16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Getober 29, 1962 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS CE DIRECTORY TV--Radio Repairs OFFICE HOURS: 8 A.M. to 5 P.M, Serardey 8 to th |26--Rooms for Rent ONE LARGE room in clean, quiet ae gentiemen or lady, . Apply 45 Drew Street or "| PERNEILL boulevard, 108, furnished board Suit or lady, Telephone 728-1370. CENTRAL to hospital -and Gewaiowa furnished bedroom, for suitably: {ployed women only. Telephone 725-0238, DREW STREET, 4 -- two partly fur- nished light housekeeping rooms, = stairs. Couple preferred. Telephone P.m, 723-4152, Call the Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERV Building Trades DO YOU have a roofing problem? Try Super Zone. Agent, H. C. Andrews, 723-9579. YOUR local duilt and linings pyr vecurmek " yree estimates. 723-2997, ALL -- of building repairs, roof- hg yoo stoops. Gordon May, 728-0394, Cartage JOHN'S MOVING AND STORAGE, Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully equipped and insured. Phone 728-3661. Fuel and Wood FACTORY hard wéod cuttings. Suit- able for stoves, furnaces, etc. Deliver- ed, Telephone 728-8535. FREE Have your' furnace cleaned free this fall and guar- anteed trouble free all win- ter. If you purchase "White Rose" unifined fuel oil from Western Oil Company. DIAL 725-1212 Furnace Cleanout FREE Street East. 723-7232. PRIVATE and corporation monies to|PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair- FINA "FUEL jlend on all types at taatteageay mort-|dressing, 396 Pine Avenue, Teleshone 5363. ia jsages and agreements of sae pur-| 725: ROSS HILL ned: 200 Rerenenees Ot S89 Site SPENCER foundation garmens 728-776) t---Houses for Rent LOVELY FIVE-ROOM brick oe eenen: partly furnished, in good condition, at- tached garage, nite location, child bs ong vacant November 1. wea m Apply 478 Park Road South. Tika SaDRGE bungalow, "sil heat f\with hot water, one block from two chools on Simcoe North. Available November 1. Apply 1043 Hortep Avenue, 25--Apts. & Flats tor Rent KING Street East, 1389, three-room apartment, eines, Adults, $40 monthly. felephone 7: state _|COLBORNE lee m 27--Real Estote' for Sole _ vate entrance. heat and utilities. Nov. 15. Telephone 723-4477. NEAR General ego North, -- ment apartment. rooms, bath a laundry folios. Telephone} 725-307: 8--Hunting GEEZ HUNTING camp and 300 acres private land, excellent hunting area. Accommodates four or more in Mada- waska Valley, 28 miles east of Algon- quin Park. Apply to W. J. Olsheskie, Barry's Bay, Ontario, Box 104. 16--Female -- Wanted |17--Male | Help Wanted SHO: Apply | + CARETAKER wanted, perm- in tea Beg Ganouba't Motel janent position, smajl horse farm near --~|Toronto, married, some experience with PIANIST WANTED for Saturdays only. horses nec ry, age 35 to 45, sepa- Classical and popular music. Tele-/rate house, provided plus)' phone 728-7902. jer $200.00 to $225.00 per month pe jalificat! HOUSEKEEPER middie aged lady to Foronts EMpire 6-8074 tor live in, mother and son, four room! ment, write 14 Pine Ri Drive, hanesion, Tebernees 72-00". |Sarboroust, Ontario, if evoking GIRL or woman, ed inpack aging, for self-serve meat Geoktoua| '18--Male or Female Help 'S\five-day week. Write full particulars. Address Box 902, Oshawa Times. i Wanted SOveeReeree required, two ---- ol GERMAN TEACHER motheriess home. 7am. asta after 6 p.m. HOUSEKEEPER wanted immediately 9--Summer Properties | for Sale or Rent ___|LAKESHORE cottage property, burton. district, wooded lots, good road: en hydro available, 95 miles from shawa. Reasonable prices, terms can 119. Money to Loan ae CASH funds, W. Street. 723-2512 or residence, Whitby; Whitby, MO 8-5765. MONIES FOR MORTGAGES Monies available on First Mortgages ot 7% per annum without bonus. CLASSIFIED AD RATES 6 CONSECUTIVE LV RENTALS, by the day, y, week, or month at Parkway Television, 918 Simcoe North. 