ee RE OE Moe oe ee ee ee Se SS eS [s8=| THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [== $--Auction 13--Business Opportunities |16--Female Help Wanted ,17--Male Help' Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted: WAREHOUSE fe, heey Toumewa' tating ep, Required by the Ontario pres position egg fees tarts aie BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTO RY AUCTION cae aioe: eee S LANSDOWNE For Sale, : Avi ms cola: iteter eee.| Benefits In effect. pending upon aaiifications, "Phone PPING CENTR = Scarborough, Onlario, ne Building Trades Lawn Mowers Rug Upholstery Service ogra CE . Lease or Classen, "and popular muste- Tele SUPERVISORS | | Wak bs (OPP. CAMP SAMAC, 7 7 f CLASSIFIED AD RATES DO YOU have a roofing problem? Try} WE SHARPEN and RENT |cHESTERFIELDS Tebulll, recovered; SIMCOE NORTH). HOUSEKEEPER wanted immediately of BOYS for ; 6 CONSECUTIVE mo |. ALMOST EVERYTHING [Om Mts "eugene "enn: SAT. OCT.27.1P.M Rent chlo ae, pets. Must be toed of} EQRESTRY CAMP MECHANIC ° ; i ™M\, 1 ee 25 words-or less |! YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chimneys GIVE USACALL..,. - hoisiery Con'ls Bond W. pomawa Up: Aboly iv Pasa ox Cash Chorge |i uiit and repaired, gas linings installed, 4 HOUSEKEEPER - COMPANION for| Qualifications -- minimum , CONSECUTIVE 3.75. 4.13 |ffurmaces vacuumed, Free estimates, ss TAN S Surveyors I we Gis Gas wo Centrally Located elderly lady in home with all conven echication, Grade a" oe JOHN'S GARAGE Consecutive ~ = ; . 5 abstainer; weeke: e ween the ages o' to 45. ' ' . insertions 2.25 2.48 ALL TYPES of pallcing repairs, root) CORNER KING AT BURK STS pee ph Bray Pg Ronhe items and everything you wish to 3500 square feet. Pes Ft Rewe nce e Interested in working with 226 Celina Street 723-322 4. , ais fin nis ioe, ak Preschool hilaren. bots saree tM] Boys. Starting salary $3480. SALESMEN rate will apply =~ - DONEVAN AND FLEISOHMANN, On- slates! ing. Must live in. Telephone 728-2878) Per annum. cm m Above rates apply only to original Cartage Money to Loan Vie Cane tel aera mene TERMS CASH! AMPLE PARKING SPACE after 5. . Nures ~ ealaaiea e Grove °, -- i" ry > Fp print, lo - 725-5632. BOOKKEEPING machine operator and igs ° : rooklin, Port Per: reas, t come Saeed ot 9 Gunes, Whitey, Rescate rates lCAbn ie Bae mortgages. Private|HORTON AND WALLACE, land sur| M. G. MONTGOMERY - typist required immediately. Write Box} 3 weeks holiday--occumu- Full or port time. ie f stitute new original |iFully equipped and insured. Phone|funds. W. McAuley, Realtor, 28 Prince|yeyors. 130 King Street East. Tele- 36, Oshawa Times. lative Sick Leave---2 shifts-- ': later dote constitute a 728-3661. Street, 723-2512 or residence, Whitby: |phone 728-0161, AUCTION SERVICE APPLY HOUSEKEEPER -- for centrally to:| Good working conditions, CANADIAN fae Ke Whitby, MO 8-5765 - - ated doctor's home. Sleep in, private ~ PETROFINA. LTD Protessional and Business listings |! Fuel and Wood TV -- Radio Repairs 725-9794 or 725-8849 room, 'permanent for right person. $30) Cook -- experienced. Ve tg Per inionat yy $1'60° oe FACTORY hard wood cuttings. Suit- | MONIES FOR TV RENTALS, by the day, week, Ros 29? KING WEST wom mone a tal ns nd For Institution kitchen, Sol- TELEPHONE eae AM ag ' lied. Telephone Teasss MORTGAGES Simeoe North, 723-3043," children hile mother works. Cadillae-| 'Y €cording to experience, loti same Olive are'. Character fe e: - ; Fig ly ian ae word. Box FREE Monies available on . First i, a vel de ell seriad rH fi URNITURE | 14--Employment Wanted . |suired. Telephone 723-2100. °° pene Gener aeanny SALES ¢horge 15¢ additional. Mortgages ot 7% per annum |Fitiott' Avenue, 723-9792 (Fred). ine Office - 623-3301. Hi f leaned i Fonte : ' ILLUSTRATIONS, Professional Crea- Residence - 623-2324, ve cuartad Advertiaments ter ae for end" addr: bie tog coaiuble en T V TOWERS SALE KU De a ee SECRETARY OPPORTUNITY must be in by 5 p.m. "4 teed trouble free all win- , Vv. pthc ana Alina fd dn hi A ; fore publication except Births, an 'yh Second Mortgages. F i EXP ED wishes| We require on experienced Sal ith itho iam, Cards of Thanks ter. If you purchase 'White ; F The undersigned Auctioneer " req Periencec esman with or without ex- t Viich will be accepted until 9 a.m, Rose" unifined fuel oil from ic oe se i aati ee ee Will sell by Public Auction to il Saltheet Soa waters Anty credit secretory for our Credit SALES CAREER ell eggs ws ee Deadline for at eee Se Western Oil Company. as di loli ca LEN & LOU 'S Box 41, Oshawa Times, Department. Shorthand and train you in an interesting by f | escola Putts edd loan sch OST a RE A ey : , P ConcelGttice Hours Daily 8 - 5. DIAL 725-1212 M. F. SWARTZ on Saturday, Oct. 27 | YouNG MAN with igh schoor educa: gpa gilda asentint pie ond eee career. Saturday 8-12, Bata wae ASE are" "y Yala RN Short - term and Builders' | ANTENNAS For M Cecil Osb: or general office work. Dalvay Scott, cher, Sula Foritare Limited, | OPPORTUNITY supply leads. Wau oor "hd REGULATIONS nes will not. be | F "ener giao wre Se er | 728-5804 or 725-7844 al os "a 204 'Drew Street. |__30 Richmond St., Oshawa. preferred, but for right mon fo , in advertise- i EE SORE St CE PIR ing ot. E., 6-- Ip Wanted | CAI CC] ANiEc © ' not absolutely necessary. Sal- ments submitted. otherwise thon, in If You Purchose | Fn Waris Tower Antennas Bowmanville reece Wenen SALESLADIES Our Canadian Corpora- ary and bonus based on :pro- writing, not for more : | / , i : Full t time | . ' duction, For interview, incoreet "insertion "ot any" adver. FINA FUEL |__ Brokers' Registered Act. now sold at All, her household effects, |i" Person. Genosha Hotel. Whitby, Alon Broker 7; | tion' requires an Oshawa i ss 4 ingle insertion of Including: kitchen, dining Port P, : : Fe eattacnent es en are om Honest Cal's room, living room and bed--| -AN EXCITING Bh Ga Sales representative, age 728-165) occurs. And also reserve the right ROSS HILL LOANS : ' furnit beddi lin- F R CANADIAN { ertising according to Furniture & Appliance Store! room furniture, ing, li UTURE / ; ? to classify advertising , ; ; 23 - 40, who has resided or apply in person Fits own classification. 728-7761 KING STREET EAST en, «dishes, eoeking yianalts, AWAITS PETROFINA LTD. ' e 333 § i chads oe diahia adeariloe: TO PAY ALL rugs, garden tools and many TELEPHONE 728-7761 here for 5 years or more. IMCOE ST. SOUTH imes will mv rdeni fi other articles t og a ments, The Time: li not be held 1|Gq g and S pp Installed By ae Le ee REGISTERED EXPERIENCED 18--Male or Female Help rsponsible for more space than to mention: occupies. The publishers endeavour SAE Hata a eh aoa ticmalie| YOUR BILLS I GEORGE'S TV. Sale at 12:30. Terms -- Cash NURSES TYPIST {Ve offer 2 afen Copentinaity ee to reproduce all advertising matter |/west of flashing light at Cotumbus. | , eau TEAC vate correctly, but assume no. liability ||/655-4700. | 728-9191 -- 723-9525 Elmer Wilbur IN CANADA'S for personal development with | GEN Sehaaee mormings nly Pica of advertisment, if any inaccuracies |)" 7-1 By A AAA' a ae Auctioneer odd ibiliti f persia Phage ag