> eg ee NEA SEO GIDL LA SBE PEVEGE GEE EGF ail ck cial al a en THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, October 31, 1962 7 samen tee | | tock Market POTLIG Market Hesitantl | . ov see te ae ced mare E CORE surcruanct a Stee! xe e--Oct. 31 "4 MM Coniagas 500: 67 «67: «Ts +B ed *, a Odd ites i gate noe marke ia ae Lie ee ae ae Engineer Ss I ac TORONTO (CP)--The stock 174 Ritson Rd, S., Ouhae Pras ' i ren Ag & %--% market moved hesitantly higher - # Fans, xt-esvaraats Net ange Rea Fon im "a "a8 ache paved busteets ais OPEN DAILY TILL 10:00 P.M. _ mums JE sae , Tiger Problems = [ss=-%-5"5") SpECIALS FOR THURS. - FRI. - SAT. ae' es 31% *| Dome 1 4, VANCOUVER (CP)--Man-eat- $21,000,000 in orders o Cana-| Industrials opened on a weak| a a Nat too Sine ine te te ' % Prd ~ ing Bengal Tigers presentedidian heavy equipment indus-|note, falling more than a point NOVEMBER 1 2 3 \ oe aM tg |Suptect ord tke 3 : Sandwell and Company, Van-|tries, financed through facilities|on index in the first hour. They FREE CITY WIDE DELIVERY a wk t i couver - based consulting engi-jof Export Credits Finance Cor-|firmed near noon and climbed ' $84 8% 8 , noe tiake a 2 neering firm, with a unique lo-|poration of Ottawa. ahead two points by mid-after-| Bagel 7 ac | Bk 68 $58% - % | Giant YK 5 --\cal problem when it began di-| This week the first shipmentinoon, only to ease slightly near $34%4 34 34 -- %/Tower w 50 4 tae 2 | Gouaale 0 2 recting logging operations for|of $11,000,000 worth of Canadian|the close. | 225° 225 225 rah we ee mo. 68 8 the Khulna Pulp and Paper Mill pulp-and - paper-making ma-| 15% -- ¥ Howey +10 in East Pakistan. . chinery for a Chilean mill was) ines. yo) Guilin sim: ay a7 -- | The tigers, roaming the Bhai-\loaded in Montreal. The °ma- DIVIDENDS 56 Santa 4 23% 23% 23%+1%\rob River area forests, hadjchinery is being supplied by) oS © | a it i 1 |been killing an average of 35/John Englis Company of Tor-| By THE CANADIAN PRESS 410 40 10 6361 62 +1 |Mative loggers a year, causingjonto, which contracted to sup- Cochenour Willians Gold 49% 50 ! 750 740 740 +5 \periodic interruptions in produc-|ply all equipment for the $21,- f LI ' wo ig 2 12 + 4 Kim in as 4s aso $19 | Hon. (000,000 project near Nacimento| ume' ee' 19, record, Now 3 . 325 $14% 14% 14% -- a(n an 40 40 4 | The Sandwell men rose {o the/on the Biobio River. i eich ae aaa ad # 732 750 750 750 +5) | Teiteh 115 1 , j¢mergency, assigning an expert) Sandwell did all the engineer-| Copper Rand Chibougamay)| - 2 "4 F E i 3 8 ubssesediserssiee FR He oe i SEggePss ttt f us 115 4 38% -- 4 1o%--1 |% ; : : io 518 is | Leneourt 1" 99 102, 44 |Fifleman to each group of fallers|ing on the mill and will manage|Mines Ltd., common 10 cents, 2 ' " -| Madsen 217 219 -® |and the mortality rate promptly|it for five years at a fee of| Nov. 16, record Noy. 9. | y.Y OILS Manesst U 2000 44 AM 4 + 'Aifell to one native a year. $1,000,000. | Ford Motor Company of Can-| Y i m 1000 5% 5% S4--% Martin 1000 4 =$ This tiger incident .is dulv re-| Other big orders include .ajada Ltd., common $1.25, plus ; Pi 600 795 765 795 +15 |McKen 1000 corded in the filing room at!1¢ 990,000 contract for a news-\$2-00 extra, Dec, 15, record-| j ae we aa : gin $e oggoag ingle EES 7100 $24 " lence ganas 7, *|Sandwell's own building here,|print mill expansion in Pakis-|Nov. 16. | 2 | Neal 33000 | 1 Se6> Sah = MC em 500 $33 + Mi New Alger 500 the nerve centre of an opera-|tan and $3,000,000 for expansion) Maher Shoes Ltd., common 30 BUTTER FIRST GRADE o 53¢ bg y, tion serving in 34 countriesiand modernization of a kraft/cents, Dec. 10, record Nov. 9.