s this, the wood floor can be put; ANSWER: Your building sup-|possible, I recommend replac- -- FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE | ee Poe THE TIMES HOME INSTALLING PLYWOOD lg! Mly "hee, wpe oleae eae, opened By ROGER C. WHITMAN QUESTION: Could you telllinformation and instructions|for outdoor use on redwood. | | JQ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 27, 1962 ins if one of the plywood manu-|available. Petpet GUIDE acturers. or builders s in- : We CARPET MOTHS be thoroughly cleaned out. Thejish off our basement to use as|structions on how to : ply-|RUST STAINS ON REDWOOD oie for a [Away bg pre QUESTION: Friends moved|American Carpet Institute sug-|a family room. The concrete|wood paneling in a room? QUESTION: We had a small|spring. We have always lived into a home not quite two years) ests spraying around the edges|floor is dry and level, in good ANSWER: U redwood screening all built onjin apartments until now. Where ago and put down wall-to-wall|of the carpeting (with a mild|condition. Can a wood floor be : : Usually b wi lding! one side of our patio for privacy.jcan we get information about carpeting which she cleans once|infestation of moths), using ajput down or must we use as- ere or plywood dealers!There are several rust stains,'the things to look for? a week with a vacuum cleaner,|Water base insecticide accord-|phalt tile? We prefer a wood ren Bh essay ne streaks under the nails. How] ANWER: An excellent free Rod A Mime ai ie wr + poor ean|t Proms." ANSWER: To remove thelBuyers "Gude" le avail ANSWER: A wood floor can : ig : . peng She hoo . ge DEEP -- SCRATCHES be put down, but protection|BATHROOM VANITY -- stains: Apply A -- Lop be rye oe Association me fing spray twice, 9 . QUESTION: How can deep|must be made against damp- QUESTION: Where or how rg teatoond - a Boag a te na revenge Commerce inds a few here and there. Dojscratches in the marble top Of|ness getting at the wood which Leer ini (poison one gal ot/Building, New Orleans 4, La., you have any suggestions? --_|an old dresser be removed? |would cause it to rot eventual- vie ge ee eae buiid-|water (mixed in non-metallic/giving detailed specific sey ANSWER: As the carpeting is! , VowmR: Deep scratches in|ly. First mop on a coat of liquid te Peete, 7 .. blogg Me ~ container) to the stains, using ie be checked. Also write to already moth - infested, best) rere nod have to. be re-|asphalt.dampproofing, available| 2°. lame et ceo 7 wa a ' soft a or cloth; repeat|Small Homes Council, Uni- method would be to have it cos moved at a marble yard where|at building supplies dealers.|iit, to make sto would) treatment Bragg sca Be surejversity of Illinois, hppa fessionally treated ig moth-/ne surface could be ground|Then put down a layer of heavy|er the basin cg Pa un- ' -- bin ov to protect|for a list of their a proofed. If possible, the carpet- 4 Shallow surface scratches|asphalt-saturated felt, overlap-|), 1); and then use ajthe hands and avoid spatters on|pamphlets; several titles are ing should be lifted up and the) down. Sha laminated plasti¢ for the finish-|skin or eyes, while working. © jo? particular interest for pros- i i 7 etimes be removed with|ping the sheets about a quarter); ; oe go "ld eon Ook patient sanding and rubbing|of their width and sealing the|-"= -- De ee eee airing in the sun will eliminate; ith putty powder (and much) seams with liquid asphalt. Over them. Dust in cracks between|elbow grease!) floorboards (a breeding place a ° for moths) should be pf vere WOOD