723-3043. ie arranged, MO 8-8 TV, RADIO, car radio repairs, all} ns 11--Articles for Rent while mother works, Must be fond of p.m, makes, Thompson. Electronics, 157) Elliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred). Dishes, cutlery, glasses, chip . ' . Telephone after 6 TV AERIALS and dip sets, punch bowls, [freer Tle chinese bowls and chop sticks, |§o0KKEEPING machine operator and| for first mortgages, Private McAuley, Realtor, 28 Prince "for children's all/class, Saturday mornings only, Please jcall. Mrs, Staeger, 725-9683. | ORGANIST _ and 25 words or less Cash Charge Bogen Cc i) pea Abb 3.75 4.13 3 Consecutive Insertions 2.25 2.48 If not poid within 7 ges the Charge rate will apply Above rates apply only to original orders for consecutive insertions. Subsequent insertions ordered ot a later date constitute a new originol order, Professional and Business listings $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily. Each odditional line $1.60 per month, Each word, initial, er figure counts as a word. charge 5c additional. All Classified Advertisments must be in by 5 p.m. the day be- fore publication except Births, In Memoriam, Cards of Thanks which will be accepted until 9 a.m. Deadline for Lost and Found ond Cancellations and Corrections 8:30 a.m. Office Hours Daily 8 - 5. Saturday 8-12. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times wil! not be responsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted otherwise than in writing, mot for more than tne incorrect insertion of any adver- tisement, nor beyond the price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error eccurs. And also reserve. the right to classify advertising according to its own classification. out, storms and seen. landscaped eaanae Street, unfurnished three- room apartment, "i ca entrance, Telephone 725-9083 * after 5. on WA) D ' daytime abbreviation Interested Parties Box Contact* H. M. COLEMAN 103 John St., Port Hope , TELEPHONE PORT HOPE | (885-2477 Bookkeeper in good condi-, Mortgages PRIVATE PARTY to invest in first and second mortgages. Agreements for sale and mortgages purchased. No fees, no waiting, immediate service for quick results. Call 723-3211; eve- nings 725-2539. FIRST and second mortgages. Sale agreements purchased and sold. Hen- nick and inate pe apae ed 31 King DO WEAR OUT coffee urns. typist required immediately. Write = CHOIR LEADER ne a other i 1 136, Oshawa Times. Monies also available REPLACE NOW SARGEANT S iba ol Ret Be te eg ae Required for METCALE oe ee Aadienints While weather and prices ore patie 763 oF 725-281 26, Telephone 738-| St. Paul's ise : | pcan ot their best. \« Sue, Seas ee COLBORNE East -- Self contained imi for Sole purchased. | REAL ESTATE FIRM _ Presbyterian Church ines toons. bak, aery seer Real Estate Limited M. F. SWARTZ TRIO TELEVISION |72--Articles Wanted | REQUIRES WOMAN | private entrance, wuliliee | supelied.| 40 King St. E. Dial 728-4678 Short "- term and Builders' 171 BOND STREET EAST ; --"vieabe sail Wart| Q PORT HOPE |aa77. se lok 'bail Mortgage at reasonable rates. CALL 728-6781 723-9038; evenings, | FOR |361 GRIERSON 'Street four ma VERSIDE DRIVE NORTH a ene eee rial rag SECRETARIAL DUTIES) | yooen f | ' : tove, also two rooms, furnished or un-| Most attractive 3 bedi -- : re. -- at Well Drilling = Digging -- lier will: opentdae® eee upright, Tele furnished, bus. line 725-329. bungalow on well landscaped ashlee i ciues ict 9 W. WARD phone 668-8631 rdigagd athe some accounting MCMILLAN Drive, 68, crc ggine lot. Large living room step 2 e nce, i }! WELL DIGGING by . SHAW | Apply Box 735 Oshewe Times baih 'and' entrance, heavy duty 'range,| S0¥iN0, kitchen plus' good MACHINE AUTO WRECKING CO. | = oe geile llersentel ees iI Bround, ree roo 'i | efore 7.3 screens a round, rec room, SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE Wants cars for wrecking. | SALESLADIES 24 BLOOR three-room furnished apart-| and close to separate, high WHITBY, ONTARIO | Parts for sale, also scrap iron Full or part time In Oshawa, and public schools. Asking MO 8-2563 -- MO 8-3809 | and metals, etc. bought Whitby, Ajax, Brooklin ond $13,700.00 with reasonable 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST | Open Saturday all day. Phone Port Perry areas. | | CANADIAN {ment, close to south General Motors, {utilities supplied, $22 weekly. Apply ------"" 241 Bloor. \ON NE bedroom apartment in Brook!in in apartment building, close to schools and \shopping, heated, parking space, $50 joey Brooklin 655-3611. | ROWMANVILLE