°90 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 27, 1962 ==| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [== Saturday 8 to 1 11--Articles for Rent 16--Female Help Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted | 7--Male Help Wanted |20---Room and Board IRL or woman, experienced inpack-|we HAVE .an opening for two . ROOM - CARETAKER wanted, perm-|n0M AND BOARD for girl or gentle Pa ns WHEEL CHAIRS i: Mt eat department, |, ent position, small horse f: man, Hospital beds, invalid walk- Neday" week "Write full particulars. oft " ny »ronto, married, -- experience with inches packed, Taras scinsile ers, bedside commod reel dtharvadab Late Ci 7 el hie heal ny ware; Pt ae plus|SIMCOE AND ROSSLAND AREA -- crutches also -- slenderizing ZouNe lady with yood appearance and) John F.. Devt 'Bewith, go a 'lary. $200.00 to $225.00 per month de-|Warm comfortable room, private bath bath ; bility, Experience Fnelptul, Trull's Gro- ey alifica Phonciand machines and roll - away | sens, Won Gonrtice" Bus vorvicesi|castie, phone SOL. upon qalifications, e, aulet home: I loot. Dial 723-3061. aroma EMpire 6-8974 for appoint-|packed, hom: re 4 -- pre SALEOR RENT ent, 'or write 14 Pine Ridge Driye,|Parking. Apply 708 " 1OUSEKEEPER required, two school- rough, Ontario, Building Trades Money to Loan TV--Radio Repairs 725-1644 Bin ater som, | SALES CAREER AUTO BODY & ae CLASSIFIED AD RATES at TV RENTALS, by the day, week, or ; IOUSEKEEPER wanted immediately 6 consecutive Bageee teens "Eo Andrws/ © MONIES FOR (anh, sh initnl, tems. i] 12--Articles Wanted | i noter wecaSyt be fon a OPPORTUNITY | METAL FINISHER |gseace gy mais amit srg " "Cosh Cha oe YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chimneys MORTGAGES ay, MADrO, sar radio. fepaire: Ae 7! oe ee ee | eee sy Sn i Late CONSECUTIVE suilt and gas linings Monies available on First |makes. 7 A Rng trnaig Teles aggre ° eo a ara ar ats _Parkings h insertions 3.75: 4.13 3 vacuumed. Free estimates, Mortgages at 7% per annum Elliott Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred). PLANO wane al -- "n tg abstainer; weekends free. Write Our Canadian Corpora- BOX 950 washroom. Telephone 728-844) " .. statis rticulars. 48 without bonus. A n phone 668-8631. 34, stating pa STORE FOR RENT, heated, aa oqaare 228 248 Vly TYPES of building repairs, roof-| \Aonies also available on Tower Antennas MIDDLE-AGED lady to care for two| ,. , Oshawe OSHAWA TIMES feet. 152 Simcoe Street South, $65. If not paid within 7 days the fling Second Mi now sold at SHAW pre-school children, both parents work-| tion requires an Chose to downtown, Tatar, Charge rate will apply stoops, Gordon May, 728-039, lecona Mortgages. OFFICE AVAILABLE newly uilts i ing. aie live in. Telephone 728-2878 : LICENSED Mortgages and Agreements Honest Cal's AUTO WRECKING CO, _ |atter 5 Sales representative, age |elevator service: bright, paint. Above rates opply only to origina! Il Cartage for Sale purchased, Ww. f ki BOOKKEEPING machine operator and| MECH ANIC tiled floor, Can be available in orders for consecutive insertions. F BS & Aboll St ants cars for wrecking. typist required immediately, Write Box | 23 40 hi has resided iow days. Moderate rent, lease avail- it insertions ordered ot @ ||;ouN's MOVING AND STORAGE, M. F. SWARTZ urniture Ppliance store) Parts for sale, also scrap iron' |36, Oshawa Times. | - 4U, who Ask for T. L. Wilson, The later date y eanatiiote a new original |/Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. : : ilders' KING STREET EAST and metals, etc., bought |HOUSEKEEPER = tor cantrally io. Apply in Person Times Building, Mary and King order. Fully equipped and insured. Phone| Short - term and cn ers' Open Saturday all day, Phone jeated detiora hens. Blase EL private here for 5 years or more. Streets, Oxhawa. 