Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Oct 1962, p. 5

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eer ence IEE * Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Lioyd Robertson "WHITBY and DISTRICT Tel. MO. 8-3703 Early Issue Of Driving Permits Ontario's 1963 licence plates, vehicle permits and driver's licences will go on sale Decem- ber 10 -- three weeks before the i date of past years -- Transport Minister Leslie Rowntree announced recently. The purpose of advancing the date from the traditional Janu-! ary 1 date is to make it more convenient for motorists to pur- chase licences, Mr. Rowntree told delegates to a Department) of Transport Road Safety Work-} shop here. The closing date will! be March 13, about the same 2s past years. j "The new opening date of December 10 has many advan-| tages for the motoring public! and for the economy of our' province," he said. "It will serve the convenience and bud- gets of all motorists and will) save money for those who pur- chase vehicles in December and will encourage the sale of new vehicles during that period. In addition, it will be helpful for THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 23, 1962 5 H&S Talk On Child Reading King Street Home and School | Association held its second gen- \eral meeting in the school audi- torium on Thursday, Oct, 18 at 8.15 p.m. President Mrs. I. Scott opened the meeting by welcoming ever one and a particular welcome was extended to the guest speak- er, Mrs. Frost. : Following a short business meeting Mrs. Phyliss Read, im- Retired Admiral Slain By Bullets CHICAGO (AP) -- Paul Joa- chim, 50, a retired rear admi- ral, was slain Monday by a gun- man who pumped four bullets into his body in an apparent holdup attempt. Police said Joachim, a Chi- cago art dealer since his tirement from the U.S. Navy, was gunned down when he gave battle to a lone gunman who accosted as he walked along Lake Shore Drive. mediate past president introduc- ed Mrs. Frost who spoke on "Child Reading'. Mrs. Frost, who formerly taught at King Street school and is now a mem- lber of the Hillcrest teaching staff, is very much in demand \as a speaker due to her interest- ing and informative presentation on this important subject. With the often crowded class- room conditions and widely dif 'fering groups of children, indivi- BEST-KEPT ROADS VIRDEN, Man. (CP) -- The - rural municipality of Wallace, 190 miles west of Winnipeg, has been awarded the provincial cup for the best - kept munici soem system of more than 100 es. FREE | Have your furnace cleaned free this summer end guaranteed trouble- free all winter, if you purchose "White Rose" unified Western Oil Co. DIAL 725-1212 those citizens who 'spend part. |dual help by the teachers is Josephine Borg: | by. The. mayor told a council meeting earlier this. month that jhe had no knowledge of the course of the extension prior to \drafting of final plans and ex- propriation measures in August and early September. He said he learned the street was to cross the property owned by Thomas Kaneb and Son Sept. 14 and declared his interests to council soon after. Ald. Castner said the Ontario Municipal Act requires a mem- ber of council to declare his in- terest in. any matter or subject Pn hing of consideration before council. te < ne He said the problem is whether ' the term 'subject of considera- tion" applies when the matter is brought before. council or when it is approved by council. GARAGE FACTORY SPECIAL . Order NOW Before The Snow Flies PAY NOTHING UNTIL MAY '63 Many Models To Choose From We must clear our heavy summer inventory of mat-° erials before winter, so, until November 15\.we are offering a very SPECIAL PRICE On all Garage Models for Fall Delivery. Insuring careful drivers since 1922 % Karl ) Gerhardt 2 155 Hillcrest i] Dr. Whitby MO 8-3762 GRADUATES RECEIVE DIPLOMAS back: row, left to right, Har- | left to right, Ronald Hayes, vey Hogan, Robert Ashen- | Koert Sholton, Dennis Mar- hurst, John Gregg, and shal, and Terry Cleverdon. | Murray Wilson. Front row, ! (Oshawa Times Photo) Eight male attendants re- | at the Ontario Hospital. The | "eeived