two apartments main floor, three rooms, private bath, $65. Also basement apartment, three rooms, $45. Telephone 623-3735. BROCK STRFET -- three-room, heated nag eer ig ots and hot water,' part- $70. down payment. Early occu- pancy on this gem, Call to inspect. CENTRAL PARK BLVD. N. Ideal for the family needing 2 bedrooms. Extra large liv- ing room, good sized kitchen, well landscaped lot, close te all services. A reali buy at only $11,900.00. This won't last long. 4 BEDROOMS -- GUELPH STREET In immaculate condition -- complete in everyway -- well decorated, storm windows, doors, T.V. antenna, close to public, separate and high schools. All large rooms. Asking only $14,500.00 with reasonable down -payment. P.O. BOX 329 |725-2311 -- 89 BLOOR E! 1--Women"s Column a i PETROFINA LTD. WANTED | TELEPHONE 728-7761 SEND FEATHER TICKS. YOUNG | WOMAN| | For Record Bar | | We invite applications from experienced persons, [Telephone Satie capable of handling |AFARTMENT: tro rooms and xitchen, 1725-0915; after 8 p.m., 728-4564. a complete set of books | to trial balance. and ano Scrap Iron and Metals (collect) 1. TURNER hased. Creighton, Drynan aod Mur- i q brassieres, individually designed; = ses Beneran Bil scadchroneda it EO 2 slips, panty briefs, Spiretia garments. MORTGAGE LOANS Mrs, J. Hendershot, 324 Admi:a: Road. Available for. | f 723-2043 -- 723-2281 pe 'mci Norebin a 2--Personal residential, industrial, city, [ar YOU HAVE a drinking problem,|!3--Business Opportunities suburban, country and sum- jwrite to Box 333, Whitby, or call MO| Foe-sare or lease, North Oshawa ser mer cottages. |8:3084 or 725-0893. _.|vice station, three bay garage, Show-| TRY THE OSHAWASH Frigidaires Coin Laundry for the fastest, cleanest |wash. 451 Simcoe Street South. |A DEDICATION service will be con-|FOR SALE -- Good renlal income |ducted by the ministers of the Oshawa|proyerty. Apartments and garages, cen- | Mini ial Association at Mount Lawnjtral location, low taxes, sound invest- Oshawa, Ontario--725-3568 i Memorial Park Nov. 4, at 2.30 p.m. bed ment. Apply Box 949, Oshawa Times. |Nursing H Homes {the memory of those 'resting in the |LYNTONHURST | Ma -- older Park Lawn and other Gardens| |fortable rooms, ogg oo com, aide to dedicate the five new Gardens|ONE HOUR MARTINIZING In the case of display advertise- ments, The Times will not be held "sponsible for' more space that in which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavour to reproduce. all advertising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisment, if any inaccuracies in any form ore contained therein. ln jd eB | than | | } Gardening and Supplies TORKEY MANURE -- three bushels $1.00. No straw. Turkey Farm, %4-mile west of flashing light at Coimmbus. 700. |GLEN Street, large two-bedroom apart- ment, private four-piece bathroom, semi-private entrance, $65 monthly. Quiet adults preferred. 725-9508. |HARWOOD Street. batt yoda fur- 'A knowledge of Payroll entrance, sma baby welcome: Aste |above or 725-2256. procedure is necessary. |wo-noom apartment, Wight housekeep: Group Insurance and Age 16 to 25 years. Ex- | perienced in cash. Full time work. Apply in person. The Disc Shop Oshawa Shopping Centre | 17--Male Help Wanted | room. Stock room and office. Semi- detached duplex rents for $145 SUMMERLAND SECURITIES per month, Occupied. Telephone 723-7539. | | LIMITED | 112 Simcoe St. North LOAM, GRAVEL WASHED STONE MULCHED FILL Tractor and loader work. oy «5 1 PATRICK G. MeDANTEL, AACI, Real Estate gene and Broker, Whitby. Phone MO 8-2311 ing, unfurnished, heat, hydro ge Beat nae stop. 343 Ritson Road North. APARTMENT, three rooms, clean, is invited aren a etn ie ont Sa s ns, ier Accountants LEONARD JAMES Certified! Lots levelled. Reasonable rates. 725-2156 Public Accountant, ge 205W, Osb-| awa Centre, 725-9953. . BOB CLANCY'S Gakarie 'Accounting Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond Street West. 725-0397. Res. 723-7605. FRIEDLANDER AND Boag Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus- tee in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, Oshawa. 