4 ssctuilcised Zak tunes stings 728-3661. Mortgage at reasonable rates. Installed By b room, permanent for right person. $30) as JOHN'S GARAGE es 'alk 26% King St. East 725-2311 -- 89 BLOOR E.|\weekly' Telephone 723-1677 after 6. ° | ; $7.50 per, month for > so pee ||Fuel and Wood Oshawa, Ontario, 723-4697 GEORGE'S T.V. WANTED WAYTRESS "-- full time also part- | We offer @ good opportunity 226 Celina Street SIURE hak nr teton aeriertoven tunes: ete"Delver| Brokers' Registered Act." | 728-9191 -- 723-9525 Bast erage ties Tat) for personal development with 1" SAT ESMEN Wo ag el El Page iohS pio ed, Telephone 728-8535. SCRAP IRON, POULTRY 7463 or 723-2811. | good income possibilities, plus in , Wile, Ales Spacious, suitable for lorge Safe ise oddiional EREE \Mortgages STV AERIALS Pola ae A ie REAL ESTATE FIRM | Pension and solary, plus com- | Brookiin, Port Perry Areas, | furniture | store, | opplionces 'Aduauinente eo EET PEN ap iron ond Metals .| mission. Starting date:- No- Full or part time. ae eee eg mn. Have your furnace cleaned peepee 'mtpeaee' Serenbats for DO WEAR OUT (collect) REQUIRES WOMAN ber. Reply giving abo CANADIAN ' . fon publication free this fall and guar- |sale and mortgages purchased, No 1. TURNER FOR hiontaagh henge 4 8 shee rh $300 per Month whch wil ow Seco upt Bam, | onteed trouble free oll wing fe gfe, Want Cnt ui ac pep 723-2043 -- 723-2281 |c orriculors ond proe nnet | PET Ree La, Deadline for tow and Found and || ter. IF you purchase "White | hngs' ri. LACE NOW = - SECRETARIAL DUTIES) to TELEPHONE 728-7761 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. Cancellations and Corrections ose" unifined fuel oil from | Whil h fc -- Business ortunities : s Ee Bibbs. vad re Se Daily 8 - 5. Western Oil Company. fevorlsit og pitieesed ana oe. Saad Md el bane and prices are Fe WN Ghedniadeiobsd istic PP Must have some accounting ' AMBITIOUS: Telephone 725-4734 | FOR. SALE I » North Osh: or bookkeeping experience. REGULATIONS DIAL 725- 12 1 2 Se mimi 5 | TRIO TEL EVISION | vice station, (hres. bay Parnes, bares _Apply Box 735 Oshawa Times _ BOX 948 a Times will not be || Severe a 4 ak Sitter zoe ona Fesice igjaredl Sicpaareneasroieane DRIVER POWELL'S PRIVATE ri in onies e! responsible for errors, in advertise "Furnace Cleanout FRIVAEE ans sorperalicg monies. te 17 BOND STREET EAST month, Occupied, Teleshone Tassa302 DENTAL NURSE OSHAWA TIMES DRUG STORE writing, not for more than one FREE ease ene Meco se Pir CALL 728-6781 FOR SALe = Good Neal eens incorrect insertion of any adver. A._ Powell hased. Creight Drynan. and Mur- Property. Apartments and garages, cen | SALESMAN r See Tisement, nor beyond | the price If You Purchase [Goan igce teeing "eerste | Well Drilling -- = Dieses is jlogation, low sia aie a Young woman age 25 to 40, 5% Willfonn Street West igs Mite which error FINA FUEL Baie AGE 1¢ Sern =~ | ODE. "APENY. Oe awa Times neat appearance ond with t adver ie Sveriemeet Oe ee rae & bien ashing ae Ww. W ability to meet the public. ELECTRONIC For retail bread route Telephone 728-8323 i ding to |) | VOLSEe OF OER. On tre RESTAURANT Typing and previous business , is ely heaton: agate i ROSS HILL and second mortgages and WELL DIGGING by éuatithee willbe an asset, Good Pay, Pension