it Recon Pihcee erin atk aa ~ "a ce "tee 4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Nevember 13, 1962 --Ivan J. Williams Photo | Mrs. G. Anderson, Brock) street north, opened her home} recently to conveners of Vis-| count Greenwood JODE Chapter] for completion of plans for the! 24th anniversary birthday bridge) being held in the Royal Cana- -and| 2 11th annual commencement to the All-Round Girl. Donald son stands between the two District High School--Glennys rial Trophy donated annually Boy. Principal J. C. Richard- Girl Guides of Canada, Cen- Christian Education Building of| ' By DONALD G. CROSSLEY | captain Mrs. Ross Deakin, Mrs.|and Guides, as well as mem-) AJAX -- A total of 206 pa- Frenchman's Bay are out to] vassers. come from Colborne in the east-|during October, a hospital re. This week they canvassed the|Mrs. Beckstead. 'They literallyjnorth from Newmarket and were from Ajax; Pickering for Retarded Children -- and| Five, including Bill, were se-)sions conducted by Miss Wright,/5; Oshawa, 3; others, 12. To be congratulated are teen-|between 7 and 8:30 p.m. on sev-|Mrs. Leach, Lindsay and Mrs.|tients, 438; in patient x-rays, Bay, and John Barrett, James) tials. Ottawa; Mrs. Beswick, Mrs.|in-patient treatments, 895; lab- Beckstead. "It proved that if/Commissioners was conducted' Ten blood transfusions were OFFERS SERVICE work. They just need a chance.", Mrs. E. A. Collins, Area Com-jear, eye, nose and throat oper- noticed that the fund was hav- "We\Deputy Area Commissioner, to offered his services to his moth-\don't give enough credit worthwhile help on projects|man of the Conference, aided ave families to look after, or) Guider-in-Charge of physical ar- . Officers Elected - ~ service of Kedron United Church vassing. Teenagers can be just 'Love officiating, stallation of officers for the com-|teenagers assisting the $25,090 ' Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Bradshaw; est; AOF was held at the Union| sociation for Retarded Children} R . $123 ; aises ner, son of Mr. and Mrs, Jan enson was re-elected to her highicustom Club offered residents} Penner: Hebin Reve Cameron; Tkatch; secretary, Hilda Hum- Ridges Guide Company, under|Cameron, son of Mr, and Mrs, Circle; Treasurer, Rena Bath- with $70, the proceeds of their|Saturday, Nov. 10 at the Con-|Ivan J. Henry; William Joseph Guide, Evelyn Beard; Left Teenage assistance for a) In spite of the rainy weather,|Malley, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Guard, Eileen Large; Chap-|fund-raising history, at least in| Many articles sold were made|Gordon Stickwood; Wendel J. Karen Vesna; Past Chief Com-|their need to contribute to so- this bazaar, they are planning/---- Wins Seven Four Leaf Clover Home andjis celebrating his third birth- at Almond's School with a very|turns of the day. orchard manager Bob Adams of; saies high score: Mrs. Lewis,|{r0m a three months (ri pigg seven firsts in 12 apple classes/prennan Ajax, second, Brian|{@mily. Jimmy has been station- stake championship -- awarded prize. Mrs. Carleton, Picker-/°" the continent. said after judges awarded him| Mrs. R. Penny is celebrating east of Toronto. bie many happy returns of the win, Seventeen varieties of ap-\yallett avenue have returnedifamily, 'of Burlington, visited| § all came from Ontario. British and Mrs. Ken Grant. They alsol' the weekend. Collingwood, Ont., entries, or ee ee tudents at Pickerin I By art recently. Glennys was award- won the Dunbarton Kiwanis award winners. Cresswell and Donald Hobbs ed the Anne Stratton Memo- Club Trophy for All Round are shown during the school's . ; fe 'Guide Training 206 Patient . T rs Help Meeting Held pdmitted To | eenage mitted 10 | jtral Area, held a Training Con-} F d C . n ever in the Richmond Hill| un ampdalg |the United Church recently. Over 250 leaders of Brownies ; iati ivi-| s wer i to the ; wn . "k sked Bill: if he could bers of local associations, Divi-|tients were admitted t ton' ea kas hidzes ane Seine' coat "additional can-|sion and District Commissioners | Ajax-Pickering General Hospital ir "am-| re ern end to Dunbarton on the/lease said today. pi igh i how to cam isnt hie Geer a ee western. edge of the area and A total of 70 patients treated s | 99) > , & ; ; i y Township, 90; Pickering Village, bay area on behalf of the fund crowded into the house, offering Lindsay. 