their diplomas this | graduation exercises were month after a one-year course | the end of a hard grind for, 4 WHITBY SPORTS PARADE By GERRY BLAIR DUNLOPS START TONIGHT Whether or not Bobby Attersley and Ivan Davie will have a Toronto Maple Leaf sponsored defencemen for to- night's 1962-63 Metro Junior "A" home opener for Whitby Duniops is still uncertain at the moment. Neil McNeil Collegiate, practically man-for-man the game unit which claimed the 1961-62 Metro Junior '"'A" crown in its first year of operation, will provide Dunlops with their initial opposition starting at 8.30 p.m. Pre-game ceremonies ere slated for 15 minutes earlier. This is the opening game.aiso for McNeil Collegiate who _|of the |winter in the south." | jlimited. This is where parents The Vrapid increase in the THE BRIDAL PAIR lean play a big part by reading number of vehicles on Ontario to their children from a young roads, with a consequent in-- Shown above after their | Cardona, is the daughter of jage, by seeing that they are crease in crowds and line-ups in} wedding recently, at St. John | Mr. and Mrs, John Borg-Car- [members of a library, and by issuing offices, was a factor in| the Evangelist R.C. Church, | dona, Whitby, and the bride- |generally encouraging good read the Department's decision to} Whitby, are Mr. and Mrs. John groom is the son of Mr. and jing habits. lengthen the issuing period.| Oetelaar. The bride, the former} Mrs. Henry Oetelaar of Whit- Mr. Fairman thanked Mrs. The number of motor vehicles! Miss Rose) --Photo by Scott | Frost, following which the meet- Ags doubled since 1950 to the) --------- 2a ----~|ing was adjourned and refresh- present estimated total of Pi | }ments were served by the execu- Sai Anglican WA Mayor Rapped | Mr. Rowntree said the longer hg ican ayor app | jissuing sea pe would ere id s 8 t | eae an intermediate step in the pub- M S d F H d \lic imterest while the Depart-| ISsion u y or 1 Ing {ment of Transport continues to| St. John's Anglican Church jdevelop the punch-card system|wA held its regular devotional Interests jthat will make it possible 19) and business meeting in the! issue driver's licences on the!Sunday school room. CORNWALL (CP) _ City birth date of each motorist. | President Mrs. E. Vallant was|council Monday voted 6-5 in fa- The 1963 licence plates wiill|in the ehair. The meeting open-|VOr Of a motion censuring have white lettering on a black/ed with a hymn and prayer. "goed Nick Kaneb for failing background. They will be issued) Mrs. §. Whitney gave the|' state earlier his personal in- at the Whitby offices of Harry|Bible reading. Twelve members|terest in a property scheduled re Re TDN ~~ |Donald Ltd. on Dundas' street|of the WA represented St.|{0 be expropriated for the ex- east as in past years. John's at the Deanery meeting a . a cit yor pt ae Mle ahs! Sasa ie § > {held at the Church of Ascen-| e vole was held following Football Season 0 i RR ost DS 2 walt ania at nae FORT WILLIAM, Scotland) The annual bazaar will be|ter, brought before council by | e (CP)~A large wood pulp mill/held November 28 in the Sun-|Alderman M. M. Castner at an is to be built in the highlands of}day school room. jearlier meeting. He said the 1c ory pener Inverness-shire to halp alleviate| Mrs, E. Northam gave the/sooner that the street exten |unemployment in the area. Fort|Mission study entitled "The|sion was to cross a piece of ; | William is regarded as .a pos-|Victory of Life." The new study|land owned by Thomas Kaneb By SUSAN SCHILLING [Anne Henstock and Sue Mitchell) .inie centre for industrial ex-|book entitled 'The Church in|and Son, of which Mayor Kaneb and MARILYN ARCHER [were top scorers for Henry. _| pansion in the highlands. ithe '60's" has arrived for study.