MR. AND MRS. MURRAY JOHN BURTON --Aldsworth Photography Attendants Wear Gold and Green At Burton-Hartl The marriage of Barbara Eileen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lister Hartley of Oshawa, and Murray John Burton of Scarboro, Ontario, took place on Saturday afternoon in Northmin- ster United Church. The bride- groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. G. M Burton of Sidmouth, Devon, England. The Reverend H- A. Mellow officiated and Mrs. Richard Moses, organist, played the ey Nuptial Rites soie, Mrs. Roy Hartley a.tend- ed the bride as matron of honor. The other attendants, in green, were Mrs. Robert Cochrane and Miss Virginia Drummond. The dresses were all styled alike with scoop necklines, t hree- quarter sleeves and flared skirts jwith a bow .at the left. They }wore matching crowns and car- jried bronze and yellow cas- cades, | The best man was Mr. Roy wedding music and accompan-|Hartley and ushering were Mr fed Miss Dorothy VanderBent |Walter Turner and Mr. Robert who sang "The Lord's Prayer".| Cochrane. "O Perfect Love" and the 23rd Psalm, "The Lord Is My Shep- in marriage by her father, the bride wore a full- length gown of organza over taffeta. The bodice of Alencon; lace, scattered with sequins was} styled with a scalloped neckline} and lily-point sleeves and the belled skirt was appliqued with matching lace. A crown of seed pearls held her elbow-length veil of tulle illusion and she carried) a cascade of yellow roses. | Wearing gold satin peau de Good Citizens Offer Hand to Newcomers MIA Tells H&S Citizenship was the theme of the November meeting of West- mount Home and School Asso- ciation..The speaker was Mr. T. D. Thomas M. L. A. Com- menting on what Canadian citi- zenship should mean to the in- dividual] the speaker said one of the prime requisites should be a concern for those who are newcomers to Canada. The economy of Canada should be planned to encourage people from other countries to come here. A film '"'The Thres- hold" was shown depicting the integration .of an Austrian family into the school and com- munity life of Canada, and the problems presented to them, and solutions. A reception was held in the lower hall. Receiving, the bride's mother wore pure silk, peacock green peau de soie with a matching hat, white accessor- ies and a pale yellow corsage. As the couple left on a honey- moon trip through western On- tario, the bride was wearing a brown and gold ensemble, top- ped with a mink-trimmed beige coat and a bright yellow cor- sage. Mr, and Mrs- Burton will re- turn to reside at 121 Newport avenue, Scarboro, Guests were present from To- ronto, Weston, Malton, Strat- ford, Woodbridge, Thistletown, Ottawa, Kingston, Whitby; Bow- manville and from England, * | Adah, ?\Ruth, Mrs. Jane Jobb; Esther, (Weme Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 8, 1962 Mrs. Cora Lyons was install- ed as Worthy Matron of Sun- beam Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, at its regular meeting held in the Masonic Temple. The other officers are as fol- lows: Mr. William Henderson, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Jean Scott, Associate Matron; Mrs. Thelma Beerthuizen, Conduc- tress; Mr. Frank Train, Associate Patron; Mrs, Wilma Taylor, Associate Conductress; 'isecretary, Mrs. Meta Moore; treasurer, Mrs. Ann Brown; chaplain, Mrs. Laura Young; marshall, Mrs: Belle Forbes; organist, Mrs. Gladys Morgan; Mrs. Eunice Smales; Mrs. Marion Hoy; Martha, Mrs. Pearl Peacock; Electa, Mrs. Gladys Elliott; Warder, Mrs. Elsie Miller; Sentinel, Mrs. Viola Ward. A large number of members and visitors were present from Whitby, Markham, Port Perry, Durham, Willowdale, Aloha, Moncton, Madoc, and Arnprior. All were welcomed by Mrs. Mabel Alpin WM, and Mr. Frank Train, WP. Introduced and welcomed were Mrs. Edna Anderson, Past Grand Matron; Mrs. Agnes Wal- lace, DDGM and Mrs. Agnes Kemlo, Meta Moore and Ruby Clark; PDDGM's. Presiding Ma- trons and Patrons from Whitby and Port Perry were also