The Oshawa Simes SECOND SECTION OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1962 PAGE SEVENTEEN Labor Backs Two School Custodians Five Oshawa Buard of Educa- tion trustees didn't have 'guts enough" to take a stanc when two custodians were "th-own out in the street without con- sideration", acco.ding tu Osh- awa District Labor Council Sec- retary-treasurer Keith~Ross. He told delegates to Monday night's meeting 'that a committee should be formed to seek an audience with the board "The board states it wants to Save the taxpayer's money b: reducing by $15,000 the amount paid in wages 'o custodians." Mr. Ross asked: Get Certi Ontario Secondary School In- termediate Certificates wer presented to a large group of \Central Collegiate Institute . stu- jdents this afternoon. 'The pre- sentation was made at a senio assembly at which the schoo: principal, Harrison E. Murphy, presided, | Those receiving the . certifi- jcates were: | Stanley Abbott, Joan Anczar- )ski, Paul Andrews, David An- jthony, Nancy Arkle, Richard |Askew, Stephen Bakunowicz, \Beverley Barry, Linda Bedding, |Pamela Behm, Esther Belling- ham, Dennis Bennett, Karl Bla- kolmer, Larry Bobyk, Stanley Bokwa, Joanne 'Bone, Roy |Boynton, Samuel Bradica, Rich- Central Students ficates mer, Carol Harmer, Bonnie feard; Lynda Henderson, Law- 'ence Horne, Theresa Horrigan, Robert Hraynyk, William' Hray- nyk, Robert Hutchinson: Joan Jackson, Edward Jarvis, William Jezegou, Robert John- ston, Barbara Karolak, Peter Kilistoff, Barry Kory, Helen Kostrzewa, Wanda _ Kotynski, Carol Krawchuk, Maria Kupci- kas,. Irene Kurianowicz, Atex- ander Lahoda,Cheryl Laxdal, George Lemere, Nancy Loge- man, Thomas Lowry, Gary MacDonald, Beverley McCaughey, Aline Malski, Sharon Manser, Carl Marsha'l Kathleen Marshall, Ralph Mar- tens, Arlene Massey, Robert MANY HAPPY RETURNS Hon. Michael Starr, federal minister of labor, who has |Mitchell, Karin Mueller, John! represented Ontario Riding THE OSHAWA AND District Labor Council at its Tuesday meeting endorsed a number of candidates who will seck Reardon, who will s2ek city council seats and Roy Flem- ing, who will seek re-election to the Oshawa Public Utilities Commission. from Harry Oyler, who will contest a South Darlington School Board seat; W. G. Wilkins, William-G. Werry and Alian Darlington Township. Among those endorsed were George Edmondson, Mrs. Margaret Shaw, who will' seek Board of Pilkey, who will run for city council and Harry Ashton, NDP candidate in Durham Riding. |'@g money after the frills they/ron Campbell, |permitted in new schools? At/wright, Billie Chappell, Lynda |the moment there js trouble at/Cheesman, Irene Cherkas "Why is the »oard of educa-|ard Burtch. tion suddenly worried about sav-| Joanne Campbell, Shar: Robert | Cart-| Mullen, James Nawrot, Kath-| leen Neal, Philip Nott, Jannie| Okopny, Antonia Overgoor Denise Page, Elaine Page, since 1953, is receiving the congratulations of his wide | circle of friends today on the celebrating his birthday. Dionne, who will contest board of education seats; Clifford Standing Cephas Education seats; Ald. John G Brady and Ald. Mrs. Alice office in the civic elections to be held shortly in Oshawa and left are Ald. Gay, ucation --Oshawa Times Photo Labor Council Endorses Kiwanis Club Oshawa Civic Auditorium Elects Officers tion. We should feel honored; The Oshawa _Kiwanis Club » that they have come to us," Tuesday elected its 1962-63 slate said Mr. Smith. of. officers and directors, at its luncheon meeting in Hote! Gen- the delegates that in addition to] Lc AL ig height aon osha : expected "special name" con- He tol the delegates he feels) seventy members in attend- | {tributions, about $50 from every|that citizens Ay ete want) ance chose Bob Patte, Allan : DLC delegates who wilj|¥°'king citizen over the neXt ver a yet at Out i : venem|Kerr, Ed Disney, Oliver Baird, brief ODLC pp i ' hel three years would be required|OVer a year ago _ ocal mem-' Cam Henderson and Harold Ton- now take the question 10 their +4 pay for the $1,400,000 building.