THE TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK CAR. PORT 21-0 9 2h4 STORAGE BLD RM. 10.0-16-77 priest ve 28-4" - LIVING 2M, 18-8 15-4" aba hth dead No 430 1497 YOUR HEALTH Many Variations soon as she gets school.--M.Y. sjare of relatively short durati fjand don't do any harm. Some Fjcurrent footwear doesn't a home digg S00 don't wear them early THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, November 10,1962 13 enough.) Dear Dr. Molner: My son, 18, has Bell's Palsy. We have never heard of this before. He is mak- ing good progress with therapy. Are there aftereffects?--Mrs. Most teen-age clothing fa\is to out aftereffects, is quite likely. varying from a few weeks to ARMED FISH GUARDS WINNIPEG (CP) -- The first armed fisheries patrols in Man itoba are sailing Lake Manitoba Recovery is usually slow, *\their appearance, it seems to me, but the slippers are only MLE. In Blood Pressure By Joseph G. Molner, M.D. Dear Dr. Molner: Can low blood pressure affect a person's mentality or memory? Do peo- ple who have it live longer than those with high blood pressure? disease, It is just a physical finding, such as the color of your skin, your weight, or tem- perature. Too often people imply or fear that it is a cause of this, that or two jumps away from going barefoot, and that is not harm- ful, may think it doesn't make much sense but the teen-agers want to act grown up. If your daugh- ter can stand it, let it go at that, Bell's Paisy is the name ap- plied to neuritis in a branch of the nerve in the face. Causes vary from infection to exposure years, In some. a mild paralysis determined to stamp out t he of part of the face becomes per-| Whitefish smugglers of Sturgeon manent. The steady recovery in/Bay. The fisheries officials your son's case is an excellent/won't be armed but accompany. sign, however. ing RCMP officers will. As to bras, again no harm. Wejto drafts to injury, to various forms .of intoxications. As long as the young man is making good progress, complete regeneration of the nerve, with- --M.AF. another complaint. Low blood pressure isn't a THE HOME WORKSHOP Blood pressure can vary rather widely and still be} normal. We can (and do) find) an average for a given age leyel| but everybody can't be aver- | age. Some are. higher and) other lower--yet normal. H Temperament can affect' it.) An easy-going, phiegmatic, per-, haps slightly-built person will, be on the low side; a nervous active person on the high side. True, unduly low pressure can reflect certain disease states: ' |Infection, debilitating ailments, low thyroid or adrenal activity. There is also a condition known as orthostatic hypoten- SQ.FT. HOME DESIGN No. 430 This is exceptionally well | laid out house. The location | of the kitchen gives direct | access to both front and back doors, both of which open into vestibules, Hall space has been tion includes information on |book are full details on how to ric paints, Sheeting is the ma-| reduced to a minimum ye traffic through the rooms has been avoided. Four substan- | tial bedrooms with excellent | closets comprise the sleeping | area. Bathroom contains vani- tory unit. Living - dining area | has a window wall over- looking the garden and a door to the porch or patio... Stan- dard Builders Blueprints for this design No. 430 cost $15.00 | for the first set and $5.00 for additional sets. available in Canada by return mail. (Ontario residents must remit 3 per cent sales fax. They are) Now available at this News- | Construction Details, TLand- paper Office (or from ad-| scaping, Color Selection, In- dress below) is the New 1962 | | terior Decorating, Furniture DESIGN BOOK entitled "Ca-| Arrangement, Custom Design- nadian Guide to Home Pian-| ing, etc., plus over 100 popu- | ning and Design', price $1.00 |lar and new designs to choose and is tax free. This new edi-| from. Also included in this Financing'in Canada, Building | order blueprints The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Onjggio. C0 Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail reouests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). Pee eeePUe OO eeerIee rier reir r rire rrr eerie rrr iris) Name | Address Poem emer erase sree sesareseeese ese ssseeeeseeenese® FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN N PAINT STAINED SHINGLES CHIPPED WHITE STOVE TOP (no stamps) must accompany) make foot scrapers from scr: QUESTION: Recently we pur- chased a house several years old. The wood shingles are stained and we are beginning to think we would prefer a painted finish on them. It this, possible? ANSWER: Stained wood shingles can be painted. But, first, I recommend sealing the surface with a coat of alumi- num paint to prevent the stain bleeding through. | HOT IRON STAIN ON WOOD QUESTION: My daughter put a hot iron down on a shellacked © wood end