NEW TOWER BUILT Construction workers. are | riedly erected 4 control tower, | port, afew miles south of the |Lafayette County circuit court a : | Mr. Diefenbaker replied that/ford to back down. And while gently relieving pain, | f reportedly to handle a big in- | Naval Air Station at Boca jhere, asked $1,000,000 actuz! HEIGHT DIFFERENCE any time India wants wheat] Both sides apparently have otaline' Sener place retraction ; ig ti ye TT 'py "S Wiss ak gps : too Z port Monday where they hur- | crease in air traffic. The air- | Chica, has had only one com- |and $1,000,000 punitive damages.. OTTAWA (CP)--The Domin-/from Canada, 'we will be in alagreed on an eight-per-cent 8. ' mercial flight daily and no shown atop a Key West air- control tower was needed un+ | rioting that followed the arrivali women as 5 feet 1% inches, but|should not be asked to break|!ween $4,600 a year for yard-| ceased to be & [Pet My os or money ' | China Rapped | til now. of Negro James Meredith on the/Zarment manufacturers \and re-\existing contracts for supplying) men and $7,000 a year for con- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, October 23, 1963 § 7 |Canada To Consider |{?! Triana inane Plan Meeting HAMILTON (CP)--End Hal/day's game here against Tor- % . Arms Aid To Indians | With Mediator Gs ot oth ya : 's j MONTREAL (CP) -- Repre-|\;ame in Montreal against the om vi want to take & 5 t By JACK BEST Canada suspend grain ship-Jare being made against India at Lites' bse) trasmeane te nat Alouettes, ' OTTAWA (CP)--Canada will]ments to Red China in view of|this time, and if the Indian gov.| .+ 19 am. EDT today with fed-| Team officials said Monday HURRICANE MIGHT give fullest consideration to any|that country's military moves/ernment should approach us, in|...) mediator William H Dickie|the sprain is not serious and| Modern. thermonuclear "e energy request by India for military| against India. view of its situation and the in a bid to head off a strike|SWelling has been reduced Pat-jons release less equipmengggto defend itself) Mr. Diefenbaker told H. W)fact that India is a fellow mem-| coated to start in six days.|teTson twisted his foot to catchjeven a small hurricane against munist Chinese at-/Herridge, House leader of the|ber of the Commonwealth, we The talks were adjourned tacks, Prime Minister Diefen-iNew Democratic Party, that In-/Would certainly give such @/ongay night after more than 10 baker said Monday. dia has made no official ap-|'equest the fullest considera- of becret - ba ng e s i pours of secret barexine) Only Preparation H Contains adhe He also indicated in reply to|proach to Canada for military|tion." a Commons question that he/assistance. ~ Opposition Leader Pearson separating the two parties had : * e subscribes to the Indian position) The NDP leader had asked|#*ked the prime minister), 65 narrowed considerably. al N) bstan that it has been the target of/comment on Canadian Press re-|"2ether the government consid- There was no immediate offi: New He 1 ul CO eee aggression from China. ports that an Indian Air Force|®"s that aggression has been| iat comment from either side, ° s " : At the same time, however,|mission was on its way to Can-|°°™mitted against India, The Brotherhood of Railroad Shrinks Hemorrhoids...Sto Itch h d stion that}. : ¢| In reply Mr. Diefenbaker e rejected a suggestion ada to explore the possibility of tiled the Indian' vi int that|2'@inmen (CLC) has threatened Bs aequiring Caribou transport] irene hee ier ce a ae to strike the Ry bigeye If your doctor thinks that surgery is not necessary, . planes: ' rd ,->-|move that could tie up ali traf- . i: gressive acts. "Our relations ° Preparation H may be the answer to your hemorrhoidal problems. Walker Suing CARRY SUPPLIES and our experience with India "j hoc ag saver) eer See ; ' |. They would be used for carry-|in the past have shown that that Mr. Dickie, @ Toronto concit Fag 9 Ont. a ete care Sen eines a or e jing men and supplies into the Country does place the true and iator, was appointed Friday by bstance with the | tions, some of even 10 to 20 : |mountainous regions of north-| appropriate facts before us," helrabor Minister Starr after the ok sanding. OXFORD, Miss. (AP)--For.)25t sy" aba et India where| added. talks ended in a complete dead- 'All mer Maj. Gen, Edwin A) one 08 indian been going) ASKS RE GRAIN lock last Thursday, ha' telieved with this | thetics or astringents of any | Walker filed a libel suit against|O" Derween Indian and Chinese} social Credit Leader Robert| Still at issue in the dispute ; The secret is a new : .. troops. | e : ; stance (Bio-Dyne)--' |The Associated Press Monday, Fe Thompson asked whether injare