hi ined therein. | RICH BLACK LOAM | You Can Borrow $50 To RE | good income possibilities, plus [call Mrs. Staeger, 725-9683, in any form are contained rein. I $5,000 To Poy All Your Ac. TV AERIALS $-Semmmar Peobaitias ARMED SERVICES oo a RED penaion ond solary, phis come Sxreniencee proot reader for local Cement And cumulated Bills. This Gives | PC) (AE AD OUT for Sale or Rent An interesting, challenging | 5," archeathe fa oa mission. Starting date: No- |applicants who have majored'in Eng ue . R Pe kee psteibedecna Sine cee an ae " i : 'a lish, Sal ind bene! . Appraisers Driveway Gravel You A Fresh Start With Only LAKESHORE cottage property, Hali- oii SOA conde gi Ha employee benefits. vember. Reply giving above | ate with cndtBeaens Ape eee ites _PATRICK G. MeDANIEL, AACL Real Top Soil, Sand, Fill One Easy Monthly Payment. REPLACE NOW penen, Sore, Seer Sota, gped reeds Scosuarid busy wes Ga: Rowe Brothers & Co. Particulars and phone number _|in€ to Box 44, Oshawa Times, Estate Appraiser and Broker, Whitby. | Sar? Ly 1 : Phone MO 8-231}. While weather and prites are be sevesgea MO atte ferme can) ify for enrolment as officers of Canada Ltd. e 20--Room and Board pe DIAL 725-5279 | $40 = $5 000 Ot their best, | in the Canadian Forces Medi- es BOOM and board for two business site / Accountants GREE GSE U RIOTS |11--Articles for Rent cal Service. = : in private home. Willing to share, si LEONARD JAMES BROOKS. Certified LOAM. GRAVEL TRIO TELEVISION |---- - Applications for enrolment in AVON GIFTS BOX 948 le beds. Write Box 47 Oshawa 'Times, org Macrae rrr og , ? , 171 BOND STREET EAST Dishes, cutlery, glasses, chip the Canadian Army (Regular) = aes boars for gentlemen, home - i inch bowls, i i » lunches packed. Tel Sos yo a mn WASHED. STON s OF bua ee CALL 728-6781 Sites hoels yd chew sticks, Fersor Medial Soir cee ST. ART AT ON C OSHAWA TIMES Phone 728-9523. S ' ae <b eg West. 725-0397. Res. MULCHED FIL : ae SAMSON coffee urns. now invited from Registered E ee se ee ne ~ "723-7605. Tractor and loader work. Loons Life' Insured, i Nurses who are current mem- privileges, Lunches packed. Teleph -ZALE. FRIEDLAMDER AMD 00. Lots levelled. Reasonable rates. scissabune Las asics SARGEANT s bers of a Provincial Registered EARN BIG MONEY 728-1366. Phone Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trus- 3 iation. DREW STREET, 54 -- i Nee in Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, 725-2156 Buy Now RENTAL rake be ott ea ELECTRONIC oe mae immacilate "home, Oshawa. 728-7371. Us single women Supplying Avon Christmas single beds, $15. weekly. Attractiv HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Char- FINAMeIKE Aenechee 725-3338 under 35 years of age and gifs: (Wa BAIA vod to yard, Telephone 725-7043, itil fered Accountants, 172 King Street : . Canadion citizens (or British stalined in you re- MILL STREET, 103, Room and togez ast, Oahawa, Ontario. 7239508, OSHAWA FINANCE LIMITED OSHAWA TV |12--Articles Wanted subjects with landed immi. | Present Avon. Write TECHNICIAN [two tenttement wna t"20d Board WILSON AND BURROWS, chartered] "The. Fastest Growing All- SUPPLY LIMITED [PIANO WANTED -- Please call Beri| gront status). Get full details South warking, lunches, packed, near Accountants, 114 King Street East, Osh- ' 5 Pyke, daytime 723-9038; evenings,|_ "TODAY, without obligation South General Motors. 