ANN LANDERS UNITS, GROUPS AUXILIARIES Locks, Bolts and Bars Will Not Cure Her Dear Ann Landers: What can|had them to our home for dinner I do about a wife who is need-lat Jeast a dozen times. They lessly terrified of burglars? I've have yet to invite us to their spent a fortune. on locks and specially designed devices for place for a cup of coffee. We every window and door in the)know for a fact they do enter: house. tain. About four months ago we She insists on leaving lights on/<topped inviting them. Now when all night, and.even the radio or|we meet at family gatherings TV so "he" will think we arelthey give us the cold shoulder. still up. There have been no rob- beries in our neighborh we've lived here--well over years, Our street is well lit and) ajith! We are planning a big get-to- gether for all the family in De- ber. Shall we include them gh they are at least a frequently traveled, I've tried to| dozerhinvitations behing?--D.D. explain that no one can possibly D.D.: Do not exclude get into our home. But still shel, .0 from & family get-together worries. even if they get 100 invitations Last week she started some-|pehind. As relatives they should thing new. Every night she|pe invited to family functions, sprinkles cornflakes in the halls}pyt I see no reason to. keep n- so we can hear the footsteps of|tertaining them socially if they an intruder. don't treat you in the same ST. GEORGE'S GUILD Mrs. W. E. Baker presided at the November meeting of the St. George's Memorial Church Women's Guild. A cordial wel- come was expressed by the president to Mrs. F. G. Ongley, wife of the new rector, who was present at the Guild meet- ing for the first time. Final plans were discussed for the Christmas tea and bazaar to be held in the Par- ish Hall on Saturday, Novem- ber 24. A nominating committee was formed to present a slate of officers for the 1963 season. This consisted of Mrs. Leonard Brash, Mrs, Arthur Bunker, and Mrs. E. L. Pipher. The annual pot luck supper| and social evening for all mem- bers of the Guild from all the groups, will be held on Tues- day, December 4. Members wiii note the change in the day, from Monday to Tuesday. Following the meeting, the ee Happy, Hearty Family Meals... Westmount Group served tea. JUST ARRIVED The newest, the most enchanting, beautifully beguiling snow and ski fashions you'll find on any snow-covered mountain for miles and miles. Come in and choose one or many of our new arrivals, guaranteed to make you pretty as a picture whether. you enjoy ice skating, tobogganing, skiing or curling! How can I get through to this| manner, woman that she is worrying her- self sick over nothing?-- Enough Already Dear Enough Already: Fear is emotional and you can't make a person stop being afraid by tell- ing him there's nothing to be afraid of. Locks, special devices or a carload of breakfast cereal won't make her feel secure--so save your money, Dad. Your wife's fears are probably rooted in childhood anxieties/ which were never resolved. She needs professional help. This is| no do-it-yoursif project. Dear Ann Landers: My sister who is two years older has al- ways considered herself better- loking, more popular and more appealing to men. I must ad- mit all this is true. Six years ago we both were married--she to a man the fam- ily did not approve of, and I to a wonderful person who was the! answer to all my prayers. I con-| sidered my marriage ideal. We} have three youngsters. | Two months ago my sister and her husband moved out of town and immediately after, their marriage broke up- My husband! then told me that he had mar-| ried me out of pity and that he} had always been secretly in love! with my sister. I could not be- lieve it. j He wants a divorce and is try- ing to sell our home. I do not want a divorce but it's hell to) SLIMS live with a man who doesn't| ort, Regular and Toll. é Sh want me. 19,95 AND 25.00 I don't know if he has been} seeing my sister or not -- he JACKETS Plain and Printed won't say. It may be that his : 25.00 uP feeling for her is one - sided.) 