27--Real Estate tor Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale 27--Real Estate for Sale '27--Real Estate for Sale 29----Automobiles for Sale 32--Articles for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, November 8, 1962 7@ ~ $1000 DOWN BUYS SPLIT LEVEL Family circumstonces.force sale of this attractively d home, All extras. Yard fenced and plonted. Terms three o ', Profitable b GENERAL STORE--FREEZER PLANT--GAS PUMPS fully d 30D¥ sHOP a Lip teh home in busy location. Ready for business. Only $14,900 with 725-6297, d for many yeors. on recently reconstructed -- 'No close competition, Extra land for expansion. Comfortable 3 floor, Ideal for young couple. PROFITABLE CHRISTMAS TREE FARM Over 25,000 well pruned Scotch Pines on 50 acres with good cement-block building. Owner sacrificing due to poor health, $,000 trees ready for cutting $6,800. Well locoted homes in Port Perry -- Brooklin from $8,500. up. Contact D. H. ANDREWS - BROOKLIN _ PHONE 655-3195 J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LTD. 46 EGLINTON AVE. EAST, TORONTO 12 bedroom apartment on second insures immediate return. Price MUST BE SOLD Business property, choice comer location, with living quarters List price $14,500 -- make offer. NEW HOMES - $950 DOWN There is still time to choose your plons and colors, if you hurry. Modern, 3 bedroom brick bungolow on Adelaide Street West. Full price $13,200. WILSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-6588 MUST BE SOLD NOW PRICE DRASTICALLY REDUCED. ORIGINAL PRICE $23,500--NOW $16,500 Country Estate -- 11 room house 10 acres -- 325 ft. highway frontage -- large barn -- 8 miles Terms available, call now and make an ap- pointment to inspect, Mrs. Helen Simpson, 668-3338, evenings north of Whitby. call after 7:30 p.m W. SCHATZMANN REALTOR -- excellent condition -- HOWE & PETERS EAST END -- Spotless three-bedroom pamtenion eee loaded with extras including | down. ueures Koornneef, 723-2859, Jorn Betta, Rete: TSIM... TAUNTON Road East -- Service Sta-| tion, geese A pe show room. Ex- terms, Sally Wallace, Joseph Bosco Realtor, 725-7870| subject to . Low, exchange te. c, Living eee re eee on prem- sans FULL price. Sok pong | with double garage, aa= $084 |WILSON South near Taylor, 5 a a Toom|1952 CHEVROLET. Make good second car. $95.00, Telephone MO 8-5071, 'CHINA mink jacket, excellent condi- Melee, erat Deere See |One mortgage. $1,000 j|TEN thousand nine Oshawa. and schools, $10,900. Telenbone eee hundred, low down » central, ofl, low taxes. 725-5207, and fee ees 1938 CHEVROLET pet In good con- dition. Radio, Must be end, Best offer. Telephone M week-|SKATE EXCHANGE -- 300 new Bauer al Tg Oa 1957 MONARCH, black, red, ar top, power brakes and steering,|P: ype gaag owner, txcellent condition. stone 5 recreation room, bar, and wash room, Pierson windows, screens, Harmony] -- North. Telephone 725-9434 after p.m. 1955 DODGE, A-l, bi body good. interior perfect, motor . Telephone Whitby./\ >| FRAME agen wide lot; eee a we" Peyton, matt co oe oaiese. PRIVATE sale, beautiful colonial home, two separate apartments many extras, pcg nable in COMMERCIAL ar house Seren store, types oe vests +3000 with v4 e688. teem s. N. Hodgson, 728-6408, Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 725-0870. 