19 n ed lag campaign for the Aldon School|their help." Brownie Leaders attended ses.|20; Whitby, 6; Whitby Township, i i 'rene ya; Mrs.' Broadbent, Oak-| Other statistics were: number came up with $57.60 for thejlected for canvassing French-|Ottawa; M ee s ; : cause. sf man's Bay. During their travels Ville; Miss Potter, Toronto; |of babies born, 31; total out pa | ; ; ' : 'emi Richmond Hill. The|136; out patient x-rays, 331; agers William Prentice, Williamjeral nights, only one person|Fleming, I | ee ae, Beckstead, both of Frenchman's|questioned the boys for creden-|Blue Trainers were Miss Drew,| miniature x-rays, 73; laboratory : | 4 i j j " lat to to|Cannell, Mrs. Moore, Oakville. | oratory out-patient treatments, oy reg Selim carariuats sia tee thos GOT" aap A morning session for District) 40 , boys have something construct-|by Mrs. Currie, Deputy Area/given. There. were 40 minor The initiative began with 15-live to do -- they'll enjoy the| Commissioner. operations; 18 major and 39 year-old ~ Bill Beckstead, who . missioner, welcomed the guests} ations. ing difficulty recruiting adults) TEENAGE ANSWER and presented a. Warrant as ---- for canvassers in the area. He) Mrs. Deakin agrees. . to|Mrs. H. T. Cook, Pickering. | Ba tism Held r, contacted earlier by canvass|young people. They can offer|Mrs. G. M. Linton was Chair-| er, y | ' where it is too difficult forjby her committee and the Area| K d Ch h i ie ; { | | Maple Leaf Circle aus to get out. Many of us/Executive. Mrs. Currie was) earon urc jhome and school groups to at-/ rangements. KEDRON -- At the morning tend, and can't get out for ran-- ad carers ' lthe Sacrament of Baptism was MRS. A. L. HOOEY the answer for this," Ba Rid es eather with Rev. Ronald BOWMANVILLE -- The In-) The second example of local y g : The children baptized were, ing year of Maple Leaf Circle|campaign for funds for the id Com an | Richard Tracy Bratchaw aon afi No. 148, Companions of the For-| ajax, Pickering and Whitby As-| ude Pp y| :. 'ds , Robert Stephen Alexander Brem- mero Companion Rose Dick hdsey age Pogo rea eg al \ner, son of Mr. and Mrs. James "|which the Hurricams Rod and/ i ; ' By MARY WILLIAMS son of Mr. and Mrs, Allan C. Ritu Caene Bells ve Bd gl a od Sane "@ BAY RIDGES -- The Ist Bay|Cameron; Douglas "Alexander singe ¥ | discari stock cars. A : The club presented campaign|Guide Captain Hazel Reynolds,|D. A. Cameron; David James oad of tat Ontario His pence chairman William A. Parish|held a bazaar and cake sale on|Henry, son of Mr. i istri destructive (but constructive)! solidated Building Company's|Leggette, son of Mr. and Mrs. fish "Chet Coupon: Rieke venture. Exhibit Hall on Liverpool road.|William E. Leggette;| Darwin , | _Mrs. G FER Wood: - school for ;retarded children|they took in $123, showing a@/Malley; Darrell Jamie Scott Guard Beryl Hackse;, vOuter| campaign is something' new in| profit of over $80 after expenses. |Stickwood, son of Mr. and Mrs. lain, Al Perfect; ianist,|this part of Ontario. Let us see|by the Guides. Werry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Bate; Standard Reaver, if this begins a new trend in| Spurred on by the success of| William Werry. panion, Nina Clarke. ciety. ; work for another one next year. Whitby Orchard) | WHITBY PERSONALS School Association held its|day today. Friends of the fam- rs . "Euchre Night" Friday, Nov. 9/ily wish Kelly many happy re- First Prizes good attendance. Co-conveners : oe : 4 . ; vy.) were Mrs. Thelma Crawford Ri and neue raga TORONTO (CP) -- Whitby|and Mrs. . Clara Weatherall.