|been presented to the Women's Auxiliary of the Oshawa General , Hospital for their Festival of|Hall, at which a "hot pie and/was held, Mrs. George Holtom THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 14, 1962 13 UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES SORORITY CHAPTERS CONFER Delta Sigma and Gamma Epsilon, both Ritual of Jew- els Degree Chapters of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, joined to- gether recently to confer the Ritual of Jewels degree on the Paasche deeb ha WwCcTU The monthly. meeting. of the Women's Christian Temperance Union was held recently with president, Mrs. Clayton Lee, presiding. Guests were. present from Whitby WCTU. Mrs. Lee welcomed the guests and Mrs. Howard Brown, in charge of the devotional, took 'Peace' as her theme. The soloist was Mrs. William Graham Mrs Frank Cook read the minutes and Mrs. Lawrence Muldrew, the treasurer's report Mrs Harold Parrott gave a report on the mission work and Mrs. Lee spoke on the needs of the! period was taken by Mrs. L, M. largest White Cross Centre. | report above. Front row, left to right, are Mrs: Ray Crossley, a member of Gamma_ Epsilon Chapter who has completed her Pledge training; Miss Ruth Lloyd and Mrs. Edward The speaker for the next meeting will be Mr. Harold MeNeill. of Simcoe Hail Settle- ment House. Mrs. Harold Quantrill and Mrs. J. A. Mitchell, delegates to the Canadian. WCTU conven- vention at Banff, Alberta, gave their reports. The first meeting was held on September 11 and was opened by vice-president, Mrs. Keith. 370 new members have been added to the roll call and 170 delegates. attended the convention. The treasurer's was given by »Mrs James Nelson. The devotional {School November meeting was) were read by Mrs. by Mrs. Mervyn Anderson. The association wishes to thank), everyone who helped. a | Rapley. Back row, Mrs. Clif" ford Smith, Miss Joan Wil- liams, and Miss Linda Wil- son, all members of Phi Phi Chapter who are progressing to the Delta Sigma Chapter. --Oshawa Times Photo the president's address and the speaker was Mrs. R. N. Thomp. son. Mrs. Watson offered to be field secretary and will visit Newfoundland, and other prov- inces. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson were in charge of a pageant which included members from each province. BUMPER CARROTS ALTONA, Man. (CP) -- Mrs J. D. Klippenstein of Altberg- thal near here had a bumper crop of carrots this year. She Says many weighed over a pound each and two of the weighed two pounds iMcClelland. Mrs. Watson gaveiapiece ing tour of Hillsdale Manor wa 'jenjoyed by the group at | |meeting, November 5. Following ' |the tour the members visited a 'Jat the home of Mrs, John Mc- Mrs. Clayton gave the roll call and read the minutes of the pre. vious meeting. Mrs Percy Bo- ville gave the treasurer's repor . Mrs Samuel Gibbs gave a re- port on the catering and Mrs Wilbur Downs read the corre- spondence. Mrs. Lawson Parks reported on the bazaar which will be held November 22. Mts. Arthur Allman gave report on the Oshawa Presbyter- Winter will be the speaker. lial meeting which was held re lcently at Westmount Church, 4 GERTRUDE COLPUS H + 8 }ya/6 will be packed for an over- Gertrude Colpus Home andiceas welare work in January. Unit 3 will be in charge of = absence| oy, December meeting: : hee Bel Mrs. George Sanders introduc- reported the speaker for the evening Mrs. Walter Branch who spoke ; jon her trip: to Russia and the the cildren conditions under which the Rus- sian people live. Mrs. Branch made us feel, how fortunate we were { ive in a free. country Roll call was won by Miss|uch as Canada, Mrs, S_Wil Barbara Maxwell's morning); son thanked the speaker and| kindergarten class. Mr yh i faci : # 4 Mrs. Scott, closed the meeting} Mrs. Mervyn Anderson read with a poem. } a report on the past year's work of the i A ba- HUMORESQUE CLUB oe pars ose Ot He noe The Humoresque Club of the 'A "skit 'deaing with a child's Blind held a business meeting study habits in homework was|on Thursday evening at the! presented to the members by|CRA Building with Miss Pat- the following players: Mrm and|ricia McConnell presiding. Mrs. Robert Beharrell and Mr.