a- series of complicated jfor $2,000,000, claiming he was Gon si gms noted thatiview of the "invasion" of alwork rules that the railway is| 9% a one bacanesboih. onan Bho Greene Bie a, damaged in stories about. riot-| on m1 as no formal military! Commonwealth count ry by|seeking to revise. Both the rail-) nother, "very striking improve-| for injured tissue on ling at the University of Missis-| °°" iments - Thdia. China, Canada will avoid cuts)way and the union regard the! ment" was reported and verified f sippi. pain nae that does not deny|in Communist China, diverting|work rules as important prin- by doctors' observations. This new Walker, in the suit filed inj"S Geploring the attacks that|them instead to India. |ciples on. which they cannot af-| Pain was promptly relieved. In fact, results were so th that sufferers were able to The stories dealt with\ion Bureau of Statistics reports|position to supply it." jwage increase. The trainmen Walker's role in the night of|the average height of Canadian However, the Canadian people|now' earn an average of be-| such statements as " ve | Satisfaction after one --(AP Wirephoto) 'university campus, Sept. 30. tailers claim it is 5 feet 3 inches.'grain to China, ductors. By Stevenson UNITED NATIONS (CP)--|Rahman Pazhwak of Afghanis- Ambassador Adiai Stevenson of/tan and Ralph Enckell of Fin- the United States said Monday | land said it must be understood it is appalling that Red Chinajthat the Peking regime is the should seek membership in thejruler of mainland China's 600,- United Nations while commit-| 999 999 people. be naked aggression' against Zorin said disarmament is im- i ; possible without Peking's parti- Stevenson was replying in the|cipation and he added the U.S 109 - member UN General AS-l\and other opponents of Red sembly to a demand by Soviet China's UN membership are Deputy Foreign Minister Valer-| making it impossible for the ian Zorin that the Peking re-|wong body to function as it gime be seated in the UN and] ghowig that Nationalist China be ex- | pelled- | Zorin made no mention of the! border war between China and} DEATHS India but Stevenson departed) from his prepared text to say By THE CANADIAN PRESS | that "even as I speak here| Regina--Ernest R. Phaneuf, al brave. men are dying" as India|veteran Saskatchewan newspa-| battles Communist invaders. ae" man. Stevenson quoted Prime Min-| Chicago -- Paul Joachim, 50, ister Nehru as saying in New|former rear admiral in the Delhi that "we are fighting the|/United States Navy, shot by a greatest menfce to our future."|sunman in an apparent holdup Emmanuel Pelaez of the Phil-| attempt. lippines described China as a| Antigonish, N.S.--Angus Dun- "tiger stalking the security of/can Chisholm, 66, prominent Asian nations today' but Abdul' hockey player in his youth. | oo oe eee ne ne ti tay ~~" Here's how ~~ ( CONVEXIONAIRE } 'sis so different! .-" . re -- Se me oor" on the market, Cold forced rapidly out ¢ front louvres. 'Convexionaire does the whole es silently and efficiently e+. and without a troublesome fan. Secondly, Convexionaire isn't a "hot-box" heater. Treat it like a piece of furniture. Double-wall design keeps the cabinet cool afd safe. No more scorched walls or burned fingers with Convexionaire. k for these features too. . concealed, front-mounted thermostat and controls and award winning styling that's ideal for home or cottage. Available in wall vent and free standing models for natural gas or propane. See Convexionaire soon. . . at your local department store, gas utility office or the Clare dealer listed below. CLARE BROTHERS LIMITED PRision Conada's heating speciolists for over 100 years omer Consolidated Heating & Air Conditioning, Oshawa Certain features tioned or illustrated are optional at extra cost. 1963 Mercury MONTEREY with the newsmMaking roof werrezwrsee wees cea and snow. A rear window you can lower, just for fun or for fresh air. Drive Monterey. Test the authoritative power of one of its three mighty Marauder V-8's orits economy conscious Six. The serene, level ride and finger tip control that give you hushed driving pleasure. Choose from 14 luxurious models. They're all Mercurys. They're all sauanea newsmaking. Probably the best Mercurys ever built. See your Mercury dealer and drive the 63 Mercury Monterey, «warrant to 24,000 miles or 2 years whichever comes first | For a newsmaking bargain in luxury, ask about the Mercury 400 models --priced right in line with the "low price three": Alf. Harrel & Son, Gould Heating, Sunray Meating Oshawa Newcastle Pickering George Homers, Shorges Limited, W. F. Bowden & Whitby Whitby Sons, Oshawa 1271 cer tte --_ Oe hats Sessesesessssssssssss «685858