JURY RECOMMENDS os THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, November 13, 1962 § WHITBY and DISTRICT yi" wa, Is Needed S=2===s= Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Rae Hopkins _ Tel. MO. 8-3703 | was estimated at approximate. ily $3,000. Constable Whiteside said a F R E E wig wag warning system would) Hove your furnace cleaned tree this e ¢ have given the deceased some|] summer and guoranteed trouble- At Au ] rossiln |warning when asked by one of "hie hearted tee oe \the five jurors if he felt a wig] Western Oil Co, wag would have prevented the DIAL 725-1212 A five-man coroner's jury,he knew the train had heen put|he did not know whether a wig |'ragedy. le ay spent dita Monday recommended the in-jinto emergency. He said that| wag signal was necessary at the) stallation of warning signals at}was at 7.35 a.m. crossing but it would have | the age a Pa. Pickering} When he got out, Mr, Donald|helped on that particular morn-| Township, CPR level crossing. id, ineer told him '"'a\ing. y : Inquiring into the death of eg traerg re He said there|, Dr. W. W. Tomlinson, presid-| Frederick Roesch, 48, RR. 1,/was a scheduled stop in Whitby |ing coroner, pointed out that Pickering, the jury returned a! According to the conductor, the fog was a very important | verdict of death caused by the teehee bad been 'torn up factor in the death of Mr. | multiple.in juries: sustained ; 4 Roesch. ! ' N. ° when Roesch's car was in.) (ast of the pba Frage | Constable Whitside said he te ow on at eee Pl -ar' volved in a collision with alte cans hood was wedged round the 1959-model station| CPR freight train in the early|'. ; ; "1 wagon 71 feet east of Audley morning of Oct. 31. ' (aie tacaes tli' tars Tnead. road and 21" feet south of the 4 , Contributing factors. in the in the van : tracks. He described the ve-| . death, the jury ruled, were| Ve said he felt the car hood|hicle as being "badly wreck. dense fog and the lack of| ventually derailed the rear|ed". He added parts of it were warning signals at the railway) \ heels of the boxcar. strewn 150 feet along the crossing. Mr. Donald: said the train|/tracks and the car's engine| Constable Charles Whiteside, |. - 'on a regular run but| Was 50 feet away from the point of the Whitby detachment, On-| trains do not always pass the| Of impact. : tario Provincial Police, {o1d) audiey road at the same time| He said he found the deceas-| = : acting crown attorney W. A. gaily, ed approximately 15 feet south || : Refrigerators, Ranges, T.V., Hillman that a wig wag would) "Bui he said, he felt the/of the tracks, laying face down. + heh Dryers, 'definitely be an advantage on crossing could be described as| According. to Constable White- | ps 'ater ag 'acuums, Audley road -- it is becoming). «busy railway line". At least|Side the car struck the front) somaya fr one Soe more and more a travelled/is trains cross it daily, he| wheels of the car immediately| Chesterfi rgb Beds, road every day and is one of s4aoq. behind the engine, went under} Kitchen Suites, ad Cheater, jthe main connecting roads be-! Engineer Joseph Cassidy, of|the train, became entangled! fields Lowes, Continentel tween Highways 2 and 7." --_-- r.iington, said as the train was|Wwith the rear wheels of the] : Beds, Hessocks, Dividers, Dr. deh Beatty, assist- going over the crossing "I saw|car and knocked the complete, i Pole Lamps, Tape Recor- cal Haein be Pe ngs Aine a flash of color out of the cor-|set of wheels off. a ders, Record Players! ! | : Sgt "(ner of my eye." The officer said the visibility that death was caused by a te said the engine had cross-|was poor and after receiving| It You Don't Buy It At Bad Boy's severe head injury, causing oe cacti | ' : , | ; Sacks E _eled the intersection before the|the call, as he was parked on ' /multiple fractures of the skull/ crack The rear wheels of the Highway ¢ at ihe weit ditnits YOU PAY TOO MUCH!! . ' we oe ; > : and a "pulping of the brain." | (4) diately behind the! of Whitby. tine Waal hel : on 4 ait Udition, Dr. Beatty said,|engine were knocked off, he|abie to exceed 35 miles an hour FURNITURE af tian ' {left sid were fractured, s me | said. MN eicat " jenroute to the cae al | FREAK ACCIDENT ON HIGHWAY 40] INJURES TWO \of which penettated' his "lane Mr. Cassidy said the train ea we decane APPLIANCES : shin was travelling at approximate- . " Two Toronto men were ser- Creek. Whitby Detachment, trol and the vehicle plunged and a railway embankment. * on ig heart re ly 50 miles an hour at the/was at the crossing, but I was Open Nightly (Except