|bers voted over 7 per cent kin as "next year's directors in various local unions. He called the auditorium an "in. |favor of financia y supporting] what outgoing president Walter Chairman of the auditorium|yestment in recreation for an auditorium of this nature '|Famme called "'one of the clos building pai Harry Gay,| youth" expect a will give the] .<+ elections in several years." i ides depicting arena|~ - same s ; _ , "cess Mur- pk ger pool plans. Fol-, Malcolm Smith, a member of; Alderman John Brady ' soy fate il tent oy ee lowing a general description of|the Civie Auditorium Commit-|«Unless we grasp at the chance, |". composed of Reg Lancas- the architect's scale model,|tee and a delegate to the ODLC,|we can sing a requiem to the ter, first vice-president; Frank Robert Wilson said the modeljmoved hie yh ipogdaceg ie Brena Project. Jack Rupert, treasurer and Art | would be available for pubiic)4Pproved. He said he SE » Keith Ross pointed out to the Taylor second vice-president; view in the CNR window, King}@Ss.a member of the committee| delegates that the auditorium] perry secretary street west (near the four cor-|but hy a man_ interested 'n committee should, in fact, have Newly elected director Ed Dis- ners), from 11 a.m. today, He sports, asked for reendorsation rather ney told the gathering the club said it will be removed to a} 'The value of labor support than endorsation. The idea of} has undertaken: to sell 2, ing Centre location in onejhas been indicated by the fact)building a new arena was]. ~ iain ' nig Shopping ac ; Me {window scrapers at $1 each week. that the auditorium committee sparked _ originally jby labor! with the proceeds going to Osh- Terence V. Kelly said labor came here for ODLC endorsa-'about six years ago," he said. awa General Hospital. He sug- a ae tees gested members each take 20 support is needed for the civic auditorium project which will be "for the benefit of citizens and children of Oshawa". He told Labor representatives unani- mously endorsed the Oshawa Civic Auditorium project at the Monday meeting of the Oshawa and District Labor Council. Members of the auditorium committee were on hand Trailer Club -- Plans For Party Florida popular visiting spot for OTTC The fall and winter meetings of the Oshawa Travel Trailer Club. got underway Saturday evening at Woodview Commu- nity Centre. Twenty-one tra'l- ers were represented at this initial indoor meeting. The business meeting was eonducted by the presidents, Bill and Flo Kent and a warm club welcome was extended to Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Chase. Smypathy was extended to Gar- net and Vera Johnstone in the loss of Vera's mother this past week, PLAN PARTY Ron and Bev. Thompson, Ken and Anne Ostler and Winnie and Dick Thorne will form the committee for the Childrea's Christmas Party which will be held Saturday, Dec. 15. A pot luck supper will precede the visit of Santa Claus. Christmas music by Bev. McEwen and children's films will also pro- vide part of the evening's en- tertainment. As a result of a suggestion by Ted Chapman, the monthly bulletin will contain "swap shop" items pertaining to trail- er parts and accessories Won't Loan Equipment O'hawa Safety League ill hold its annual meeting Nov. 26 in the Hotel Genosha. Members had originally planned to hold the meeting on Nov. 29, but ho- tel rooms were not available at that time The Safety League at Monday meeting, also