|Mbrite, senior, have Red Wing orchards who eats) ickeri eating abroad. In Baden Baden, Ger- " |Pickering Beach; second, Mrs.| A apples only when I have ee low, Mrs. Was-| Many they visited their son test them," has been awarded tle of Almond, Gent's high: Mr. LAC Jimmy Ottenbrite and ieee Royal Agricultural Win- Crawford, Ajax; low, Bill ed in gage for oe ae wer Pa : Horseman, Ajax; BolognajYears. hey also visited in Maly, Among them was the Sweep-| srize Mts. Osborne: door\France and various other cities awe were Tem locay" Mae eo had a good year," Mr. Adams|* '#5'Y 'unc ee ' i f Mr, and the Silver eenes Trophy for) Debbie, daughter 0 7 a tray of MacIntosh, grown On| her 5 ' second birthday today, the 5,000 - tree orchard 28 miles! fiends of the family wish Deb: The farm which Mr, Adams| 4 dian Legion Hall Friday, Nov.| manages is owned by retired ~"" 16, at 2 p.m. oo eoneee SS Mr. and Mes. Ed. McKim yc, and Mrs 2." Quist ples are grown on the farm. |from a week's vacation in|); : This year the five entries in New H hire,|DiS. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. the apple classes at the Royal tae Neier the pol cnage Mr | Quist, 1600 Brock street south,| Columbia used to exhibit, but visited at the home of Wing: Mrs. William Simpson spent| has never won the apple fea ge | Commander and Mrs, Wickenithe weekend in Toronto as the! at the Royal--being beaten by! or St. Hubert, Quebec, guest of Mrs, Greta Feist. pus gg Mrgge Be so The many friends of Mrs. eece eet 7 oe ans Se 0k, TT ak re ee ee ne eS caldtratad bin vical % ; |their best wishes on the occa-|drive, celebrated his sixth birth- : sion of her 82nd birthday to be' day Saturday, Nov. 10. For the COCKNEY BELLS celebrated today. Phin al a Bemis party fe MONTREAL (CP)--Mrs. Jo- arranged with the following seph McCulloch, wife of the rec-| On the occasion of the 25th guests: Michael and Danny Day, tor of St. Mary-le-Bow church/ wedding aniversary of Mr. and|Stephen Devett, Paul McPher-| in Cheapside, London, recently|Mrs. F: G. Gostlin, 1302 Dun-son, Stanley Pockock, Malcolm} made a trip through here and/das street east, a family gather-/ Miller, Jackie Hilton,. Sharon, several United States cities to|ing was held at their home, Dur-| Susan and Vicki Lynn Rey- say "thank you' for moneyling the evening games were|nolds, Klaus Nelson, also Billy's! raised for the recently restored|played and refreshments serv- sisters. Debbie Joanne and Lin- Bow Bells. All people born'ed da. Mrs. Foskett. was .assisted within the sound of the bells are by Mrs. Verna Mifflin and-Mrs Kelly traditionally regarded as Cock- son of Mr. and. Mrs.|Rosalee Reynolds. in' serving peys. J, McKinnon, 20 Almond street,|and in supervision of games. Mrs. -'Gisella Fesoldi of Edmonton, was re-united with her seven-year-old son. Juius 'at Edmonton's Internationa! Airport Monday. She had not | | during Ajax Hospital REUNION | REPORT TO DURHAM Brooklin Bull Opposition's Duty Champion In To Oust By RUSSELL C. HONEY OTTAWA --New members of the Commons, including the member from Durham, confess. ed to some difficulty in unwind- ing recently as the effects of the drama of the near defeat of It was reassuring to know, from conversation with veteran members of the House, that this emotion was not confined to freshman members. Oldtimers on. Parliament. Hill 'jadvise that the tension of the House had not been equalled in modern times -- not even in the "pipe-line' debate of re- cent memory. Veteran Liberal Paul Martin} was the last speaker before} the first vote took place on the! the supply motion. Disclosing a at during two Liberal caucuses the day, Mr. Martin declared that the Liberal Party |would throw its weight behind the Social Credit sub-amend- |ment. In making this statement, the member from Essex East de. clared that it was being done, not as a vote for Social Credit policies, but as a vote against the government, Stating that if it was right for all three opposition