14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, November 2, 1962 Oshawa Ski Club Club members and district ski Calls Week-End Work Party 'enthusiasts are invited out in | = ree to with ea- F poe pen ed re With such tempting plums as the acquisi- tion of new property, erection F of a new junior ski tow and f plans for a Southern Ontario ski meet, it is expected that re- sponse should be generous. OLD COUNTRY SOCCER Three-Way Tie For Soccers Top Spot By M. McINTYRE HOOD Special London, England Correspondent with 20 points each. On goal|brought back Crawford of average, Everton head the|Ipswich as centre and Johnny Spurs by one-tenth of a goal to|Byrne of West Ham at inside To The Oshawa Times stay on the top rung. left. Two new caps are tried in LONDON--Games with Euro-| In a postponed game at Tot-|the half-back line, these pean teams in three different|tenham, Spurs played the most|Sleeuwenhoek and Deakin, both competitions ended somewhat|brilliant football I have seen this|of Aston Villa. Because of Euro. sadly for English and Scottish|season to defeat Manchester|pean Cup commitments, no Tot- soccer clubs. In the European|United by 6-2. With 10 minutes|tenham or Everton players were Cup competition, Dundee, play-|t0 89, Spurs were leading by/included in the team, which is ing at Lisbon, lost by 1-0 to the|6-0, a score which would have/as follows: Sporting Club of that city. This|put them ahead of Everton as| Banks (Leicester); Armfield result, however, does give Dun-|!eague leaders. Greaves had] (Blackpool), captain and Wilson Hopkins (Spurs); Hennessey ery from injuries sustained in a (Birmingham), Nurse (Middes-|car accident in August, and re- brough) and Crowe (Aston|sumes training in two weeks' - Villa); B, Jones 'aie gag: a time ... Birmingham have- church (Cardiff), M. rles|scored their first away goals of (Cardiff), Vernon (Everton) and|the season,: Leek e, C. Jones (Spurs). to beat Wolverhampton Wander- BITS AND PIECES -- Johnny/ers 2-0 on the Wolves' ground. Haynes, England and Fulham! This defeat drops Wolves into captain, will be. playing football|tie with Leicester ai Aston again before the end of the year.|Villa for fourth place in the He has made a splendid recov-/ league. ' : NO MORE GUESSING! w\" See where FROST AND CONDENSATION SHIELDS THEY'RE THE BEST BECAUSE... © The price Is right, © There is a size to fit every car, © They're so easy to install -- you can do it yourself. @ They don't interfere with the raising or lowering of the car windows, The weekend schedule (Satur- day, Nov. 3 and Sunday, Nov. 4) includes e! snowfence, packing straw on trails and lift lines, putting up signs, painting Ff and general clean-up, Free cof- fee will be served both days, though members are asked to bring their own lunch, Extra shovels and pliers would be wel- come. NEW TOW READY Much work has been done at the Oshawa Ski Club over the summer, but most important has been the erection of a twelve hundred foot ski tow 'on the club's new property, This undertaking, directed by Ernie | Goran, win be comes' i be Botav, of Bulgaria, and P+ sd Rp Bi fooapsay bof Set oe Seine pees ? have little hope of overcoming) tion difficulties in getting to Tot-| wah uae rome ¢ : Siete ot ERNIE GOMME, CLUB DIRECTOR, ADJUSTS 'TAKE UP' ON NEW SKI TOW ha Bol when ther tere ng waa to ee | i t et or] This will be the first time|ship applications for the coming|that country for the second leg. | INTE! Hoon po aol i Rloeg syle smd nog pueden such an event has taken place|season. It. would be appreciated| There is a tight three-way tie} The Football League has done | i eT tcgunier ts particular,| At the Southern Ontario Skilin Oshawa, and it's expected|if they could return their fees|at the top of the English first)some interesting experimenting Tt will enable these people to|Zone meeting, held in Oshawa,|that over one hundred competi-|promptly, since all membership|Division. Everton, Tottenham|in the team it has picked to| ski on hills which are exhilarat-|Oct. 13-14, the Oshawa Club suc-|tors will display their skills.|revenue received early enough|Hotspur and Burnley are level'meet the Irish League. It has| thout being .jceeded in obtaining permission|Work has already started to) will be used on improvements ino le the Sake thc ate to hold the Junior Four-Way|widen the downhill course at the|for this year. New membership ALLEYS MAY BE NES dee a fair chance of coming out|been the key man in the score,|(Huddersfield); Moore (West on top when the second leg/With three goals, all beautifully;Ham), Sleeuwenhoek and Dea. match is played at Dens Park. |taken. Then the Spurs eased up,/kin (Aston _ Villa); Connelly Glasgow Celtic are elirhinated|and let Herd through to score| (Burnley), Hill (Bolton), Craw- from the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup,|one for Manchester. With three|ford (Ipswich), Byrne (West They held Valencia to a 2-2/minutes to go, Blanchflower up-|Ham) and O'Grady (Hudders- draw in the. second. leg played|Set Chariton in the penalty area, | field). | in Glasgow, but as Valencia had|and Quixall had Brown going| Wales have to do without John| won their home game 4-2, Celtic|the wrong way with the result- Charles when they play Hun. were knocked out by a 6-4 ag-|ant kick. gary in the European Nations gregate. In the same competj-| Spurs had complete control of Cup. Leeds United need him on tion, Everton secured a 1-0 lead|the game throughoot, their pin.