'na Realtors 725-4701 67 King St. East $50.00 PER MONTH P.I. $7,100 FULL PRICE, just listed this 10 room 2 family home, close to schools, shop- ping centre ond bus line, live rent free. Call Ron Drapak 725-4701, MOVE BEFORE CHRISTMAS Try an offer on this 6 room brick bungalow with fireplace and separate dining room, basement apartment, close to schools and bus line. All offers will be given careful consideration. Call Earle Allen 725-7782 DUPLEX VALUE 2 separate apartments, good condition, located in north end close to Simcoe St. '$1,500 down. Call Mrs. Tier- ney 725-5207, 4 BEDROOMS $8,900 with terms, forced air with oil heating, 1° acre of garden land on paved road. Call Joe Crawford MA 3- 3672 216 CLARKE ST. brick, oil 101 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY _ CENTRAL MORTGAGE and HOUSING N.H.A. RESALES 1518 LAKEFIELD STREET, OSHAWA CORPORATION DETACHED 4-BEDROOMS $10,700.00 FULL PRICE $535.00 DOWN PAYMENT 902 BAYVIEW AVENUE, WHITBY DETACHED -- SPLIT LEVEL -- 3-BEDROOMS $12,050.00 FULL PRICE $615.00 DOWN PAYMENT Balance one N.H.A, mortgage at current rate of interest. For appointment to inspect -- Phone: 728-6256 -- 8.30 a.m. -4:45 p.m. - Monday ~ Friday FALL SPECIAL Twe bedroom home or income property $5,000 with $100 down. Bloor Street, one and one-half storey brick home, on large indus- trial. lot. with railway siding possibilities. $10,000. easy terms. Five yeor old, 3 bedroom brick bungulow. Close to school Price reduced to $11,000 with $500 down CONTACT HOWARD FORDER NORTH SHORE REALTY LTD. 112. SIMCOE N. TELEPHONE 725-3568 EVENINGS, BROOKLIN 655-3853 WHITBY CLASSIFIED NEAR Dunlop. Three bedroom oe be tose all conveniences. Te '725-1167 or 728-1570. FOR SALE: 1955 Pontiac two door hard top. Two tone, automatic, radio, signals, ye so Good condition. Te JOHN F. De WITH heating, hardwood, paved drive and garage. $500 down For farms ,businesses, yacont land and dwellings call 725- 4701 of 725-7732. REALTOR Bowmanville, 14 Frank Street DIAL 623-3950 Newcastle Phone 3341 200 ACRE DAIRYFARM, as @ going concern with cattle, machinery, feed. Good build- ings, etc. Asking $35,000. Terms. 192 ACRE DAIRYFARM, on paved road. Good buildings, home with all modern con- veniences. Asking $29,500. Terms. 57 ACRE DAIRYFARM, mod- emized barn, bulktank cooler, 8 roomed home, furnace. Asking $14,000. with $3000, down. 190. ACRES TOBACCOFARM over-60 acres growing rights, full line of machinery, com- plete irregation. system, 9 kilns. 2 homes. 50 ACRE FARM with 50' x 40' barn, garage; 7 roomed home. Water in all buildings. Asking $9,500. Terms. 15 ACRES with 6 roomed home, near Enniskillen, Ask- ing $6,000: with $2,000. down. 300 ACRE FARM with 3 barns, 10 roomed brick home. Modern conveniences. Only _ $6,000. down. 100 ACRE .FARM, Orono area, Excellent home, good bern. Asking $25,000. 100 ACRE FARM, near high- way, L-shaped barn; 7 rooni- ed home. Asking $11,000 with $3,000 down 230 ACRES ranch with stream, 9000 Christmas trees. Asking $6,500. with . $2500.. down. near Ap- derson Street High School for salo. $12,- 900. Substantial down paym-nt. 668-9037. FOR BENT: One furnished bachelor .|apartment. Private entrance. Suit lady pols Anal * fae Two, two-bed- rom private bath and entrance $75, Seat and lights included. Available immediately. 728-7680 fter 5. TWO and four-room unfurnished apart-| were? Street West. FOR RENT: Two bedroom semi de- ee home, living room, dining room, large bathroom. Near school, bus, ehureh. Telephone 728-5212. or gentleman, Apply at: 821 Duhdas ments for rent. One 5709. heed FOR RENT: Large three room apart- ment, built in cupboards, heavy duty)" wiring, available immediately. Tele- phone MO 8-4864. INE SINGLE and one double room ~y rent, lg Ag central. Apply 400 Dun- das Street DRESSMAKING: Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, te 'covers, drapes. Fitting WSS Mrs. Toms, MO &2372. tanks cleaned, Dror Ward, BRUCE Street, 235: Canadian home, room and board with home privileges for gentlemen, share room with single beds, $15 for 5 days. 728-2592, LADIES' Thermal underwear (IMatvey Woods). Ideal for casiag shirts and 92 ACRE FARM,' excellent soil, L-shaped barn, . drive shed; 7 roomed home, water in all buildings. Close to school. Only $4,000. down. 88 ACRE FARM west Bow- manville, good barn; 7 room- ed home, oi! furnace. Lake shore frontage. Asking $30,- 000. Terms. Frank Hunter Don, Mountjoy . 