BASEMENT FLOOR Buying or Selling! ONE-PIECE CONCRETE i i : W fin- ey ~ngg Bio a QUESTION e want to fin GUIDE REALTY | ae DIN¢ LIV.RM. cleaner, Then, to kill any 4 i LTD. ' aoe 1-5= 18-0" remaining eggs, dust ppt, {IT'S DIXON'S @ LLOYD CORSON, Preside , aid Imo for racks and arouse' Wetiag Rauipmment || ¢ DICK YOUNG Vee Pree : into the crac a eatin: uipmen' \ DINING AL. the baseboard which should also bELCO. © LUCAS PEACOCK See-Trees: 135164 | :, by GENERAL MOTORS 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA pe . ; | 313 Albert St. RA 3-4663 || PHONE 723-1121 | LIVING RM. | oer te ES ' . (WMEDUTE DELIVERY CW ALL SUZE8 we 7 COLD DAYS AHEAD " = | ¢ © FOR YOUR NEW HOME EM DD-on ODEL | | @ REPLACEMENT FOR OLD STEPS i¢ E LOWER APARTMENT 765 Sq. Pt @ NON-SLIP SURFACE ON TREA\ OLIVER UPPER" 550 Sq. Ft. o A sq. BE WISE... ! ee : ase ain : 5-33 ae | WINTERIZE ee ee CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. C0 Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book) YOUR HOME NOW! of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail requests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). DESIGN No. - 411 Be ready when the real cold weather errives. We'll show you how to do it supply you with all the moterials, sccccaccccnsccscccscccccscasecccccoccss =i ond, If necessary, arrange Budget Terms. Come in and see us this week. ROOM-BUILDING IS EASY WITH. . | a Ae | The IDEA BOOK beyond compare! HOME DEsnn BO. iby posto ape @ It took 6 months to photograph -- P V Har db Oo alr a S ! home offers the maximum © Finencing Arranged -- two years to produce. i amount of livability at mini- | Budget Terms © Each room completely documented with Is there waste space in your basement? Convert it into a multi-purpose omits ran oa ts Soreun: y | ahag 308 oo . rec' room which the whole family will enjoy - 365 days of the year! . P if e idea- i P f * family unit with | protected Lg pl "a aan These low cost, easily-worked hardboards will help you do it: entry to the kitchen. Upstairs | © A clossic work on rec' rooms == e there is a complete apartment | nothing like it before. i, even to a separate laundry : Du oo $300 BROWN'S LUMBER 1 | _PLANK BOARD SAVES YOU TIME. . ." Ae & SU PP LI E S : These big, economical 32 square prints for this design N ait badogtuades tan weal eee wR saitectummatiediacn aca or io. 4 cost $15 for the first " and BUY WHAT you LIKE ' a studs ...no backing or furring mati, (Ontario real: a BUT a strips needed. You get a rigid, remit 3 oot oa well-nigh indestructible wall! Plank mie the i BUY A Pig -""Here's how Men } Board's smooth, glass-like surface f CONVEXIONAIRE \ l takes paint beautifully. $1, and is tax free. This new | | HOM E be is so different 1 4 edition includes information im se on Financing in Canada, . FIRST! fe. -_"- Building Construction Details, e : Landscaping, Color Selection, Interior Decorating, Furniture : . : SAVES YOU WORK... Arrangement, Custom Design- " 4 . ' ' ing, etc., plus over 100 popu- ; WE HAVE MANY é This smart 4' x 4' panel covers lar 'and pew Govtgns | us nen i OUTSTANDING BUYS ceilings fast, yet is light enough for book are full details on how to 1 @ : e easy overhead handling. Handsome -- / { . ALL OVER TOWN : 7 es grid pattern with self-concealing THE HOME | - Now's a good time to buy joints. Pre-finished in off-white with WORKSHOP " bs if | a home, and Oshawa is io i a delicate free-form pattern of copper sate 4 zs iW, Dee place fo: find tt: lines. You can build and finish your A LITTLE} hs We offer Photo