PICTURED ARE Kenneth Arthur and Linda Grace, children of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holmes, 757 Cam- bridge avenue, Oshawa, Ken- neth was two and a half and Linda was one and a half years old at the time the picture was taken. They are the grandchildren of Mrs. R. S. Holmes, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Carswell, Toronto. --Photo by Hornsby PAUL GORDON, one year R. Lavis and Mr. and Mrs. H. old and David Roy, three years) C: Wittérick and great grand- old are the sons of Mr. Mrs. Leonard Witterick, Har- many road north. They ate the grandsons of Mr. and Mrs. J. sons of Mrs. William Jackson, all of Oshawa. --Ireland Studio THIS BONNY young miss is Diane Marie Kidd, daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Ber- nard Kidd, 356 Sharon ave- nue, Oshawa. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and (omen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, October 23, 1962 7 Mrs. Vincent Kidd, Erinville, Ontario and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sagriff, _ Enterprise, Diane was nine months old when this picture was taken. ~Aldsworth Photography Mrs. George Fitches, Presi- dent of the 8th Oshawa Sea Scout Mothers, conducted the meeting at the Hillcroft Street Scout hall. The coming November Bazaar was the subject under discus- sion. Mrs. Fitches spoke of at- tending the Riggs bell dedica- tion at Camp Samac and of her two years as president and turn- ed the meeting over to Mrs. Frank Gravelle, from the district committee to continue with the annual meeting. Mrs. Gravelle called upon the head of the nominating . committee, Mrs. Thomas Abthorpe, who named the new slate of officers as fol- lows: past president, Mrs. George Fitches; president, Mrs. David St. Andrew's; vice presi- dents, Mrs. Roy Day and Mrs. John Robertson; recording sec- retary, Mrs. Reginald Coombs; treasurer, Mrs. Robert Ross; corresponding secretary, Mrs. F. H. Farncombe; social, Mrs. Mathew Sutton, Mrs. Gils Goulding and Mrs. Keith Burns; rho Mrs, Roy Day; visiting, ts. Robert Dove; telephone, Mrs. Thomas Abthorpe and Mrs. Irwin Southwell; sewing, Mrs. John Robertson; uniforms, Mrs. 8th Sea Scouts Mothers Aux. Holds Election Of Officers the new officers. Mrs. St. An- dres, the new president thanked Mrs. Gravelle for her co-opera- tion and also Mrs. George Fit- ches, the past president, for her efforts during her two year term. Mrs. Harold Cleverdon has consented to open the November Bazaar to be held in Christ Me- morial Church on the 14th. Scout Leaders Mrs. Donald Thompson from the Port Troop and Mrs. Derick Hewitt from Starboard Troup both spoke to the members. The president asked for mem- bers to help prepare food at Camp Samac in the near fu- ture, at the Cub Leaders Train- ing Course. Sewers will also be needed to make the bandages, signalling flags and neckchiefs needed by the 8th Oshawa Scouts and Cubs for the coming year. Presents will be sent overseas to two past Scout Leaders -- Al thrope and Bunner at the Christ- mas season, The newest project, the cas- serole recipe books: will be' on sale at the . It was de- cided to have a baby sitting: service in connection with. this event. Douglas Barton. Mrs. Gravelle congratulated Refreshments were served by the Curlew Patrol, UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES OGH AUXILIARY Evening Chapt. The October meeting of the Evening Chapter, Hospital Aux- iliary was held Monday night. Twenty-eight members were present, with Mrs, C. R. Lunn presiding. Reports were read by the var- fous committees. Mrs. Stephen Heney gave a report of the Des- sert Bridge and thanked all of ance. Mrs, Gordon Curley gave a report on the variety of toys for the children in the hospital. These toys will be purchased and donated by the evening chapter. A gift of a large fire truck was donated by the Gift hep. Miss Wright, Clinical Super- visor of tries, spoke to the members and pointed out the importance of toys for the chil- dren of all ages. Mrs. A. W. Armstrong, presi- dent of the afternoon auxiliary, gave a report of their meeting and of their activities for the winter season. November will be the month chosen for the Festival of Gifts, held in the cafeteria of the hospital. The evening members will con- tribute home baking and Mrs. H, Bickle and Mrs, Grant Hoy will be in charge of aprons. A nominating committee has + \been formed and is as follows: GIFTS AND NOVELTIES Just in time for gift giving is this attractive selection of woolly items which are such fun to knit. All the designs in this picture are given on one " Yeaflet, You will find a lovely stole in feather and fan pat- tern, a roomy knitting bag, a looped stitch tea cosy, slip- pers in three sizes and Pier- rot the Cluwn, If you would like the leaflet with all these designs, simply send a stamp- ed, self - addressed envelope, plus ten cents for handling, to the Neediecraft Department of this paper, requesting the. Gifts .and Novelties, Leaflet Number 11-62. 