table while moving - 4s the ironing board back to the kitchen. There is now a much lighter area where the iron was ; ing. How can this be re- © paired without having: to re- © finish the whole table top? 3 ANSWER: Rub the affected s area with steel wool or fine sandpaper, to remove any char- red surface material and to have a satin - smooth surface. * Remove affected sheliac with denatured alcohol, Then apply a wood stain (or touch-up mate- rial available for this purpose at most variety, hardware and housewares dealers) to match rest of table top. With small >. brush, apply thin coats of pure, fresh white shellac (thinned half-and-half with denatured alcohol) to match rest of table top finish and build up to level of surrounding area. While this) may not be a perfect patching) job, it will make the discolored} area less conspicuous. | CRACKED TUB-WALL JOINT QUESTION: The cement seal- ing the joint between the bath- tub and wall has developed a crack, We are afraid of a leak or water seepage through this How should this be repaired? ANSWER: Scrape out. the} present cement with a beer can) opener or similar sharp-pointed) tool and brush out al! loose} particles and powder. Then seal/ the whole joint tightly by run-} ning a tube of white-colored,| caulking compound (available) at most hardware, variety and) paint dealers) along the joint; this remains flexible; and is] unaffected by 'emperature| changes. | " remedied? QUESTION: An iron pot was! °'der- -- on the bie porcelain| PLASTIC TILE ON PLASTER top of my stove and chipped a ' eal piece out. Is bid any), QUESTION; We are modern- way to touch up this area so it|izing our kitchen and want to won' look os conspicuous? Put, plastic tile om the plaster pr gg mrt Pe avail.| treated before applying the tile? able at some hardware and! ANSWER: Detailed instruction housewares dealers; this made to withstand heat up to/should be available from your 400 degrees without discoloring|tile dealer: Any loose or peel- and is intended for this type Ofjing paint should be scraped off repair on heated surface. Fol-|and any weak or broken plaster low. label directions for use) removed; any holes or cracks carefully. | Should be repaired and patched. 7 The plaster surface should be CLOUDY MAHOGANY | absolutely clean and free of any QUESTION: The surface of ajtrace of grease, wax, grime, mahogany chest has developed/etc., and sealed to assure a bet- a somewhat cloudy tho! How can the cloudiness be! look al-jter bond of the cement used| ugh it is regularly polished./for applying the tile. | is|sheets for putting on the tile! sion, in which the pressure drops to a low level when the person stands. Such individuals are subject to dizziness or light- headedness. The same thing can jat times occur with drugs used; to lower. high blood pressure. But these are quite different from cases in which the blood pressure is low but within nor- mal ranges. If, however, a person with low blood pressure feels draggy, listless, tired, it is merely a WAND a PAINTED CHRISTMAS GP ruseae one 4) "s PATTERN 249, By RUTH W. SPEARS Paint a Christmas cloth for your table. Gift linens also may be painted or stencilled with fab- terial used for the holly cloth.) Pattern 249, which gives this) jdesign and others with com- {plete directions for fabric paint- ing, is 50 cents, This pa*'tern!| sympto; 7i 5 also is in the Indoor Christmas dtinn, chal ante ae pe Decoration Packet 43 -- a big recting. The blood pressure will value for $1.75. Address orders|taxe care of itself. to The Home Workshop Dept.) no iow blood : Oshawa 'Times, Oshawa. ; ood pressure does | jnot affect mentality or memory. Yes, persons with pressure in the lower normal-ranges tend to live longer with excessively high| pressure--although not necessar- ily longer than those with higher readings which remain within normal! ranges. Dear Dr. Molner: Don't you think some of the teen-agers .|dress fads can be really harm-| ful? Aren't the youngsters invit-| ing future trouble by the shoes | they insist upon wearing? Also) is it advisable for girls to wear bras all the time? My daughter certainly does not need support and I can't understand why she| doesn't welcome a chance to get o mud tracked in if you aps of metal mounted on wooden jsupports which may be graceful 'and dignified or gay and amus- ing. Pattern 237 which gives BUY WHAT YOU LIKE BUT... BUY A HOME FIRST! WE HAVE MANY OUTSTANDING BUYS ALL OVER TOWN Now's a good time to buy a home, and Oshawa is the best place to find it.. We offer Photo Co-op listing service, to save you | time and money. And, we are Realtors, so you can rely on our dependability. IS THE TIME The IDEA BOOK beyond compare! @ It took 6 months to photograph = two years to produce, ® Each room completely documented with plans, diagrams, templates, ® Over 100 idea-packed pages, each 14" x 