728-4763." awa; Ronald F. D. Wilson, CA: HILLSIDE Canadian Loan Company 361 Gibbons 728-7887. |. by combleling ded ailing the P.O, BOX 512 Experienced technician |BOOM AND BOARD for nice cleans - ir If not paid within 7 days the stoops. Gordon May, 728-0394. East. Charge RENT i | 4G. EAmond Burrows, CA. Pe age Ce YIN RaRE HRRINTERO rear? quiet man, good ho 'MONTEITH, MONTEITH, RIEHL and 17. SIMCOE ST, NORTH 728-8180 FINO waned: weed, in e508 S6db) Gttached coupon to: required: for set - up and |lumches packed, parking. Near "South OSHAWA, ONT. North, i a ole! At ce Daily until 5:30 P.M, Well Drilling --. Digging SHAW cruiting Centre 17--Male Help Wanted | equipment used in the ppelpiet Fen oas yn ling Room and board Auta Pais For Scddlirns, <Séeding Evers | Wecneaey unt ® RAL We WARD |: AUTO WRECKING CO, 25 St. Clair Ave. Eost, SICK OF STRIKES, layoffs, time i i pf my td pe 3 ' Sa il Noon ' ' fora Save At Western greens. Topsoil. Gravel drive- turdays until 12 WELL DIGGING by Wants cars for wrecking. Toronto 7, Ontario Stone Re le a | components. |SIMCOE AND ROSSLAND AREA H j | 'i d etals, tc., bought chile jand entrance, quiet home; lunch Service Centre PHONE 723-9020 |__!7 OFFICES IN ONTARIO SPECIALIZING IN 30" TILE | Oban Sohirdey all day, Phone Please. forward, without obli- Apply to |packed, 'home cooked meals, laundry, a WHITBY, ONTARIO | gation, details of career op- \725-2311 -- 89 BLOOR E DY LICENSED MECHANICS | Mortgages MO 8-2563 -- MO 8.3809 ["<>°f0') ~~ O7 DELS =| portunities for Registered MRS. BETTY SUTTON!22--"Storage Space . 204 CHESTNUT ST. WEST WANTED Nurses in the Canadian Forc- Personnel Manager | k id Hi ick, Barri: » 31 Ki GARD 'en Ea Hin --" "*1--Women's Column | NO rearview tices. | Name o+++ Experiericed CENTRALAB __ ic. situ, common Barristers ARDEN CENTRE |MORTGAGE: MONEY available, no|PERMANENTS on special. Page Hair-| Scrap Iron and Metals Address BREE S SIMCOE NORTH -- office x Public. Mortgage Feddema Realtor, Bowmanville, MA i shroom, Telephone 728-8441. funds, available, 36% King Street Bact 3.3644. SPENCER foundation garmenis and| |. TURNER SY MONK HL NO CANADA LTD STORE FOR BENT: heree Ser vos 723-1107. Res, 985-7163. 723-3292 PRIVATE and corporation "monies to/brassieres, individually designed: %0| 723.2043 --. 723-2281 GROUP INSURANCE * -- Wfeet. 152. Simcoe 'Street' 'Souths so, LOUIS 8, HYMAN, QC, Barrister, Soli- Babel se ghee, eighty +? lege td Leta All your gardening needs. |gages and surements a ~~ mer. irs, J. Hendershot, 324 Admica: Road LIFE INSURANCE AJAX, ONT. OFFICE AVAILABLE \newiy rullt; GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soli- The Best In Garden Desi mdi sido ni ta ae = : gitors, etc.. 114 King Street East Dial Free OF sea MORTGAGE LOANS -- Phone 728-5] /5 WA 5-4124 or Wien, ond second" morgoses: eg | Bamboo and | Used Furniture, Clothing, Tools, Etc. |-- [Steste, Ontawa, | General Motors, Sh LANDSCAPING 725-6541 | wail itoschd wine Canadian Armed Forces Re- maintenance of test |Park Road. South. re :_ |packed. 10th Floor clocks? An Amway Franchise offers) manufacture of electronic [plate $15" weekly. mine nr Oe ways, Sidewalk Slabs; Other evenings by eppointment MACHINE | Parts for sale, also scrap iron Telephone WA 4-7346, 728-7004, Warm comfortable room, private bath Repair. to All Makes |Parking, Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue. 145 King West--728-1607 | vier and second mortgages. Sale| P.O. BOX 329 és Medical Service. | and Garages "EIVE BAYS TO SERVE YOU" OSHAWA |agreements purchased and sold. Hen-| and PARTS MAN GARAGE tar reats cal cecal cop --oe «BRUCE V. MACKAY, BA, Barrister, 259 SIMCOE ST.N. bonus, Reasonable interest rates. Peter cao a 396 Pine Avenue. Teleghone!