7\Mrs. Lorne Care Mrs, Eric Sutherland, Mrs. Henry Bickle, Mrs. Robert Smythe, Mrs. Roy Bunker, Mrs. Mortimer Brown and Mrs, Lunn. Guests for the evening were Mrs. L. R. Mason and Mrs W, G. Wright. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Thomas Norton and her, the members for their assist-| aad at their October meet- ing. A short business meeting was conducted at the parish hall with Mr. Gerald Crawford in the chair, A tour of the Oshawa Simcoe Street United Church was the setting recently for the double-ring wedding of Miss Eleanor Lois Forster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Forster, Prince Albert, Ontario and Mr, Donald Owen, son of Mr, and Mrs, Donald Owen, Meir, Stoke- on-Trent, England, The ceremony was performed by the Reverend J. Moffat. Mr. Reginald Geen, organist accompanied the soloist, Mr, Jack Allin, who sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Wedding Prayer"'. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white peau de soie. The bod- ice featured lily-point sleeves, and slightly dropped waistline. The rounded neckline was edged with appliqued imported Italian lace which descended down the controlled front panel to a raised hemline, The domed skirt had unpressed pleats at each side which continued around the waist and formed a sweeping chapel train. Her headdress was a coronet of seed pearls which held an illusion veil and she carried a Bible topped with a white orchid. The matron of honor was Mrs. Donald Wallace with Mrs, Wal- ter Dixon and Miss Ann Pluister, senior attendants and Miss Linda Forster, junior bridesmaid. They wore identical gowns of emerald green peau de sole with fitted bodices, elbow- length sleeves and round neck- lines. The bell-shaped skirts Eleanor Forster, Donald Owen Wed in Double-Ring Ceremony were accented by small match- lhe agen toawued su vac od open ci ea dresses with circular veils. Miss Donna Wallace wore a dress of gold silk organza over taffeta with a matching headdress. They all carried nosegays of mums with tawny gold roses. Mr, Edward Duckett, Toronto,| & was the best man with Mr. Paul Fraser, Cobourg, and Mr. Rob- ert Forster, Prince Albert as the ushers. _ The bride's mother, receiving at the reception held at the wore a two-piece bro- bronze and white chrysanthe-|' LODGES AND SOCIETIES BETA SIGMA PHI Mrs. Bell on behalf of the sore The next will be he emai home of Miss Glencairn street sivered desired was slive: Mrs.'Makes 3 to 4 se Mrs. W. W. Baldwin is the eneral convener of the Fes- tival of Gifts which is being sponsored by the Women's Auxiliary of the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, which will be held on Wednesday, November 21, in the OGH cafeteria. --Oshawa Times Photo caded satin dress in Caribbean blue with antique gold accessor- fes, Her corsage was formed of SOCIAL NOTICES tawny gold roses and hwite car- nations. ° Assisting was the bridegroom's grandmother, Mrs. E. Owen, Toronto. She chose a two-piece light wool dress in pecan and beige tones topped with a matching fur stole, brown accessories and a corsage of pink and white carnations. When the bridal couple left on a. honeymoon trip to Pennsyl- vania and New York City the bride donned a powder blue double knit suit, matching mari- bou hat, black accessories and a white @rchid corsage. As the bride and bridegroom came out of the church, Miss Linda Forster presented them with a wedding token sent from |Mr. Owen's. parents in England. Mr. and Mrs, Owen are mak- ing their home in Oshawa. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Dart wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Carole Sandra Anne, to Paul L. Rous- seau, son of Mr. and Mrs. Aime Rousseau, all of Whitby. The wedding is to take place on St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church, Whitby. MARRIAGE Mr, and Mrs, John Broad wish to announce the marriage of their youngest daughter, Judith Anne, to Barry Clive Anderson Attersley, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. B, Attersley, all of Oshawa. The marriage was solemnized in St. George's Anglican Church, Oshawa. the treasurer's report. Fifteen members were present. Mrs. R. A. Lloyd installed the new slate of officers for the new term as follows: President, Mrs. Jon Jenkins; vice - presidents; Mrs. John Vice; secretary, Mrs. Eric Cooper; treasurer, Mrs. St an. Painter; social convener, Mrs. Robert Skelton; card convener, Mrs. Gerald Slogett; sewing convener, Mrs, Morley Robin- son; patrol leader, Mrs, R. Dawson; executive, Mrs. How- ard Etmanski; Mrs. Ernie p-| hompson, Mrs. Roy Kenney, Mrs. James Shetler, Mrs. For- shay; press reporter, Mrs. John Fisher. : Plans were made for the bazaar to take place at 2.30 p.m., November 28, in the St. George's Parish Hall with Mrs. Skelton as convener. Refreshments were served by Mrs. R. Skelton. 