Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Nov 1962, p. 28

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5 ee Se A ae sa i ag a enti ARR a ER TE: @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 6, 1962 Oshawa General Hospital Begun By Group of Women 50 Years Ago The Women's Auxiliary of Oshawa General Hospital was formed 55 years ago, when 2 group of dedicated women band- @d together under the leader- ehip of the late Mrs. R. S. Mc- Laughlin. In the early years it was one of the main forces re- sponsible for the building of a much 'needed. hospital in' the then sma]! town of Oshawa. For fifty of those years, Mrs. Mc- Laughlin remained president of the organization. There are other pioneer members: too mumerous to mention here, even charter members, who still be- long and have never lost their interest. As the hospital has expanded 'over the years from a small frame building to the giant brick structure of today, so has the membership of the aux- iliary. In 1956 an Evening Chap- ter of the Women's Auxiliary was formed, primarily as a smal] sewing group, to take care of young married women and business girls who were in- terested in the auxiliary, but who found it difficult to attend afternoon meetings. This chap- ter has continued to grow since that time and is now'a very ac- tive part of the parent aux. iliary. However, in spite of years of growth in numbers, the aims of that original movement remain the same -- that is to assist the hospital in all fields of service in a voluntary capacity- While service is our aim, money must of necessity be Traised to finace our work. The hospital gift shop, now in suc- cessful operation for. five years is the largest single source of revenue. It is staffed entirely by volunteers from the mem- bers, who spent over 9,000 hours in its operation last year. This shop is open mornng, afternoon and evening daily with the ex- ception of Sunday -- afternoon only. We also operate a gift cart, a store on wheels, which is taken through the hospital twice weekly by two auxiliary members. The annual St. Patrick's Day Bridge has become a tradition over the years and continues to be productive financially as well as being a harbinger of spring to the ladies of the district. - No less important or interest- ing-is the Fall Festival of Gifts, now held in the hospital cafe- teria. This year the event will be held on November 21, with its numerous booths, inciuding home baking. The Festival fea- tures the Dolls of all Nations, which are authentically and beautifully dressed by the dif- ferent ethnic groups in the city and a few by members of the auxiliary. or many seasons now, a Maytime Dance at the Jubilee Pavilion has been sponsored by the Women's Auxiliary. The Evening Chapter, besides co-operating and assisting in the activities of the parent auxil- iary, has undertaken the con- vening of a winter dance for the past few years. In the early fall of this year, as in others, they held a Dessert Bridge in the cafeteria of the hospital. Be- sides this, in 1960 for the first time, they presented a fashion show in St. Gregory's auditor- ium and with their own models and imaginative talent in enter- tainment, have made this a spectacular yearly event during the month of October. The services performed by the auxiliary are many and varied. The gift shop, while primarily a money-making proj- ect, is still a great service to aH those in any way connected with-the hospital -and aiso- to visitors, who may purchase from a wide assortment of mer- chandise. The Auxiliary Training School Committee who arranges enter- tainmént for our student nurses, also provides food and assist- ance at studénts' social func- tions and lunch for graduating nurses. This is all done with the assistance of members: Maga- zines and newspapers are sup- plied for the reading pleasure of nurses in residence. When the plans for a new hos- pital addition were in progress, the Women's Auxiliary pledged a substantial amount over a period of three years, which we are happy to say has been paid in its entirety. To fulfil the wish of the late | Adelaide McLaughlin, the found- er of the Auxiliary, who had frequently expressed her belief that a place of sanctuary would be appreciated by patients, doc- tors; bereaved and the clergy, the Hospital Auxiliary decided to undertake the complete fur- nishings of a chapel. As soon as th plans for this chapel were incorporated in the new building program, the chapel committee started with their work on this project. It is now almost com- pletely furnished and has