladvs Aslet Maur7en ces a . Gabourie, Mrs. Al. Oxland 'irene? of BRG is treating the | ; TEL AVIV (Reuters) TORONTO (CP)--Dock crews Toronto, Mrs. Russell Oke 'Lyon' and]"<ales outlet » privately.|conductor of the aeli Na-/Johnson and Diane Gilber: ene oe nusy removing nearl 4.000 MANE PARSER Reg. Price pkg 38e--SAVE 4e JANE PARKER Reg. Price pkg 400--SAVE fe emgeap ngs pre nl any Mie Age bites owned CTV net < by insist-[fional Opera he nblatt, acting the character parts tons of cargo from a West Ger- | 4 Funeral Home ay day.Jing that ar le ga vith }o2 is ordered esday | Dick Morton with Mrs ve man freighter damaged in run- pkg of 6 c GLAZED DONUTS pkg of 12 Ab De Novem 14. Funeral ser . nd tt 1 1 t the piar stimulate Q P r day, Noveribes 1 private PV commerce: dates: : _ de-jton a he piano oad nung ~ 42 ind in the St Law: | tion, (In lieu of flowers, donat lhe action of the BB n re ering thousands of Jes o community sing-song with s re Seaway near Kingsten al the Heart Fund will be appre quiring the CBC to carry je their Nazi murderers, lof the popular old tunes week ago H FALLMAN, Howard Clayton WHITELAW, Marion Grey Cup game in a manr Zirenblatt came from Poland; The Scarlet Dancers, a group, Decision to remove the cargo ° Entered into rest in the family. resi beneficia to a commercial net-jt ettle in. Israe two years of young square dancers from,was made after divers . here} uper- Ig eda ed ures dence, 210 Nassau Street, Oshawa, on{WOrk is without justification year later while appear-/the area, and under the direc-/found the bottom of the Edwin} = Tuesday, November 13, 1962, Marion/he said. "Other alternatives|ing as accompanist at a per-|tion of Mr. H. Ransberry, then|/Reith had been damaged. The; Turnbull, beloved wife of Allan N./), ' } ev + | Whitelaw and mother of Archie of To.|Nave been suggested by the|formance in a_ kibbutz (com-jentertained with two squares.{ship's pumps have been in con e e ronto, in her. 73rd year. Resting at the CBC and should have been con-;niunal village) here, a man. in| The dancers were Steven West,|stant operation Swift Premium -- Cooked Read to Serve Armstrong Funeral Home. Oshawa,|-idered by the BBG at i andi } "ac, va Bunting. 'Barry Z T ship's. cargo, most of} lA with' memorial service in the caapel a much/the audience claimed to recog-) Fred Hazelden.) The Thursday, November 15 at 2 p.m. Inter earlier date. wel! before the is-!nize. Birenblatt as his former|Jimmy. Partner, . Marily Yest..which was bound for Upper] Thuraday, November 15 at 2 5 sue became a matter of na- crue! Kapo (Jewish guard injLynda McLaren, Suzanne Bunt. Lakes ports. will be trans ee a iar le Nau) oh ing and Ruth Henderson, Mr-ishipped by rail. and truck | ( ) 4 i ) ' : A i y iS re smnenrent and SM E a It's Your Chance CAMPAIGN senses Malet] COAL $236 000 SHANK PORTION : BUTT PORTION : WHOLE HAMS "BERROW FUNERAL y 49: | 55: IN MEMORIAM STILL NEEDED... . 513,000 | SHANK HALF - +53. e BUTT oer 65% FOGEL -- In loving memory of a - ------ wae - pA Mrs. Gertrude Fogel, who : % vember 14, .960. Red Brand Beef, Well Trimmed Choice Quality, Sliced, Skiniess have passed since that ae T T SHORT OR : ge me et wae a WI H 3 DAYS 0 60 RIB ROASTS ue ; 69: BEEF LIVER = 49 Within our hearts she liveth stil, : aan Choice Quality Shopsy's --Lovingly remembered by Helen, Her -- ¢ BEEF KIDNEYS +35: BEEF SAUSAGES +5% > aed po Rg ae Allgood, Smoked, Sliced, Rindless Snowbird Brand Eee 13,000 Is NEEDED SIDE BACON +119 HADDOCK FILLETS +4 37% = wm, CHAPEL ° lb C eas Subscribed $223,000 | 390 KING STREET WEST \ --- ' wet pisces Because we think the wo id 9° you --Always remembered 'by sister