Plan. 24--Houses for Rent ise- residential, industrial, city, i but we will train the right APPLY: mates The Times wil not beheld 728-7761 suburbon, country and sum- | SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE | Moder equipment, good |. ooo, cewil, wai whe ee TECHNICIAN rsponsible for more space than mer cottages ' WHITBY, ONTARIO lease in new Oshawa Shop- Z ' duties, \ ' ee re akan ardboveut ing and Supplies = | SUMMERLAND SECURITIES | MO 8-2563 "-- MO 8-3809 | ping Centre. Will sacrifice if ; BROWNS' BREAD to reproduce all advertising matter |\TURi mAN RE -- three bushels LIMITED | 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST sold this month; Idea! for Reply in own handwriting Experienced technician COMPANY dows overlooking bea | ime with stream. City ae se incoun- no liability |/$1.00. No straw. Turkey Farm, 4-mile . North fi i i i. i 5 ; Fe et ony inaccuracies |lwest' of flashing light at 'Colaeabus.| Calne sen 725-3568 P.O. BOX 329 young couple, Phone 728 ei Mc Beare th required for set - up and Raleigh Avenue Ls setting. $125. monthly, Ask for Mrs, a de ll wcll we Acacia | = ea 1--Women's Column iio. aaa é ? "| maintenance of test = MO 8-407 Ainrd dacs. cun tala ake --------| tus and salary expected. i : LOAM, GRAVEL |Nursing Homes ; | pan WAWRWER ce on special. Page Hair-\NE HOUR MARTINIZING equipment used in the SALES bet farmace, 9 four rooms and bit d 396 Pi Aven Teleshon 965. per month, Tele- . & ressing, ine Avenue. Teleghone Appraisers | LYNTONHU RST Manor warm, com- \ Address to Box 302 manufacture of electronic ' WASHED STONE fortable rooms, for bed patients jana) 72: 725-5363, _______| FRANCHISE AVAILABLE OLIVE Avenue, 108, well kept eight. Baise hovraaer and Broker, Walley MULCHED FILL | suait-tae. No senile patients. Orono, tele-/spENCER foundation garments and Be your own boss in modern, Oshawa Times components. OPPORTUNITY room house, six bedrooms, we oll a |brassieres, individually designed. a so| . , nace, $85 monthly. Te! Phone MO 8-23 laine, ty brieis, Spireda ents,| Well designed Franchised One |__ 23 i : aa . Troctor ie cst phe Optometrists Mrs. Jr Headerehot, 324 Admivar Road. Hour Martinizing Dry Cleun- | Apply to Salesman with or without ex- "eg sevenroom house Cat be =< Accountants Lots levelled. Reasonable rates. Bana a he ca re ing Plants. Produce finest AVON GIFTS | Our company will C. B. TUCK, RO, Optometriist, PI perience. Nprgae hard _ apartments; oil heat- 3. ptometriis: ease Pe t ' ing. Tel LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Certified 2 725- 2156 pay arcounts at downtown Dominion °|2 rsonal | ero wie aan MRS. BETTY SUTTON} train you in an interesting hone "23-708 Public wees ots Phdersiblenn cd Accountant, Suite 20SW, Se eee "| Bank or 74 Burke Street. invalids ex- N | sales and estimating career, |CELINA STREET -- Small semi- awa Centre, 725-9953. ' jamined | at home. Dial 725-4587. S*1A DEDICATION service will Sacra | resulted from national adver- STA RT AT ONCE Personnel Manager You earn while you learn, We sie th November "Telep rent, avail- BOB CLANCY'S Ontario Lapse ro OSHAWA |F. RICHARD BLACK, Doctor of Optom.|Ministerial Association at Mount Lawn| tising, pius local merchandis- : supply leads. Your own car |z lephone 728-2435, : Service. Complete bookkeeping service, etry, the examination of eyes, contact|Memorial Park Nov. 4, at 2.30 p.m. to| ing and sales promotion. CENTRALAB Preferred, but for right mon |with hot water. block oil heat 184 Bond Street West. 725-0397. ; |lenses. 