Pa w 'THE OSHAWA, TIMES, Thuredey, Movember 8, 1962 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS| "Gall the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. BUSINESS SERV 11--Articles for Rent 16--Femole Help Wanted | ve ee Wented 17--Male Help Wented 25--Apts. & Flets tor Rent CE. DIRECTORY Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses, Punch Bowls Brandy - Wine - Cocktail Glasses Roasting Pans Coffee Urns CLASSIFIED AD RATES 6 CONSECUTIVE rds or tess Cash Charge 6 CONSECUTIVE Building Trades Mortgages Surveyors roe gi ING, stucco and remodelling. Call G, Abramoff, 723-4871. Agreem JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION. |Additions, renovations, new homes, Oshawa and District. "Insist on the sale and purchased, No} fees, no. waiting, immediate service for yy results. Call 723-3211; eve- nings 723- best." 723-7122. PRIVATE PARTY to thvest in firstiu4. F LIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario and second for|Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. Sargeant's Rentals 725-3338 Ng neneaged atable ve in, nee tiie Ba Buckaroo Ranch, end of Rossland Road Gast. LICENSED MECHANIC towne, to wage, era ae JANITOR older gentleman (or ig Queen's ote, Newcaste, Telephane| WANTED APPLY HOUSEKEEPER wanted, . Weekends a cate acl vi 12--Articles Wanted |DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On- tario Land Surveyor. blue- ~|prist, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632, Transportation ea by ving Me chine Compan, 14-16 |ZOUNG MAN for auto parts > ae chauffeur' WANTED -- large tank with MORTGAGE LOANS 1 3.75 4.13 'on 225 248 If not pod wit within, i wr the Charge rate rotes jh ly to original sitere for pPreiant Pris eh ly Subsequent insertions ordered ot © pv al date constitute o new original 7.50 pe NICK DYRIW EXCAVATING BASEMENTS DUG TRENCHING 723-3898 Available for loan on _ first and second mortgages and eaere 4 AND WALLACE, land Bag 130 King Street East. oe '728-9161, tions for oil stove, Must be in perfect condition. Telephone 728-8033, Ni have cence, Apply ta writing to Box 22, Oshawa JAN'S GARAGE 40 ALBERT ST. Haeiss ater 8 pave wie ber odeae Taeaes able November |20--Room and Board ROOM Glove to 6c WAITER for beverage roo, Gees SHAW . residential, industrial, city, suburban, country and sum- Tailors AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars for wrecking, mer cottages SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 Business fistings r month for 3 lines daily. Ridditional line $1.60 per Each word, Initic!, abbreviation or figure counts os a wor cherge 15¢ additionol, Cartage Confused About JOHN'S MOVING AND STORAGE, Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Song A A enolate and insured. Phone SECOND All Classified Gay ap eyelolg must be Linki by 5 e blication fr Memoriam, Cards of Thofks which will be accepted until 9 o.m, Deadline for Lost and Found and Cancellations and Corrections 8:30 a.m. Cala Hours Daily 8 - 5. Soturdey &- REGULATIONS ia Times will not be nsible for errors, in advertise- writing, mot for more than one 4 Incorrect insertion of any adver- tisement, nor att ag bol pies charge for a single insertion of |) the ccvertiatment in which error oveurs. And also reserve the right to classify advertising according to | its own classification. ! tn the case of dispicy advertise- }/ ments, The Times will not be held rsponsible for more space than thet in which the actual error s. The publishers endeavour | | ments submitted otherwise than in |} | Dressmaking MORTGAGES? |DRESSMAKING and altrations, very reasonable, Telephone 728-2940, Fuel and Wood | TV, for all services (next LEN. (ENGLISH TAILOR) PULLAN tailoring require- ments use our experienced for both suit and dress repairs and alterations, 10 PRINCE ST.