725-2974 623-3614 drawers, $2.95 each, Mercantile De Store, Whitby, Layeeed elas WANTED: Daily ride to Toronto, leav- | |ing Whitby at 7 a.m. Telephone 668-3405. | = RENT: Law office, ig tn? pri-| vate entrance, ard, | See oso vai Tetepbiee| Soe Cheenut ti trect West 2363. RECONDITIONED student typewriters. |p early mo batter choice. Hamiltin Stiles Equip., 137 Brock S. MO 8-5849. WORK doné at home. Children eared for: clothes altered; buttonhoies; tron- ing; Christmas cakes made, ete. . phone 668-4928. Whitby's only fuel dealer carrying a complete line of FUEL "Blue Coal' in various sizes, Semet - Solvay Coke, FOR RENT: Two self contained, heated. Vieinity four corners. Apaly Art's Clothing Store, 125 rock Street South, Whitby. FOR SALE: To settle estate. Six room house, brick veneer, Two storey, full aise, guthen Acer, tat each Mid Sirest, » je. Whithy oe sh iclid Street, Cannel Coal, Stoker Coals. Briquettes and Charcoal Hardwood and Softwood Slabs. Texaco Fuel and Stove Oils. SAWDONS' (WHITBY) LIMITED 244 Brock St. South 668-3524 Whitby FOR RENT: -- room, main --_ pe dar ag with fireplace, newly deco: $85, South Oy cn section. Ga. mae. Telphone MO FOR RENT Boa four, 1, aeomeges ear prceriag Parking. dren walises: 300 High, Whitby. 942-1108, Ajax, STUDENTS A super value, approsi- mately 630 sheets of letter typing paper (news print) for only $1.00, Ap ply Oshaws Times Office, Whitby lll Dundas West. AVON GIFTS Start At Once Barn big money supplying, Avon Christrics gifts. We train you to represent Avon. Write P:O. BOX 512 OSHAWA, ONT. WHITE newsprint paper in convenient| 100 ft. rolls, suitable for picnic tables, banquets, ete, Available at the Sade 2 rin Fs apa Oshawa Times. 7c FREE Have your furnace cleaned free this Fall and guor- onteed trouble free all win=-- ter. If you purchase "White Rose" unified fuel oi! from Western Oil Company. Idso Wiersma. . LLOYD REALTY LIST WITH LLOYD Appliances, in ty, Sa eee Low down payment. 728-8836 after 6 p. rs ings, 725-9514, ith-/1961 PONTIAC Laurentian, V8 Both matic, 4 doot, power eepaee radio, Immaculate condition. 'el [Estria 1 skate iy BO 728-1181, ns pre CHEVROLET BeiAir, automatic,| ny extras, low mileage. Phone even- auto- 3800 DOW Soni Three bun-| 723-7: galow, only 4 years = in Bontagge oy fondition, pened THEN CALL YOUR MOVER .ROXBOROUGH AVE. $9,900 FULL PRICE JUST LISTED 7 room brick home with fire- place, separate dining _. bedrooms, new iy Asking only $2, 000, down, Better hurry to see this FOR sale or errs three Ron terized home conveniences, a "henge "io ae sae na nomical Riedl viene 'good 1958 OLDSMOBILE super 8, four door sedan, automatic, power brakes, deluxe| radio. In excellent condition. $: best offer. 3976. . peat VAUXHALL Victor, » Good ition. 4 m. rar lapnoe 723-9302. ie? CHEVROLET sake pick-i "oth sg hee ele-| phone 723-1724 after 6. |1961 CHEVROLET, aulomatle transmis: eae te. sion, low mileage, ville, |$1900 La 1,380 OF | twice radio. er $45, After truck, Ped payment Yeloa low owe payment, Tele- as onan, fay Howe and Peters, value tonite. Call Ed Drumm * right now for appointment to repent ot 728-5123 or 725- 9345. $89.00 PER MONTH INCLUDING TAXES & room brick bungalow with large rec room residential erea, close to all schools. 