| . t -§ qaana B 6% 6: C Ex Gas 800 5 5 | Naweonex ; 3 " * 4 N 11000 3 ---" ' ' 4 | a Ws cui ae oe v1 |Newmor 29000. 2 vis \after starting here Jan. 1, 1949/ouip mill in Mexico. | Maple Leaf Gardens Lad, CIGA T YOUR Seen oe et eee jae |New Rouyn 2000 +% with only Percy Ritchie (Dick)! : bce $) cenix Nov. Ab bec CARTON We $2254 22% 22% + %| Glacier 1000 12% 12% 12% Norlartie 500 +2 | Sandwell and a stenographer on/HAS STAFF OF 400 odo ~<enlte f 8, Nov. 15, rec DATE TURNOVERS CHRISTIE REG. 33 28 tise ue i IManrans de. 4 8} a 300 515 305 510 --8 staff. , i ee a pelle Rericee| The Shawinigan Water and| PKG. FOR 800 410 400 410 +20 | Medal 540250 250 250 +4 | Opemiska 4 +5 | Today the company is en-|Was sign 4 \Power Company, Series A pfd. CHRISTIE'S 310310 310 +8 "Pac Pete "325 813% 15% 13% |Ontako as ~ , | gaged in' major pulp and paper reese Vey oh te fiodeeabea|o® cents Series B pfd 56% BROOKSIDE BREAD 2 LOAVES 37° |Pac y a | i y oj j g " Sette ' . 49 $19 19 19 -- %|Pamoil 650 38 3838 Paramaq a ik a mill or power Plant design in ih : x ad Bd a $5,500,000 job (cents, Jan. 2, record Nov, 30. BURN'S 1-LB. 1 c 53646 36 '| Permo 3340 31 3 +1 {Peerless ce oe Canada, the United States, Mex-|/ Power station, 2 s+ Steinberg's Ltd., Class A 10 PURE LARD : 5 $174 17% y 35 «55«53« «Pick «Crow 59 (5959 : ap 'seh : s : inberg's Ltd., Class ! . PKGS. tet nn aa ea a ae ae a le $244 24% 24% ico, Chile, Norway, Sweden,| Sandwell today has a staff Of| ants pec. 3, record Nov. 9 a5) Quane | 300 Pow Rou 3131 |Finland, The Netherlands, Italy,|400, half of them engineers.) cae Meee SoU STUART HOUSE 4 oxen 39 aie Sarcee 1009 8 te eer foot eM. Ih 18M Pakistan, India and Ceylon. Through affiliated companies it! CHICKEN NOODLE 42 South U 1000 11% 11% Us -- % 2 : c ran ¢ "servic n-| in eM ice ie te ee oe aoa |e namie te mibnagementie eT Te ee eos] ek BARONEGD | LIGHT BULBS ivan: 26° 2/45¢ 91 16 Y% Wsburne 3500 90 «(8 Rio Algom $10% 10% 10% 5 Ppt J att Infaenette 1h: fee ch Laine Rix Athab 100 25 3 +41 specialists are operating pul) exper S in research, mar e.ing! igen o MARVELLO GAL, ios Se Sand Riv 4%: 4% 4h and paper mills in several coun-/economics, mill operation, hy-| By THE CANADIAN PRESS BLEAC (PLUS 25¢ REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT) JUGS 59° 1644 1 MINES Sherrest ee ee a Oe ek dro and thermal electric power,| Bathurst Power and Paper | Si 5 185 s A : 16-0Z. iggr Agnico 50 (80 (80 Bareis oo is tha vl In the last year, the firm's|forestry, structural. and amage-|Co. Ltd., 9 mos. ended Sept. 30: PEANUT BUTTER CLUB HOUSE JARS Boe a 23% 23% | Alba Expl Ss oh Steep R 30 420 «430 +5 |foreign activities have brought! ment projects. o> 11962, $1,195,000; 1961, $1,368,000. ' 23° Salas "ie a Re | COCONUT MAROONS (irc. ron 35° SS wih arceal Torment 10002938 ON'S DIGESTIVE 8-07. ee See ia ee ee Dont Settle ForlessThan = |\ RB Cauda 2 vc 49° 6 6 47% +114| Barnat 105 a 414) Bary Expl |B | 3 om SAVE .. SAVE. ..CASHIN " | Bideop aie 1% 1 | sand 5 : c t i ND OTHER feo pee SS 'Oe lONAL | ) YOUR SOAP AND 01 "4 Camp Chib 335. 