--728-5311 to Bus Station) Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc., bought Open Saturday all day. Phone 725-2311 -- 89 BLOOR E. man, with foie ect Apply yee jeaster, 27 King Street West, Oshawa. r.|Phone 723-2610, LAKEMOUNT clean, nie ah waitresses R. J. eres toy Street South, Whitby, 668-906) WAITRESS =-- full Day work. Apply person. " avOy SALES wanted for leading wanted ai "ed rock WANTED SCRAP IRON, POULTRY AND FEATHER TICKS children in Brooklin, -{quired, Telephone Brooklin company. For information, telephone 725-7679 Saturday only, RODY MAN Required, ee Experienci Medical Benefits Plus Insurance 728-5178 furnished single beds, sult two tlemen. Bus Telephone at corner, Sats eae, eee rent with - Large,|thre with board,/va 4% PARK ROAD NORTH -- room and board for lady, Private room, privileges. packed. Ti Tv? st coneiecnonriennyhinnsenemeomgntaeeesceiienibati KING STREET WEST, 636 -- furnished rooms, reasonable a SIMCOE - ROSSLAND area, comfort- pera room, private bath, couple. Azellaae Deeeey a ber 1, home, lunches packed, home LADY to care for two pre-school age References re- 655-4974, iT¥ -- Radio Repairs RADIO, funded". To obtain your free, illustrated brochure on sound second mortgage FACTORY hard wood cuttings. Suit- able for stoves, furnaces, etc. Deliver- ed, Telephone 728-8535. Furnace Cleanout PREE {tf You Purchase FINA FUEL from ROSS HILL monih at {Simcoe North. car radio repairs, bg "Satisfaction or money Thompson Electronics, Eliott Avenue, 723-9192 (Fred). i Raw Furs, Deer Skins, Metals (collect) 1, TURNER 723-2043 -- 723-2281 |TV RENTALS, by the day, week, or 918 hid Television, -3043,. 13--Business Opportunities RESTAURANT in Whitby, seats 4%, financing of homes. I CALL OR WRITE C.A.C; REALTY LIMITED OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-4777 Money to Loan 728-7761 Gardening and Supplies NOW IN OSHAWA te reproduce all advertising matter correctly, but assume no liability of covertianent, if any inoccuracies in any form are contained therein. raisers | G. McDANIEL, AACI, Real shh gd ll ay aod Broker, Whitby. MO #2311. Accountents TREE TRIMMING and removel by experienced man. Free «stimates. Tele- Phon 725-7754. | RICH, BLACK LOAM CEMENT AND DRIVEWAY GRAVVEL TOP SOIL, SAND, FILL DIAL 725-5279 flaky aig AND CO, ZaLe, tants, Licensed Trus- pmo ed SRADLE Sst ©O., Chat- ccountants, A gn PALS Fas. Oshawa, Optlcho. LEONARD JAMES BROUKS, Certified Accountant, a 205W, Osh- eee ping Centre, 725-9953. LOAM, GRAVEL WASHED STONE MULCHED FILL Tractor and loader work. Lots levelled. Reasonable rates. 725-2156 Son CLOTS CLANCY' Ont Accounting Service. omplete bookkeeping service st sca BuRRO p + nno aay A 1 King Street East, gra; Ronald Ronald F. D. Wilson. Siaaee St chartered Save At Western OSHAWA GARDEN CENTRE 1259 SIMCOE ST. N. 723-3222 All your gardening needs. A-1 Top Soil and Sod The Best In Garden Design Free Of Charge Service Centre Household Repairs FOR THE FIRST TIME 2nd & 3rd MORTGAGES WITHOUT LEGAL FEES! --Low monthly payments --No Bonus --Discount for prepayment --Loans Life Insured NO LEGAL FEES! SUPERIOR OISCOUNT LIMITED "THE FASTEST-GROWING ALL-CANADIAN LOAN COMPANY" 17 SIMCOE ST. N. 725-6541 Daily until 5:30 p.m Wednesday until 8 p.m. TM. TOWERS All galvanized, no paint. LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS 728-5804 or 725-7844 TV AERIALS DO WEAR OUT REPLACE NOW While weather and prices ore at their best. TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND STREET EAST CALL 728-6781 SAMSON TV TOWERS ECONOMY AND DELUXE uy FOR BEST low PRICE FINANCING ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPP LY LIMITED 361 Gibbons 728-8180 DAY OR NIGHT | | fi Must be sold at once. Located on Brock Street, just north of pats corners, Sacrificing; full ' price Open to ail offers. Call Jack Ale, 725-6544. John A. J, Bolahood SERVICE ty th LADY to assume responsibil- ase Hight * person, Telephone 728-541 MATURE LADY to take care of small family, light housework, live in or out, Contfortable home for right person. Please telephone 725-2557. 3 MEN All new educational pack- C98, sells like magic. $700. first month. Salary and commission. From 9 A.M. to 12 NOON 723-3911 A GIRL or young woman for general pear meals, bas bus, rgd park: ing. Avenue phon 'vate bath, al convenienoss, od feng tom Close to ada WHITBY -- a and board, suitable for two girls, separate room or may share. Home privileges. Home cook: ing. Telephone 668-5201. | apartment. Feunutige -- Private, 'ae: + oom maggie or purses OF two ba 1. , a © rs. te tray aoe includes 21--Room & Board Wanted ROOM AND BOARD for quiet young man, preferably in Christian home.| Near bus line. Telephone during day to Gerald Nesbitt, 7 728-3643, ROOM and board in adult home, pre- housework in Toronto, experienced pre- ferred. A good home and wages for right person. Telephone Oshawa 725- 7851 for interview. Service Station MIDDLE-AGED housekeepsr, widow or single, required by elderly sty to take charge of home. Live in, Good wages. Permanent position. Apply 467 Albert Street between 5 and 7 eve- nings, TWO SALESLADIES with herria' Kf se » Permanent oe eg Seon commission. Apply in person, Singer Sewing Machine Company, 14-15 On- tario Street, STATION FOR LEASE EAST-END CITY OF OSHAWA | Must be aggressive soles type call N. MUNRO TORONTO BA5-6018 COLLECT AFTER 4:30 P.M. RESFONSIBLS person... live jcare for children, Liberal time Mt "th exchange for ptivate room, board and |remuneration, 725-6704. |EXPERIENCED baby sitter, dve if or out. Telephone 728-4927. JUNIOR CLERK Young girl 18 to 20 years of age for General Office Must be quick and accurate with figures. Full time position Reply in own handwriting S ing age, education and sala: expected in first letter. Address to SUMMER RESORT Well Drilling -- Digging W. WARD WELL DIGGING by MACHINE "SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE WHITBY, ONTARIO MO 8-25; 63 -- MO 8-3809 204 CHESTNUT ST, WEST P.O. BOX 329 Saturday till 12 Noon 1--Women's Column Other evenings. by appointment 17 OFFICES IN ONTARIO Repairs to All Makes --, MECHANICS West---728-1607 "EVE A 'S TO SERVE YOU" Barristers BicHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, @elicitor, Notary Public, 542 Simcoe North. 728-2765. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, POLISHERS, IRONERS Service Guarnateed 5 years' experience Formerly with THOR of Canada TELEPHONE 725-8296 FREE 'ESTIMATES RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS HB. Associate Barristers Greer, and Solic- } ne 190 King Street West. 728-6246. Mortgage loans available. BOWMAN, DAVID L., Barrister, Solici- fr, 3% Simcoe South, 725-9392, Resi- Gence 728-0264. CREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND . MUR- Solicitors, Notar- jes Public, of Commerce Build- Bank 3! 