8T. GEORGE'S GUILD Westmount Group The Westmount Group of St. George's Anglican Women's Guild held a Quick Tricks cook- ing demonstration recently, sponsored by Mr. William Duffy of the Public Utilities and pre- sented by Miss Gwen Reid of the Ontario Hydro Association. A lucky draw was held Filtration Plant is planned for the following ladies received prizes: Mrs. Kenneth Proctor, Mrs. Jack Wilson (Whitby), Mrs, Arthur Wilson, Mrs. John Mathews Sr., Mrs. Arthur Wal- lis, Miss Ada Juson, Mrs. Jo- seph Ewart, Mrs. Ernest Mac- Kenzie, Mrs. B. J. Bateman and Mrs, Fred Schultz. NORTHMINSTER UCW Rossland Unit The Rossland Unit of North- minster UCW Octobér meeting was held recently in the church parlors. Mrs. C. Mervin McLean, lead- er of the unit, opened the meet- ing. Mrs. Victor Cubitt introduc. ed members of the Joy Unit who were guests for the evening. Mrs. Cubitt, with Mrs. Ross Courtice, Mrs. Mervin Cryder- man and Mrs. John Payne, all members of Mrs. e" group, assisted in the service, using the Thanksgiving theme. Mrs, Payne read a prayer writ- ten by Louis Bromfield. Miss Jennie Pringle, who had taken a trip to the British Isles and the continent earlier thig year, showed pictures of her trip. She had been able to find the places whence her an- cestors had come and where the graves of their forebears were marked. Her commentary prove most educational. the November meeting. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Donald ULiddiard, social conveners and Mr. and Mrs. John Houghton. 11TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUXILIARY The annual meeting of the llth Oshawa Scout Mothers' Auxiliary followed the Pot Luck Supper held at the Community Hall, Thornton's road north, re cently. Mrs. Howard Allan present- ed four sets of signalling flags to Mr. Wesley Bryant ,Scout- master of the B troop. The in- stallation of officers was made by Mrs. G. N. Varnum, presi- dent of the District Committee, Howard Allan; president, Mrs, Immediate past president, Mr Howard Allan; president, Mrs. Harold Sliter; vice - presient, Mrs. Everett Coedy; secretary, Mrs. Thomas Patterson; treas- urer, Mrs. Ross Sutherland; sick convener, Mrs. Samuel Leonard, Tea and a cake provided by Mrs. Ross Sutherland helped celebrate the 7th anniversary of the auxiliary. 7TH SCOUT MOTHERS' AUX. The monthly meeting of the 7th Scout Mothers' Auxiliary was held recently at St. George's Parish Hall, Mrs. Jon Jenkins presided. Mrs, John Kitchen read the minutes and committee. : MERRY MATES Seven couples of the Merry Mates of Christ Memorial Church spent an evening of HOWARD'S 926 SIMCOE N, 725-3144 @ DRAPERY @ BROADLOOM @ SLIP COVERS @ BAMBOO Mrs. Howard Hutchinson gave CARPET - AND CHESTERFIELD @ UPHOLSTERING FIRST TIME AVAILABLE | RIGHT IN OSHAWA | Internationally-Famous WALTER THORNTON TRAINING Your opportunity to take the personal improvement course that has benefitted thousands of women from all walks of life and in all age brackets. | RUG 728-9581 puowr 728-9581 Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded Free Pick-Up and Delivery. Fast and Friendly Service. Angus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King St. West, Oshawa 728-9! THE SPECIAL OSHAWA COURSE WILL INCLUDE: @ The Secrets of Make-up ond Skin-Core in @ Figure Streamlining with Exercise & Diet Mate sei Jair Styling Graceful Wolking and Poise Complete Information without obligation MRS. FAY BEATON 401 JANE AVE. OSHAWA PHONE 728-1128 CLEANING ENGAGEMENT. Mr. and Mrs. Eino Jalasjaa announce the engagement of. their daughter, Terttu (Terry) Marja, to Franklin Arthur Pol- lard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel- bourne Pollard, all of Oshawa. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, November 10, 1962 at 3.00 p.m. in Grace Lutheran Ohurch, Oshawa. Mrs. McLean presided over the business session when it was decided that the Christmas meeting would take the form of a pot-luck supper at the home of Mrs. Douglas Langmaid, Refreshments were served by Saturday, November 10, 1962 in| Mrs. Courtice' group. tremendous values, HUGE REDUCTIONS QUALITY FURS FROM 35% TO 50% Furs of the highest quality and lat- est fashion at such low prices that you just.can't fail to recognize the Fine Quality Fur Coats ons hackatal compare at $450. quality BLACK PERSIAN LAMB dyed quality SHEARED MUSKRAT dyed quality GREY PERSIAN LAMB natural quality CHINA MINK JACKETS dyed $495 compare at $650. quality CANADIAN BEAVER COATS quality CHINA MINK COATS dyed quality GREY PERSIAN LAMB COATS quality PASTEL MINK BOLERO and many other wonderful buys | BUDGET TERMS EASILY ARRANGED 75 KING ST. EAST Opposite Hotel Genosha =]