Oshawa Times (1958-), 12 Oct 1962, p. 5

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KIWANIS NAME EXECUTIVE FOR COMING YEAR Ed. Mulligan, a charter member, was Thursday night elected president of the Ki- wanis Club of Whitby. He and other members of the execu- tive were elected at the regu- lar meeting of the club at the Royal Hotel and will take office on Jan. 1, Shown above are the members of the 1963 executive. Seated, left to right are secretary Dennis Ullyett, president Ed- Mulligan, past president Hugh Sims, and treasurer Stu. Beaton, Stand- ing, same order, are directors Frank Godden, William Clarke, Don Kidd, John Hodg - son, Sam Thorndyke and Lloyd Robertson. Absent was director Harold McLuhan. --Oshawa Times Photo vice - president John Fudge, WHITBY And DISTRICT AS EXPERIMENT Teaching Machines To Be Tried Here Whitby's Public School Board authorized the purchase of sev- eral teaching machines at the monthly Board meeting this month. The machines are the newest method of teaching students anything. from Russian and Hebrew to algebra and punc- tuation. Earl Fairman, Whitby super- visory 'principal, suggested that the machines be purchased and the School Board agreed to ob- tain two of them on a trial basis. He said however that the Teaching machines are a rela- which the various programs are| placed. They cost $30 and the programs range in price from $5 to $75. The programs are_ rolled through the machine and ques- tions to be answered by the stu- dent in the space provided ap- pear in a glass window. After the answer is completed the program is turned until the correct answer. appears, and the student can see if he was correct. machines would not replace the teacher in the system of edu-| eation but could prove to be a7 invaluable aid. Initially the machines will be tively simple plastic box into) Mrs. G. Carter Hostess For CWL Meeting Mrs. Gregory Carter, chair- man of the Ontario County South Regional CWL. presided at an executive meeting in her home when the new 1962-63 ex- ecutive members met for the first time to plan their activi- ties for the coming year. Rev. Father N. J. Gignac, Spiritual Director, was present and was introduced by Mrs. Carter to the members. Miss Verda Packer, Spiritual convenor, is arranging a day ¢: recollection, the date to be an- nounced later. The public speaking contest will be held again this vear and Mrs. E. J. Spraggs, educa- tion convener, announced that used experimentally in the !senior auxiliary classes. WHITBY BOWLING NEWS WHITBY MIXED LEAGUE High Triples over 600 -- M. Anderson 606, R. Childs 672, W. Anthony 642. J. Johansen 682, M. Demis 714, C. Gill 707, Q. Mothersill 74, T. Shaw 707, C. Holter 727, D- Rowden 695, Cc. Rowden 624, T. Mclivor 640, G. Rorabeck 654, Singles over 200 -- J. Fowler 26, J. Randall 208, B. Watkins 208, 223, M. Pope 200, S. Riley 246, C. Denyer 225, G. Rorabeck 308, D. Danyer 210, T. Mclvor 252, D. Dowden 232, 257, 206, C. PERSONALS Rowden 242, 208, A. Vesters 208, B. Vesters 217, K. Jenkins 256, C. Garratt 211, B. Garratt 220, H. Hansen 215, B, Collins 218, J. Bruekle 200, M. Pe gg 201, J. Hancock 245, C. Holter 213, 245, 269, J. Miffin 203, T. Munns 234, 0. Moore .202, 202, Q. Mothersill 297, 264, J. 'Mothersill 211, T. Shaw 263, $11, D. Grant 209, H. Moore 228, R. Pascoe 257, C. Pascoe 233, D. Hopps 202, L. Batherson 216, 229, J. Batherson 221, C- Gill 258, 261, M. Jolden 210, T. Bemis 227, M- Bemis 275, 249, B. Hutching 217, S. Peake 217, B. Denyer 210, K. Laundry 230, M. Anderson 240, 201, R. Childs 313, H. Forden 210, 233, W. Anthony 202, 247, J. Johan- The following ladies were the winners of door prizes at the fashion show held on Tuesday evening under the auspices of St. John the Evangelist CWL: Mrs. B. Kochany, Mrs. J- Attersley, Mrs. O. Sillius, Miss