27--Reel Estate for Sale 29--Automobiles for Sale 29--Automobliles for Sele 29--Automobiles for Sele 32--Articles for Sale 132--Articles for Sale CENTRAL. Income home, fourteen 194 GMC Bod pick-up, $900 cash. peg ten roome private 72-1990, ee CoRY RS » four door meta witewalios in oxee] Telephone 723-4256. 1958 VAUXHALL Victor, one owner, $650. 725-2690. 1962 CHEVROLET stake truck, two- down [ell ow tes, and mre" nine a aoa Road Bast » ow yee = ie. ised. Telephone -723-7539. pt CORVAIR Monza bee neal offer. 208 Park Road North. Apt, 8, 728-7957, VROLET impale, Ro yall Mastic, two door hardtop. Radio, power ape gy a 655-4936, ieey CONVERTIBLE Sunbeam Rapier, bueket floor BRAND NEW BUNGALOWS equipped seats, four: shift, twin Y-ton rose egg 195% CADILLAC for sale. -- Telephone $2,575. 728-4335. niter 4 eveunge 123. 1061 MERCEDES Benz, 190, four-door belts, excellent . 1 FRIGID. condition, mg renger, eet good} PIANO, 1960 model Newcombe, apartment size. Telephone 668-3743. 5 hewn Coleman, three speed | homts to 8 rooms, good condi DUPLICATORS, hand and electric, or sent Biece & MO Soe Equip., 137 B: 8. MO 8-5849. pick-up or low down phone 723-1724 after 6 . os Se Sees, Stee eee [gg aad °Nicols Motor Sales Ltd., Brock Street North, Whitby. MO 86-8001. Spar HUGE Hosimasler, hardtop, wuts. 1951 BUICK Roadmaster, hardtop, auto- matic, radio, power windows and seat, back-up lights. Very good condition, Best offer. 723-9883. 1956 STUDEBAKER sedan, meehanical condition, make an offer, ee 725-1643. 1967 LE vel ferpdmedl in a tion, automatic er leaving country, 125: 1961 PONTIAC station wagon, cylinder, » adio," JCONVERTIBLES. 1956, 1956, 1980 | Cyne 3 MA 3.5018 after 6 GENERAL Electric, 40" four burner tim a clock FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service. Oven. |Liberal trade-in Lire om v8 JELECTRIC drill, 4% horsepower, West- FINDLAY stove, aol. and od ei, Lynd able for cottage. erator, $75, Telephone 'mea caai:|pan, down filled, set of bar bells, springloyp wn 78. After 4, 741 Beaupre Avenue, wanted, rifles, shotguns, re- TER Queen vacuum, in good con- ian rectnablo peas. eens ae ee carburetor, overdrive, i gate discs, excellent condition,. 725- 3, 183 VAUXHALL, Velox, Ge om ag Al mil 22,000, One eae sh 5650 or oak cum offer. Tele- iphone 723-7742. $10,950 -- $10,950 Three Bedrooms $59.50 monthly, plus taxes)" Castle Homes 1952 PONTIAC sedan, good running condition, good tires," $100. T 725-4166, INTIAC convertible, 6 automatic, Fadlo, white walls, back-up lights, $1350. (655-3265. 195 DODGE, interior perfect, [Al peer good, Telephone whiny. ise CHEVROLET BelAir, many exten, jow mileage. Phone even- ings 725-95) Telephone 725-1186 Live Better Electrically in « MEDALLION HOME 1960 METEOR, automatic, 6 cylinder, fully New: car condition, $1,400. Sat 7128-2439 after 5. CHEVROLET, in good condition, food tires, an body, reasonable price. FOR RENT Executive Home for sale or rent located at 954 Mohawk St., 4 bedrooms, 2 car garage, over 2000 square feet on one floor Store for rent located at 19 Athol St. West, 500 square feet. Ideal for bar- 'ber, hairdresser ér offices. CARL OLSEN 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 1960 KARMAN Ghis, radio, in dition, reasonable = eg rang Zoltan and Nick's Fina Station, 160 Simcoe South. 1955 BUICK, two door hardtop, auto- matic, radio, power steering and somes 'brakes, $495. Seaway Motors, 200 Dun- das West, Whitby, MO 8-5693. 1964 BUICK automatic, best offer.| Zoltan and Nick's Fina Service |Station, 160 Simcoe South. 1961 CORVAIR 700 Coupe, automatic, washers, custom made, red and white. See it at 941 Mary Street, 1934 FORD -- half-ton truck, mechani- cally Al with racks 3 to 4 ft. high. $500. or make offer, Telephone 725-6977. 