136 Simcoe North, at Colborne,|the memory of those resting in the EARN BIG MONEY obsolutel aets 2 ae from two 723-7605. - |Evenings by appointment. 723-4191. older Park Lawn and other Gardens|(, jf HOUR MARTINIZIN not lutely necessary. Sal- on Simeoe North. Available E, FRIEDLANDER AND CO.,| HILLSIDE sll ti and to dedicate the five new Gardens ZING ary and bonus based on pro. November 1. Apply 103° Horto p nar 4 'Accountants, Licensed Trus- and Monuments. Everyone is invited. Avenue. 2, - 1 . 'aintin n Will help the right mon or duction, For interview, a SOE re aa ee Sat, Biz, 8) woman et "ebihed and | Spoon Avon Chistes fare ced con aan Caawe: 7 jAL CONROY, Frofessional, painting | College Streets, Toronto. Arriving 8.90) - \rovide training program to daha hed 5 : lurnished if desired. Fyre HOPKINS, BEADLE ae a att LANDSCAPING eetimaten 7aereR repairs, free|oF 9. ae ae 4, telephone 725-7491, ti sire von es ag present Avon. Write 728-1651 Por Pay: Phone 985-7994, tered Accountants, is e IF ¥ AVE a drinking problem, pp East, Oshawa, Ontario, 725-3509. : NEW wiklm salad Gaicie z _|write to Box 333, Whitby, or call MO able operator, Cash required AJAX, ONT. or opply in' person pve eles BEACH -- four rooms and WILSON AND BURROWS, chartered). For Sodding, Seeding Ever- Pering and paint-| 5.3034 or 725-0893. $8,500. Further information P.O. BOX 512 WH 2-1540 closed verandah, winterized, on bus Accountants, 114 ing aie gyproc applied and taped. Dial |- 333 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH fe see a Naa Apply 119 . * free brochures greens. Topsoil. Gravel drive- TRY THE OSHAWASH Frigidaires| ond , ; ~ Coin Laundry for the fastest, cl t T houses ways, Sidewalk' Slabs, | DODD 1 & SOUTER |wash. wl mince Berea Boat Call or write. _OSHAWA, ONT. | WS > 4124 __|18--Mele or Female Het aa Soom Rouse, bath, f forced a air Ts : | {hye mieee' wale to sandy beach. Port br hag and Gibson, MO 8-3521 or awa; G. ge ne agen ggg PAINTING AND DECORATING | Removal of superfluous hair, Mr. G. Olson or red Accountants, 728-7527, PHONE 723-9020 $35" simeoe Street North, Oshawa, Ajax CONTRACTORS Marie Murduff will be in Mr. M. Rothseid SECRETARY -- COUNTY OF ONTARIO WH 2-0890, Whitby, MO 8-4131. Painting, Paperhanging Oshawa, Oct. 29, 30, 31. ; ; ished, in good condition, at- eg Gyptex, Full Wall Murals Phone Genosha Hotel on Better Cleaning and We require an experienced A R cues, Eatarsny bag only. Please lienat oars ei % Auto Parts S Ww Spray Painting these dates for appointment. Laundry Equipment chadi¢ sectatary for our Crectt MALE CLE K call Mrs, Staeger, 725-9683, ched garage, nice location, child wel Save At Western Ze. 1A i (C di ) Li d. D Shorth d iy. Apply 478 Pak Mok nee oor 107 BYRON ST. S. t ' : thand . kcfhstealatsaan listo ali / DAYS MO8.8231 0 OY ELECTROLYSIS 49 Naihel Kuang qhed cieniee! sbility ssswanat BOOKKEEPER ORGANIST BUNGALOW. three bedrooms, ne a Service Centre IGARDEN CENTRE | NIGHTS 725-7426 723-464] Torn 16. Apply in person to Mr. Flet- and full basement, rivate 4 drive, available | r, r Furniture Limi ications wi received D Repairs to All Makes 1259 SIMCOE ST. N. [Personal Service | lor Phone aaeeete Tie a" | ee eee CHOIR LEADER 'anted Bolster. Pefferlaw 51R5. | |GeRMan TEACHER for children's LOVELY FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, 655-3574. gD 3--Pets & Livestock POE REE Rary oma carreaemace nemhammed CREE BS CE PE YT EE GE corms' (ARES (| | lerk kk ; 'anadas | . eee MODERN GRILL |perietsemgrmmsoscas| FIRST TIME SALESLADIES | 'mit ut cumemer ot