2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 23, 1962 | EATON'S Family Drug Sale Our biggest drug event of the season. EATON'S IMPROVED Vv & M CAPSULES 6 -- To help maintain good nutritional health. Vitamin and mineral capsule is some for- mule os Vitamin Senior without the lipotropic factors. os '00 in bottle .... 3.98 Sale; 250 In bottie ... 8:99 EATON'S EGG CREME SHAMPOO 20--To help banish loose donruff, dirt and grime. Light, fluffy lather leaves hoir shining and clean. A family fovouritie. Soe bce, toute. ee 56 Reg. 1.25! Sale,"16-oz. bottle... .® Reg. 2.49! Sale, 40-oz. bottle "Vitamin Senior' For the '40-plus' age group 1 -- Copsules which moy help to main- tain appetite and good health. 11 vitamins, with significont minerals and 3 lipotropie factors. Usual dosage is one o day. Reg. 19.95! Sale, 500 in bottle ..... veces Reg. 11.95! Sale, 250 in bottle .....+s.000, Reg. 5.49! Sale, 100 in bottle Halibut Liver Oil 3 -- Each capsule contains 5,000 units of vitamin A and 1,000 units of Vitamin D, Small and easy to take. Reg. .95! Sale, 100 in bottle Reg. 1.95! Sale, 250 in bottle ......0s000+ Reg. 2.95! Sale, 500 in bottle . . Reg. 5.25! vee, 2006 Sale, 1000 In bottle EATON'S IRON AND LIVER CAPSULES WITH VITAMIN B COMPOUND 7 -- To help overcome iron de- ficlency due to anemic; assist appetite and discourage that tired feeling. por ie a Bottle . ., 1.83 Sais, 250 t» torte .. 3:96 EATON'S SACCHARIN TABLETS 8 -- For use where sugor is restricted. Ya grain. Reg. .59 41 Sale, 500 in bottle .... # Ya grain. Reg. .9 718 Sale, 1,000 in bottle ...8 v7 we Reg. .49 Sale. 5 00 in bottle .... 39 PM Biers Reg. .79 le, 1,000 in bottle % Health Salts 15 -- Effervescent salts for the stomach. Easy ta take. A mild loxative. Reg. .59! Sole, 1-Ib, tin EATON'S Fruit Saline 16 -- Gentle-acting saline laxative to help eose discomfort of indigestion, billiousness. Reg. .89! Sale, 8-oz. bottle EATON'S HAIR SET SPRAY 21 --For soft style setting without gummy film ! Holds hair neatly in ploce, De- signed to leave hair soft and clean. Delicately scented spray for lasting coiffures. Reg. .79! Sale, 10-02. can... 63 2 FOR 1.25 EATON'S A.S.A, TABLETS 17 -- Acetylsalicylic acid. To help relieve common aches and pains from head- ache, rheumatism, head colds, etc. Seale, 500 in bottle EATON' SPLASH COLOGNE 22 -- A_ fragront treat ofter the bath or before dressing. May be used os a body rub or on wrists and brow for refreshment to the skin. 1.251 Sale, 16-oz. bottle. . 99 23 -- Paradichlorbenzine crystals that form. a vapour to control moths and their larvae. Sprinkle under rugs, into chesterfield suites and clothes drawers. Also for use in vacuum cleaner. Reg. .95! Sale 2-Ib. Carton ..., " Bag ee EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 212 PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S OWN BRANDS AT Exciting. Savings! Multiple Vitamin EATON'S COD LIVER OIL CAPSULES 9 -- For adults and children + «+ contains vitamin A 2,750 units and vitamin D 275 units per capsule. Reg. .98! Reg. 4.95! Sale, 100 in pkg. Reg. 1.79! Sale, 200 in pkg. ... CAPSULES help maintain Reg. 2.25! EATON'S BREWER'S YEAST TABLETS Reg. 1.00! Sale, 250 in bottle.... Reg. 1.79! Sale, 500 in bottle... .1.43 EATON'S COD LIVER OIL Plain or Flavored eg. 1.00! Sole, 20-0z. bottle.... .79 He 1.75! Sole, 40-oz, bottle... .1.39 EATON'S COUGH SYRUP Reg. 1.19! Sale, 4-oz. bottle.... .95 Reg. 1.98! Sale, 8-oz. bottle... .1.58 EATON'S CALCIUM GLUCONATE TABLETS AND VITAMIN "D" TABLETS Reg. 1.25! Sale, 100 for........ : Rég. 2.75! Sale, 250 for. Reg. 5.00! Sale, 500 for........ 3.99 EATON'S VITAMIN AND MINERAL 10 -- A dietary supplement to Sale, 250 in bottle .... Sale, 100 in bottle .. 4 -- A vitomin formule for those whose vitamin deficiency is not unusually low. Easy to take tablets for adults and children. Reg. 2.40! 1.69 Sale, 100 in bottle .. tebeeee Sele, 250 in bottle. scseeveee, O8OO soe, $00 ta bottle .. 5,89 seeereeees EATON'S HALIBUT PLUS CAPSULES Ww -- Each capsule contains vitamins "A" ined 'D" with vitae vitamins and min "B12" ad minerals considered essential. 