Co-op ceiling in one operation...no painting! etsy No matter who you're having for dinner tonight, make sure time and money. And, we they're warm enough. Use | NOW are Realtors, so you can only safe, dependable longer iS THE TIME rely on our dependability. burning 'blue coal'--the hard zB Coal thatiscolour marked for } Don't delay any longer .. . call a realtor of your ) your protection. It's a warm choice today. His experience and know-how guaran- ; aeremaae ae experience, ne tee hg the best-possible buy, to suit your family's tag needs, listing seryice, to save you IT IS QUICK AND EASY to pond ons pew pho 'blue coal' | LIST and BUY Through PHOTO CO-OP cut the pieces to dimensions and : nail them together to make this| miniature barn' with scalloped) SAWDON'S | OSHAWA & DISTRICT trim and cupola. It is 43 inches! long and 28 deep and. stands on) e a platform so the floor will not! Pate vi apt R AL ST be damp. Pattern 242, which) : 668--3524 - : ' ee gives material list, cutting, 244 BROCK STREET SOUTH | y CANADIAN FOREST PRODUCTS LTD. Maker guides and construction steps, is) WHITBY | 50c. | : / : Address orders to the Home| Workshop Dept., The Oshawa ' . Times, Oshawa. In the first place, there is no fan. Convexionaire is the one room heater that doesn't need one. It was designed to heat ' ' 4 ~ the whole room better and faster than any fan-type heater vom mavcums | WINTER SEAL | Pao > BEAVER LUMBER ae x ee -- ws SELF-STORING, COMBINATION ws ; forced rapidly out the specially designed front louvres. Convexionaire does the whole job silently and efficiently slavia rose. 200 per cent be- ALUMINUM iy ' «.. and without a troublesome fan. is 1/419 DUNDAS ST..EAST WHITBY MO 8-5818 tween 1955 and 1961, to 3,243,529. } Secondly, Convexionaire isn't a "hot-box" heater. Treat ' : DOORS & WINDOWS ; MTL aac. tak: Nie mice sonatas wale or tora tt, - cabinet Cool a Cc. pa : : GET YOUR BOOK TODAY FROM... % p fingers with Convexionaire. ae In the market for Aluminum doors and windows? ; Look for these features too... aled, front- d Cell 725-4632. A courteous representative will ; a tasy thermostat and controls and award winning styling that's MILLW K B ILD SUPPLIES help you with your problem... . and will be able ay ; ideal for home or cottage. Available in wall vent and free LTD. to supply and install your windows and doors at j 4 4 standing models for natural gas or propane. reasonable cost . . . you have 7 different door j ! See Convexionaire soon . . . at your local department 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH- PHONE 728-6291 Abobo to eine" hag eon you nothing to in- d : ok store, gas utility office or the Clare dealer listed below. ? vestigate... i i CLARE BROTHERS LIMITED Diino WINTER SEAL SELF-STORING, COM- i Canada's heating specialists for over 100 years 69-648 . BOOKS NOW AVAILABLE AT ean BINATION DOORS START FROM 4 teat ewe For: Your Free Estimate j | | | McCULLOUGH LUMBER Co. Lid. Consolidated Heating & Air Conditioning, Oshawa "Serving Oshawa and Area Over 10 Years" 4 4 3 ' ; | 1270 SIMCOE ST. NORTH PHONE 728-4688 i ve sae 4 Alf. Harrel & Son, Gould Heating, Sunray Heating LES EVENISS i Bi ove Newcastle Pickering GET YOUR "IDEA BOOK" TODAY AT PLUMBING HEAT ING SALES sf -- George Hamers, Shorgas Limited, W.F. Bowden & || OSs HAWA WOoOOoD PRODUCTS Ltd. 725-1334 15 PRINCE ST. 725-4632, Eve. 723-2707 oe ss em Whitby Sons, Oshawa HEAD OFFICE AND SHOWROOM -- COURTICE 728-1611 215 KING ST_E "Where Satisfaction Is Guaranteed" : or OSHAWA SHOPPING. CENTRE 728-1617