335 335 |Zenmac 2500 1M 33% By + % C Astoria 5% 5% 5% + 14] 16% Candore 9 9 9 +1 Bee8szs 2 & ft 2 ¥ Segegee 863 3 28 Sales to 11 a.m.: 563,000. OPEN DAILY TILL 10 P.M. i aE | "pe, --s||--___sFRUIT & VECETABLES | | Yip YY ff FLORIDA ORANGES sme 398 FRESH AND GREEN BRUSSEL SPROUTS *hox. 2ue MUSHROOMS is 49° en ® 6b STYLES, SH LARGE FIRM Complete Glasses We Believe Them Te Se Ao rust, sae | CABBAGE , . > xa woe fe ONE LOW PRICE "ac dia ae ae CHOOSE FROM : Ste Th Ts ~ 34 ur Prices Now Only sank oan: one FROZEN YORK et % % M--% Here at King we ore proud to PRICE ONLY APPLE PIES Oe. oe. 39° * } | celle gt hry ne Ps SINGLE VISION LABORATORY TO BIRDSEYE 5 | , oi een ber Chae wet Seon, dH] ites ot x Us porns FRENCH FRIES . 2 xcs, 35° owe sf "pe ee Lak bain wy? : pd pata FRAZERVALE FROZEN > PROFIT VANCOUVER (CP) -- Van-| The protec primer eos 1 1.95 ALL GLASSES COM- FISH AND CHIPS REG, 67e FOR 59° couver lawyer Rockmill Myers t lity glasses ot PLETE WITH LENSES and William Foulder Robertson i ae oh 2 aang INDIVIDUALLY were sentenced to six years| LOW, LOW PRICES. _senioaaeoe meme GROUND TO YOUR H FRESH e e e SMOKED each Tuesday for bribing an! EXACT NEEDS, IN- RCMP officer. BIFOCALS oy OF Tuthas } The pair were found. guilty What i : KING hast Friday of ving Col. Tack! hat 4s the Complete with Frames GREEN ; | Lenses end Case. MacDonald "valuable consider-} ' ae ations" and a $1,000 bribe for : E IN i OPTICAL CO. co ge re | crate vect ete) SAVING & SPENDING | ocomsomme, | 17.95 | See me rare to a PLAN oacmae™ | mpans--auson - | EE ee Bagh: 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd floor wot"! at out low... low prices On one count of creel bribe. (find out N ovember 6th) LOW PRICES. PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA WED. TILL 12 NOON eee t it gl yd oe ne eg Branches in Toronte, Hemil London, Kitch , Sudbury, Peterb _ Seult Ste. Marie, } EVISCERATED CHOICE YOUNG FRESH er y the Crown on the con- spiracy to bribe charges against | Niegee fobs Pere et. rome: Boiling Fowl : LB. 39° Beef Liver a LB 29 the pair. . evenness caninacerae oven | c FRESH : Rump Roast us. 79 Pork Liver fist, °* ur, 29 BEEF $Q. OR ROUND END SLICED LEAN FRESH SHOULDERS ; Chuck Roast Beef ,, 45¢ Pork Yitsime""* ,, 478 BURN'S TID BIT RINDLESS PRESSWOOD'S Side Bacon soars 09° Cooked Headcheese 3° *] Rindless Bacon = ven; 59° + Wieners ae ROUND STEAK CHOICE BLADE OR ROASTS ROASTS BEEF lb. 79° lb. 59° discount sates Fara | Specials In Our Drug & Clothing Department ie | SOCKS GENTS' SUPER QUALITY a te 1 .00 for every adult SUGAR BAGS ssihiodie Bias 3/ 1.00 travelling with you PENCIL CRAYONS 24's REG. 2.19 FOR 1.89 on any round trip AMETHYST DISHES nec. 75e ron 9 Q* fare of $7 TONI PERMANENTS (232802 @ 1.75 or more ) HAND CREAM i dea sarees REG, 1.50 SPECIAL 75* nile Nh asses Z.B.T. BABY POWDER ne m1 BSF first class, tourist or coach. : MILK OF MAGNESIA sae nc. ssc ron OF a Neg asa SHOP AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S WE CASH PENSION AND PAY CHEQUES! CANADIAN PACIFIC Large Array of Children's Fall Clothing Just Arrived. Small Deposit Will Hold on CANADIAN NATIONAL Law-Away Plan Till Christmas!