1960 CORVAIR four-door sedan, auto- matic, one owner, excellent condition, $1,575, cash, terms, ._ 725-7634. 1961 CHEVROLET four door sedan, automatic transmission, $1,900. Tele- phone after 5 p.m., 723-3510. 1960 AUSTIN 850, excellent condition, 50 miles per gallon, Call 728-2128 after 6 evenings. ton radio, rebuilt motor, with 2,000 miles. $500. Telephone Ajax 942-6552. 1961 CHEVROLET BelAir, six cylinder automatic, radio, very low mileage, in show room condition, Telephone 728-1727. 2 Storey Home Built-in-range 2 bathrooms $1,600 DOWN Immediate Possession call: BILL MILLAR 725-1186 - CASTLE HOMES "Live Better Electrically in @ Medallion Home" | 1956 PLYMOUTH automatic, push but-| "MONEY-SAVING PRICES, anneal Models At Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. If you are buying your first car, or moving up toa better used car we invite you to THE BIG LOT with the WIDE SELECTION of GOOD USED CARS at tonight ---see any sales- man'on our lot, test drive the car of your choice and you can make a real dea 1961 Oldsmobile 98 Holiday Hardtop This is a beautiful cor al- most like owning a mew model, with automatic trans- mission, power steering, pow- er brdkces, radio, wheel discs, white wall tires, electric window and 6-way seat $3195 1962 CHEVROLET PONTIAC Laurentian, four door sedan, radio, automatic transmission, windshield washer, back up lights, turn One owner. $1875. als, whitewalls. weet ag Sy la daraecag da After 6 telephone 723-3246. Four Door Sedan Automatic transmission . . Just like new condition, If 1958 gg mgd oaach, recently over- hauled. Perfect condition. $850. Tele- ny 'after 4 p.m. 725-7223, 1958 VAUXHALL Victor, radio, one owner. Good condition. $545, After 6 p.m, telephone 723-9302. 1957 MONARCH, black and red, 2 door one owner, Rea A eaaanan low meeane. Telephone 7: you are one of the many thousands who prefer a Chev- rolet, but you want a bor- gain see this one to-night! $2235 1961 PONTIAC oe 1962 CHEVY II 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne. One owner, two door hardtop, excellent condition, automatic, power steering, power seats, radio, whitewalls, plus many extras. for quick sale, $2,800. Telephone 29--Automobiles for Sale 1960 METEOR 1955 PONTIAC 1951 OLDSMOBILE 1955 CHEVROLET, 314 TON TRUCK 1958 DODGE 5-TON TRUCK ACKERMAN Auto Wreckers One mile north of Bowmanville PHONE MA 3-5756 spare never used, only driven locally on clean, light pick-up work. First $695 tt will be a pleasure to own and drive this late model. With custom rodio. $1995 1961 CORVAIR RENAULT --- PEUGEOT AUSTIN Ports and Service , _ STATHAM MOTOR SALES Dealer for Renault 59 KING STREET WEST 723-7712 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS Sedan When winter really comes you will be glad you bought this nice Corvair, $1745 1960 CORVAIR Sedan Automatic transmission and rodio, This is a thrifty buy 1 now. 1962 OLDSMOBILE Super Sedan This model is equipped with automatic transmission, pow- er steering, power brakes and radio... . How neor to a new cor can you get? $3075 1960 OLDSMOBILE Hardtop Automatic tronsmission, pow- er steering, power brakes, radio. If you have wanted @ better cor in the big cor class, here is your opportun- ity to own one! $2145 1960 CHEVROLET Two Door Hardtop A et le en OC ITS custom radio, $1895 1960 CHEVROLET Deluxe four door sedon with custom radio. The price is right! $1665 1958 PONTIAC Deluxe Four door sedan with custom Telephone 723- JOLLY Fi ou convertible, baby car- Dress form pag oy rah oe nate Bet | a Mp 4 excellent condition. Telephone Wg RIE Ty A "5 OF '8 . 3, $10, 738-3945. 