Required for | 25--Apiar & Plats for Rant "FIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" | All your gardening needs. Bar-B-Qued Chicken, ose Wilts ain ersten eel | Geto Ata a ome or apartment, heat Adie, 7 three-room Turkey |DEER -- t 5 old ¢ 4, i F Ontario. After a period 'of St. Paul' heated. Aduits, $40 monthly. A-1 Top Soil and Sod Dirwsors, Fish.'n Chine, Home ; [Rar a oeeaien nae ed aa OFFERED ner: Siex, Sroeklin and I's Telephone' 72541 familiarization appilcant will . . | . Barristers The Best In Garden Design Made Pies-and Desserts. Beatrice Street. Telephone 725-3190. Pusfact xatcis' fox fem Port Parry areas become rsponsible for proces- Presbyterian Church THREE-ROOM BRUCE V. MACKAY, BA, Barrister, Free Of Charge WE DELIVER Paes booed fe tile, Wintk bad Gin] eet sotue for Saenlly gee. CANADIAN sing payments, maintaining Solicitor, Notary Public. 9 : | Telephone 725-7263. ation. 4 lane bowling alley PETROFINA LTD cost ledgers and performing PORT HOPE APARTMENT funds available, 36% King Street Bast. Household Repai 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH =§|DEER HOUND, purebred (Walker).| With leagues now bowling. . certain clerical duties 72-1107, Res, 985-7163. pairs 725-3887 |Telephone Orono 36R3. | Also complete line of grocer- TELEPHONE 728-7761 ' Interested Parties LOUIS §, HYMAN. G0: Barrister, 6ol| HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE | : [LABRADOR pups, Golden, registered, | re meots, 200 frozen food : Hs Sinyoatbvon pid Fy gpl li Contact Stove ond refrigerator ee Alger Bui 37 se REPAIR SERVICE ive weeks old. Telephone : 263-2395. | lockers, lunch counter plus 7, Male Hel: Wante ity for advancement in sala % = Shree Sepa 7 za4943, Mortgage mon) ANGES WASHERS, DRYERS |Plumbing and ---- THREE HOUNDS for sale. One good all equipment including elec- sad ap esac: hae and responsibility. Initial sal- H. M. COLEMAN Lansdowne Apartments GREER AND FEET, BBS Bi san Sen IRONER® (new ace aaaet "net (ane CAT aoe re| eS SoMa, salt [Ear "an Kmway rancee oers| OT, Will be dependent wean | 103 John St, Port Hope 725-2589 citors, etc., 114 King Street East, Dial rvice Guarnateed peels Free estimates, 725-1334 Me. eautifully marke service meat counter, frozen. lifetime security with high earnings, "in tag iealicmet . 723-2278. Residence phones: ca M. 25 years' experience |Grath Plumbing and Heating. ate out ah --" $25. or | food case and all lunch [protected territory. Investigate. Phone| Clude, 50 "9 te ga TELEPHONE PORT HOPE eee eee ee | Formerly with THOR of Conido ------ aeare counter equipment. Pool |! ee pension plan, sick leave ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies.|RABBITS -- purebred breeding "stock | A "| €redit scheme, 3 weeks vaca- $80 RICHARD H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, TELEPHONE 725-8296 Phone 725-3521. Harold H. Stark, Ltd.,|and 100 pens, also meat type. Tele-| Om with two new tables, oe 885-2477 Solicitor, Notary Public, 52% Simcoe FREE ESTIMATES Plumbing,. Heating and Engineering,|Phone 728-8926, | All inv one building. Easy to BODY Hon. artes: tive yeOrks Riga; MAN ONE BEDROOM reves : 2 lan is available. North, 728-2765. |255_Simeoe Street South, -- |BOXER PUP fot sale, female, nine} manage. Also included in ens ; RALPH JONES, BA, and THOMAS H. ~ HARDWOOD AND TILE aut tyres ot repairs and remodel |e2KS, fawn colored. 