16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 14, 1962 from guilty DEPORT TEXAN FORT ERIE, Ont. (CP)-- quarter. Canada Gains outflow of $9,000,000 in the third) \John Kopezynski, 49, of Gros- registered firearm. Court was venor, Texas, was fined $175|told Kopezynski frightened pas- | Tuesday and ordered deported|sengers on a Greyhound bus Canada when he pleaded|near here by firing a shot into an empty seat after a passen- ger warned another man to stop molesting a young mother with a baby on her knee. to possession of an un. In Foreign | \ CASHIERS ARER DY with ) COMVOTAPE? Hand Made Oriental CARPETS Offered for the first time in Oshawa. Handled exclusively by Angus-Graydon Carpet Company (Osh- awa's rug and carpet centre). These beautiful, luxurious carpets hand-made from 100% Virgin Wool, are now on display in our store. Come in and see these one of a kind Oriental originals, that can' add * distinction to your home. Feel the luxurious pile, see the warm and rich colors, and the beautiful ab- stract designs. Make: ""Joto"' ""Joto" ""Joto" "Joto" "Joto" HAND-MADE INDIAN CARPETS Color Gold Green Mushrose Turquoise Turquoise Capital OTTAWA (CP) -- Canad bonds, the Dominion Bureau of} Statistics reported today. 2 One big factor in the capital] inflow was a total $31,000,000 11 Price Size 4x6 4x6 4x6 4x6 4x6 Serial No, 8006/35 cc 1059-0100-0500 8024/45 cc 8010/35 cc 8011/35 ce Name: Malmo Wasa Hamden Zanzibar Iselandia number F 06363 F 06790 F 06795 F 06367 F 06648 = OALOREL = 109.95 : Leche | TAPES 119.95 ; oF pga é 109.95 109.95 cipalities in foreign markets) during the three months July- September. Municipal borrow. ings abroad had been smal during the preceding 12 months » The total -capital inflow, which covered internationa' dealings in both new and out * standing securities issues, fol lowed a capital outflow of $123, 000,000 from this source in the first half of the year. The reversal of capital move ments reflected the widening 0! the spread between bond inter est yields in Canada and th United States that was encour. aged by the government' emergency financial measures] ~ in June. : Trade in outstanding Cana-|)% dian securities in the third|) * quarter produced a capital in-|" flow of $13,000,000 -- the first|| since the end of 1961. : Net sales of outstanding] 5 Canadian bonds and debentures) totalled $38,000,000 -- most of it! in federal government bonds--|» + but this was partly offset by) repurchases, on balance, of $25,-) 000,000 in outstanding Canadian stocks from foreign investors. Trade in foreign securities ares produced, on balance, a capital at manent on ut thin scour tay ter ROWS +. a Advuatcige TE 1. Of These Many = Added Bonus" Features ... Price 469.00 439.00 459.00 Design Type Size cz 2715 Super Embossed Aubuson 9 x 12 gbli Super Embossed Aubuson 9 x 12 513 Super Embossed Chinese 9 x 12 56497 621 Super Embossed Chinese 9 x 12 459.00 53157 621 Super Embossed Chinese 6 x 9 229.00 While visiting our store ask to see our domestic orientals, featuring such famous names os Sarouks, Sar-Ukhans and Mura- stans. The jewel like quality of an original Kirman design, the subtle glowing atiquity of an old persian rug; the oriental design of rythmic floral motifs have all been captured in the reproduction of these magnificent carpets. ANcus-(GRAYDON 282 King St. W. CARPET COMPANY 728-958! Number: 60512 60491 56496 roe 1 ia 9 cane rae a pees ot aie saan gat effective Nov. 14,15,16,17 sine sa Receive 10.00 in Bonus Tapes with INSTANT COFFEE '" "TAR SHOE POLISH o°Snown Receive 6.00 in Bonus Tapes with CAMAY FACIAL SOAP $2"'*" *A¢,0F BLUE CHEER DETERGENT nee Fr BRYLCREE HAIRDRESSING LARGE SIZE Be sure to get your copy of the new free gift CHRISTMAS SUPPLEMENT. Cee @ FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT @ GREEN GIANT POLY PEAS , POLY CORN Receive 4.00 in Bonus Tapes with AYLMER CHOICE PEAS 27337 CORN SYRU CROWN BRAND 1Y-LB. WHITE CROSS TISSUE = "A"ix 36-0Z. NO. 1 GRADE CARROTS cro snc COOKING ONIONS = aucctis"ere LOIN PORK CHOPS ANY PKG. 1-LB, PKG, BOTTLE VITA "B" CEREAL PKG. CENTRE CUT TABLERITE WIENERS EACH HOSPITALITY APPLE PIE 39: Receive 2.00 in Bonus Tapes with SCHNEIDERS PURE _ 1-LB, SMALL LINK SAUSAGE [7% '3% McINTOSH APPLES 'oR cence MARGARINE °°! Ow PKS. KRAF z CHEESE crane BARREL "one. ALL PURPOSE FLO EAGLE BRAND MILK AVAILABLE THURS., FRI. AND SAT. ONLY TOMATO JUICE 2 AYLMER FANCY 20-0Z. TINS 25° CHOICE PEACHES bi at coo P| 2239 |= MARMALADE Y cuore Tomarors| -- -s- 29. 4:89 | 5 ROSES 5-LB, BAG 15-OZ, TIN PEAS & CARROTS *"™"**s 2.15.07. AYLMER HALVES 24-0Z. JAR AYLMER 28-0Z, The only sanitary napkin with true anatomical shape and secured, accident-proof inner shield... for the greatest comfort and protection you've ever known iness than a junior size. Confidets (with just ' Confidets are the same low price as one size) suit every need. all leading sanitary napkins yet how much more they offer! Every young girland woman deserves this improved comfort and protec- 3. Multi-layer filler increases your © tion. security, actually holds 8 times its weight in moisture as proved by laboratory tests. Very fast absorption is assured by pure, ' finest quality materials. In areas where this product was first intro- duced, two out of three. women who tried Confidets preferred them to any other napkin. {. Only fully tapered sanitary nap- kin, shaped to fit natural body contours. Wide in front for more protection, narrow 'in back to prevent bunching and bulging, yet you wear it with any standard belt. 4. Only acci- dent - proof inner shield that's bonded in- to position so it can't slip. Moisture cannot penetrate this feather-light, polyethelene shield, so under part of this new napkin stays dry, soft. NO. 1 GRADE SNOWY WHITE HEADS CAULIFLOWER FLORIDA INDIAN RIVER GRAPEFRUIT 10+. 59° GARDEN FRESH NO. 1 GRADE CRISP LETTUCE Z ror 35° UTH AFRICAN VALENCIA ae iad 2. Only one with propor- tioned depth. Confidets are first to put extra thickness in middle where the greatest ab- sorbency is required. Protects like a super pad with less bulk- N 5. Exclusive ultra soft-strength cover. Specially designed for extra softness against skin yet strong for secure fastening. MOTOR CITY IGARriTSON Rb. souTH, OSHAWA LANSDOWNE IGA LANSDOWNE Shopping Centre COLLEGE HILL IGA cusert stREET, OSHAWA BILSKY IGA. 120 witson RD. SOUTH, OSHAWA HOPE IGA STORE port perry DYL'S IGA 166 ADELAIDE sT., OSHAWA SOUTH END IGA Brock sr. souTH, WHITBY BECKSTEAD IGA courtice, onTARIO a so Made in Canada ne, wi Soo Copiers Goouke bafully 2 ORANGES