WHIT Manager: Rae Hopkins BY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West | Tel. MO. 8-3703 ae 6. Hundreds lined Whitby's main east and west thorough- fare, Dundas street, Sunday morning to attend the Branch 112, Royal Canadian Legion SA. Women Get Hun To Honor War Dead Cake And Recipe Salvation Army Women's Home League held its weekly) meeting Thursday evening at the Citadel with Mrs. Captain Read sponsored Remembrane:e Day Service, before attending the church of their choica. Rev David Marshall, Brarwch 112 padre conducted the biief ser- vice, followed by the obser- Forty-four years hztve passed{Cenotaph, CROSSES AND WREATHS DECORATE WHITBY CENOT vance of two minute's silence and the laying of wreaths and crosses in memory of the war dead. Seventy-one Whitby re- sidents never returned home from the Second World War. dreds At Cenotaph the hundreds of Dak | BOWLING NEWS PH Above are shown some of the wreaths and crosses which de- | corated Whitby Cenotaph as the Remembrance Day parade moved off. Oshawa Times Photo Ladies' Society Enjoys Poem Christian Reformed Church Ladies' Society Work and Pray annual meeting met n_ the church hall Thursday. Approxi- mately 125 people were in at- tendance. Mrs. P, Melles presid- ed, A poem written and recited by Mrs. F.. Roorda was most appreciated. Mrs. L. Hall and Mrs. G. Jonkheer. gave the annual re- ports in a comical way. Two songs were sung by Mrs. Pel and Mrs. Kok. A play was pre- sented by several ladies titled "A .President's Nightmare," written by Mrs. A. Hosmar, A Bible Quiz was held and was followed by a devotional period. The highlight of the eve- ning was the introduction on "The prayer of the Great High Priest' based on Chapter 27 of the Gospeh of John. This was igiven by Mrs. H. Pel. A dis- cussion on the introduction followed. 3 Rev. VanHarmelen closed in prayer and lunch was served by members of the committee Guests were present from Bowmanville, Cobourg, Peter- borough and Whitby, The next meeting will be held Thursday, Nov. 22, | MONDAY MIXED LEAGUE | Triples over 600 -- R. Childs! 618, I. Mothersill 636, J.' Moth-| /ersill 622, T. Mclvor 612, M. Jor-| din 863, I. Colman 637, D. Row-| den 615, R,. Hansen 686, J. Bru-| jeckle 751, B. Gallatt 611, D. Wat-| | kins 677, A. Pope 603, D. Moore} 663, R. Pascoe 704 C. Holter; 628, W. Wotherspoon 602 and J. Miffin 659. | Singles over 200 -- S. Peake 238, Nimeeger 209, 206: W. Woth. }erspoon 214, 219; F. Wick 206, J. Miffin 225, 236, O. Moore 222, 24) R. Pascoe 265, 239, 200; B. Pas- coe 207, C, Pascoe 215, M. Peggs 201, D, Hancock 210, J. Hancock 208, C. Holter 222, 264, B. Wat- kins 207, D. Watkins 235, 213, | would also be purchased. Home And School Pians Games Night Sinciair Home and School As- sociation held its first Fall meeting last week. Due to the building of the new school the Association was unable to hold any meeting in September and October. Mrs. W. Woodward, president; weicumed everyone present and the meeting opened with the singing of O Canada with Mrs, Thompson at the. piano. The treasurer's report was read and approved and the budget was also presented and approved. ti was decided to hold "Games Night" Friday, Dec. 7 in the. .auditorium, covener be- ing Mrs. M. Morrison and. the volunteer helpers are Mrs. Riffe, Miss Dawn, Miss Richardson, Mrs. W. Bryant Mrs. W. Wood- ward, Mrs. R. McLaughlin, Mrs. F, Farrinder and Mrs. H. Son| ley. It was moved and seconded that the Home and School would buy more playground equipment and Mrs. Perry volunteered to do the purchasing. It was sug- gested that 50 cups and saucers Principal of the school Mrs,| |Meek introduced two new teach-|the 1962 season in. the Recrea- ers Miss