C. Allan, Mrs. M, Leer, Mrs.) Vv. Brady, Mrs. J. Myers, Mrs. P. Green, Mrs. R. Bergman, Mrs. I. Murkar, Mrs, R- Ed- wards, Mrs. R. McCloskey, _. D. Keoghan, Mrs. Mc- Donald, Mrs. K. Seminsky, Mrs. I, Brooks, Mrs. T. Mallon, Mrs- C. Joodeson, Mrs. M. Lee, Mrs. M. Elliott, Mrs. D. McQuay, Mrs. L. Sargant, Mrs. J. Mackey, Mrs. M. Coleman, Mrs. J. Watkinson, Mrs. R- Benk, Mrs. E. MacDonald, Mrs. B. Coates, and Mrs. F. Mackey. Mrs. John K. Gorman and family are--leaving on Sunday for Vancouver, British Colum- bia to join Mr. Gorman and establish residence in Vancou- ver where Mr. Gorman has taken a new position. yg friends wish them happi sen 236, 247, I. Johansen 213. Team Standing -- Sabre Jets 11, 8807; Rockets 14, 9328; Sym- bols 2, 6626; Echoes 10, 8769; Poker Chips 14, 8171; Wood. peckers 8, 8648; Cubs 16, 8697; County Bowl 15, 9302; Whitby leaners 11, 8900; Hopefuls 6, 927; Headpins 0, 6167; Porky's Prides 18, 9213; Beginners 14, 8732; Stokees 9, 8466;. Neighbors 16, 8737; Munns Press 9, 8491. WHITBY MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE Team 8 - 3, Team 1 - 0; Team 5 - 2, Team 4.- 1; Team 2 - 3, Team 6 - 0; Team 3 - 3, Team 7-1, High Triples over 700 -- M. Reeson 742 (266), M. Tripp 726, E. 'Bion 710 (265), M. Jordon 703 (27: High single games over 260 -- semi-finals will take place early in February. There will be an archdiocesan Holy Hour on Tuesday, Oct. 30 at 8 p.m. in St. Michael's Cathe- dral, Toronto. Guest speaker will be His Excellence the "Most Rev. F, A. Marrocco, DD. Following the holy hour the fall display of children's winter clothing for the Catholic family service will be held in St. Michael's parish hall, across from the cathedral. All CWL' members are asked to attend. Parish 'Councils interested in the leadership course are ask- ed to contact Mrs, C. Noble re- garding the available date. The first Regional meeting will take place on Sunday, Oct. 21, beginning with Benediction at 2 p.m. at St. Mary of the People Church, Oshawa. Re-Zoning Given To Municipal Bd. A request to rezone a tract of land near Brooklin was placed before the Department of Muni- cipal Affairs at the Whitby township council meeting. F. Allison, who owns the auto wrecking yard on the fifth con- cession applied for a transfer of his wrecking yard licence to a prospective buyer. A request to rezone the three acre tract from agricultural to commercial to allow the building of a body' shop is to be placed before the Ontario Department of Munici- pal affairs. ADDITIONAL WHITBY Focus On Fashion Is Top Success St. John the Evangelist CWL fashion show, "Focus on Fashion", held on Tuesday eve- ning at Henry Street High School proved to be a most suc- cessful social event. The ladies present were wei- comed by convener Mrs. A. J. Miller who thanked all who assisted in this project and in- troduced the commentator Mrs. Alfred Austin of Oshawa, who gave a most accurate descrip- tion of all garments modeled by members of the CWL, The program opened with "O Canada" played at the piano by Mrs. J .C. McGee who during ¢|the showing played appropriate background music. The first showing was lingerie and sleepwear followed by coats, dresses and suits. In the group there were exciting com- plicated colors. A favorite is still the new double knit two or three piece suits and the latest in winter coats is black trimmed with diamond black mink col- lars and fur hats. During the intermission many door prizes were drawn by Mrs. D .Newman, president of CWL, dation 27 years ago of CWL' charitable work accomplished. Mrs. Newman was assisted by Mrs, Greg Carter, prize con- vener. Following the intermission the program continued with chil- dren's and ladies' sportswear, sweaters and skirts. The last but not least items consisted of cocktail dresses and ended with a bridal group. Taking part were little Mary Heffer as flow- er girl, Mrs, M. Silver and Mrs. F. Sandrelli as bridesmaids, Susan Miller as the bride and Mrs. A, J, Miller the mother of the bride. Stage and floral decorations were artistically done in fallj1® colors by Burtinsky Florist. The models were: Sr., Mrs. G. Wat- ters, Mrs. D. Ullyett, Mrs. M. MacDonald, Mrs. M. Nadeau, Mrs.