< 32--articies for Sale SKATE EXCHANGE =~ 500 new Bauer skates are now in stock, we "ay 4 mi, trade-ins. Skates yo = the Oshawa's No. 1 Pin Bly Prince Street. maint CORONADO automatic new; occasiona' oe Repairs AUTO" 5 SODY REPAIRS. BRYCE COOK BODY SHOP 175 KING W. -- 728-8542 (Rear King St. Brewery) HOUSTON'S GARAGE and SERVICE STATION BRAKE SPECIALISTS, COM- PLETE BRAKE SERVICE " MOTOR TUNE-UP AND GENERAL REPAIRS 67 KING ST. WEST ' 723-7822 RENAULT -- PEUGEOT © AUSTIN 29--Autem Powe 1958 gig Pog pom. -" good Ritson | Best_ offer. Tel 1962 PONTIAC Gani. tour door, ti late, like new. Can finance. Tele 728-1203 1958 PONTIAC convertible, six, atto- matic, radio, white walls, Lassgatned lights, $1375. T 655-; 198 CHEVROLET, , Delray, automatic, mileage. One owner, $1 725-3768. 27--Real Estate for Sale HOR 6028 -- Deleting lot 0 25 10 S| moter .| Dial 725-3766. Se OSHAWA; Frey School, . 8-1 modern home, oan rated, new . furnace, cg a sale, terms 7595. perfection has not been at. tained. * Prince Andrew High School' in Dartmouth, N.S. is one where machines are being used for the first time this fall. A grade 10 class of 30 is being taught algebra. Principal Ger- ald J. McCarthy says this class and another being taught ' ventionally will write the same final exams and results will be -- as part of the experi- washer, like hier 1 chair; desk and chair; coffee table, step tables; 4 come chairs; console tabl; lamps. Apply 59 McLaughlin Blvd. BABY Lioyd, six: four-room bungalow ye gggee acc gay agi pea ally Wall ain-cylinde?, four- radio, low . After 5, Pemsorey good condition, oll neat, gar. condition, gar- age, paved drive, deep lot. Private sale. 723-3805. 'We can find no proof that teaching machines are worth the money being charged for them. But it's not entirely aj question of cost. I made a trip across Canada last year and found that several school dis- tricts which have used them have reached the conclusion that students learn as well but no better with machines than they did with teachers." Mr. MacKenzie, however, con- cedes that teachers. may bene- fit. It's too early to say defi- nitely but Grade 10 experiments seem to indicate that pro- grammed learning relieves the teacher of considerable exam marking and other routine work, he says. "It leaves the teacher with more time to devote to individ- ual students which is almost im- possible when he-is forced to take every student in a large class through every stage of a course." The big advantage seems to be that students can move at their own pace, Mr. MacKenzie says. Bright ones aren't forced to move so slowly that they lose interest. Below - average stu- dents aren't required to move too quickly and can thus cover the work thoroughly: COST IS HIGH « While programmed instruc- tion is still in its infancy, cost has already arisen as an impor- tant question. The simplest de- vice may cost only a few dol- lars. The more expensive ones exceed a thousand. One elaborate affair employe a sort of television screen which exposes a full page of informa- three or more state- through a course of study in one 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, gate 31,000 ne: radio Telephone ;|BOWMANVILLE north end, just listed. ee see iae tates room. 815,800, Joe 44 » rec! MA. 3-3672. Months of testing are neces- sary to determine whether a program has been put together so that one phase leads natur- ally to the next in perfect, pro- gression. The cost is significant in Can ada where each province is re- sponsible for its own educa- tional program and curricula may vary. : In Toronto it was found that a single copy.of a programmed Grade 9%course in algebra ran $13.25, just double the cost of a conventional textbook. PROVINCES WATCHING While. experimental programs are not formally by provincial education depart- ments, they are being watched with interest. Typical of gov- ernment reaction is the com- = of Malcolm MacKenzie, Prince Edward Island's deputy minister of education. He says there is no definite provincial policy on teaching machines but that they are being used for Grade 4 and 5 mathematics at Parkdale ele- mentary school in Charlotte. town and if results are favor- able they may be put to