3 nae Street North, ne HARDWOOD AND TILE OLD FLOORS REFINISHED Free Estimates BANK'S FLOORING TELEPHONE 728-8813 Sreghion, GC G. M. Drynan, i, PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair. dressing, 39% Pine Avenue. 725-5363, Telephone MONIES FOR SPENCER foundation garmens hye MORTGAGES slips, panty briefs, Spiretl Mrs. J, Hendershot, 324 A pepsin ira: Road, Monies available on First Mortgages at 7% per annum without bonus. Monies also available Second Mortgages. on 2--Personal oe 75 miles from Oshawa on Highway 30, 9 Two bedroom cottages, 16 room lodge, 20 x 24-ft. smock bar, dance holl, 5 cedor strip boats, punts, new outboard motors, 500 ft. lake frontage. Asking $32,000 with $8,000 down 6% mortgage BOX 25 THE OSHAWA TIMES Attendant Required to work under Licensed Mechanic Must be fully expetienced with good references. Salary, Good working condi- tions. Apply in writing to BOX 17 __OSHAWA_TIMES ~ YOUNG MAN TO TRAIN AS SHOE SALESMAN to become future managers with Canada's largest shoe retailers. Apply AGNEW SURPASS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE near Duplate, single room, lunches ly. Tas eer er eperinea oa apartment i= stetuliy de decorated, colored bath, fe sep stove, washing facilities, Pas? parking, Must see to appreciate, $00. MONTHLY -- two-room ( pol fired m (Carge) packed. Apply Box 19, Oshawa Times. rh Te- » stove, heat, hot water, hydre 22--Storage Space and Garages Private entrance, aoe he Avenue, 497 Bloor Street 723-3211 or png 725-2539. OFFICE AVAILABLE hewi elevator service: bright, tresh' ied eo Can be vallts ee 26--Rooms for Rent T. L, Wilson, The Streets, Oshawa. 'iding, Mary and Kin o|*eirig 23--Wanted to Rent GARAGE wanted in the vicihity of Roxbo. Avenue and FE de Street East. Telephone 725-0: 386 LA SALLE SOUTH clean, newly decorated. eo young lady, Apply above after 4 p.m. GIBBS STREET, 78 -- Two rooms, Lyk sink, nevada ae West, threetpoin apart. eping Suit one lady or priva and Hot water. Telephone 728-3546. : | RITSON Boab enter 14s = jie rooms, SMALL HOUSE, two Fh charg Oshawa, Whitby or tricts, preferably in jhe oon count have conveniences, Telephone Pp dis- .. Must rated, reasonabl > working couple or an. , a es sos MEDDAN porn ng --_ rll 4 WANTED two or three bedroom or apartment, Sunset Heights district, TO seaman references, house School -|water heated, Phone CORNER King and Road, two Bg Rg WANTED To rent by month. 1 vac- ant brick or block build- ing on farm with easy access to it Industrial Brokers OF CANADA AVON GIFTS Insure your Merry Christ- mas. Earn Christmas money selling nation- ___Telephone 728-5502 _ RESTAURANT Modern equipment, good lease in new Oshawa Shop- ping Centre. Will sacrifice if sold this month. Ideal for young couple. Phone 728- 6094. write to MO 8-3034 or Problem or call Mortgages and Agreements for Sale purchased. M. F. SWARTZ Short - term and Builders' Mortgage at reasonable rates, 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario, 723-4697 Registered Under Mortgage Brokers' Registered Act. Instruction ages and agreements of sale ae sold and arranged. &. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici- HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton Nursing Homes tap, RAD Ballet, Highland. Register now, 424 King Street West. 725-6122. tor, etc., 134% Simcoe Street North. Olfice, 723-1101. Residence, 725-5542. PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, 15 years' experience. By interview IF YOU have a inking , pag » Whitby, TRY THE OSHAWASH Frigidaires) Coin Laundry for the fastest, cleanest wash. 451 Simcoe Street South. Removal Marie Murduff will be Oshawa, of superfluous hair, in 13th, Nov. 12th, 14th, Phone Genosha Hotel on these ment. dates for appoint- ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 LYNTONHURST Manor -- warm, com-| fortable rooms, for bed patients and) shut-ins. No senile patients. Orono, tele- 1303, 3--Pets & Livestock |GERMAN shepherd puppies for tale. | Purebred, Telephone 723-9921. only. Act now 725-1054. BRUCE V. MACKEY, BA, Barrister, Solicit LILLIAN MAE MARSH, DEA, DMA, Optometrists iter, Notary Public, oie bog funds available, 36% King Street T2-1107. Res. 985-7163. East. bse School. Ballet, tap, acrobatic, (OU & HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soi-| eltor, Notary. © Building, 37 Kin: Street East. 723-4943. tes available. Gaara AND eg ARR Barristers, Soli- ete., 114 King Street wae Dial phone M, Greer, BA, BSc., Upnrigl Tarcnee Vv Kelly, BA, BCL, 723-583: beg BLAKE Saaae: Barrister Solicitor, 26% King Street East. Feleobones : Business 723-2201; Resi- 728-5373, 508) P. eeapptigs all QC, Barrister, Money Mortgage mon- £/MUSIC lessons, classical and popular,| |plano accordion, Fridays, Satur- days. Masonie Temple, 723-7233. be ge TUCK, tye t. Please LABRADOR re female, five retriever for sale, een years old. Good phea dog. Telephon 725-7197, Bank or 74 Burke Street. Pine alide examined at home. Dial 725-4587. violin, guitar, *axa- phone, clarinet, drums etc. used instruments, Alto Music New and F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of ptom- the 453 Simeoe Street South. 725-1501. etry, of eyes, contact lenses. 136 Simcoe North, at Colborne. LEARN TO DRIVE by 723-4191. PEKINESE, house broken, $60, T female, five years old, 1. i 725-1437, FRENCH POODLE puppies, black min- iature, registered, Telephone 728-1067. FOR RENT About 900 sq. ft. downtown Apply: ROSEBOWL GRILL 24 Bond St. W., 723-7331 LOCAL SHELL OIL SERVICE STATION OFFICE SPACE | TWO CASHIERS | ally advertised . Avon sets. Write P.O. 512, Oshawa, Ont- gift Box ario. PARTS MAN to take charge of parts counter IN NEW AUTOMOTIVE STORE Apply in writing and stote qualifications to HANDY ANDY CO. BOX 20 OSHAWA TIMES 139 Dunbloine Ave., Toronto 12 PU. 1-1730 24---Houtes for Rent FOR RENT: 2% acre farm, three room » stable, On fourth concesal peerage ged a tot 31, near Lynbrook Park. Apply at Koch: 'men farm, DIRFE, Wes = Sicroom biick Danae low, oil heated, newly bag > reer 0: | ro at Wilson rooms. double. hou: oa. Light é sekeeping if desired. KING AND PARK -- Two iooms wih jel pvr fee arate. share bath, two gentlemen. bo unfurnished, Werepicue fur clean fished tooms, . weekly, ra private toe 'Telephone faily Two phe 4 Si Sar aes Sica Tascise rent separately. Tele- PONTIAC INN Rooms, Single ond Double Television. Dining Room, Lunches Packed, 725-0078 | ATTRACTIVELY South). tutes from ogy $50. Tele- 510 Dieppe Avenue SIX-ROOM house at Solina, on min- Phone COlfax 3-2225. FURNISHED ROOMS SIX-ROOM brick house, all Reply af Mill Siseet conveti-| ences, sarage, pit Baer sah ers '| 82 PARK RD. NORTH Available in vate home. Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. STENOGRAPHER Required for Ontario Training School for Boys, Bowman- | ville. Civil Service Benefits including Pension Plan Apply SUPERINTENDENT EXPERIENCED SALESMAN FOR MEN'S CLOTHING DEPT. FOR NEW AUTOMOTIVE STORE OPENING APPROX. DEC. 1 T. EATON CO. APPLY Personnel- Office : UPPER LEVEL Oshawa Shopping Centre bungelow, built-in Tappan range, aa rents $115. poepuene FIVE-ROOM MODERN three - bedroom » a 5 monthly, Available December 1, Tele- Phone 728-5235. 