11, © A classic work on rec' rooms «= nothing like it before. $300 BROWN'S LUMBER coy & SUPPLIES 436 Ritson N., Oshawa 725-4704 Don't delay any longer . . . call a realtor of your choice today. His experience and know-how guaran- tee you the best possible buy, to suit your family's needs, LIST and BUY Through PHOTO CO-OP OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD out of restraining clothing as acutal-size guides for five dif- ferent mountings, is 50 cents.! Children love the animal scrap-| ers. This pattern is also one of \four in the Novelties to Make the} Neighbors Smile Packet No. 71| -- all for $1.75. Address orders] to The Home Workshop Dept., Oshawa Times, Oshawa. IT'S DIXON'S For the BEST In FUEL and Heating Equipment DELC help you with your problem . .-. by GENERAL MOTORS 313 Albert St..RA 3-4663 reasonable cost . . . styles to select from vestigate... CALL NOW. |WATER-SOFTENER HARM? ANSWER: Wipe the cloudy| QUESTION: We want to in- surface with a mixture of onejstall a water-softener but have tablespoon of cider vinegar inja septic tank. W a quart of warm water. Rubline tank? dry with clean, soft cloth, After ; a few hours when the surface) ANSWER: According to the) is completely dry, apply a good' Public Health Service: 'Waste brand of furniture polish. brines from household water- SEPTIC TANK CARE softener units have no adverse effect on the action of the sep- QUESTION: We are purchas-|tic tank, but may cause a slight| ing a home that has a septic/ shortening of the life of a dis-| tank. Where can we get infor-/posal field installed in a struc-| mation on what care the tank|tured clay-type soil." requires? Until now, we have|---------- ze lived in an apartment house) where this was no problem. ANSWER: A small leaflet is available for five cents entitled "Septic Tank Care," giving gen- eral recommendations; or a! booklet, giving more complete detailed information entitled, "Manual of Septic-Tank Prac- tice', is available for 40 cents; for either. publication, send to Superintendent. of Documenis, Washington 25, D. C.; payment \ | | ould this harm! / TS i] sd per Ad McG H PLUMBING-HEATING co. LT | 725-1334 E215 KING STE. YA) ba Lo (ag 6 a. Buying or Selling ! GUIDE REALTY LTD. @ LLOYD CORSON, President |) @ DICK YOUNG Vice-President }} @ LUCAS PEACOCK Sec-Treas. 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 723-1121 "e _--_------ael| 3 'LI FD ERED I DEI DIS ") 1 Z £? ' MLM E 6 |McCULLOUGH $39.95 INSTALLED, SALES 15 PRINCE ST. 725-4632 WINTER SEAL SELF-STORING, COMBINATION ALUMINUM DOORS & WINDOWS In the market for Aluminum doors and windows? Call 725-4632. A courteous representative will and will be able to supply and install. your Windows and doors at you have 7 different door It costs you nothing to in- WINTER SEAL SELF-STORING, COM- BINATION DOORS START Call Now For Your Free Estimate "Serving Oshawe and Area Over 10 Years" LES EVENISS , Eve. 723-2707 "Where Satisfaction !s Guaranteed" FROM | MASTER DESIGNED REC. ROOMS @ 6 Master-designed Rec' rooms @ Complete how-to- build instructions @ Over 100 idea- packed pages 00 +a copy The qualified building experts }} at McCullough Lumber are at | your service. Let them help you with your Rec Room Plans. 3 SIZES © 30GALLON .. ® SOGALLON .. © 70 GALLON @ FREE ESTIMATES @ BUDGET TERMS @ FINANCING ARRANGED and (if required) CARPENTERS & CONTRAC.- TORS RECOMMENDED "Where Service Comes First" |) LUMBER CO. LTD, 1270 SIMCOE N. 728-4688 = NOW Quicker and More Economically! WITH A 'CONROY' OIL FIRED Water. DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL USE! ! McLAUGHLI 110 KING ST. WEST 7 You Can Have s MORE HOT WATER free-wheelin CEILING ! | QUICK APPLICATION. NO PAINTING! PV COPPERTONE SQUARE-TEX Build and finish your ceiling in one easy operation with Coppertone Square-tex. + @ Each panel covers 16 square feet ® Factory-prefinished off-white and copper @ Easy to handle SEE"6 MASTER-DESIGNED RECREATION ROOMS" AT YOUR BUILDING SUPPLY DEALERS Published by: Canadian Forest Products Ltd HEATER GET YOUR "IDEA BOOK" TODAY AT... BEAVER LUMBER 419 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY PHONE MO 8-5813 FAST RECOVERY .+.+. TT0 GAL. PER HR. Ce ee ee rseseveceess. 200 GAL, PER HR. vvevevesaceioss S00 GAL, PER MR, oe GET YOUR "IDEA BOOK" TODAY AT MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH = PHONE 728-6291 Can Be Connected To Your.Present Oil Tank GLASS LINED TANK 10-YEAR WARRANTY PROTECTION PLAN ! | For Further Particulars Contact... BOOKS NOW AVAILABLE AT... McCULLOUGH LUMBER Co. LTD. 1270 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE 728-4688 COAL & SUPPLIES LIMITED PHONE 723-3481 GET YOUR BOOK TODAY AT OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. - HEAD OFFICE AND SHOWROOM -- COURTICE or OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1611 728-1617