greater use. Ontario has perhaps the broadest experimental pro- gram. Edward McKeown of Tor- onto's Williamson Road public school is heading tests with 1,500 Grade 4 children in Lon- don, St. Catharines, Ottawa, Burlington, Toronto and its sub- urb of Etobicoke. Current tests will run to De- cember with progress reports from teachers every 10 days. -|Each class is split into three dent reads the i-|groups, one lorking entirely cates by pushing one of a num-|with* machines and pro- ber of buttons which statement|grammed material, one learn- Bane yavRRALL Victor, with radio, good condition. Green with beige inter- 4 ier. T e MO 8-5270 after 5 p.m. lo-|1956 FORD %4-ton, good condition, for|_ "lsale or part a for car. 728-3661. 725-5! -BRAND NEW BUNGALOWS $10,950 -- $10,950 Three Bedrooms $59.50 monthly, plus toxes|as Hazlett, 3005 Bathurst Street, 19, RUssell 3-1733 or evenings, Russel! NEW SUB-DIVISION eart of regional school in St. jour nna w! a fe-iGrade 9 class will use 35 ma- chines for algebra. In Montreal, where three Pro-- testant schools are ma- chines, H, G. Ferrabee, teach- ing aids consultant for the board, says: 'As far as I can see, machines are of more use in adult education. You need a certain maturity so they will probably be aimed primarily at the secondary schools." COLLEAGUE DISAGREES His colleague, Mr. Matthews, disageres on this point. "The level of learning for which these machines are used doesn't seem to matter," he says. "It fits into elementary and second- ary programs equally nicely." Machines are in only limited use on the Prairies, chiefly to show teachers what they can do. Two machines are being used in Portage la Prairie and Oakville in Manitoba. Regina bought one this fall for use at one school for re-~ medial work on Grade 9 alge- bra and spelling. W J. J. Walker, superintend- ent of Regina high schoois, says teachers there haven't taken. a stand on the machines, waiting to see what they can do before passing judgment. "If used as they should be," he says, 1 can see a good fu- ture for them." Two inexpensive machines were used in Roman Catholic junior high schools in Edmon- ton during the lattcr part of 1960 KARMANN GHIA (Vaikswages) radio, new $1750 from 5 to 8)' »ip.m. Apply 178 Albert. Telephone 728- * | 9846. Parts and Service STATHAM MOTOR SALES Dealer for Renault 59 KING STREET WEST __ 723-7712 deluxe 3,900 fully equipp- "| ibe2 VOLKSWAGEN miles, | ed. Telephone' 728-7949, | 1988 @ PONTIAC Laurentian, . radio, Frenk Dial 728-8592. BE haces 1953 ; CHEVROLET, pi private te sale, peppy engine, standard, radio, $150, 1958 Chev- rolet, good shape, standard, radio, $900. 27 Forest Road, Ajax. 942-2315. 1961 | CHEVROLET 'four door sedan, a sedan VA Phone Mrs. Handson Castle Homes Telephone 725-1186 Live Better Electrically in @ MEDALLION HOME ! JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD REALTORS LTD. INSURANCE 167 SIMCOE ST. 5. OFFICE pied A.M. to 9 P.M. 'GAGES ARRANGED, BOUGHT & SOLD TWO FAMILY Two storey brick, seven lorge fooms, pe. bathroom on each floor, oil heating pri- vete drive, bus right at the door, call now ond ask for Mr. Ratcliffe ot 725-6544. ONLY $12,500 Large 3 bedroom _ family home, super-duper kitchen, oil heat, landscaped, over- sized double garage, very clean, Only $12,500, Full sg 2 SS lent condition, Telephone 723 long, term open "iba 00 i958 METEOR, $75, in fair runni Caavt Be Saat, Cat Mr. Cow- Call Bill Millar rg Dig dg I er at 725-6544. 728-4818, SYLVIA ST. Castle Homes after 6 p.m., 723- 3510. 1932 CHEVROLET coupe, Oldsmobile motor, good runnin:g condition, $200. Also 1938 Ford coach. Ready for com-| petition. Best offer. Apply 227 Toronto Avenue Single Family Lots Duplex Lots $3,000 PER LOT Fully serviced. Located ot Adelaide Street and Wilson Road North. Call or write for copy of subdivision. DOWNS REALTY LT 3005. Bathurst Street Toronto 19 RUssell 3-1733 Evenings Russell 7-9387 ~~ Single or Double 1956 TR3" Sports car, , wire wheels, over- drive, bard (op, Michelin X tires. Ap-| ply 172 Central Park South, 723-9608. i960 FRONTENAC station wagon, low| mileage, cash or terms, Perfect condi- tion. One owner. Telephone 725- 53. ; | i956 PONTIAC, hardtop, automatic, | heater, radio, four