wel- comed, ; There were 17 past officers of Sunbeam Chapter present and the WM thanked them for their loyal support during the year. Mrs: the annual auditors' report, Mrs. Agnes Kemlo the treasur- er's report and Mrs. Moore the secretary's report. An invitation was accepted to Blue Ray Chapter, November 8. Upon discharging her commit- tees, Mrs. Mabel Alpin, retiring Matron, was presented with a gift from Mrs. Cora Lyons on Frank Train received a gift from Mr.. William Henderson. As the WM, WP and officers retired from their stations, Mrs. Ruth Bestwick sang a solo. Mrs. Nance McLeese was es- corted to the East to take over the duties as installing Matron. Members of the installing board were; Mrs. Nance Mc- Leese, installing Matron; Mr. Len Colbear, installing Patron; Mrs. Agnes Kemlo, installing Marshall; Mrs. Jean Hicks, TO MARRY IN DECEMBER Sunbeam Chapter OES Installs New Worthy Matron and Officers Betty McKinstry gave): Meta] | behalf of the chapter, and Mr.) : Floral Marshall; Mrs. Laura Stewart, Chaplain; Mrs. Gladys Morgan, organist; Mrs- Ruth Bestwick, soloist; assisted by Miss Sybil Langmaid, Mrs. Al- berta Wood, Mrs. Betty Mc- Kinstry, Miss Flora Purdie, Mrs. Marianne Girard, Mrs. Dorothy Haley and Mrs. Mary Lang; also Mr. Lloyd Wood, Marshall Agnes Kemlo pre- sented each officer at altar to be installed and escorted same to their respective stations. Mrs. Jean Hicks gave an impressive floral ceremony to each of the star points and presented the W. Matron with a floral star. As the newly installed matron took her station, Ruth Bestwick gave an appropriate solo at which time WM received a large bouquet of roses from her family. WM thanked her instail- ing board, named her commit- tees after which the immediate PM and PP were presented with their Jewels by Mrs. Meta Moore. ' Mrs. Mabel Alpin presented Mrs. Martha Dunlop with a gift in appreciation for doing a good job as press reporter. Mrs. Gladys 'Thompson was thanked for decorating the hall. Refreshments were served by Thelma Beerthuizen and com- mittee. Mrs. Cora Lyons enter- tained some friends at her home after the meeting. BLODWEN DAVIES Canadian Author To Address Club Miss Blodwen Davies, who will address the Lyceum Club on Monday, was born in Mon- treal and her earlier writing was on Quebec, as she grew up on the St. Lawrence. Her Welsh father loved the water and was a well known aquatic sportsman. Her childhood was spent sail- ing up and down the St. Law- rence, and getting to know the life of the French Canadian peo- ple, Her first books were about Quebec, Saguenay, and che Gaspe; also biographical ar- ticles on many historical per- sonages. Later she wrote about On- tario. "Storied. York" was one of her early books. She also wrote "The Life of Tom Thom- son". In this case, she set the 4\sterling silver tea service. 4\were received from His Excel- Couple Receive Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bradica, Howard street, were honored at a banquet at their home on Saturday evening in celebration of their golden wedding anni- versary. The Reverend Stephen Mraku- zic of Cleveland, Ohio, said grace and the toast to the couple was proposed by Mrs. Bradica's brother, Mr. August Mrakuzic of Euclid, Ohio. Mr. Bradica thanked friends and neighbors for the many gifts he and his wife had re- ceived including a chesterfield suite, a sun-burst clock; broadloom rug, table lamps, stainless Steel tableware and a Congratulatory telegrams lency the Governor - General George Vanier; the Prime Min- John Diefenbaker; the Prem- ier of Ontario, the Honorable John P. Robarts, and the Min- ister of Labor, the Honorable} Michael Starr. | Hosts for the party were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Klasan, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ostler, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bradica and Mr. John Bradica, Guests attended from Toron- to, Hampton and Oshawa and from a distance came Mr, and =\been turned over to Sister) Isidore, An