Richardson teacher of) Band Plans Drum Corps | Whitby Brass Band will be ex- panded to include a drum corps, Eric Clarke, bandmaster, said] Saturday. , | Mr. Clarke is now looking for} a dozen boys, between the ages} of 12 and 16 years who are in- 'terested in learning to play the drums and eventually be- come a part of the band. |Laurie Wells; treasurer, Dorine \dent, Flo Lott; teacher of grades 5 and 6. Miss) Dawn teaches the boys' soccer. | Mrs, J. Kay gave a report on} the moring session of the Con- ference held at Belleville recent- ly and Mrs, W. Woodward gave the afternoon session report which both proved to be most interesting. The president gave a vote of thanks to the girls of Mrs, Meek's room for washing the dishes and placing them in the new cupboards and io Mrs. J, Thompson for doing up the towels, Susan Jay, Debbie McLaugh- lin, Debbie Taylor, entertained with their battons, very much enjoyed by all. | At the close of the meeting re. freshments were served by the members of the executive. The next meeting will be held} Thursday, Dec. 13. | Bowling Club Elects Officers | Whitby Ladies Lawn Bowling Club held its closing meeting for ation Hall at Red Wing Or- |grades 1 and 2 and Miss Dawn|chards, Thursday. An election of officers for the 1963 season was held and the following were elected: presi- vice-president, Jean Archibald; secretary, Shortreed; press secretary, Jeanne Sabis and jitney con- venor, Grace Igglesden. Special Events Committee members include Emmar Love- lock, Lil Luke and Jean Archi- bald. McGillvary Tournament, Marion Knibb. Tournament Committee mem- bers are Murial Judge and Flo jdren. Mrs. S. Armstrong thank- THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Mondey, Nevember 12, 1962 § Attendance Pins Are Presented A very enjoyable meeting was held by the Hillcrest Home and School Wednesday night. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. James White BECOMES MAYOR LONDON (AP) -- Sir Ralph Perring, 57-year-old cha tma of a furnishing firm, was i- stalled Friday as London's 635th lord mayor, He succeeded Sir Frederick Hoare, who had fin- ished his year of office. and the singing of the "Queen" with Miss G. Kirkwood at the piano, Various reports were read and accepted. Attending banners were pre- sented to Mrs. Johnson's class for the Juniors and to Miss G. Corbett for the Seniors. Mrs. J. Frost presented perfect attend-; ance bars for the term of 1961- 62 to the following pupils: Karen Elliott, Nancy Aasleep, Wayne Murkar, Avril Pascoe, Janice Neill,~Leslie Hart, Don- ald Gibson, Blayne Pascoe, Kal- yu Tammerand, Adam Grant, Heather White, Linda Neal, Gor. don Read, Sandra Richardson, David Ross, Donnie Harriss, Regina Hill, Kerry White, Lin- da Gibson, Darlene Young, Col-j. DECORATING For FREE Advice and Color Schemes in your Home or in our Modern Store, Coll... y For Dey er Evening Appointments DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Deys PH. 668-5862 Evenings PH. 668-5066 Your Friendly C-I-L Deoler leen Jensen, Claud Colli, Larry Horack, Ken Holwell, Bill Mur- ray and Dean Rivett. Several students from Palmer-; ston school put on a demonstra- tion of gymnastic which inelud- ed tumbling, volley ball skill and folk dancing which was thor. oughly enjoyed by everyone present. E, Fairman then spoke to the parents on the importance of physical fitness in school chil- ed the speaker for his very im- portant message. The meeting was adjourned and a social half hour was en- joyed with refreshments served by the mothers of Grades 4, 5 and 6. POPULATED BELT Two-thirds of Ontario's popu- lation live in a 20,600-square- mile area of the province's total O.H.A. Metro Junior "A" HOCKEY TORONTO