728-8671 '27--Reel Estate for Sele #4, inside' and THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, close shopping, oil heating, 385. Call Mrs. Handson, 725-1186, Lamson: Real this price, tojoutside of city, Name your tetms. Mr, | Martin, 728-9714, Joseph Bosco, Realtor: NEW four bedroom, two Sethieom house. Double garage. Scenic lot, Pick A executive, Pickering, 942-1100. JARVIS STREET -- semi-detached room house, oil heated, available cember 1, if kag pea onion, Write Box 16, Oshawa Times. METCALF Real Estate Limited OLIVE AVENUE -- Hi 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 TWO-ROOM house, three-pi $50 monthly. Telephone TAC7ES. el peg 5.30 p.m. CELINA Ldap Five-room house, all s heated , central, Apply in writing to Handy Andy Store c/o BOX 20 OSHAWA TIMES DACHSHUND Puppy, six. weeks ley color, $40, makes a wonderful pe 728-9000, Telephone Available for Lease Apply In writing Oshawa Driving School *ainting and Decorating DAY or EVENING Late Models, Standards Automatics, Dual Controlled OSHAWA ond WHITBY CALL 728-0091 King Street Bast. daawas MecGIBBON and BASTEDO, eras Solicitors. Clients' funds i for nena ge Street Lawn Mowers Edgar F. Basteco, MANNING F, peice AND RONALD debe SWARTZ, barristers, Solicitors. Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block, Gences dial 725-4029. East, 12-4001. Resi- JAMES A A. MaeDONALD, BA, LLB., and Solicitor and Notary Pub. eo 'The Commercial Building, 286 King jest, Oshawa, Ontario. Clien: park- a available. | WE SHARPEN and RENT DODD & SOUTER PAINTING cbt Me able CONTRACTORS Pointing, Paperhanging _ Gyptex, Full Wall Murals Spray Painting BOXER PUP PIES, champion stock and pedigree, color tan and white, seven weeks old $50. male, or female. 725-2729, c/o P. R. Moore AIRDALE, male, six months, needled and cropped tail; months, 14 inches; two hound pups, months, starting. 1195 Wecker Drive. Beagle, male, seven > ix BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for training, talking Broad, 114 Elgin Street East strain, Apmy Mra. 299 MONTRAVE AVE. OSHAWA 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS 668-5862 NIGHTS 725-7426 | | 4--Market Basket til AND " APPLES -- Macintosh, ALMOST EVERYTHING Personal Service GIVE USACALL... STAN'S CORNER KING AT BURK STS 723-3224 EYS, Sorcery 7A ond wt | "|FIRST and Mortgages second mortgage! Sale 77.|plek and. Hennick. s|Street East. MODERN GRILL Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home Made Pies and Desserts. WE DELIVER 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH 725-3887 purchased and mold. Hen- Barristers, 31 King Plumbing and Heating 723-7232. PRIVATE and corporation monies to lend on all types of mortgages; mort- gages and agreements of sale pur- chased. Cr m and Mur- ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. kine tng and Stark, Ltd, bing, Heal a Engineering 255 Simcoe Street Sou : ton, (See heading "Barristers."') kkeeping services of- all businesses. Statements C Services, Whitby. Building Trades IMMEDIATE Ist and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere |i WITH LOW MONTHLY FOUR ical cleaner, Chi built and 'came gas | rage installed, PAYMENTS -- TAILORED TO YOUR BUDGET 50 YOU Teves ? Try | hag . Agent, oe Abtrews, pg Garden eurtinn, a8" nmene BLL TYPES of building repairs, root ey Gordon ron' May 728-0054, -- PETER JOHANSEN LTD. Custom built homes, N.H.A. end conventional, Also addi- tions, alterations, rec rooms IF YOU NEED MONEY @ To consolidate debts ALL TYPES of Meggcatt and remodel- ing, new and used Reason. able