25% Quebec' Street| price of $35,000 (with A minimum education of 559 Lansdowne Drive, Oshawa jor telephone 723-1958. ; j de 12 d i i B kk p Seetactaeieaee wen| OLD FLOORS ii Sic ekinitne, "STTilseaurircy maby, woo cars| fom tye «aur ,tndrom land PARTS MAN | pitt, !2,ordexererce in |. DOOKKEEDEL Mortgage loans available. 726- 6931, J. Foley. jtraining, talking strain, Apply Mrs H ii i JAMES A, MacDONALD, BA ,LLB., REFINISHED --_--------|Broad, 114 Elgin Street Kast. oil furnace, hardwood ° floors are desirable qualifications. 'and Ni Pub. : | throughout, 3 pe. bath, com- Experienced Applicants should - reply 'in j P Te Ths Commoreiot Bailding, 258 King Free "Estimates ALL WELL eis | 4--Market Basket | pletely modern, Call Jim writing and state age, exper- We nvite ie | BANK'S. FLOORING a eve: ne |PUMPKINS each 25 center ~carrous;| : Graham ot. Toronto 364- Steady work, full time ience, qualifications. and applications from LOWER Z. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Souci.) |ELEPHONE 728-8813 bushel $1.00, W. Eyman, % mile east of, 2200 or weite Bowes _ond commencement. salary ex- le Nichols Garage, Courtice. Go north to) Cocks Limited, Realto GROUP INSURANCE pected, i d tier ele Ih "Simcoe Street" North. GUSCOTT PLUMBING|Nictels Garase, Courtice. Go north to| Cocks Limited, Reolirs, experienced persons, | APARTMENT -1101. Resid 725-5542. : Peterborot i SEWuAir Savin 6, barteer tai | ee __jand HEATING Limited|areres = snows, Macs, spys, "Oran! _-- PIPE INSURANCE | RE Sims, B.A Se. r soos capable of handli ily Equi tor, 3% Simeoe South, 725-9592. Resi-|HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, rm 207 Simcoe St. S.--725-5132 |Dlemings, $1. and up. Bring conta County-Engineer, P dling Fully Equipped dence 728-0264. tap, RAD Ballet, Hi Jers, Thickson's Road, half-mile rorth| Court House, McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barriiaa|"O"-_O Kine Siest We. 125512 Rug Upholetery Service oeamet tant Neos cree WAREHOUSE P hone /28- =) 1) | 416 Centre Street 5. acomplete set of books! Call Frank Hazlett Solicitors. Clients' funds available for| prry,' te oer ' _WHITBY, Ont. : "first mortgages, 20 Simcoe Street]; fraghtoln eeeoae he ee CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs re-| 5 --Farmers_ Column common re to trial balance. enasictl say iden North. 725-3566; Charles C. McGibbon, be Act now 725- 1054. covered like new. Get the best for less|CASH on the spot, Highest } prices paid For Sale QC; Edgar F. * estedo, Qc. PIANO Li Shared ae ani ou gest tg teed 142 " Simcoe | for dead and crippled farm stock. | 7 LAYO UT. MAN y iss |Sou a estimates . |Teleph DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister! Judith Davison (EMUS), Apply 812) eel 32721. eMargeil F mal Fur Farm Tyrone | and Solicitor, 26% King Street East.|Hortop. 'Telephone 725-3062. |CHESTERFIELDS | re-upholstered and|Ticence" 149. : ik Lease Ones : SS 3 call FP -- a me ree estimates. ee our ma- ipiatihacics. ae | Son cggan sell paginas ORGANIST - CHOIR director, high-|terial for re-covering. Daiton Upholster- | ee | a or ; ; rocedure is ne 's Fi JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Barrister, Desires change, Writs, Bon 4 ere: | Me» 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. | For engineering department to work '" Ir : ae ial ; 0, . e Box shawa ' . roup In n : Sait Mone, oan thee | Rime. oe ee eee «© AUCTION: | Rent with paper patterns and stencils. Yee | PAR LAME = LILLIAN MAE MARSH, DEA, DMA,|are reasonable Satisfaction unran- annual ti MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD [Dancing School. Ballet, tap, acrobatic, |teed. Mattresses P| pe : . Me) VEGRHPDS Ore LANSDOWNE Centrally Located Draughting experience helpful: Education grade 12 or Evenings RUssell 7-9387 A knowledge of Payroll Toronto L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors,| pre-school kinderdance. Fridays, Satur- |holstery Co., Sac | | t f b fit es A only a part of benefits} APARTMENTS Geeees os Tecee: Batts: FEE MNT. Reel MUSIC lessons, cl classical and popular, Surveyors | SHOPPING CENTRE | eee oar a is we rartied 'aialagsta : / Street' East, Oshawa; R, D. Hum-|453 Simcoe Street South. 