four beautiful memorial stained glass windows. This chapel, we might explain, is equipped and avail- able for the full use of all de- nominations and our earnest hope is that the citizens of the community will visit and use this sanctuary. Our Sewing and Knitting Com- miftees hand out large quan- tities of materials to the mem- bers to make, to name a few -- baby gowns and crib spreads for hospital nursery, as well as knitted sets for the gift shop. The Visiting and Cheer Com- mittee, besides their usual ac- tivities, arrange to have a gift given to every adult and child hospitalized at Christmas time. This year with the formal opening of the new wing, the women of the auxiliary, identi- fied by their smocks, were PUT THE ACCENT COMFORT buying shoes, 55 KING EAST GEST FACTOR. And at Model a i 4 Style, quolity, size ranges, ond beauty are very importont factors when however, no matter how smart the shoe, how up to date the style ond how superior the quality, COMFORT IS REALLY THE BIG- Shee Store, the occent is' on Comfort. We are now featuring such famous nomes os Townwear, Balsini, Packard Hush Puppy, Arrow, etc. All these shoes are quolity built, of the latest style ond we have o complete ronge of sizes. BUT MOST OF ALL, THESE SHOES ARE COMFORTABLE. FOR YOUNG OR NOT SO YOUNG FEET, FOR BUSY OR LAZY FEET, FOR NORMAL OR PROBLEM FEET. MODEL SHOE STORE HAS WHAT YOU NEED. LOOK SMART THIS SEASON, BUT DON'T SACRIFICE YOUR FEET. LOOK SMART AND FEEL GOOD, WITH SHOES FROM STORE. MODEL SHOE THE FRIENDLY SFORE ...« ea Prices You Can Afford ce eed MODEL SHOE STORE Free Parking In The Reor 725-1521 At. this time, we 'would like to say how grateful we are to the hospital staff for the help and co-operation given to us. With- out 'this, many of our projects would be impossible. Also we would like to thank you, the general public, who have shown interest in our work by attend- ing functions we have sponsor- ed. It is only through assistance like this, that we can carry on this vital community work. While members o° the Auxil- iary are busy folk; we feel the association has much to offer in fellowship and the satisfaction of a job well done, and to any woman in the community inter- ested in our activities, we exe tend a cordial invitation to be- come a member of the Women's Auxiliary of Oshawa General Hospital, The following is a list of the officrs for the year 1962: Hon- Orary president, Mrs. T. H. Everson; honorary vice-presi- dent, Mrs. Gordon Conant; honorary treasurer, Miss Mabel president, Mrs. J. McCansh; re- cording secretary, Mrs. E, J. Reed; treasurer, Mrs. Charles M. Elliott; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. Neil Felt. The list of officers for the Evening Chapter: Chairman, Mrs. C. R. Lunn; . Ist: vice- chairman, Mrs. S. Heney; '2nd vice-chairman, Mrs. M- Powell; 3rd _ vice-chairman, Mrs. W. J. Wells; secretary, Mrs. R. W. Bunker; treasurer, Mrs. R. Learmonth; corresponding sec- retary, Mrs. H. Bickle. ADDS GOODNESS A Y% cup of skim milk powder added to two cups of chopped egg filling adds valuable pro- tein and riboflavin to. egg sand- wiches. HOUSEHOLD. HINT Bunk beds, - youth beds and cribs will be easier to make and will look neater afterward hi: counter-type spreads are Make Friends and Have Fun While Improving Your Dancing See how easy and enjoyable 9, "refresher course" is at any, Arthur Murray Franchised Dance| Studio. Learn the latest steps, --the Twist, Cha-Cha, Pachanga. or brush up on the ones you already know. Those famous FREE Studio Parties for students are a world of fun, and you'll be 'amazed at how quickly your; dancing improves, Visit Arthus, Murray's today: ' 11%4 SIMCOE ST. S$ 728-1688 LICENCEE W. MARKS A Lovelier Home with FIRESCREENS from Les Eveniss... @ BROOKS FIRE SCREENS Decorative and practical. A combination hard to beat. That is whot Brooks. Fire Sereens offer you. And you have quite @ selection to choose from. If you are in the market for a Fire Screen {or any fireplace equipment) make a point to give us a call. We ore at your AN ODD SHAPED FIREPLACE ? We will, measure and instolt Suilt-im fire screens to fit your requirements. @ FIRE SCREENS @ ANDIRONS @ WOOD OR COAL GRATES @ STANDING FIRE SETS @ BERRY LOGS Thet actwelly seem to be burning). - CHRISTMAS ? ? Coming soon!. Why not order your Fireplace equipment now. A small deposit will hold your purchase. 15 PRINCE ST. "Where Satisfaction Is Guaranteed" LES EVENISS SALES ~~ "Serving Oshawa and Area Over 10 Years" 728-4632 Syren te ee ee Bey yg egy ng

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