rates, Estimates. free. Dial 728-6931, J, Foley. REPAIRS and remodelling of all types, $1.02 hishel tne up. Bring "containers, J. Humenny, Thornton 1 Road, near CPR tracks. WE NOW HAVE COLD STORAGE SPACE AVAILABLE FOR APPLES, POTATOES, ETC OSHAWA FUR & COLD STORAGE LTD. 81 WILLIAM ST. WEST 723-3012 panel a Bese materials. Reasonable estimates, 725-1334. Me- Grath Prumoing and Heating. ACL WELL But if you insist on the best... call 5--Farmers Column CASH on the a dead and crippled farm stock. Collect, co} spot. Highest prices paid fax aa Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. Licence 149. GUSCOTT PLUMBING and HEATING Limited] wra 207 Simcoe St. S.--725-5132 @ Poy off existing mortgages ° Or mortgages coming due @ Home improvement @ Any worthwhile couse Write or Phone Today MR. JAMES 728-2868 bs gate No down payment. ! work guoranteed. 723-9207 Mortgage Funding 167 ROSEHILL BLVD. material for re-covering, |holsteri: lat st Moders Upholste Rug Upholstery Service 8--Hunting DEER a Be pened wrapped. ing 12-5073; skinned, cut, and 'elephone. 728-3279; Picker. Brooklin 655-4503 ONE HOUR MARTINIZING FRANCHISE AVAILABLE Be. your own boss in modern, well designed Franchised One Hour Matrtinizing Dry Cieun- SALESLADY For Part Time For Exclusive Ladies Sportswear Experience in selling sports- wear desirable. Good @ ond refer- ences essential. $400.00 PER MONTH To start, based on quolifica- tions, plus an excellent op- portunity to in¢rease earn- ings in three months time, for suitable man to represent a large Company. Preferably on established an dent in the orea, ambitious and capable of assuming re- Apply 214 Celine sereet between 3 and 5 p.m. JUST ONE Real value ot $10,5 ping pag $10, helo $ -- Seven-room room upstairs shower, toilette basement, wooded lot. Apply i41 Pike Street, Whitby. Telephone 668-8429, 25--Apts. & Flats for Rent storms separate garage Taal ere oF G00d garden THREE room apartment. Suitable for couple, Available immediately. Tele- phone 723-9921. bo ype er gaer phen <n heat-| ed upstairs 4 seis. a Ni Act now -- Call for a today. TAUNTON ROAD 728-7245, ibility. If ir dina personal interview, please reply in cofidence to Box 24, Oshawa Times, IMMEDIATE possession, three kitchen, $85 monthly, Apply 374 Fare: well Avenue. Mrs, Doreen. Salary in acocrdance with ability to sell. Apply in person SEIGNEUR'S Sportswear. Ltd. Oshawa Shopping Centre SALESMEN ONE BEDROOM a) private home, suital vate entrance and In Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Brooklin, Port Perry Areas. Full or part time. CANADIAN PETROFINA LTD. TELEPHONE 728-7761 6826. MCMILLAN Drive, 68, three-room un- bath and entrance, duty range, adult "abetainers, tts" trend 'Apply ONE or two Pee apartmnts, com- pletely furnished, space, heat, ing Plants. Produce finest quality with best service, 17--Male Help Wanted complete public ptance resulted from national adver- tising, pius local merchandis- ing and sales promotion. ONE HOUR MARTINIZING Will help the right man or woman get established and provide training program to make sure you are a cap- able operator, Cash required $8, 500, Further information and free brochures. Call or write. Mr. G. Olson or Mr. M. Rothseid ~ Better Cleaning and Laundry Equipment (Canada) Ltd. 49 Milford Avenue, Toronto 15 or Phone 249-8514 HERE 1S YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Good peeen business a n ip Oshawa Durham rite Ra ns Deik. Mesto 92, 4008 Riche lieu, Montreal. CLOTHING SALESMAN Neot appearance. Retail ex- perience preferred. Salary ac- cording