725-1501. East. Phone 725-6881. SIMCOE NORTH), | | Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block,/days. Masonic Temple, 723-7253. Ia' Bond W. DIAL, 72540311 Piano accordion, lin, guit: s i : am Seat ne 3500 square feet. provided our employees.' 9. BEDROOM SUITES nee dud Qc; G. A. 5203. NHA and other 'HM, Barristers, Solicito Nota' 4 * arristers. citors, Notar. acme and waning soa wih. % Commercial Contact Mortgages and agreements of sale) Automatics, Dual Controlled (ENGLISH TAILOR) TERMS CASH! I> ization. Preferred age 30-50. Selling experience not (OSHAWA) LTD, 725-7732 or Building Trades CALL 728 0091 ments use our experienced AUCTION SERVICE dren in her home. Telephone 728-1353, programme, contact, Telephone 668-5680, Instructior dress repairs and alterations. 725-9794 or 725-8849 tive Art, Lettering, Displays, Paintings. Ks Street North. (next to Bus Station) | 3 Hunting books and typing to do at home, full set 5 daa" hans | Kon-|SHORT ORDER cooks Teaulien "howls room and board for young lady in pri- |PIANIST WANTED for Saturdays only. Seo pag $80 -- one bedroom ap- | For Oshawa, Cobourg, Peterborough Area ! week, $18, Tlephone 7: EXCAVATING Lawn Mowers | ANTENNAS |LAKESHORE cottage property, Hali- YOUNG WOMAN ee ee : be . |BEATTY AVENUE -- Room and boara| CQUIPped, ample parking, PETER JOHANSEN CORNER KING AT BURK STS. matsT PF | Dishes, cutlery, glasses, chip HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN and HILE-|phone, clarinet drums etc. New and|H. F LIM AND TROLLOPE, Oniario| One Floor WRITE BOX 43 OSHAWA TIMES : Bittman' LLB Othes | Tak oie CURBSTONE setter oF pedigree pooch.|DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, On For an Interview Contact levator Service mortgage funds available, section. Turn back today. HORTON AND WALLACE, | tes Public, Bank of Commerce Build-| Oshawa-Driving School | 299 KING WE A sales career is offered to the right man in this Baad Sees Qatario,, 7246, Residences: T. |X DAY or EVENING LEN PULLAN AULA ANTS: Caney, | ST area by an old established and well regarded organ- oO ervices MR. DON HOWE i4--Employment Wanted ; : ini bought, sold and arranged. ? A OSHAWA ond WHITBY for oll Maley mena M. G. MONTGOMERY eRe necessary as we will provide a complete training 75 Richmond: St. West 723-9692 Evenings BULLDOZER for hire, $8. per hour. K. Lehman, local artist. MO 8-2897, Salary plus full commission on all sales. Unlimited scope for 109 for hire, per hour. ca to trial balance, and statements. Apply; Cross and Surgical. Benefit plan available. Send full particulars |itooM and board for girl, home privil- CRAYDON RD CHIMNEYS, ind > | s i . ogee ke ind ane Msg Theory of Music ITV -- Radio Repairs DEER HUNTING camp and 300 acres Box 41, Oshawa Times, fo box No. 945° c/o. Oshawa | Times. : a : Mig in private home, Telephone 725- Bs Gahawa and Distr, "Saeiet on the ARCT. quin Park. Apply to W. J. Olsheskie, in person, Genosha Hotel. (Canada Limited) vate. "Bone, bd Mod ome: fachieg: ; ROOM AND BOARD -- ¢ tlemen, ; NICK