3.95 sal, 350 in bottle . 2.28 1,19 52%, 1c0"n sore .. 1,08 LAXATIVE TABLETS Reg. .85! Sole, 100 for........-. 68 EATON'S BEEF, IRON AND WINE EATON Price, Reg. 1.391 Sale, 32-oz. bottle... .1.10 EATON'S ANTISEPTIC MOUTH WASH Reg. 1.00! Sole, 16-oz. bottle.... .79 Reg. 1.65! Sele, 32-02. bottle... .1.32 EATON'S SAFFLOWER OIL CAPSULES Reg. 2.79! Sale, 100 in bottle... .2.23 Reg. 4.98! Sale, 250 in bottl .3.98 Reg. 8.49! Sale, 500 in bottle... .6.79 sg oh "900" CALORIE PLAN 155! Sele, 8-oz. can........ ye 2.35! Sale, 24%-Ib. con..... v's8 Availbale in vanilla, butterscotch, orange and chocolate, EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT, 212 25 -- A deep cleanser for all types skin. Apply generously, then remove with tissue for cleansing before and after 'make-up'. Recommended also as an overnight cream. Reg. 59! _ 4 2 age jar Reg. .98! Posy aap jar Sale, Bath Salts 26--EATON'S Bath Salts to help soften water and scent the skin. About a handful to each tub, A long-lasting supply in this large plas- tic bag. Choice of pine, rose, or lavender. wg # 5-Ib. bag . oA Reg. .98; '2 bags 1.53 PHONE 725-7373 DELIVERY NOTICE Due to response expected to this sale,, we cannot promise delivery of sale merchandise on our regular schedule, but deliveries will be made as promptly as possible. Regular drug de- schedule. partment orders will be er on our -- 4 "Vitamor" Tablets 2 -- Daily oid to help supply an increase in vitamin intake. Also for those who want @ balanced preparation with health-ciding vitamins. Available in convenient toblet form. A one-tablet-a-day aid. Reg. 3.59! Sele, 100 in bottle ... Reg. 6.98! Sale, 250 in bottle ... Vitamin Minor EATON'S EXTRACT OF MALT WITH COD LIVER OIL 12 -- Popular preparation with the school children. May lig to maintain normal resistance to infections in Wintertime. tains vitamins "A" and " Reg, .98! Reg. 2.25! Sale, 1%-lb. jor bic 'acid. ! ASCORBIC ACID 13 -- An aid in increasing ine take of vitamin "C", Each tab- let contains 100 mgm of ascor- Sab, 100 in bette .... 818 Sale, 250 in bottel. .. EATON'S Improved Capsules 5 -- A wide ronge of vitamins and min- erals for adolescents, sized to permit easy swallawing. Reg. 7.98! Sale, 250 in. bottle Reg. 3.98! Sale, 100 in bottle EATON'S Vitamin Minor Tabs. (REGULAR) Tasty vitamin oid for tots to teenagers. Reg. 5.49! Sale, 250 in bottle... Ce eeeeeees a. tte le Rattle: secs eee EATON'S MILK OF MAGNESIA TABLETS 14 -- Reg. 55c! Sele, 250 in bottle Reg. .89! Sale, 500 In bottle .... Reg. 1.59! 1.79 ba 3%. jor... 1089 Sau, 500 in. bottle .. O18 Mineral Oils 18 -- Heavy type oil for reliieflof constipation; clear, tasteless, internal lubricant oil. Reg. 1.29! eT PETROLEUM (medium weight) Reg. 1 Sale, 40-oz. bottle Reg. 1.89! Sale, Y2-gallon bottle EATON'S SWEET PINE AIR FRESHENER 19--To dispel odours of stale cooking, tobacco, fish, etc., in the kitchen, Also for bathrooms, sick- room, to impart a fresh pine scent. Reg. 1.19! Sele, 10-oz. Spray container. . . EATON'S ROLL-ON DEODORANT 27 -- A fresh-scented semi- liquid in plastic container with swivel top that rolls evenly. No spilling, non- sticky. To protect underarms soa from __ prespiration Reg. .35 Reg. .75! Sele, 1%4-0r. ..... 59 2 FOR 1.16 EATON'S HAND LOTION. 30--For relief of chapped hands and rough skin. just @ drop or two, Creamy pink lotion... Reg. .55! Sale, 8-oz. bottle... Reg. 1.00! Sale, 16-02, bottle. Reg. 1.98! Sale, 40-oz. bottle... EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 212 EATON'S TOOTH PASTE 28 -- With anti-enzyme action to help discourage tooth decay, acid, * About 2¥2-02z. tubes. EATON' BRUSHLESS SHAVE 29 -- Reg. 1.00! 15-oz. jor ....... 19 Reg. .45! 3Ya-oz. tube LATHER SHAVE Reg. 1.00! 1S-oz. jor ....+5- eg. .45! Y-oz. tube EATON'S SKIN BALM 31 -- To help protect hands from chapping; smooth roughness and ease soreness. Also for ,a pore jer base or: after-shave rnalaed Reg. 65! Sale, 8-oz. bottle. . Reg. 101 Sale, 16-oz.. bottle Reg. 1.98! Sale, 40-or. : bottle. . PHONE 725-7373 Please See Back Of This Page For Other EATON Specials