door, in good condi- three-speed Good condi- Telephone i954 FARGO truck, half-ton, , good con- |dision, one Also snow tires, Telephone 1960 oe automatic, immaculate, $1,600, Cash or terms. Telephone after} _| 1960" VOLKSWAGEN | deluxe, German radio, rebuilt engine, minor body work 1958 PONTIAC Starchief, V8, automa- D. tion. telephone 7B. 6546. | 725-32 |S p.m. 725-3804, required. $900. Telephone 728-3966. tic, radio, fully powered, good condi- Family Dwellings $700 DOWN $700 Features interior decorating, double windows with screens, divided kitchens with double sinks, triple bedrooms, lengthy living rooms, On the spot' possession. tion, tu-tone green. Bowmanville 623-7018, i987 METEOR, convertible, custom radio, extras. $700 or best offer. Tele- phone Whitby, 668-3446. 1951 MORRIS Oxford will be sold rea-| sonable or will wreck and sell parts.) Telephone 668-5040 after 5 p.m. 1961 CHEVROLET, four door hardtop, automatic, radio, whitewalls, in excel- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monéey, Cetober 29, 1962 17 'Devi For Teaching sm, ee Spc k Liv ar lvely ebate white and mint ex p y 4 dition, reasonable, T: 723-7008, DANE ond sepet s0ee 0 Slee, By MEL SUFRIN Tent condition. $700, 'Telephone 723-2596. Canadian Press Staff Writer NATIONAL cash recisters Becket meat Schools in a es pe ees niversal deep freeze and/munities across Canada have sow naiy' priced. Apnly 'Harris Food |embarked on an educational ex- Eng Taunton Road East, RR 2/periment that 's generating lively debate. CLOTHES dryer, one year old; truck) In simple terms, it's the tarpaulin 12 eon nthing machine-lteaching machine experiment. sonable. 728-0547. Educationists prefer to discuss TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, rent- it in its broad context--pro- ; ; . N ; i s Staite STBecs cot, Wo eso Brammed learning with mech BF. GOODRICH Stores -- Tires, bat) 'The idea of a student sitting vision. Thrifty Budget Plan, 725 4543.\down before an electronic de- oe. traflers and hunters, Heating vice to learn mathematics or "PRE-WINTER __|ssuzmeti dessus, Sie, Acer French a INSURANCE muy evento" oni waned, Cae: anise _ ne Lanroerah fad. ; cfirome ext on les al ne ng that most seem to Tune-up for Winter Now | 725-0507. agree on, however, is that the -- Don't Delay BOAT. fibre ine, prunewick Seatirs;|machine will never replace the Winterize Your motor and Tee Nee trailer. Like new.|teacher, One informed estimate Car Today! $1,500, or best offer. Powmanvillelis that at most it will take over A-|_ MECHANICS WE buy, soll and exchange used furai-|"° more than one-third of class- Ken Durno's Garage ture or anything you have. The City|room work. : : : Trading Post Stores, 446 Simcoe Street) Just what impact teaching 574. King East --- Oshawa |South and 31 Bond Street East. 723-1671. 14 -ninos will make on Cana: _Tetephone 725-022) pote jheater,, Coleman, dian education depends on PROSKIN ition, 3 $75. 833 Glenbrae. many things, not the least of ¥2n-0008 which is the cost of the ma- AUTO BODY | REMINGTON noiseless {ypewriter, with/chines themselves and the pro- i grams that are to be fed into 83 RITSON RO. SOUTH. (ER ji i je for sale, brand new, ' : Behind Texaco Station Remington pump. Brooklin 655-3987. Most important will be 723-2632 BEDROOM 'uite: five pieces, wainati|whether results of experiments ' | 9 ille. convince authorities that ma- Paint Jobs $39.50 Up ee ge nenlings Gah oon sapphesai|Chines can do a better job, at EXPERT COLLISION WORK |pominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street|least in some subjects, than hu- Free Tune Up __Wrr,0thama. Gans, semana, Seet-/ man teachers, WITH EVERY PAINT JOB | WANTED -- a thousand pairs of good.) PROGRAM IS KEY Incluging, Rrekians [Town furaitare Gshawa's Nov 1 state| Experts emphasize that the LICENSED MECHANICS exchange. 19 Prince Street, 728-11 program is the key. A machine, Body Men TRAILER, box, with spare wheel, i ideal|they say, is useless without a Open. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m |rasrsan ere sieety ucence: Telephone! carefully prepared program of 320A rag Sal " instruction. And, somecontend, --Articles for Sale AIR conditioner, two dryers for beauty shop, in good condition, reasonable. ~| Telephone 723-3366, RECONDITIONED Singer el port- able, $19.95. Automatic portable, $119. And others. wa Sewing Centre. Simcoe South. 