|is director and president. -- The junior Henry football), Seniors defeated McLaughlin) | The meeting closed with pray-| The mayor declared his inter- \team battled to their first vic-|by scores of 15-7, 15-12 and 15-4. | ler and refreshments werejest in the west Cornwall prop- ltory of the season by defeating|*ran Gibson and Ellen O'Sulli- HISTORIC TITLE |served. erty Sept, 25 but the motion \Bowmanville' by a score of 37-|van turned in fine games ior) PEEL, Isle of Man (CP)--|-- _ ch SRE = censuring him suggested that 15 on Thursday, October 16, Mr./Henry. Both Henry's junior and| Naturalist Peter Scott has been| office created in 1610. His an-jthe street extension discussion !Church, the junior coach, is very|S@mior teams haye yet to be de-|enrolled "Admiral of the Manxjnual salary is £5 ($15), a bas-|has been going on since Febru-| loptimistic about the team's fu- feated. Herring Fleet", a ceremonial ket of herrings and a cottage.|ary, 1961. ture. bey von we hee patentay " , 0! enry High officiated ti Bi gg nb nets = ieam | Eames. The help of these two top| by a score of 38-0 on Thursday, athletes was greatly appreciate | lOctober 18. Jim Nichols, Stan| ,Members of the Student Coun- | Precast Concrete | SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY BY ELIMINATING THE RISKS THAT ARE ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN POURING ON SITE, OUR QUALITY IS GUARANTEED. i jcil have challenged the teaching} ---- lag touchdowns |statt to a game of basketball on) * Friday, October 26. The game The team's success would have). . : | |been impossible without the out-|W#ll precede a dange sponsored) along with Whitby sat on the sidelines to watch Mariboros | .tandin ame played by|>Y the Boys' Athletic Associa-) and Brampton in Sunday's opener and in the finale, Osh- \eary's dijeace, sig lion, 1 is er erg OA awa Generals and Knob Hill Farms officially start the | Henry's Grade 9 volleyball|stat's vice tmeema e the 1962-63 wheels in motion. |team played its first game! Commencement will be held Tonight's clash takes up where these two clubs left off (against McLaughlin on Thurs-ion Friday, November 16. Invi- last season when they tangled in a semi-final series which | %Y; October 18. Oshawa took tations have been sent to grad- McNeil (then St. Mike's) easily captuded. I don't think |the first game by a score of 15-| ates of 1962. | ; 3. Henry frught back in the fol-| c ss Sieas, ginal: vee Willig lo yead, 'wilt case | Members of the Henry Inter. quite as easily. |lowing games to win with scores| School Christian Fellowship Club! Dunlops have to be considered stronger because of }of 14-12 and 15-10. Donna Mc-| were guests of Anderson ISCF| |Pherson was Henry' top scorer./on Tuesday, October 16. They their fine showing in the later stages of the exhibition en- counter against Mariboros here last Thursday. Juniors won their games by|viewed a missionary film por- COACHING DEBUT FOR ATTERSLEY jscores of 15-7, 15-4 and 15-13./traying living conditions in | |Korea after the Korean War,| In the coaching department, with all due credit to Bob WHITBY Cherry, a former coach, Whitby appears to have strength- The film proved to be very in- ened with the acqisition of former great, Bobby Attersley. PERSONALS |formative and stirring. | Many players, with outstanding pasts, have-failed to put The folowing members of St. Current Range of Products include: @ SEPTIC TANKS @ CURBING @ DURA STEPS @ WALK SLABS ® RAILINGS @ WELL TILE @ PATIO SLABS @ CHIMNEY CAPS Act WOW!! . . . DURING COLONIAL FACTORY FALL SPECIAL COLONIAL HOMES é LTD. Baseline and Liverpool Rd. Opposite Bay Ridges PICKERING, ONT. PHONE 282-5762 Specialists in Custom Precasting g CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. ey Creek were weekend guests jat the home of Mr. and Mrs.| Ed. Finan of Hallet street. | Mrs, Norman Gibson, Church-| \ill avenue, RR 1, Whitby, is {opening her home on Wednes-| day evening to a group of | \friends and neighbors, Mrs.' |Foston will be toy demonstra-| tor. | Mr. and Mrs. W_,G. Green- |Sides, the Misses Judy and Su- |san fone gb of Fort Erie were IRISH FILLY WINS _| Noblesse took the lead 150 yards| Weekend guests at the home of DONCASTER, England (Reut-| out ia the ec ca |Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Metheral, : ined| \944 Dundas street east. Mrs. pgm gt Raggy age rnd Second was another Irish-|Greensides, a sister of Mrs. Me. of New York, raced to a three-|trained, American-owned horse,|theral had just returned from a! lengths win' Saturday in cite/Mrs. Ann Bullitt Biddle's Bar.