728-7371. HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char- tered Accountants, 172 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, 725-3509. WILSON AND BURROWS, chartered Accountants, 114 King Street East, Osh- awa; Ronald F. D.. Wilson, CA; G. Edmond Burrows, CA. 728-7534. MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL and Co., chartered Accountants, 728-7527, 135 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ajax OSHAWA HILLSIDE shut-ins. No senile patients. Orono, tele- phone 1308, Optometrists and Monuments. Everyone ~ Removal of superfluous | hair, ae Marie Murduff will be in Oshowao, Oct. 29, 30, 31. Ie. ae TUCK, agg Optometrist, Please a Bank or 74 | Burke Street. invalids ex- amined at home. Dial 725-4587. F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom pect ll the examination of eyes, contact 136 Simcoe North,' at Colborne Evenings by appointment. 723-4191. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appointment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 LANDSCAPING For Sodding, Seeding Ever- greens. Topsoil. Grave! drive- ways, Sidewalk Slabs, WH 2-0890. Whitby, MO 8-4131. Auto Parts Save At Western Service Centre Repairs to All Makes LICENSED MECHANICS 145 King West--728-1607 "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" Barristers BRUCE V. MACKAY, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. OSHAWA 1259 SIMCOE ST. N. 723-3222 All your gardening needs. A-1 Top Soil and Sod The Best In Garden Design Free Of Chorge funds available, a --_-- Street East. 723-1107. Res. 985-7 Household Repairs | PHONE 723-9020 | GARDEN CENTRE. Painting ond Decorating NEW winter rates! Papering and paint- nie? syproc applied and taped. Dial 7 |"3--Pets & Livestock PURE bred Boxers for sale, Telephone MO 8-5472. DEER hound, two years old guaranteed, ~~ DODD & SOUTER PAINTING AND DECORATING CONTRACTORS Painting, Paperhanging Gyptex, Full Wall Murals j Spray Painting ; 107 BYRON ST. S., WHITBY DAYS MO 8.5231 NIGHTS 725-7426 has all needles, large breed. Apply 21 Beatrice Street. Telephone 725-3190. DEER HOUND, purebred (Walker). R3. Telephone Orono 36 LABRADOR pups, Golden, registered, five weeks old. Telephone 263-2395. RABBITS -- purebred breeding stock and 100 pens, also meat type. Tele-| phone 728-8926. BOXER PUP for sale, femaie, nine weeks, fawn eer 252 Quebec Street Personal Service or BEAUTIFUL =e budgies, ready for MODERN GRILL | Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home | Made Pies and Desserts. | WE DELIVER | 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH ' ! 725-3887 LOUIS 5, awaan. a Barrister, Soll- eitor, Notary, Alger Building, 37 King Street East. 723-4943. Mortgage mon- ies available. HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soli- citors, etc., 114 King Street East, ay 723-2278. ee ae phones: J. ones Daag BSc., 725-3363; Terence ¥ Ke » BCL, 728-5832. aching H, DONALD, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, 52% Simcoe North. 728- 2765. f . BA, and THOMAS 5. GREER, Associate Barristers and Soli- citors, 130 King Street East. 728-6246. Mortgage loans available. JAMES A. MacDONALD, BA ,LLB., Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- lic. The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Client park- ing available, %. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici- tor; etc. 13% Simcoe Street North. Offices 723-1101. Residence 725-5542. BOWMAN, DAVID D., Barrister, Solict- tor, 3% Simcoe South, 725-9592. Resi- dence 728-0264, Ontario, POLISHERS, IRONERS Service Guarnateed 5 years' experience Formerly with THOR of Canada TELEPHONE 725-8296 FREE ESTIMATES HARDWOOD AND TILE OLD FLOORS REFINISHED Free Estimates BANK'S FLOORING | TELEPHONE 728-8813 ! 'Instruction bing and Heating | |Pl and rr remodelling of all t type: jnew and used materials. Reasonable rates, Free estimates, 725-1334. Mc-| |Grath ath Plumbing and Heating. |ALL PLUMBING ana heating suppil |Phone 725-3521. Harold H. Stark, Ltd, Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, |255 Simcoe Street South. MANURE for sale, delivered. Telephone training, talking strain. Apply Mrs Broad, 114 Elgin Street Kast. 4--Market Basket PUMPKINS each 25 cents, . earrote, | bushel $1.00. W. Eyman, % mile east of Nichols Garage, Courtice. Go north to} first corner. APPLES -- Snows, Macs, Spys, Orange Blemings, $1. and up. Bring contain- ers. Thickson's Road, half-mile rorth of Taunton Road. Algoma Orchards. 