'tine |RIFLE 908 British, Conant Oshawa's No, 1 skate seaieice, Sine Be, SF aaanenee see Tires, teries, Kelvinator refrigerators, vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, 725-4543, or Nhs ggg bt 6.30. Telephone with Mech Vitor 5 | i 231 King treet Exot. side door, nm furniture. Icy 19 Prince Street. 728-1131. FURNACE stokers, two, good condi- ee ery, Ackerman Auto Wreckers, re he ast |U.8-A. gold coins for sale. Write stating coins preferred, to Alex Mills, Box 162 Beaverton, Ontario. Print gr eg |blue collar with two bells, lost Tuesday evening, Child's pet. Hehagh fogs forced air, 10-year guar- 25 per week, no down payment |LOsT Pack yothig deal, $130. Telephone 725-4 tala beers rlagsry excellent sis » size 1 ad er nearest sie Telephone ta THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 5, 1962 45 Broom Corn Experiment By Londoner LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Wayne doesn't look like a searcher in his converted chicken coop but he most as- suredly is. a wutking oa te elit. LOST: Black kitten with white paws, 4 Telephone 728-2855, LOST: Beagle hound, 6 months old, 29.!black back, light' brown spots on front legs, white tip on tail, Answers to -- La Ce SKATE Takings -- 500 new Bauer | girl, Hiri, 508 Joe Sreet West, Whitby. MO '[9| 86-3194. tost Part P , brown tabby : grey, titue ia, terms, and used. Hamilton's, Ww Brock South, MO 8-5849. WE buy, sell and fey ro used furni. ture or anyt! have, The City Trading Post Stores. "6 Simcoe Street South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. GOING hunting? Get ;Dominion Tire Store, West, Oshawa. Guns, ammunitinn, jack- ets, boots, ete. Call now, 725-6511. your suppiies at pond Street OSHAWA TIMES VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- teed rebuilt machines, Estimates free. Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv: ice, 728-0591 anytime. COMBINATION, electric, heavy duty, coal Findlay egg hp -- ator La ob Telephone 723-9668, WANT ADS FULL equipment and parts =a operate "TV and Radio Repair Pghop", $600 full price. Well worth $1,400. Write Box 3, Oshawa Times. SELL BEFORE buying or selling televisions, furniture, refrigerators, stoves, washers. Call Elmer Wilbur, Hampton. CO 3-2294. AWNINGS, canvas. Prompt service, free estimates. Chair, table rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. TYPEWRITER ,adding machine, cash register, calculator, check writer, scales, meat slicer, Very reasonable. 723-4434. MOST ANYTHING 35--Legal NOTICE OIL furnace like new, >» OX cutting torch with regulators, condition. Telephone 728-8008. TO CREDITORS HIGHEST prices paid for furniture. Prettys Furniture located 444 Simcoe South only. jood used tore, now 723-3271. IN THE ESTATE OF BUY your boat now. Save $1,000, Brunswick Seafire fibre glass boat, 15 ft., Black aad whit ie Fogg red and bla leather upholstery, fully equi |, 40 hp Evinrude moter, double Tee jee trailer. $2,500 value, frome Poa or see a make offer, tion, only three Kitchen os $2. Wilson Furniture, 20 Church THOMAS HENRY SMITH, DECEASED All persons having claims agoinst the Estate of THOMAS HENRY SMITH, lote of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Retired Gentleman, deceased, who died on the 3rd day of Octo- ber 1962, must file their claims with the undersigned "Isure breaks Te-|said Sunday night Canada's de- U.S. Happy. With NORAD Readiness WASHINGTON (CP)--A U.S. defence department authority f co-operation during the' crisis was "very satis- fie was comme nting on Third| ports aredating ts in Canada that the U.S. is dering reorgan- ization of the North American Defence Command because of! alleged Canadian delays in plac- the RCAF components of on the alert.. The authority said no reor- ganization ig being considered, At wee height of the Cuban crisis, a high state department official was asked whether he considered the