parties) to criticize the government then it was right -- indeed it} was right -- indeed it was their | duty -- to vote against the gov- ernment and to give the people the opportunity to once again Seed Potatoes Scarce During Next Season TORONTO -- A total of 769 jacres have met field standards for seed potato certification in Ontario for the past growing season, reports the Farm Prod- uts Inspection Service, Ontario Department of Agriculture. This | represents 75.9 per cent of fields jand 67.9 per cent of acres en- jtered for inspection by 143 growers. Popularity of varieties as in- dicated by total acres passed as follows: Sebago 327, Kenne bec 127, Katahdin 108, Chippe. wa 46.3, Cherokee 34.8, Irish Cobbler 31.4, Keswick 23, Hunt- er 10.4, Avon 13.7, Netted Gem| 4.3; Green Mountain 1.2; Canso} and Huron varieties as intro-| duced in the last decade, are already extinct. These figures indicate that seed potatoes from Ontario farms will be scarce for the coming season. Reports indicate that supplies are not sufficient} to supply large quantities now} required annually by the pro-| |cessing and fresh trade, Buyers! of seed potatoes are urged to make their arrangements for supplies soon. It would appear] that there are opportunities for} more potato growers to special-| ize in seed potato production. The Ontario Department of; Agriculture will pay one half} the cost of transportation of seed potatoes from Northern Ontario in carload lots. Lists of seed growers are be- ing compiled and distributed to | and Mrs.'the Agricultural Representative t jin each county and district.| {Copies may be obtained from Farm Products Inspection Serv- jice, Ontario Department of Agri- culture, Parliament. Buildings, Toronto, Ontario or offices of Seed Potato Certification Serv- ice at London, Ottawa, Barrie, 'Cochrane and Guelph + |government took some time to! © | subside. Social Credit sub-amendment to|Venience to which the Canadian) closely guarded secret arrived|V¢TY integrity of our parlia- --| Support of the Conservative gov- | class was Wood! PC Rule see if they could return a gov- ernment with sufficient strength to bring forward policies de- signed to meet our present eco- nomic problems. OPPOSITION'S ROLE Making a direct appeal to the members of the other two oppo- jsition patties, Mr. Martin said, "I cannot understand the leader of the New Democratic party jand the leader of the Social |Credit party saying we must | wait for a period. Surely, this is jnot in keeping with our con- |cept of responsible government. "Our concept of responsible |!"8- : government is that when a| An entry by Cécil Mortson government has lost the confi. 29d Sons of Queensville, Oni., jdence of parliament, when it|and Pioneer Farm of-Old Lyme, jhas lost the-confidence of the)Conn., was awarded the. re. people, regardless of the incon-|S¢tve championship, BATTY HAS WINNER Beechcroft Victor's Thor, en- tered by Robert Batty of Brook- n, Ont., was judged, grand champion bull in the guernsey cattle competition. The reserve champion, Hen- slee Farms' D.. Doble, was en- tered by H. O. Matthiss, Co- bourg, Ont. Alderwood Elegant, entered by Tom Ride of Hatley, Que., was named grand champion bull in the Ayrshize dairy cattle competition. Reserve chamni 'TORONTO (CP) -- An entry from Romandale Farms Lim- ited and G. E. D, Greene of Unionville and Agincourt, Ont,, Monday was named grand champion bull in the Holstein dairy cattle judging at the | Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, | Reserve champion was an en- try by the Central Ontario Cat- lated Association, Maple, int, Fairmount Premier Radar, an entry by George. H. Hines and son of Woodstock, and Douglas Gole and Sons of, Bright, Ont,, won the. grand champion bull in the Jersey dairy cattle judg- | | people might be subjected, the mentary system calls for the defeat of that government, whether or not that means an election." Having the smallest represent. ation in the