Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Oct 1962, p. 9

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HELPING UNFORTUNATE CHILDREN Mrs. Thomas Tullock,. presi- | from the treasurer, Mrs. John | Dutchak, of the Ladies' Aux- | dent of the Oshawa Society for Deaf and Hard of Hear- ing Children, is gratefully accepting a cheque for $200 | iliary of the Ukrainian Pro- | fessional and Business Men's Association. Mrs, Peter H&S Celebrates 3rd Anniversary Vincent Massey Home ahd School Association celebrated its) 3rd birthday at the October]; meeting held recently, The birthday cake was cut by Miss Carol McGirr, the only teacher on the present staff who was a charter member of the Associ- ation. Miss McGirr . congratu- lated the Association on its past progress and wished the mem- bers continued success. Vincent Massey's representa- tive to the Red Feather Public Speaking Contest, Brian Smith' and Roman Szkilnyk, gave their addresses which proved that Vincent Massey was well repre- sented in the recent contest. The president, Mrs. N. V- Roe, reported the recent Kindergar- ten Mother's Tea which was well attended. Literature was passed among the members re- lating to the drive for funds for UNICEF in which pupils may participate, if they so wish. Mrs. Jack Risebrough, mem- bership chairman, reported thé membership to have reached 59 members already this year. Mrs. Roe introduced the grade mothers for the coming year as . |follows: A.M. Kindergarten -- Mrs. N. Turner; P.M. Kinder- garten -- Mrs. M. Mroczeck; Grade 1 -- Mrs. H. Meades; Grades 1 and 2 -- Mrs. S. Dis ney; Grades 2 and 3 -- Mrs- |W. Libby; Grades 3 and 4 -- Mrs. D. Harnden; Grade 4 -- Mrs, C. Foote; Grade 5 -- Mrs. C. Smith; Grades 6 and 7 -- Zakarow, president of the aux- |Mrs. K. Forbes; Grade 7 and 8 iliary, right, explained that |-- Mrs. L. Millson, | funds raised from social} The room attendance count] } events are devoted to local lwas won by Miss McGirr's handicapped children. } --Oshawa Times Photo |room. Announcement was made jof the family donation plan to UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES raise money, the notices for which are going out at once. The Area "C" Conference is being held October 27 in Belle- each member wished to take] The 16th Parents' Committee|charge of. | of the Girl Guide Association} The evening's program was! held its October meeting recent-| prepared and presented by Mrs.) ly at St, Matthew's Church with| John Jeffrey and Mrs. J. H.| Mrs. John Horky presiding. Roll|Cotter, It was entitled "Getting| call showed 12 members pres-|By" and dealt with Holy Habits, | ent. \Cheating, Perjury and Preju- The minutes were read by| dice, endeavoring to show Mrs. D. J. Bowler and the trea-|through example and discussion | surer's report was given by Mrs.|where, in. our everyday lives, R. J. Bowers. we.fall short of the high ideals Mrs. P. R, Duncanson ti a Christianity we all subscribe Local Association meeting. Mrs.| a report on the Adelaide District |, R. J. Orr will be the new Guide| 18TH SCOUT MOTHER'S AUX. represetative to this meeting. | The October meeting of the! Final arrangements were|18th'Scout Mother's Auxiliary! made for the rummage sale to|was held at Courtice Church be held on Tuesday, October) with 18 mothers present. no oe 4 ae aa Annual reports were given by Mrs. Kenne e e a Mrs. D. J. Bowler will act as| the secretary, Mrs. Orville nominating conveners for the|Rahme and treasurer, election of officers to be held in| Carmen Thompson. December, | 16TH PARENTS' COMMITTEE Mrs. 3 2 After the business discussion, | Mrs. Carpenter with a past-|ville and delegates were asked es president's pin. ito volunteer to attend. Mrs. Carpenter and Mrs.) The theme of this October *. Thompson experessed their ap-|meeting was Health and Safety preciation for the co-operation|and the Health Chairman, Mrs. they received during their term!Harold Forsythe, arranged for of office. the showing of the film ""Human| The 8th birthday cake and Growth" with the objective in tea were served by the Otter/mind of getting the approval of Patrol, : : the parents to allow it to be The next meeting will be held|shown to the pupils of Grades on November 8. 