728-2391. GPNERAL Electric frigidaire, 1 medium size, $40; 2 nylon swivel chairs, $20 each; cupboards; other articles. Mov- ing. Telephone 725-9356. children can be taught jujst as well without a machine as long as the program is a good one. A Cross - Canada Survey by The Canadian Press shows that this fall about 20 communities are experimenting with teach-| HIGHEST prices paid ¢ for & good used | ------ furniture. Prettys Furniture Store, now located 444 Simcoe South only. 723-3271. DUPLICATORS, hand and _ electric, spirit or stencil, supplies. Hamilton Office Equip., 137 Brock S. MO 8-5849. CHINA mink jacket, 00d sfondition, Fo Size Telephone 728 * 1960 SIMCA sedan, deluxe model, 9000 miles. Excellent condition, $750. Tele- ihe thinks is correct. 3. yr. old clean, modern brick and stone bungalow, large lot asking only $12,500 and Telephone 725-1186 Live Better Electrically in o Phone MO 8-5056. 1959 VOLKSWAGEN | 'ielaxe two-door, private, lady owner. black, white walls. Would consider) it, rieion ow Low mileage. Jet lings 725-9423 full length, s aise 3 a wacaiiaat $45. Telephone even- COATS, ladies, winter, 14, like new, $10 each: new dresses, clearing at $1. 24 Prince Street. Telephone 725-9356. ing machines and programmed ing just from programmed in-|jast term. F. P. O'Hara, @ssist- learning. The machines range from) If he gets the irght button he is told he has answered cor- struction in textbook form, the other by traditional methods ant superintendent of separate schools, says they "didn't seem to offer any more than a text- book would have" although some students, especially the boys, seemed to like the idea of a machine. In British Columbia, Kitimat has a $15,000 language labora- tory at Mount Elizabeth High School. "'It has been a wise in- vestment," says principal Roy erry. 'Some 175 students have benefitted by improving oral fluency and language writing." The Fraser Valley community of Langley has also experi- mented with machines but hasn't come to any conclusions. By R J. SCOTT exotic push - button electronic marvels that steer a student through a course of instruction at his own rate of learning to a simple hand-operated device *ithat exposes blocks of subject material through a plastic win- ood | Ow. The teacher's role is dis- d by H. R. Matthews, su- pervisor of the course of study for Montreal's Protestant school board. "Machines can't replace the teacher or compete with her," he says. 'It must be teacher and machine, Lots of the drill work and rote learning can per- haps be better and more effi- ciently done by machine, leav- ing the teacher free to carry out the more significant aspects of education. "One disadvantage is that when a child is taught by ma- chine, no personal relationship, $00|20 affectionate bond can de- velop. Also, machines ignore J completely the value of a group spring bar-belis, $10. Apply after 4. p.m. | °° ' 4 Ti Beaapre Avenue PPY after 4P-m-| discussions as an educational LAT ectroh method. reconditioned, $98; Fleetwood 21" Low.|34---Lost & Found Roiggs mocangg: Ry Maly «alert "As for advantages, it cer- '* e new, . agher's, 5 LosT -- Pe: tai : Pees 3 c r King Street West. io Sey "ye male kitten, ae ainly individualizes instruction. Telephone 728-4476, blued Qhll-'Tt is like a personal coach. TAN and white spaniel, male, loot in| When the student stops, the ma- the vicinity Olive Avenue and Verdun|Chine stops too. road. Answers to Boots. Reward, Tele- phone 728-8803, QUESTIONS VALUE D. B. MacKenzie, assistant superintendent of the Vancou- ver school board, questions the whole idea. DEATHS By THE CANADIAN, PRESS CitawaJohn Bower (Bouse) Hutton, 85, flashy goalie of Ot- tawa's famous Silver Seven) hockey team that won the first! Stanley Cup in 1901. Edmonton -- William Irvine, 77, one of the founders of the CCF party in 1933, a former church minister and member of Parliament. Vancouver--Herbert C. Man-| ning, 49, veteran Canadian| newspaper man; of a heart at- tack. | Souris, P.E.1.