| The correspondence was read Earl Brown. Members were py Mrs. James McConnell and broken up into groups. to study the treasury report was given the problems of the play and) py Mrs. Charles Lovell. the naines hl read by The membership cards made eR atroahments Nae os ed. by by the Retarded Schol children nee nenS aoe Y\ were received and given to the the mothers of Mr. Floyd Do- naid up members ner's Grade 6 class. under the ! 7 P aaa conveners, Mrs- Earl Brown| The annual Christmas dinner and Mrs. Jack Crew given by the Lions Club will be : on December 13 at Christ Memo- ALBERT STREET UCW rial Church. The club Christ- The monthly meeting of the Mas party will be -held Decem- UCW was held in the Friendship ber 20. Names were drawn for room at Albert Street Church. the exchange of gifts. There The president, Mrs. James Will be a business meeting on Scott, opened the meeting December 6, The secretary was Unit 2.was in charge of the requested to send an invitation Devotional period. Mrs Albert/to the Lindsay Kawartha White Walker read the Scripture les-;Cane Club to attend our birth- son, Mrs. Percy Boville, in day party on January 25. charge of the worship service Refreshments were served by read a paper on Community|Lionettes, Mrs. Rufus Lambert Life and Mrs- Jack Anderson. CALVARY An interesting and enlighten- BWF the number of incapacitated women A. devotional period followed Laughlin, Greenwood avenue. The next meeting will be held at 652 Carnegie avenue on Nov 19, when the Reverend Ernest a held recently. In of 'the secretary, harrell and treasurers On "Hallowe'en, collected $144.28 for' UNICEF.| | OLD, COUNTRYCLUB notified that arrangements had ; . (Ladles feroup) 'been made by the entertain- Twenty-five were present at)monts chairman, Mrs. Ernest the meeting of the Oshawa and)Day, for the group's Christmas District Old Country Club La-|supper to be held December 10 dies' Group, held at Simvoe Hall,|at Glenholme School. an Monday. Four new members| Mrs, Marie Long, Mrs. Alfred vere welcomed, they were: Mrs.|Topham, Mrs. L. J. Riley and ames Thomson, Mrs. ' David/Mrs. Anthony Haylock volun- Conway, Mrs. Iris Newland and|ieered to help with the refresh- Mrs, Violet Irwin. |ments and organizing at the The president, Mrs. George\Club's Children's Christmas Day, opened the meeting with|party, to be held December 8, 1 prayer. The secretary, Mrs. |and Mrs. David Boakes, Mrs. Gordon Cormie, read the min-/George Day, Mrs. Leonard Ri- utes followed by Mrs. Brian/ley, with Mrs, Haylock and Mrs. Whitmarsh, treasurer, who sub- Whitmarsh volunteered to help mitted the financial report. in the kitchen at the forthcom- The group was informed. thatjing Old Country Club. "Pub the 'Miss England" doll, dress-| Night", to be held November 17, ed by Mrs, David Boakes, hadiat the Knights of Columbus Gifts.. The members were also|chips" supper will be served, acting as auctioneer. 'White Elephants" included a toy pan- da, table lamp, meat-board, a variety of ornaments, clothing, toys and miscellaneous jewelry. School, at Christmas time, by| Zhe sale proved very success- Mrs, George Day and Mrs. An.|{ul_and entertaining. thony Haylock on behalf of 'he, group. Articles donated included! TWO TO ONE ; knitted and felt imals, a) VANCOUVER (CP) -- Men "Woolly Winnie" aol mittens,,outnumber women two to one socks and aprons, and two knit-jon the University of British Co- ted sweaters donated by Mrs.\lumbia campus this year. There Gordon Cormie and Mrs. Larry|are 9,457 men and 4,270 women, Robertson, | AWARD BURSAR A raffle was held and won by) MONTREAL (CP)--The Fed- Mrs. Leonard Riley; the prizejeration of Protestant Women was a carton of Christmas wrap-|Teachers of Greater Montreal ping paper. Refreshments were|has awarded nine bursaries to served by Mrs. K. D. Milner andjstudents who: will attend the Mrs, Harry Hammond, Macdonald College. school for A collection was made of toys) and clothing, all hand made by) members of the group, to be pre- sented to the Cerebral Palsy A "White Elephant" auctioniteachers. es Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service -D-A- DRUG STORES SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK! Money-Saving SPECIALS ASTHMANEFRIN ¥«.: 4.90 LISTERINE ror 99F LISTERI 89° TOOTH REG, PASTE 89 Tooth 89¢ +- FREE Pro Paste (Tooth Brush) DISCOUNT PRICES BAN DEODORANT ': 98° BRYLCREEM = «=». 63° BUFFERIN «=.» 