5--Farmers Column | 725-6028 for further infor: \CASH on the spot. Highest Collect 3-2721. Margwill Fur Farm, Licence 149. Cotas! Tyrone | | |ALL TYPES or repairs and remodel- jing, new and used materials. Reason- able rates, Estimates free. Dial ty 728-6931, J. J. Foley. ALL WELL . _ But if you insist on the best... call GUSCOTT PLUMBING, land HEATING Limited} | 207 Simcoe St. $.--725-5132 HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton,| tap, RAD Ballet, Highland. Register now. 424 King Street West. 725-6122 McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Solicitors, Clients' funds available for first mortgages, 20 Simcoe | PRIVATE teacher, student counsellor, 15 years' experience. By- interview | only. Act now ona ered North 725-3566; Charles C. OC; Edgar F. * estedo, QC. PIANO LESSONS Miss DONALD BLAKE DODDS. Barrister and Solicitor, 26% King Street East. Telephones: Business 723-2201; dence 728-5373. Judith Davison Esty) Agrly 812) Hortop. Telephone 725-3 Resi-| ORGANIST - cnOiE director, h ly qualified. Presently fully cio. JOSEPH P MANGAN, QC, Barristers) tim, Solicitor, Money to loan. Office, 14% King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. oo change. Write Box 42, Oshawa) GLEAN MAE MARSH, DEA, DMA, MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block, 26% King Street East, 723-4697.. Resi- dence, dial 723-4029. HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and BILL- MAN. Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King Street East, Oshawa; R, D. Hum- School. Ballet, tap, acrobatic; bre-schoo!] kinderdance. Fridays, Satur- days. Masonic Temple. 723-7253. MUSIC lessons, classical and popular, Piano accordion, violin, guitar, eaxa- Phone, clarinet, drums etc. New and used instrunients, Alto Music Suppiles,|-- 453 Simcoe Street South. th, 725- 1501. eye QC; G. 8. Boychyn, BA, QC; Hillman, LLB. Office 721-5177, $s-i179 Residence, ey rege) adi hithy MO 86-2761, 725-5203. NHA other mortgage funds available. CREIGHTON, DR YNAN AND MUR- DOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, Notar- fes og Bag of Commerce Build- Sim: Street North, Oshawa, fetus. 723-346, Residences: T, K. BURNS SCHOOL 'Rug Upholstery Service |CHESTERFIELDS a and old chairs ¢ re \covered like new, Get the best for tess} at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Sim fon Call 728-6451. Free estimates |CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered &nd/ re-styled. Free estimates. See our ma- terial for re-covering. Dalton Upholster- | jing, 75 Charles Street. 723.' 7212. | terrence \CHESTERFIELDS rebuilt, ~eetovered, pay more? Our rates like new. Why are reasonable. Satisfaction guaran teed. Mattresses rebuilt. Oshawa Up holstery Co., 10 Bond W. DIAL 725-0311, Surveyors | FL ye 'M AND 1 FROLLOPE, Ontario ne urveyors, 216 Adelaide A Eas . Phone 725-6881. i Stace DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On. On- tario Land Surveyor. Commercial blue- print, 11 Ontario Street. 725-5632. of DANCING veyors, 190K hada ested land $ur- in, treet E H phone 728-916) . oe | | St. Hedwig's Parish Hall (Olive and Central Park South) BALLET, TAP, BATON! DIAL 728-7902 Creightom, eo G. M, Drynan, bo 72-0554; G. L. 123-4 Mortgages and agreements of pi bought, sold and arranged. Building Trades CARPENTER, custom work, Hourly or contact, Telephone 668-5680. LEARN TO DRIVE Oshawa Driving School DAY or EVENING Lote "hig Stondards BULLDOZER for hire, $8. Oshawa Garden Service, 1250 'imcoe Street North. 