--Harry D. Mc- Lean, 85, a former Conservative member of the Prince Edward Island legislature. Milan--Enrico Mattei, 55, the Italian government oil chief; in| a plane crash. New York--George Matthew Adams, 84, founder and owner of a newspaper syndicate serv- ice bearing. his name. Hamilton -- John J. En'ow, superintendent of the ga!vaniz- ing division of Dominion Found-| ries and Steel Limited. Toronto -- Capt. Clifford George Sloane, 74, who served in the merchant navy for 40 years. New York--Daniel C. Keefe, 71, honorary chairman of the board and director of Ingersoll- Rand Company Limited. Montreal -- Jean - Baptiste Nowlan, 67; journalist on. staff of Montreal La Presse since 1940 and former managing di- rector of the newspaper TEvan- deling in Moncton, N.B. Lord Snowden Has Checkup LONDON (AP)--The Earl of! Snowdon, Princess Margaret's) husband, left the National Hos- pital for Nervous Diseases Sun- day after what was called a "routine checkup which turned out satisfactorily." Lord Snowdon had been in the hospital since Friday night. He drove directly from the hospital to join his wife at Royal Lodge, Windsor. 1 carries for only $92 month including taxes. Call Jock Kopleby at 725-6544 or 723- 339 CARL B. OLSEN REALTOR 299 King St. Wes 723-1133 NORTH - WEST Three bed- room, 14 storey home with emagrge gorage and breeze- Lovely recreation room Brot ber, large landscoped lot. This property is in im- maculote condition through- out. Listed at only $14,200, with' excellent terms. NEW N.H.A. HOMES--Now weady for occupancy in Crest- woad Heights, off King St. East. Low down poyments. 6%% Mortgage. TRI-PLEX --- Located on Lansdowne Drive, fully equip- bed, all meere. Will ex- change for clear property. Call Corl Olsen ot 723-1133 or evenings 725-3412. THOMAS STREET--Custom built, three bedroom brick bunaglow, extra large living room, large fenced lot. Only $13,500. with. terms, For further information call us ot 723-1133. After 6.00 p.m. call -- Wes Elliott .... 728-058) Jeck Cornish ..; 723-4545 Jan Miller 725-2993 MEDALLION HOME! 29----Automobiles for Sale 7960 PONTIAC Strato Chief, sedan, low mileage, radio, whitewalls, discs, window washers, tint-| ed glass, back seat speaker, many) extras. Teleph: 1325. STUDEBAKER MERCEDES-BENZ D.K.W, - FIAT - N.S.U. 484 KING WEST SALE SAND SERVICE Opposite Shopping Centre NAGY Motor Sales |' Telephone 728-5175 | 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE _ | JAKE & BILL'S | GARAGE authorized VOLVO deoler TUNE UP AND AUTO ELECTRIC SPECIALISTS Full line of batteries, snow tires, exhaust systems, rod hoses, and whatever your car needs for the cold weath- er season. rectly. The screen then switches to a new page of: material, If he's wrong he's told where he made his mistake. Now the only button that will work is the one that returns him to the previous frame to try again. One adverse reaction to 'the machines comes from Robert Warren, superintendent of Cal- gary public school board. "The companies have gone hog - wild making complicated and expensive equipment. We realize programmed learning could help a lot of student both slow and fast students. But at this stage they are too ex- pensive. If the: 'prices came down and the machines were a little simpler to operate we'd start_using them on an experi- mental basis, perhaps in one school to start with." AVOIDS FRUSTRATION Dr. A. R, McKinnon, director of research for the Toronte Board of Education, says an advantage of this type of pro- grammed instruction is that the student is never-in the dark about how he is doing. No matter how long it takes he ultimately comes up with the right answer, he says, adding] that the minor success leads to major success. The average or below-average student may thus avoid the Sense of frustration that often results from inability to keep up with the rest of the class. If m are expensive, so are properly prepared pro- grams. One estimate based on work being done in California is that it may cost as much as $50,000 for a team of experts to draw up a program that will lead _a_ student step by step Results will take at least 18 months to correlate. NOT PERFECT Mr. McKeown says it is ap- parent that programmed self- instructional machines have a great deal to offer if a number of inherent weaknesses can be He says it is unlikely that the less - sophisticated, less - ex- pensive devices will ever com- pletely overcome the problems of accommodating individual differences but disagrees with those who suggest experiments are a waste of time because SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK trade. Telephone MO 8-4728. 