Alice, brother-in-law Bill aod childrer 7 MeGHEE -- In ever loving memery CHOICE QUALITY CASE OF 2 TINS $3.96 -- SAVE 480 Rog. Price 2 ine 37o-BAVE 180 of dearly bel d Tor bs of cur dearly beloved wa, "or whe CREAM wnat mold t'tive tie . & STY 20-FL-OL TINS His loving fac to see. bl To heat his vonee and see him smile G ST LE ¢ As in the days that used '0 be Some sweet day we shall meet again, | ; CHOICE QUALITY CASE OF 24 TINS $3.96 -- SAVE 480 Reg. Price 2 tine 37e--SAVE 120 Beyond the toil and strife, And clasp each other's Sacd ence as : more fe Raven tat Saree tle A&P TOMATOES sagen cd 99. the gold of another happier day eo": >. Greater Oshawa Community Chest ved, remembered, longed for al Ever remembered by daughte-s Onda = MORE SAVINGS AT A&P dear wife and mothe Dora Wladvka with' memories that wl ana iat SPAGHETTI 2 is-for tins 3 Be Courtiynd, Quads Gann Te Always loved and. vermembered bs Finest for Cooking SUGDEN -- In 'oving memocy of » If y Wi h b ib F. Pes ses hau Betas sie ANCY QUALITY - CASE OF 12 TINS $3.16 -- SAVE 32e Reg. Price tin 290--SAVE Se oe eas ou. Wish to Subscribe 7 --The Family. CASE OF M TINS $6.32 -- SAVE 64e ways, and Shirley 16c Off Deal Reg. Price box 69e--S8AVE AN EXTRA 4e@ Who passed away Novemoer 14. 1636 i Heinz (In Tomato Sauce) Reg. Priee 2 tins 37e--SAVE 4e Will be when » ¢ not her Beyond the toil and strife And clasp each other ds ca 1-fi- a ee CHILL SAUCE 2 teri De L husband = Alec on Willian d Butter P: oo ge A ala punter PeeeTCAKE MIXES 0:90 43 7 é Blue Bonnet, Yellow Quick Reg. Price lb 33e--SAVE 20 5 b rf C Ib cello bag es awaeebncaing -TO THE- . A&P TOMATO JUICE 3 eee . IONA PEARS mean open . . . But Have Not Yet Done So FAB DETERGENT iwinin65< | FRUITS and VEGETABLES In a new and happy life ' Duncan Hines, Early American Reg. Price pkg 46e--S8AVE 20 CARD OF THANKS Contributions can be Pledged to be Paid Later MARGARINE 1b pke 3 Te Quick & Instant Reg. Price pkg @6e--SAVE 60 cere apprecialivn to friends and a or Paid in Cash ! ! ROBIN HOOD OATS 5b nko 59 pre eet Famous Okanagan Valley, Faney Grade, during my stay in the Osbaw Special: thanks to Soft Rite Reg. Price pkg 27e--SAVE 20 Kin Fuiton and Campbe : : Het, Mc Hllliee aad auf irlenls who YOUR +H ELP in bringing the campaign to a successful conclusion will indeed TOILET TISSUE cul 2 ols BSe PEARS 6 ter 45. made it possible for my wife to visit mie every day é be appreciated. MIX & MATCH SALE : Moriey M. Ross " Society (For Dogs & Cats) ' Reg. Price 2 tins 370--SAVE 300 Sweet, Juicy, Valencia, No, 1 Grade : : BEEF CHUNKS or STEW 751.00 | ORANGES sth cetoban & Qc Hangars eased RICHARD FAIRTHORNE LIBERTY RED CHERRIES 6-f\-oz bt! 29e California, No. 1 Grade, Large Snow White, Cello Wrapped By Tobacco Board Campaign Chairman | CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES --15%-07 pkg 49¢ CAULIFLOWER o 3 bis Dole Fancy Quality rio Grown, No. 1 Grade, Baking Type, Brushed AY ELMER, Out, (CP) lhe Erowers iarkating board Tuas. tae tee ed sie eters ea POTATOES Sib celiobay @, Jc das d five hangars at the ade apel JUICE 20-tl-oz tins 356 Bradford Marsh, No. 1 Grade, Washed, Ready te Cook former RCAF station here from . the Ontario government for the CARROTS DZ 3b colo bass 2, Jc \ storage of tobacco required for . bad : 4 cies reater Oshawa Community Chest} @QEUSUER | sissies The board, which leased the hangars for five years, with the A&P MEANS DEPENDABILITY PARSNIPS 24-01 cello bas | 9: option to renew its lease for an- ae awa ane S iekantes Sac ° other five yeara, pias to pee 1) ONTARIO STREET TELEPHONE 728-0203. || ae sag Nevinssé iy ae chase unsold tohacco, process ' and store it until exported.