29---Automobiles for Sale 1954 CHEVROLET, must Pore any rea- sonable offer over $200. Worth seeing Call after seven o'clock, worn cylinder, automatic, radio, clock, back- up lights. After 6 telephone MA 3-5018. 1052 CHEVROLET, ania four door,| tion. $100, WRECKING 186 1955 Buick, all partes sale, condition JEEP, 1986, Willys sae wagon, four 1961 PONTIAC station wagon, green, 6] ),) 6 telephone/the store tha' 723-4941 radio, good running condi- 0 erelephons 72 728-6976. LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Rich. ard M. Nixon, as angry and dis. ' o called his Repagtt be be hey over Seve. public, met 1 ts tel pet bo pep a and accused segments hia ot give loves, socks, $35. Worn 5 her seater gh may BA of hype -- a Reporters ona t the Repub. ana counter, 8 foot, tor eceet eens enamel, good cohton. 725-1013, ° lican candidate for governor of California had called the con- ference Wednesday to concede two.| SOING hunting? ted es gg "Boe Dominion Tire Store, Weal, Ouhawa, Gong, sinmvun tips ets, boots, ete. Call now 725-651 Brown, winner in the Nov. 6 election. Nixon did jot low yg big Lee continue: continen' beds, compl $28.88; 5 piece Pon 36 inch, set $28.88; yo yggeoie mn frieze gle 5 smooth ry Wmatresese, bedroo: motor Seng in Al Telephone 123 chines wil chairs $10.88; ith trade $88.88; etuxe. ge heel drive, $1,500, After 6 SMALL English pick-up truck, ideal for moving appliances, low loading and easy to get into those bad places, 35 miles per gallon. Like new. 668-4733 be- tween 8 and 5, ii -- Lipton? two door, good woysking ° $110, 'nvenings 668-3687. 19%2 PONTIAC, automatic, winteri: ood tires, radio, block heater, tires, ag repairs, Asking only .$12,200, Act how. call E ¥ 'd Drumm at 728- 5123 or 7a5. 9345 $10,000 FULL PRICE BUNGALOW Very reasonable down pay- ment, 3 bedromos, garage, low taxes. Call Irwin Cruik- shanks 728-5123 or 725- 9345. Lloyd Realty (Oshawa) Limited, Realtor -- 728-5123 101 Simcoe St. N Open Every Evening GUIDE REALTY Limited -- Realtors 16 Simcoe St. §. -- 723-1121 HOME & INCOME -- 10 room semi-duplex at Colum- wbus for cheap living. Low down payment. Large lot 165 x 150. New well and water pressure system 5% N.H.A, RESALE -- Sell- ing below cost. This large modern 5 room brick bung- alow with 3 room walk-out basement apartment and separate both, close: to all services. BROOKLIN VILLAGE -- A lorge ern 5 room brick bungalow only four years old. Aluminum storms and screens. T.V. Aerial, patio and fenced yard. Owner leaving Ontario. LARGE 4 BEDROOM BRICK --Near North This home would suit a large family. Asking $8,500 with low down payment. Oil hect- ed ond very clean 130 ACRE FARM --- 40 miles from Oshawa. 8 excel- lent buildings. All conven- iences in 7 room brick home. Creek on form and two weils with pressure system. Price reduced -- will trade for o sorcery store. 41 ACRES OF ORCHARD FARM -- Y% mile from Whitby town. Also 15 acres land for subdivision. Large frontage on Hwy. 12. For full particulars call Leon Manitius at Guide Realty Ltd., 723-1121. 