1956 FORD, ranch wagon, automatic, radio, good condition. $600 or make offer. 728-0177. 1957 PONTIAC four-door hardtop. six- cylinder, automatic, 31,000 miles. Excel- \lent condition. Apply 500 Fairleigh Av- | enue. 1958 CHEVROLET, four-door sedan, radio, good condition, $150. Apply 741 Beaupre Avenue after 4 p.m. 1958 PONTIAC, one owner > radio adio plus extras, $1,150. Telephone 758198. 1956 BUICK, four-door hardtop, auto- matic power equipped, needs repair; radio, $250. "Telephone 728-0079. 1958 FORD convertible, all white, stan- dard 8, $1595. Will accept trade, can finance 728-4045. 1958 HILLMAN Minx, excellent runnin| car, immaculate inside and out, winter- ized, many extras. Telephone 725-5691 days. 725-5697 nights. fe 1960 VAUXHALL Velox 19,000. miles,|OLD guns wanted, rifles, shotguns, re-| one owner, lady's car, After 6 telephone |Volvers and pistols; ry 'old cartridges. 723-9364. se alg. 8 . .|Telephone 725-8183, Oshawa. 1959 CHEVROLET Biscayne, standard|BEFRIGERATOR, apartment Yu * four- door, |Tangette, heavy duty, two burner, both poke ggg ong bed ard Lae. new 'ood Must be sold. ety Adelaide | West. 725-7576. 1960 CHEVROLET station wagon, Vé|GIRL'S clothing, size power akes, power steering. Price $2,100. Apply 6 Ritson Road South, | 1952 AUSTIN, good condition, cheap|TWO transportation. Should be seen to ap- preciate. Telephone 725-5969. CONVERSION oll burners, used, plete with all controls, excellent oe ion. Apply Jack Perry, 285 t West. 723-3443. rarer QUEEN Sales and Service, Liberal trade-in allowance. Free dem- onstration. Telephone 728-4683. aig COAT, full beni size 20. Excel- condition, once, $45 be best ae, 159 Celina Str Street. 725-890: FINDLAY stove, coal and aa suit- able for cottage. Best offer. Coolerator refrigerator, $75, Telephone 723-9221. FURNACE, coal or wood, in good dition. Will ye Fag offer, After 5 p.m, telephone 7: WOOD and coal "canted furnace, also cook stove, Norge oil. space heater, large. 1952 Meteor coach, $65. Apply 6 Pacific Avenue. BEAUTIFUL clean white nylon wedding gown, size 14, veil head- dress and crinoline, $40 or reasonable joffer. Apply 588 a Avenue. com- VACUUM cleaner repairs, all makes, eon-|parts, attachments, brushes, guaran- Bloor|teed rebuilt machines. Estimates becd Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Serv- ice, 728-0591 91 anytime. AWN INGS, canvas. fre Prompt ree Chair, table oe Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. RCA Vietor vd ton air conditioner, Girls' or boy's judo suit, ee 3, $10. 728- cos, TYPEWRITER ,adding machine, cash register, calculator, check writer, con-|scales, meat slicer. Very reasonable. 723-4434. FURNACES, forced air, 10-year guar- antee, $2.25 per week, no down ee Package deal, $130. Telephone 725- FURNITURE -- Bedroom, living room and kitchen sets. Telephone 728-9684 be- tween 5-9 ) Pat ™m, BEFORE buying or selling televisions, furniture, refrigerators, stoves, washers, Call Elmer Wilbur, Hampton. CO 3-2294. LARGE Oil space heater with fan and pes, used one season, $45. Apply 500 leigh Avenue, CHROME high chair and commode, $9; | Lady's ~~ i, | | --_-- 6. Three-piece snow tires, tubeless, on wheels size 670 x 15 used only one winter, A-l ' 723-4518. i962 CHEVROLET Impala, sui two door hardtop, 300 porsepowsr> four speed transmission, radio and bucket seats, Will take trade. 226 Cordova Road. 1958 VAUXHALL, Velox 6 cylinder, Ai condition. Actual mileage 22,000. One owner. $850 or best cash offer. Tele- Phone 723-7742. 1957 PONTIAC station w 'wagon. mn. One owner since new, Automatic and power equipped, radio and white walls, new car guarantee. Must sell. Private. MO 8-5152. 