Saturday) 'Til 9:30 iously injured in a freak Ontario Provincial Police down an embankment, strik-. It was not determined last eath, Dr. Beatty said, would|time. of the collision. He said/ not. KING ST. E. AT TOWNLINE 728-4688 | \ : F : ' tee a ; night who had been the have been instantaneous. the speed limit on that line is} He said 500 railway ties had accident on Highway 401, just -Constable Davidz Onlook is ing the tree. The tree was Griver. Monds suffered a| He said as far as he was|60 miles an hour. He estimated |-- : ---- west of Whitby's town limits, shown above indicating the struck 11 feet above ground three-inch deep head lacera- jable to determine the deceased|it would be between a half and Monday afternoon. Bruce point of impact. Police said level. Both men were found tion and other cuts and |had been a healthy man. jthree-quarters of a mile be- Monds, 23, 45 Palmerston the vehicle was travelling on the left side of the car, bruises. Stewart suffered a A certificate introduced into|/fore the train stopped after he Gardens and Leslie Donald 'east in the passing lane and one of them wedged betwen broken right arm and lacera- jevidence, of a blood testihad put on the : emergency Stewart, 22, 376 Bathurst overlooking a transport the car and the tree trunk. tions. The accident delayed jtaken, showed no alcoholic con.| brakes. street, were the occupants of - truck. When it returned to Following the collision, the eastbound traffic for 30 |tent in the deceased's blood. He said the crossing is mark- the car; shown above, which the driving lane it struck the car fell partly into a pond of minutes. George Roesch, of Toronto, a/¢ only with railway crossing struck a tree west.of Lynde's shoulder, the driver lost con- water between the highway --Oshawa Times Photo | prother of the deceased, who|Si8Ms. but was not protected by e Dee a a sma | ~ ; ___ identified the body at Oshawa/® on tk wae bind" ett . ' General Hospital, told the jury "t QUIT BLACKBALLING | ' |his brother was returning to| was on bright and he blew the ' | i |his Pickering Township far m|Whistle as he approached the |home from his work at the/CTossing. oF Verbal Battle Eru ts |Toronto Union Station post| The engineer described the loffice on the day in question.| Visibility as "bad", He said it | a es | nave been possible to see He said his brother had been| tsa' \ / ] i ) I : LJ 8 13 + PARADE jdriving the same route een 150 LicetoniMesdhandbellnedbeseas e Ce a a n roo In ouncl | June 26 and had been driving] . " AL . wera z -- iM Ps \ : !since 1936 without a previous By GERRY BLAIR i Whitby Township's roads} Mr. Ross: 'Before long there Povo accident. , superintendent, Merle Ross,|is liable to be someone else as According to the witness, the Councillor John Dryden and| roads superintendent." deceased had mentioned the} + Deputy reeve Myrtle Lovelock} When Councillor Dryden sug- There isn't a more appropriate time for Whitby Dun- 'rain on other occasions and clashed head on at a Brooklin| gested again to Reeve Heber) Jops to accomplish two feats than in tonight's Metro Junior iroowrn akin ci Laiiopc Magers council oe merc ie caasertaen af the overeoeel) "A" league encounter with Toronto Marlboros in the Whitby | minutes when Ke teli Went noon as Councillor : ' > ' : : charged that the roads depart-|budget, the reeve replied, 'I'm Community arena at 8.30 p.m. through the Audley road level ment budget is being overspentinot the bookkeeper -- or the First there is Mr. Turk Broda's strong acclamation that ea ; STATE FARM LIF and the planned work' is not/roads superintendent." his bruisers will not suffer'one defeat throughout the 40- (charles Donald, of Weston, being completed Mrs. Lovelock to Councillor a = ; Spader : CPR conductor in charge of tINnSUP a2NCE Councillor Dryden charged|Dryden: "Your suggestion is %*™e achernile: Secondly is Whitby's inability to come |the train involved, said the) iuee ; that the township roads de-|that he (Mr. Ross) is practical-/ through'with their initial victory. train was travelling. east from } Karl partment has spent "'extrava-|ly spending the money on him- In six games to date, only one club has been able to |L@mbton and the first he knew Gerhardt antly" and he wanted to know) self." : : : of the accident was when he ee Nite wanted to know why| Mr: Ross wanted council's contain Marlboros from a clean sweep, and that is Whitby :|heard the air go in the van. t ) 155 Hillcrest the roads budget continues tojopinion on getting the stone Dunlops. This fact alone should instil considerable cdnfi- | Mr. Donald