|!"iP to Mexico. 3,338 Timeform Go! up, |tholon. Third, three-quarters of} Mr. and Mrs. Britain's richest race for two-|\a length further behind was Star| and Pome Moy ioe Means year-olds. ¥ Moss, owned and trained in Eng-|and Robin recently spent the Starting favorite at 11 to 10,| land. weekend at their cottage in Ot-| jtawa Valley. Their guests were |Mr. and Mrs, Eugene Nicker- son and daughters Barbara and| Nancy. | day night in Bowmanville arena at 10 p.m, Orme and as- sociates are still working on a sponsorship for the coming 1962-63 season. Any players, in this vicinity eligible to play for Bowmanville, are most welcome to attend the opening workout. . . . Oshawa Generals held a workout last night in Maple Leaf Gardens, with coach Doug Williams stressing a little more hustle which the club lacked last Sunday mainly due to stage fright. Knob Hill Farms also 'worked out at the Gardens last evening. SPIRIT DUPLICATORS COPY REX vsise: Kips Meee, RS uss... MOREL BWW jai. cei eed las eis vxy 249.50 Henry ISCF held a candy sale their knowledge across to aspiring youngsters, mainly John the Evangelist CWL attend.|"0Y: October 26 Henry and . |promises to be a great s SS, Attersiey is one of the few, who appears to be getting Church, Oshawa: Rev. Father) --_--____ Ebi til \Mrs. J. Corrigan, Mrs. D. G.| And other credits:due, even though we tore the poor |brite, Mrs. G. Carter, Mrs. L.| ble from Jast year's squad, to return for another term with G. Deckert and children of Ston. | Smith, newly appointed coach, will begin practices on Thurs- MODEL: M2 tiniccusiindaessnaennaeeue (alee on Friday, October 19. The pro-| because they just couldn't find the words. On the ice, it |ed the Fall Ontario County South|\nde"so" ISCF's will hold a his vast accumulative cognition across to the players, L, J. Austin, Mrs. A. C. Smith, Newman, Mrs. F. Canzi, Mrs. man apart in this column on occasion last season, go to ma ae Chizen and Mrs. F', Seminsky. Whitby's Junior "A" hockey club. MODEL D490 HAU .zus....... moe: ean scaieen . SeeOU- ceeds from this sale will pay was all automatic, but when it came to teaching, they lack- |Regional meeting held on Sun- bowling party. This is the cubs'! {Mrs. R. McCloskey, Mrs. D.| both during actual workouts and from his perrch on the i a is |B. Hazelton, Mrs. T. Hughes, general manager Ivan Davie, who did a fine chore of re- | Mr. and Mrs. K. J, Craddock| TOWN AND COUNTRY .. , Bill Orme, manager for MODEL D490 EAU(DF)........... ispecies ee for hymn books for the club, On a hae: [day at SL. Macy of the People's first social event of the year and |O'Hagan, Mrs. J. McMahon, | bench. during a game. |Mrs. L. Ruest, Mrs. C. Otten-| cruiting unsponsored players, plus encouraging those eligi- of Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs,| Bowmanville's Intermediate "'B" club, reports that Sam 84.50 114,50 ELECTRONIC STENCIL-CUTTER .n.cnsoxcmx-nnm 2095.00 Teh e oveteweremes + regen ss oxeremsy i are aes tee ee seamen ey Evening Shows At 7 & 9 P.M. Feature Starts At 7 & 9:30 MODEL R IIE 375.00 saiersveasihssyeibe ms ncgumolenns wos pus WHITBY MEN'S LEAGUE WEDNESDAY NIGHT Points -- Legion No. 4, 2; | Mifflin's Barber Shop, 1; Ram- blers, 2; Hoffer Valley, 1; Jake's Barber Shop, 3; B and R Trans- port, 0; Drew's, 3; Andrew's no. 1, 0; Millwork, 2; Hontocker's, 1; Melody Grill, 2; Mittons Ma- chinery, 1; Bathurst, 2; Munn's Press, 1; Dunlop, 2; Legion: | naires, 1, | Triples over 700 -- L. Reed 788, J. Clark 772, E. Brush 746, E, Birch 719, D, Denyer 711, P. Belmont 702. | es true OFFICE EQUIPMENT 322, J. Fawcett 286, L. Reed! 281, 275, J. Mclvor 285, J. Clark "a f : 137 BROCK ST. SOUTH, WHITBY Where Sewice Reigns" OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY «++ 9AM. TILL 6 PLM. Att THE FIGHTING Crawine, Lovine OF Fiesh-Ano Bioop Peopie! 285, M. Adair 281, E. Birch 275, D. Reed 269, P. Belmont 267, D. Denyer 266, B. Carter 265, Bev Gough 258, B, Villeneuve 259. D Purdy 258, D. Wiles 256, G, Flet- cher 255, B. Owens 254. Eee Tees all Shee] SO : Recommended As ADULT ENTERTAINMENT

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