increase on mem-|> MR. AND MRS. LOUIS BRADICA Handsome Gifts On Golden Wedding Anniversary Mrs. William Ruyechan of Ran- kin, Pennsylvania; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Strelou, Independ- ence, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. August Mrakuzic, Euclid, Ohio, and a newphew, the Rev- erend Stephen Mrakuzic, Cleve- land, Ohio. Platoon Chief Mar- 'in Ostler and Mrs. Ostler were among the family guests. The couple was married No- vember 6, 1918, in the Church of St. Samuel in the village of Prekrezei in Yugoslavia. Mr. Bradica came to Canada 37 years ago, coming straight to Oshawa, and Mrs: Bradica and family followed later. Mr. and Mrs, Bradica have four daughters and three sons: Mrs, James Winters (Barbara), Mrs. Kenneth Ostler (Ann), Mrs. Peter Klasan (Mary), all of Oshawa, and Mrs. Caroline Malkowich of Prekrezei; Frank of Prekrezei, John and Samuel of Oshawa. There are 16 grandchildre and one great-grandchild. Mr. Bradica has _ been erft- ployed at General Motors for over twenty years. CHEESE IS RICH One pound of cheddar cheese, rich in vitamin A, also repre- sents as much casein and fat as a gallon of whole milk. ;|Frank Flynn and Mrs. 7 St. Gertrude's CWL Conveners Give Satisfying Reports Mrs. James Noonan. presided at the October meeting of St. Gertrude's Catholic Women's League. The following commit- tees were heard from: On the Hallowe'en Fun Fair, Mrs. John Poltz reported all booths assigned and the major- ity of prizes for the Penny Sale received. Some of. the prizes will be put on display at this meeting. Members were re- minded to get the donations for day, -October 26. Miss Eva er, reported that a to a member in the hospital. On education, Boyle reported on the Reginal the information and forms have bership was reported by Mrs. John Polman in charge of speakers, reminded the members that speaker at the November meet- ing. The guest will demonstrate Christmas decorations and centre-pieces which she made and will show how the mem. bers can make these them- selves. In the absence of the Rever- end John Myers, \Bruchner read the ¢losing pray- the various booths in before Fri-|'-- Bruckner, the spiritual conven-|* spiritual | © bouquet was made for Father): Wall, and a get-well card sent|; Mrs. Neal|: Public Speaking Contest and all . Mrs. Fairbrother will be guest}. Miss Eva) One-year-old Kevin Edward is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johnson of Taunton and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. William Dodwell, Osh- YOUNG PLAYBOY awa, and Mr. Arthur Johnston, Castleton. His gréat-grandparents are Mrs. Ada Dodwell of Scar- 'borough and Mr. C. H. Martin of Oshawa. --Ireland Studio and Mrs, ler. Refreshments were served \by Mrs. John Byrne and her committee. During this period SOCIAL NOTICES the Welfare draw took place and the winner_was Mrs. How- ard Knapp. PERSONALS Pouring tea at the Sleighbel! bazaar which is being sponsored by the Knox Presbyterian Women's Auxiliary the first of next week are Mrs, John Mil- roy, Mrs. Leslie Blair, Mrs. J. L. Beaton and Mrs. Hugh Hall. Mrs, D. J. Walker of Isling- ton, Captain of the Air Ranger Flight of Toronto Island Air- port, will preside and show films at the open meeting being held by the Oshawa Division Girl Guides at Guide House, the jearly part of next week. Her friends will be glad~ to learn that Mrs. Ethel Sutton is convalescing satisfactorily in Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Peacock, Simcoe street north, have re- turned after spending a week visiting Mrs. Peacock's sister, Mrs. Murray Matheson, New ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Garnett Fursey announce the engage. ment of their daughter, Linda Jean, to Mr. Wayne Armand Sweet, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sweet, all of Oshawa. The marriage is to take place LEAVES SHOW NEW YORK (AP) -- George Maharis, star of the television program Route 66 has left the show on doctor's orders and re- turned to New York for medical treatment, his representative said Wednesday. Maharis re- cently suffered from hepatitis and was in hospital for a month. on Friday, December 7, 1962 at 7.30 p.m. in the chapel of Northminster United Church. MARRIAGE The marriage of Myrtle Clemens afd Clayton A. Free- man was solemnized in the Metropolitan United Church, London, Ontario, on Wednesday, October 31 at 2 p.m. with the Reverend Dr. George Goth offi- ciating. . A Swedish entry in the 1962 international film festival at San Francisco shows women's fash- ions of the last 150 years. NEW York City. Offer! 