explained 'that Dr. Whitby be exceeded. |crusher in to crush $2,200 worth dence into the Dunlop camp before they approach ice- when he heard the "air go," | ia 668-3762: "We're the ones that have to/of stone for township roads. level combat with Marlies. ; salah | take the responsibility and we're) Mrs. Lovelock moved that he s : | not geutne' a civeenation of|be instructed to do so. Whitby gave indications on Sunday afternoon in a los- ADDITIONAL WHITBY STATE FARM LIFE where and why the money is) Councillor Dryden demanded) ing cause at Port Credit, that possibly they will jell into | -- WSURANCE COMPANY Bi being spent," Councillor Dryden|a written motion. Mrs. Lovelock a competitive hockey club | NEWS ON PAGE 4 Conctten Head Office Picavig charged. put her motion into writing j He further charged that the) When the air had seemingly General manager Ivan Davie was pleased with his work is not being carried out|cleared and Mr. Ross started to charges' effort against Knob Hill despite the outcome. soe od Scenes vi iheltrvies exeeraed bis "appre Said Davie, "I thought they played well enough to win, THEY RE-GREW HAIR ! roads department is not unusual] ciation" for having him at the} but the breaks just weren't there. In the second period Ss & P : | ~i] t eka trace' a MRVER TT we have hot words Wayne Weller missed on two great chances, and I still charged. I appreciate Mr. Ross coming think Julie Kowalski's disputed goal hit the inside cross- Mr. Ross had been summon-|to this meéting to give council bar, If those three close calls. had materialized we é@d to attend the ocuncil meeting|the opportunity of asking ques- ould'y = to give his department's month-|tiops. I feel that in the last) Would've been in front 4-1, ly report. Ple of months too much He told Councillor Dryden ney has been spent by the : pei : ' : ; : did not come in here to go under|roads department without coun-| fence. "It was Scott's best game since he joined our cross examination." cil having the privilege of hay-| Club," stated Davie, wrest eres ue Sole cua answered, Bobby Attersley, coach of Dunlops, wore a disappointed ett. r5 sor etaimination sf fencabeteartct Aas De and confused look after the game concluded. "That's some power play we've got, eh?" quipped Bobby.' He was re he was merely attempting to | find out why the roads budget| Vocation Talk ferring to the fact that Knob: Hill scored two goals while is continually overspent and the ; Whitby enjoyed a man advantage. Whitby"s lone tally also PRE a cocgened, ty ter A B { : resulted from a similar situation n §s 6 a . | ' Ross' remark about "cross ex- t reak ast Attersley was obviously disappointed with the loss Fw gy Mg ig The Holy Name Society helda because he felt his club deserved to win from their num- idtendent gl explanation is| Father and Son Communion| US scoring opportunities, "subject to being mutiny'. breakfast at St. John the Evan- Frank Bonello, former Whitby Dunlop player in Senior by ; $ He said the roads department gelist parish hall, Whitby, Sun-| company and now manager of 'Knob Hill, was satisfied ' , has spent $120,819 to the end of day morning, with 140 in attend. with his club's jeckouins and expressed ea " se t : j October alone. Council only bud-| "ce. Cis Ngee: faecal g dshingghinea cadet dad MONTH Ol i Can @] i O e CG geted for $127,300 for road work) Rev. L. J. Austin welcomed ie nip rage resi Tny boat haap a Bul -- i ee a er for the entire year he added. _ the group and said grace. Presi-| Teturns to the Dunlops lineup -- probably late in Decem- . pe Mrs. Lovelock wanted to know|dent of the Society, Mal Femia,! ber. At the moment Bonello feels that there is little differ- Hair Specialists Here Wednesday ? Davie singled out Scott LaRue for a fine job on de- "why Councillor Dryden didn't acted as chairman. ence in the two clubs, | Will Show Men and Women How to Save e look a little closer to home. Speaker, Judge H. Danley of : Have you always budgeted cor- York County Court, Toronto Doug Williams, coach of Oshawa Generals,. was proud Hair and Prevent Baldness O O erm. rectly?" she questioned. spoke on 'Vocations'. Desmond) of his young chaps after holding Neil McNeil Maroons to The deputy reeve asked Coun- Newman thanked the speaker., four goals, as compared to eighf in their preceding en- OTTAWA, Ont. -- New homelor dryness. follicle clogged with) cillor Dryden to. "quit blackball-| Father W. P. Douglas also ad- counter. Generals unfortunately cannot get by the first treatment methods for saving|sebum or seborrhea -- can be) ® wiich she sad he "has been|"Specal thanks were eiended, DEF4 wihout (wo ot three eariy counters, which makes ait ahd proving, grwihcoreced by the Roberts Hom $S0 oil heat doing 'continually for two\to the ladies who prepared the it difficult for them to go on the offensive. In almost j will a Mi piggy inl ag a 2 ee eee | years". food: Mrs. Larry Ruest, Mrs, every game to date, Oshawa has been guilty of loose play et ihe Aahe taal | "DON'T WAIT UNTIL IT'S | "Then she demanded, "why|Joseph Ottenbrite Jr,, and Mrs.