MARLBOROS vs WHITBY DUNLOPS Lott. | Nominating Committee mem-| bers include: Helen Cunliffe, | FREE Have your furnace cleaned free this 412,000 square miles. | Tuesday, Nov. 13 8:30 P.M. Whitby 229; A. Pope 216, 234, E. Pope 203, H. Gordon 209, E. Anthony 203, W. Anthony 213, J. Johan- }sen 211, H. Hansen 207, R. Han- |sen 209, 288; B. Collins 219, J. |Brueckle 264, 294; B. Gallant 258,| Cenotaph to take part in the of Toronto in charge. She open-|.ince the first Armisitice Day|heads bowed reverently in sil-|service, ed with a song and prayer fol-|pack in 1918, when lowed by the devotional period.|that was to end all wairs ende'l.| Scripture reading was done cake recipe: Example "He asked water and she gave him Forty-four years lader, and 17\be found by the members and passage Of|years after the end f another| Flanders the Scripture was applied to alpreat war, heads of' a lordly dish. Taken from 5th/fice in those two gredt wars. Chapter of Judges verse 25. given the recipe. At the close of the evening lunch was served by Mrs. Cap- In Whitby, huncireds to return home frond these two! bers of the Whitby Brass Band, | Legionnaires, wearing tha tradi residents | tional | wars. Seventy-one Whitba tain Reed of Whitby. At next|were among the 65,000 Cana-jblazers and grey flannels, uwi-| : i t dians who did not return home|formed members of both the! Set ee ee ee 'Whitby and Garrard road vol-} will be Mrs. Brigadier Semster|from the Second World War. Belleville. Members are request- fer 7.30 p.m. At 11 a.m. Sunday, as Thejunteer : 2 ed to be present at the CitadeljLast Post was soainded by aj|Scouts and Girl Guides paraded! lone bugler near 'the Whitbylfrom the Legion Hall to the the world/(the symbol of Remembrance) jare bowed in' silene to pay|wreaths lined the cenotaph as } M/tribute to the men and women)Rey, David Marshall, milk. She brought forth butter in! who paid the suprame sacri-|112, jJam-jice and offered a praye: for) Each member attending re-|med the town's maim vast-west/those who paid with their lives] ceived a piece of the cake made|thoroughfare to pay' tribute tojthat others may live in peace by Mrs. Captain Read and was/the men of Whitby 'who failed) the warjent prayer for the war dead. White crosses, like those to "row upon row in Field," and poppy Branch Royal Canadian Legion Padre, conducted the brief serv- Led by scarlet-jacketed inem- Legion behets, navy fire brigades, Boy) % Most of the wreaths and crosses had been placed at tne cenotaph prior to the service, however, the Silver Cross Moth- ers' silver wreath was. laid dur- ing the service as was the Town of Whitby wreath, by Mayor Stanley Martin and Reeve Everett Quantrill. Many of the town clergy de- layed their Sunday services up to half an hour to enable mem- bers of their congregation te attend the service at the ceno- taph before attending Remem- brance Day services ia their respective churches. Padre Marshal! told students at the two town high schools Friday that the best way to observe' Demembrance Day was to hold two minutes silence at 11 a.m., Nov. 1. This he said again at 11 a.m., Sunday, as he called for the two min- D. Rowden 266, 208; C. Row. den 213, K. Jenkins 206, B. Vest- ers 207, H. Munns 223, Kim Jen- |kins 234, J. Batherson 277, C. Gill 212, V. Jordon 27, D Young 237, M. Jordon 325, 255, 1/283, F. Coleman 241, 216, A. |Young 215, C. Denyer 236, G. |Rocabeck 201, 206, D. Denyer 229, T. McIver 257, I. Mother. sill 228, 235, J. Mothersill 200,! 262, T. Shaw 242, 213, D. Grant! 