723-3222. CHIMNEYS, new and rebuilt, roofing and repairs and leaks. F. MeCan| Brooklin, 655-3061. JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION. Additions, renovations, new homes. Oshawa and District. "Insist on the best." 723-7122. NICK DYRIW EXCAVATING BASEMENTS DUG TRENCHING 723-3898 At Dual Controlled OSHAWA and WHITBY | ae CALL 728- 0091 Instruction in Theory of Music John R. Robertson AR.C.T. CALL 725-1861 |Lawn Mowers . "PETER JOHANSEN Ltd. Custom built homes. N.H.A. ond conventional. Also addi- WE SHARPEN and REN ALMOST EVERYTHING. GIVE USACALL. tions, alterations, rec roms, repairs, No down payment. All work 33.9207 | 207 STAN'S ; CORNER KING AT BURK STS. 723-32 Tv -- Radio ) Repairs | T.V. TOWERS _ All galvanized, no paint. LEN & LOU'S ANTENNAS 728-5804 or 725-7844 SAMSON TV TOWERS ECONOMY AND DELUXE Buy Now FOR BEST PRICE FINANCING ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 361 Gibbons 728-8180 __DAY_OR NIGHT _ Tower Antennas _ | now sold at Honest Cal's | yl eirniture & Appliance Store| KING STREET .EAST Instalied By GEORGE'S T.V. 728-9191 -- 723-9525 |W. H. J. THOMPSON, B.A.,LL.B., |6--Auction | THERE'S NO better way to tell pe ne | you're looking frr a job than with a} "\far-reaching Classified ad. Mia) 723 349: 92. AUCTION LANSDOWNE | SHOPPING CENTRE Ly) KING WEST es (OPP. CAMP SAMAC, FRANCHISE AVAILABLE Be your own boss in modern, well designed Franchised Orie Hour Martinizing Dry Cleun- ing Plants. Produce finest quality with best service, complete public acceptance resulted from national adver- tising, pius local merchandis- ing and sales promotion. Will help the right man or woman yet established and provide training program to moke sure you are a cap- able operator. Cash required $8,500. Further information and free brochures, Call or write. Mr, G. Olson or _Mr. M. Rothseid Better Cleaning and Laundry Equipment (Canada) Ltd. 49 Milford Avenue, Toronto 15 or Phone 249- p 249-8514 WAREHOUSE -- For Sale, Lease or Rent Centrally Located 3500 square feet One Floor AMPLE PARKING SPACE APPLY loNE HOUR MARTINIZING| SIMCOE NORTH). | 14--Employment Wanted "SAT. OCT. 27,1 P.M. {RELIABLE woman will care for chil- dren in her home. Télephone 728-1353, NEW AND USED FURNITURE ON HAND. Bring anything and everything you wish to turn into money. recite dendeky Professional Crea- tive Art, Lettering, Displays, Paintings K. Lehman, loca) artist. MO 8-2897. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper books and wishes typing to do at home, full set to trial balance, and statements. Apply Box 41, Oshawa Times, TERMS CASH! M. G. MONTGOMERY AUCTION SERVICE 725-9794 or 725-8849 AUCTION SALE PURSUANT to the power of sale set out in o certain mort- gage, Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, will of- fer for sale by public auction the lands and premises refer- red to in said mortgage and otherwise known as 47 Thorncroft Place, Ajax, Ont- ario, on Thursday, the 8th day of November, 1962, at four o'clock in the after- noon, which auction sale will take place at 47 Thorncroft Place, Ajax, Ontario. The auction will be subject to a reserve bid ond the terms of the sale will be 5% of the! purchase price to be paid at the time of the auction ond the balance payable within thirty days. On the said lands is said to be erected a five room three . bedroom semi-detached brick bunga- low. The sale will be on an "as is' basis and subject to the terms and conditions which may be obtained by communicating with the un- dersigned. CENTRAL MORTGAGE AND HOUSING CORPORATION, by its Solicitor, | Barrister, Etc:, P.O. BOX 16, AJAX, ONTARIO, 16--Female Help Wanted '|MIDDLE-AGED lady to care for two pre-schoo! children, both parents work- ing. after 5. HOUSEKEEPER -- for centrally lo-|___ Must live in. Telephone 728-2878 cated doctor's home. Sleep in, private room, | Weekly, Telephone 723-1677 after 6. AVON WOMEN Christmas Selling starts early with AVON COSMETICS Port or full time -- valuable sales territory now avoilable. rite P.O. BOX 512, __OSHAWA, ONT. DENTAL NURSE Young woman age 25.to 40, neat appearance and with ability to meet the public. Typing and previous business experience will be an asset, but we will. train the right applicant in the specific duties. Reply in own handwriting stating age, education, pre- vious experience, marital sta- tus and salary expected Address to Box 302 Oshawa Times permanent for right person. $30 annual vacations are only a part of benefits provided our employees. SICK OB STRIKES, layoffs, time clocks? An Amway Franchise offers lifetime security with high earnings, in| protected territory. Investigate. Phone 728-7004. IF part-time work is the answer for you, be sure to check the "Help Want-) ted" ads in Classified today. LICENSED MECHANIC MR. O'DONNELL Apply in Person