state of Canada- U.S, co-operation under NORAD satisfactory. He said he was satisfied with the state of NORAD readiness and indi- cated the U.S. was getting co- operation from Canada. BOMARC PROBLEM "on US., in the past, has been anxious to get a final de- Def Namara for consideration, making--a part-time men in the heavy sea- sons of spring, fall and Ghrist- mas is the time for toy brooms. ONLY STRAWS USED Mr. Rudy consulted the On- tario Agricultural College at Guelph on fertilizer, weed con- trol and chemical treatment of soil before he started his corm experiment. The straws are the only part of the plant used in In Paper NEW YORK (AP) -- Twelve hours of joint negotiations ended early today with both sides declining comment on whether progress had been made toward settling the New York Newspaper Guild's strike ong the shut - down Daily News. The talks were presided over by U.S. Labor Secretary W. Wil- lard Wirtz. Thomas J. Murphy, executive vice - president and Both Sides Mum Strike chief negotiator of the Guild, said he would report to the full Guild negotiating committee on "possible areas of devel ees at The News, whose circy- lation of about 2,000,000 is the largest in the United States. The Guild strike, which broom-making and one-third of them are unsuitable and waste. While he waits for his crop to fail or succeed, Mr. Rudy DEATHS miforced The News to suspend publication, began mi Wednesday when the alee contracts with all seven of the seeks the perfect curling broom. To the casual curler a broom is a broom but the fanatic knows different. So far he has hit on the idea of a tapered rather than a fiat end where the handle meets the straw. The theory is that straws are lost more easily when pres- against the flat handle end, "T may stumble on something that will suit sreceeey. aays researcher Wayne Rudy. in By THE CANADIAN PRESS Flint, Mich.--Harlow H. Cur- tice, 69, onetime $l5-a-week bookkeeper who became presi- dent of General Motors Corpor. -- apparently of a heart at- Moscow--Mrs. Anastas I. Mi- Koyan, wife of the Soviet dep- uty premier. Minerva, Ohio--Ralph Hodg- son, 91, British poet awarded a a wes by Queen Elizabeth before the 15th day of No- vember 1962. after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed, having regard only to claims so filed. DATED this 18th day of October, 1962. a Cal's big Mscounts continue: continental beds, complete, 36 inch, $28.88: 5 plece chrome set $28.88; 2 piece chesterfield, nylon frieze cover- ing $98.88; Mysore top mattresses, 54 tneh, $19.68, poeroom sulte complete with top LOUIS S. HYMAN, Q.C., 37 King Street Eost, Ontaio, Solicitor for the Executors. WINS FEATURE RACE OTTAWA (CP)--Jimmy Bel- wyn, owned by Barry Towns of Roseneath, Ont., won the fea- ture race at Rideau Carleton Raceway Saturday with a rush at the wire. Driven by Carman Hie, the five-year-old brown gelding moved in tht stretch to) outpace Count Down C, Jay Bird was third. piney Deer paid $28, $8.80 and $6 Moscow -- Col. Peter Ivano- velope the mechanism which their space ships, pe! them to land by parachute, Mount Bey N.Y. -- John Lowry, 79, a builder who con- structed Radio City Music Hall and other New York City land- marks. Northampton, Mass. -- Dr. George B. Cutten, 88, president * and $128.88; General Eleetrie washing ma- chines with trade $88.88; deluxe high- chairs $10.88; cribs regular size with mattress and bumper pad $32.88, Honest Cal's for furniture or sopiianess, the store that will not be undersold. Try us at 9.30 in the morning or 9.30 particularly described in LAND TITLES ACT IN THE MATTER OF Port of Lot 5, Schedule attached hi NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thet FLORELL INVESTMENTS Ogee aang emeritus of Colgate "University and a graduate of Acadia Uni- versity at Wolfville, N.S. Aylmer, Ont. -- J. Carlton Dance, president of the Cana. vich Dolgovy, who helped de-|'! ejected Soviet cosmonauts from}! rmitting|!0. city's major dailies expired. The News was chosen as the target of the strike in an at tempt to hammer out a 'ettle- ment that would set the pattern for the other papers, The main issue of the dispute concerns wages, Guild, a unit of the American Newspaper Guil held individual contracts wi! ig papers, American, The World and The Sun and The evening papers. The Guild lower brackets, and efits, The expired contracts on seven newspapers minimums ra radio, For the buyer looking for @ good used car. $1095 THE HOME OF GOOD USED CARS ! "Before You Buy _ Give Bill a Try" BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. N. and just the cor for you to drive this winter. $1585 in the evening; were open i2 hours a day. Located King 8 East, past the eae line at Varcoes Corner, Telephone dian Independent Telephone As. sociation. Washington--Dr. Carl R. Ek. jund, 58, antarctic explorer, lec- turer and chief of the polar and arctic research for the United States army; ") a -- Copenhagen--Hans R. pe 58, Denmark's finance min- er. Geneseo, N.Y.--Thomas C, T. Buckley, who drove a dog team on Admiral Richard E. Byrd's second trip to Antarctica; of an $168 a week. Numerous ees receive more than the imums. 10,000 High School Teachers Needed By 1970 LIMITED hos mode an application to the Local Master of Titles et Whitby for a certificate of title to this land of which they claim to be the owner In fee simple free from all encumbrances, except the Mortgoge at present registered on Title, . Wherefore ony other person having pairs gro liga title to or interest In the land or ony part thereof is required on or before the lath aay of Movaeaan 1962, to file o stote- ment of his cloim in my office ot the Town of of Whitby, and to serve a copy on the Applicant. for service is: Florell Investments The of the Ay Limited, 852 Florell Drive, Oshawa; Ontario. DATED ot WHITBY, this 30th doy of October, 1962 (All Makes ond Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 We buy, sell, exchange We the most. es We sell the most. We pay the most. FOR YOUR NEEDS, CALL Valley Creek Furniture 728-4401 Best Quality WINDOWS Clean From Inside MANY MORE MILES OF TRAVEL IN THESE MODELS All Priced Under $1000 1958 CHEVROLET, two door Ad, in $975 peeeeee WHITBY 668-4741 ond 668-4025 SPOT CASH PAID FOR JAKE & BILL'S GARAGE euthorized VOLVO decier TUNE UP AND AUTO ELECTRIC SPECIALISTS Full line of batteries, snow tires, exhaust systems, rad hoses, and whotever your car needs for the cold weath- @r season. General Repair and Fina Service 449 RITSON RD. S. 728-0921 Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off, DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH 723-9421 STUDEBAKER MERCEDES-BENZ D.K.W. - FIAT - N.S.U. 484 KING WEST SALES AND SERVICE Opposite Shopping Centre NAGY Motor Sales 728-5178 or 728-5175 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE WHITBY CLASSIFIED 1957 OLDSMOBILE seda mission, radio 1957 VAUXHALL transmission, radio For Good Buys in O.K. 140 BOND STREET WEST 1957 CHEVROLET 4 door deluxe ...... 1957 PONTIAC, deluxe, 2 door with radio . 