7 and 8. Dr. W. G- 'Watt, the Pee ete oe ~~ |guest speaker, commented at jthe conclusion of the film on its Freggied and highly recommended jits being shown to the pupils. For The Crowd Question papers had been pas- sed around and Dr. Watt an- VEAL PAPRIKA lswered any questions the Makes 20 servings meat and|mothers had pretaining to the sauce. subject. A length discussion fol- 20 veal steaks (4 ounces each)/|lowed relating to the aspects of eggs, slightly beaten jthe film being shown to the cup milk |pupils. Dr. Watt was thanked cups fine dry bread crumbs|by Mrs. Cecil Collings. Shortening for browning The Principal, Mr. W. Arm- DECEPTIVELY simple and most figure flattering is this dress designed by Pa- velle, a fashion house where clothes are.created on slim- ming, youthful lines» The frock is made of georgette- Call On This | on "Acceleration" with Mr.| John Francom as moderator| and the panel consisting of Mr. Arthur S. Winter, Mr. Robert H. McLeod, Mrs: Jean Frolick, and Miss Frances MacLeod. Following the meeting, the parents present enjoyed a social) half-hour with tea and birthday cake, served by the mothers of 1 FLATTERING LINES backed rayon and acetate matelasse. It has a boat neckline and below . elbow sleeves. A fringed tie belt | adds a luxurious accent. --By TRACY ADRIAN HOUSEHOLD HINT In a non-aluminum pot, the stubborn coffee film which builds up inside any coffee pot can usually be banished by fill- ing the pot with warm water, adding a tablespoon of borax and, after hetting it stand for a few minutes, giving it a wash and rinse, | ORNAMENTALS SHRUBS »| Now that the cold weather is| just around the corner, most of the garden tools are being put away for another year. If you are getting ready to put the garden hose away, don't; you {still need it. Many trees and 'shrubs still need water badly advise horticulturists with the »| Ontario Department of Agricul- ture. If Mother Nature falls down on the job, you will have to take her, place. For most trees and shrubs, _|winter means several months of drought, This can be very hard 'on evergreens which retain their } THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, October 22, 1962 9 leaves all winter, so water loss through leaves although slight, is a problem. Brown evergreens in wind-swept comers of the yard are a common sight. You can help by ensuring that the trees and shrubs go into the winter with a good store of mois- tune. The best way to water is to wrap a sock or cloth around the nozzle of the hose, and place it near the crown of the tree. If the gound is not frozen, it will take water, so keep it flow- rng trees and shrubs will bene- SAUCY MUSHROOM EGGS Blend 1 can (10% ous) e densed cream of mus soup until smooth. Stir in oneé third cup milk, and % ¢ shredded sharp Cheddar cl ' Cook over low heat until cheese melts,. Gently stir in 4 hard- cooked eggs, sliced. Serve on 4 slices: toast, Garnish wi! minced parsley, if desired Makes 4 servings. IRON RULE Liver should be included the diet because it is' one of t! best sources Of iron, ; ; SOMETHING TO '|We are proud te presen find anywhere. Superb Luma-glow, jewel-like en er rim. Extremely light in fortable in a wide selectio with lenses, it is truly a styles, shapes and colors one low price. WE FILL ALL PSI, smartest and most flattering frome you will makes a shimmering cont OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS AT _| THE SAME LOW PRICES. SHOUT ABOUT t the Circe, the latest, stying coupled with a graved brow - piece, it rast to the crystal low- weight, delightfully com- | in of colors and complete wonderful buy. 65. other to choose from et the OCCULISTS AND} Branches In Toronto, Hemi U.S. Trode-Merk Registered Opticians -- Over 3,000,000 Satisfied Customers 17 BOND ST. E. 2nd floor PHONE 728-1261 OSHAWA 9 bea" London, Kitchener, Sudbu lagera Falls, Orillia and Chatha: HOURS: MON. TO SAT. WED. TILL 12 NOON , Peterborough, Sault Ste. Marie, SINGLE VISION 11.95 Complete with Frames, Lenses ond Case, BIFOCALS 17.95 Complete with Frames Lenses and Cese. A.M. - 5 P.M. Refreshments were served by|Mrs. Charles Carpenter turned! Mrs. L. N. Daniel and Mrs. R.