1961 PONTIAC two door Strato Chief, V8, automatic, white walls, like new. eg a trade. Must sell. Telephone 723-797 BRrusk Hm BAGS ANISTRALIAH AURKEYS. LAY WME! VEcerAnues. Ai Next Gen HE DECAY HASCKES WHE ECGS, SCRAPS. STUDENTS, a super value, approxi- mately 630 sheets of letter size paper (newsprint), for only $1.00. Makes won- derful copy paper. Apply Circulation Department, Oshawa Times, or Whitby, 111 Dundas Street West. BEDROOM suite, kitchen set, chester- field, ane bed, carriage, in excellent condition. be cleared, Make an offer. aces' Furniture, 424 Simcoe |- Street South. PIANO upright ,cherry mahogany fin- Pe $170; Muskrat coat, % length, size jewing hine treadle, | i ood | n condition, 35 L eg al | |FURNITURE at its best, High a quality, NOTICE TO CREDITORS low, low prices. Continental beds com- ae Five piece chrome set $27. IN THE ESTATE OF '| THOMAS HENRY SMITH, DECEASED All persons having claims against the Estate of THOMAS HENRY SMITH, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, Retired Gentleman, ' deceased, who died on the 3rd day of Octo- ber 1962, must file their claims with the undersigned before the 15th day of No- vember 1962 after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed, having regard only to claims so filed. - DATED this 18th day of October, 1962. LOUIS S. HYMAN,.Q.C., 37 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontaio, Solicitor for the Executers. LOST in Darlington township, long hair- ed German Pointer, brown, looks like Irish setter, tattoo in ear, answers to Menne. Reward. 728-9697. COCKER SPANIEL, mal Diende, lest Mog in Oshawa on Sunday. Name Toronto tag, green colar, T Ne To. ronto collect, LE 7-1191. | General Repair and Fina Service 449 RITSON RD. S. 728-0921 [27--Real Estate for Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED Reg Aker--President Bill McFeeters -- Vice-President EXECUTIVE HOME oe ' , 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, good condition. Can be financed. Telephone Brooklin, 655-3677. 1961 MERCEDES Benz 180, 4 door sedan, safety belts, excellent condition throughout. $2,575. 728-4335. 1962 PONTIAC Parisienne. One owner, two door hardtop, excellent condition, automatic, power steering, power seats, |$ rr radio, whitewalls, plus many extras.| with see! wed quick sale, $2,800. Telephone} |springs, mattresses, guard rail and lad- 723-3 Wi wet wood HOLD PAINT FOR LONG PERIODS Nt Ce ae ote : ; grb grate a hed no, PLEASE! 'You always do better eg ote | i962 aaVeETET Impala, four door|~ Furature Cosoapy. 2 hardtop, Roman red, matching interior, HONEST Cal's big discoun 8 cylinder, t ic beds, power steering and brakes, radio," etc. |$28.88; 5 piece chrome set $28.88; 10,000 miles. Excellent condition. pri- Owner moved to Toronto must sell this beautiful ranch style bungolow in this most desirable location, contains beautiful liv- ing room. with stone fireplace, dining room areo has built-in chine cobinet. The very modern kitchen is evertyhing to be de- sired by the modern housewife. 3- lovely. bedrooms, extra rec. room, home tastefully decorated, attached oe drive, beautiful lawns, bus service at door, Handy to Is etc Asking $19,800. Terms. PHONE HENRY STINSON, 725-0243. WHITBY CLASSIFIED FOR RENT -- Dundas East, 103-B -- Unfurnished apartment, four rooms, bath, heated, 19 conveniences, _suit- able for coup! $65. set belted Motors, MO aan or MO 83477 CLEARANCE sale, English wool | top. bonged od en. Regular $50; to clear at $25 each. Mercantile Sore, Whitby. ¥ | |\piece chesterfield, nylon frieze covér- vate sale. 84 Warren Avenue, 725-3870. ing $98.88; smooth top mattresses, 54) $19.88; bedroom suite comolete =" inch, 1955 CHEVROLET four door, automatic, with spring and smooth top mattress, | power brakes, push button radio, snow |siog.9g; General Electric washing ma- lires. A-l condition. First offer over! chines with trade $88.88; deluxe high-| $425, 1948 Mercury 4 ton truck, $75.|chairs $10.88; cribs regular size with| Telephone after 5 p.m:, 725-9279. | mattress and bumper pad $32.88. Try) Pree Honest Cal's for furniture or aoviiancss,| BUYING OR SELLING the store that will not be Madeenie | TED CAMPIN |frattettotat Sete sami e MOTORS |day. Located King Street East, past the! At a at Varcoes Corner, felephone 72-19 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA (Just East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res, 725-5574 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down, Liens paid off." DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 30---Automobiles Wanted LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want Highest prices paid.