9% ACRES INDUSTRIAL LAND -- Close to Shopping Centre. Excellent location. Cash or terms. LOT ~---- 125 FRONTAGE --- Close to Garrard Rd. Suitable for good size home. Good industrial district. ELGIN STREET --- 7 rooms, | sion, 1955 PONTIAC, two-door hardtop, two ized. Body ni 668-5496. tone, automatic, radio, signal light low mileage, good 668-2490, Fr hchpervorrg Velox, 6- peg A-l One Whitb itby. 1961 PONTIAC Laurentian, two door|! hardt op, wix cylinder, A-1 condition, 31,850, Telephone G 0) nley 55460. BUICK, two door hardtop, auto- ual owner $850 or best phone 723-7742, 1958 PONTIAC convertible, 6 automatic, radio, white walls, back-up lights, $1350. Telephone 655-3265 cash offer, Tele- day. Located King 5! town line at Verena Cn Corner, Telephone 728-9191, Rentals. Vacuum ice, 728-0591 anytime. ist, past the jing to be missing." '| conference," that, but he kept talking. "As I leave you," Nixon told reporters coldly, "I want you to 54/know just how much you're go- "You won't have Nixon to kick around any more because, ry | gentlemen, this is my last press =|Nixon Distraught yy onowins Defeat victory to Democratic Governor' In jex|Edmund G BAe Te eee Gov. Brown said cam : paign received ae % Cov | erage. " "The p ited me fairly," piel said. "I'm re most afraid to say that gy my opponent might say this is © evidence of special treatment | 3 (from the press)." ' On Nixon's ites ee rg i Brown said: " f took the defeat a Uitte bi bit ong retrospect, he'll feel differ- ently. " ig! At his press conference, a, Page ge his me "Well, my are to go home. I've got to get acquainted ' with my f again. -My plc! sandpt orem ical stan to take a h y. It wil be long. holiday." Nixon was endorsed by some 75 per cent of the California daily newspapers that took sides in the turbulent campaign. But et eager Re an gy oc all makes, attachments, rebuilt machines, Eotimaten tree. Cleaner Repsir Serv. iT matic, radio, power steering and power brakes. $495. Seaway Motors, 200 Dun- das |_ West, Whitby, MO 8-5893, 11 PONTIAC four-door, Honduras maroon, automatic, radio, windshield washers, whitewall tires, trim rings, low mileage, excelient | iippeabed one owner. Telephone 725-2713. 1936 OLDSMOBILE, sisadata transmis- 1954 BUICK | special, good running 1959 FORD four door, 6 cylinder, two tone, radio, good condition. $975, Tele- phone Ajax 942-1154. ites | CHEVROLET, , $100 or best offer, » new covers. Clean eat. Call aner. pap 723-8068. order, viel Winterized. $295. Apply Albert 728-0803, A-1 shape, Saskatchewan car, no rust. Apply 216 Park Road North. 195? CHEVROLET sedan delivery, $75. Windows in side panel and rear seat, aoe oNTiRG sedan delivery, radio, heater, snow tires, mechanical condition fou body work. $75. Telephone Radio, heater, signal lights. Mechanic- ally good. 468 Simeve North. 1960 SIMCA deluxe, black, ages One 1959 VOLKSWAGEN deluxé, custom wher, Used as second car. $695. MO 9-5058. radio with rear speaker, gas gauge, many extras, original owner, immacu- late condition, Private, $950, Terms 30--Automobiles Wanted MANUFACTURERS CLEARANCE SAVE 20% TO 50% ON SHOWER SETS Discontinued shower sets, plastic, taffeta and nylon tri- cot. $4.79 set, up WARD'S DRY GOODS LTD. 23 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH '|NO COMPLAINTS, BUT . . . he said many of his statements had been ignored by the press. "I have no complaints about the press coverage," Nixon said early in his statement. But it turned out he had plenty, "I am proud of the fact J de- fended my opponent's patriot- ism. You gentlemen didn't re. port it, but I am proud that I did that... . "As I leave the press, all I can say is this: fot 16 years, ever since the (Alger) Hiss case, you've had a lot of fun, that you've had an opportunity to attack me and I think I have given as good as I can take. . "T hope that what I have said today will at least make tele. available. 655-4535. 