212 and R. Childs 220, 221. | Team Standings -- Sabre Jets} 0-2624, Rockets 5-3140, Symbols 0-2630,. Echoes 5-3111, Poker Chips 2-2897, Woodpeckers 3- 3056, Cubs 7-3283, County Bowl 713105, Whitby Cleaners 4-3055, Hopefuls 0-2944, Headpins 2- 2997, Porky's Pride 2.3134, Be- ginners '5-3212, Stokeés 7-3358, Neighbors 2-2937, Munns Press| 5-3133. | WHITBY MEN'S LEAGUE | The Red Wings won the first} section, winning 18 out of a pods-| sible. 21 points. High averages for the first | section were: E. Jordan 241, M.| Reeson 239, D. Adams 238, M.| Jordan 229, W. Gordan 229. utes of silent prayer. Mr. Marshall said that some- one said a long time ago that people should forget about the past -- but 1,500,000.men of the Commonwealth laid down their A ' | lives during the t |Mel-Ron 3, Devils 0; Firemen} --a COs SS Login Gk Owens 1; | vPhea Whe Catan ang| Legion No. 2, 0, Abner's Esso, : aire |3; Credit Union, 0, Red Wings, must not be forgotten," the): Ottenbrites, 3, Post' Office, 0: | padre said. Simpson's Wood Products, 2,| Tig figs series a°niet.|Sitversmiths, i: ani . ~ e itby Brass Band once|umbus, 0, Mowatt's , 3; An- again took up its position at|drews No. 2, 3, County Bowl, 0. the head of the parade and the} 'Triples over 700 flat: M. Jor- other groups. fell in behind the) dan 815 (311, 253, 251); M. Ree- march past the cross and/son 764 (280, 250); K. Knibb 722 wreath decorated cenotaph and) (251); J. Bruechle 721 (254); W. saluted once more those who|Gordan 706 (265); G. Deeth 706 gave their lives in the cause of| (255, 252). world peace. Singles over 260 flat: R, Kos- The bandmaster said compe- ps MAES and ne on ' i A eeks. Auditor this year is Jean tent ieachers have been lined Archibald. | up to teach these boys, but they,| After the business meeting aj 1 summer ond guaranteed trouble- free all winter, if you purchase "White Rose" unified fuel oil from Western Oil Co. DIAL 725-1212 Community Arena Adults $1.00 Children 250 with their parents must show a|junch was served Students with ecards oe interest in learning to play and want to become a part of the band to be accepted. | Auditions and interviews, Mr. Clarke said, will be held in the band rooms tonight and again next Monday night. Next Sunday, the band will play host to some 100 bandsmen from all parts of the province as the association of brass bands gets together at Club Bayview here to select test pieces for the Canadian National Exhibition's Brass Bands Com- petitions, 1963. ter 288, R. Andrew 279, J. Kirk. white 278, L, Bedard 277, J. Drumm 274, D. McIntyre 273, B. Ferguson 268, J. Sutherland 265, B. Adams 265, D. Adams 267, FE. Jordan 263. MAKERS OF sont CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY 'This Programme Presented By The Business Firms of WHITBY and DIS From the Rockies to the Atlantic! CO wm Ff AN Ee Sy hk Oe ey) oe See Rambler '63 CALENDAR ABNER'S ESSO STATION 1003 BROCK ST. S. WEEKLY Events! Local TRICT!! GOOD SPORTS Support home town sports HOME TOWN SPORTS | Support the local suppliers of | S and BUILDING SUPPLIES 24 Hr. Burner Service SAWDONS' WOW IS THE TIME 70... TOA BETTER USED CAR! 1958 VAUXHALL Victor model. Economical transport- ation. 32 m.p.g. 1961 CHEVROLET 2-door Bis- cayne. Custom radio. Metallic green with match- 5] 995 ) ing trim 1957 MONARCH 4 - door hardtop. turnpike Cruiser. Fully power equipped. New 1957 FORD Custom 300. 