1960 VAUXHALL Station Wagon ... $895 $885 . $875 in, automatiic trans $535 1955 BUICK 2 door hardtop, automatic Open WEEKDAYS 9 to 9--SATURDAYS 9 to 5 Friendly, Courteous Salesmen To Serve You on THE BIG LOT ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LTD. Used Cars and Trucks TELEPHONE 725-6501 . Special Discount until Christmas $t0. PER WINDOW Delivered, Installed Now $18 GALEA WINDOWS 728-5253 Anytime 728-9257 SKATES NEW AND USED C.C.M, and Bauer Brands. Also sharpening service. VICTOR'S 40 Bond West 723-3141 FUEL OIL -- COAL OIL FURNACES 24-HOUR SERVICE DIXON'S 313 ALBERT ST. 723-4663 or Night DRAPES PLACE YOUR ORDER 30--Automobilés Wanted 31--<Automobile Repairs NOW FOR PRE- e and board to suit laundry. (Abetaines, Telephoas apartment. with FOR RENT: Four room, main floor TWO and four-room unfurnished apert- ments for rent. One child weicome. ee ROOMS FOR RENT -- Single or double All cen- FOR BENT: Large three apart built in cupboards, heavy duty available immediately. Tele- MO &-4864, trally located. Apply 305 Trent Street West, after 6 p.m. . | 725-1181, LAK Auto 3 Want cars for wrecking. Highest prices paid. TIME to retire? Sell your business fast Classified ad. Dial with a f: Bud ea CHRISTMAS DELIVERY Modern, Abstract, 'Colonial $ALL CASH$ For clean cars we dea! up or BROCK Street Whitby, Room sel -- aera four gentle- men. ges packed. ere oom MO @- lunches down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. ONE SINGLE and one double room for rent. +l," gpaasans 'spply 400 Dun- das Street DRESSMAKING: Suits, ee ae pes, Fitting tions, slip covers, & specialty. Mrs. Toms, mo Fras. SEPTIC tanks ares. Walter ro -- Street West. Telephone 668- RECONDITIONED student typewriters. Buy early for better Daag Rr vg Office Equip., 137 Brock &. MO 8-549. FOR RENT $65. Three, = room . Near bie Parking. 942-1109, Ajax, : é 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST 723-7822 French Provincial and Floral County of Ontario ond bei the First Concession of the the City of Oshawa, which seid scribed os. follows: PREMISING thot the used herein ther COMMENCING at the south on Sheet 5B' of Registered Plan 3 THENCE $ 17° 34' Concession. 1 to a a distance of 681.39 feet; THENCE N 17° 27' 40" W the south limit of the said Lot 12 feet; THENCE N 72° 25' 30" E along feet to the Point of Commene: 'ownship of the east eo ge 1 LE Le al 30" W ond rela 30" E along the said in tn ton ee Golien trey scribed in Instrument 104920 to W. H. MOOREHOUSE, Deputy Local Master of Titles SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR thot certain porce! or treet of lond premises situate, lying ond being in the City of ome rh wei en 5 J no 357 apparent rt attack, New York--Mrs, Joh: Mo. Graw, 81, widow of the Hall of Fame manager of New York Giants' basebali team who died in 1934, Toronto--Dr. Alan St. . Clair Douglas, 44, of London, Ont., one of Canada's leading neurol- ogists, of a heart attack. Toronto--Samuel Kronick, 82, founder of almost every com- munal Jewish organization in Toronto. - hag igen James Ab- bey, 52, city circulation man- ager of The Telegram, of a heart attack. it limit of THENCE °.72° 29' W along said fence to a point in limit of the lands described in canaene 104 County, a distance of 629.70 feet; sold point Sheet 5B, oud fence Patterns. Custom Made to Order, Fabrics 98c. yd. up. M and C Dry Goods 74 CELINA ST. 723-7827 MO 8-8001 |FOR RENT -- Furnished housekeeping centrally located. $7 weekly. 668- 3517, Apply 306 Colborne Street West. 45 CARS WANTED Buying o New Car? Sell your used Car to Ted" FOR RENT: November 1, in apartment » $45 Mary Street East, 2 bed- hed apartment, $90. Adults only. MO Whitby's only fuel dealer carrying a ' complete line of FUEL STUDENTS A super value, mately 630 sheets ee Talk "Cash" to the New Cor Dealer ond "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS Full AUTO" 6 BODY REPAIRS. BRYCE COOK BODY SHOP 175 KING W. -- 728-8542 (Rear King. St. Brewery) Having Budget Trouble? CALL Home Economics 723-4494. Res. 725-5574 letter size paper (news print) for only $1.00. Ap ply Oshawa Times Office, Whitby 111 Dundas Street West. 31--Automobile Repairs WHITE newsprint paper in convenient 100 ft. rola mutable for picnic tables, 'Blue Coal" in vorious sizes, Semet - Solvay Coke, at the Circula- tion Deparisoesh, Oshawa Times. 