- WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St, West Manager: Rae Hopkins i THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, November 5, 1962 5 issue of greater financial sup-jence by Mr, MacDonald, whe port by the government for sep- said if it had not been for the arate schools and the extension|#ttle in Saskatchewan, medi- r of the system to include second- Gods. oa cons oo ary schools as recommended by]... the Roman Catholic bishops ia Pe see het 'Wintermeyer Suggests Liberal-NDP Merger NIAGARA FALLS, Ont, (CP)|which the left-of-centre opinion|some arrangements for the pub- pened wagon, and the other parties Ontario Liberal Leader Johnlis consolidated in the New Dem-|lic treasury to finance part of| ARE Paes yg ae The gps ye og he BE a Wintermeyer sought today to ocratic Party and the Conserv-|a candidate's campaign. le r, --rry rg "f" in- eae tae 'atin pe ges ut enlist New Democratic supportjative view in-one of the other) Mr, Wintermeyer said all par: eng iit rsd taal wey 4 B program: for the Liberals, stating that ajparties. : ties desire to eliminate the use|® fps i es i ey large segment of NDP adher-| 'Whether the Liberals get to-/of donations which carry with be aa "the rura ond url _ ents find a sympathetic ear/gether with the Tories or vice-/:hem the implication that favors) por dhe fh ry ae oie Pa DECOR ATING within the Liberal party. versa doesn't matter," he said.Jare expected in return. oeeies. oe themself vs Papen for PAN "aan see" Speaking to about 500 dele-| The possibility of a gh | He said he favors refusal to took of eeuavale' denis o oF ice and Color on tg P psy Reem oe bala Cee: pte gins pos accept money from any compa- secondary level Mr. Grossmanif Schemes in your Home or in yeahs aga re dept fm nies that could influence hela. eel : jeration of Labor, he also com- discounted by Allan Grossman, government and he also said he pos ae Men BBers our Modern Store. mitted his party to legislation|minister without portfolio rep- supports a limitation on election| fom Ber i : ms a that would outlaw the recruit-jresenting the Ontario' Progres-|..nenditures. the Cie: sory and has not seen} for Day or Evening Appointments Paint & Wallpoper Store 107. Byron. St. $.. Whitby Days PH. 668-5862 + |ment and employment of strike-|sive Conservative party at the } e ' 4 Grelkare op A legal' srikes, |conference. Mr. Grossman Said the) The medical care issue was d amount of money needed for anjalso introduced to the confer: Evenings PH. 668-5066 Your Friendly €-I-L Dealer -s Tel. MO. 8-3703 FREE | Have your furnace cleaned free this | /| "I am not a socialist and Ij "If that ever came to pass," . Y . , : | |don't think many of you are," |said Mr. Grossman, "'I'd be outjélection campaign is highly| | |he said. "But I am dedicated|of the party." ~, |over- rated. The problem _in- {to the proposition of reform."| He also said he was opposed|volved in exposure of campaign) '| Replying to the possibility of|to any legislation that would|sources, said the Conservative Ja Liberal-NDP merger, Ontario|prohibit the employment of|minister, is that contributors NDP Leader Donald MacDonald) strikebreakers--a- law favored/feel it is a personal matter and gave an emphatic: "No." He/by Mr. Wintermeyer and Mr.|don't want to have their dona-) said two obstacles to such a|MacDonald- . {tions publicized. j merger are the Liberal party's! 'No. government should take| Several delegates raised the basic structure, which he main-jany .such action," said Mr. ~ ~~ tains is not democratic; and the|Grossthan. source of the party's finances, which he contends give business| WANTS DISCLOSE . In discussion of party financ- re N ON BROCK STREET interests a controlling voice. ing, Mr. MacDesaid said be ai NEAR HEAD ON COLLISIO FAVORS TWO PARTIES | vocates ~ ings gh of et ar' ice said the two awa General Hospital, and | Mr. MacDonald said he favors|source of dunds and suggeste veuies wet Fenn boda or the fifth accident victim re- |a two-party system, but one in/a limitation on _ Spending and and damages totalled approx- ceived knee cuts but did not | aes jared wore 'treated. at Osh require Hehawa Times Photo | PEARSON TELLS RALLY 'Dief Irritating ) Are Injured As Cars Hit , ' | Canada's Friends. Near Head On Leader Lester Pearson says the|fore the June 18 election. Five persons received minor} i ies rly Sund ornin, n i