2- door with V-8 engine, outo- matic transmission, $ " HODGES FAMILY CAPTURES TROPHY WHITBY SomEaSes BROCK Evening Shows Start 6:5'5 and 8:20 Last Complete Show at 8:20 Do THEY EVER RETORN TO Y LOSSESS THE LING ? c DEBORAH KERR fre Adult A ntertainment | The Bert Hodges family, | of Whitby, Saturday night captured the DuPont of Can- ada Limited Beginners Bon- | spiel title and was awarded the beautiful DuPont Trophy The three-day 'spiel opened | at Whitby Curling Club Thurs- | day night and continued through Saturday. A unique | feature about the challenge was that two mem- bers of each of the 24 parti- | cipating rinks had .to be | beginners and two could be members of a curling club | Mr. Hodges, who is personnel | manager at the Whitby plant of DuPont of Canada, skip- ped -his family rink to vic- | tory. He is shown here (right } at back) with his son Perry, | second, his daughter Sand~a, Seated at left, lead and his wife, Joyce, vice-skip. --Oshawa Times Photo | DuPont | tires. A scorce * 1 model. radio, 2-tone paint. . 1956 FORDS ---- 2 to choose from. 1 -- 6-cylinder and 1 ' 8-cylinder, Both with $| 'radio, From 1958 PONTIAC Laurentian 2- door. 6 cylinder. Standard transmission, Custom radio. Looks sharp... .. 51195 8 1959 CHEVROLET -- 4-door hardtop. Black finish, New white walls. 6 cylinder model, One local owner | 695. 1955 PONTIAC Deluxe 2- door. 6 cylinder. New$ 545, point job.... 1961 CHEVROLET 4-door se- dan, Biscayne model. Auto- matic transmission. 6 cylin- der. Power steering. Custom radio. 2-tone finish 1957 DODGE 4-door seden. New paint radio, Padded dash. Very 5595 fi clean Custom OPEN FROM 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. DAILY 4 COURTEOUS SALESMEN TO SERVE YOU a Jack, Morgan, Frank Lowry, Ken Morgan, Gary Hooey. , HARRY DONALD LTD. 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY 668-3304-5-6 | 668-3386 (Whitby) LIMITED 244 BROCK ST. S. DIAL 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT. Meet At The Wanta Sell'um Gotta Tell'um ---- use the -- Times Classified Ads WHITBY 668-5391 Good Used Ramblers Finest Esso Products Towing & Mechanicel Servier Twe Qualified Mechenies WwW. C. TOWN UCE VILLA HOTEL after the game Where All Good Sports Come Excellent Facilities For NQUETS, MEETINGS, PARTIES, ETC. WHITBY STAFFORD Brothers Lid. Monuments 668-3552 Whitby GEORGE'S FINA SERVICE Washing and Lubrication Tune-ups. Licenced Mechanie Tires and Batteries PICK UP AND DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY | SPR BA HOCKEY METROPOLITAN JR. TUESDAY, NOV, 13, AT SUNDAY ,NOV. 18, AT vs Ottenbrite's. Arena Su SKATING WEDNESDAY, NOV 14, 8 only, Whitby Arene. and children, SATURDAY, NOV. 17, 2 14 years and under. CURLING MONDAY, NOV. 12 -- Games at 7 and 9 P.M ot Whitby Curling Club Games at 7 and 9 p.m. THIS WEEK'S SPORTS EVENTS 'A" LEAGUE-- Marlboros vs Whitby Dunlops ot Whitby Arena, WHITBY MERCANTILE LEAGUE ot 2 p.m., at Whitby Arena. FRIDAY, NOY. 16, 8:30 TO 10;30 P.M. --Adults at Whitby Curling Club for Harry Donald Trophy. WEDNESDAY, NOV, 14 -- Mixed schedule starts FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Funeral & Ambulance Service You don't have to play @ sport to be « good sport 110 Dundes St. E. 668-3410 WHITBY MERCURY AUTO BODY @ .Collision Specialists @ ."Custom" Bodywork @ European Models @ . Duco-Dulux @ Spray Painting @ Arc-Acetylene Weldin 324 ASH ST., WHITB 668-8522 FOR THE BEST IN NEWS While lt Is News HAVE THE OSHAWA TIMES Delivered to your door Just Phone 668-3703 8:30 P.M. -- Toronto 12 NOON -- Durno's noco vs Flemings Shell. TO 10 P.M, -- Adults TO 4 P.M, -- Children Men's Schedule starts for Anderson Trophy, GEORGE H. HARDING CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 668-3566 HOOKER & 411 Fairview Drive WHITBY SEPTIC TANK SERVICE TRENCHING AND COMPLETE ! BROOKLIN No. 7 Highway, 3 miles West of Brooklin General Motors Dealer For CHEVROLET--OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS CORVAIR Rousseau Upholstery FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS s Our tocetion et 216 MARY ST. EAST 1 block verte aiey Office SONS LTD. Is Most Convenient For Your Buy- ing Needs of Quality Goods et Prices es" 668-3483 655-4811