decided it will not let Nova Scotia bor- row its safety lane facilities It was replying to a letter from 'a Halifax branch of the Safety League asking if, that city could' borrow Oshawa's safety lane for use at a conven- tion. Police Sgt.. Norman Smythe teld the meeting any city will be supplied safety lane facilities by the provincial Department of Transport. Chairman Ted Middiemass told the group the last time the safety lane was lent, an awful hash was made of it "We lent it to time," he said. Ww Ajax that | Zoning Change |: Turned Down A request for the rezoning of jthe northwest corner of King |street east and Riverside drive was turned down Tuesday by the Oshawa Planning Board. The board will recommend no change in the zoning bylaw gov- erning the area in view of mod- ifications of the traffic situation to be expected in the future. A hearing had revealed that 0 an Reg Lancaster said if any scrapers are left over ffom members. who couldn't sell 20, is fast bécoming members, Elmer and Hazel| Toms, who will soon be leaving for a winter in the sunny south, }were presented with a going- jaway gift. Ed and Clara La- 4 ie . Iain | Nae sh Mh bp teavelung atle opinion was against the shape for a three-week Christ.|'e2oning In addition, with pub- fie: vacation, while Harry and| lication of the Damas and Smith Sh Lewis leave thik area shor traffic study, it is likely traffic m ly to make their. permanent patterns in the area will be|/ headquarters in Florida. jchanged in the future, Mayor}; ' |Christine Thomas said the city STRESS SAFETY is now studying the plan. | "Trailering 1962", by Ed and|_ Alderman Finley M. Datfoz Clara Lavallee, presented high- ia ts be ae "Asie lights of rendezvous and vaca-|!0Te anyt ing would be done tion travels, The sobering signt|!" the area. of an American trailer afire with the ultimate loss of trailer| and possessions, but fortunate-| ly no loss of life, pointed out the value of safety first and particularly the need of having) The Quarter Century mem- fire extinguishers handy. bers of Lebanon Lodge, AT and In the absence of the socia') AM, No, 139, under the leader- conveners, Harry and Pear'lshin of A. G. Coppin, attended 3lakely, Elmer and Hazelithe Tuesday night meeting of Toms took charge of the so All the lodge. | roup hour. Assisting were Doreen| py § Allingham, Phylli Beadle,|ter of the lodge. extendev Q s Ferne Ball, and Vi Blakely nae Websar te te eae J. R. lan MacArthur, CA, of Phreda Ostler, Clara Lavallee, which numbers more than 100 |Unidn Carbide Canada Limited, Quarter Century Members Honored| J. To Address R. I, MacARTHUR George Werry, mas- governing for one- birthdays, were called upon to Boddy and Edward Saunders,| Perry, District Deputy Grandjtralized or Decentralized Ac- Floor Area Rul An "Award of Merit" wa sj Subsidiaries, and they have cen- minimum floor area in their organization. Mr. Mac: Board Approves a 4 4 Ornamental Gates |rect association and acquired a jby G, A-.Wandless, planning "There seems 'to be a rather| Mental gates in front of privatel and High Schools and received lout of line *' provide for the possibility of an countants, Toronto. cut the club birthday cake while who have more than 30 hare | ciety of Industrial and Costs Ac- Master of Ontario District, ad- counting?" The Oshawa Planning Board made to William H. Gibbie by)tralized some of their account- bedroom apartments Arthur, who is manager of ac- \director, to determine what th: The Oshawa Planning Boardiweallt Ch UOWEURS (On Te reasonable minimum -in Osh- homes legal. |his chartered accountancy de- ornamental gate on a_ front CELEBRATING Harry Blakely and Syd Taplin, He extended a special wei-/ Toronto, will address the Osh- who all celebrated November come