ia ten an collided Y leuee Diefenbaker administration has A Liberal governmen: would head on on Brock street south,|"a positive genius for irritating have accepted the changing about two blocks south of Cen-|our two greatest friends and world trade situation at the out- tennial Park, early Sunday|our two greatest customers'--/set and moved to take advan- i : "|the United States and Britain. |tage of it. | "Protecting our interests does summer and guaranteed trouble- free all winter, if you "White Rose" unified fuel oil from Western Oil Ca, DIAL. 725-1212 ing when the cars shown above came into collision on Brock street south, about two blocks south of Centennial Five persoss received cuts and bruises and four were treated at Oshawa General Hospital early Sunday morcn- morning. ALL NEW P ke Mg Now being introduced for the first time in Canada by Dunlop Canada Limited i« 4 new tire for the fast growing front end loader market. This is Dunlop's 1600 x 24 tire of Grader construction having ANDERSON HIGH NEWS Student Council Adopts 'Tight Money' Policy By STEWART LOFTHOUSE | direction of Mr, Munday is prob- and CANDY O'CONNOR ing into the methods of photo- ISCF -- At the meeting Oct./sraphic development as well as 22, an informative film on Korea}, study. OF bcortect caméra was shown. Many members of), i E the Henry Street ISCF attend-|'echniques, Various types of ed, On Saturday evening, Oct./equipment are examined ac- iy bowling pany Byial heldicording to their functions and with a successful attendance, |... i ' th pitdated by the Raut y respective costs, |ART CLUB Street members. pd - On Monday afternoons the art BADMINTON e club assembles to discuss pic- The officers of the Badminton ture techniques. Members are club this year are as follows: | a<cjctoq by Mr. Bell in any and President, Peggy Neal, vice-ieyvery facet of art president, Gail Robertson; sec- ; tetary, James Paterson and THE STUDENT COUNCIL treasurer, Wilma McDonnell. At the meeting, Oct. .30, var- Regular meetings en Tuesdays and Fridays are the School clubs and. associa- under the supervision of Mr-|tions. A "tight-money" policy Chard. was adopted by this year's coun- CAMERA CLUB \cil and most of the budgets were The Camera Club, under the!cut extensively. BROCK Evening Shows Start 7 and 9 p.m. WHITBY Feature Starts 7:10 and 9:30 cut-resistent rock-type tread for loaders used in mines and quarries where the standard open tread grader tire does not perform satisfactorily This will be available in both 12 and 16-ply rating, Recommended as ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Male enough to attract a dozen women +++not man enough fo bé faithful to one! 'METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER presents EVA MARIE WARREN / KARL _<¢ SAINT/ BEATTY / MALDEN | | iT. Munns 255 bic "wal Ge We IN WHITBY tubed and tubeless has a rated load capacity of of the clubjious budgets were submitted by|through with some good bow!- =ifirst section were: E. Treated and released from Oshawa General Hospital were Pearl Clarke, 44, 211 Humewood avenue, Willowdale, her hus- band, Hubert, aged 50, Jack Parsons, 45, 81 Greenock ave- nue, Scarborough and his wife! Jennie, 39. Mrs. Dorothy Brayley, 1087) Cedar street, Oshawa, suffered a cut knee, but did not require medical attention. | Mrs. Clarke suffered a bruis- ed left knee, Mr. Clarke suffer- ed a cut and bruised left shin, Mr. Parsons suffered culs and bruises to both shins and Mrs.| Parsons suffered bruises to the! face and lower jaw. The Parsons were _passen-| gers in the car driven by Mrs. | Clarke. Damage to the Clarke hicle was estimated at proximately $400 and to Brayley vehicle at $395. : Police said the Clarke ve- hicle was southbound and the Brayley vehicle was_ north- bound when the accident occurred. Cpl. James Barter of the F' Whitby Rolice Department in- vestigated. wat ap-| the | Knowlan Says | Canada In Boom Period HALIFAX (CP) -- Finance Minister Nowlan said Saturday Canada is in one of its most prosperous years despite '"'all the talk about austerity and tight money." This tire 7,900 pounds in 9,350 in 16-ply. attractive frame f Ruth Anderson of Whitby plant. 