Commercial | JOHN'S GARAGE | Food Services 226 Celina Street | (OSHAWA) LTD. oe SALESMEN =| 75 Richmond St. West i In Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, " 1 Brooklin, Port Perry Areas. Telephone 728-733 Full or part time. | CANADIAN |20--Room and Board PETROFINA LTD. __TELEPHONE 728-7761 ee we 'middle-aged preferred, share room. 18. Tlephone 7: For an Interview Contact | |RooM AND BOARD -- two gentlemen, BE pesnrar? packed, five days, $15. Full 125-6634. heated, hydro, stove supplied. Avail- able November 1. Telephone 728-3664. VERDUN ROAD, 320 -- attractive four- room, heated apartment, large kitchen, begs facilities, Separate entrance and Immediate possession. Adult couple. Apply 5 - 9 p.m. $55, |THREE-ROOM self-contained apart- jment, three-piece bath, kitchen cup- boards, stove, refrigerator, TV aerial, private entrance, driveway, $73. Tele- phone 725-9595. Let us show you this one to- joy, "AFTER 5:30 CALL + 5-9191 3-7963 8-5836 8-2392 5-6243 + 5-6983 Joe Maga .. Ken Hann . Jack Osborne John Kemp .. Dick Barriage .. Lloyd Metcalf .. N tw |tastefully decorated, colored bath, re-| frigerator, stove, washing facilities, rere "esa Must see to suphicearsa | ae, VILLAGE -- el apartment in walk-out basement, stove, |refrigerator, use of washer, dryer, spa- |cious' grounds, $16 weekly. WH 2-2442, |335 MARY STREET--Private four-room | apartment, refrigerator, stove, TV out- jet. Ideal for ee or nurses. $65. {monthly 723-0369, | FURNISHED peteotas bed - sitting --jroom, kitchen, four-piece bath, bed- room for one child, clean, modern, private, washing privileges. 728-1719. THREE-ROOM ~ 3 MEN All new educational package, sells like magic. $700. _ first x gentleman, quiet home, packed. Laundry if desired. Near Du- |plate, $15 weekly. 723 : ROOM and board for two busine: (mearey AVENUE ---~ Room and board foi lunches in private home. Willing to share, sin- \gle beds, Write Box 47 'Oshawa 'Times. APARTMENT Stove and refrigerator Lansdowne Apartments month, cooked meals, lunches |Phone 728-9523. |ROoM and board for gentlemen, home} packed, Tele-) 725-2589 Salary and' commission, 723-3911 board for Private TV | privileges. | 728-1366. Se a gid vest oom AND 1 SOAKD for nice ocisan. BODY MAN tukches pail Parking: Near South ;and PARTS MAN 'General Motors, Shopping Centre. Experienced lady. room, Park Road South. man, private 'room, TV junches _Packed. 728-1366. |SIMCOE AND land entrance, iad meen Bit ; |packed, home coo! meals, laundry, Steady work, full time |parking. Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue. GROUP INSURANCE |22--Storage Space and Garages RAGE for rent, suit oF LIFE INSURANCE small car or | Doate vicinity Mary and Connaught | Street, $5 monthly. 725-1945. | Phone 728-5) 15 |SIMCOE NORTH -- office for rent, AMBITIOUS sashroom' Telephone "area. DRIVER 424 PARK ROAD NORTH -- room and Lunches packed. Telephone 8 ROOM AND BOARD for girl or gentle privileges, ) ROSSLAND AREA -- Warm comfortable room, private bath lunches { $80: ONE BEDROOM 559 Lansdowne Drive, Oshawa LOWER APARTMENT Fully Equipped Call Frank Hazlett RUssell 3-1733 or Evenings RUssell 7-9387 Toronto 26--Rooms for Rent ONE block --_ hospital, large, sitting room, = HOWE & PETERS REALTORS 623-5212 16 Temperance St. BOWMANVILLE BOWMANVILLE North End Priced for the cash' buyer, 3 bedroom brick ranch with at- tached garage. This is a home you can be proud of with full vision windows, storms and screens, built-in china cabinet, No. 1 oak floors, tiled walls in bath- room and kitchen, beautifully decorated, only $13, 950.00, NEWCASTLE MAIN ST, 2 storey solid brick duplex, 2 separate apartments with bath, large lot 57 x 217 ft. Priced right for you -with $1,000.00 down. COURTICE $9,800.00 1% storey home with 1 acre lot, excellent garden, large garage and workshop, BOWMANVILLE $5,500. $500.00 DOWN, 5 room bungolow, low taxes; pay- ments only $50.00 per month: BLACKSTOCK -- $4,800.00 ~---- 3 piece bath, oi! furnace, only 2% years old, large lot. TROUT STREAM, 11% acres, 42 miles eut, low down payment, Further particulars by colton Ron Hetherington, Iph Stutt or Bob Johnson et 623- 5212 or 728-2548, beds. yor one or tno Watiened. Kit chen privileges, 725-0782. SALESMAN | STORE FOR RENT, heated, 360 square For retail bread route 'Mary +156 AGNES STREET -- one furnished housekeeping room with refrigerator] and cupboards, private entrance, also parking space. Apply 156 Agnes. ifeet. 