| (collect) first floor, centrally located. = pase jlend on all types of mortgages; mort- ig panty briefs, Spireila garments monthly. Close to downtown. oT a) é "1 T 4 | ees r a elevator service; bright, ftreshi: fr ara AL ela aaa dee | DR ADEDIES WANTED WH 2.1540. __(exvia"tai' see, Seat cone 723-2278. Residence elly, BA, BCL, 728-5832. Household Repairs and second mortgages' and nes . . ae BA, BSc., 725-3363; Terence V. Solicitor, REPAIR SERVICE fs ines WANTED to rent 50 to 100 pop t acre farm - RANGES, WASHERS, DRYERS, mer cottages. LINCOLN INTERIORS to North Oshawa Neighborhood Assoc. Building with house, 30 miles radius of Ajax. GREER, Associate Barristers. and Soll POLISHERS, IRONERS SUMMERLAND | SECURITIES FREE ESTIMATES Fund,, GIGANTIC AUCTION SALE to be held at : : kk EEE Eee ee LIMITED TELEPHONE EVENINGS | the park on Nov. 3rd. For engineering department to Work ranze-sepRoom home win garage Spade gions i og 728-6046. Service i cp 112 Simece St. North : ; {fenced yard prelerred. aye small chil- 3AMES A. MacDONALD, BA .LLB.) Formerly with. THOR of Conada Oshawa, Ontorio--725-3568 Whitby, 668-5345 FOR FREE PICK-UP CALL: with paper patterns and stencils. awa district, Telephone te, Jeben: Te the Comercial bandiag, Wak Gee TELEPHONE 725-8296 Days Toronto 694-7511 (22m-8111, c ent park: Optometrists 5 : : . ASEAN MPL TAI PS A West, Oshawa, Ontario. Client' park-| FREE ESTIMATES tl |2--Personal 723-9705 723-3962 Dravabtina-somaiience, pees. spel oo 12 WANTED %. T. SALMERS, BA, Barrister, Solici- HARDWOOD AND TILE /pay. arcounts at ' downtown Dominion! Tay would like ride to Bay aad 728-6876 725-5759 minimum. Age o 40, married p i IMMEDIATELY 'tor, etc., 13% Simcoe Street 4 Bank or 74 Burke Street. invalids ex- College Streets, Toronto: Arrivin * | A | s S, . ig 8.30 i Offices 723-1101. 725-3542. OLD FLOORS j amined at home. Dial 725-4587. jor 9 a.m. After 4, telephone 725-7491, Bachelor requires two or three BOWMAN, DAVID D., Barrister, Solidi: REFINISH F. RICHARD BLACK, Loctor of Optom. |i" you HAVE a drinking probiem,|!3----Business Opportunities |16--Female Help Wanted| \\/R|TE BOX.43 OSHAWA TIMES room unfurnished apartment, Se ee ee eee ED Hz, the, examination of eyes, contact | witte to Box 333, Whitby, of call MO|=-->7> HOUSEKEEPER required, two school- Top floor in apartment build- dence 728-0264. Fr Est, lenses, 136 Simcoe North, at Colborne. §\3934 or 725-0893 b " |FOR SALE or lease, North Oshawa ser-| HOUSHRE dikictoon hocks. Call i referred. Write statin Mect BASTEDO, B e.. Estimates |Evenings by appointment. 723-4191. wie OF FASO, leew galiohs three bay araah, Ghow:|Anee cmibiSn, motheriees home, _ Call|-- ng p k 9 McGIBBON and » Barristers, TRY THE OSHAWASH Frigidaires|room Stock room and office, Semi-|728-3574 after 6 p.m, | location and rent to Box 746, Solicitors. Clients'. funds available for BANK'S FLOORING | Fates § Coin Caundty. tov thé tkatest, ot , Povgae oO ~ BROT DRONES 7 first. mortgages, 20° Simcoe Street | 2aintina and Decoratin . saundry for the fastest, cleanest | detached duplex rents' for 5 per r= Oshawa Times, North. 725-3566: Charles C. MeGibbon,| TELEPHONE 728-8813 aL CONEOT, Pralewioaal oo sig ee om _| ont, Ouvapied. Teloomene taint. _| REAL ESTATE FIRM CAREER OPPORTUNITY QG: Edgar F, ¥ estedo, Qc. : 'and papering, plaster repaire, free| Removal of superfluous hair, |EXCELLENT opportunity, _ Grocery REQUIRES WOMAN 24--Houses for Rent DONALD BLAKE DODDS, Barrister/Instruction estimates. 