12-ply and It's also an for. pretty Dunlop's buying too much from abroad | |and not selling enough. Despite |FOOTBALL lincreased exports too much ANDERSON AT HENRY ;}money was leaving the country | The Anderson and Henry sen-|for freight rates, "'holidays in jior football teams again battled oh gga = Saas, Bales. : : r. Nowlan was addressing ne out, ou sd mpage wieasg . the annual meeting of the Nova e muddy field at Henry. As|Scotia Progressive Conserva- before it was a victory for Henry) tive Association. |but it was obtained by only one| He said Canada last year sold point which was scored at the;M0re goods than it imported end of the fourth quarter. It was! pond wee aS, : _ a "quick-kick" which gave! tails ites He added that Canada is still : "They seem to get along all right, though, with Cuba and| Communist China." Canada was even selling wheat to the Chinese: Communists who were attacking India, a Common- wealth country. Mr. Pearson made his com- ments Saturday in a keynote speech at a Nova Scotia Liberal convention here. | He said the U.S. and Britain take 80 per cent of Canada's ex- ports yet the Progressive Con- servative government at Ot- tawa had greeted Britain's pro- posed entry in the European Common Market with "whining and obstruction." It had adopted until recently a similar attitude toward President Ken- nedy's freer trade policies. GOVERNMENT 'WEAK' Canada, he said, has had a} weak government for the last five years, a government now hanging onto office with votes of a Social Credit party that} not require a diplomacy that ir- ritates our best friends." Mr. Pearson endorsed United States blockade action in the Cuban crisis. "I think it was the right course to take. I wish it could have been taken some other way but I think we have a duty to support the United States in this course." Earl W. Urquhart, 41, a Cape} Breton Lawyer, was elected leader of the provincial party. He won by the close margin of 11 votes over Gordon S, Cowan, 51, of Halifax also a lawyer. | Nova Scotia Liberals have been without a permanent leader since former premier Henry Hicks lost his seat in a 1960 Progressive Conservative election sweep. Since then Mr. Urquhart has led the 15 Lib- erals in the legislature. Con-| servatives hold 27 seats and the new democrats one. SAVING AND SPENDING PLAN e Mr. Urquhart polled 314 votes, Mr. Cowan 303. No others were 9 nominated, About 1,500 persorg attended. | e (helps you cut the cost of paying bills, builds savings and interest too!) Burt Urges Ford) To Reconsider Plan To Move WINDSOR,, Ont, (CP)--Cana- | dian UAW Director George Burt urged Ford Motor Company| Sunday to reconsider its deci-| sion to move its parts and ac-| cessories department out of| Windsor. Mr. Burt, in a telegram to 'ord President Karl Scott, pointed out that the Ontario Business Firms CLIP AND SAVE FOR WEEKLY REFERENCE ! SPOR This Programme Presented By The Local CALENDAR re. ee WEEKLY Events! of WHITBY and DISTRICT! ! GOOD SPORTS Support home town sports. HOME TOWN SPORTS Support the local suppliers ef Municipal Board recently re- jected Ford's application to es- tablish a parts depot in North York Township. Mr. Burt said Ford has room to expand on its Windsor property. At the same time, Mr. Burt) sent a telegram to Premier| John Robarts asking him to| "stress upon the company the ELS an BUILDING SUPPLIES 24 Hr. Burner Service SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 BROCK ST. S. DIAL 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT. Wanta Sell'um Gotta Tell'um -- use the -- Times Classified Ads Meet At The implications of the OMB ruling and the opportunity fer Windsor involved in it." country would have to produce Henry the score of 1-0, and sell more as well ae buy| The Anderson offensive play-| less. | ers were unable to gain much The meeting chose E. Finaly jyardage during the game, but,|MacDonald as provincial presi-| unlike on a previous occasion,/dent by acclamation. = | Anderson team put up an amaz-|ceeds Senator Frank Welsh of! imgly impenetrable defensive/ Wolfville, who held the post for! which kept Henry players from/the past nine years. Mr. Mac| the Anderson end-zone. Donald, 39, is BOWLING NEWS CJCH Limited which operates! radio and here. MEN'S WEDNESDAY NIGHT LEAGUE The first section winner was School Boards the Dunlop team who came Should Strive ' For 5 ECE's LONDON, Ont.. (CP) -- All for the)school boards in Ontario should! Brush,| pressure the provincial govern. L, Reed and D. Denyer, all tied|ment to establish at least five at 226 with C, Moore and H.