~-M. Silver, Mrs. F, San- drelli, Mrs, F. Anderson, Miss S. Miller. Jr. models: Mary Heffer, Linda Ullyett, Frances Kaiser, Vicki Mallon, Mary Ellen Mi!- ler, Linda Garrat, Boys: Edward Canzi, Patrick oe Lunny, Jos. Corrigan and John}: who spoke briefly on the foun- Corrigan, twins. Ladies College Scene Of Autumn Wedding White gladiolas and autumn- tinted chrysanthemums with candelabra decorated Grace Chapel at the Ontario Ladies' College in Whitby for the wed- ding of Mary Elizabeth Brobb to John Earl Whitmore Ander- son, of Sundridge. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon Grobb, Whitby and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whitmore Anderson, of Sund- ridge. Dr. S. L. Osborne officiated at the ceremony,. assisted by Rev. John M- Smith. Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a short antique white satin brocade gown with a scoop neckline. The moulded bodice was trimmed with a small bow at the waist line and small bows also trim- med the elbow length sleeves. Unptessed pleats featured the full skirt. Her shoulder length veil of white tulle illusion was The bride's cousin Mrs. Peter Mason, of Kitchener, her atten- dant, wore a sheath gown of old gold brocade with matching back buttoned jacket and mat- ching bandeau. She carried a cascade of shasta 'daisies and red roses. The bride's mother was gowned in a short French bro- cade dress of desert sand with chanel jacket. She wore a small fitted hat with face framing coque feathers in tones of beige and blue. The groom's mother was charmingly attired'in a brown Parisian model with contrasting wide brimmed hat in beige tones. Mr. Malcolm MacTavish, of Toronto, attended the groom as best man and the ushers were Mr. Beaton Goodfellow, of Don Mills, and Mr. David Johnston, of Sundridge. Following a reception at the College the bride and groom caught up by a pearl tiara, and) NEWS ON PAGE 4 she carried a nosegay of car- nations, gold roses and ivy. left for a trip along the St. Law- Plan Protection For Hallowe'en Mr, Ron Yarrow, Whitby' Township Dog Control officer reported to council three dogs picked up, and destroyed after a three-day claiming period last month. GRANT TAG DAY Permission was granted to! the Ontario Humane Society to hold a tag day on Saturday, Oct. 13,\ by the Whitby Township) oo at their monthly meet- EXTRA PROTECTION Brooklin residents will have OPP protection on Hallowe'en night to safeguard their prop- erty from Hallowe'en hooligans. Council authorized the town's fire chief to hire off-duty police constables to prevent the soap- ing of windows and other dam- age. COURT OF REVISION Members of the Whitby Town- ship Court of Revision were ap. pointed at the Township Council meeting this month, This year's members are Jim Brooks, Ken Halliday, Scott Rutherford, David Clutchey, and W. Davis. The Court is appointed annually to handle assessment appeals, and members are to be paid $5 for the first hour of sitting and $3 for each additional hour up to a maximum of $15- AT SCHOOL BOARD Addition To Be Open In January Progress on the new wing of Kathleen Rowe Public School is up to schedule after a few minor set backs at the start of construction. A Toronto architect reported to the school board that the con- struction should be finished on ol promised date of Jan. 1, JANITOR SERVICE The Whitby Public School Board was instructed to investi- gate the possibility of an out- side janitor service which would save the taxpayer