1951 BUICK. Four good tres. $50 or best offer. Telephone MO 86365, BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 SPOT CASH LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. want 725-1181. WANTED % ton Chevrolet or Ford Panel truck, 1953 to 1957.. Must be in good condition, 723-2619 or 160 Wileon Road 5 South. 45 CARS WANTED _ We buy, sell, exchange We buy the most. We sell the most. We pay the most. FOR YOUR NEEDS, CALL Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 vision, radio and the press first recognize the great responsibil- ity they have to report all the hews and, second, to recognize that they have a right and a responsibility, if they are against a candidate--give him the shaft. Buying a New Car?- Sell your used Car to Ted' Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 STUDEBAKER $ ALL CASH $ Best Quality WINDOWS Clean From Inside Special Discount unti] Christmos $10. PER WINDOW Delivered, Installed Now $18 GALEA WINDOWS 728-5253 Anytime 728-9257 "But also recognize, if they give him the shaft -- put one lonely reporter on the campaign who will report what the can- didate says, now and then. Thank, you, gentlemen, and good day.' MORE FOR TRAVEL For clean cars we deal up or down, Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8-8001 MERCEDES-BENZ D.K.W. - FIAT - N.S.U. 484 KING WEST SALES AND SERVICE ; Opposite Shopping Centre NAGY Motor Sales 728-5178 or 728-5175 31--Automobile Repairs FUEL OIL -- COAL OIL FURNACES 24-HOUR SERVICE DIXON'S 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 Day or Night LONDON (CP)--The Bank of England has decreed British|{" travellers may draw a holiday three allowance of £250 730) for each overseas jour- hey. Formerly the allowance was £250 a year. JFK Said Not In Control Of Military MONTREAL (CP)--An Amer- {ean political science professor told students from 39 wuniver- sities Wednesday night Presi- dent Kennedy has been unable - to control his military advisers in the Pentagon, The result has been a take over of the United States by the military during the Ken- ny administration, said Prof. F, L. Schuman of the Univer- sity of Chicago. He told students at a confer- ence on international affairs at . Montreal's Sir George Williams -- university he was ae "both as a United States cif zhe and as a supporter of Pres- ident Kennedy." Prof. Schuman said: "Mr. Kennedy has little talent for keeping the Pentagon down and a ate constantly being ~ He said the ee ag . dent, Gen, * dee hower, had an ip TM. military matters wo ae | was Si to subdue and control ng ba tagon. But Mr. Kennedy la eg experience and a Bsns Referring to a recent novel in Urey military _ } in the said: "I don't xe we 3 3 HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS "Before You Buy Fully Guaranteed AUTO - BODY REPAIRS BRYCE COOK BODY SHOP 175 KING W. -- 728-8542 (Rear King St. Brewery) Give Bill a Try' BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY 668-4741 and 668-4025 2 kitchens. God income home, New oil furnace, home. in good repair. Excellent terms. DONT BE THE GOAT -- for a lot of expensive landscap- ing costs, your work is all done here. A home of dig- nity, it has four bedrooms, 2 full baths, wall to wall carpeting in living room and hall, 2 frieplaces, ree room, patio and paved drive, at- tached garage. DON'T BLAME US -- If you migs this exceptional offer. Just picture a cute little 3 bedroom bungalow only 3 years old. Neat and trim and low overhead costs, Oil heat 50 x 114 lot, patio, finished rec bea Reason- JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE PRE-WINTER INSURANCE Tune-up for Winter Now -- Don't Delay Having Budget Trouble? 