to two members, William) awa District #hapter of the So- being serenaded loudly by club service each to their credit countants at the Legion Hall, members During the banquet hour.) Ajax Thursday, Nov, 15, at 6 William J. Carnegie, of Port)p.m. His subject will be, "Cen- Will Not V 1 0 ary dressed the gathering in tre- : sponse to the toast to Grand) Union Carbide Lodge. ed, as a company, has six major at its Tuesday mecting recom. Charles Templar for special|ing routine and are attempting mended no change be made in 494 somewhat unique services| at this time to centralize more the zoning bylaw to the craft of the accounting functions with- "ounting and was manager of The um area in Oshawa atl i Abe sects is 550 rately Hag rcoR god I field accounting for Union Car- ing. A survey was carred out |bide-since 1954, has had a di- ing. ! y wa : |gave approval Tuesday to 4 pro-| subject {minimum is in other munic:pal-|°° ; : . : ties, It was found: the figure| Posed amendment of the city) Born in Glasgow, Scotland, he varies between 500 and 700 bylaws, which would make orna-|was educated in Toronto Public awa," said Northan C. Millman.|,,5° {@% the bylaw neither pro-|gree in that city with Fred Page Chairman W. A Wende ook hibits nor approves ornamental Higgins and Co. and McDonald, agreed the figure 'does not look jates. The amendment would|Currie and Co., chartered ac- yard, insofar it does not ob- struct traffic or vision Mayor Christine Thomas won-| PRICE OF PARKING PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Se bastian Barone, 39, of Mer- of the scrapers and sell them the club isn't left with any on d. nada Limit-|© jdered if it should not ne speci- \fied what. type of structure would be allowed Chairman W. A. Woodcock jagreed that without any direc- jtives you "could have |pretty ghastly structures" Alderman Dafoe, however, ifelt people should be allowed to build-a gate just as they like it nd not be told what they car build by others who do not live 'there, BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating their birthdays today Harold Rout, 1499 Lake mount and Joseph. Cragys 151 Mill. street Phone 723-3474 Sgt. Smythe told the group r traffic clinic. was held in! Oshawa last month because of little support He said only showed up at held. The Safety aside $200 for' a poses in order people to attend the safety cli- nics in the Oshawa courtroom. three the last persons clinic has oe |chantville, N.J, accused of ig- noring 270 parking tickets in two years, has been sentenced to 10 days in jail for each one some|It adds up to 714 years. Magis- advertising. counsel trate Joseph Hersch sentenced Barone Tuesday after Barone indicated he would not pay the fine of $3,309. His lawyer said lhe would appeal the' senience-- iF ever imposed in traffic iongest court, MURRAY SPARKES |the club should hold a blitz on homes with them. Kiwanis will sell the scrapers luring the next two -weeks. F Chest Fund $15.400 From Target It was reported Tuesday af- fernoon by the officer of the Greater Oshawa Community Chest that $220,519.99 had been contributed to date, This means $15,400 remains before the ob- jective is reached. The list of contributions, not previously acknowledged fol- lows: Mrs. E. A. Lovell ' oe Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Lovell ... E, A. Lovell +++ 300,00 Jury and Lovell limited ++» 400.00 Mr.and Mrs. R. W. Pinder ... 20.00 Mjss Hazel W. Rundle eee 10.00 M 0. Heard 14,40 Mr. and Mrs, G. Tubb 50.00 Mr. and Mrs. P. Francis 25.00 B. Goleski 12.00 5 - 4,80 13.00 1275 309 00 300.00 St. St... Luis J. M. Francis C. Wickenden Mrs. D. Misztak Mrs. L. Howe ; Miss Jeannette Couture .. H. Gabona Miss J. Rutherford Miss C. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. J. Steffen |Miss L. Ostle _ Miss E. Vielhaber Mrs. J. Tomas Mrs. M. Berry ... |Miss L. Webster C,' A. Powell Mrs. M. Smith G. Barrand E. S. Anderson Mjss Carol Bilinski A. Anderson -Veskasi H. Snyder gage and Housing, Corporation Employees Oshawa Eng. and Weld. Co. Ltd. | Polish Veterans' ssoc, A | (Anonymous) gives Alderman Alice Reardon .. Model Shoe Store .." . Can. Tire. Cor. Assoc Store Employees Mette Plumbing Com. Ltd., Employees Agnew Surpass Shoe Store Employees: = os Mr. and Mrs. N. I. Metcalf 'Anonymous) F. Rose \H. L. Gray ; | Walmsley and Magill Employees E. F. Cuthbertson Berg's Ladies Wear Canadian Imperial Bank of Can, Imperial Bank of Commere | Main Branch Employees The Goodyear Servjce Store ... L. E. Smith : Vv. Murphy sees Bank of Montreal, Simcoe N_ 3 |Bank of Nova Scotia, Simcoe N, |Toronto-Dominion Bank, | King and Simcoe streets Imperial Bank of Com. King and Simcoe streets Royal Bank of Canada, Simcoe N. Can | Times Will Carry | Goodyear Firm Ads Young and Rubicam, Ltd., for the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. of Canada, Ltd., an- nounced on Nov, 5 that The Oshawa Times would carry he advertising campaigns for 1962-1963 for Goodyear prod- |the new .high school because enough dignitaries cannot be found to fill the stage seating capacity." He called dismissal of the two employees the 'dirtiest, most hard-hearted action' he had ever seen. "Where was Russell Lunney's Christian principle of love for his fellow man when this lappened? At this rate we'll have to set up a.society for the |prevention of cruelty to people." Mr. Ross said he hoped the _|National Union of Pubiic Service Employees would "fight this _|thing to the limit, backed by -|the ODLC." Douglas . Lindsay, NUPSE spokesman, said that while a tentative agreement had been made with the board, he was not in favor of the indignities brought to the fired custodians. Mr. Ross closed by saying that a tentative agreement did not alter the fact that a crime /|had been committed. To Ask Lights At Intersection Hugh Coutts recommended at Monday night's Oshawa and District Labor Council meeting that traffic lights be installed at Adelaide street and Ritson road. He said' a letter to this effect should be sent to the Traffic Advisory Committee. Secretary - treasurer Keith Ross said that once the track removal project gets under way, it should be made a winter works program. He also recom- mended that traffic lights should be fixed on buildings in place of the old light standards. A motion was passed in sup- port of the Bowmanville Santa Claus Parade. It was announced that the annual Christmas party for chil- dren of ODLC delegates would be held Dec. 16 at 2 p.m. in the UAW hall. |Wayne Christie, Marilyn Chryk, |David Clark, Joanne Clemens, | |William Cliff; Lois |David Dafoe, Carol Davey,| |James Davis, Helen Dobicki,| |Edward Derlatka, Mary Dolish-| |ny, Victoria. Dove, Douglas Doyle, Beatrice Dubeau. | Russell Essery, William"Fe:) dorczenko, Joseph: Filletti, Con- nie Flegel, Harvey Fogel, Shar- on Franklin, Ronald .Godridge, ski, Larry Grant, Wayne Haas Grand Champion Steer Carcass TORONTO (CP)--Strong av-| erage prices highlighted the| steer carcass sale today at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. | The average price this year jwas 574% cents a pound com- pared with last year's 46 cents Cuthbert, | P Diane Goreski, Hedwig Grabow- ' John Hamelinck, Barbara Har-|,, | William Pakosta, Lorraine Par-|--~ ish, Gloria Parry, Patricia Pat-| erson, Mary Pernak, Susanne| ine, Valentina Puntus,. Anne| Marie Racz,. Eleanor Ritzie, Sylvia Rose, Lorraine Shaw, David Shevchuk, Roberta Skin- ner, Linda Slack, Lorraine! Smyth, Jannie Smits, Jan Sta- cey, Sharon Stata, Diane Stefan- iak, Marian Stefaniak, William Stewart, Ronald Stezik, Rich- ard Stuart, Edward Szymanow- ski. Sophie Taratuta, Ruth Anne aves, Nancy Taylor, Steen Thureson, Zvonko Trubela, Lu- ciana Verson, Eric Vilistus, Ju- dythe Waddell, Bonnie Watson, Chester Wawrzyniak, Barbara Webster, Gerard Wesselink, Donald Westlake, Helen Wia- trzyk, Brian Williams. Labor Names a pound, The grand champion carcass was shown by Dorothy {Brown of Oshawa and bought |by Hales meat market of |Guelph for 85 cents. per pound.