almost a mill on the school assessment. All. aspects of this service are to be looked into and the board was instructed to be prepared to vote on the issue at the next meeting in November. This year the Whitby Concert Association is pleased to offer four concerts, instead of three which has been customary, over the past years. A splendid list of artists is to be presneted. On Nov. 3 the Pro Ate Or- chestra, with Victor DiBello as conductor and Robert Aitken as flautist, will open the series. The second concert will fea- ture Brenard Kaplan, violinist, and Ruth Watson, pianist. Mr. Kaplan has just returned from a summer's study abroad with Yehudi Menuhin. Miss Watson was for some years an artist pupil with the famous piano teacher, Alberto Guererro. Early in the new year three rising young Canadian artists will be presented -- Janet VICTOR DIBELLO, STRING CONDUCTOR ~ Association Plans Four-Concert Series THE OSHAWA TIMES, 5 Fridey, October 12, 1962 Thom, pianist, who won signal honors when she participated in the North American piano con- test held recently in United States; Garnet Brooks, tenor, whose appearance in Ottawa this spring has rocketed him into the front rank of Canadian artists; and Zola Schaulis, pian- ist, who has already won several honors in Music Festivals in are from the studio of Mr. Jacques Abram, who himself played in our series last year- Finally we shall have the fur- ther pleasure of hearing the Canadian Opera Company who are to present Mozart's comic opera, Cosi Fan Tutte. The first three concerts will be given at the Ontario Ladies' College and the opera, as for- merly, will be given at the Hen- ry St. High School. The outside service would pro- vide all equipment and labor and would look after all present service | The present staff would be hired by the janitor service company and draw their pay from them. FOR SICK ROOM Sick room equipment consist- ing of a couch, desk and a chair will be purchased for the R. A. Hutchison school. The school has a nurse's room but there is no place for a sick child to lie Two Plays To Be Presented At Henry St. Two one-act plays will be pre- sented at Henry Street High School in Whitby on Saturday, Oct. 13 at 8 p.m. The Henry Street High School down at present. Henry Blanks Anderson Crew . Whitby's two gridiron clubs did battle this week on the Henry street football field with Henry coming out victorious over Anderson 38 to zero. Anderson played a good game of ball but could not handle the more powerful Henry club. Star of the game was quarter- back Rick Switzer who scored two touchdowns for Henry. Half Drama Club will present The Unsatisfactory Supper by Ten. nessee Williams. This is the story of an unwanted relative and takes place in Mississippi. The characters are Ross Gib- son as Archie Lee, Kathy Bell as Baby Doll and Susan Strat- ford as Aunt Rose. The other play, The Proposal, by Chekhov is put on by The Whitby Little Theatre Guild. The story takes place in Russia and is about a man who wants to propose to a girl but runs into difficulties. Both of these plays were pre- --_-- at the Orono Drama Fes- ival. working in one week had impaired his driving had a os = while intoxi- Le Whitby Police Court this week, Roy Rhodes, 186 Sussex street, Oshawa, appeared before Mag- istrate C. W. Guest. Sgt. Ber- nard of the Pickering Township Police sroraing of Sept. 16. Rhodes mo . village drove through the Pickering in an erratic manner. The sergeant said that Rhodes smelled of alcohol and was sub- Rhodes, manager in a bread factory, said that he had work. ed for. 87-90. hours in that and had gone to @ party on the night of the arrest. His evidence was corrobor- See Collins for... RUBBER & PLASTIC. FOOTWEAR LADIES' SNOW BOOTS We have a large essortment et lowest prices. | COLLINS SHOES 119 BROCK ST. 8, WHITBY