| Pay Him Promptly ! He's on YOUR . PAYROLL ery sell, "exchange. buy the most. We sell the most. We pay the most. FOR YOUR NEEDS, CALL Valley Creek Furniture | 728-4401 - SRINTES NEW AND USED C.C.M. ond Bauer Brands. Also sharpening service. VICTOR'S 40 Bond West 723-3141 "Best Quality WINDOWS Clean From Inside Special Discount until Christmos $10. PER WINDOW Delivered, Installed Now $18 GALEA WINDOWS | 728- 5253 Anytime 728- 9257 DRAPES Most Modern Designs: abstract, Colonial and floral patterns: Made to order, Drapery Fabrics yd. 98c up. M and C Dry Goods 74 CELINA ST, 723-7827 FOR RENT: Four room anfurnished| | We pollen third floor . One child wel- We come. $70 ey: "Telephone MO 8-5709. FOR FOR RENT: Three room unfurnished d ove. pis spans floor. Lig hed fan HO 88 one double room for Very a Apply 400 Dundas West. + Gaits, coats, dresses, , slip covers, drapes. & specialty. Mrs. Toms, MO 8-2372. NT: Four third fl Fone child wel joor. ~ -- oe Telephone MO tanks ined. irest West. Te Telephone 668: 'bed RENT: Heated apartment, three rooms with bath. TV ou Available FOR SALE -- 1a Pickering and Whit Two ms, and 10 acres. |Call Toronto HU 8-093 FOR RENT: Rovenber 1, in apartment building, 545 Mi +7 orem East, 2 bed- bend 'spertment, $90, . Adults only. MO STUDENTS A super value, approxi: | 7 mately 630 sheets of letter size typing |~ beard} (news print) for only $1.00. Ap ey Office, Whitby. Times ply wa RENT -- ar private bath, Telephone MO 8-404. lu INDITIONED student typewriters. early for Sater choice. oo Equip., 137 Brock S. MO 8-584! Whitby's only fuel _. dealer carryi complete line of FUEL I" in various sizes, "Blue Coa Pit orCok OSHAWA | TIMES NOTICE TO. CREDITORS ESTATE OF ELIZA WARD (GENERALLY KNOWN AS ELSIE ELIZA WARD) All persons having claims against the Estate of Eliza Ward (generally known aos Elsie Elisa Ward), late of the City of Oshawa in the Coun- ty of Ontario, deceased, who died on or about the 20th doy of August, 1962, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of November, 1962 full particulars of their claims, after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. Dated at Oshawa this 11th doy of October, 1962. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILLMAN 36% King Street East Oshawp Ontarie = Newspaper's cars for 725-1181. $ALL CASH$ -- | For clean cars we deal up or down. Liens paid off. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. | 512 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY MO 8- 8001 Cys CARS WANTED _ Buying o New Car? Sell your used Car to 'Ted' Talk "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and 'SAVE". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 USE THE -- OSHAWA TIMES CLASSIFIED COLUMNS YOUR CARRIER is an enterprising young man in business to serve you and the many other customers -- on his newspaper route, quickly and dependably: each day. HE BUYS his papers from us at the wholesale rate and sells them to you at retail. The difference in price pays' him for serving you. AND BECAUSE he works for you in this way, he looks to you for payment each collection day. : hus, he is on your "payroll", not ours;"and appreciates being ty promptly -- so that he can pay his own poper bill and enjoy the full profit he has earned! The Oshawa Times WHITE paper in 100 'ft. rolls, suitable for picnic tables, ete, Available at the Circula- tion: Department, per roll. FREE Have your furnace cleaned free this Fall. and guer- anteed trouble free al! win- ter..1f you purchase 'White Rose" unified fuel oil from Western Oil Company. DIAL 725-1212 __ FALL SALE Used Boats, motors, trailers, cabin treilers, tent trailers, Camping, garden, lawn equip- it. menWILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1415 Dundas St, East ~ WHITBY = MO 8-3226 .° Oshawa Times. 77e Hardwood Softwood Texocd Fact and Stove Oils. SAWDONS' (WHITBY) LIMITED 344 St. South t Whitby Solicitors for the Executor, FREDERICK LANE