77: Cannel Coal, Stoker Coals, aba faod and Charcoal Softwood Slabs, Texoto Fuel and Stove Oils. SAWDONS' (WHITBY) LIMITED 244 Brock St. South per roll. "| FREE PRE-WINTER INSURANCE Tune-up for Winter Now Have your furnace cleoned free this Fall ond guar- onteed trouble free all win- ter. If you purchase 'White Rose" unified fuel oi! from Westérn Oil Company. | 668-3524 Whitby | DIAL 725-1212 -- Don't Delay Winterize Your Car Today! AL MECHANICS Ken Durno's Garage 574 King East -- Oshawa Telephone 725-0221 PROSKIN AUTO BODY 83 RITSON RD. SOUTH Behind Texaco Station 723-2632 Paint Jobs $39.50 Up EXPERT COLLISION WORK Free Tune Up WITH EVERY PAINT Pics Including Prestone LICENSED MECHANICS Body Men Open 8 a.m, to 9 p.m. Food and Freezers LTD, Where you can get Food and Freezer as low as $10.68 week Heve one of our trained Food Consultants to help you, with no obligation of course. 1] ONTARIO STREET SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK GENERAL AND A SMALL DETACHMENT oF SOLDIERS AUR LOGAN TELEPHONE 728-9403 PEAS ae Fue NM A ! Zep A a 6 eee Ane, mnees PEAK n-KE wah pe pcp IMAHE CoLoRADO CourtTRy- OM HIS HA HE WE NAMED HMEKICAN PEAK: THE MOUNTAIM WAS NOT NAMED PIKES PEAX wtih. 1849, WKEH GOLD SEEKERS CARQIED Wants To Put Bees To Work BEAVERLODGE; Alta. (CP)/8t@ Peter Pankiw of the federal agriculture department's exper- -- farm here wants to put honey bees to work pollinating alfalfa, But he has a problem. voces ol Ont. (CP)--Gouth- --_ we bye told Sat- urday the ince require an additional 10,000 secondary school teachers by 1970. A total of 21,429 Ontario sec- ondary school waemars will be needed by 1970, W. T. Laing of ergs astistant superintend- ent o! secon schoo! education, told ge Boom of = en oe wendy, eb eh n adding that there eat ten in the province last year. There were 200,177 ac ae school students at y were expected 10 be 480,000 by 1970. The conference was told that bog Re nee. Boras | of new new teachers neg aearae's of curricula, tario principals have on thie to maintain their educational programs without an appreci- able loss in teaching quality. Inexperienced nectar-seeking bees often get caught in clamping mechanism in the plant's flower and, after extri- cating themselves, show reluc- tance to return a second time. Mr. Pankiw fs running tests on alfalfa plants with a flower- clamping arrangement that is harmless to bees. It would seem easier to tailor the flower to the bee than the bee to the flower, he says. Nobel Peace Prize Dropped This Year OSLO (AP)--The Nobel com- mittee of the Norwegian Stort- ing (Parliament) today an- nounced it had decided not to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 1962, The prize money has been re- served for next year, the brief; announcement said. No reason was given for the committee's decision, but in thé past the prize has not beén aa in times of great cri- 'sis. % "| Four Hot Spots Found On Moon re Calif. (AP}-- Four mysterious "hot os been be ed on ad moon a new telescope one California peak. Two space scientists Bruce Murray and Dr, hott Wildey of the California Insti. tute of Technology, made the discovery with a telescope that used a heat - sensitive, gold- plated mirror to detect infra. red radiation. A possible cause of the hot spots may be volcanic action in the moon's crust. Two of the - spots are near craters, two do not seem to be near any visible features. The hot spots were found dor. ing a survey of the moon which also disclosed that the lunar surface gets colder at night + when thé earth ig between {t and the sun--than previously believed. .