SUANNIVERSARY DALE SATURDAY! ON SALE AT 9:30 A.M. SATURDAY AND ONLY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST -- PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS Please, No Telephone or Meil Orders Included ore rem a and 'Amel' in plains and prints. Sizes 10 to 18 and few women's half sizes in the group. CLEARANCE OF DRESSES -- AWAY BELOW USUAL PRICE ! Ends-of-lines. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each BUDGET FASHIONS, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 345 Gaily striped mugs in colours of yellow, pink, green or grey on white backgrounds. Excellent for coffee, tea or milk. End- . line. ENGLISH EARTHENWARE MUGS -- SPECIALLY LOW PRICED ! LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders 2 29 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 252 GUN AND HOLSTER SET -- SPECIALLY PRICED ! Please, No Telephone or Moll Orders Single, leather holster with metal cap pistol. Pistol is approx. 8/2' long. Almost ony child will enjoy this toy! LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, set & EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 227 Please, No Telephone or Mall Orders 'Teryiene', cottons and rayons in a variety of styles and colours. Plain and Printed. Sizes 12 to 20; some 38 to 44 in the group. Shop early for best MANUFACTURER'S CLEARANCE OF BLOUSES--SPECIALLY PRICED ! selection! LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each BUDGET FASHIONS, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 345 TWO-TIER GLASS CAKE PLATE--SPECIALLY PRICED ! LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each Please, No Telephone or Mall Orders ~ 10" diam, EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 252 Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders Dries in opprox, two hours. Clear plastic finish for linoleum "and hardwood "ALMATEX" RAPID DRY PAINT -- SPECIALLY LOW PRICED ! floors. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, quart EATON'S LOWER LEVEL; DEPT. 275 WOMEN'S COTTON PYJAMAS--MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE ! Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders V-neck pop-top with short sleeves. Bottoms with elastic waist and long legs. A variety of colours. Ends-of-lines. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 209 Top plate is approx. 8" diam.; bottom is approx. Ready To Embroider . . . Pillowcases -- Much Below Usual Price ! Wooden base and carrying handle. End-of-line. Please, No Telephone er Mail Orders Snowy, white cotton pillowcases stamped with 'Lazy Daisy' and 'Crosstitch' patterns. Ends-of-lines. LIMITED. QUANTITY SPECIAL, pair ........ < EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 24 OUTSTANDING SPECIAL ! -- GOLDFISH STARTER SET Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders 1 lively goldfish given et no extra charge with each purchase! @ Fish bowl @ Package of fish food @ Sraptssstoan noe LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, set. EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 BEADED EVENING BAG -- SPECIALLY PRICED ! Please, No Telephone er Mell Orders 2 $0 Reyon satin bag with bead-overlay. Zipper ongg Aga cing 8" long and 4%" deep. Colours of gold, w ink, ivory, black, brown in the group.LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 217 GIRLS' WOOL SLIMS -- ORDINARILY 5.00 ! Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders Simply ---- pants in attractive plaids. Predominant colours of green or Sizes 7 to 14 in the group. EimiteD QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 211° Yo PRICE CLEARANCE OF MISSES' om REG. 10,98 to 25.00 PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS One and two-piece styles . ... some after-five fashions. Crepes and woollens in prints and plains. Misses' sizes in the group. Ends-of-lines. 3.49 to 12.50 BETTER DRESSES, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL 8-TRANSISTOR RADIO -- SPECIALLY LOW PRICED ! Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders Leather carrying "ase, earphone attachment ond battery. Handy to take almost onywhere ! LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 260 '/, PRICE CLEARANCE OF BRIDGE CHAIRS -- REG, 5.90! Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders Metal, folding chairs with a ag 5 pron seats and backs. Excellent for extra seating problems and around your card table. Ends-of-lines. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, ecch EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 470 CLEARANCE OF REMNANTS -- MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE ! Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders. : 1 5 to 5 95 Woollens rayons and cottons in the lot. Patterns and piains in a good selection of colours, You'll find many uses for these ore ae mmekiog aprons, blouses, skirts, etc. 36 to 54" len from Ye yard to 2% yords. Ends of-! she UiMtteD 'quantity SPECIAL, ea ATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 233 "STAR" er -- USUALLY MUCH HIGHER PRICED ! Please, No Télephone or Mail Orders 2 og Pretty plotinum-coloured hair. Drinks and wets; approx. 16" long. Complete with her own wardrobe. Excellent for almost every little girl. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, complete EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 227 MUSICAL DECANTER -- SPECIALLY PRICED ! Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders Tinkles @ lively tune when tilted for pouring. A Christmas gift suggestion! LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 254 3.59 ON SALE AT 2:00 P.M. SATURDAY AND ONLY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST -- PLEASE, NO TELEPHONE OR MAIL ORDERS Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders Men's V-neck, long-sleeve pullovers with ribbed cuffs and waistband, Good colour selection. Sizes small, medium and large in the group. Ends- MEN'S PULLOVERS -- AWAY BELOW USUAL PRICE! of-lines, Shop early for best selection. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 928 Please, No Telephone or Mall Orders Complete with carrying case, earphone and battery. Take it with you almost everywhere. End-of-line. 6-TRANSISTOR RADIO -- SPECIALLY LOW PRICED ! LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each... . vekdents EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 260 HOCKEY STICK AND TAPE -- SPECIALLY LOW PRICED ! Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders Good quality hockey stick with tape to reinforce the angle. Regulation size, LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 261 Washable, plastic-covered headboards to 'complete' your con- tinental beds. Various patterns and colours; one or two of a Try matching the replaceable fabric top insert with your drapery or upholstery material, Metal base and legs the colour of gold with plastic "RONSON" "DECOR" TABLE LIGHTER--Much Below Usual Price ! top. Approx. 414" x 3". LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each Please, No Telephone or Mall Orders ) 99 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 515 bad Dainty embroidered cotton and nylon sheer garter belts with four adjustable yome Ricks) back fastening. Slight imperfections in weave only, White only. and large to he waists 24 to 30 in the group. LIMITED "Winkie" Garter Belts--"Seconds" of Much Higher Priced Lines ! guanrity TY SPECIAL, each Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders 4 2 y EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609 Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders Here are deep, roomy types for the men, comfartoble 2 PRICE CLEARANCE OF MISSES' BLOUSES REG. 4.99 TO 10.98! Please, No Telephone or Mall Orders 49 9.49 to 5- LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each ... SPORTSWEAR, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, 'DEPT. 246 Ye PRICE CLEARANCE OF GIRLS' DRESSES hag bd sain Good choice of colours; sizes 7 to 14 Ends-of-lines. LiMiTED Ot QUANTITY SPECIAL, eoch Styled with neat collar, long sleeves and button front. Emerald '/e PRICE CLEARANCE OF WOMEN'S DRESSES REG. 10.98 TO 35.00 Pleese, No Telephone or Mail Orders 49 50 5 "ty to : BETTER DRESSES, EATON'S UPPER LEVEL Z pang OF 36" POLISHED COTTONS blouses, aprons ond children's dresses. colour selection. Ends-of- bolts 'and ends-of-lines. TIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, yerd ................. : EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 233 CLEARANCE OF SEMI-TRIMMED SUNWORTHY WALLPAPER MUCH BELOW USUAL PRICE! Please, No Telephone or Mall Orders A good choice of patterns . . . one for almost.every room in the home. Kitchen motifs, semi-plains, abstracts and geometrics, etc. Shop early for best selecton! Ends-of-lines. AUIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, single roll EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 274 Dainty Swiss-type embroidered cottons and printed 'Terylene"' blouses bes short and 34-length sleeves. Sizes 10 to 20. Pastel REG. 3.98 TO 14.95! s Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders 99 47 * to . EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 211 GIRLS' BULKY KNIT CARDIGANS -- REG. 3.98... SAVE .99! reer only. Sizes 4, 6, 6X in the group. End-of-line, MITED QUANTITY 'SPECIAL, each..... One bt Auge ee ad dogg wools and crepes in plains solour choice. Women's sizes in. the REG. 1.29... . SAVE .40! Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders "Winkie" Convertible Bras--*Seconds" of Much Higher Priced Lines Please, No Telephone er Moill Orders e 7 a few darks in the group. Ends-of-lines. One and two-piece styles; cottons, "Terylenes" and Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders ~ 99 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 210 and pri group. PMITED ED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each Good quality polished cottons . . . are hand-washoble. Excellent for making house- Slight imperfections in weave should not affect wear. Low priced B ieef = oy ave ¢6 weor with or without straps. Cotton and rayon satin with foamed toured ee ge A, 8 and C cups, 32 to 36 in the group. LiMiTED" 'QuAktity SPECIAL, eae' EATON"S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT. 609 PLASTIC TEA SET -- SPECIALLY PRICED ! Please, No Telephone or Ma'! Orders A daiirty little set to delight the heart of almost ~ little girl! 22-pce set includes: 4 cups, 4 saucers, 4 knives, 4 forks, spoons and cream and sugor. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, set EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 227 99 HEADBOARDS REG. 10.95 TO 12,95! Please, No Telephone er Mail Orders 5.50 ty 6-50 kind only, Ends-of-lines. LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, each EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 271 '/, PRICE CLEARANCE OF ODD DINETTE CHAIRS REG. 6.50 TO 22.50. 95 Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders Ends-of-lines: Calabi plated or bronze-finished legs. 3 25 to 1 1 8 lastic upholste seats and backs. r IMITE! QUANTITY SPECIAL, each ...... EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 370 20% OFF -- ODD ARMCHAIRS -- REG. 39.95 TO 119.50 ! ne a ar Mi re A :3 1 .96 to 95. 60 LIMITED QUANTITY SPECIAL, ecch .... EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 470 ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. A representative of Tandy Leother will be in EATON'S Hobby Shop on the Lower Level to show you the interesting and unusual effects achieved with leather carving. If you don't have a hobby, come along and see how interesting and satisfying leather carving con be; ond if it is already your hobby, come and find out new shortcuts. EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 227 Store Hours: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Open Friday Nights until 9