|the same date for a match with over Dunfermline in the first|/Point passing, speed in goingjhis former club, Juventus of , leg at Liverpool, and will have|after the ball, and resolhte de-|Italy -- part of the deal by| Available et your Automotive Accessory or Department Stores, a hard task to hold this lead in|fence marking them as a truly) which he returned to Leeds. The Service Stations and Gorages, the return game. great gg Norge Even seria team will be: ee, garage though thy tried bard, could|Williams (Southemptony'" endl the CLEAR choice of motorists across Canada! Shamrock Rovers of Ireland,|70t master a superb Tottenham| ree playing at home, lost 4.0 to | half-back line. It was a game/j' Beautify your home the modern, functional way; clean, durable last a housetime. Inquire now. ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS ing, whil 4 icipati th last e be lighter, strong-|Championships here. Recog-/Ski Club in anticipation of this|fees are the same as last year. pe y oe gion pdb than any-|nized as the biggest ski meet)meet, which will be held Feb. 9} (NOTE: If membership is al- ing used in the past. It will/in Southern Ontario, it will pro-jand 10 of the new year. lowed to lapse for one or more not become saturated with|vide interest for all local skiers} Those people who are already|years, the initiation fee will water on warm days, as the|as well as for the city of Osh-)members of our local club will/have to be repaid before renew- % manilla rope did, and is much|awa itself. soon be receiving their member-|ing membership. Entire initia] _KEY WEST, Fila. (AP) -- Hence a campaign to call . tion funds will be put in sep-| Consider alleys. them "bowling lanes." aan EERE ERNE NL A SE TL ee SST ES arate account, for sole purpose The bowling people are. The proprietors have taken | of paying off mortgage on new| They don't like the word. to fining each other a quarter | property.) The men who own them ap- every time the word "'alley" Another event of interest to crime es Rapes alleys are slips over a tongue. o 604 (214, 208) and Walt Fry 601)H. Canfield 651 (284); J. Bell 638 (207);|Skiers is the Second Annual On- eS Oey aes" aiesbeces They probably use the (254). R. Howard 630 (259, 232); D. Chatter-|tario Ski Show, to be held in Pithe a sie Ba of ro iaoag money to build more alleys. Good singles came from Bob Barciay|{0" (04 (248); B. Lawson 61s, (212; 208) /Toronto at The Palace Pier, weunitek: bipr ota - plateq And call them lanes. Sno Bos, Bad Dinar Sok, 30z;| (236); T, Monoghan 606 (27, 205) and|Nov. 11, 12, 13. Hours will be emporiums where bowling is _ Meanwhile, what about gut- 4 Bi! Romanuk|J- Gatti €05 (265). ini 2 p.m, - 11 p.m. on Sunday, and conducted these days appar- ters? W B 8] Mt. Keiynko. 304, 202; R.|5,P-™. - 11 p.m. ont Monday and) ontiy feel that the term "bowl- Gutters are filled with .D. ENNETT PAVIN G LTD : 9 ek , Henry 255; I. Welch 2/Tuesday. Net proceeds are ing alley" conjures up images snipes, cigar butts and soused a Soe Nee Bulls ic. paddies au," [aonated to Canadian Amateur) ofthe j pectable, smoke- citizens, according to tradi- 201, George Hubbard 204, Nels "Big|Goodes and K. Roddick 201. Ski Association, Southern On- of the less res: ie, smo. . gs "g| Daddy" Wilson 203, Andy Van de Valk League -- B. Taylor 9 and P|" ) filled joints of the old days. tional belief. And bowling balls. have|20l, Frank Sprackett 201 and Walt! chase 76. Better luck next week, Petei|tario Zone for advancement. of Heike. Junior Racing. ne |_.1n the land of the lemons we find W.| LADIES' MAJOR "A" LEAGUE the! vuzwa with 8, Jim Poot 87 , Walt the Ace! a id ¥ e| Holyk 95, Hubbard with a big one, McLean 759 (298, W i HUMORESQUE BLIND LEAGUE |*ES, (> ,322 and Barb Sageriat | High bowler for this week was Pat Boys bat-|McConnell (105, 189) 29 followed by Ada McDonough por yal ad 255, Charlie 37) 129. M With handicap, Frieda White (60-52) | 102, and Beatrice Chute (50-50) 100. MOTOR CITY INDUSTRIAL Taken -- Genosha 3, Motor) 624 0; Homes by Harrison 3, Quality » Clarks 2, Westmount 1, Aca-| 4; 2 and Gillerd 1 Triple -- D. Moss 744 (300, 246); 608 . Courtney 736 (204, 248); D. 607 (217, 237), Maurie 605 » 270, 250); C. Cheski 716 (300, 213);|Merle Poch 610 (243) and Marion Ding- . Wilson 705 (262, 255) and W .Smith|man 601 (209, 230), 702 (259, 234). 600 Triple -- F. Hayward 679 (260, At times /ike this... a 9 ou ll e like 5S RADE TROUBLE FOR raction may be no problem for you, but mud, ice often are unless your Car or truck with Dominion Royal Winterides-- Snow Tires with the exclusive Wide- Design. you out where other pavement uble for tractio: eryw! for you to * deal... trade your spare to DOMINION ROYAL winteride NYLON SNOW TIRES > Dominion Rubber ad Look for this sign of a Dominion Royal Winteride Dealer. He's the man to see about a money-saving deal, W-2.62 mr DOMINION TIRE STORES DOMINION TIRE STORES LTD. 48 BOND WEST (Corner of Church 725-6511 1 A REN RENEE NINERS NAR OS, EINEM ACN Watch N.F.L. Football © 2 p.m. Sundays © CBC-TV Network