| in the opening minutes. | ie eae : TuO LATE" don't you take the road super-|Mal Femia, also the Scouts who .| Specialist C, A. Tander will) intendent's job and see if youjhelped serve and Ed Dochuck Another factor has been ineffective goaltending. Man- (be in charge, representing the} Baldness won't wait for doubt-| . can de better." and his committee, ager Wren Blair figures neither Jim Couch nor Jean Paul (dynamic: Roberts Hair andjers to be convinced, you're going! Less than 20 cents a day can bring the magic of modern Esso oil heat into your Grennon has produced the calibre expected of them, Gren- Scalp Specialists organization.|to keep right on losing hair 'til m H BROCK Evening Shows Start 6:55 and 8:20 | "0", in the nets for Sunday's tile in Port Credit, was sloppy _H® Will personally examine hair-|you're bald--unless you get home, Clean, dependable and completely automatic, Esso oil heat will put an end worried men and women from|your scalp in healthy, hair- on the first two goals, but steadied away for an improved' |49- sane : °. . . ° ' WHITBY Last Complete Show at 8:20 performance in the second and third period. aghast ant aoe growing condition again. to all your home heating problems. You simply set a dial and Esso oil heat will do TOWN AND COUNTRY'. . . Roddy MacDonald, fast |¢ 'mail order" nor "cure-all": Examine You Free the rest automatically, whether you're at home or away for a weekend or a holiday, season with Oshawa Juvenile All-Stars, has been the most al gg Po ee oe We want to make it clear " soe ha . : : . | S that you incur absolutel ° consistent player for Oshawa Generals. MacDonald, a good | and progress is checked at regu-|charge or obligation by coming If your home is presently centrally heated, perhaps a storage tank and conversion skater, and a fine playmaker, has impressed coach Wil- lar intervals by a Roberts}in for an examination. liams, with his steady efforts. '"'Roddy has been one of the Specialist. Your only obligation is. to burner is all you need, It may cost you as little as three hundred dollars. You can few players on our club to make the play in his own end, } yourself. We do not accept see then bust into the clear for a better approach to enemy | Who Can Be Helped? cases that will not respond. pay over a period of up to 5 years--less than 20 cents a day! territory,"' said Williams, Other members playing well for Will the new Roberts treat- ' : : -d Oshawa are Terry and George Vail, Ron Buchanan, Bill ment cure baldness? "No!"" For Guaranteed Satisfaction H "4 ; $49, lan ? Little, and recently Dennis Conlin, Bill White and Ken we cannot help men and women| 'The Roberts Specialists will Winter is getting closer but it's not too Jate to call your local Imperial Esso . = = Bradley, another Oshawa Minor Hockey graduate. , Who are' slick-bald after years/give you a written guarantee Agent or Distributor, a Oshawa Generals move into Maple Leaf Gardens tonight, Hh gh eomiptoioed bird td gh that you must be satisfied with. : with a better than even chance of emerging with their is' still creating hair, you can at ph aa oe | DEBORAH first victory of the season. They tangle with Brampton 'least save and thicken what io, ee : KERR Seven-Ups, the club which they nearly upset right in their | you have. Some conditions, Mi hick gba perce gy -- back yard, but finally settled for a 7-7 tie.. This game to- 45 "spot baldness" usually have - be : lems ask the desk clerk | 7: 4 night is not shown on the schedule, but was moved ahead |COMPlete coverage if caught in -Tander's pot bone dig as Spend winter in the wonderful world of the ony ROC it from later in the season to make a doubleheader, The uue does not make appointments, so| iL € iG single Tuesday night contests have not attracted too many | Other conditions that usually come-in at. your convenience, |e people, Neil McNeil and Knob Hill play the opening game .{>™98 on excessive -hair-loss--| Examinations are given In . tching rays . this evening at 7.30 p.m, dandruff, itching, over-oiliness|private. rebates nn oi oEN. Adult Entertainment