|teachers' colleges like the On- Huntley at 222. tario College of Education in Points: Bathurst 3, Ramblers|Toronto, Patrick Manning, Lon.| 0, Millwork 2, Mifflins 1, Dun-|/40n separate school board's ap.| lop 3, Drews 0, Melody Grill 3,|P0intee to the London board of Jakes 0, Hoffer Valiey, 2,/@ducation, said Saturday. Munns Press 1, Legion No. 4, |! have needled the govern-| 2; Honyokers 1, Legionnaires| ment and I hope you will too,"'| 3, Andrews No. 1, 0: Mittons 3/Mr. Manning told representa. | and B. and R. | Transpor: 0,| tives of 20 southwestern Ontario Triples" over 700 were: 'C -- oppkeat ' ted Moore 810, G, Childs 78, H.lontaric schmae tree. Huntley 724 and G.. Fletcher|2 i0 sc 'ool trustees coun- 707 cil, which sponsored the meet.| ee ing, should demand that the Singles over 250 were: C./government establish othe Moore 360, 267; D, Denyer 307,| teachers' colleges G. Fletcher 292, H. Huniley 289, As the situation. now exists, | 277; B. Hendeison 276, 264; G.|the provincial government is Childs 275, 266; T. McIvor 269,|the "big culprit" behind the F, Coughlin 269, D. Wites 260.!problem of teacher supply, he J. Scott 267,,D. Reynolds 256.!said. Teacher-training summer 0. Moore 254, H. schools here and in Kingston Liggers 253, L. -Reed 231, H.|were 'only' a drop in the} television stations| jing to take 10 points out of the jfinal 12 to tie the Legion No. 4 jteam on points but win it with |the high pinfall. The high averages the The premier recently prom- ised a UAW delegation he would | WINS QUEBEC CROWN MONTREAL (CP) -- Notre Dame de Grace Maple Leafs won the Quebec Province Ju- nior football crown Sunday, beating Rosemount Bombers 13- 3 on a snow-covered field. The win gave NDG a 26-16 count in the two-game (otal-points final. | The Maple Leafs now meet the} Ottawa - Hull junior leagac) champions Sunday in the East-| ern Canada semi-finals. 0.H.A. Metro Junior "A" SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL after the game Where All Good Sports Come Excellent Facilities For BANQUETS, MEETINGS, PARTIES, ETC. 668-3386 WHITBY THIS WEEK'S SPORTS EVENTS STAFFORD Brothers Lid. Monuments 668-3552 Whithy HOCKEY METROPOLITAN JR. "A" LEAGUE -- Tuesdoy, Nev. 6 et 8:30 p.m. Brompton 7-Ups vs Whitby Dunlops ot Whitby Arena , Sundey, Nov. 11 et 2 p.m. (place te be announced) Whitby Dunlops vs Unionville SKATING Wednesdey, Nov. 7, 8 to 10 p.m., adults only Whitby Arena. BRAMPTON 7 UP'S ; vs WHITBY DUNLOPS Tuesday, Nov. 6 8:30 P.M, Whitby Community Arena GEORGE'S ~ FINA SERVICE Washing and Lubrication Tune-uips, Licenced Mechanie Tires and Batteries PICK UP AND DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY Fridey, Nev. %, 8:30 te 10:30 p.m., adults and children. Seturdey, Nov. 10,>2 te 4 p.m., children 14 years ond under, ' FOOTBALL Tuesday, Nov. 6 Junior and Senior sudden death playoffs Saturday, Nov, 10, COSSA Junior and Senior Champion- ship games. Wednesday, Nov. 7 Ou Pont Trophy Beginners' Mixed Bonspiel opens at Whitby Curling Club. GEORGE H. HARDING CONSTRUCTION CO. LTD. GENERAL CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 411 Fairview Drive 668-3566 WHITBY Walton 250 and C. Thomas 250, jbucket" in solving the problem. | Adults $1.00 Children 25e |) Students with cards 50¢ | SEPTIC TANK SERVICE TRENCHING AND COMPLETE HOOKER & SONS LTD. No. 7 Highway, 3 miles West of Brooklin General Motors Dealer For CHEVROLET--OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS CORVAIR BROOKLIN 655-4811 See Rambler '63 ABNER'S ESSO STATION 1003 BROCK ST, S, WHITBY 668-5391 Good Used Rambers Finest Esso Products Towing & Mechanical Service Twe Quelified Mechenies WwW. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD. Funeral & Ambulance Service You don't have to play @ sport to be a good sport 110 Dundes St..£. 668-3410 WHITBY MERCURY AUTO BODY @ .Collision Specialists @ Custom" Bodywork @ European Models @ . Duco-Dulux @ . Spray Painting @ Arc-Acetylene Weldin 324 ASH ST., WHITB 668-8522 Glass and Screen Repairs Glass Cut Any Size Glass Installed Awnings Aluminum Doors, Windows, and Accessories PHONE 668-5861 L. F. ROBINSON ALUMINUM & GLASS CO. 1200 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY Rousseau Upholstery FURNITURE AND FURNISHINGS Our tocation at 216 MARY ST. EAST 1 block North of Post Office in Whitby ts Most Convenient For Your Buy- ing' Needs of Quality Goods at 'Prices That Savel 668-3483