| | Top price for grand champion \steer carcass--paid in 1961--is 95 cents. Reserve grand champion car- cass was shown by E. R. Al- lan and Son of Waterdown, Ont., and..was-bought by Heal- for 80 cents a pound. | Firm To Advertise | In Oshawa Times | Clark Toronto, have announced that they have chosen The Oshawa Times to carry their adver- tising messages featuring their products during 1962 - 1963. The advertising will be pre- pared and_ inser'ed by Spitzer, Mills and Bates, Ltd- Canada | Ontario, | Kimberly Limited, steer} Vote Slate | Candidates for municipal elec- tions, who are seeking labor support, were named at the Oshawa and District Labor Council meeting Monday night. Seek Ways To Continue OSC Market Ontario Farmers' Union spokesman, Casper Outler, Monday night asked the Osh- awa and District Labor Council for 'ideas, recommendations and support" in continuing the farmers' market, "In July, 1961, Oshawa Shop-* ping Centre owners arranged with the union to have a market jat the plaza. They desired hav- ing an open air market as a feature for drawing consumers to the centre," said Mr. Outler. He told delegates that on Nov. 2 the farmers were advised that the arrangement was no longer acceptable and the market would be terminated with two weeks notice. The spokesman called this ac- tion "'unfortunate" adding that, not only will the farmer suffer, but a disservice had been done to the consumer. ODLC President Clifford Pil- ey's meat market of Toronto, Th Hugh Coutts made the an- nouncement for the Political Ac- tion Conimittee. | Recommended. for mayor is! Her Worship Myor Christine] omas, with councillors follows: Cephas B. Gay, ford Pilkey, John Brady, George Edmondson, Alice Reardon. Candidates recommended for Board of Education are: WI-| liam Werry, Allan Dionne, W.| $650 DAMAGE G. Wilkins, Margaret Shaw. | Damage estimated at $650 re- For Public Utilities Commis-|sulted with vehicles driven by sion, Roy Fleming was recom-|Aubin Laclair, 206 Roxborough mended for labor support. avenue and Leslie Roy Sawyer, Also named at the meeting|421 King street east, were in- were Harry Oyler, candidate] volved in a collision at the inter. for Darlington School Board;|section of King street and Rit- Harry Ashton, Durham, NDP|son road Tuesday night. Dame candidate for provincial elec-|age to the Sawyer car was esti- tions; John Goodwin, Township] mated at $300 while damage to of Whitby candidate for deputy|the Laclair vehicle was set at |key said this request would give jthe labor council an epportunity to support farm groups. "Farm- ers ~are being farmed," saié" |Mr, Pilkey. He recommended a cur letter be sent to City Council ~- asking that they invéstigate the possibility of setting up a mar- ket where farmers could sell their produce. 5.10) ¢ reeve. $350; This group of Oshawa hunt- ers returned from. Bear Lake this week with four deer and ucts. a large moose to. show for OSHAWA HUNTING PARTY HAS EXCELLENT SUCCESS their annual outing. Left to right, front ,are Tony Sib'ock and Tony Zurba. At the rear are Jack Zurba, Ed. Homes, ¢ oe asbil Ron Zabudsky: and Steve four feet, was bagged by Zurba. The 1,000 pound moose, Steve Zurba. which had an antler spread of --Oshawa Times Photo lal