728-7668, Marie Murduff will be in |store and four apartment: suites in one] '\* S A sales career is offered to the right man in this HOUSE, self-contained, four rooms el cpl cs Rl ly et CET IRR eT Barer eer pee NEW winter rates! Papering and paint-| Oshowo, Oct. 29, 30, 31. PS et ee eee, Nes FOR : ded bath, oif furnace, $65. per month. Tele: Telephones: Business 723-2201; ad a ae jus.7ag7, FYPT0e applied and taped. Dial) Phone Genosha Hotel on | equipment $23,900 with terms. Restau- SECRETARIAL DUTIES! area by an old established and well regarded organ- te . Hortop. Tel 725-396: : sei rant ith ipment, Located A ; Ss i j \s SON'S Road and Champlain, |Hortop. Telephone 725-3962. : these dates: for appointment, | rant Runes Wim, eamethene, | Teenie ization. Preferred age 30-50. Selling experience not |SSEVENSON'S Road and Cha month: ZOREES E MANGEN. OU, Earlier, Sarvate teacher; moadear"coasslior DODD & SOUTER | "ge ri Dergg ed pena od calaaes ear ee |session. Ill health forces sale. For in-} Must' have some accounting : H complete trainin \ly. Apply 486 Champlain, ELECTROLYSIS |formation on these two money makers. or bookkeeping experience. hecessary as we will provide a P 9g ao ------ | D H. DONALD, BA, Barrister, U "APPLIA residential, industrial, city, . ; 4 yi Solicitor, Notary Publie, 33% *simeoe HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE | aibuibar seuniry on sum- Fa bric Don't discard used household articles. Donate them LAYO UT MAN 23--Wanted to Rent King Street East, Oshawa, 728-8232. ° 15 years' experience. By interview 2 --o sone PNR MRE Ohh A MANNING F. SWARTZ AND RONALD |-2 AC! Dow. 725-1054, pe aaionn Ca Me arti ueemi4. Joseph. Apply Box 735 Oshawa Times programme. Toon howoe, sie hedvoossss mei t ae L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY -- Tar-| 723-464] | Bosco, Realtor, 725-9870. _ nace, $85 monthly. Telephone 728-0836 Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block,|'#9 Twirlers' Home. Dance or Baton| Painting, Paperhanging ee ees SOUTHEND AREA, near school and 26% King Street Ea: 723-4697., Resi-|PuPils register 424 King W. 725-6122. | C ° aa imi 2 ing Street East, 723-46 esi oaainer ceo ee Sal Cries, Full Wall Murals | 3 Bets © Livestock ONE HOUR MARTINIZING] DENTAL NURSE Salary plus full commission on all sales, Unlimited scope for |bus, seven-room house. Can be cop: REYS, BOYCHYN and HILL. !Y qalified. Presently fully emploved | Prey tle SER hound | ILABLE advancement and top earnings. Company pension plan, Blue verted into two apartments; -oil heat- IYN and HILL-|l¥ qualified. Presently fully employed.! 197 BYRON ST. § WHITBY |DEER hound for sale, black and tan.) FRANCHISE AVA | ' ' ing. Telephone 723-7091. Berest tea Odes Re Db" Hane | Times ec cme DAYS MO. 8.5231 Telephone 725-7263. Be your own boss in modern, Young woman oge nt | Cross'and Surgical Benefit plan available, Send full particulars CELINA "STREET -- Small vsemit st. + R. Dz oi fobs JES MEE NSS se cae | "s sER HOUND, j e your a d neat appearance and wit | / fe aay gee EE Lid hat on S77, | BRLIAN MAE MARSH. DEA, DMA,| NIGHTS 725-7426 (Telephone abil PY das aha eee: well designed Franchised One ability sg meet the public. to box No. 945 ¢ °o Oshawa Times. ew Getached boas. rohevnalsa fen eval R s . -5177, | Dancin, ool. t, tap, ' redid ARERR ES ini : 2 sel oi MBean Mec accicee 9 725-1173; Residence, 725-4604; | Whitby,| pre-school kinderdance. Fridary eat. Personal Service LABRADOR pups, Golden, rexistered,| our Martinizing Dry Cleun Typing and previous business THREE-BEDROOM bungalow, oll heat MO ¥-2761, 725-53. NHA and other/days. Masonic Temple. 