152 Simcoe Street South, $65. j|monthly, Close to downtown, 725-4277. Good Pay, Pension Plan, APPLY: aR A BROWNS' BREAD COMPANY a led, tiled floor. Can Raleigh Avenue CONSTABLES Ask for Wilson, The AND CADETS | Streets, Oshawa. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS | STORE FOR RENT AGE 17 TO 35 | 92 Simcoe Street North HEIGHT -- 5'9" Spacious, suitable for large WEIJGHT -- 160 LBS. | furniture store, appliances | or merchandise. Heated, EDUCATION -- GRADE 10 APPLY IN PERSON TO $300 per Month METROPOLITAN 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Telephone 725-4734 TORONTO POLICE Personnel Office POWELL'S DRUG STORE 92 KING STREET EAST Office Hours: Monday to Friday, Or See A. Powell 8am to 4 p.m. 5' William Street West Telephone 728-8323 |24----Houses for Rent For engineering department to work with paper patterns and stencils. OSHAWA BEACH -- four rooms and closed verandah, winterized, on bus stop, $30 monthly, vacant, Apply 119 Oshawa Boulevard North. FIVE-ROOM house, bath, forced a ir joil 'heating, good condition, Double lot, | five minutes' walk to sandy beach. Port | Bolster. Pefferlaw SIRS. |SOUTHEND | "AREA, near school and bus, seven-room house. Can be con- |verted into two apartments; oil heat- ting. Telephone 723-7091, |17--Male Help Wanted _ -|two unfurnished rooms, NEAR SIMCOE and Adelaide Streets. Nicely furnished room and fully ouulp- ped kitchen. All conveniences, parking. paves entrance. Available now. 125-2251. CENTRAL nicely furnished b bedroom clean, quiet home, breakfast if pan dy jAt bus stop, parking space. Telephone 725-3879. |COLBORNE ¢ STREET EAST, 57 --two llarge furnished bedrooms with com- plete kitchen meer own bathroom. Suitable ve Bars) willing & share. yo GLADSTONE AVENUE -- Central, one pests room, nicely furnished, clean, ooking privileges if desired, reason- able rate. After 6 p.m., dial 728-8402. LARGE BOOM for two gentlemen will- ing to share, single pend private bath, private App! | Avenue, 214. | APPLE Hill district large housekeeping room, suit two gentlemen, private bath ie entrance, near bus. Telephone 728- wae R GENERAL MOTORS SOUTH-- suit marrie) couple or two women. Quiet home, near bus. Telephone 723-4525. 253 ATHOL STREET EAST -- two fur- nished rooms, and kitchen, laundry facilities, crane no children. Apply above ress, CENTRAL to hospital and North Gen- eral Motors, furnished bedroom for one or two, board optional. After 6 p.m. telephone 728-8581. ' PONTIAC INN Rooms, Single and Double. Television, Dining Room, , Lunches Packed. 725-0078 ATTRACTIVELY suit ad- | | Draughting experience helpful, Education grade 12 minimum. Age 25 to 40, married preferred. WRITE BOX 43 OSHAWA TIMES FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between S» and 7. p.m 82 PARK RD. NORTH 728-8671 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS 16 Simcoe St. §. 723-1121 $500 DOWN -- Immedicte possession on this 2 bed- room home with new forced air oil furnace. T.V. Aerial, Garage. ROSSLAND MANOR--Choice lots 115' deep with prepaid services going at $70.00 per et only @ few good ones eft ASKING $5400--With good terms for this compact home on Street. BEAU VALLEY --- Ultra modern 512-room bungalow with carport, many. extras including Twindows. and screens, built-in Vacu_ flow, Built-in stove and oven, hood exhaust fan. Built-in dish washer and gerbage disposal unit. Rotor antenna with outlets in every room. Finished rec room and bar. 6% N.H.A. mortgage. Own- er dieing the country. 348 STEVENSON RD. N. -- 3 bedroom brick home with complete basement apart- ment. Two bathtooms, sepa- rate entrance. Immediate Possession. Excellent terms, COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Store and living quarters on Main Street in Whitby. Im- mediate possession. full Leon Manitius, Réy Flintoff, Steve Zurba, Charles Ran- kine, Roy Yeo, Irene Brown, Phyllis Jubb, Jean! Peacock, Dick Young, Lloyd Corson, Lucas Peacock at 723-1121. , Open daily 9 A.M. t#9 P.M, For particulars call -- --