'CALL Home Economics Food and Freezers LTD. Where. you ¢an get Food dnd Freater as low as $10.68 week Have one of our trained Food Consultants to help you, with no obligation of course. 11 ONTARIO STREET TELEPHONE 728-9403 RECORD FLAX CROP RESTON, Man. (CP) -- Peter Milliken, a local farmer, har- vested a record flax crop for the area this year, taking more than 30 bushels from each of if hought there i mae 'heats tom use of ouaton, me his cent actions. "We are far along the #5 i i his 45 acres northwest of here. militarism. I don't whether we have come too 2 THE MARK ET BASKET Winterize Your Car Today! A-1 MECHANICS Ken Durno's Garage 574 King East --- Oshawa Telephone 725-0221 authorized VOLVO dealer TUNE UP AND AUTO ELECTRIC SPECIALISTS Full line of batteries, snow tires; exhaust systems, rad hoses, and whatever your car needs for the cold weath- ef season, General Repair and Fina Service 449 RITSON RD. S. 728-0921 PROSKIN Personalized Christmas Cards Coutts ---- Hallmrak -- Toothills Other Exclusive Lines Wick Printing Ltd. 1700 Simcoe North 728-5119 FARMER'S MARKET FORMERLY AT OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE New Location: Friday, Nov. 9th KING AND QUEEN STREETS AT McMILLAN DRIVE 32---Articles for Sale |32--Articles for Sale RCA Victor TV, 17" Street Apply 251 King East, side door. with antenna.|HIGHEST Prices paid for ture and Also Re -2 BELL piano, steel back with beaee jahogany. AUTO BODY 83 RITSON RD. SOUTH Behind Texaco Station 723-2632 Paint Jobs $39.50 Up EXPERT COLLISION WORK: SKATES jexcellent oe dark mi Telephone 7: Sg 8 change. Store, new location "|GUNB (ld wanted, Telephese 725-8183. NEW AND USED Sold and Exchanged Lergest Assortment in Town DRAYTON CYCLE |i 204 BOND STREET EAST DUPLICATORS, hand spirit or . Office Equip., 137 q FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service. Liberal trade-in allowance. TE ad dem- onstration. Telephone e . Hamilto: io FINDLAY move, coal and elect, suit- able for offer, Coolerator S° Telephone 725-9221. See ae ae ew, . . = ---|Box 18 Oshawa Times, 5 4 os ohirte, 3 made to measure, all sizes, mat + flannel. Free Tune Ups» WITH EVERY PAINT Pros Including ' Prestone LICENSED MECHANICS Body Men Open 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. able down' payme For full purticulers at 723-1121 Open daily 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Oromo 1649 SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED Reg Aker -- President Bill McFeeters -- Vice President 723-2265 OFF SIMCOE NORTH 5 room brick bungalow with garage. Located on quiet street below Rossland Road. Excellent home for a retired couple or someone with small family. Home is immaculate inside and the -well landscaped grounds give absolute privacy, Close to sthools, and. shopping and transportation. List price $10,500 with $2,000 down. Vendor will take terms. An exellent buy. So don't back the balance on reasonable wait give us a call now 488 BEURLING AVENUE Lovely 6 room brick bungalow located in the North west. L shaped living and dining room. Eating area in the modern kitchen -- 3 bedrooms -- extras include natural fireplace -- Recreation room -- TV Aefial ---- Aluminum storms and screens -- Water softener. (MUST BE SOLD QUICKLY) List price $12,300. 4,500 down. EXECUTIVE HOME Large 7 room brick 2 storey home with 2 car attached garage located in the North East section. complete in every way. You could appearance ond liveability, Substantial down payment, balance N.H.A. financed. 