12.95 When you shop with your family in mind, you naturally want to make certain they are getting a consistent level of quality and nourishment ..» hearty meals to give them the energy they you are getting full-value for your meat dollar is to switch to DOMINION. The Mam behind the Meat Counter will gladly help you select the 3 type of meat your family likes ... cut and trim need. That's why meat plays such animportant --_ it to your own personal tastes. Dominion quality role in wel anced diets that require protein meats cost no more --viten less, so this week, \ and natural vitamins. Your best assurance that § switch to DOMINION with coniidencel ee : \ Choice Grade A Pre-Dressed For Frying or Roasting Young Lean and Meaty Choice Lean and Meaty Lean and Meaty ~ TURKEY a A of cq gg [BOTT ROAST BOTT CHOPS BROILERS * Mh) gon} b w. At REGULAR MARGARINE 4°289° COFFEE (Beans) 253° TOMATO SOUP__ II" BicK'S PICKLES 3" 85° PUREX RED ROSE -- (IN PAPER) somewhere, which makes it meen enn see TOILET TISSUE 2%: 49° TEA BAGS*'" or 19° uglier. : mecha w titers tok Gactes / ! COMPASS BRAND PRESSWOOD SIDE GRADE A MEDIUM | he wants one. Tell him nothing RINDLESS FRESH MAXWELL HOUSE -- 10c OFF doing. And if he leaves, make BACON «x: PKG. INSTANT COFFEE mx 99° sure he knows about the support 15-0Z. 6 ms 99° CANADIAN MAID CANNED i laws. In the meantime there's always the chance that he may LIBBY'S FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL Honey. Dear Ann Landers: My hus- Libby's Choice a 20-02, Sliced Beels 6 "sx: 99° band and I were especially in- SUPER SUDS LIQUID GIANT SIZE 93° terested in the letter signed "'Old Detergent Jontzen and Pett Please help me. I'm 27 and ready to jump into the lake.--) Shattered | Dear Shattered: Judging from wha you've told me I suspect your sister figures in the picture SWEATERS frOM. seceoeess LADIES' WEAR LTD. Hand." I agreed with you that Rete. if you invite people two or three aaa Li times and they make no effort to reciprocate, you shouldn't in- vite them back. Does this go for relatives, to? My brother and his wife have been married two years. We've 72 SIMCOE ST. N. PHONE 725-1912 Browse through our lower level sportsweor dept. no "a ee ag i] obligation to buy, Open until 9.00 P.M. every Fridey evening. LIBBY'S COOKED SPAGHETTI LIBBY'S FANCY SAUERKRAUT "mm 2° - 4"1,00 MIXED VEGETABLES Horseradish war 2o* MIXED -- OATMEAL -- RICE PABLUM Infant Cereals = xc' 43° 39 16-02. 3 ms Ale 13-02, 2 ms 29° 39: California Fresh Eliminate Steam Iron Cleaning... Forever! {T'S HERE! MIN-FREE the amazing new product that keeps your steam iron working like new! The Min-Free unit elimi foggi Pp ing and scaling caused by the use of tap water in your steam iron. Special erystels inside the plastic bottle CHANGE TAP WATER INTO MINERAL FREE WATER . . . fast, convenient, no mess. MIN-FREE 1S EASY TO USE, just fill the unbreakable bottle with water, shake about 2 minutes and squeeze mineral free water into your steam iron. 1 , First of the Season Florida No. 1 FLORIDA "3" Oranges DOZ. Grown in California No. 1 Fresh Green BROCCOLI Large Original Min-Free is economical too . . , lasts 10 to 12 months ov 140 to 160 fillings of the average steam iron. (in 10 grain water), Next time you shop, get Min-Free. ONLY STOPS STEAM IRON @ CLOGGING @ SPUTTERING @ STAINING @ SCALING COUNTRY GIRL APPLE or RAISIN PIE ** SURF -- 37c OFF na" QF AS" Y&s Detergent HUNT'S 'mm 17* | Licorice Allsoris c 39° CASH PRIZE WINNERS -- WEEK ENDING OCT. 20 Tomato Catsup $1000°° WINNER MRS. RICHARDS 52 Guernsey Dr., ETOBICOKE $100 WINNER Mrs. J. LONG 75 Broadway Ave, TORONTO $100 WINNER Mirs, RANSOM ---962 Ribston Rd, COOKSVILE $160 WINNER Mrs. €. LESTER 30 Sutcliffe Dry WRLOWDALE $100 WINNER Mrs. J. GLEN 2368 Keele St, TORONTO \ Extra Fancy B.C, Sweet Eating ANSON PEARS 4 Jumbo Size 80's 3 Large Bunches Bunch 29°| 39: | 29° Everything Guaranteed Values Effective Until 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 10th at Your Domigion Stores in Osgawa and Whitby. & CLOVER LEAF SOLID At All a L Sunbeom -) "--- Min-Free / oat your merviee favorite "PLAY AT HOME" SHOW! Simpson's Centres 7 } Dept. 426 [7 >, af | BO j eg) Torte aR Sa T.V.'s MOST POPULAR LA Eaton's / Now At Dept. 277 y. ' i Canadian \ Tire Stores Code R-628 7 Modern Successor to Distilled Water IDEAL FOR BOTTLE WARMERS STERILIZERS, ETC. DEALERS WRITE DIRECT TO POSTAL STATION "J" BOX 41, TORONTO CHANNEL 9 30 »] 30 AM AM MONDAY TO FRIDAY STEAM IRONS BATTERIES