House, the NDP party votes last, and thus, is in! a favored position if it wishes to take advantage of it, to save or defeat the government. It was a bitter pill for Tommy Douglas, in his first vote in) the Parliament since taking his seat to lead his group in solid) on inthe ands Dainty's shown by Richards hers of Red Deer, Alta ernment. Ad Had the NDP party followed | Brot \the former pattern of voting | -- |with the Liberal party, the gov-| ernment would have been de- |feated. miral, Kiwanis Club Formed At Bay Ridges BAY RIDGES -- Fairport Unit- led Church on Liverpool Road, jeral amendment, a new at-|Pickering, was the setting re- ;mosphere of uncertainty de-|cently for the organization meei |veloped as a sharp division was japparent in the Social Credit |ranks. Sharp verbal exchanges \were observed in the Social |Credit lobby as Mr. Thom {Sought to hold his followe ine In the end, however, they jsaved the government by a |majority of eight votes. In the |corridors, Mr. Douglas is be.| |ing referred to, good naturally, | as "Tory Tommy." |SOCREDS SPLIT | As members prepared for the second vote on the main Lib- Ridges. Several Ts in|tario, Quebec and Maritimes Di. The NDP party had previous. ly indicated they would port the Liberal main am jment, thus shiftin | Social Credit to prolong |life of the Conservative gov |ment. |borough, Lieutenant Governor; Sup-| Harold Mitchell of Dunbarton, end-|Lieutenant Governor - elect: the|/the parent Dunbarton Kiwanis ern-/| Club. Mr. Thompson's success was wae' sag 8 mixed. Mr. Caouette, present! : for ~ first vote was conspicu-| ous by his absence for the! vote on the main amendment. | °° ae club, Twelve of his members follow... The meeting was opened by ed him out of the chamber, | Lieutenant Governor Harold An- or chose to abstain from vot-|St¢y and the address was pre- ing. Two Social Credit mem.|Sented by past governor Rob- bers stood with the Liberals/¢Tt Stroud. and the NDP. The remaining} Mr.. Stroud wished the new members followed Mr. Thomp.| Bay Ridges Club success in its son's Eig to once again sus-|program and projects. tain the government. The following, Board. of Di- The Social Credit cleavage .. ' 7 reflected the growing restlens,|Tectors and offic ers were elect- ness of their Quebec members,|©4 for the coming year: Presi- many of whom are obviously|dent Leslie V. Taylor, 1st vice- concerned with . criticism that! president, Eric Hatfield, 2nd they are maintaining the Con-|vice presidnt, Hrbrt Hew- servative government in power, | - "ahi rather than discharging their|imes: secretary, Ken Cohill; responsibilities as an opposi-|{Tasurer, Joseph Bell. Board tion party. of Directors: George Harding, nidieslsale aia ' --|Glen Russell, John Boyd, Eric }Page, Mortimer Jacobs, Eddie FARMER PRINCESS /Rowarth and Ray Huchell. Princess Margrethe, heir to) The new Kiwanis Club of Bay he Danish crown, is a farmer,| Ridges will hold a dinner meet- jarchaeologist and student of in- ing every Wednesday evening at jternational, constitutional and|7.00 p.m. in Fairport United jadministrative law. {Church. in association Westlake, cher and Eric Hatfield, was very active in the formation of on your OWN... with your family... }each YOU CAN SAVE WITH J4S TO EUROPE THIS CHRISTMAS On your own, you can save up to $136 on an SAS 17-day economy: excursion to Europe --- good through March 31st. SAS family fares ore another bargain, and allow unlimited stay through March 31st. Only father pays regular fore; mother, and children aged 12 to 25, each get $150 reduction in economy class, $300 in first class. Or, in a qualified group of 25 or more persons, you can save up to $285 ona round trip! SAS flies transatlantic to Glasgow, Hamburg, Copenhagen --- connections to all Europe. Ask your SAS travel agent, or write SAS, for full details. SCANDINAVIAN AIRLINES SYSTEM Credit Foncier Bldg. 224 Bay Street EMpire 2-5221 SOULOIAA TIAN AIRUVES SYST Toronto, Ont DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 300 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY 668-3304 4 a seen the bov since she fled Hungary in 1956. Julius was hrought Canada -bv° th Canadian Red Cross to Meadows Travel Service 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-9441 Guernsey Class ing of the Kiwanis Club of Bay 4 officers of Kiwanis |were present; Robert Stroud of Pson| Oshawa, Past Governor of Gn- 'vision; Harold Anstey of Peter- @ the onus to|and Ben Rudell, president of Bill But- Hospital Group 'Donates TV Set By MRS. A. L. HOOEY |H. Burke by her daughter, Mrs. BOWMANVILLE -- The No-|Stapley and son Alex Burké of vember meeting of the Wom-| Montreal. en's Hospital Auxiliary of Me- A television set was purchas- morial Hospital was held in thejed by the auxiliary for use in board room at the hospital.|the waiting room on the chroni¢ There were 16 members in at-/floor. tendance. | PERSONALS : Mrs. S. McMurter, president,,| The general United Church opened the meeting with the|Women's meeting of Trinity auxiliary prayer, Church was held in the Sunday Mrs. W, C. Cawker, regional|School room with Mrs. Stuart president who attended the pro- James presiding in the ab- vincial convention in Toronto! sence of Mrs. Earl Osborne gave a brief report. Mrs, K. Squair, Mrs, Lewis There are 200 hospitals in On-| Woods and Mrs, Austin Wodds tario with 70,642 members and|were in charge of the worship 30,836. active members. Money| service. raised by these hospital auxil-| Mrs. Lloyd Ayre favored with iaries was $1,119,345. 'two solos accompanied by Mrs. Of this amount, $754,644 was/D. Rahm at the piano. spent in the hospitals. A total -Mrs. E. Laird was appoint- of $59,593 was used to assist/ed secretary for the balance of nurses. and $28,741 was used for| the year, replacing Mrs, C. Gar- bursaries and educational -pur-|ton who moved to Peterboro. ° poses. The provincial auxiliar- The dhank-offering envelopés ies decided drop the word,are to be brought to the general | "Women's" in the title but not) meeting on November 27 at in the local auxiliaries, 7.30.p.m. Groups 15 and 16 will An invitation was received! be in charge. from the auxiliary at Oshawa !t was decided to order thrée General Hospital inviting Bow- 8%d one half dozen of the chil- manville members to their ba-|dren's magazine "World zaar at the General Hospital caf- Friends" for the mission, band jteria. Mrs. M. L. Roenigk wil!/ children. call local members with regard) One dozen bibles are to be to transportation. purchased for the Explorer A letter was read from the|Girls in Training. solicitor of the late Miss Blake-| The December meeting will be jly estate saying final distribu-/on the 18th at 2.30 p.m. jtion would be made at an early) Mrs. Irwin Bragg gave an in- date, spiring address on Stewardship. Mrs. J. Van Nest asked the A film "The Living Stone" was jmembers to bring a gift to the|shown. This film depicted the | December meeting which could life of the Eskimo be sold at the gift shop. : " oe A library cart is to be or- GREEK LIBRARIES jdered for use in the hospital.' Their were 1,250 public libra- This library addition is madejries in Greece with 175,000 read- |in memory of the late Mrs. W. ers in 1962. { GREATEST SHOCK SCENE EVER FILMED! FIGHTER vic SAVAGE DOORS OPEN AT 6:00 P.M. TODAY WILARIOUS BEST-SELLER FUNNIER ON THE SCREEN! ™ GUARDIANS OF KING SOLOMON'S MINES 1 METROCOLOR uy Lat TIMES---1:50-----3:50--5:50--7:50---LAST SHOW 9:30 ~meo EN ELV IS Presiay | Inte es DE LUNE omrTeD anrists PHONE 723-2843 PLATA ~ BE WISE--BE THRIFTY---BUY GIFT TICKETS NOW ! ow Balas SHIRLEY Ma ANE YES MONTAD ERD RNS 8 CMH Its SHIRLEY AT WER BEST! The sexy kook of "The Apartment' and Can-Can'-in the WACKIEST OAK ever eum f ow ms fe nae ers AM wy Geisna' ae laa gaps TECHINICOLOR Yap o-starring YOKO TANI + Filmed in TECHNIRAMA® A PARAMOUNT. RELEASE EDW. G, ROBINSON KIRK DOUGLAS "2 Weeks in Another Town" coset Teday Onl (CP Wirephoto)