725-0243 728-5513 Henry Stinson Les Hall ..,00. DIAL. 725-1212 1960 Meteor New Motor, 32--Articles for Sale transmission completely over- hauled, 6 cylinder, stan- dard, $1,450. 1955. Pontiac good reliable transportation 1955 Chevrolet 3% ton SKATES NEW AND USED C.C.M. and Bauer Brands Also sharpening service. VICTOR'S 40 Bond West 723-3141 DRAPES PLACE YOUR ORDER _ NOW FOR PRE- CHRISTMAS DELIVERY Modern, Abstract, Colonial French Provincial and Floral Patterns, Custom Made to Order, Fabrics 98¢ yd. up. M and C Dry Goods 74 CELINA ST._723-7827 |: OIL furnace . like new, cutting torch regulators, wool, Christmas now! 'A. 'Crocker, tal e: with Telephone 728-8908. Prgms four, in good condition, Pe, Fane offer refused. Telephone o. 'a 5 Street West. : ELECTRIC drill, 4 horsepower, --_ inghouse dehumidifier, bag. down filled oct el Bee coe type. After 4, 741 Beaupre Avenue. TUNEap machine. Wor! oe 10. Oshawa Sewing Centre, rng seebriaghond sewing Singer electric RCA Victor 4% ton air conditioner, good © condition, Girl' ends or bev' Tudo blk eae 3, $10, FURNACES, air, 10-year guar antee, $2.25 per week, fo down pa Package deal, $130. Telephone ible, Fi q ey atherela WAGON, pit Fe size 6, .22 2 le truck. . $625 1958 Dodge 5 Ton Truck . . $1200 Ackerman Auto Wreckers Finaricing can be arranged. ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS One mile North Bowmanville MA 3-5756 RENAULT -- PEUGEOT AUSTIN Parts and Service STATHAM MOTOR SALES Dealer for Renault 59 KING STREET WEST 723-7712 Home is only 2 yebrs old and not ask for a nicer home, both Owner hos been trahsferred. TILDEN 728-5868 725-1726 Steve Macko Bill MeFeeters . | CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Moédeis) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. There Is Still TIME fers To Plant DUTCH BULBS Special: Your Choice of Colours 75 BULBS Darwin Tulips, Daffodils, Crocus, PIANO in good Uxbridge, phone ULster a 2 's ULeter 2-3813. Good 'condition, "reasonable. "After ning: 1 ee eR Apply 833 Glen! stove, timer, One burner, a automatic clock oven. BEFORE buying selling furniture, ares perth ™ {Call Elmer Wilbur, Hampton. CO GENERAL Electric, 40" four burner ae 8 located 444 Simeoe South only. well: or cooker. Very good Tondition, $60, Tele- phone 723-7167, . 34--Lost & Found CHAIR -- Gold uphoistered living room chair, padded arms, high back, in ex- MISSING -- Holstein cow and Maple Grove area. et Se! Conta: ,. pone Bowmanville, Telephone B. F. GOODRICH Stores -- teries, Kelvinator vision, Thrifty Budget Pian. Tires, bat- 'tors, tele- ab --Leget WILL! TURPIN, 696 Parrot Tulips, Hybrid Tulips. R.B. Reed & Sonse FLORISTS DOWNTOWN STORE 10% KING STREET WEST DRIVE-IN SHOP 163 BLOOR STREET WEST - DOUBLE bed, mattress and spring, BIFLE 303 British, customized $45, 188 owe, after 6.30. Telephone AWNINGS, canvas.' Prompt service,| free, estimates. Chair, table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. 1AM vere Oshawa, Ontario, will not be; sponsible for debts contracted other than m: this . Dated at awa this 7th day of November, 1 'William GENERAL Electric range, L pattgeotn§ | speed, 'nt Excell conde tion. phone 728-1260. ALUMINUM storm for picture dow and storm, windows. oo old. Telephone after 5 p.m. 725- win- alngle dresser with mirriro, 355 way edt, $20. Telephone 668-5649, GaTLDREN's wi 8 ae ee poste: size 1 to 3, roll-a- NOTICE In this week's Bowmanville Statesman the name Normon. E. Sweet tenes Be as oh ig ae of the newly for €. Sweet Co. Ltd. It ould f hove' read Norville E, Sweet. The Statesman regrets arty ene clothing, all ip got conan ion, Sr reassaatie price. barrassment coused by this error.