9 pe STEEL SET now at BURNS Special Cookwaré ooksbesl. . TRI-PLY STAINLESS COOKWARE OF 2,500. Tested Recipes! OMEGA Ye HMA EA 5 "2 Choose Now! at Blacks . » « from an exciting assort- ment of most wanted styles in fur-trimmed coats! Choose now .-. lay-away If you like but don't miss seeing these favorite furs and fabrics'. . . popular colors. 12 FULL-COLOR RECIPE BOOKS beautifully bound and gift boxed This beautiful "Cooking Magic" ency- clopedia holds all 12 recipe books, which nat be abtiohed or pars from the metal binding assembly. type and printed the book by hand. Later she wrote 'Youth Speaks Its Mind', 'Ottawa: 6|Portrait of a Capital' and | others. In 1945, Miss Davies settled in Cedar Grove, Markham Township. , She is now writing about the} ; Mennonite people, their folk cul-| 7 ture and folk wandering. "en Room prize went to the kin- dergarten teacher Mrs. M.| Chase. Mrs. Roy Spratt, chair-| may of the $1.00 per family! plan Yeported that from a total of two-hundred and forty-five families in the school, two-hun- dred and nine had contributed Mrs. Ralph Boneham reported on the Area C. conference held in Belleville, attended by her- self and Mrs. H. R. DeMille. Mr. F. H. Ross, principal. re- ported the school pupils had collected $109.22 for UNICEF .| ee: y Oshawa: The ceremony is to take place at 7:30 p.m. in the chapel of Northminster Unit- ed Church. --Photos by Hornsby | MITCHELL'S | DISCOUNT PRICES FOR : THIS WEEK-END | ONE-A-DAY MULTIPLE VITAMINS Te SALE 200 DAY'S SUPPLY Reg. 8.98 SAVE 4.48... . SPECIAL 4.50 DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS sxc. 7». 59° | TAMPAX 12's | ALKA-SELTZER | | Friday, December 7, is the date set for the wedding of Miss Linda Jean Fursey and Mr. Wayne Armand Sweet whose engagement is an- nounced today. The bride-to- ] be is the daughter of Mr. f and Mrs. Garnett Fursey and her fiance is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Percy Sweet, all of | COMPLETE 9 pc. SET INCLUDES RECIPE BOOKS (TERMS OR STORE HOURS) INCLUDES: @ 1 QT. SAUCE PAN @ COVER for 1 QT. SAUCE PAN © 2.07. SAUCE PAN Fox Trimmed Similar to shown above UNMISTAKABLY SWISS UNMISTAKABLY ACCURATE -NATIONALL GUARANTEED Luchantment @ 3 QT. SAUCE PAN © COVER for 3 GT. SAUCE PAN © 6 QT. DUTCH OVEN @ 10" SKILLET © COVER for 2 QT, SAUCE PAN | © COVER for DUTCH OVEN and SKILLET DIAMOND SPECIAL | Trimmed Similar to shown on right 139.95 - -* a $9950 AND WEDDING RING 1, AGAINST Loss * Complete assortment of Fur Trimmed J Coats Priced from 59.95 to 179.95 FROM $ggso PAY AS 1" LITTLE AS § DOWN BURNS CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING ST. W. xsbest utensils nb Covatects in mate, ip. Any part ich are prov Meertally ¥- REG. Sic 39¢ REG. 78c 63° OLD SPIC AFTER SHAVE LOTION RESDAN REG. 2.25 1.89 Elubid DIAMONDS || LAVORIS REG. 1.50 1.29 REG, 1.25 1.09 GUARANTEED PERFECT SILVIKRIN "°""" s*4Mr0° ' BLACK C A FILTER NO. 7 INSURED FREE } | Untrimmed from 39.95 fe 72 SIMCOE ST, N, 725-1912 REG. 1.29 SPECIAL -CARTON AS LITTLE AS 1.00 DOWN CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD. 32 KING ST. WEST As Little As 1.00 DOWN -- Shop Now For Christmas BURNS cmins 32 KING ST, WEST PHONE 723-7022 723-7022 Browse through this wonderful selection of coats on our main floor . . . no obligation to buy. LIMITED TELEPHONE 723-3431 Buy an OMEGA now and you will never need al 9 SIMCOE STN: arfother watch Open every Friday yntil 9 p.m. PH: 723-7022 | --