Open Fri, till 9 P.M, The association is. now em. barking on its annual drive for membership. Harold Hare is campaign manager again this TREASURER'S year. R. P. Matthews is presi- dent of the association and Dr. S. L. Osborne is program con- venor. SALE OF LAND RADIO ANNIVERSARY CBC Wednesday Night cele. brates its 15th year on the air in December. DECORATING For FREE Advice and Color Schemes in your Home or in our Modern Store. Coll... For Day or Evening Appointments DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Days PH. MO 8-5862 Evenings PH. MO 8-5066 Your Friendly C-I-L Dealer i ot lestlfedel ~ t 3 #2 backs Douglas Ing, Kenneth Zayette, and Jimmy Nichol each scored a TD. Remainder of the scoring was on a convert kicked by center Gerrit Hamer and a pass con- vert from Bremmer to Shar- rence. On their return they will live in Sundridge. mon, FREE Have your furnace cleaned free this summer and guaranteed trouble- free 'all winter, if you purchase "White Rose" unified fuel ei from Western Oil Co, DIAL 725-1212 E- White 279, C. Heard 291, L. Batherson 266, J. Wootton 260. ' WHITBY MENS LEAGUE badge! NITE Poi Mifflins Barber Shop 2, Bathurst No. 1 ,1, Honyockers 3, B and M4 Transport : Drews 3, Hoffer Valley their new surroundings. Miss Lena Riley of Barris, and Mr- and Mrs. Jack Lamour. eau and family, of Peterborough were holiday weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. 0, Millwork 3, af tery Press 4 Andres No. 1, 2, Mit- tons 1, Legion No. 4, 3, Jakes Barber Shop, 0, Legionnaires 2, pone of Grill 1. Triples over 700: E. Brush 724, D. Denyer 703, D. Wiles 702, i Mifflin 708. Singles over 250: B. Hutchinson 276, J. McConkey 253, W. Johnson 265, E. Young 256, B. Owens 272, L. Reed 281, J. Dixon 287, D. Kemp 25: at ye 287, E. Brush 327, R. Po D. Smith, 909 Bayview avenue. Denyer 262. WHITBY Color by DELUXE BROCK Evening Shows At 6:55 & 9 P.M. SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 ELVIS PRESLEY re FOLLOW a Co-Starring ARTHUR O'CON- NELL ANNE HELM New colors. were presented this week to the Ladies Aux- iliary of Branch 112 of the Royal Canadian Legion by the president of the men's branch. Rev. David Marshall, Chap- lain of Branch 112, conse- crated the new colors at the regular meeting of the aux- iliary and he is shown above at the ceremony. Holding the Legion colars on the left is Lillian Kirk and with the Union Jack on the right is Margaret Cassidy. At the back of the color party may be seen Auxiliary president Dor- othy Ormiston and branch president Vernon MacCarl Also attending from the men's branch were first vice-presi- PRESENT NEW COLORS TO LEGION AUXILIARY -- dent J. Mclivor, second vice- president Ed. Brush, secre- tary-treasurer F. Steffler, sec- retary Ab. Price and execu- tive members Fred James and Harry James. --Oshawa Times Photo | For a complete line of BALLET & TAP DANCING ver COLLINS SHOES 119 BROCK ST. $., WHITBY Open Fri. till 9 P.M. Change _of Location CHILD HEALTH CONFERENCES and IMMUNIZA- TION CLINICS conducted by the Ontario County Health Unit, formerly held at Fairview Lodge and R. H. Hutchison School, will now be held at: THE SALVATION - 122 KENT STREET, WHITBY, ONTARIO On the Third Thursday of the Month from , 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. ARMY CITADEL raguccsies Exhibition Hockey O.H.A. Metro Junior "A" < KITCHENER- WATERLOO TIGERS of the 0.H.A. Senior "A" League vs WHITBY DUNLOPS Saturday, Oct. 13 8:30 P.M. Whitby Community Arena Adults $1.00 Children 25¢ Students with cards 50¢ 4th Aiial POLICE DANCE Club Bayview FRIDAY, OCT. 19th Dancing 9 p.m. until 1 o.m. ERNIE WHITE'S ORCHESTRA © Club Privileges @ $3 PER COUPLE... TICKETS Tickets evelleble from any member Whitby Police Asseciction AT . DRESS OPTIONAL LIMITED

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