723-7253. p Randa etal NE leila ac ___| five weeks old, Telephone. 263-2395. | te eo de finest experience will be on. asset, wae a vee one: Aen from two mortgage funds ava' ie. whan LL | CF TTS Tae ea peer || ality wit! es! service, scl on imcoe orth, Available Se ee eee ncotiiiectcinna OREO b 4 | | THREE HOUNDS for sale. One good) 4 : HW train the right ROUTE M i CREIGHTON, DRYNAN AND MUB-|piano accordion, can potas nea | MODERN GRILL jon deer, 96 Beatrice Street, Oshawa, | complete public acceptance at ona + the roecific November 1. "Apply 1043 Hortop DOCH, Barristers, Solicitors, Notar-|phone, clarinet, drums etc. New and |SIAMESE CAT, beautifully resulted from national adver- pe Sh, SIAMESE CAT, beautifully marked, du ; jes Public, Bank of Commerce Bulld-jused instruments, Alto. Music Suppiies,| Bar-B-Qued Chicken, Turkey | AMESE eight months old, $25. or| tising, pius local merchandis- ties. Required For be bel toriey Rage Se: And bathe ' . 'outh, ing, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, 5 5 1 5 as ' Outta. 723.346. Residences: T. 'K 453 Simcoe Street South. 725-1501, | Dinners, Fish 'n Chips, Home | best offer, After 4 p.m., 725-7061. | ing and sales promotion. monthly. Dial 725-1212, Creighton, QC; G. M, Drynan, QC,|CURBSTONE setier or pedigree pooch Made Pies and Desserts. RABBITS -- purebred breeding stock Reply in own handwriting ee ka ee 728-8554; G. L. Murdoch, /23-4768,| You find the dog to give your heart to WE DELIVER jand 100 pens, also meat type. Tele ONE HOUR MARTINIZING| stating age, education, pre- COMPORTABLE farm Hotise, "Hydro, Mortgages and agreements of sale|!" "Pets For Sale" in the Classified | phone 728-8926. : vious experience, marital sta- furished if desi oe Ps Bay nd bought, sold and arranged. section. Turn back today, 345 RITSON RD. SOUTH | oe ras : " Will help the right mon or * Q sired." Phone ' 985-7994, BUR = 3s -- | peel MAb ee aes Pitney teu woman get astoblithed "and tus and salary expected. EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Port Perry. * 3 weeks, wn colored, luebec Stree 4 nk et Building Trades NS SCHOOL | 725-3887 Jor telephone 723-1958, | provide training program to ; : Kc yet wines oe ae CARPENTER, custom work. Hourly or 0} * . |MINIATURE white poodles, registered) make sure you are a cap- stop, $30 monthly vacant, 'A ug contact, Telephone 668-5680. i DANCING Plumbing and Heating © sl aoe ie ae eee, Male $125.| able operator. Cash required Address to Box 302 REPLY. TO BOX 833 Oshawa Boulevard North. poly BULLDOZER 'or hire, $8. per hour.) St. Hedwig's Parish Hall | #EPAIRS and remodelling of all types,|APPIY 778 Hortop. =. | $8500. Further information Oshawa Times. PORT PERRY -- six-room house, bath- Oshawa Garden Service, 1259 Simcoe . g a new and used materials, Reasonable|BEAUTIFUL haby budgies, ready for and. free brochures. 3 room, hot water, heavy wiring, central- Street North. 723-3222. (Olive and Central Park South) (tates. Free estimates, 725-1334. Mc-|training, talking strain, Apply Mrs mea eR? 2 * ssorrane OSHAWA TIMES ly located, immediate possession, $50 CHIMNEYS, new and rebuilt eaaieee BALL TA |Grath Plumbing and Heating, Broad, 114 Elgin Street Hast. ' Call or write HOUSEWIVES Per month. 985-7580, and repairs and leaks. F. McCann, E T , P, BATON aur PLUMBING 'and heating supplies, | g a bas FIVE-room brick bungalow, three bed- DIAL 728-7902 Phone 725-3521. Harold H, Stark, Lid,| 4----Market Basket Mr. G. Olson or rooms, forced air heating with ofl; 490 rs - SSS, Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, a ~ - ' 8 P. d A AH AN monthly. Immediate possessio 00) JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION. 55 Sime: 5 MA ELLE cha 4 ri Mr. M. Rothseid a ays BARD L_LUBRIC TS bi sajna. Bloor Additions, renovations, new pibental LEARN TO DRIVE. 