to experience. : Tip Top Tailors 23% Simcoe S. 725-0451 YOUNG MAN FOR DEER HUNTERS. Deer si cut up, For Phone 728-4095, kinned further information, tele- and/14---Employment Wanted CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and re-styled. Free our 11---Articles for Rent MIDDLE-AGED lady will tg house by the hour. Fast, thorough worker, Telephone 728-2976, See Dalton Up- ing, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212, ue ieee and old chairs re- red like new. Get the best for less rers, 142° Simcoe South. Call 726-6451, Free CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, like new, Why pay more? ate reasonable Satisfaction recovered, Our rates guaran- awe Up- OSHAWA 1 teed. Mattresses rebuilt. holstery 16 Bond W, WH Hospital ers, be crutches machines beds EEL CHAIRS beds, invalid walke dside commodes, also. slenderizing and roll - away f FOR SALE OR RENT 725-1644 YOUNG woman would like to Boge for young baby in her own home. Apply 3 Bloor Street East. Parts Delivery Work Must have good appearance, good driving record. Excellent Opportunity for advancement. YOUNG lady desires housework two or three days weekly, in the Oshawa area. Telephone 723-9933. COST «0 little -- do so much. That's Classified Ads, Put one to'work for Apply Mr. Baird, Seaway Motors 200 DUNDAS W. you today selling your no longer used bouseheld goods, Dial 723-3493. WHITBY EXECUTIVE TYPE SALESMAN | The Largest Canadian Co. .in its field has a PERMANENT POSITION with @ good future for o salesman in the Oshawa- Whitby-Ajax area. Should be between the ages of 25 and 45, Married. Experience Preferred but not essential. Substantial remuneration and bonus poid to one who qualifies. Office accommo- dation provided. Kindly reply in contidénce stating background ond in- come desited; Replies ack- mowledged ond interviews arranged. WRITE BOX 21 OSHAWA TIMES hydro supplied, feasonshie rent, 31 Bigin Street East. 723-3307. --Y% acre londscoped let. Only $1 1,000.00 -- sure to sell -- call today to inspect. ctorey ot TY more Sait lows -- ranch levels or top listings ready. for r choice et sure to pibdnp prices. geo 00 -- 2 storey home bus vil -- lange THREE-ROOM one Hot water beating by ol. Op obs lida MO 8-3804, 7 vais ar SELF CONTAINED tae room apart- ment, district and Park Road, $75. . Telephone 735-8245. peli lot. Forced air oil heme ing ----- modern kitchen end bathroom -- want a 'ook -- must. be sold immediately. EXECUTIVE SPECIALS Very large semi-split level style home, in Courtice ores, with income assured icin phew betel _ ahaa mn iriment sated, apa: ty ae bath, Suitable 'or 'one two adults, $65. monthly, Telephone 713.9128 THREE- and _four-room ger ee cer apartment, with stove and tors, on Simcoe. Street North, Pele. Phone 725-3388. apartment over double gara --asking $27,000.00" but open to. an offer. Also poss- ible to rent on Seed lease. Picturesque lorge rancher in pecan lar ted breeze KINGS COURT APARTMENTS AJAX! No Lease Required. Approximately 10 miles from Oshawa. Opposite large Shopping Centre near schools, churches, etc. Large One Bedroom $73 Two Bedroom $79 TELEPHONE | AJAX WH 2-2001 garage -- Asking 319, 600, 00 -- see it now-- One ony ee rancher on King 7 bd -- minutes from 'own --= asking $79'500.00" -- See it now. Call this office today, our courteous salesman invite your enquiries and will gladly assist you in anything you need. AFTER 5:30 CALL 3-7963 8-5836 5-6983 | 8-2392 5-6243 5-919) Ken Hann .. 006. Jack Osborne' ..... Lloyd Metcalf .... John Kemp Dick Barriage .... Joe Maga .. a ge ate rn