DYRIW valet esi LEN & LOU'S | 9--Summer Properties | home an-t, a ee ee Requires Salesman middle-aged preferred, share. co artment in new modern hadoMs ll ' os f ntl jet home, lunches| | * BASEMENTS DUG "WE SHARPEN "and RENT "|_ 728-5804 or 725-7844 - ier redeem og a5 gies: hen Want to better your position --- earn more money? We want you packed. Eeuncc "i desred 'Near Du. ockers and laundry facil 723 3898 GIVE US A'CALL . . . TV TOWERS 11--Aprticles Re t | For Record Bar cants (Canada) Limited requires an energetic salesman to sell > BOOM dnd baer | ine to share, sin-| 0 inspect, see superintend- Le a bd s or n ROOM and board for gentlemen, home FOR BEST PRICE ond dip sets, punch bowls Age 16 to 25 years. Ex- MAN. Barristers, Solicitors, 36% King|/used instruments, Alto Music Suppiies,|Land Surveyors, 216 Adelaide Avenue (OPP. CAMP SAMAC, tario Land § Ci 1 bl Thy ono ee isu Ree ee Private Balcon Tay «Meneses: Wynn deine gow hae eo HaPacamezr, commeraet ue SAT, OCT.27,1 P,M,| AMPLE PARKING SPACE | | MR. O'DONNELL Peed Faking land Sur-| NEW AND USED FURNITURE | | -- ' ¢ 3 ontrolled Entrances Sepeiaen RELA ee] LEARN TO DRIVE |stoe'nttty te EH | "ON HAND. Beng onrhing | APPLY CAREER OPPORTUNITY ing, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, 728-8554; G. L. 723-4768. Late Models, Standards | - RELIABLE woman will care » for chil- CARPENTER w services for both suit and ILLUSTRATIONS, Professional Crea- Telephone 728-7331 ____Howe ¢ Peters, Realtors PEN' » custom work. 1 Hourly or P Oshawa Garden Service, 1259 Simcoe in 10 PRINCE ST.--728-5311 |EXPERIENCED bookkeeper wishes} advancement and.top earnings. Company pension plan, Blue 20--Room and Board 723-3222. . ia -----|private land, excellent hunting area. Female Help Wanted | -_ |soUTH OF GENERAL MoToRS = 3 SMES O'MALLEY CORFRUGRON| John R. Robertson | T.V. TOWERS acanmomierigirormoe i was geet Ba Mal mons BARDAHL LUBRICANTS WHITBY best." 723-71 All galvanized, no paint. |Barry's Bay, Ontario, Box 104, Telephone 725-23 1 he ked, fi days, $15. Full for Sale or Rent pinnae veckess Hive. Hast wl) building. Electrically TRENCHING ALMOST EVERYTHING SAMSON : oe Sotehean MO at ee | If you are an experienced automotive salesman, Bardah! Lubri- |Plate. $15 weekly. oe a ities. S ak A N ' S ECONOMY AND DELUXE their nationally advertised products. He will work on a com- |#le beds. Write Box 47 Oshawa Times.| ent in Apartment ae cooked meals, lunches packed. Tele- Chartered Trust Company mission basis and if necessary a vehicle 'will be arranged 'for D D benefits, lud Group Ins d Pen- |phone 728-9523. i td. 723 3224 FINANCING ARRANGED | chinese bowls and chop sticks perienced in cash. Full time him, Oil semeany Benens,. including Group, Insuronce: an 424 PARK ROAD NORTH -- room and 20 St. Clair Ave., West Custom built homes. N.H.A, s OSHAWA TV | estas i P " work. Apply in person. sion plan, Write, giving full particulars. to: board for lady. Private room, TV ond conventional. Also addi- ate privileges. Lunches packed. Telephone Toronto page den omen. eee hse) ash ty > | SARGEANT'S | The Disc Shop 296 How Aven, |AROW ARG ARs] WA 2.6135 1 8 A ROOM AND BOARD for nice clean, |CASH for first sg be Kes ghee N 886 Hare enue, quiet man, good home cooking, All work guaranteed, funds. W. McAuley, Rea tor, % Prince 7 28-8 Pst ) RE T A cKellar Height lunches packed, parking. Near South Mr... Melvin -- Telephon 733.9 | McKella ights, Ls . Pp! ie 9207, Whitby, MO 8-5765. DAY OR NIGHT 725-3338 Oshawa Shopping Centre OTTAWA, Ontario, Mmmm 924-7889