| the meeting over to Mrs. Philip'9 J. Bowers. Simpson, chairman of the nom-} Salt and pepper strong, announced Open House cups chopped onion for the November meeting, from cup shortening 7:30-830 p.m, The meeting fol- cans (5 ounces each) sliced Miss Jaclyn Doake's room un- der Grade Mother Mrs. H, Meades and social convenor) inating committee. Mrs. G.-N. U.A.W. AUX. 27 r |Varnum, president of the Dis- ' A short business meeting was} trict Committee for Scouting of held recently followed by 4) Auxiliaries installed the follow- Halloween party, with prizes for) ing officers: president, Mrs.| the best costumes. -- |Maurice Gray; vice-president, Sick convener, Sister Mary | Mrs. Garnet Goyne and Mrs.| Turner reported get well cards| Philip Simpson; secretary, Mrs. | were sent to Sister Violet Cool-| Raymond Barber; treasurer,} idge and Mildred McIsaac and|Mrs. Orville Rahme; executive! to Brother Fred Watson. A|members, Mrs. Harold Osborne,| sympathy card was sent to Sis-|Mrs, William Allen, Mrs. Thom- ter "Rose Dalé on the death of|as Gladman, Mrs. Ronald Allen, her father. : Mrs. Gordon Boomer; © sun- A donation of $50.00° will be| shine convener, Mrs. Sydney sent to the Community Chest. | Burgess; sewing convener, Mrs. Five new members were in-| Walter Brown; press reporter, gg oe ee Mrs. Carmen Thompson. / ristmas party e children will -be held at the| y2ifs. Thompson thanked Mrs. a Hall December 22. at) vith a gift of appreciation, .30 a.m. The deadline to have i Office was assumed by Mrs. the childrens names in, is Nov- ' Please call Sister|Maurice Gray and presented lowing this will feature a panel Mrs. C. Glassford. mushrooms tablespoons paprika bay leaves cans (10 ounces each) condensed tomato soup cups water cups sour cream Dip veal in mixture of eggs and milk; coat with crumbs. {Brown veal in shortening in jlarge frying pan; drain. Place in shallow baking pan (12x18x 2"), Sprinkle with salt and pep- |per. Cook onion in shortening in frying pan; add mushrooms,| paprika, and bay leaves. Stir in soup and water; heat to boiling.| Blend a little hot sauce into sour cream; stir sour cream _ into) jremaining sauce. Pour over ve Bake in a hot oven (400 ide,.ees F.) 30 to 40 minutes. 2 2 5 1% 2 Take Advantage Of Our Evening Shopping Hours--Open Daily 9:30-9:30 @ '= DRYER Avoid wash-day blues . . , dry your clothes fluffy and bright any day in your new G. E. Dryer. 1 DELUXE MODEL 52D22 Mona Melnichuk at 725-4143 or noaemuines Sister Ada McCloskey at 725- $200. The members Christmas party will be Tuesday, December 18) at 7.00 p.m. There will be the) usual exchange of gifts. | There will be no meeting Nov. | CLOTHES 159" | TOWNLINE 6, that being the night of the| bazaar, which will begin at 8.00) p.m. | NORTHMINSTER UCW i The October meeting of Unit) 8 took place in Northminster| United Church under the leader- | ship of Mrs. Jack Fallis. It] began with a Thanksgiving wor- | ship service, conducted by Mrs. | DRY-CLEANED 4 CENTRES TO SERVE YOU @ 434 SIMCOE S. @ 249 KING EAST @ 16 BOND WEST @ 688 HORTOP mw "HONEST CAL'S" | VARCOE'S RD. @ BUDGET TERMS Douglas Bradi¢ey and Mrs. Jack Magee. Mrs. Fallis wel-| comed a new member, Mrs. | William Courtney, to the group) and Mrs. H. J. Semple present-| ed a graph, designating the) program and worship service | FREE PICK-UP PICKWICK & DYERS | HONEST CAL Trade In Your Old Appliance On New G.E. KING ST. E. at VARCOE'S RD. 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