25 Simcoe Strect South, of Whitby on No 12 Bidh@ar' hoe y A ' Street West. Call Ernie Holmes, Real- # 'Sim Wea Sts Until me Suet Oshaw: 4 District. ""Lasist ; |ALL TYPES of repairs and remodel-|Macintosh, C | Se s Better ing and nti (Canada Limited) tor: 204 King Street East. 725-2363. best" 7237172, at om fhe) Oshawa Driving School' jing. new and used matering, Reece, | Macintosh, Courtiand, Seeors and Spy. niet Vicon FIVE-ROOM house, bath, forced air jable rates, 'Estimates free. Dia||/PUMPKINS each 25 cents, carrots, Laundry Equipment Christmas 5 oll heating, good cond.tiun. Douv.e vt, DAY or EVENING {728-6931, J, Foley, fue Grae ee Sten ag ieee Mey ied (Canada) Ltd. Requi res Salesman tive minutes" walk to, sandy beach Port NICK DYRIW Late Models, Standards 'tae ee : Put your abilities to work as A Bolster, Pefferlaw 51R5. EXCAVATI NG Automatics, Dual Controlled I WELL iPiEl ~ bots Boba. Obatae 49 be ila ~~ a demonstrator for Stanley For Oshawa, Cobourg, Peterporough Area LOVELY FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, : LE: § . » Spys, Ora 'tly furnished, in good condition, at- OSHAWA ond WHITBY But if you insist Blemings, $1. and up. Bring contain- oronto Home Products. i on Ww eee po parade, handel BASEMENTS DUG . CALL 728-0091 on the best... . call ot Thies HOA Miche Gee tiodh Phone 249-8514 om No limti to earnings, Were te patter your Mises Se ae ea ;__ |eome, vacant Novarnber 1. $90 ionth. TRENCHING eee GUSCOTT PLUMBING 5 . N If you are an experienced automotive salesman. Bardahl Lubri ly. Apply 478 Park Road. South, . es Peer 5--Farmers Column Cor Necamaty cants (Canada) Limited requires an energetic salesman to sell |BUNGALOW, three bedrooms, neat 723-3898 x Instruction and HEATING Limited - - - A K FOR Interviews at ' Cadillac Avenue South, oil heated, | 207.5 G6 jok8i, CASH on the spot, Highest prices paid Bon et Ro in their nationally advertised products. He will work on a com- sai basement; private' drive, available i hd f 207. t, S---725- tor Guat ded cools ¥ ; i i December 1,' $90 hly. ' Telepho! PETER JOHANSEN in sed 2 Telephone Collect. Hampton, - COlta ENTREE RESTAURANT mission basis and if necessary 0 vehicle will be arranged for |December 1, $90 monthly. "Telephone Ltd. Theory of Music Rug Upholstery Service icone Nast"! Pur. Farm, treme) QSHAWA TIMES SE Oe ee ee a re Custom' built homes. N.H.A. |CHESTERFIELDS "and oid chairs el -- at 1807 Eglinton West sion plan, Write, giving full particulars to: STE ok oe and conventional. Also oddi- covered like new, Get the best for less 1 At ' Dufferin Street : apartment \in new apart- tions, alterations, rec. roms, LOMN R. ROBERTSON "Mower Grhatierrs, i Sines! \Want-Ads Don't FAMILY Mr. W. WAINMAN, Supervisor se Netaeaas ax Se este eoita : No do A.R.C.T. lor' ac esate AB tes lB tes AO 2 P.M. Sharp eve Abbie repairs. No down payment. CT. |\CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered and | 886 Hare Avenue, 68 McMILLAN DRIVE -- Three-room All work guaranteed, CALL 725-1861 |re-styled, Eree estimates. See our ma- Cost-The Pa WANT ADS Saturday, October 27th McKellar Heights, upstairs apartment, unfurnished, range, 7as-9207 i, Caavan tcp, Taran alia 2 Call Toronto RUssell 2-4972 OTTAWA, Ontario, Sens 0, mais oe Melly abate ©