69° 1.D.A. BRAND 1.D.A. BRAND QUELLIDA QUELLIDA COUGH SYRUP Decongestant Tabs Quick acting pleasant tasting Sustained relief of colds. 4-02. 1.50 16's 1.29 DRISTAN TABS wc. ..s 1.89 LECTRIC SHAVE tec. «0. 67* Lustre Creme sssxroo "2> 1.09 SHAMPOO = 1,29 NOXZEMA * "tc. s» 1.59 PEPSODENT sic"'s.'ton'ss. 49* PHILLIPS' MILK OF ee oak 58* PREPARATION 'H' '+ 1.67 SAVE on - VITAMINS BEFORTE TABS 100 nc. 425 3-19 BEFORTE TABS 500's REG. 19.00 14.29 : ONE-A-DAY 1.49, 2.75, 4.49 PARAMETTES TABLETS '°** + * FREE (7.50 VALUE) REG. 4.95 3 FOR 12.99 PARDEC CAPSULES °°" + 2° Fret (1900 vata © von A PARDEC LIQUID = 3.00 vatun' POLY-VI-SOL TRI-VI-SOL 1.D.A. BRAND COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES 100's REG, 98¢ 88° 'HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES fea 20...,., 008 bean... aan aos Bron LEAD IDAVITES CAPS irc. IDAVITE LIQUID 16.02, 2.49 ron 4.99 1.D.A. BRAND MINERAL OIL Heavy Duty 16-0z. 65¢ 40-oz. 1.25 Meggezones FOR COUGHS COLDS AND CATARRH Antiseptic and soothing 1.D.A. BRAND SACCHARIN TABLETS VY gre 500's 55° 1000's 79¢ Meggezones: give both protection and relief. SPROULE'S BEEF IS RED BRAND BEEF CANADA'S FINEST GRADE TO ASSURE QUALITY, FLAVOUR AND TENDERNESS. ROUND STEAK ROAST Ib. PURE PORK SAUSAGE "™*" Pork Chops ,,.69°| SUET | OYSTERS | {SMITH BROTHERS | ps throat tickle, 15¢ RN The "soap" is NEUTROGENA, Bat it is unlike any soap you've ever used! Many women with dry skins just won't use soap. They've learned: from experience that some soaps dry their skin -- removing the nataral oils as they elean, But NEUTROGENA's glycerine formula does not de-fat the skin. NEUTRO- vteaahes is nenalsaling, alld, eae o pure it's transparent fea, NEUTROGENA costs 81 a e, but what it does is priselere FEEL STRONGER FAST after Colds, Sore Throat or Flu with FAST-ACTING GERITOL! Thousands of people report that GERITOL certainly does away with that tired, down-and-out feeling, especially after a short illness, when it isimportang to get back your energy quickly. Others say that not F only did they get back on their feet more rapidly with 6%: GERITOL, but they had renewed pep and energy. Wire seasonal ills, such as colds, blood; you need GERITOL now! gtippe or flu, rob you of Just two tablespoonfuls of Ge cocnarkstis, iatrocing. Wee eecapovie inn cottoen : rf le, 8 i iron and vitam: tonic that makes youfeelstronger thet youmy! be lacking. sid fast... and get back on your feet Get GERITOL in either fiquid or handy tablet form sooner, GERITOL, with its rich supply at your d of blood-building oe none : iron, is the fast way to build up you must feel strong- pale, thinned-out anemic blood. er fast--within 7 days Do your arms, legs and back feel or your money back, tired? Have you lost your energy? That's a guarantee! leon dolcioncy anomie, or ured iGERITOL 1.35 3.29 5.49 OVER 500 STORES IN ONTARIO TO SERVE YOU JAMIESON'S LAW McCORDICK'S 241 KING ST. EAST 1204 WECKER DRIVE 360 WILSON RD. S. 725-1169 - 725-3525 725-8711 KARN'S POWELL'S MITCHELL'S 28 KING ST. EAST 3512 SIMCOE ST. N, 9 SIMCOE ST. N. 723-4621 725-4734 723-3431 expertly cut and corefully prepared) 19 1-LB, PKG. 49° BARBEQUED CHICKEN 27 FRESH Beef Hearts ,, 39° CARNATION MUILK evaporate COMPARE AT 49c -- WAGSTAFFE'S Strawberry JAM COMPARE AT 59c -- FANCY QUALITY SALMON sockeve SUNBRITE MARGARINE 1.10 VALUE -- FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE COMPARE AT 49¢ FOOD Angel ix Esquire Boot Polish in the Gold Snan- ESQUIRE || Open ie Can! SNAP! 29¢ 2.59. 4.29 3.39 SPROULE'S ITS BAKING TIME "MIXED PEEL 1-LB, 39° 39 OE COCOANUT 53.| "cocoa 19 "Pastry Flour s1/__# 59° BAG SUNBEAM REG. 39¢ PINEAPPLE CARTON Sponge Bar OF 12 35 r 50ce REG. $.25 50ce 24-02 REG. 4,25 JAR 1-LB, PKG. 48 OZ, TINS NEW ... NEW! SUPER SAVE 29¢ | Donuts COMPARE AT 2 for 37¢ LIBBY'S COOKED 15-0Z, Spaghetti 2 'ins és cla xa, 43° VITADIET 90's REG. 2.98 FRESH MARSH GROWN CARROTS 2229: OPEN THURS. -- FRI, -- SATUR.' 'TIL 10.00 P.M. SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE ' corner Of KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA LOCAL GROWN PEPPER SQUASH each 10. FREE CUSTOMER PARKING aay... ee FASTEETH ......... 43c, 67e, 1.13 Pal Blades 10's 29c, 20's 57c, 40's 98c NIVEA LOTION .......... 49c, 89¢ SLIM MINT GUM ........... 1.98 STRIOEN....... 1.25 BAG 3-LB.